The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 12, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
It. C llUYlltl, Udllor uiul I'libllnlier.
IfJf. J. WATK1XX, Lnoal JUUnr.
the urnXIXO lll',RAl.Vhua lureef cir
culation in Mtenandonh than mf Other pnjier
publithett, Bookt open to all.
Daily, Mr yr - 8 00
-Weckly. ww rear 1 60
Entire d 1 the rrton1(t-, M Fhanandoali, P
lorlmnnmiwlon i.tanmshtb mails
M sesnud olam mall matter.
.Arrangement to Pit tho Norwood Atnlns
the Vamoos.
' Nw York, Sept. 18. There is every
probability that within the next few
days a race will b arranged between
Norman L. Munro'a steam launch Nor
wood and W. K. Hearst's new Herreahoft
flyer. Vamoose,
As already stated Mr. Munro challenged
Mr. Hearst for a hundred-tulle nice up
and down the Hudson from a point oil
the foot of West 22(1 street to a stake.
bout anchored 00 miles up the river and
buck over the same course to the start
ing point.
Mr. Hearst, in reply to the challenge,
has left the whole matter in the hands of
the engineer of the Vamoose for him to
arrntiite a race, if ho saw nt. J. he on
Kineer, whoi-e name is Hellbrun, will seo
Mr. Munro in a day or two and arrange
for the race, if possible
He gays that he will not agree to tlio
Hudson River as the course for the race,
as it would uot be fair to the Vamoose.
Ho added that the Sound would lw tha
only fair place upon whloh to make the
lest of speed. There they oould steam
over the eishty-nillo strnlglit-away courso,
of the American Yacht Club, from New
London to the club-house off Milton,
Point, or if Air. Munro preforred a hun
dred mile race it oould lw steamed to and
from a fifty-mile stake-boat.
Circular of thn K. ufL. lloycottlnirnFltts
burgr l'lrmof Cork Maker1.
PniLADBU'iiiA, Sep. 12, The Executlvo
Board of tho Knights of Labor has la
aued the following circular to overy dis
trict and local assembly in the entlru
"Last spring the firm of Armstrong
Bros. & Co., Limited, locked out their
employes, members of L. A. Io. II, at)!!,
while negotiations respecting wages and
shop rules, were pending between the
company nnd the assembly.
"An Investigation by the officers of tho
K. of L. disclosed tho fact that tho ac
tion of the firm was due solely to u de
sire on the part of themselves nnd their
foreman (a man notorious for his unfair
ness ami unreasoning hostility to or
ganized labor) to destroy the assembly so
that they might be able to cut the wages
ot their employes whilo dealing with
them individually.
"After repeated vain attempts to effect
a reasonable settlement of tho difficulty,
it has been found necessary to officially
declare the firm of Armstrong Bros. &
Co. unfair, and request fair workingmcn
everywhere to refrain from patronizing
the company and its customers."
"Wrecked Trains for Fun.
' TlEi.vinEiiF., V. J., Sept. 13. Darrnnd,
nlias "The Man from Peru," ox-inmnto
of many jails and lunatic asylums, who
has a mania for causing explosions, con
fesses that it was ho who tried, "just for
fun," to wreck the Lehigh Valley train.
Customs Hues nt Nnr York.
WAgnmaTON, Sep. 12. Custom",
to tho amount of $8,260,507 have been re
ceived at the port of New York during
the first 10 days of this month, ngalnst
$4,030,700 for the corresponding poriod
last year.
At least forty Uvea were lost in
earthquake shook at Snn Salvador.
Tho ontire Presidential family will
leave the Capo ilny Point cottugo on
Senators Jonos nnd Stewart (Heps), of
Nevada, will stump Ohio during this cam
paign in tha Interest of free coinage.
George W. Lonvitt, of Boston. 1ms sold
his two-year-old stallion Ilosphorous to
Dr. Urake of Httalleld, Me., for f 10,001),
It is rumored that Attorney-Gtiaral
Miller will be given a Judgeship and
that Secretary Noble will be made At
The reunion of tho First Brigade, New
Jersey Volunteers, will take place on
Monday next at the residence ot Gen. E.
iiurd Urubb at Kdgewater Park.
lVautller Indluations.
TfTASHWOTO-r, Sep. II. For New England!
Fulr, rain Sunday; stationary temiierature)
southwesterly wind.
Tor Motrn Now York. Eastern rennsyl.
vaula, New Jersey: Cloudy weather fullowud
by showers Sunday, lifflitlr cooler.
J'or Western New York and Western Ponu
sylvanla: Slightly warmer, fair, southwest
orly winds.
