The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 12, 1891, Image 1

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    "VOL. VI.-NO. 190.
Republican State Ticket.
Amnion aEsmtAT,!
Capt. JOHN W. MOHttlSON.
I)eltgnlc3-at-Targe to the Constitutional
ir.o. m'cohmick, cieo. s. soiimidt,
County Ticket.
Judge Hon. D. B. Green.
Sherljf Benjamin Smith.
Jury Commissioner Maj. William
Poor Director George llcffner.
Unexpired Term Harry B". MeGlnnis
Constitutional Convention JMcgatcs. ,
S. BUltD EDWARDS, l'ottavllle.
J. a. 1'OHKROY, Hhenandoah.
JOHN J. COYLE, MahanoyClty.
Rardsley was a rascal and was
puuUhed by the Republican city gov
ernment of Philadelphia. Why
didn't the Democratic state govern
ments of the several states whose
t state treasurers were defaulters, run
down and punish their rascals ? The
Republicans try to reform their party
by punishing the rascals that creep
into it, the Democrats cover up their
crimes, when they cau, and let their
criminals escape when their work can
be no longer hid. That is the differ
ence in the parties. If Pennsylvania
voteis wants good government and
honest reform, they will not try the
experiment of putting into ofllce
hungry Democrats to do it.
Mugwumps will have a hard time
this fall preaching calamity to the
tobacco growing towns of Massachu
setts. The New England Homestead,
after a careful inquiry und examine-
ion, estimates that the growers of
tobacco in the Connecticut and Hous-
03Z33JT,f5l PER YD.
RAG STAIR CARPET, taken out of
the loom to-day.
Carpet Store, 10 South Javdin St, near Centre
We receive direct from the Creamery, same day as
Also 1RESU DAIRi BUTTER Every Week.
Jtist opened
NEW No. 1
lhis season's catch. Also
About ISO Bushels toill
WB.11E OATS. We have for
Chop of all kinds Rye
Com and Outs Chop, Bran
Don't forget to examine our stock of
in all widtJis, quality and p. Ices.
New All-wool Blankets, in White, Scarlet and Grey.
atonic valleys will get from $2,860,000
to ?3,000,000 for their crop this,
as against $1,000,000 in 1890. The ad
ditional million and odd dollars used
to bo paid to the Hollanders for Su
matra tobacco, but the highest tar HI
placed by the McKlnley law on the
Imported nrticle diverts the money
into the pockets of American pro
ducers. A aooD many Democrats who have
been crylm? out againt-t boaslsm In the
Republican party, don't take very
kindly to the idea of bosslsm being
transferred from the Republican to the
Democratic party. This year the Re
publicans nominated a ticket free from
boss dictation, but the Democracy
have to take a ticket Blated by Ross
Harrity with a cut and dried platform
from the same source. Harrity has
firmly entrenched himself as the
party's boss, but the rank and Hie
don't take kindly to tho order of
things. But what will they do about
The Democrats are constantly
harping upon the grasping power and
the monopolies of corporations, and
yet they head their state ticket with a
corporation lawyer. Rut who ever
knew the Democrats to be consistent
In anything but the desire to get the
The division of the borough of
Shenandoah into several more wards
is imperatively demanded by all fair
minded citizens, irrespective of party.
It is a magnificent ticket that one
in New York headed by Senator Fas
sett for Governor. It will win.
Merit Wins.
We desire to my to our citizens, that for
years wo have been selling Dr. King's New
KtDg'B Now Discovery for Consumption, Dr.
King's New Lit fills, HucKlou'a Arnica
Salve Hnd Elec'rlo Hitters, and have never
handled remedies that sell us well, or that
have given such untver-al satisfaction. Wn
do not hesitate to guarantee them every
lime, and we stand ready to refund the pur.
chase price, if satisfactory resnlts do not fol
low their use. These remedies have won
their great populsrlty purely on their merits.
O. II. Uageubuch, Druggist.
Buy Keystone Hour, lie cureful that the
aatno Lessiq & Co., Ashland, Pa., le
printed on every lack. 3-3-3law
A Handsome Prize.
