JPIC-INTC! GOODS -AT THE- CORNER STORE AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, All Muds of potted meats, flah, canned goods, oyBters, Inbstera, crabs, Ilmslan caviar, fresh Bplced oyatcrs, finest smoked hams, bo lognas and smoked beef, York state full cream clieese.Ktimnthat.Swlso, Edam, Bnpsairo and Mmburgcr. Fine assortment of cakes and bis cuits. O. nud B. pieklcs of all kinds. Pickles by tho dozn. You will find just what you want. B 1XF0BT Bill, Light. GOT. Pi. "VjSLTOEI IBIESieiEe, Dark. AM Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. TJIK NKWS KOH ONI! CKXT. Han a larger clmilntlon In JShcnundonh than any other paper published. (Jlrcu lilllnn books open to nil. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY. What Nowa Gathorora Tako Momont to Toll About. Bruised burse radish applied to wrist relieves neuralgia. the There will be plenty of chestnuts for the boys to knock oil this year, The siiulrrel fen?on la here but the cqulrrels are said to be scarce. The farmers are anxious for frosts to hold oil till the corn fully matures, It would be a good thing to have a general llxing up of the sidewalks be fore winter. Both apple butter and elder are cheap this fall. Apples never before were so plenty. There are some sidewalks in this town that give n man u pain In the side to wane on lliem. There may be somo preity warm days expected yet before autumn settles down to work. Alva's Brazilian Breclllc Co., 6 Wall strct N. Y. Gentlemen: I lahe pleasure In test! fylngto thecurollvo rowers of your Cacius lllood Cure, which 1ms relieved me of mil culnr rheumatism ol lone standing. I was troubled, ferlously by dyspepsia us well, from which, lam pleased to Male, It has also cured mo. Amurlnu you that I shall recommend your roeaicine to my inennn, i am. Yours respectfully, ADAM nnowN. Deo D, 1890. SIO Ninlli Ht., Urooklyu, N. Y. Hold at Klrllu'R Druse Btore,Kert:U8on House utocK, suenanaoan. Sunday Tripa Suapondod. Tho Sunday trips of tho stoamera of tho Stonington lino will bo suspended after Sunday, Auirust SO.h, until further notice. "Wook-day trips will bo inado as usual, tho l'alaco Stonmors "lihodo Island" and "NarrnKansott" in commission, lcavinp; Now York from Now IMor 30, North Kivor (ono block auovo Canal Btrott), at COO p.m., daily, except Sunday, connoct ing with thrco cxpross trains for Boston, I'rovidonco, Worcester and ull Eastern points. 0-12-4t Firomon's contest for a handsome banner Wednesday ni;ut at Kobbins' opora house. 9 11 3t Bucklon'a Arnica Salvo. Tho Bent Halro In tho world for Cuts Bruises, Hores, Ulcers, Halt Ilheum, Fever, Hores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Coins, nud all Hkln Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay roqulrtd. It Is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, l'rlco 'St centa per box. For sale by C. II. llaiienbiich. Always go to Ooslott's, South Main stroot, for your primn oysters. 8 22-tf Kocond hand school sold at Max Itooio's. books bought and tf Coming; Evonta, Oct. 20. Suppor in Kobbins' opera houso under tho auspices of Ladies Aid Society, No. 13, auxilliarv to Sons of Veterans. Octobor 0. Suppor, ltobbins' opora house, undor auspices of tho English Bap- tist church. Provldenoo Lino For Boston, Whito Mountains, Worcostor and all resorts on tho Eastern Coast and British Provincos. Tho world-ronownod steamers Connecticut and Massachusetts losvo Pior 29, North rivor (old No.) fo t of Warron street, Now York, at 6 p. m., Sun days oxcoptod. For tourist excursion books and further information apply to A. Molsood, Southern Passenger Agent, 830 Chostnut stroot, Philadelphia. 