The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 15, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
It. 0. JlOMll, FAUor and l"nUIher.
W3T. ,T. WATKISS, Loewl lltlltor.
3e EVfflflXO JlliliALDhaia taroerclr
eulaHan in MieHtindouh Won any ollttr paper
puMWifi, Jlonkt open In all.
Daily, per yer, - - K 0"
Weekly, per year ... 1 SO
Entered at tlie Posloftlee, at Mhenaiidoah, Pa,
fortranemlMiton through the malm
as second olmw mall matter.
Charged That 11 nod In Not the Son or the
Xew York, Sep. IB. The matter of
the will of the estate of the Into Mrs. May
I. Dayton In on the docket of the Circuit
Court In Aberdeen, S. 1)., for further
hearing. In this case Lyman C. Dayton,
the St. Paul millionaire real estnte
owner, traversed the petition of James
C. Reed, of thin city, for letters of ad
ministration on Mrs. Dayton's estate,
nud makes the sensational charge that
Heed is not the sou of Mrs. Dayton.
The latter died nt San Francisco on
Juno 3, and left property to .Tames C.
Heed, who was private secretary to
President Arthur, which is valued nt
$2011,000. She claimed that Reed was hor
son by a former marriage, and appointed
him administrator. She was married to
Lyman C. Dayton in St. I'aulin 1803.
Canoeists MnUo llio Trip fiom Moosoliead
T.oko to fit. Johns, N. II.
Si. John, N. U., Sop. 15. Eugono Un
lerhlll and Murray Uocock, havo per
formed a feat novor before accomplished.
They reached this place yesterday, hav
ing traveled in a canoo from Mooseliead
Lake to tlio mouth of St. John River, a
instance or ol4 miles.
They had threo guides and three ca
noes and made tlio journoy in 21 days.
Their actual traveling tlmo, however.
was 14 days, the rest of the time having
been passed in camp, llsnlug awl shoot
The Wool Stntlstlo Controversy.
Boston, Sep. 15. Hon. David A.
wells' recent imputation against the in
tigrityof the census statistics of wool
manufacture is mot by a positivo denial
from Mr. S. N. D. North, the special
,rm ji mo census in charge of the sta
tistics of rcou" mimufiicturo, who has
written a letter to Mr. Wells "t nvlch,
Test of Guns for tint New Cruisers.
Washinotox, Sep. 15. A preliminary
experiment, developing tho capacity of
...,.1,1i fnrt.v ciHhvn iriinn the tvllo
to bo used on tho new cruisers, 12 and
13, has boon madu by tho Navy Depart
ment and tho results proved very satls
f..ntn A vplnnllv of 2.180 feet a sec
ond was obtained with fifteen tons power
Will Always Ho 11 Mental Wreck.
Lincoln, Nob., Sep. 15. Tho physicians
t John Fitzgerald, President of the
Irish Land Leasuo of Am erica say lie
will survive his attack of cougostiun of
the brain, but admits reluctantly, that
mentally ho will novor 1)0 himself again.
Tho sad news lias greatly nlfected his
many friends.
'I'd jiunnRe a Now Yurlt Sfagazlne.
Baltimohk, Sep. 15. Rev. Francis
ltynn, S. J., who his been connected
with Loyold College and St. Ignatius
Church for the past six years will soon
take up his residence in New York,
vrhero he will manage n monthly maga
zine to be established by tho Society of
Gen. Ciirr ltoportod ns Doing Nicely.
New YortK, Sep. 15. Gen. Joseph n.
Carr lies ill In a privato room nt St.
Luke's Hospital in this city. Houho
Surgeon Gibson and Dr. William T. null
have performed an operation for canoer
upon tho General, who (s reported ns doing
Wanted lly tho New York I'ollco.
Boston, Sep. 15. Tho polico aro look
ing for a young mnn calling hlmsolf
Tracy 11 liacon of New York city. Whilo
lieru ho stopped nt tho Vendoma and loft
-without paying his bill. Ho la wanted
in Hew York.
An Kpldoiulo of IMntherliu
rilTSHURO, Sep. 15. Oroensburg has
nn epidemic of diptheria and scarlet
fever. There aro 100 cases in town, and
many uetus havo occurred.
l.nnd Olllee lSmplojos to llo Dismissed,
Washington, Sep. 15. Twenty special
jig 'iits of the Lauu Olllco, nt work in the
Hold, will lie dismissed in a low days be
cause of luck of funds.
A Smart Marc.