Sep. 11 Money oueall
1 i par oent.
loan log at a and
Ka. aau
ISO dsun lonu
4 s, 1907 (Snip ,117
Won atr
Cnnadlan Psolne fcU ,
Central PauUio..,.; $1
ChkMsfo, Bur, sQulnoy Bfl
Delaware & Hudson VM
IM., lie, i "W'sstorn 143
firw 8M
ltrle prof HiHl
Lake Shore tmj
IauIs. It Nub
Uiolilgau Central 10 M
U usourl PauiUo 'A
New Jei-sej lontral lit)
Northwestern lVi',4
DroMou Navigation T."
rudflo Mall 37
Hwi'llnfT mi
ltuok Island
bt. Paul Ton
Union I'uoiflo ,, 4'.' i
Wosturn Lniun HJ
llHt i
Corn oponod weak, but rallied bsforj clow,
Xn 2. lnliod. 7j Dot. Miiii Simi. fid.i.
Empire Stnto Fair.
SrnACt'flK, Pep. IS. Immense crowds
linve been present each day slnco tho
State fair opened Thursday. The fair
grounds are in good condition, tho
weather Is of tho Ideal variety, nnd tho
exhibits in all departments nro ahead of
those of any year in tho history or the
fair. Tho fruit exhibit this year Is un
usually large And flue, nnd it Is said by
the managers of the (air that It has never
been equalled in this country.
Looking For the Minister,
KnvroitT. N. J.. Sen. 12. Edward C.
Bedle is in Brooklyn looking for n minis
ter who It said to have united Ids sixteen
year old daughter to Ileuo W. Carter,
nineteen years om. ino ooy ami gin
were much together, and two days ago
they absented themselves for a short
time, and when they returned said they
were man and wife. The father would
not believe it, and has gone to investi
gate. Hotel at Amlifrst Destroyed.
Northampton, Mass., Sep. IS. The
Mount Pleasant House ut Amherst
burned during the night. The guests
escaped uninjured. The Ore started in
the attic, and may have been incendiary.
Urns, $35,000, lnuincu IB, 000.
Swift's Specific is tHe great
developer, of delicate child
ren. It regulates the secre
tions; it stimulates the skin t
healthy action, and asit
nature in development.
There is no tonic for child
ren equal to 3 S.
Bend for our treatise on Blood aai
Skin Piseases.
8wut Sl'cirie C., Atlanta, Gt
Capital, $ioo,ooo,oo.
W. Leisennng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennng, Cashier,
S. IV. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Daily From 9 to 3.
IhI1 011 HnvllijfH DcixihIIH.
AHE aoiNa TO
nllHHOIiri, KlIUNBH, AlItllUWilH,
TcxnHnNcliraMni, l.uuiHlatiH,
Colorado, XJtali, Clltorula,
Ot e;oii,VnHlilHirtoii,llacico,
Nov Mexico or Ailzoim,
and will ferd me a rnstal oaid
or letter stating
Wnero yon tiro going,
When you are going,
Where you will Bturt from,
How many there are in your party,
What freight mid baggugejou have,
I will write j ou or cull at your houfeand
liunlfchytu with the fullest Information
regarding route, lowctt rats of nil
clses, hctldts roars, detcrlptlve and 11
luttrnted Innrt rainpLlets, retort books,
Hot Springs guides, cto.
Cheap Farming Lauds In Wlssourl, Arkan.
mm, jvaufeuu huu iuaB,
J. P. McCVNN, Eastern Tr&v. Agt.,
G. IS. P. Agt., 891 Broadway , Now York
Iron Mountain Route,
Is and will ever be tho
Remedy for
rrxnnf TnfliianxR. Baokaohe.
r-Paino in tViA Ride. Cheat and!
I joints, neuralgia, Sprains, &o
Before you aea to troy, ootaln
m-nnvw OK CHARGE'S
tk nWbl book! "Qui Je to Health," with J
I etkioromenti of promiceiii pujtiola
310 Broadway,
Prize Medals Awarded!
'jhip(uxHousMiIiiil' ltndt,LondnjN
Vienua,;, h..ttrdr in, OlteE,
Ik.-n alW''. Xonsuin, Lelpsio.
50 Ocnta a bottle, For Solo by
and other crugguu
First National Ban
Chicago 1'olico Think that Miss
Ava is tho Spook Priestess.
For a Woman Answering Hor Description
is Under Arrest in Cincinnati.
round TVanderlnc; In tho Streets In
Shabby Condition Sho Wiu Taken Into
Custody--Snys Her Nnmo It Am, nni
Tells a Romnrltnblo Story of IXor Ex
perience In Chicago.