912 4t At tho Samo Prico. All persons holding duplicato checks for photographs can havo tho samo promptly linishod at Koagoy's art studio at tbo samo fo price. Itemetnbor wo ara on tbo first floor. Kbaokt Bott work done at Bronnan's steam laundry, Evorything whito and spotless. Lara curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. The place to buy your school hooka cheap is Also Scholar's Companions, Hook Straps, riohool Hag, Tablets, etc. Everything uuu uuyiuiUK retjuiruu in kvuuui. Hlateo, pencils, etc., sold re tall ami wholesale. Books Suitable for East and West Mahanoy Tft-p. Don't forget tha place If you wish to eavo muiiey. 3VL". MBLLBT; CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St., Shenandoah. SCHOOL BOOKS. REGION 'ROUND. A Budgot of Intoroating Artlclea on all Toplca. Mary Curns, a 10-yenr-old daughter of Kyran Curns, a fire boss In tho Cameron colliery, left her home ou Hootch Hill, Sliamokln, nnd for two days and nlglilB wandered in tne moutitalus. Searching parlies were sentoutundshewas found. Her mind 1b unlialauecd by her slay In the mountain. Nicholas Weaver, n well-known en- glneer on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, died at his home on Vino street, East Mauch Chunk, on "Wednesday even- n c. His lait employment was on me JIahanov branch as engineer of loco motive No. 74, drawing No. 282 freight between Paokerton and Mt. Carmel. Mr. Weaver had been sickly for some time but Imd almost fully recovered. Ho canio home from work in his miial health on Saturday evening, August 20th. Durlni: that night he was stricken with naralvsls to which hemor- rhairoi were added later and nice caused his death. Nicholas Weaver was born in Germany and was forty- nine years and (We months old. His parenlB enme to tins country wuon ne was onlv four vean of ase. He waa a railroader all his life nnd an engineer for twenty-six years. The deceased leave a wife nnd seven children. The eldest son. Georue N. Weaver, Is mar ried nnd lives at Delano. Mauch Chunk Times. Insuraneo Commissioner Luper has returned to Harrisburg from U trip to Luzerne county, in wliicu lie had lour men arrested for acting as agents for the People's Mutual Benefit Society of UlKliart, Indiana, wmcu mo pinte Insurance Department refused to license A lartro number of people are out of pocket the premiums they huve paid. Thomas Lourin, n clothier of Hazle ton. Pa., went to see the McAnlille Gibbons light at Hoboken on Friday night. He met a man there who pictured the beauties of the Bowery in New York. After the fight they crossed tho ferry, and got three glasses of beer in Pearl street. Lourin pays tho beer must have' cause his head began to sing at once. In the saloon nnother man joined them. Then they went out and walked up the street a short distance. when one of Jjourltrs new acquaint ances leaned over nnd said. "Youi clothes aren't llxed right." With this he snatched n $400 diamond pin from Lourin's cravatand ran. Then Lourin fell into tho gutter unconscious When he awoko he went to tho Oak street police station, where he made known his loss, and was lociteu up lor intoxication. At the Tombs he was discharged. John McNurtrle. n book canvasser, went into the Henry Clay mine to sell n book nnd as he was leaving the place he was crushed to death by a mine car. Mt. Pleasant. Luzerne county, Isn anv more. The name ot the viuag has been changed to Harwood nnd the colliery Is now the linrwood colliery The Board of Directors of tho Le- hlch Valley Railruad Company has declaied a quarterly dlvidei d of one and one-quarter per cent., payable Thursday, uciooer ii, laui. At about 5 o'clock Friday evening the body of Mrs. Kate Downs, Alden. was found in the Lehiuh river, near the old bridge below Penn Haven Juiuitloii. The body was lound by her son, Martin Downs, it was wedged between rocks. Mrs. Downs disappeared from a Lehigh Valley train at Penn .Haven junction on night Inst week. Hie cause of her disappearanco is a mystery, Mahlon Gerber, the superintendent or tho Kidney uoal uoinpany'i washerv. at