Tho Kioltapoo Indians will give the
prottiost lady a handsome prize Saturday
night, at Kobbins' opera house. Admis
sion, 10 cents. 0-10-3t'
another lot oj
Largo Bloater Mackerel,
close oat our stock of OLD
sale 3,500 bushels of choice
Chop, Corn Chop, Oats Chop,
and Middlings.
tho Tattle of tho Tattlers Timely
Taken and Told Typograplcally
in a Tasteful and Tempt
ing Tone.
Tho proseot has boon a busy criminal
couit weok and a large number of our
townsmen havo spent rao3t of their time
there as principals, witnesses and jurors.
Noxt week promisos to bo equally busy.
A number of old cases will bo callod up
noxt week, among thorn is ono that has
boon hanging Are for a year tho caso of
Moao Davis, who had two young mon ar
rested for stealing razors from his barber
shop. The caso was doferre J to give the
accused a chanco to sottlo, but thoy failod
to do so and must now stand trial.
This morning Charlos Ringhoisor was
committed to tho county jail to await trial
on an old charge of robbery.
A South Slain street Polish business man
has loft for parts unknown, lie wa9 to
havo been married to-day, but changed his
mind at tho last minute. Uo was arrested
one daylast weok on complaint of a girl of
town, but his protestations of gO"d faitb
wore bo strong and siucoro tho parents of
the girl consontod to his roleaso without He accompanied his affianced to tho
priest, made arrangements for tho cere
mony to-day, and purchased a number of
trinkets for his brido-tu-bo, but to-day be
could not bo found.
A lady conversing with a Ukuald re
porter last night regarding the Poles, Iluns
and Arabs ot town recalled an instance in
which 6ho was repaid in a novel manner
for a kindness she bad shown. An Ara
bian peddlor who could barely make him'
self understood in tho English languago
called at her house one day and aeked per
mission to havo bis mail cent to hor home.
Uo explained that owing to his poor
knowledge of tho English languageho ox
porioncod much difficulty in securing bis
mad in tho post office. If his loiters wore
sent to the house all difficulty would be
avoided. Tho permission was given and
letters addnesed to the Arabian poured In
soon after. But one day the lady was sur
prised to Una a (core ot Arabian men,
women and children at her door, with
trunks, boxes and bags. They were imini
grants for whom the Arabian had sent to
New York and they went to tho borrowed
address under the supposition that it was
their friond's home or an Arabian boarding
bouse. It rt quired forcible demonstrations
to prevent the mob entering the house.
The lady of the house lost no time in not!
fying the Arabian man of letters to have
bis mail sent elsewhere.
A story is told ot a number of town
ladies who hold a picnic in tUo Catawissa
valley roecntly. Mon were oxcludod. It
was a purely female affair and they enjoyed
themselves as all glrU do when thoy are
sure that tho masculine sex are not near.
One of the ladies proposed a series of
acrobatic feats, ono of which was the climb
ingofahay mow in a convenient barn.
This font was accompanied by a trick.
Two ladies climbed to tho top of tho mow
and desconded, A third was Induced to
attempt the feat. She contented aud
struggled gradually to the top when, to hor
dismay, a flguro In male attire emerged
from a hole. AY lib a shriek' the lady slid
down tho mow to the barn floor. Tho
descent was not very graceful, but It was
rapid. Shouts of laughter filled tho barn
as the male figure also slid down to tho
barn flour. Explanations were then
order. The flguro in male attlro was an
old suit of clothes stuffed. It was carried
to the top of tho mow by two rouglsh
maidens previous to tho arrangemont of
the game.
Ducklou'a Arnloa Salvo.
The Best Salve la the world for Cuts
Hrulsea. More. Ulcers. Halt ltheum. Fever,
Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cnllblalim
Corns, aud allBfcin Eruption, and positively
cures Pile, or uo pay required. It Is guar
anteed to give perfoot satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For gale
by C. II. uageubuch.
Four tintypes for 26 cents, at Dabb'i. tf
"Tutu the rascals In" is the Republican
cry, and that is what the party it doing.
It is left for the Democrats to "Turn the
rascals out" of jail.
Thoy are having exciting political times
in Ohio. McKmley has aroused unheard
of enthusiasm among the people. Mc
Kinloy Ii everybody's avorite.
Junes, who ptys the freight, will be an
independent oaDdldate for Governor In
Now York If tho Democrats fail to nomi
nate him.
Thoro will be very little use of the
boodler this year.
Organize, Republicans. It is only
through organizillon that a brilliant vic
tory can bo won.