An Irvinffton (Cal.) party owns a
small mure, bays tho San Francisco
Call, that, with hor oolt, is allowed tho
run 0 tho door-yard. "Puss" Is fed
from a largo Iron bucket, utght nnd
morning, and at these times the neigh-
uors' ohlOKens, Hooking around, annoy
nor greatly. Une largo block hen had
long beon a special torment. The othci
night the mare was seen, ttf tor emntv.
lng hor bucket, to havo turned It bottom
side up. Nothing was thought of it,
uowover, until next morning, when It
was found that she had Imprisoned be
neath it her tormontor, the block hen,
who was ndnrly dead from her long con-
uncmont in bucn narrow quarters.
Morlt Wins.
We deitre to ay to' our cjtlrens, that for
yenrn we have been selling Or. Klnfe's New
jvIus's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr.
Kluc's New I,lf I'llls, UucKleu's A ml fa
Halve and Klee rlo Hitters, and have never
handled mined k that H as well, or Jhat
have given Bueli untverrul ratlsfaotlon. We
da not heslluto to liiiarautro tlism every
nine, un.t we Hiunn resuy in ruiuna (uo pur
clnue 11 r lew. If satlsfsotorv rrsnlls do 11 t lot
low their use These remedies have won
inir grout ponuumy purely on their merits,
j, ii.iiageuuucu, uiurKist.
Tlio call will Boon bo for the heater
man ta tlx tliu heuter.
Jet trlniuilng will again havo tho
graap oa femluluo poimlarity.
Hie Association V ants to l'lny trie longan
LcMbville, Ky., Sep, IK President
I'lielp of tho Association has written tc
lYoutlgr of 'tho League, proposition 6rlci
of Kmes to test tho rclatlve"trdngth 'ol
the tVro organisations, lie proposgt
three? ilvo'dr seven games' between anj
number of Association And Longue dribs;
some to bo played on Association ami
some on League grounds, tlio decldina
game, if necessary, to bo played on neu
tral grounds;
To Mitlto Up n Tonnt for tho Wosi.
Dmnvhm, Col., Sep. 15. Arrangement
are boing mndo by which the Denver
Club will play a series of games In West
ern and Pacific const cities with a, club
mndo up from the best players of the
National Leaguo mid American Associa
tion, captained by Comiskoy of ttie St.
Louis Drowns, after tho championship
season is over.
rflood Is thicker than water,
fcud must bo kept pure to
Insure good health.
Swift's Si'HOino is natures rttmrrif
lor tliis purpose.
It nevor to fails ellmnato the iniptar
tics and build up tho general health.
Them is only one Swift's fjpeclflo,
and there is nothing Hko It
Be sure and get the genuine.
Treatise on lllood and Skin DIksh
smiled free.
The Swift Speciflo Co., AthustA, Ge
Pirst National Bali
Capital, $160,000.00.
A. W. Leisenrmg, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrmg, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Oally From 9 to 3.
I'j.Hl 011 Having) noHlts.
mi 1
i?r.I,u rii.lAllw n.irninnnn.N nentarad.
Weakness, Nervousness, Jleblllty. and all
the train ot evils irom early crrorsor lator excesses
tlio results of overworn, sickness, worry, etc 1 uu
strength, development, and tone nlven to every
orean and portion ot tho body. Blmplo, natural
methods. Immediate Improvement Been. 1" allure
tmpossiuie. a.ww reiurenivB. jjui&, ..puuuwu.
UU) prtHlIB aJRiii-u ibwiioui nuw. uuio.o
nilHRntirl, ICatiHnH, ArltaiiHOH,
Tc'xaH.'.ISclJriihlca, LouiHlmni,
Colorado, III11I1, C"lilorlllll,
Urc-Koii.WnHliiiiKtoii, Mexico,
New aiexlco or Arizona,
and will send me a postal caid
or letter stating
Wticre you are k1"Bi
When you are going,
Whero you will eturt from,
How many there are In your party,
Whut freight and baggage you have,
I will write you orcnllat your houfoand
furnish you with the fullest (Information
ngitrdliB routc lonut rates of nil
clufses, besldte mars, descriptive and Il
lustrated land pamphlets, resort books,
Hot Hprlugs guides, etc
Cheap Farming Lards In Missouri, Arkan-
J. P. McCANN. Eastern Trav. Agt.,
G. E. P. Agt., 891 Broad way ,New York
Iron Mountain Route,
Genuine Iq,
is and will over bo tho
Bomody for
t.-i-oti tho rMn. nricfc and
Jointo, Nouralgia, Spralne, &o
Before you aeed to mji ODtula
iK-corrtr nr. nUtftr.E'tl
tho tk1 li-.M ooki "Qutde to Dealth," xAihj
endortemeatsoi prominent puyuwa
310 uroaowaY,
Prize Medals Aflanfcdf
n 11 ...i N
?? n 1- nits. '
nnaitn linntiABi ituaoK'iiiai.ijOTiaoDs
leo&fti JKH.v' "vtisiu'. t vtv
50 OentS a bottle, Por Salo byM
1. r. 0. KIHL.TN,
u ;as. mid Atixer djumiiti
nm era nai
Xlilcngo Wins tlio FlrntTOaino Ployed With
the llostons'
i AT UnOOTt.Vlt,i,
Brooklyn 0 Ofslo I 3 0 B
Cincinnati 0 0 10y0 ,7 0 4 0-1
Ilnttcrles-rarutlicrsnnd 'Kliislowi Jlullanf
and Harrington. tf
New York 0 0 0 00 o 1 0-3
Plttsburit 0 0 0 0 V! 0 8 x- 4
llatterics Iluslo anil llnoklcy; Galvlu and
Miller,. ,
Boston 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-
Chicago 0 0401080 X 1
Batteries Stalcy and Dennett; Hutchinson
aud fcchrlvor. ' t '
Philadelphia 0 3 2 0 0 0 2 0 x-13
Cleveland...;. ...7.2-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 o J
Batteries Boatlu and Zlmmor. King and
National League llecord.
