The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 12, 1891, Image 3

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Presents in the most elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to tbe human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative tw pertua
npjitly cure Habitual Consti
pation, and tbe many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It n the most excellent remedy known to
'Vhen one is Bilious or Constipated
Every one is usiug it and all are
delighted with it.
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agent,
OFFICE Heddall's Boilding,
Cor. Main and Ccntro Streets. SIIENAkDOAH, PA,
rnurcni i run on i.e.:
nnnnrnri; rnn on fir.
u weiii UK uuiino. wiiii nil uwinum nuu iw
n..nt 1 nanA Vdd4 I Vr.l m
2 A valuable property located on Bouth Jar-
om Btreet.
3 Heven rtwelllnrr houses at. the corner of Oil
bert and liloyd streets. Good Investment.
Terms reasonable.
538 i
Worth Fourth St.,
bcL Greta, emLADau-Ki.
the only genulue flnmw Amuilcsa
gpucUllat in the United SUt who U
ftbla to onn Dlpod PolBOrif
Nervous Debility "4 8pc-t-M
Diseases of .
gklu DlKMra. Ked BpoUPslns la th
ioue,3orQThrontt Mouth,
Blotchca, PlmpW, Fruptionn, loft or
hM-4 Uloprt, BweWngi, Irritation,
lnllunuiKUoQB and Runnlngf,
Btrloturci. 'Weakncal and Early
doy, lout memory, wert back, mental nilrty, KMoey mm
BU tder PlwAiM and all rJIai tmsIUdi irorn
IalIcreUon or Overwork. Reoent caeored In 4 to 10 o,tb f
relief at once. Po not low hope, no matter what
tlninjt Hooter, Quack, Family or Ilfrltal Phyrielan hss hurt.
Br. Til EE 1, eurca positively without detention Iron,
fcnelnen. oto, tctw, mipihi op kd thoi wirriMPtiTisa
-t-t. . ..! in atntnn for hrtOlf
"TRUTH" atpoiin QomIm under rwwn U-atlfnoiitals.
iIwM.Adlr ftim 9 to 3, FVs 8 , Wed. and Sat.
Tor RofeniMM to Wedn. M Satin-Jar Phil, daily 'Thx
W ii.n trjuhWf with tbow nnnoyirit irrHKOiniu-
e. t ff.nnrlr. t tnl.l O&irXDO-nMS. or trwiv x.
rf4.f kf 'jimm pills in il ., iMir'firi
i wn fid. w- i
: , t vr ipius wo
Blck ncalicho and rollovo nil tbo tronUia lncf
dent to a bllloua otato of tha eyatdm. buou sa
Dlzzlnesa, Nausea, Srowalneis, Dlstroea aftcs
cntlcg.Falnln tho Eldo, to. Vhllo tholrtuosj
rsiartablo eucccaa Lag boca shown In cittliij 4
ilcaa&the. yet Carterti Uttli TJvar rilla an
equally valuable In Constipation, curlngand pro
venting this annoy Ins complaint, vihllo theyalea
correct alldlBorderB of tho stouuehtimuuto tin
; LUebowelJ. Even ii tUey 0U7
Aclio tboy w onl J be almost priceless to tnosonna
1 Cttfer f rora this di.itrcai.liig complaint; but f ortu
satoly t helrg"odnosa dosti oote&d here,and thoM
who once try them will find these little pills vain.
Able in eo many wayathattbey will not bo wit
;X1es to Uo without them. Bat after allstclc havi
flu the banc of so many Uvea that here la whtra
iVretinVo cur gnat boast. Oarptltaonwltwliilo
othi-ru do not
t an. r a 1 Mia Livor Pills u . vry small and
very e..i intake. Ona or two plUs make a dots.
tTbey ura ,.'rlc.Iy vctable and do not gripo or
punm, but by Uulr gentle actios please all who
usetheu In vials at 2fi cents; rive for 91. Sokl
by drugging everywhere, or sent by null.
Chlehwtcr'a Xfurlit Rratt.
,V Orlcfnnl AalT 4lfily CHHI.e.