Tho news from all parts of tho country
Is cheoring. Republicans were never so
enthusiastic and hopeful of a grand victory.
Walllcli on Monday.
Monday ovoning in Forguson's theatre,
Mr. Jas. H Wallick will produoo his
favors cquostorian success entitled, ''Tho
Mountain King." "Tho Mountain King"
Is tho style of play that ploases all classes.
The interest commences as soon as the
curtain goos up, and from that time on it
never ceases. It is of tho sensational order.
but as a rule the dialogue is far, very far,
above tho ayorago ol p ays nf its class in
literary quality. It is clovcrly constructed
and prosi nts a number of stirring situations
and climaxes. It is well acted, tho cast
being unumally strong in tho several parts,
and thero Isn't a word in it to bring tho
blush to the cheek of tho innocent. Virtue
suffers in tho second act, but triumphs in
tho fifth, wiiilo villiany which is successful
in tho beginning meets with ignominy and
retribution in tho last. Mr. Wallick, as
Hart Sam2san, has a part W"ll suited to his
stylo of acting and never fails to bring
rounds of applause from tho audience.
The wonderful acting hortes Kaidor,
Charger, Toxas and Pete are unequaled as
equine actors and perform wonderful tricks
during tho progress of tho play. The now
scenery is handsomo and tho mechanical
fleets are novel and ingenious,
Odd Characters.
The caving in of tho floor in the Egyptian
museum on Wednesday night is being
harped upon by the irroprejsiblo story tel
ler. It is said that nn Irishman from
Brownsville who cscapod going down with
tho floor said to a friend 'after; leaving tho
place: "Shure, an' whin I saw tho flour
go down I didn't say a word. I thought it
was part of the ploy and tho fleur would
como up again." Another ttory runs this
way. After tho floor fell a tramp walltod
to tho odgo of tbo hole and asked a young
man, "Am you fast?" Upon receiving a
reply in tho affirmative the tramp took tho
hat from the young man's hoad and walked
off with it.
Comic Songs, Good and Bad.
What a relief to an audienco when a
comic song is on tap to find tho rhyme
smooth and tho humor natural; It not only
heightens tho effect but adds to the onjoy
mont of reflecting on its morits. How
many cheap, trashy, maudlin songs thero
are on our stage, iguorantly and murdor
ously put together, leaving with us only re
gret that tho author still had life to further
inflict bis nightmares upon us. But what
was the pleasurable surprise of tbo vast
audienco lust night when one after the
other came original songs written in a
maatorly manner and convulsing tho spec
tators with their unctuous and irresistable
humor. Never have I so desired to witness
u perlormance a second time and novor
will I forget that Interesting and brightest
of plays, "O'Flynn in Mexico." New
York World, May 10th. In Forguson's
thoatro Wednesday, September 10th.
Delegates Elected.
At a meeting of the J, Donald Cameron
Club, held In Itefowlch's building last
night, with B. J. Yost Presiding und W.
J. Watkins acting as secretary in the ab
senco of John F. Finnoy, who is conflnod
to his houso by illness, the following dele'
gates wero olectod to the convention of tho
State Louguo of Itepublican Olubs, to be
held at Scranton Septombor 23-25: M. II,
Kehlor, O. A. Keim and J. F. Finnoy,
The alternates elected wore : B, J. Yost,
John Thurlby and n. II. Zulick. Tho
delegates aro not instructed.
Always go to Cosletl'e, South Main
street, for your primo oysters. 8 22-tf
Hoi for Bargains.
Look at this:
Cafhmere "I'rincoss" hats, In all colors,
at 16c. each former price GOa.
Light colored plaid "Princess" hats at
12c former price 30.
Nellie Bly caps, 16c. and 25c. former
prlco 25c. and 60c.
All in good condition no faded stock.
0-ll-3t Mobqan's Bazau,
Do you sutler with Consumption, Coughs or
uoiasr xou oan ue curea ii you lane ran
Tlna(3nnirh unit (Vmaiimntlnn flnrn. ynnrt
Nl celts. Trial bottles tree at Klrlln'a drug
Prime oysters, the best the market
affords, always on hand at Coslett's. 8 22-tf
The man who la spoiling for a light
generally looks pretty well spoiled
ufter he has been accommodated.