Malzevllle. has purchased a part luterest In tho colliery known as Zorby's, at Gllborton, and proposes screening the banks surrounding A new breaker for the purpose had been erected nearly a year ago, but owing to a disagreement between the partners, Messrs. Z.erby uuu beamati the plant has been inactive over since, i Mr. uerber assumes Mr. Derby's inter est lu It, a transfer being made one day last week, and with the assistance of Mr. Seaman, of Frackvllle, will commence operations immediately The employes of the United States Express are to be un I formed at the ex pense of the company by October 'I'll . 1,.,ir,wi, nA.iulata nf a flnnltln .UD UllllUUII v.'iioiotn Ul M IIUUUIU breasted coat of dark navy blue, with brass buttons containing tbomonogram 'U.K. ii;." un tuo lapel or tho coat will be worn the trade mark of the company, a horeefchoo nud fire-proof safe with eagle wings extending there irom. The remains of the lato Joseph C, ilasbrldue arrived at Ashland Batu day ulglit on one of the late Lehigh trains and couvoyeu to his parent homo at Gordon. He died at his horn at Keokuk. Iown, last Tuesday nlgl from injuries he received in a wreck on the Keokuk nud North-Weatern Jtailway on tha morning of Bepi uu. To Dlapol OoldB, Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse tho systom effectually, yet gontly, when cos tivo or bilious, or when the blood is Impuro or sluggish, to pormauontly cure habitual constipation, to awakon tho kidneys and livor to a healtby activity, without irrita ting or weakening them, uso Syrup of Figs. Primo oystora, the best tho market affords, slwajs on hsnd at Uoilott's. & 22-tf KEYSTONE DANK AFFAIRS. Tho luventlgntlon Will II Continued Jlj the TrooMiry Department. WAsiiikoton, Sop. 15. After tho con ference held nt tho Treasury Department hetwoon Acting Secretary Spnulding, So licitor Hepburn and Comptroller Lncey, as to tho power of tho government to ac cept advances of money to continue tho examination Into tho affairs of tho Key stone National Batik ot Philadelphia, tho following telegram was sent to tho chair man of the committee of llfty : The revised statutes of tho United States provides that 'no department ot tho government shall expend In any ono fiscal year any sum in excess of appro priations made by Congress for tbo fiscal year, or Involve tho government in any contract for the future payment of money in oxcess of such appropriations.' "lhoactot Alarch, tb'Jl, provides nn appropriation of $5,000 'for tho necessary investigation of violations of Section 5.093 ot tho revised statutes of the United States, and for no other purposo whatever. ' "Of tho amount appropriated for tho fiscal year ending June SO, 1891, moro than 4,600 has already boen expended, and largely in connection with tho inves tigation of tho affairs ot tho Keystone National Dank, lcavlni? loss than $400 to cover similar Investigations throughout tho entire country during tho cntlro nlno months of tho present fiscal yoar. Thi-J is tho only appropriation available for such purpose. "Tho auovo states tuny the condition ot tho appropriation and the laws, but ai it is the desire of this department that tho lnvestiaatlon into tho affairs of the bank bo thorouizh and exhaustive, and tbat all tho facts bo brought to light, you aro informed that, if as proposed, your committee shall advance the money necessary to continue the Investigation it shall proceed undor the dlroctlon of this department, nnd tho Secretary of the Treasury will ask Congress to make an appropriation to reimburse tho ad vances." POLITICAL. -FOIt.- BENJ. J. SMITH, I'HESENT Dr.l'UTV. -GO TO- PETER CECCHINI &. BRO.'S, 111 EA.BT CKNTItE BT., For Fine Pears and Best California Grapes. 