Btrc. thia rtuftUe i. ,it. ul
V"'" tJk.lwulilni(i riSbou Tiiie XW
i Other, ifruteifunymuu. intuitu- V
' Ii' AtUrum;lJl.,or..ndS9,
w v'l'J"''' ,"'' i
it, ilt f ft, r.iHK,M in rl,m-, by retura
Or tlto Llinior Ilnlilt. l'olll'ly Cureu
uy nuiuiiiiaii'Miijc uuiue
UalUcn Mk'cIIU'.
It Id manufactured oaapowder.whloh can be given
tn a plus ot beor. a oup of eoMee or tea. or in rood,
mll.uu.Ui knowledge of ibe patient. It is absolute?
kuu oileaa, and will effect a permanent and speedy
cur, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or
analctihollowreok It has been lvn in thousands
of eases, aud in every lUBtanoe a perfeot eure has fol
lowed It never KiilU. The system onee lmpree;ria
edwlth the beoomee an utterimpoealbiilt
CH..HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah
Roferco Dunn's DcciBion Mootf
"Willi Disapproval.
Only the Friends of MoAulifFe Who Ap
par at All Pleased,
The Pollen Interference Wns r Llttl
Itntigh on tiio Several Cor I.onds nt
Bportu Who Cnme from Dlstnnt Cltles
A S7.000 Purse Involved In tho Hoelslol
-McAulKTo AVeeps Over Ills Vletorj,
New Yoiik, Sep. 13. Jere Dunn, tht
rofereo In the SroAullffe-Qibbons flght n
the rooms of the Granite Athlotlo Aso
elation In Hoboken last night, Is coming
In to-day for n round of rtbuse from tlir
frlonds of Ollilions, also from those who
had nlaoed their money on the New Jer
sey lud, for his decision In awarding tho
flght and, consequently, tho 7,090
purso to McAullfte. Tlie Drooklyp
boy's supporters, however, are In high
glee, and declare that Dnnn could not
have dcolded otherwise and acted fairly.
Some of them go so far as to declare that
police Interference was n prearranged
scheme to save Gibbons from defeat. At
any rate It was a little rough on the sev
eral carloads of sports who came from
Boston, Troy, Philadelphia and other
distant points, to be deprived of seeing
the fight out.
The general opinion nmong uninter
ested and thoughtful sporting men Is
that the deellon was unfair to Gibbons,
on the ground thnt the articles called for
a finish fight, and thero was 110 finish.
Tho point Is accentuated by tho fact that
when the match was made McAuIlffo
wanted It bo for 15 rounds, but the Gib
bons party, appreciating McAulllTo'a
cleverness, and seeing that ho might
win on points in a stated number of
rounds, insisted that tho torms should bo
to a finish, and McAuliffe finally signed
the articles with a clause to that elTuct
lnsoited therein.
It Isn't often reoorded that tho winner
of a flght weeps on hearing the decision,
but that is what McAuliffe did.
In the first round McAuliffe forced tho
fighting, but tho round closed with hon
ors about evon.
MoAuliffo Bcored first blood In tho sec
ond round by a right-hander under Gib
bons' left oye. He received several body
blows in return.
Tho third round saw several hard
blows exchanged and Uluoons' left eyo
received another fierce right-hander.
Clinches and sparring consumed tho
time of tho fourth round.
A right-hander on Gibbons' jaw in tha
fifth round fnirly dazed tho Patorsonboy
for a moment, but he soon recovered and
they pounded each other fiercely to tha
At the beginning of tho sixth round
tho men clinched and began hammering
each otho at short range. It was tho n
that the police Interfered and btopped
The IEeported Compromise Said to He
Muro Tluin Idkuly,
New YonK, Sep. 1M. It is now claimed
that Mrs. Hopkins-Sonrles, who left all
Iter property to her second husband,
Decorator Edward F. Soarles, whom she
married in her old age, made a will in
1887, at about the time of that marrlngo,'
in which she left hulf of her ?75,000,003
to her adopted son, Tim Hopkins, and
his wlfo, who was her favorite uiece, and
thnt she divided tho other half among
her cousins and nlecos,
This will form the basis of tho coming
contest of tho other will.