Whero Those Who Are so Dis
posed May Attend Divine
Worship To-morrow Other
Local News,
All Saints' Episcopal ohurch, Oak street,
near Main, Key. Floyd E. Wast, rector
Services as follows : Morning prayer and
litany with reading and sermon, 10.30.
Evening prayor andsormon, 0:30. Sunday
school at 2 p. m. The rector officiates and
preachos at tho morning servioe on the
Bucond and fourth Sundays of each month
and at tho ovoning servieo on tho first and
third, a lay reader officiating in hisabsonco
Ebenozor Evangolical church, Rev. II
J. Glick, pastor. Sorvices Sunday at
10 a. m. in Gorman, and 0:30 p. m. in
English. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m.
All aro heartily invitod to attend.
P. M. church, cornor of Jardin and Oak
streets. Services Sunday at 10:30 a. m
and G:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m.
Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor at 0
p. m. every Sabbath. Classes meet Tues
day and Wodnosday ovonings at 7 o'clock
and tiunuay at y:u a. m. uonoral prayor
meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. U. G.
Russoll, pastor.
Proaching in tho Trinity Ueformod
church to-morrow morning and ovoning by
tho pastor, llov. Robert O'Boylo. Every
body wolcomo.
Welsh lUptist church, cornnr West and
Oik streets. K-w. D. I. Evans, pastor.
Servicos Sunday at 10 a. in. in Welsh
and 0 p. m. in English. Sunday school at
2 p. m. Prayor mooting on Monday oven
ing, at 7 o'clock. Class mooting on Thurs
day evening, at 7 o'clock.
No services in tho Prosbytorian church
to-morrow morning. In tho evening the
Christian Endeavor will conduct sorvicos.
Sunday school at 2 p. m.
English BaptUt church, South Jardin
street, Bov. II. G. Jamo', pastor. Tho
pastor will preach at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30
p. m. Morning subject: Tho Sunday
school losson, viz : "Christ and the Blind
Man." Evening subject: "Tho Swoll
ing of Jordan." Sabbath school at 2 p. in.
Deacon John Bunn, superintendent. On
Monday evening at 7:30 "Tho Young
Pooplo's Christian Union" will moot. On
Wodnosday evoning at 7 o'clock a general
prayor meeting.
M. E. church, Kov.Wm. Powick, pastor.
Servicos to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30
p.m. Morning subject : "Tho Obligations
of Sonship." Evoning subject: "The Re
lation Botweon Bin and Suffering." Sun
day school at 2 p m., to bo followed by tho
devotional moeting of thoEpwortb League.
Monday ovoning, biblo study. Thursday
evening, general prayer meeting. Seats
free. All aro wolcomo.
SofTs Announcement.
On Saturday next Self will receive at his
original bargain storo on South Main streot,
next door to Phillips' drug storo, a largo
and lull stock of boots and shoes. The
stock will be sold at greatly roducod prices,
SofTs is the original bargain store and tho
only place whore tho people of this town
can soctiro gonuino bargains. lie sells as
ho advertises ;and everything purchased
there may bo rolled upon as boing tho best
that can bo secured in the markot. Don
forget tho place noxt Saturday and teo tho
now stock. You will savo monoy by doing
it. 0-10-3t
Postponement Unnecessary.
The accidont to the soldiers' monumont
at Pottsville yesterday was not as serious as
at first supposod. Tho largo granlto block
that was chipped at tho corner is to be
roundod oil and tho other damages will be
repairod in tlmo to mako a postponement of
the dedication ceremonies unnecossary.
Second hand school
sold at Max Reese's.
bought and
Oonoort Each Evoning.
Wlllio Kendrick, tho pbon,omenat cor
netist of tho U. ti. Marino Band, is home
on a vacation and will play at his parents'
home, the Kondrick Houso, each evening,
rendering somo of the most difficult and
popular solos of the day, accompanied by
the Kendrick orchestra. Change of pro
gramme each evening. 0-3-15
Sunday Trips Suspended.
The Sunday trips of tho steamers of the
Stonington line will bo suspended after
Sunday, August 30th, until lurthor notice.