11KST CELERY IN TOWN. JOHN H. EVANS SALOON, 30 E. CENTRE BT., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Finest brands ol clears always on hand Tho best temperance drinks. HEADQUARTERS FOR Fish, Oysters, Fruits, VEGETABLES, &c FRESH GOODS EVERY DAY. VltXCICS MOIUUlATfi. Would solicit part of the patronage of the pUDUC. COAKLEY BROS., Knlehl'sOldHUnd. Cor, Centre and White Sts. gTItAWD show tht way the wind blows, but they don't show what hard blows we have beeu striking at trw hat priors. Home bats are dear at any price; these hats are cheap at double the money. If what covers your head Is not becoming to you, nil the pains you take as to the rest ol your attlro nreslmply thrown away. Come nnd sea bow you will look In ono of our GOo straw bats. There's no use lu giving any further description of them than to nay this they are Btyllsh. We cut the price down because we want to cut our stock down. Another big bargain la bats Is our 91 black stiff bats. 13 S. Mala St SOANLAN ShenapJcah Q M. HAMILTON, M. I)., PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON, Otfloa-tS West Lloyd Utrett, Bhenandoah WANTS, &o. FOR SAL K Old bottles, suitable for bollllng catsup, Ac, can bo had very cheap at .1. A. Hell ly'n 1 Iquor sto- e. 8 2'j-tf TXfANTKD. At once, twenty girls w. AdpI nt T T able to work machlnn. Apnl nt Ibibblno and Housenick'i cap factory. 9-U 21 WANTI5D Good sewers to learn dress man lug. Apply at room No. 4. oloH1ce building. X?OR HUNT. Three rooms, suitable 1. for club room, olllce, etc. Gas and Moam fixtures. Wow boiler Juxtput la. Apply to Levi ltofowlcli, clothier, S, Main Ht. II 2-tf nEBIRABLE PHOPKUTY FOR X-r sal". One of Mm mo4t desirable nrnner. lies or. West Oak street, for Bale on reasonable lornis. .ppiy at, nowse s grocery piore, cor ner .Tardlu and Oak streets. Shenandoah. I'd. rpYPH WRITING. A young lady, JL a graduat. 'nw work at type wrtMnir. I'ullnlUKKAi.n office, or Hddrem Hr.itALrr. tihenundoali, l'a, 8 1U FARMS FOR HALE. Areyou look I1112 lor n farm? If ki call on or writa to J. J. Kehler. Frackvllle. l'a.. as to whero thev aro located and for term. B-iK-II T7"OR SALE A beautiful double 1 rod Iron fence, suitable lor fencing ceme tery IoIk. or fur cates around writings. In- qulioof I'resbylerlau church trnslees. OOtf FOR SALE. A nice 28 acre farm lor tale, Klx miles from Hhenanduah. lle.-uillfully ultnaled on a public road Good dwelling. Good barn. Fruit Ines beginning to ueur. Ml young. Splendid stream ot water ruonlnc Ihrounh I'm llin land. ThU In h good cnance for a man who wants a small iirm. inquire or Jates u. Jiultoo, po.t office building, room 0. i-O tf DISSOLUTION OF PARTNE It ship. Nolle Is hereby glvn that the firm i if luul In & Hooks heretofore exlllnir anu uoiug uusiners in tne oorougn or one n nndoah has beeu this day dissolved. .Mr. n. ljaunig, mo senior member or the nrm, retiring. The business wl 1 hcreaner he con ducted by F. W. Hooks and Richard 1,. Brown. composing tho firm of Hooks & Urowu, who assume till obligations of the old firm and to wnom an oius uue tuai nrm tnouiu be paid r. vv. hooks IticiiAKi) 1,. Brown. Shenandoah, l'a.. Pent. 11. 1891. 1-a-w-lwH AMUSEMENTS. JJIKIIOUHON'S 'rilEATIlli, P. J. FEKQCSOV, MANAGER. OPBjYIJVG OF THE SEASON! MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, '91. Engagement ol the favorite melo-dramatlo actor, JAMES H. WALLI0K, In his latest and grandest success, The Mountain King Introducing his famous acting horses, RAIDER, CHARGER, TEXAS ANDJPETE. PRICES OF ADMISSION, 25, 50, 75c. P. J. FEItaUSON, MANAGRlt. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, '91. ALFRED KEL0T, and his own company will present the great uomeuy uruniii. "O'FLYNN IN MEXICO" Under the management of W. S. Dibble. Evf ry particle of scenery used for this pro- uuciiuu is carneu dy ine company ana is juauu 10 iil any stage m America. Prices, CO, a S3, 3C2o. Seats on sale at Klrlln's drug store. No Combine Beer 1 has secured the agency for the BUUWE1SES and EXPORT BEERS RICHARDS & CO. OP WILKE-J-llAKItli. ALSO AGENT FOR Rettigs Beer, Porter, AND CONTINENTAL ALES. OUDEI13 CAN HE LEFT WITH SOL. UAAK, 120 S. MAIM ST., who will promptly nil all orders tor fclhenanaoati ana vicinity. Reduction PRICE. A few patterns of White Embroidery, Flouiicings, Plain and Plaid Muslins, Pineapple Cloths, Satteons, Chintzes, also l'emnants of Prints, Ginghams, -, and Dress Goods of all kindswhich are ottered regardless of cost to clean out. Old 113 Nortli Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Shenandoah Business College ! -AND- SHORTHAND SCHOOL, ROBBNS' OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, NORTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, Fall Term Begins Monday, August 31st 1891. W. J. SOILV, President. The Leading Photographer, 14 N, WHITE ST. The work done at this gallery Is fully equal to that done at the large galleries of New York and Philadelphia. Comparison Is In vited between the specimens of his two and thrre dollar cablneU shown In his window and the best of work done elsewhere at five and Mx dollars. VDo not climb long flights of stairs to patronize an enterpilse run by out of town parties when bettr work may be had of your own townsmen. New Saloon and Restaurant 1 Newly Paiiied, Papered and Renovated. No. 115 EAHT CENTRE 8TREUT, Three doors above Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Hasker would Inform his many friends and the public that he will cater to their wants inineBame nrsuciass siyie tnai ne nas done In the past. None but the best brands of for. elgn and domestic wines, liquors and cigars will be kept in stock. Choice temperance drinks, Fine old stock ale. The eating bar Is supplied with everything In the eating line served In tho best style. Meals served at all hours. Fine private rooms attached. LEATHER and SHOE ENDINGS 3?. J-. CLEABY, Dealer In all kinds ol Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Largo and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA. The Cheapest Place ! -TO BUY- Gcnls' Furnishing Goods, Hosiery, Etc, is at CHARLES : YAROWSKY'S, 23 West Centre Bt Bhenandoah. W, 8, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Mas teller's old stand,) Corner Coal nutl Jnrcllu Bin. Mr. Hnyder will always koop;in stock a;flne H11U Ul UWH UUU PUUCB. Custom Work uud Repairing: done In the best style. Us iraaranteea to sell cheaper than competitors on Main street who uave mg reuu w pay, ana guarantees a genu' na bargain on every purchase. Reliable Stand, Tho name of A. C. YATES & CO. is a household word. Tho quality of our goods has built up our popularity. Jbor tho coming Jball and Winter wo havo manufactured a stock that is sure to please. Novelties and standard fabrics aro here in plenty, and price, style, quality and making have all received our pei'Bonal care.. With your former needs in mind wo aro confident of meet ing present wants, A. C. Yates & Co. Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts. PHILADELPHIA. GET THE BEST. The"HEW BROADWAY" BAHGE Is the best range In the market, and the price win jusi sun, i no munwing promptly attended to: TIN ROOFING, SPOUTINO, ROOF PAINTINt Andall kinds of kept on hand. Dealers supplied. Thanking for past favors, I remain yours to command, WM. P. PRATT, 7-0-3m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, SO East Centra Street, SIWNAXDOAn. Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Confectionery! -OP Alt KJND8,- Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ot Hats, Caps and Cents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty ot Nolllo Bly and Mary Anderson Caps. 6 HAST OBISTTRH ST. . WIEIEJIKIS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Whsre he. will bo pleated to meet tho waruT. o his friends and the publlo In ) Everything in the Drinking Line. '