. Per
ctubt. mm. Loit. crt
Cllloag0...75 41 .010
lloston. .,..(10 40 .685
NewYork.ia 48 ,601
I'lilIa'pUutiOO 65 ,i23
rau'i.. iron. t. n't
Cleveland. M OH AM
ilrooklyn.ol 00 .430
ritWOurg.WJ U7
Ctncln'aU.47 7J
American Association Games
Ft.Louls I 1000803 1-7
lkiltlmore 1 0800100 0-4
llsttcrles ltottgcr and Iloylc; Ilcaly and
I.oulsvlllo 1 0 10 10 0 0
lloston 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0- n
s- 7
Unttcrlos Haddock and Murphy;. Stratton
and Schellhussc.
Columbus 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 2-10
Wostalnmon 0 0080000 0-1)
rttorio3ICuoll and Donaliuo; Casslau and
No gamo, rain.
American Association llccord
Clubs, tTrm. tmU Ct
llotton.... 83 30 .UM
ht. Louis. .711 45 .ISM
UaltliooroUO o'J .353
Athletlo..05 50 .0J7
Won. Jit. ce
Columbus.. 50 03
Jllhvnuk'e.uJ US
Lou'villo... 41 70
Wah'ton..4a 77
Knstorn Association.
1 0 0 0 3 1
0- 0
Albany 0
0 3
0 0 4
Batteries Fitzirerald audKlnir: Frickou and
Troy,.., 2 01001000-4
Uullnlo 3 00OOUO11-1
Ilattorlos Slioa and Murpuyi German and
The Interstato Press Association Formed
nt lllnghamtonOlllccrs Elected.
ConTLAND, N. Y., Sept. 15. Tho Inter
Btato Press Association was formed at
Dinghamton yestcrdny nfteraoon. The
object of tho association is tho exchange
of nows between the papers in tho asso
ciation. Each paper will bo held re
sponsible for nows in tho city whero tho
paper is published. All nows will bo
sent by wire.
The following officers -wero elected:
Editor Tuthill, of the Hornellsville Times,
president! Editor Scott, of tho Owego
IJecord, vice-presidoiit; Editor Leo, of ho
Onconta Star, secrotaryj Editor McKeo,
of tho Tonawnnda Heviow, treasurer.
In ndditiou to tho papers mentioned,
the Dinghamton Herald, Susquehanna
(Pa.) Transcript nnd Cortland Journal
comprise tho association. They began
sorvico this motning.
Indians I)lo Front Dnncllitf.
GuTimrc, O. T., Sep. 15. A Govern
ment Inspector who has just como from
tho C'hoycnno and Arapaho Indian reser
vation tolls o! a largo number of deaths
among thdso tribes. Thoy havo been
holding a dance on tho Quachlta river.
During tho past three days nearly n hun
drcd of the Indians havo fnllun uncoil-
BClous during tlio dance and fully half of
them have died. Scores of others are
very sick,
Xntnl lllow at l'ool Rooms.
Nrw York, Sen. 15,-The fight ot tho
Brooklyn Jockey Club against the pool
rooms, which has up to now uoen un
successful In keeping tho pool man from
operating their businoss, resulted to-dny
in the club withholding ull entrios from
tho newsDApers. litis will rodtico at
tendance nt tho track, but will likely
compel tho pool rooms to close,
Arrested on IlevollIng Charges.
New Youk, Sep. 15. Robert Bell, As
sist ant Soxton of Calvary Church, this
city, is under nrrost on charges of having
abducted nnd criminally assaulted six
Jewish girls ranging from 14 to 10 years
of ago. Tho girls confessed and said
Hell had been dishonoring tho church for
almost a year. Two of tho girls ho made
drunk with communion wine.
lleonuie a Having Maniac.