Chicago, Sep. IS. Tho pollco of thij
city are still positive that MIm Vera P.
Ava, whoso sensational disappearance
was announced Thursday, is nono other
than the celebrated medium spook por
trait painter, nun, actress, burlesque ar
tist, missionary and general oonndenco
woman, Mme. Ann O'Dellu Diss Debar,
recently of lloston and New York, and
ni well known in Europe as in this coun
try. The description of Miss Ava and Diss
Debar tally to a dot.
The actions of the two are tho samo.
They began operations in oxactly tho
heme way, Hnd besides dressing alik
they talk on the samo subjects. Then,
too. Miss Ava said she had been a nun,
and this was one of tho lady's winning
Tho police now say that while they are
BUro that Diss Debar is in the oity, they
will not continue tho search any further,
but wait for hor to bob up whenever ami
wherever sho may choose.
A Woman Arrostod Hidlovou to Ho
Ava or Illss Debar.
Cincinnati, Sep. 12. A lnrgo woman
with blonde hair wnB arrested at tha
corner of Ninth and Kim utreets last
night and taken to the Houso of Deten
tion. Her clothing was torn nnd disar
ranged and sho presented the appear
ance of having been roughly treated.
She says her name is Vera Ava, but
she cannot account for her being in Cin
cinnati. Shu tells a remarkable story of
being In Chicago Thursday, nnd with a
Mrs. Bolton drove in a carriage to the
house of Fathor Kelly, a Catholic priest
in that city. Sho went to tho priest's
house alone with a satchel containing
sevotnl thousand dollars. While talking
to tho prlost some persons threw a shawl
over her head and robbed her of the valu
ables she had In her hand. They then
put her in n carriage and drove rapidly
The woman Is undor tho Impression
that sho was brought here in tho car
riage from Chicago.
isefore being arrested sho made appli
cation for n room nt ono of tho leading
hotels hero,' but was refused on uccount
of her shabby nppearauce. Sho is hold
on suspicion.
Tho police bellovo the woman is nono
other than the notorious Diss Debar.
X Wisconsin Man Invents Ouo that Fires
Klght Hhots In Five Seconds.
WASHINGTON, Sep. VJ. A test caso
tvns rnado the other day at Fort Short
dnn of an automatic repenting rifle that
bids fnlr to revolutionize both naval and
land warfare. The gun is tho invention
of Dr. II. Pitcher of Neillsvillo, Wis.
It becomes automatic by the utilization
of the gas produced by tho combustion
of the llrst cartridge llred.
Tho ens escapes into a chamber and
nets on a piston that is set ngalnst a
spiral spring, the recoil of which propels
the piston back against a rod that sots
tho mechanism of the gun in motion, tho
ompty cartridge being removed aud re
placed by a loaded one, also cocking tha
gun. This is done witii so mucu raput
ity that, by pressing against tho trigger,
the gun will dWchnrgo the nine cart
ridges that nre required to fill tho maga
zine In twohoconds.
Tho best record so far is eight shots in
five seconds. Lieut. Ingersoll is, how
ever, enthusiastic iu his commendation
of tho mechanism of the gun, and is sat
isfied that it will do all that Is claimed
for it. It is Intended to apply the prin
clple to heavy guns for use in naval
warfare in propelling torpedoes and us a
machine gun. Ihe Army Hoard will In
vostigate the merits of tho gun at their
meeting at New York next month.
rinstcr Casts Admitted Free.
New Yonit, Sep. 12. A decision
tho Treasury Department has been re
ceived at the Custom House directing
that the plaster of Paris casts In
tended for religious purposes should bo
udmitted free, the samo as more valu
able statuary made out of solid stone, aj
the poorer churches were entitled to tho
sumo consideration as tho wealthy ones.
A Gnmbler's lllp; Loss.
NEW York, Sept. 12. John Daly, tin
king of all the New York gamblers, hat
lost a sum of money estimated at $100,
000. His manager, William S. IlolUngs
worth, a church member and supposedly
respectable citizen, is reported tp h.iva
taken it from Daly's safe and lost it in
Wall street.
Death of nil (lid Stffel Maker.
Fahminqton, Me., Sep. 18. Samuel
K. Wellman, inventor of the Weltmnu
crane, in use in all the large steel workt
In the United States, aud one of the old
est Iron aud steel workers In the couu
try, died at his home In East Wilton yes
terday, aged 00 years.
Little Ada Kaunman Still Mlsslnc.
ATLANTIC iitv, .J., oepi. ia. ioim
lng has yet been heard of the mlsslug 7-year-old
child, Ada Kauffman, who wai
kidnapped on Wednesday. Tho child
is said to be an heiress.