Jano A. Hebbard Smith and Harriet
Hubbard, cousins of Mrs. Soarles, aro not
among tho contestants of the will,
though they were both remombered
in that 18S7 will and omitted
from the will now under contest. Other
people uro appearing nil over Now
England as relatives aud lawful heirs of
Mrs. Hopklns-Searlos; but it is said that
Timothy Hopkins is tho only contestant
with a leg to stand on, and it U whisp
ered that as tho coutosc, if successful,
would break up 11 vast block of South
ern Pacific stock, persons interested in
that road have joined with Edward F.
Searles and that u oompromiso will bo
reached before the case is called in court.
Kubo llurrotva' Captors Rewarded,
WAshiNoton', Sep. 12. Postmnster
General Wanamnker has ordered that
warrants aggregating $3,000 be ap
proved, aud Jefferson D. Carter of Myr
tlonborough, Ala., and Thomas V. Jack
son of Aberdeen, Miss,, each recelvo
$1,1)00 and that thejromainiug $l,000ba
equally divided between six other per
sons. These men were Instrumental in
in tho capture of the notorious outlaw,
Kubo Burrows, and his gang in Alabama
last fall.
To Welcome Bonutor Hlgglns.
New Yohk, Sept. 12. When United
States Senator Higglns reaches here on
bis way home from Europe on the steam
ship Saale to-morrow he will have u
royal welcome His friends from Dela
ware will como from Wilmington on a
speolal train, and here they will be mot
by Nathaniel McKay and several other
Republicans, who will escort them to u
steamer, chartered to take them down
the bay.
Call for u 3Itlngof Hebrews,
New Yohk, Sep. 13. Prominent He
brews In all parts of the United States
have been invited by the trustees of tho
Huron Hirsch fund to meet in this city
on Wednesday, Sept 2D, for the purpose
of co-operating in the formation of an
American Itelief Committee to make tbo
best possible disposition of the exiled
Russian Jews coming to this country,
An Injunction Dissolved.
WlUJUANTlc, Conn., Sep. 12. The
temporary injunction granted by Judge
Thayer of the Superior Court against tha
extonsion ot Valley street, in the case of
tho New York & New England Railroad
versus tho Borough ot Willlmuntlc, bait
been dissolved.
Senator Hendricks Would Not Aoccpt,
Syracuse, Sop, 18. Friends of Senator
Hendricks, who has been mentioned as
the probable successor ot J. Sloat Fas.
eott as Collector of the Port of New
York say that the Senator would not ac
cept tha place.
a cooking re
ceipt calls for
baking pow
der, use only
the "Royal." Better re
sults will be obtained
because it is the purest.
It will make the food
lighter, sweeter, of finer
flavor, more digestible
and wholesome. It is
always reliable and uni
form in its work.
A. FORTIN, Chef, White House,
for Presidents Atthur and Cleve
land: "I have toted many baking
powders, but for finest food can use
none but 'Royal.'"
Supposed Burglar Found Wntmdecl.
WORCESTER, Mass., Sep. Vi. A man.
supposed to be tho notorious burglar who
is very much wanted for numerous
crimes committed in Boston, Providence,
Hartford and other New England cities,
was found lying on tho sjdowalkon Main
street suffering from a bullet wound. It
Is believed he was on his way to a doc
tor's when he foil exhausted. Ho gave
his name as Martin. Ho is now in the
hospital. Officials of tho cltios in which
Martin plied his trade have been tele
graphed for, and they are oxpectod to
coino hero and identify htm.
Suddon Deaths.
Htnrt dlsnssK Is by isr tho most frequent
oun-uol sudden desili. which In three out of
four eases la uuausptcled. The hyniptoinaaro
not generally utidemlood Thee are: lytrtg
on t ne right Hide, shurl brenth, pamorills
toss In side, buck or fhoiilder. Irregular
inUte, iiHtiittia. Met it and bungiy spells, wind
In aioiiiiich, MveHiiL,- o: ankles or drops?,
opp resell n, dry com h and smiith: rin. Dr
lles' Illustrated 1 00k on Ilesri LH6euse, free
li J. H. lli.ijpnliucli, who si 11 and gnaranlee
Dr. Miles' unequuled New II earl Cure, at d Ills
Kentoratle Nervlm , which cures ntrvoo--new,
lieHtlarhe, sleeplessries-, eflecls of drink
ing, etc. It coninit.h no opiates.