LynwoOD, N. J., Sep. 15. John Saun
ders, a prominent young business man
ot Pleasnntvillo, has suddonly become a
raving maniac, and is confined in his
father a residence In this place. It Is
aid his mental trbublos wero caused' by
brooding over a quarrol which' he' recent
ly had with kU brother in rogard to busi
ness. Donlos the KIltintiNovr.
Elkton, JId.,Sep. 16. Harry A Price,
aged 5 years, was found dead in his room
yesterday morning wUh a bullet hole
In his head. Ho w is dreising, evidently,
when shot, ns ho h wl on some cf his
clothing. StiHploi m centero 1 upon his
cousin, Percy Carr, who sbpt with him,
Carr nt llrst admitted tne shooting but
now ho denies It.
ltockefeller N.'eds Aliioluto Het.
Nnw York, Sep 15. Jolin D. ltocko
(ollcr, wlio Uas been couniied to his lipme
at l' oroit Jllll, U., lor some weeks past,
is a very nick man'. A cor ns ot physi
cians examine"!! hl'it'uml fleeiarej him to
bo (roe from -organio diseases, butdocided
that his nervous system needed aliwiluto
Nmokoless Powdtir n Kucuoss.
WA81ii.'OTO.v, Sep. 18. The Navy De
partment lias made a very satisfactory
trial of t.iaokoloss pow4vr for smMl unns
of American manufacture. Tho trial
Bhotred a speed ot 2,160 feet per second,
with a preusuro of 11. U tons lu the
Counsel for Airs. 3Iuybrlc!(.
London, Sep. 15. The services of Sir
Charles Itussell and Slf Horace Davey
nave uoon rcuuueu ta test tne legality ol
jurs, juaynrioK-s uetention in prison.
U.lillnH'J.OOQ llHll,
PiiaADEuniA. Bep. 18, The five roer
cantlle appraisers have been held li
(2,000 ball each for appearance at th
noxt term ot court.
As n Pleasant nnd 1, .
' Ail Quiet nt MrlcoMlle.
KXOXville, Tcnrr., Sep. 15. Every
thing is now perfectly quiet ntHrlcevlllo,
and it Is fully believed there will be no
domorfstration unless the Legislature
ndjoums without tnklng soma stop look
ing to the abrogation of tlio present con
tract with tho lessees or tlio abolition ot
the loaso system. The penitentiary
question is tho mqst urgent coining be
fore 11 Tohnes'ee' Legislature for many
yonrs, nnd the proceedings of the body
during this week will be watched with
the greatest interest.
Young Howard Appeals to Ills rather.
Nw Yonit, Sep. 15. Harry Howard,
tho son of n rotirod merchant of BUrllng
ton, Vt., who was nrrosted Monday night
while playing at Huber's Museum in a
sketch with Miss May Hell, a variety ac
tress with whom ho had "doubled up,"
for tho theft of 21,500 fropi a former em
ployer, is completely broken down and
has appealed to his father to aid him.
He is 80 years old and has been married
twice. His last wifo is now in this city.
Receiver Yardloy 6ued.
Philadelphia, Sep. 15. Counsel for
John W. Boughton has brought n suit in
equity in the Unltod States Circuit Court
against Robert M. Yardloy, receivor of
tho Keystono National Bank, for tho re
covery of $.119.80, the proceeds of drafts
said to have been collected by the bank
In March last, a few days prior to the
closing of its doors.
rnlih in Hor CuroMvo Powers Condemned.
Quebec, Sep. 15. A mnndaniont from
Cardinal Taschoreau was read in the
Catholic churches of tho city condemning'
tho faith manifested by the French
Catholics of tho province in tho alleged
curative powers of a littlo girl who is de
clared to be endowed with supernatural
Fastest Long Trip on ltecord.
Buffalo. N. Y., Sop, 15. Tho special
flyor from New York over tho Centrnl,
which arrived hero at 8:50 yesterday af
ternoon, made tho fastest long trip on
record. The distance, 430 1-2 miles, waj
covered in 440 minutes, Including threo
stops which consumed 14 minutes.
'Mora Pay For Cigarmnkcrs.
B03TON, Sep. 15. Tho Clgarmnkers
Union at their meeting hero' announced
that a new price list for packers which
advances wages for packers about 1 0 per
cent., has been accepted by tho manu
factures in nil union shops In tho city,
In n few moro weeks the bell will'
ring the "mil lii" for straw hntsf
The time lins come for farmer lads
ami liifHPs to Indulge in apple butter
Full of trouble
tho ordinary pill. Trouble when
you take it, and trouble when you'vo
got it down. Plenty of unpleasant
ness, but mighty littlo good.