Pensions Issued In August.
Washikoton, Sep, 13 The Tension Ot
ftco during tho month ot August Issued
81,478 pension certificates of all kinds,
the avcrngo first . payment on each being
lix-Congressman Scott's Condition.
Newpout, B. I., Sep. 12. Mr. W. h.
Scott had an unfavorable night, but wai
much better to-day. Ills physicians feel
encouraged and they expect that tlio Now
port visit will provo beneficial.
will cure
MucUueary 1VIU Contest tno Decision.
Canton, O., Sep. 13. Rev. Howard
MacQueary says that ho will certainly
contest the decision of Bishop Leonard
suspending him indefinitely. It Is un
derstood from his friends here that he
will take the case to the Civil Courts, su
in for his salary after September 18,
claiming that the bishop has no right to
mako the suspension last longer than six
months. He says he will never compro
mise his freedom of spoech by n promise
to never talk or write the views that
have brought the displeasure and pun
ishment of hli church upon him.
Klklns Would 14u HMttsfuctory to Proctor.
Chicago, Sep. 12. Secretary of War
Proctor, in an interview here, when asked
who his successor would be, and if there
was any truth in the report that Mr.
Elkins hnd already been decided upon,
said: "I know nothing in regard to that.
I have not seen the Pretldent since ac
companying him to New York from Ver
mont. As a matter of fact 1 do not
think the President has considered the
matter at all. Yes, Mr. Elkins would lw
satisfactory to me as my suecessor. Any
one appointed by President Harrison
would be satisfactory."
Forty Wore rowuid.
Komi, Sep. 12. News has reached here
of a terribly disastrous collision off Capo
Sunluiu. The Italian aiessageries
steamer Taormlna collided with the Greek
steamer Thessalin. The former vessel
almost instantly sank; tho captain,
sovcral of tho crow, and forty cabin pas
sengers being drowned. The second
officer and a large nurnoer orassongcrs
who were standing on the bridge of tho
Tnormlnn nt the moment ot the collision
wero rescued by the boats of the Thes
No man likes to undertake tho task
of putting up n stove pipe, and ypt all
wuo cuter upon 11 agree inai mey
never engaged in an occupation that
more thoroughly sooted them.
copmicsr tui
"now do I look?"
That depends, madam, upon how
you feel. If you'ro Buffering from
functional disturbances, irregulari
ties or weaknesses, you'ro suro to
"look it." And Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorito Prescription is tho remedy.
It builds up and invigorates the
Bystcm, regulates and promotes the
proper functions, and restores health
and strength. It's a legitimate
medicine, not a beverage ; purely
vegotablo, perfectly harmless, and
made especially for -woman's needs.
In tho cure of all "female com
plaints," it's guaranteed to give sat
isfaction, or tho money is refunded.
JSlo other medicine tor women is
sold so. Think of that, when tho
dealer says something elso (which
pays him better) is "just as good."
" Times have changed." So have
methods. The modern improve
ments in pills aro Dr. Pierce's Pleas-
ant Pellets. They help Nature, in
stead of fiahtina with her. Sick
and nervous headache, biliousness,
costiveness, and all derangements
of tho liver, stomach and bowels
aro prevented, relieved, and cured.
S-h.w tn.V h.FAln ftffnrti ta frftS themf SlVCS.
DUt KnOWlDg BOW w ..i.n.iuiiy
v crm. Wist v iiiiiou J i n i UEir 11
...I frut. nut n.l 1. (Mlltd)
(or limited ttnia.pllDS
tbs phUuicphy ot Dlieas
.. Afflictions ot tho
Orrsnl ot Mtn, sndbowby
t methodl slclnelTtlr our
own, thi worst ruses M
Lost or FsllU: Llmhooo.
Oinertl ni rtro;i 1 Do
Btllty. Wiibuu ot 8s47
rH ifin. Effects ot Errors
or Enssus, Btnntsd or
Bin.rt.ji pr( air. &Cr.
!in UMIfT tram W Sii, TwrlioHis sod ''' t
Bank Counters, Tyler System, Port
able, unequpiiett in siyies,
Cost and Finish.
150 Fir riUIifne of t'oui'trn, links clc, Uloitralei la
Cler, Hok.. In-. l&iBts.
Also -syier's imysi
OlSee llesks and Type
writer Cuuluels, 200
Htyles. llest and cheap
est on earth, with great
rmtuctlnu tu prices,
llo i estsiusu Trtt.
ru.Ugs 18 tl. Isll lUta at
ll.kt, tbslr., llotk
fiwh Chlsli, 14-fsl Ulauk
I'tlUrU, sic, lwsia ttuck,
bprrlal work usds to orvvr.
