The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 15, 1891, Image 3

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Pj ce-its in tlie most elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
sy.-tem, forming an agreeable
I and effective laxative tw penna
' uently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
li is the most excellent remedy tcnown to
When one is ltilioiu or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
ask voun OKuaoisT Fob
r a ip -:
manufactured only dy
John R. Coyle,
Real Estate Agent,
"Cor Main and Centre Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA.
tK two and one-half story double , frame
dwelling bouse, with st'ire-room and res
taurant. Located on hast Centre street.
-Avaluablo property located on South Jar
din street.
3- Beven dwelling nouses at the corner of Gil
bert and Lloyd Hrecis. Good Investment.
Terras lensuuable.
Ktft North Fourth St.,
th oulr genus German Amerlcia
FpNlalUt In IboCnltrf fitalcs who li
able lo care Blood Poluon.
Nervous DebUltywulSpi,
clal Diseases fr mi,
Bkla Disc-. Htd bpoti Plni Id th
wmM.eoreTnroai mouin,
niotchM, rimr.Ui, Froptions, ton or
liAnl Ulcer, fiwelliDKi, Irrltatloni,
IlUinaUoDi ana Kunciri(i,
-yty - cincture, nnurii un .
4ecy, tott memory, weak bok, mental auxlftT, Kllner and
Wattler Diiciuft and all Dine mwIHdk from FxmMM. I
In4JacttUanr OTrvoi. Recwii ca erJ wiwwwjh
relief at oc. ltf not lo hops, wtcr 'wh1 " I
tldiu Doctor, Quack, Fmlly or Hospital rhjlcln hM failed.
Vrr TUKEL. core positively nd TithMMetentloo trera J
umullna rtiah hndr aim rl 7rt. ttll It fir Hi) H 1st I
t 4TRUTHU fpMln Qnacka nitlcr fworo twtimonUlit. I
St fta 6 to 10, Sulirla? 8 till 1. Vrttt ar Mil an! r jat.
rot Ketura&oei too wmd. "a tsaiuraa rwi. uj iui-
t!K,vM"'l villi tho- nndlnft IrrOffulaHtldrt.o
-pnti, roIlowi&L;u ct;Hor-xpoiira, or iroLuoa
tt' V'p.iknf-' t-i rrculiartothtttr sex, ehuld
DR. nuRHRIftie'S Cetebrnted
i y bi fit roriRthPu In totha entire ypU. iaport
i. vigorous mi;iitie forcetonJlfanctloasot boar
' ni'na. Bent i v in1 f noc'irelyeal'rt,$I. Aaarmn,
Harto'P"" " 'r o Co. .ST. LOUIS. Ma
felck Headache and relievo all tho troubles Inct
dent to a billons etato of tho system, such 03
Dlxzlneca, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress afto?
eating. Pain In the Side, &o. Whllo their most
jromuluLlesuceeuahaa boca Bio n la carina t
tocaflicho, yet Garter's Xltue TJvor VESA tit
equally valua'olo In Constipation, curing and pro
venting this anno jlna complain t.-wtdlo they also
correct all disorders of the elomachumuUta tha
liver and regulate tho bowels. Uvea li they oalj
fAelalhey would boalmoetprlcelesa to Uiosowha
sniffer from this distressing comnlalnt: but fortu
nately thelrgoodooss does no tend hero,and thoss
t ho once try them Trill nnd these littlo pills vain
table In so many vara that thoy will not be wll
Hsg to do without them. Eut afterttllBloihcuKl
fla the bane of to inany lives that here la when
Iwemakeourgrcatboast. Qur puis euro it whlla
i others do not.
Carter's Little Xlvor Pllli aro very small and
very csy to take. Ono or two pilla mako a doso.
tthey 4re strictly vegetable and do not grlpa or
purge, but by their gentlo action ploaaoalt who
usethem. Invlalsat28centai Uvofor$l. Bold
fcy druggists everywhere, or scut by mau.
.Carter medicine oo., Hew Yorki
fOKcLMtfrV KuallsU ntaaor"! Hrl.
6ifi&iin(mJjtri,,. t.i Hod via u44 itBlUa
I S&Ik. Hernia ciJkltV. iUSite tl.n ic t ua at.laiifu.
. IS
I Xf Kf littler for r.a Ik" in tt,yj rrinrm
told 1 Loo.l H'ui: iu I'hllo.le.. 2
Or the I.Iiuur, I'o.llUely t'ureu
KjyauiuinlKlerliifir J'r. jaiiie
Uoldeu KteelfU.