With Dr. ricico's i'leasant irelleta,
thero'3 no trouble They'ro made
to prevent it. They'ro tho origi
nal littlo Livor Pills, tiny, sugar-
ooated, nnti-bilioua granules, purely
vogetablo, porfcotly harmless, tho
smallest, easiest and best to tako.
Thoy clcanso and regulato tho wholo
system, in a natural anil easy way
mildly and gently, but thoroughly
and effectively. Ono littlo Pellet
lor a laxativo throo lor a cathar
tic Sick Headache, Bilious Head?
ache, .Cqnstjpation, Indigestion, Bil
ious Attaqks, and, aU derangements
of tho liver, stomach, and bpwcls aro
prevented, vpHoved ami cured.
They're tbo cheapest mil you can
buy, fcr they'ro guaranteed to givo
Bausiacuon, or jour money jb re
turned. You pay only for tlio valuo re
ceived. Can you aak moro?
Bank Counters, Tyler Systom, Port
uuio, uncquaiea in oiyius,
... Finish. ,
ISO rscs rslslaxu. tr C.oBlvrt. Drtkt etc. IllustrsUd u
Colon. lU.ts rrt rwtsts It CuU.
Also 'I'jier's Jjoyni
OlUee Snd Type
writer (lulilnels. SiOU
Styles. Host and cheap
est on earth, with great
reduction iu pneos.
ro.tif It CU. Full Use. off
Dolt, (hslrt, T.Utt, llmk
r..., fsbiu.ii, i.i.i uii.k
.TMtfWai) Spfrl.l wotd Mis lo or4.r,
"Tk l-HH 11 It CO., &I.X.UUIS, aia.ttr.s.A.
IMlblU. Ott.. SIWST.1B tlttCk.
oupeleu by
rapitlly dl&kppcJtr, una fa ten ayt t two-thlris nf y
toonUls f ' mlr- T C M n 1 V f ' w ! t ft C fi hr mll7 U
cnloti aiiet. I tti UAlu furnUhcd T UCU yon okr
litl, menu tea mv ni snnu o jr punsf
thd ltt nhvsli tan. Ptorn fitrt ilow ftvmndinii
piiisArt Tiin ro.iiPLBXiow,
, . . TONE THE PTOMAnil.
s PocJophyllin Pills
GAGTUS blood cure.
lrones up your system and
gives you an appetito that a
lumberman, might envy.
Cures dyspepsia, stomach
troubles, constipation, and
liver or kidney diseases. In
addition to this it cures all
skin affections and the more
violent blood troubles.
Effects are immediate and
cures permanent.
Sold at Klrlin'8 Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Slock, Shenandoah, Pa.
Your trade is what wo
waut. '
. This is how wo propose1
to get it,
By falling you a flrst
clasn Rii icle ; hypclllugyou
for less than others; by
pelling you furniture, an
organ, a piano, n sewing
machine or anything else
In the line of household
We have a largo and va
ried stock to select from. '
No trouble to show goods.
Call, examino and lie
J. P. Williams i Bro.,
Sotitli Mnlu St.,
' Leiigli Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10, 1891..
Vaiusenger trains will leave Shenandoah fct.
oiaucn l.nuna, jemzuion, eiaiinsion, waia.
sauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton. Phil
adelnhlaandNew York at 5.47, 7.40, 9,03 a.m.,
1252. 8.10. 5.26 p.m. '
For Belvidere, Delaware Woter Gap and
litroudsburg at 5.47, a. m.. and 526 p. m.
For Lambertvllleaud Trenton, 9.0S a, m.
For White Haven, Wllkes-Barre and Pitts
ton 6.17. 8.08, 10.41 a.m., 8.10 and 528 p. m.
ForTnnkhonuock, 10,41 a. m., 3.10 and 6.26
p. ra.
For Auburn, Ithaca; Geneva and and Lyons
10.41 a. m.r and 5.26 p. m.
r iir i.acey vine, xowauaa, esayre, waveny,
Klralra, i Ilocliester, Baflalo, N laaara Falls,
Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and
526 pv m. 1
For h Imlra and the West via Salamanca at
3.10 p.m.
ror Auaenneu. xiueioluu, otueuuju, -l. mu
tter Yard, Weatherly and Penn Haven Juno
Hon nt 6.4 r, 7.40, 9,08 a. m.and 12.62, 3.10 and
52 p. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and licavei
Meadow, 7.40, 9.03 a. m. and 6,28 p. m, .
ForScranlonat6.47 9.08, 10.11 a. m. 8,10 and
5:26 p. m.
Knr TlRKle Rrnok. Jeddo. Urlfton and Free
land at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10,41, a. m,, 1252 3.10 and
fi26D.m. ' 1
For (luakoke at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m., iid
' For wjggaris, Gllberton'. and JJFaokvllle', Hi
7.DU UUU V.UO 1. Ul,, HUU )J. Ui,
For Yatesvllle. Mahanoy City aud Delano,
J.17, 7.10. 9,08, 10,41, 10J58 a.m.,1223.10,5.28, 8,03.