TV1.F.R ilI'.HKCO.,Ut.I.oiils, Sto.,U.M.A.
fjec rotltivelrOurrdwith
Have cured uiry tfi iwund (ud, Cure j4UDti pronouiued
ioteir bv the wi,i lan t-roin nru apw symptomi
ivioutcnis Liu icmnvcil.
K of tntk
laouTaU of intr-
uiaiiTaUDf mlr. Tret ti I VP in ten tat !
Wulou cure. I bit UM iuraloht4l T liUfc you order
y mmn u
tfiaJ, 4tvJ Uft AttBti lit &tau.M tn pay pn.tai; uruugoarr
From Glmiilt Plmplcn lo oDntlmitc HC2;JWAi
Eonl." a bandy book for tho hotuohol J. J? ISEB.
Tones up your system and
gives you an appetite that a
lumberman might envy.
Cures dyspepsia, stomach
troubles, constipation, and
liver or kidney diseases. In
addition to this it cures all
skin affections and tho more
violent blood troubles.
Effects are immediate and
cures permanent.
Sold st Klrlln's Drug store,
Ferguson's Holel lilvck, Shenandoah, Pa.
Your trudo Is what we
This Is how we propose
to get it.
I5y selling you n flrst
clsrHnrtiolo; by Belling you
for less tbnu others; by
felling you furniture, an
organ, a piano, n sewing
machine or anything else
In the line of household
Wo have rt largo uud va
ried stock to select from.
No trouble to show goods.
Cull, examine and ho
J. P.Williams & Bro.
Soutlt Main St.,
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10. 1891.-
Passenger trains will leave Shenandoah for
nuch Chunk, l.elilahton. Slntliicton. Cam-
Kanqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Eaaton, Phil
adulpUlaaud New York at 5.47, 7.40, 8.03 a.m.
tz, a.iv, U.M p. m.
For llelvldere. Delaware Water Gap and
dtroudsburg at 5.47, a. m., and 5.20 p. in.
ior uamuerivineano rrenion, a, m
Kor W'lilte Haven. Wilkes-llarra and I'ltts-
ton 5.47. U.0B. 10.41 a. m.. 8.10 and 62H n. m.
for-xuuanaunoca, a. m a.iu anu o.xo
p. lu.
For Anbnrn, Ithaca; Qeneva and and Lyons
10.41 a. 111., and 6.26 p. m.
l'or uicey vine, xowanoa, eayre, waverij,
CI...,-.. LnnLnuln..,f.v Vnlf.
Chicago and all points Weul nt 10.41 a. in.,aiid
3.11 p. m.
Kor Klmlra nnd the West vlaHalamnnca at
8.10 p. m.
I'ur Auueuneu, iih&icuiu, mocaujii, uuiu
tier Yard, WeatUerly and Penn 11 nven Juno
lion at 5:47.7.40. 0.08 n. m. and 12.62. 3J0 and
6J!8 p. m.
tor jeanesvute, ijeviston ana jjeavco
Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a.m. and 6.28 p. m,
Forbcrantonat6.47 11.08, 10.41a, m. 8,10 and
5:20 p. m.
l'or iiazie aiooa. jeaun, jjruion ana vt&o
land at 5.47. 7.40. 0.08. 10.41 a. in.. 12.62 3.10 and
5.20 p, in.
For uu&Kake at 5.47 ana v.08 a. m.. sua
3.10 p. m.
ror iviKBans, uiioeriou uuu rracKvuie ui
5.50 and D.08 a m., end 4.10 p. m.
For Yatesvlllc, Mahanoy City and Delano
5.47, 7.40, 9.(8, 10.41, 10,63 a. m.,12X2,3.10,5.28, 8,03,
SUU1V.A i. IU.
r or Lobi i,Teex. jiraraviue ana abuiudu
(.27, 7.18,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.10,4.10, 8.35
8.10 and 9.11 p.m.
For Darn water, Bt. Clair and PotUvIUe.
7.40, V.08, 103 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 4.10, 6.28 and 8.0b
For Buck Mountain, New Boston and
Mort, 7.40, 0.08, 10.68 a. n-,. ,12.62, 8.10, 6.28 and
8.08 p. in.
For Kaven Hnn, Centralla, Jit, Carmel and
sthamokln, 8.52, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.41
und 8.011 p. m.
Trains leave Bbamokln tor Bbenandoah,
7.65 11.55 a. m.. 2.10. 4.80 and 9.80 p. m., arrlvlnn
at Shenandoah, 9.06 a. m., 12.52. 3.10, 6.28 and
11.15 p. m.