It Is manufactured as powflsr, whloh can be (riven
.n a gluss or bsor. oiip of oolite or ts, or in rood,
without lbs knowlda ol he pstitut It Is absoluuiy
jub,rmleM. aud will etTsct a porraapaat and speedy
ilB3Ur. whether ttis pau.i.t Is a moderate drinker ox
NkTcn mloohoUo wreak li has tasu clven lis tcoussnds
... um anriln RV.rV iU.r.hOa a UerfSCt CUTS USS fOl'
. i . ....... L'U.- 1.h.v.t.m ones Imrjreanab.
-with toi(iu'Jalt.rtuiBOotl)Ult
lor ths liquor sppotits to oit.w , . . . .
is pm book of particulars frts. To be had e
C. H..HACENDUCH, Drugolst, Sben&Bietk
A Messao from a Supposed
Park IIacp Victim'. .
A Oorpso Had Been Identified- as His
rind Waa' Buried by His Wife.
She Ilccetvcil Nearly 81)00 From the rto
lterriind nnd Slr.O From tlio rrlntor'
Union The rjupponcd Doml, Mrtu Js'ow In
IInllrx11uir Ho Got. Thore-All the
Itoiult of n Hpree.
New Yonrc, Sept. 15. When the old
Tnylor building on Park place tumbled
In and crushed the life out of over three
score peoplo tiono of the bodlos recovered
from the ruins were mourned over moro
deeply than tho one that was ldentlHod
as Sherman Cummin, a popular "conip,"
on the Mali and Express, nnd a lending
member of Typogrnhlcnl Union No. 0.
Mrs. Cummin positively Identified one
torn nud charred body as thnt of herhus
band. Cummin's brother, when called
to Identify tho body, hesitated at first
nnd then boonmo convinced that It wna
thnt of hU relntivo.
So tho body was taken to Mrs. Cum
min's home, and was buried with due
When the monoy subscribed for aid for
tho bereaved families camo to bo divided,
lira. Cummin's share of tho Mayor's
fund wns nearly $900. She received also
$150 from tho Typographical Union.
Mrs. Cummin, after receiving tho money,
moved nwny from her old homo to n
neighborhood some distance away.
Last night a mossonger boy delivered n
cnble message to Mrs. Cummin. It wns
brief, but very much to tho point, nnd
took n load oil the little woman's honrt,
for It contnlnod tho Information thnt her
husband was In Halifax nlive nnd well
and that he would stnrt nt once for homo.
Sherman Cummin's story Is n strange
one. Up to noon of tho day of the Park
place disaster ho worked in the com
posing room of the Mall nnd Express. At
that hour he left tho paper nnd started
tbwnrd Park place, presumably with tho
Intention of going to Petersen's restau
rant for lunch. He hns not slnco been
seen by his frionds. No one know that
ho dia not go to Petersen's aud his mys
torlous disappearance wad set down as n
sure indication that he had perished In
tho ruins.
It now nppears, though, thnt ho did
not go nenr Petersen's on Pnrk place,
bub rntlmr to somo pthor establishment,
where the goods thnt wero sold were less
substantial and affected one's nervous
powors differently. In other words, he
didn't know in which direotibn Park
place lay in half an hour, nnd he was not
sure whethor or not he had to take a boat
to get there. But to mako sure of the
thing ho took a boat, a sailing ship, and
found himself yostorday in Halifax.
Without delay he cabled home.
Tho question now nriscs whether Mrs.
Cummin will hnvo to turn over tho $900
given her by Mayor Grant nnd the 150
donnted by Typographical Union N. 0.
A ltemnrlcahlo Change of Sentiment In
llelinlf nf Actor Curtis.
San Francisco, Sep, 15. There hns
developed a remarkable change of public
sentiment, nnd hnlf tho people now be
lieve thnt M. 1). Curtis, the comedian, is
nn Innocent mnn.