The nutiimn girl will dou epaulette.
Mile)' fterve una Jjlver PUttt
Ac 1 on a new principle regulating tbe
liver, fctomaeh and bowels ihi ouqh the timw
A t'tiv dUoovery. Dr. Miles' Mils siHedlly
cuic lilllousucs. bud tHste, wpld liver, piles,
constipation Unequaled' ior men, women,
flmdieu. HuialLsl, niliaost, surest 1 Sidosos,
JSets. Samples Free, at fj. H. ilagfnbuch'a
dri.i; store.
Moonlight Is 011 the increase.
Oh, V?hat a Cough.
Will yon heed tho wir iilnir? The 'Ignnl per.
arm of tb'. fcure htii rnneh of thnt more tr-
rtblo dlnoaHi, Conriunpt Ion. Ask yoursblvis
If you can allord li.r the sake 01 shviuk 60 1
u nit, to run the Dsn and do nothing lor It. .
We know Iron exix-rleuee that Milton's Cura I
will Cure onr Cough. It. nevi-r falls. This
explrlns why more than r. Million Bottles
were told the tinst vear. It lelleves Croun
und Whopplne cough at onee. Mothers do
m be without It. tor ljimo BaoK, Hide or
Chest, Ue 8hlloh's Porous I'laslir. Bold by
0. fl. Hagenburh, X. E. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
Leaves will ou bo turning.
Hold It to tho Light.
Tbu man who tells you oonildentially
ust what will cure your cold is pioscribins
Kemp's lialfato this yesr. In the prep
aration of this remarkable medicino ior
eoughe and colds no expeneo is spared to
combine only the beet and purest ingredi
ents. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to
the light and look through it; notice tbe
briRht, clear look; than compare with
othr remedies. Price 60c. and $1
Thanksgiving day next.
Shlloh's Consumption Curo.
This is beyond question the moat suc
cessful Cough Medicine we hnve ever hold,
1 lew doses Invariably cure tbe worst of
Cough, Croup, nnd Broiichlttf, while its wou
dertul t-ucoM-s In the cure of Consumption is
without a parallel in the history of nitdlclue.
Since It's first discovery it bas b'en sold ou a
;tiHrantee, a test which no othjr medicine
can flUtud. Ii you have a ccngu we earnestly
ask yon to try it. Price 10 1 enu. 60 oeuts, aud
11.10. If your l.ungs are sore, Chest or Hack
fame, use Hhllnh's i'orous Plaster. Bold by
0. H. Hugenbuch, M. 10. corner Main aud
Lloyd streets,
Maluria is ripe.
Startling Facts.
The American people ate rapidly becoming
a mcu of nervous wrecks, and the louowmg
mggeMs thcbtuiire" edy; Alphntisollempti
lug, of Duller, Pa., swears tbut wtieu Ills son
was speochless from bit. Vitus dance Dr
Miles' great llenturatlvo Nervine cured him.
Mrs. J. it Miller, or Valparaiso, nnd J. D.
TaWor, of lxgansport, Jnd., enu 1 gained 20
pounds from taking It, Mrs. II. A. Uarduer,
of Vistula, lud,, was cured of 40 to 60 con
vulsions n day, and much heudacb?, dliEi
nets, backache and nervous illustration by
one bottle. Trial bottles, ana fine books of
marvelous cuies, fiee at C. 11. lingenbuch,
the druggist, who recommends and guaran
tees this unequuled renin!'.
This is another plaid season In dreas
Rooky Mountain Curo.
Tbe druggists claim that people call
daily fop the new cure for constipation and
sick headache, discovered by Dr. Silse
Lane while in the Rocky Mountains. It it
lid to be Oregon grape root (a great
remedy in the far AVett for those eoso
plaint) combined with simple herbs, and Is
made for use by pouring on boiling water
to draw out the strength. It sells at 60
cents a package and is called Xase's
Family Medicine.