Forlwt Creek, Glrardvllle and Ashland,
i.W, D.10 11.86 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Darkwater. 8t. Clair and PotUvllU,
j.50, R.00, 8Ki h . m.. 2.4S p.m.
For Yaleevllle, llahauoy City and Delano,
sOO, 11.36 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 6.08 p. in.
ror xxiiiy, Auueuneu huu iazieion, oas
a- iu 1.40 p. m:
t-orMauch Chunk. Lehlghlon, Slutlniton,
I'atkkauqun, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kaatoi
aud New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m:
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. in.
Oen'l Pans. Agt., Bethlehem.
Pure Ice Cream !
Orders rromptly attended lo, Particular at
tention pata to Bans, picnics,
Festivals, etc.
Near Corner or Lloyd, J SHENANDOAH, PENNA
hiladolphia and Reading Bail"nad
Time Table in effect July 10, mm
"or New York Tift Phllnilolnhia wnnb: i1,.Va-
2. 0 6.25, 7.30 a. m. and 12.36 4.60 and SM
V fr "nnnay aiu ana T.M a. m. For new
'""i TMijaucn uuunc, weec anys, b.a.
;k a. m. and 12.3J und i.ho c. m.
,r Kywajnif and Philadelphia weekdays.
w, a. to,, yi.m ana 6M p: m.
.2.10ani1 7.4H a.m. .1 OJ1 vt ,
,"f,or "I'bUre, week uayo, 2.10,7.W I
.to, 8.55 p. m.
or A lie town, week days, 7.20 . m.
a. In,,
.t.0 r. m
o'i?ro riV'l'li wec)t u"y,a. m.,
,2i 2.M) aud bM p. m. Buntiav. 2 innnfl7.8
. m., 4 SO p.m. "
ruf iaiiiKiuK and Mahanny 01 ty. weelc
lays, 2.10, 8.45, 7.20, a, m., 12 3 sS VuS
n. tu. Bundav. 2.1(1 anil 7.JH.. a
Additional iui Mnauoy City, week ii'avi '7 mi
p.m "
roi Lancaster ana Columbia, woek nays.
.'.SO a. ro.. J.60 d. m. ' '
fm Wllllatnsport, sunburys
eek days. 8.2S, 7.20 and 11.30
sunburyana LewlsiinrL.
in., 1,35, 7.U0
n. . nnnaay 333 . m . 3.05 t. m.
For Mahanuy l'iaue, weea nays, 2.10 8.2.1.
7 JO and llS-l a.m.. lxtf. ins. jrh ska
7.00 ani :J", n m. Bnuflay, 2 10. , and LiA
a. m. sts, 4.8O p.m.
For Olinruvlile (flappahannock Htationi
2.1C, 8.2S, b.K, 7.20 and 11.30 a. tu,,
12.85, 1 K. i.30, 6.60, 7.W ann t,26. p m. Munday!
2-10, . 2 . 7.4R a. m., 8.C6, 4.80 p. m.
-or Ashland and Bhaiunvin, week days.
.2, SJ6, 7.20, II) a in., IIB, 7.00 ana 8,44
u.m. Monday 3.25, 8 32 ...n... BJ'S n. m.
lieave New York Ha Philadelphia, weeCTl
lays, 7.46 a. m 1.80, 4.00, 7.30 p. m la.ltf-Tt?
ii'liub. oouusy, n,w p, m i. in menu
JLave Ma York v Manrr- ('bunk, week
tayc, 4.80, 8.46 a. m 1.00 and 4.01
p. m.
i-Mive Fhllaelpbia, weea any. 4.10.
10.00 a. m. 4,00 am! 0.00 p. to., fr m Broad
uud Oallowhdl and 8.80 a. in. and 11.80 n. re.
from Hthum wrtoanrotls. Sunday D.06 a.
in Mil
iu. u. in, irum viu nur .en.
Lrtne iltsMlliui. xreek Aavm. 1 a". 7.111 111 ra
nd 11.60 a. m., bSi, 77 p. m. Uunday 1.85 ana
10.48 a. m.
Ijeaf Pottsvlllc, week days, '1 40, 7.40 a. m .,
1X80,6.11 p. m. Hutiday, S.40, 7.00 a, m, and
ILIA ni.
1 eave Tsjxiaqua. week days, 8.30, 8.48 ana
. 1 2 1 11. m., 1.21, 7.1,1, aud p. m. tsunday 8.iO
7.43 m.
ijeave Malianoy uny, week dftyN, 8.40, .i8
ad 11.47 h. rn 1.61, 7.42 and U.M p.m. Hun.