Thero is much mystery surrounding
the whole nff nir. The theory of Curtis'
friends, thnt another hand than Ids fired
tho shot which killed Ofllcer Grant, gains
support" front a" story told by Ell Donl
Bon, who has chnrge of news matter dis
tributed on trains of the Southern Pacific
Denlson, who lives in' Oakland, makes
tho following statements "On the ferry
boat Sunday night I met n man I know
by sight, but not by name. Wo wero
discussing various subjects nnd the con
versation naturally drifted toward the
'"This talk, nbout Curtis having done
the killing Is all n mistake,' said tho
stranger 'Tho whole truth will come
out in n few days. I met n man to-day
who says he saw tho tragedy, and ho is
roady to take oath that Grant and Curtis
were accompanied by n third man who
did tho shooting and then ran.' "
Who Owns tho Securities?
B0STOS, Sop. 15. In tho case of Mo
Mahon vs. Waterbury Judge Shormao
has decided that tho Old Colony Trust
Company must, within ten days, answer
n new set of interrogatories, tho object
of which is to find out to whom belongs
the $1,000,000 worth of securities de
posited by Waterbury. A decision as to
whether the trustee is to be dlschnrgod
will be deferred until those answers are
Penrrd that Several Vessels Wero Lost
New Youk, Sep. 15. Many of tho
sailing vossels which have reached port
during the Inst two days bring thrilling
tales of the great storm of Sept. 7, In
which all of them wero damaged moro or
less. Many vessels of the Gloucester
fleet were at sea nt tho timo, nnd It Is
feared that several of them have gone to
tho bottom.
Injunction Against Strllters.
Pottsville, Pa., Sen. 15. A prelim
inarv injunction has been issued against
the Fishback mill strikers, restraining
any of thorn from Interierlng or insult
ing non-union men now nt work for the
Fottsvillo Iron and Steel company.
Fatally Injured lly a Ilrothor.
UONDoi'T, N, Y., faep. 10. During
drunken quarrel nt Big Indinn, in the
Cnlskills, George Tylorstruck his brother
Peter on the hea l with the butt end of
his gun, crushing his skull nnd inflicting
Itrobnaly fatal Injuries.
Trntnns Wanted fur3Iurtler.
ConTLAVD, N. Y., Sop. 15. The chief
of police hero has been not! lied by Public
Prosecutor Strycker ot Washington, N. J,,
to hold the tramps nrrested hero Suuday,
They uro wanted thero for murder-
Government nonds lledeemed.
WAsnlKUTON Sap. 15. vVt the close, of
buslnosa last evening tho Treasury De
jtartment had redeemed i 13, COO, 700 4 1-2
jsr cent, bonds and extended $24,054,700
i 1-8 per cent bonds at 8 per cent.
Experts Agree
ERFECT and uniform
success in making finest
food is more certain
with Royal Baking Pow
der than with any other.
Use it in every receipt
calling for baking powder, or
for cream of tartar and soda,
and the lightest, purest, most
wholesome and appetizing
food is assured.
Marion Harlandi "I regard
the Royal Baking Powder as the
best in the market. Since its
introduction into my kitchen I
have used no other."
Miss Mama Parloai "It
teems to me that Royal Baking
Powder Is 3 good as any can be.
I have used it a great deal, and
always with great satisfaction."
Mns. Baker, Principal of
Washington, D. C, School of
Cookery : " I say to you, without
hesitation, use the 'Royal.' I
have tried all, but the Royal is
the most satisfactory."
M. GORJU, late Chi, Delmoni-'
co's, New-York : "In my use of
Royal Baking Powder, I have
found it superior to all others."
A.FORT1N, Chef, White House,
for Presidents Arthur and Cleve
land: "I have tested manybak.
ing powders, but for finest food
can use none but Royal.' "
Canada's Srnnduls Will ,'llioeh Us All.
London, Sep. 15. The "ToUy.rapu"
says thnt when the Knlish sr-en-tinr;
race fully learns of the nature nnd oxteua
at tho Canadian scandals In high oltldnl
places thoy will bo tilled with sorrow aud
Hones from tho lurk Place Ruins.
New York, Sep. 15. Whilo working
in the ruins of the Park place disaster
last evening somo human bores were
found. They wero taken to tho Morguo
nnd the cioner notified.
Miles' Isorvo una Liver Pills
Vet on a new principle regulating the
ttver, Ftomach and bowels Uaoutjhlhe nervel
A dew discovery.. Dr. allies' l'llls speedily
euie blllousnew. imd tato, turplt liver, pllos,
constipation . unerjualed lor men, women,
t.hlldreu. Hmallrsi, lullucbl.turtBM Gldoses,
iiots. Samples Free, t (J. H. Hagtnbuch's
County falra now
share of patrotmtju.
oouio iu for their
Oh, What a Cough.