Plant an advertisement now for fall
Alva's Brazilian Specido Co., 8 Wall street
N. Y. Gentlemen: I take pleasure In teatl
fyingto the curative powers of your Caoius
Hiood (?ure. which has relieved me of mus
cular rheumatism ol long standing. I was
troubled seriously by dyspepsia as well, from
which, I am pleased to stale, It has also cured
Assuring you that I shall recommend your
meuicine 10 my jrienoa, 1 uui.
Yours respectfully.
f 1J J iiiiuni1.
Due. S. IBM. 310 Ninth Bt.. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Bold at Klrlln's Drug Btore.Kerguson House
mocK. anenanapan,
Ho Sens n Lone Permit of Prosperity fos j
tin Country,
St. Pali, Sept. lWay Coolce, whoM
lnimro on niacit v rinay ' precipiutwiii
tho financial panic of 1878, lias been
traveling through the West and Is fnl
ot confidence in better times ahead. Ha
snys: ''I look forward to a long time of
immense prosperity for the United 1
States, 1 1 telle ve that we are now at the
beginning 01 an era which will mark the
advance of our cruntry to the rank ofthe
foremost romm.'rolal and financial na
tion In the world
"For years the United States has been
.HiiuBiij ,11 immune ul huiii,
whieh was sent abroad to redeem or re
purchase the securities, both public aud
private, which wore sold to foreign oapl
tnllstH in the times of our financial de
prsMlons. Everslnoo the beginning of
the war this has been going on. It is
new altont ended The United States'
Indebtedness to Europe has nearly all been
paid, and the current money income has
set the other way. Hereafter the gold
will come to us."
Referring to an nrtlcle by C. P. Hunt
ington, published recently In a leading
mafMlne, advocating the consolidation
ot tfie railways of theoountry, Mr. Cooke
Mi "The tendency of all lines of bust
nose and eutcrpilses now Is toward cen
tralisation. Combinations are formed
by corporations and individuals in the
same line of business, whereby the cost
of operating is reduced and nll'a e bene
fitted by the unity and hnrniony of man
A Protost Against the Action of tho Ger
man Cathotin Ooaffres.
BW.1K, Sep. 12. The protests of Italy
against the action taken by the Catholio
Congress at DanUlu, in favor of the res
toration of the temporal power of tho
rope, nas arouseu great excitement m
Oathollc circles.
The Congress is composed entirely of.
Germans, and If the Prussian government ;
should decide against their right to sit
any longer in its dominions, the members
may reassemble in Bavaria or some other
Catholic state.
Tho Congress has decided to call on
International Catholic Congress to dis
cuss the question of the restoration of !
the temporal power, and has also resolved '
to commemorate the centenary of tho !
birth of Plus IX, which falls on May 80
next, uy tue erection of a monument to
Dr. Wlndthorst at Moppen, the place
whero the late Catholic leader was re
peatedly elected to the Reichstag.
Hangers In Pursuit Disregard the anil
Itcpeiitedly Kuter Mexico.
San Antonio, Sep. 12. Tho rangers
In pursuit of the Southern Paoiflo train
robbers have their men almost com
pletely hemmed in on the Itio Grande.
So close behind tho bandits are the of
ficers that yestorday morning another
one of tho robber's horses, worn out and
panting, wa found by the pursuers on
tho river bank, whore it had been evi
dently abandoned only u short time bo
fore. The robbers continue to cross nnd re
cross the Rio Grande, nnd the officers, in
disregard ot international law, follow the
trail Into Mexico wherever it leads them.
The trail shows evldenco ot at least
eight men in tho gang. There aro 15 of
the rangers, nnd whenever they tlo over
take the robbers thero will bo ,1 bloody
Police Guarding Pol.oned Goods,
New York, Sep. -12. The discovery
of tho fact that coffee, spices, fruits and
other products in tho lower part of tho
recently burned wnrohouso In South I
street, had been more or less Impreg
nated with wator that had been in con
tact with quantities of arsenic nnd 811I-
phate of oopper on the upper floors,
caused cousiaerntno excitemont far a
time among grocors and private con
sumers through fear that thoso food
stuffs might be put on the market with
out their- dangerous character being
known. Police have since been stationed
at the ruins to see that the poisoned
goods are not rumavud.
f Whlto Was Not nn Aeronaut.