(bur, 8.40,8.17 a. in., 8.20 p, m.
Leave Malianoy Plane. wecK days. 2-4). 4.10
H.80, 033. 1U0 a. m., 1.(15, l.m. a 20, 6 X, 7.57, and
In. tu. Hundav2.4u. 4.00. nsd ;.'.7. k. m.
3 37, 5.01, p. m.
uu,ve Qlrardvlll (Racpaliannoek Blolion)
eek days, 2.47, 4.07, 8.88, and 9.41 a. m., ll'.O5
). '2, 5.2ft, 62, 8.03 and 10.08 p. in, bunday, 2,47,
. 0 , r S3 a, m. 8.41, 6.i'7 p. ni.
ieave wlllianiapori, week days,$.0u,tl.45aiid
11.66 a. m.S.35 and 11.16 p, m. bunday 11.15
p. tu.
let Baltimore, Washington and the west
via fi. dt U. H. K., through iraina leave Olrard
Avodub atatlon, Vhlladehihla, (P. A n. K. H.)
at 4.18, 801 and 11.27 a. m 1.84, 4.24, 6.56 act
7.28 p. li. UtUiday, 4.16 8.02 11,27 a, to,, M
..66 and 7,28 p. in.
Leavo Philadelphia, OheeUiut Hlreet Wharf
a am c.aib street Wharf.
For Atlantic n?v.
Woek-d!y Biprene, 8 00, 0:00 a. m. t.Oi
3.0J, i.iti, 5 00 i,
.looouimoatuon, 7 iu
nuHUfl 4.15, 0 30 ). m.
auiid,,. Kkpresa, 8.00, 9.0.1 a. m, Ac- i
00m u- -.i.lojQ, 9.0(1 a. n. -ind 4.45 in m.
Kelnrnlncr. leave Atlantlo city, depot
' A itle and Arsauias aeuues Wwlr-dR n
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 0.00 a. m. and 8.15, 4.00, 6.31.
p. 111. Accommodation 0.00, 8.10 a. m. ana?
4.:!0 p. m. 8nndays-Kipres, 4.00, 0.00 p. m.
Accommodation, 7.30 a. in. mid 5.05 p. m.
1.. u. ilAtStXlUK, aen'lpwnr Ag'.
a. MOJjisui'. rrea. riuen'i uanafier.
Or. and after 6'fj)(e)i6er 1, 13M,(rotnj will ttav
Siteitantloah as foliawt:
For Wiggan, Gllterton, rrnakvllle, Now
Cactle, Ut. Clair, and Y-ay points, 6.00, 8.10
t m and 4,16 p m, .
Unnaays, 000, 9.40 a m and 3.10 p m.
For Pottsvlllo, 6.W, 9.10 a m and 4. 16 p in.
Bnndayu, 600, 9.40 a m and 8.10 p m,
For Hadliijc, 0.00, a m and 4.16 pic
Bunrtays, 600,9.40 a.m. and 3.10 pm.
Kor i'otutown, I'hoemivtlle, Norrlstown
aud Philadelphia illroad street autloni, 6,00,
a, ta. and 4.15 p m week days
3d0aya, 800, 9.40 a in 8.10 p m
Trains leave F'r&ekvlhe lor Bhenandoah at
10.40 a m and 12.14, 7.12, 10,08 p m. Bundttya,
11.18 a m and 5,40 p m.
Ltavo Poitavllle lor Shenandoah, 10.16 una
U.48, a ta 7.15, 0.12 p ru, 8undnyu, 10,40 a to
,15 p at.
Jeave Philadelphia (Broad atreet Ustlon),
for PottavUle aud Shenandoah, 6.67, 8 Si a r
4.'0nnd7.00p iu week days. Sunday 0 50, apjU
.S3 am '
CVl lVkK,PiBI,1,W, 1.1.., D.OU, o,uw,
8.j8.8ii, J.w, ii.uuana iui, n,9m, ri noj:
sm.ixoinorp. 1
12.2112.41, IMS,
.12 and 10.P3?
ILUllllcu ca i, me, i,.", u.jv y in.)
3.80, 8.30,-4.02 6, 6,6.2), 8.60 7.13 8,
m, 1Z.U1 mem.
m Bttnanyn, 20. 1.06,4.40. ft.86,8.12, r,.30, P.6U,
11. OO ,11. 5 28. t
For Sea (
stations 4.(
4.10 p.m. week days. Saturdays only 5.00 p.
ill. nuuuuyt U-J uuu dju, ui.