Will yon heed the wa nlng? The Msnal per
IPs of tr Mire am tomOu of that more ter
rible disease. Com urn nl Ion. Ask Yourselves
it you can afford tar the halie-of saving 5u
euiR, ui run me risrt ana no noining lor u.
rt'e Snow ,froin experience that Bhllou's Cure
will Cure jour t.'ough. It never falls. This
iplnlus why more than a Million Bottles
ero wjtd the past year. It relieves Croun
ud Whopping Cough at once. Mothers do
aot be without It. For l.ume liacK. side or
Ulipst, nseHhlloh's Porous I'laster. Bold by
. il. jiugenuuen, n. r.. corutr .viaiu una
iloyd siretiU.
Tliefurnlturo luster should bo damp-
4. Ouro for, .Constipation and
Dr Silas, whll6 in the Itncky
vlotjntains, dioovred a root that when
o.-uhinod with other herb, make an eosj
.nd certain cute for conHirifitlon. It is in
b form of dry roots and leaves, and is
nown as Lane's Family Medicine. It
ill cure sick beadaohe. For tho blood,
iver hud kidneys, and for olenring up tho
omplexion it dooe wondori. DrugK'sU
ell it at 50 cents a paclAigo
DrasB makers
are at work on fall
Bhlloh's Consumption Cure.
This la beyond question the most suo
josblul Cough tMedlcine, we have ever sold,
i lew doses Invariably cure tbp woiet cases oi
"ough, Ooup, ahd Bronchitis', while Its won-
term! Micces In the cure of Copfumptlon is
vlthoul n parallel in the tilMory of medicine,
Since It's ttrst discovery It has bjeu tola on a
guarantee, a test which no i ther medicine
:an"stand. It you htVe a Coueh we earnestly
'isk you to .try it. Price 10 rents, 60centB, and
tame, use ttblloh's Porous Plaster. Hold by
J. U. Hagenbuch, N. K. comer Main and
Liloyd Btreets.
Fall house cleaning near at hand.
Will ,Bo, Glvou Away.
Our enterprising drugglBt O. II. Hagenbuch
wnoourifs ine nuesi, siock oi orus, pei
tunierleB. tolleturtlclcs. brushes, sponges. etc .
Is giving away a large numter of trial bottles
of Dr, Miles' celebrated Ileatorallve Nervine.
He guarantees uto cure headache, dlzzlnehs.
Hervous prostratl lnj Bleeplehsne'S, the 111
effects of EDlrlts. Utbaruu. eitllee. etc. Drutr-
glstfi say It Is the greatest seller the) ever
anew, ana i uuiver'Hiiy haitsiHcwtry. iufy
also guarantee Dr. Miles' New Heart ure In
all ctfwTf nirvoua or organic heart dleeavo,
nli liatioii, pain iu siuej biuuui riu, eiu.
r me douk ou
"Nervoui. and IIeirt Dlbcasts"
September U movluf along,
Tho Greatest Strike.
Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles
In dlsooverlug his Krw Heart Cure has
nrov en 1 self t" be one of the mott lm portant.
The demand for It has become astonishing.
Already the treatment ot heart dlsftve Is be
ing revolutionized, and ma-y uuoxptoted
cores effected. It noon' relieves short breath,
fluilerlug, pains In side, arm, shoulder, weak
nnd hungry "pel's, opptoaslon, awelllug of
fanKloH, s uolherlug ubd .eurt dropsy. Dr,
.Miles' bonk on .Heart nnd Nervoiu Dleeates,
Iree. 'Ihetinetiltaled New llojtl tiurn-iasotd
anrt guaranteed by a II. llagenbiruh,thedrug
gin, ulro his lleeloratlvo Nervine for head
ache, Oib, sprees, hot flashes, nervous oullU,
opium habit, etc
From present indications oysters
will not be very plentiful.
AbIc Your Friends About It.
Your distressing cough can be curod.
Wo know It because Kemp's Balsam
vitbin the past fow years has cured so
ninny coughs and colds in tblslcommunity
Its remprjcablo tale has-been wop entirely
by its genuine merit. Ask some friend
who has used it what be thinks of Kemp's
Balsam. Thero Is no medicine so pure,
none bo effective. Large bottles 60c and $1
jt all druggists,'.
A Letter nt tho State Department rrorj
Our Consul nt Antwerp.
Washington, Rep. 15. The Stnte Do.