Jehssy Citt, N. J., Sep. 12. It has
been learr?d thnt George White, who
voiunta ny tooK uie place ot Aeronaut
Donald nt Weehawken, Wednesday, ou
account of tho latter's inability to make
the ascension on account of sickness, nnd
who was drowned In the Hudson river
by the balloon falling on him in tho
water, was not an aeronaut, but a
trapeze performer. It is also lwlieved
tlmt he could not swim, for he had ara
plo opportunity to drop from the tranezo
into the water whllo tho balloon was still
several feet above the surface of the
Anxious to Continue the Invostltrntton.
Wabhikotok, Sep. 12. Treasury of
ficials are seeking to And some fund out
of whieh to continue the Keystone Na
tional Bank Investigation, which up to
tills time has btuu prosecuted by govern
ment ofilciuls in Philadelphia, Aeting
Secretary Spaulding said last evening It
any money could be properly directed to
this purpose the investigation would cer
tainly proceed.
l.lsmnrok's Attaek of Apoplexy.
London, Sept. 12. Bismarck's re
ported attack of apoplexy has caused a
sensation in all tbe European capitals,
and especially in Berlin. Eager inquiries
were at once mads as to tbe extent of the
attack, anil from all that can be learned
the Prince Is not seriously affected, al
though lie will not for some time be fit
to appear iu public as freely as usual.
Flower Will Resign irXoiultiated.
New York, Sep. 12. It Is authorita
tively stated that Roswell V. Flower will
resign the offloe of Congressman, which
lie now holds, as soon as he i nominated
for Governor by the Democratic State
Convention, which convenes at Saratoga
on Tuesday next.
To He Presidential Postoltles.
Washington, Sept. 12. The following
named fourth-class postoiilces will lie
raised to the Presidential class October It
Brower, Me.; Llvorroore Falls, Me.; Mel
rose Highlands, Mass.; Derry Depot, N.
H. ; Blrdsborough, Pa., and Derby Lane,
Schools Closed on Account of Diphtheria.
Bevmly, N. J., Sep. 13. The schools
here have been closed on account of dlpli
therla, which is prevalent to an alarm
Ing extent.
rjo,, tmt fjjg KiUC(l
tho Policviiinn.
Borne of Hit Friends Adranoa a Theory
in Hii Behalf.
--- .... ... , .....
Some 1'rlsnd Who Whs With Curtis at
the Time of His Arrest, Itut This Will
Hnrdlr Held Th Aeented Almost Fran
tic Irtim Worry ami Fear.
Xew York, Sep. 12. The announce
ment from San Francisco that M. II. Cur
tie, "Sam'l of Poen," had shot and
killed a policeman in that city oame as a
great shock to his many friends and ac
quaintances In the theatrical profession
Sinee the failure of "The Schatehen"
last year Curtis is known to have lieen
drinking heavily. He always carried a
pistol about with him wherever he went,
but was usually quiet and peaceful, oven
in drink, say his friends.
Charles Klein, who was Curtti' under
study during "The Schatehen" tour, said
this morning: "Curtis was one of the
liest-tiatured fellows I ever knew. He
was always helping his brother actors out
of a hole. Why, Christmas before last
he returned a whole lot of promissory
notes, amounting to several thousand
dollars, as a Christmas present to the
j fellows who owed him the money.
I "Curtis has been acting very strangely
1 for n long time past. The failure of
j "The Schatehen" broke him all up, I
1 don't believe he can have been in his
riKut mind when he shot that man
Sports from 'Frisco convey the lnfor-
rnatlon that Curtis is almost frantic with
worry und fright over the terrible charge
against him. When arrested, the police
f;ay, he was either very drunk or under
the effect of some powerful drug, and he
was a pitiable object as he sat in the po
lice station wringing his hands in despair,
running from one officer to another to
protest his innocence and telling in an
Incoherent, drunken way of bis doings
dining the night. Ho was intoxicated,
and as he staggeied up from his seat
some one would puBh lilm back again.
Time and time again be started to his
"My God," he cried, "If I could oaly
recall the last four hours of my life. I'm
no murderer, gentlemen; 1 had no pistol.