9.2! andlO.27 p. m.
For uotit ureest, jiraraviue ana Asnuua,
w .a a ko in 1 n m i fin i An A in n
1.10 and 6.14 p. m. ' r y
ior uarnwater, ai. umir ana roiwviue,
i.40, 9.08, 1058 a. m., 12,52, 3.10, 4,10, 5.28 and B.0S.
P-m- .. . ... V,
nor isaca juouuiain, new uoston ana
Moreu. 7.40. 9.08. 10.68 a. II... 1252. 8.10. 626 and
i&i p. m,
For Haven Hnn. Centralia. ML Carmel and
ahamokln. t52, and 10.15 a. in., 1.40, 4.4C
inu p. m.
Trains leave Hhamokln lor Shenandoah.
TJJSr 1153 a. m., 2.10, 4.80 and 0.80 p. to., arrlvlng
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. in., 12.52, 8.10, 6.26 and
11,10 p. ui.
' unulliV TliAlKa
For Lost Creek, Glrardvllle and Ashumd,
9.J0 11.85a. m., 2.45 p. m. - ,
For Uarkwater. Bt. Clair and Pottsvllif,
.60, 8.00, t),S0 . m.. 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesvllle. Mahanoy City and Delano,
11.85 a. ni., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
ror ljoiiy, Auaeurieu ana nurieum, dm
m., 1.40 P. m:
For iluuch Chunk. Lehlghton, Slatln(ton,
I'Httasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, EasU
Hnd New York, Hjm a. ru 1,40 p. m.
For Philadelphia, 1.10 p. m.
Lb. uyington,
(Jen'l Puss. AKt., Bethlehem.
Pure Ice Oream I
Orders promptly atteDdrd to. Particular at
tention paid, ui'uuiia. Picnics,
Festivals, etc.
Near Corner of, Lloyd, tHEK'AKDOAH, PENNA
Philadelphia and Heading .Railroad I
Knl K,ow-t!?tk T$ l'hiladelpliia, week days,
2.i0 5JB, 7.2(L.'m. and Hi 83 2.60 and 6.1A
t-i2" 5un?f 2-lu Bna T-48 m. For New i
f .a, a. m, and 125 and 2.60 p. m. 1
A'hJUhJ&t r.m.. 12.35 a and 55 pim. i
1uiuy. m, una 7. a. m.t 40 p. m.
JO p Dl 1 7 . anS' 7,20 ' 1Z-M i
."X0'181;'! wrcs- days, 2.P, nil. i
. nor -iiiruaatiB ana Mabnuoy City, wcflli
rtys. 2.IO, 5li, 7.20. a, m., 12 3? 20 and sTm
o. m.' Bundiiv. 2.1lliind 7.j,i m i m
Additional (or Mahanoy Oily, week days 7.00
p. m
ror iancater and Uolumbla, woek days.
20 a, m., &po p. m.
VerWllllmnsporl, Bnnbdryand Lewlsburt,
rS days. 8.25, 7.20 and 1181 a. m 1,85. 7.(8
El. Windav H:2i a. m . S.ftS n m "'
!i shanoy l'lane, im usj-!, 2.10 8.2J.
i a. 7.J0 and 11.30 a. m., 12.M, l.m. 2,50, 6.55,
7.00 am ).' V xa. Bnnday, 2 lu, 8.2J and 7.48
Ifor Glmrdvilln MtATinfilinniinplr Hffltlnnt
.rtjftyM 8-21. 7-aJ mm 11.80a. m.,
12.33, 1 35, iCO, 6.S5, 7.00 and 9.25. i m. Bandar
2-10, . 2 7.W B. m 8.f5, 40 p. m.
"r Guiana sua uamoKiu, weea aays.-f
i,2 .,5.28, 7.20, 11.3'i ft. m., 1.85, 7.W) and ,2i
t. ta. Himday 3.2", 8.82 a. m 3.05 p, la,
ieave New Yorlt via Philadelphia, week
ys.7.45 a. m l.m, 1.00. 7.80 p. m 12.15
HKht, Bnndy,B.oop.m..l2.15nlgiit.
Leave Now York yl Mancli (jnunk, week
iuys, 4.80, 8.45 a. m 1,00 and 4.0) p. m.
lsvo PhlUdelpbla, weex days, 4.10, and
10.00 a. ni. 4.00 and 6.00 m Broad
ad Oallotrhul and 8.85 a, m. and 11.80 p. m,
from lithasi urjou streets. Hnnast li.iv n.
m. UM 1'. m.frOm fith cut i.roc-n.