; itnf tmerTt lmHcelvotl n lettor from tha
t UflltdLfituL Oo-jsul nt Antwerp, givlii(
nn account of the r'scuo of Cnpt. An
drews of I'o ui w!i,i attempted to crosi
tho Atlantic in the dory "Mermaid," b
th'6"Britlh ;U.i-mr Elbruz on Aug. 93.
The Consul reports thntCnpt. Andrews
encountered bad weothor arid n series of
mlsfortunei, nnd was in great distross
when picked up nnd relieved by tha
Consul Stewart snvs tho oantnln nrid
, his boat are now in good condition and
will leave In n day or two for London.
Tho boat is being oxhibltod nt Antwerp
for a charitable purpose and is attracting
much attention.
Killed JIj n Iltlnnuny Team.
Kingston, N. Y., Sep. 15. Snmuol
Fuller wns killed by n team of horsei
running nwny, while drawing n load" of
furniture down a steep Hill In Townsond
Hollow, Delaware County. Fuller wnj
thrown violently against n stono wall
and his brains dashed out.
New Jersey's Stnto I"ulr.
Wavehly, N. J., Sep. 15. The thirty
third annual fair of tho New Jersey State
Agricultural Society will bo held on the
fair grounds at Wnverly Park, Septem
ber 21 to 35, anil promises to bo n npeol
nlly Interesting exhibition ot the products,
of the State.
I"onr the Men Will lie Lynched.
Somerset, Ky., Sep. 15. Excitement
ovor tho nssassiuntion of Shoriil John IL
JlcCarduo of this county, by tho Gillnnd
brothers, Saturdny night, is running
high, and it is feared the men may ba
lllalno rmnlly to Lcnvo for Augusta.
BAn IlAKnort, Mo., Sop. 15, Secretary
Blaine and fumlly will probably lenva
Bar Harbor on Saturdny tho 10th, tor Au
gusta, where thoy expect to remain
about a mouth.
Death of nn Old llnnker.
Osweoo, N. Y., Sep, 15. Tltomoa
Matt, Oswego's leading banker and
wealthiest citizen, is dead, aged 03.
The Earl of Dudley nnd Miss Rachol
Ourney wero marriod yosterdny in Lon
don. ,
The third nnnual sossion of the Grand
Lodge of tho Brotherhood of Telegraphers
is in session in St. Louis.
The first number of the National Zel
tung, n German-Republican dally, hag
just appealed in Chicago.
Tho fifth annual convention of !tho
Harness Manufacturers' P otedtlvo Asso-
elation is now iu session in Philadelphia.
Acting-Sirotary Spaultllng has decided
that filtering cloth for boot sugar ma
chinery is entitled to free entry into tho
United States.
Tho Treasury Department yesterday i
purchased 343,000 ouncos of silver nt 03
to 08. 1 cents per ounce. Tho oilers wero
1,408,000 ounces. I
The first transcontinental mail wm
run ovor tho New York Central vesturdav
and ltintlo tho trip from Now lork to Al- another meeting this morning, with tho
bany, 1C0 miles, in 140 minutes. object of patching up tho trouble and
An order has been issued nt tho War giving Shechan their support. Tlie of
Departmont transferring the hoadquar- fort v"ia of 110 avail, and tho matter
ters and four companies of tho ilth rogi- stands as It did beforo.
ment of Infantry from tho Department of i
Arizona to .uamson uarraclcs, jnow York, i
Dr. Edward Eggloston, the woll-knowu
writer, author of the "Hoosiur School
master, " tho "Faith Doctor" nnd other
stories, was marriod yostorday to Slisj'
Fannie Elizabeth Goodo, at llndison, 1
Ind. Thoy will resitlo In New York. i
Mrs. Catherine Clark sues tho Capital
Bank of St. Paul, Minn., for tho roturn
of a 7,000 paid-up life insurance policy.
Sho says the bank directors forced hot
to surrender tho policy, charging tbaii
hor husband had commlttoda crime. Shu
has since learned tho whole nlTalr wus a
ba&e conspiracy.
Weather Indications.
WAsniNOTON, Sop. 15. For liestern Now
York and Eaiteru Pennsylvania, New .Terser,
Maryland and Doluwurc: Fair, northerly
winds, shifting to southwesterly, stationary
temperature. '
For Now England: Ooncrally fnlr; variable
winds, stationary temperature.