For Baltlmoro nnd Washington, 3.60, 7.20, .
9.10 anil 11.18 u m., 1 41, 6 57, 7.40 p.m. and 12.08
night daily and 8 31, 10.20a. ui., 12 35 (1 Milled
express with dining car toltnlthuure) l.S0,8.4S
p. m. -Keek days. For Unltlmoio only 2.02, 4.01
week days. 5.08. 11.80 n. m. dall v.
For ltlchmond, 7 20 a, m. and 12.03 night
dally, 1 30 p. m, uully. c scept Bunday,
irouis leave Marrubnra lor riiiBDuri una
ine west overy day at iy.26 and. 8.10 a m and
Vi) (limited) and8.4H, 8 30, 9.35 p m. Way for
AHiKii-n. io a m and 4.10 p iu every day.
i-or Pittsburg omy, U.'.'O a ni atoiy cu 10.8U
i m week days.
JLoave nunhnry for Wllharoport, lilmlra,
Cauandana, Kochester, Buiialoond Niagaru
trails, 5.10 am dally, and 1.42 pm went dr.yi.
For at.klns, 5.80 p m week aaya.
For rte and intermediate pelnU, 6,P xtr.,
dally. Fer Iack Haven, 6.10, and B.E6 a m,
daily, 1.42 and 6.33 p. m. week days. Fo.'
nenova.-.iu a ra i.ii ana 'ju p m wees aays,
1.10 a. m rjaudays.
'UAH. B. PUUtl,
Ken. YKO'r
-ten. Pans, Act
jtme taoie tn f rrect Mau. io. ism
Tralns'leave IlendTni: IP. Al 11. nallonl ror
Gibraltar, Beyfert, Blrdfboro, Josnua, Hprlntf.
utjiu, n bjbwouik u uiioiion, voaisvuie,vcHs
Cbester.t badstord Junction. B. &. O. Juuctloi
Wllmlnitton and Intermediate stations. &Hv
except bunday, at 8.26 and 8.30 a.m. audlT.-ifi
p. in. rionday only al 8.05 p. m.
For Warwick, BLPeUirh and lntertr.'j$ssh
statlons.dally except Hunduy, at 9.20
U.I.JII, DUUUO, UU O.JU U ill. ,
For Blrdsboro and lnterufclate siaihiLr
Saturday only, at 12 m. ,
f or wmmort ana wasnington ia. a u. t
R.) dallv eicent Bunduv at 6.25 and S.W a. in
and 3. Up. m. hunday only at 8 05 o. in-
Trains arrive ai Reudlnif tP. & It. i,uitioni
from Wilmington, B. fe O. Junction, Mont-'
chanln, Chadcleiord Junctton, Wt-st L'hebti r,1
xnitpe, uoaiesvine, wajneourg juicnm
Bl-rluglleldjJoannn, BltdsLoru, Glbrnliai , hi y
fertand Intermediate stations, dully exeep
Bunday at 10.20 a. ro. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m Huu
uiiy oiiiy av u. in,
rom hi. reiers. warwica ana intt rnuaian
stations, dally except Hun.ii, . ai u. ia
and 2. JO p. in. rinnaay only ui 8p m.
rrvni una iut
Baturaoy only at p. m.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally o
cent Bunday. 10 20 a. ni f.m unit hit n n
QUUUSl UWjr Ml ll.&t U, HI,
BOWNBHK BHJflUR, Gen'l 1-nss. Ajo
"We, the undervim.1
nre entirely rand o
Hunture bv Dr J. B
iJs1IiU, Ml ATCn HI., 1'iU I lis Mi OIDIIH I
llartuug. New Hiuggold, la I.Kardt, boi
KimiVin. Ph.. T.. l Ai P. A. Ti-!nrck riirv I ,t
m., u nuiuivy, it dituid t jj i uui u, i i r
KrhiiHdpr. 1 jrnkt finlA. Pft... li. H N't 'i I .Inn
i u... iv. ni. UT-iuiiauii. wt biiiiiuiii '
Reading, Pa.. J. 0. 1 yvoe. IW W. llo ard ', c. Keehn DcukIsskvIUi?, ti
Dr. MAYKR Is at lintel Penn. Keadim . l's
on the 2nd Baturday of each n-onth. Lull t
see htm.
No1. 9 East Centre Street; Mnnanoy
,.iiu i.i, i.u, uu, i.u, iiiuiiteu v7
121.8., ,., ana 14.01 nlehi A
3lrt,LongBrnnch nnd Intermediate 41
i'j. 0.60. 8.25 and 11 39 a. m.. 6.40. 3.30. il