Lave jtoaing, week days, 1.35. 7.10,.10.C6
.nd 11.50 n. m., 6.55, 7l p. m. Hunday 1.35 and
Hi.48 a. in.
leaye 1'oltsTlllo, weelt days, 2.40, 7.40 a. to.,
-DO. 'ill 1). m. Hundav. 2.10. 7.00 a. ni. and
S.I5 in
ve Tanisqua, week days, 8.20, 8.48 and
2 ' a. in.. 1.21r-7.13. and 9.18 rj. m. Hundav 8.10
7 43 . m, and 450 p.m.
save filalianoy Ulty, weok days, 8.40, 8.18
nd 11.47b rn., 1.61, 7.42 and 0.44 p.m. Han.
at., 8.10,8.17 a. in., 3.20 p. m.
Leave Alalianoy Waue, week dfty8(2,O,4Ut0
1.30, 9.35 11.19 a. m.,1.05, 2.C0. 5 20, 6 28, 7.57, and
I 1.00 n. rn.-HnndRV2.4j. 4.00. and 8.27. h. m.
337,5.01 P.m.
jeuvo uiraravuie (Kappanannocc Htanoni
ween days, 2.47. 4.07, 6M, and 9.41 a. in., 12.03,
i 12, 5.2(1, 0.82, 8.03 and 10.08 p.m. Hunday, 2,47,
I 0", b.S3 a. m. 3.41, 6.07 p.m.
iuve Wllllamsport, week days, S.00.9.45ana
It .55 a. in. 35 and 11.16 p. in. Hunday 11.15
STor Baltimore, Woshlnston and the ivesl
via 1). i O. It. It., through trains leave Olrerd
Wcnue station, 1'hllaaelphla, (P A K. R. It.)
st 4.16, 801 aud 11.27 a. m 1.84. 4.24, 6.65 an
.'.23 p. m., Sunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a. m., 4.24
Leave PhlladelDhla. Chestnut street Wha t raw
uiu ojuwoixeei wnarx. i lw
for AtlautieClti.
Week-doys Express. 8 00. 9:00 a. m. S.'fo.
8.00. .iip, 5 00 p, ai, Accommodation, 740s..
m. and 4.15. a 30 t. m. "iff'
aaadays. Wipress, 8.00, 9.00 a. so, Aq.
comma miloD,'8.00 a. m. and 4.45 p. in.' "i1""
Hoturnlng, , leave . Atlantla city, .depot,
tlftntlO and Arkansas nvennes. Wevktas '
Fjtprosn,7.00,7.S09.00 a, m. and 3.15. AM, 6.80
p. m. Accommodation 6.00, 8.10 a. m. and
4.80 p. ci. Sundays-Express, 4.00, 6.00 p. m.
Accommodation; 7.30 a. in. and 5.05 p. m.
O. U. U&NUOUK, Uen'i i-ivss'r Agt.
, A. MuLEOU, Pres. 4 Uen'l Edananer.
Bcnnri,Kii.L Division,
Mand after September l.'lSji.'frat'tU teav
JihtiMHiluuh as, follows:. . .
For n'lgf,n, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New
..aslle. St, Olalr, anu way points, b.W, 9.1J
Uuuiliiys, duo, 9.40 a m and i-.'O p m.
f or PuttsviUe, 0.00, 9.10 a ra and 4. 16 tc
Sundays. (J00,.40a m and 3.10 p m,
tor Heading, 6.1K), a m and 4.15 pn.
Sundays, WW, 9.40 a.m. ondSJupm.
S"or Pottstowu, Phoomxvllle, Norrittown
uid PhlladelFhla (llrood street station), li.ou,
a, m. and 4.15 p tn week days
jucGayu, Wu, 9.411 a m 8.1U p m
Trains leave Frockvllie lor Bhenandcan at
ij.40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,P9 1, m, Sundays,
1 18 am and 6.40 p m.
Leave .Pottsvllle lor Bhenandoah,
.1.48, a in 7.15, 9.42 1 m. fauuaayb, iu.ili a in
ijeave muuaeinnia (oroaa street ftation).
ir PottsvlllondHhenandoo)i, 6X7, 8 8i8vf
4. 0 and 7.00 p m week days,
ti2S am.
i.orNewYork,8.20,4,ri5, 4.40, 0.35, .50. 7.80.
S.20B.B.I, 11.00and 11.14, 11.85m. 12.0unoon,
'Umlled eTnresa, 1.06 4.60 n m.) 12.21 12.44, L40,
3.80, '.20, .02 6, ii,2 ), 6.50 7.18 8.12 and 10,00 p.
m. 12.01 niEUt. ,
in Sunaays, S 211, 4.05, 4.40. 5.35. 8.12, 8.30, 9.50,
1135 . ui, na 12 21. 12 41. 2 30. 4 Oi. (limited?