For Western Now York and Western Penn
sylvania: Talr, southwesterly winds, Blightly
Nkw Vonx, Sop. 11. Money on call oasy
loaning at 'J and t per cent.
IWs, ISOt Iteg..., ,100J
1U, laui WHip luiibfc
4 a, 1007 lteg ; 117(5
4 a, 1007 Coup i iU7
i Baturdny.
Canadian I'ncino,.
Central I'ucltlo.. ..,.!. 3a
Chlcugo, IJur, Ic Qulnoy V5)i
Dolawuro & Hudson 1-18
Del., Luck. 6i Western 142)1
Erie ,4 a 28)5
l'.rlo pref... -.,.(,.. ttu
IjikoShnr6..4',.,.v.i,.i IISM
Louis. Naftf!,..., 7ti4
Michigan cerftrali ; ion
Missouri I'aojflo..'., "!S1
Now J ersey Contral 1 1W4
Northvosteru '. 112.x HiS
Oregon Navigation 74 IS
PaollloMull :mi
Headlrjg.i 30M HO))
ltock Island..., 8VH HI
r-t. Paul. T6 TlHi
Union l'aelllo , ,,,, it 4'j'f
Western union 4. KHi HI
Com onoued weak. huthUlfeif Uforo olme.
No. vs. mlwd. 75a7H: Oot. Uivf: Deo. flOS.
Oats Fttlrly aottve atnl ateaitv. No. -J.
ml rod qijWr-: Oct. '
Whbatr-Murket ouenoll wonlc and further
declined: No. 2, Ued winter, lUi4: Uot.
loai: Dee. 10os.
Creamery. State & I'enn.. cxtras.1ltja.nti.i)(,
Creatuory. western, llrsts. .,. 21 cvijl 0.
Creamery, western, seconds is o.u'iO 0.
StutoUuiry, li. f. tubs, oxtras.,,,21 e.uM 0,
Eaas ' '
N, V. State, new laid, per doi..,.2ou;a.a a.
l'enn., new mid 20io.a a.
Heuleru u Nurtnwestern, gooa to
prime 104 nlO
Jeraev llcrto. per hbl 75al 23
Bweot lKjtttioes, Vu., vaoioe M,..l 7&)2 00
Live l'ouwuv
Sprlnir olilukjti4. cholou. largo per lb. ,Ul4nl3
bpriug cUloke-is, prime..,. all
Fowls. Jertoy,tiieiK r-a., perlh u!2
Dukhoep l'oinaitr
Turkevs. mixuU welirhts. uor Hi. 11 .11
bp'gchk'a, l'hlia., J ah lbs to pair.. .,17 aiS
I'atAL'llES -
Md. Si Del., yellow, choice, per out Is,. 40a so
Md. ic Del., rod fruit, eaut.-o, oudk ... Qua 05
Jersey, prune, per u.ukot ... 3ju thi
Ar-rucs -
Md. 4: Dot, choice, per crate tlOa 40
Md. & Del . oommot, per crate , ... 2ua 25
Nyaolc or Uolluud Pippiu, p u.-h.bLlro 25nl 01
Tho Democratic Stato Conven
tion at Saratoga.
A Long Wait. Expected for the Report of
the Committee oh Credentials.
Many Contests tc) UojDccldod-Somo I.lttle
Contention Still Ililsts llotweon the Two
Factions County Democracy Delegates
Denied Adml-slnn-Tho Ticket thitt Will
Ijlkcly lie Nomlnntcd.
SabatooA, N. Y., Sop. 15. The Demo
cratic Stnte Convention wni called to
order nt noon to-day in tlie Casino Kink
by Stnte Committeeman Edward Mur
phy. Temporary Chairman Georgo
Haines then assumed control of tho
gavel, nnd after n somewhat lengthy
8 peech tha various! committees were ap
pointed nnd mi adjournment tnken.
Thnt the differences between tho two
factious was not thoroughly patched up
before the convention wns called to order
there is now no denying.
Iu fact, just before the convention met,
the talk of the Erie County delgegntes, of
culling nnothcr convention, wns revived,
Said a prominent nnti-Illll mam "There
are 250 contestant nnd only 381 mem
bers of the convention, nnd the Cleveland
men, with the exception of Herrlck, will
all come out It Wo cnll them out, nnd the
Chnpin men will bo glnd to go with us."
All such talk ns this, however, is ridi
culed. Lnriro Number of Contest.