I shot nobody. 1 haven't an enemy in
the world."
Vainly he protested his innocence of
nny offense and wanted to go homo to
his wife. In a rambling way he told tho
story of his business and his affairs.
Although Curtis persistently denies
nil knowledge of the crime, yet circttm
stanoeH at present look very dark for
him. Some of his friends, however, in
sist that lie may be telling the truth in
I the matter. Thoy say that, although
tho policoman was shot and killed only
half it block away from tho station
house, it was not impossible for soma
' ono othor than Curtis to havo done tho
! killing.
One theory advancod on behalf of tho
I accused is, that some one was with him
I when tho officer took him into custody,
nnd that, ns bo was also likely intoxi
' catod, he followed and coming up behind
1 the policeman shot him dead, dropped
111s revolver ana lieu.
This theory will hardly held even if an
nttempt is made to establish It, as there
were two witnesses to tho shooting. They
are young men and stood directly across
the street and heard tho policeman say:
"Come along now." There was no reply,
but at almost the same Instant the youmr
1 men saw a flash. A pistol shot rang out
in the quiet street, followed in quick sue-
1 cession by two more reports. The officer
fell to the sidowalk without a groau, and
j Curtis, who a moment beforo had boen
' bis prisoner, turned and fled' up Folsom
I street.
I Police officers state that Officer Grant
had unquestionably placed Curtis un
der nrrest for disturbing the peace, and
that Curtis shot the officer while being
taken to tbe station.
When the ease of Curtis was called be
fore Police Justice Worley the accused
looked pale and trembled perceptibly,
; evidently not having slept
much since
the shooting ocourred. By consent the
case was postponed until Monday, to
await the action of tho coroner's jury
nnd to allow the attorneys to prepare
their oase.
Curtis was born in Detroit, and is
about Bo years old. He mudo his first
appearance on tho stage in Daltimore
about 18 yoars ago, playing small parts
in the stock company for several seasons,
and then went to San Francisco.
Not long ago he told a friend of his
that until ''h-am'l of Poson" was pro
duced. In 1881, he had never earned moro
than 20 a week as an actor. He starred
in "Posen" for six or seven years, and
produced in this olty "Caught in a
Comer," a sequel to the former play.
Curtis appeared last in a production
ot "The Schatehen" last September.
The play was a failure and Curtis took
to drink. One night while playing an en
gagement in tbe Iee Avenue Academy,
Brooklyn, Curtis mysteriously disap
peared. Nothing was heard of him for
several weeks, aud then reports reached
this city that he and his wife, Albina do
Mer, an exceedingly pretty French Cana
dian, had returned to their old play,
"Sam'l of Posen," aud were acting out
Until recently Curtis was extremely
well off. He owned a great deal of real
estate in California- In fact a small
town out there, about half of which lie
owns, has been named Posenville. Ha
tried to build a big sum user hotel there
last year, but it is still in an unfinished
condition owing to lack of funds to
carry It through.
Labor Trouble ut Haverhill
Haveiihill, Maes., Sep. IS. The labor
troubles at Cliiok Brothers' factory are
still on. The men who last week re
nounced their allegiance to the union are
at work, but are hooted and jeered at
by those still out whenever opportunity
offers. The I .asters' Union has arranged
a scale with Chick Brothers whieh is to
continue for a year.
Sit Us tied tlmt the AVur Is Over.
BVASHntoTOX.S6n.i2. -Admiral Brown.
Commander of the Vaclflo station, has
ben ordered to proceed from Chili to
Can FrauciBco. The reoall of Admiral
Brown bhovra that the State and Navy
department oouuldor tho troubles In
Chill ut an end.
is WATeneKuuF.
a it And nan mc t-n ISi
Kh curt
be MA.h"d
no gnusiMNO neouiRED
Ued tr raer.. wninnn and children.
look tit my rid ohlp hwlwt.hrn't U ft boaul, t
I amrm jam nnmuMi pauniiuw wiw
vrlll do half a dosan basket.
WOLFF RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
PIll-KON beantiaesotherthirMts besides buskrts
It makes a white alawi ae any cnlor ym; 'V.
pire to mateh. It ehansea a pin table l
walnut, a oane rocker to mahogany.