4.i i), S 23. ''21 1 , .: m an't 12 01ni?hv
For Sea Girt. Lone Branch and IntermedlHIe
stations 4,05, 050, 8.25 and 11 89 a. in., 6.40, 3.S0,
4. 10 p. m. ween days. 8 .turduys only 5 00 p.
pi. ctuoHay 4 ana o m a, m.
For Baltimore and Waslilngton, 3.50, 7.20,
9.10 and 11.18 a. in., 4 -11. 657, 7.40 p.m. aud 12.03
night dally and 8 31, 10.20 a. m., 12 35 (United
express.wlth dintug car ta Baltimore) 1.30, 8.46
p. m. weik days. For Baltimore only 2.02, 4.01
wren uuyp, a.vo, u.ov p. ui. uuiiy.
For Hichmond, 7 20 a.m. and 12.03 night
daily, 130p. m. ually, exceptBunday, ,
irMina leave narriuoure ior l'limuure ana
ho west every day at I? 25 and 8.10 a m and
.'JO (limited) and 3.40, 8 30, 0.35 p m. Way for
AJtooiiH. 10 a m and 4.10 p m every day.
For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a ni dolly and 1U.20
m week days.
Leave Sunbnry lor Wllllamsport, Elmi,
anandalgua, ltocheeter, Knaaloand Niagara
allB, 5,10 a m dally, and 1,42 p in week dsy,
"or vatklns, 6.30 p m week days.
For Krle and lnterm edlate points, 6,10 a m
tally, For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.60 a m.
14Uy 142 and 5.30--p; m. week days. For
:-t nova 6.10 am 1.42 and 630 p m week dayr,
.10 a. m Sundays,
MiAS. IS. POOll, J. It. WOOil,
- nsn.-Man'r . Hen. Pass. Agt.
2tmiatiie tntneei May. 10, 1N)1.
Trains leave Reading IP. & It. station) fnr
uiuraiuir, neyiert, nirufcooro, Joanna, spring-
Chesler.ChadsIord Jnuotou. B. A O. JuiictV'A.
Vf uyumuiuK uuuuuuu, UJUKBVlJltf, v SI'
Wilmington and intermediate stations,
except Sunday) at 6.25 land HJM a.m. aud 3.
p. m. eunaay omy at s.iu p, m.
For Warwick, SL Peters and Intermediate
ktatlons.dally except Sunday, at 9,20 a.m., and
'For Blrdnboro and Intermediate slatloiA.
r ur uiiitJiuuic uuu tt asiiiuKtuu m. a. j. iv.
li.) dally except Sunday at 0.26 ana sjy i
and 3.15 rt. ni.
irnins arrive ai iteauing r. at iv. outtiuuj
(rom Wilmington, li. O. Junction, Mon(
rhanln, chaddslord Junctloa, West Chekter,
Lenape, Coatesvllle, Waynesbure Junction,
Sprmgneld,Joanna,Blrdsbaro, Gibraltar, Bey.
fen and Intermediate stations, dally except
Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m. bun
day only nt 11 24 a. m.
"From Bt. Peters, Warwick and intermediate
stations, dally except Sunday, at 8.21 a. m.
and 2.25 p. m. Sunday only at 6 p. m.-
From BDdsboro and Intermediate stations,
Saturday only at 1.40 p. m.
From wafchloglonand Baltimore, dally ex
rept Sunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.52 and 8.17 p. m,
Sunday only at 11.21 a. m.
. hOWNESS BHIGGH, Gen'l Pass. Art.
D II OTII n P wrfi 'tl,e undersigned,
I II T I II K T . are entirely cured ol
II U I I UliLl Hupture by Dr. J. B.
SIAYEIt, 831 Arch .St., Pbila. Thomas B.
IlartUug, New ltlnggold, Po., I. fandt, Soulh
Easton, Pa.. : L. P. A C. A. Deturck, Oley, Pu
It. O. Stanley, 424 Spruce St., Lebanon, pa., A.
Schneider. lxcut Dale, Pa., D, B. Noll, Lime
kiln, Pa.. Wm.E. Hanenstlne, Phoenlxvllle,
Pa,. Wl M. Lflnboch, 024 WiikhlDgton Ht7,
Heading, Pa., J. C. Lyme. 1310 W. Howard St.,
liarrlsburg, Pa., O. Keelin, Douelassvllle, Pa,
Dr, -MAYEIt-ls 'at Hotel Penn, Reading, Pa.,
on the 2nd Saturday of each month.
Call to
Not R East Centre C'ret-t; Uahanoy City, Pa
Skin and all special disease a specially.
,IO -