A groat many of tho dolcgntes bogan
to talk this morning of tho possibility of
adjourning tho convention to-day. Tlie
managers, however, hnvo no such idea.
The settlement of tho contosts for sonts
moans ranch to tlie party. Thoy cannot
be disposed of hastily if harmony is to be
As mattors now stand it looks ns If
the real work of tho convention would
not be reached to-day. Tho Committee
on Credentials has its hands full, having
to settlejthe many contests whichare be
foro tho couvontlon. Thero is much evi
dence to be presented nnd considered,
nnd though the committee went in ses
sion nt 2 o'clock this nftornoon it may
bo lato to-night whon Its report is coni
ploted. Tho rrobnhlo Ticket.
The ticket will vory likely bo:
Governor Hoswell P. Flower.
Lieutenant-Governor Wm. F. Sheo
httn. Secrotary of Stato Frank Rlco,rcnomi
natlon. Treasurer Elliott Dnnforth, rouoral
natlon. Controller Frank Campbell.
Attorney-General Simon W. Rosen
dale. Engineer and Surveyor Martin
Flower's nomination Is expected on tho
first ballot with every vote, except tho
80 from Kings.
The Erie nnti-Shoohan delegation held
Countv Democracy llelegntcs fihut Out.
Vooriils lte-electod to Moinliersltlp.
SaiiatooA. N. Y., Sep. 15. It wns af
ter 8 o'clock last night when tho meet
ing of tho Demorntio Stato Committee
was colled to order.
Tho resignation of Mr. John J. Voor
hls, sent In a long tlmoago, wits accepted
und Mr. Voorhls was then olectod to fill
tho vacanoy causod by his own rosig
A heated discussion ensued ovor tho
question of admitting the 80 County
Democracy dolegates. Hy a vote of 21
to8 It wus decided not to ndmlt them.
The temporary olllcors of tho conven
tion wore then selected.
A Colorod Mun, Wlto for Twentyflve-Vears
Wus tho Attornoy-Gcuernl's 3Iesseuger.
Washington, Sept. 15. Henry Colo
man, colorod, n messengor nt tho Attorney-General's
office, died yesterday, aged
80 years. Prior to 1800 Coleman pur
chased his freedom and later tho free
dom of his wifo, Ho had been! messen
ger nt the door of tlio Attorney-General's
olllco for 20 years and probably knew
more public men nt tho time of his death
tlmn nny
other man in the United
Denth of Hon. Geo. II, Iirlnp;.
Salem, Jfass., Sep, 15.- Honorable
George B. Loring, ox-Mtnlstor to Portu
gal nnd former Commissioner of Agri
culture, died yesterday at hU home here,
from henrt trouble. ' Ho was 74 .years of
nae. Thu funeral will occur Thursday
at torneon. Services will bo held at tho
I North Unitarian Church. Hov. E. 11.
' Wilson is expected to officiate. Wlnslow
' Lowis Commandery will have entire
charge of thu funeral.
TwoThousaud Lives Lost.
Madjud, Sep. 15. Tito people ot this
city are horrified to learn by olriclal an
nouncement from tho scene of the four
tul floods now devastating tho provlttco
of Toledo, that two thousand human be
ings have ulready lost their lives.
From the same source is obtained the
information that the Ions to property in
the tilfllcUxl district is something enor
mous, Cpnsplrlng Against Curiiu-n Hylvn.
LoNuon, Sep. 15. It now appears, ac
cording to ri vlonnn dUpntoli, that the
pitiful condition oMlie Queen of llou-t
mania, whose life is duspared of, la
largely due to her knowlodge ot tho at
tempts made to induce her husband to
obtain u tllvorce from her, by certain
members of tho Ministry. The King,
however, refused to listen to these Bug
Tour Lnhoi ra lirownod.
Piiiladku-uia, Sep. 15. -Four labor
ers employed by a juuk dealer, named
Richard Cou, wore drowned In the Dela
ware, opposlto the' Navy Yard, last even,
ing, by the upsetting ot their boat.
Tho name are: John Flnnak, (worried,
James I on ley, single, Jamee jdouairy,
single, nud Johu UcAIear, married.
Wold's AC Blacking
i dan
Used bj men, woinpn and children.
tank at mj old chip banket, Im't It a beaut I
I bare Just tintnhd pafnttner It with
will do half a dozen baskets.