It BtHlns, paints. laeMOeri., Japnns,
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Inaes, Mortgages and Honda written,
Marriage licenses and legal claims
promptly attended to.
Heal Eslale, Collection and mtmt knty,
Oenerol Fire Insurance Business, Rermcuts
the Northwestern Idle Insurauci to.
OrFlCB- Muldoon's building, corner Centre
and West His., ttheuaiidc h, Pa.
Goof Hroperliet ol All Kinds Far Sale.
1. A two story double iron e dwell'ng 1 ouse
K10renud restaiiruti . 1 i Ea-t '"tntre Ht
2. A dwelling nnd restatirsu' on Ksst Centre.
3. fiespHble property ot' corner Outre oi ct
Jardm streets, suliable for biialnis pur.
I oe.
4. A two story double frame dwelling, on
Wet Lloi d si ren .
5. Two 2-story Iraine dwellings on Wtst Cen
tre street.
6. 7wo Htory dwellings ou the corner of
Coal and Chestnut streets Were rc om la
7. Two-slory slngk house on North ( heMnut
street with a mrge wr eh' use attli lenr.
8. Thr ee lwo-iory clouWe frame bu'ldlniit
corner or Lloyd and 1 1 1 belt streets.
Ask my ngentH for W. I.. Iiiialn Shorn.
11 tint rir anil lit vnnt- nlni.. iimIc -.,..
dealer to send for cntnlogue, secure tlio
iiBuiicr, huh sei mem ior ran.
It IsttBeatnlL'S!iliH'. with n . tucks or -nx tlm ml
to hurt the fieti matfc of the Itest lluo cult, stylWi
nnu oaiy, anil became we viake mvre tho, a of tht
omde than nny oth'-r manufacturer, It equals hand
eetveil shnos costing f mm to 65.W).
ffiffi 00 Cin 11 llnnd-tcvrt'il thefltK-fltcalt
UVJ ulion ever nnVred fur $5.Uj, eduals Fretu'li
Imported hoea whk'li rout from $s.intoiaiisJ.
C&A 0 IlHiul-rMMl Writ Mine, lino calf,
ipm RtyllHh, eomrortahlo and durable. The tn rit
shoe ever odereil ut thU pi lee i game grade as custom-made
shoe costing fmm Sfitw toiu.(X).
GSO 30 1'olU'e Hlioet Formers, Itaflmart Men
and I.etter('arrlrsftll vreartbem; ttnccatf,
seamless, si in hi Lh luHtde. heavy three doles, eiten
slon edaie. (no pulr u III m n- a year.
(lS oO flu 1 miff no hotter shoe ever offered at
tifiOmm U1I4 price; one trial will eonvtocu thuso
ho Vfant a shoo for comfort and service.
-3 mill MorkliiKinniiN short
PMim aro very strong and durable. Tliona wlio
imve given inem a trial win wear no other mulco.
worn by the bovn evcrvu here: ihevsnll
ou their merits, an the Increasing sales show.
I sftfl 1 8.1. WO IIuinl-Muetl shoo, best
in ws w jjoiiKmn, very sty iisn; equuts l rcnt-Li
Imported shoes enstlmf from SLuo to ftff.iw.
. 1. 11 til en tf-.-JO, S'2.00 fin. I $1.7.1 Bhoo Tor
MlMes are the he! due Dongola, Ktvllsh ami durable
('aiillon. See that W. L. Douglas' naniu und
prise aro stamped on the bottom of each shoe.
W. I. lKUULAa, Urocktou, Jlass.
Reliable Purely Cash Companies,
120 S. Jardm St., Shenandoah, Pa.
W. Baker & Go.'s
from which the cxtv.1 of
oil has been reuiov d, is
Absolutely Pure
aud it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
are used in its preparation. It has
more than three times the strength of
Cocou mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, nntl is therefore far moro
ccouomlcfil, co8(wiy less than one cent
a cty. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, kasit.v ihqksted,
nntl admirably mlapted for invalids
as well ns for persons in health.
Sold by Crocora ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & GO,, Dorchester, Mass.
tJ .
Otflee Bsddall's building corner Main and Centra
m 11 w v-