WOLFF 4s RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
FXK-ltON beaatlneotherthlnRilietr.dea baskets.
It makes a white kUm tup any color yon de
sire to match. It fhanKflii a table t
walnut, a cane roekc r to matMwuiy,
Itatuluit pnlnfnt lucqucrwi Japans
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Lent-ex, Mortgages nnd Honda written,
Mnrrlnge ll.ens- Mi d leant ilulnis
pir.inptiy nttendeo to.
Real l!slole, Colltction and lufurancc Ageiey.
General Fire Infcun.ucc IltiBlneas, ltertrfenl
the Nortbwehieru 1.1 fo insnrHncet'o
Office-Mnlttno'i' hnlldlrg, corner Centre
and WelBi8 Kheuiii', la.
Cooo' Prcpertin u: All Kinds For Sale.
1. A twoMoiy (Ic.ut le Iran e dwelling rouse
storeand restaurant, nn T-iKt I'enlriiHt
2. A dwel lug nnd teslatiruiit on Hast Centre
. Dtwlrable proi erty on corner Centre ard
Jnrdin streete, Milinble tor business pur-
4. A twonory double frame dwelling, on
Wet I.loa slrei t.
6. Two 2 Btory Imine dwellings on West Cen
tre street.
6. Two J story dwelling" on the corner of
coat etui unesmul streets Ktere room la
7, Two-story single house ou North t heutmit
street Willi a lergewn ehonso at tlie rear.
8. Three two-story don tile frame bulldlugs
corner ot i.iojti nnu (Jiit-ert sircets.
AsU my ngents for W. I.. Dotlclu" line.
If not lor sale In jour plncu nslc jour
denier to send for cntnloirite, aecuro tliu
ugeitcy, nnd tret litem lor )ott.
It lsasLnmlisahoi', ultlt uo tucks or war thread
to hurt thoftvi; nimlo of tho best Uno calf, stjlisli
nnd cosy, and bcninse tve make more aJtoiv of thi
oradt than any oher iwinufcn turer, It equals Iiand
eewed shoes -.-.tlriK from 1 ui to$5.iiU.
CfiC 00 1 at o 11 11 1 11 u Ilnnds(Mvrdv tho finest cnir
J5iy nhof i-vor oiTiTfd for $vuo; rquata treucLi
import (Ml elio(it which ooft from ti$ia.iiu.
CtivS OO Ilauii-x-M m! Writ f-lioc, lino en If,
h! stylish, cttiufurtubloaudduruUlo. Ibo be t.
fihoo ever offered it tills price t samo Krado oa cob-toin-nmde from $ti.uu tu tM
GfeQ HO I'o lieu nn Furmors. Hatlroad Men
vw and Letter Cur rltrsall wpurtUeiu: lino calf,
itcamlcta, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, exten
elirn edn. ouo pair will wear nyear.
Oil SO flu t vnlft un better bIkvo ever offered at
iitmmm thli prlcoi one trial will couvluco thuar
who want ft shoo for comfort and service.
C9 3 und fei'i.OO VnrliiniiiiiutiH Rhoerr
7eba aro cry f-trouu and iluiablo. Thoo wLo
hnvo given them n trial -will wear no other mako.
EEciTlVC" PJ.tMt itiui l.70 hviiooi biiocs aro
CSJj O worn by tliu (103 a everywhere; theyficll
on tbelr merits, na the lurreuslitK sales show,
Q iftirS lses S!lUO Hand-Hcued shoe, bet
LiCIll IvO Dotitfola, veryetjll9h;eiualaFreucll
lntpoitecl shoes eostlugfrom 6I.0U togcui.
Imdlen .,.5(, $-J,00 and $1.75 shoo for
1M Iiwes aro tho best flue Uongola. btylUh nud durable.
(bullion beo that V. I DoiiKlas name ami
prlco aro stamped ou tho lottom of each shoo.
W, L. DOUULASrocktOU, Moss.
Josopto. jOx11,
Xrirry-jf innf Olilval
Reliable Purely Cash Companies,
J!ettesciUftl by
120 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah, Pa.
W. Baker & Co.'s
from which the excess of
oil line been removed, is
Absolutely luro
and it in Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro usotl in Its preparation. It has
mora than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, mid Is tliereforo far moro
economical, coaling less than one cent
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily diobsted,
anil admirably adapted for invalids
as well ns for persons in health.
Sold by Croconovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
I build I pg orner Main & Ccntri