Woek-day trips will bo made as usual, tho
Palaco Steamers- "Rhode Island" and
"Narragansott" in commission, leaving
Now York from New Pier 30, North
River (ono block auovo Canal street), at
6.09 p. m., dally, except Sunday, connoct-
i Ing with throe oxpress
trains for Botton,
Worcester and
all Eastern
Another Lot
Of second-hand school books, just received
from New York Clearing Sale Company,
For tale at half price at Max Reese's. 9-5 -tf
David Whltehouw, of Sharaokln, was a
isbor to town.
Pat. King and John A. Reilly took m
the Shamokin races.
Charles Burohill has purchand William
Neiswender's mstaurant.
Richard Harington registered at tbo
Ferguson House last night.
Capt. Paul Summa and Felix Ilatrick
wew in Philadelphia on Thumday.
Mrs. John Gather went to St. CIir this
morning to spend Sunday with friends.
Dr. Gilletti, of ICiekapoo Indian fame, Is
a hustling manager with deep-rooted faith
n printers' ink.
Jim" O akley, late of Adams Express
Company repute, Is melting with success in
the fruit buitiei.
George lloyer, who was t1 h guest of rel
atives In town the past week, loft this morn-
ng for his home in Pawtucket, R. I.
Misses Lwsig, Philllpi, Kolb, Ramago,
Cuogan and a number of othor school
t 'achers of town spent to-day at Pottsvillo.
Our old friend, Philip Conrad, late a
resident of Mahatioy City, is in the print
ing business, with his son, in Philadelphia.
Misses Clara and Lillle Grangor and
Miss Sallie Littlohalee, of Mabanoy City,
aro in town the guests of Mrs. E. A. An
stock. Druggist O. J. McCarthy and wifo woro
the guosts of Mrs. McCarthy's parents.
Mr. and M'S. John Mullon, at Shamokin,
Myer Kolb, ono of tho clorks in tho
Philadelphia & Reading Company's offico
n Philadelphia, was in town sovoral days
this week. He was warmly groetei by his
numerous frionds.
Charles K. Rosonborg and his accom
plished daughter, Miss Mottle, woro in town
yosterday. Mr. Rosenborg represents tho
argo shipping firm of Potor Wright &
Sons, of Philadelphia, goneril agonts, of
the Amorican, Inman and Rod Star Lines
ofstoimers, of which 11m Rseso is their
agent hero.
y Providence Lino
For Boston. White Mountains. Worcester
and all rorts on tbo Eastorn Coast and
Uritish Provinces. Tho world-renownod
Bteimers Connecticut' and Massachusetts
loavo Pier 29, North' rlvdrstoldNo.) fo it of
Warron street, New York, at 5 p. m., Sun
days excepted. For tourist , oxcursion
books and further information apply to A.
Molsood, Southern Passenger Agent, 830
Chostnut stroot, Philadelphia. 0-12 4t
More Bargains.
Wo havo bought out an entire stock of
children's morino vests and pantalots, from
a jobber retiring from businoss. Wo will
S"U them at half tho former retail prico.
Thoy are no trash good, clear stock. Also,
a lot of chi'dron's woolen leggings at 10c
rejular valuo C5c.
Y. W. O. T. TJ. Programme.
Tbo following is tho prugrammo for this
Scripture reading.
Heading, Corlnnu Tempest.
Instrumental solo, MiM Etllth Morgina,
Essay. "Is Ktcliroc!tv Ileneticlul to United
Stale-" A. O. Morgans,
B.nKlng. "Y" bells. No 10.
"Whai i saw aud Ik aid during the week,"
William ltaeveti.
Vocal solo, "Comrades," (by request) John
Crltio, T. II. Hopkins.
Waters' Weiss boor is tho best.
Reilly solo agent.
John A
Lettor List.
Tho following letters remain uncalled for
in tho Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, Pa.,
post offico, September 12, 18U1 :
Hitter, F. E.
Parties calling for advortlsed lotters
should ploaso say "advertised." Ono cont
will bo charged on all advortlsed letters.
II. O. Bovku. P. M.
A Yankoo Sheriff Frightonod.
A well known therlll, living In Maine, was
given up to die with what 1i!k pliyslcluu
called Consumption, a lrlend advised him to
try I'nn-Thm Cough and Uiusuuiptlon Cure,
recovery followed, and the doctor now uwe It
Tor Uouxhs, Colds and Consumption. TrliX
bottles tree at Klrlln's drug store:
Oysters aro in season and tho best In the
market are at Coslotl's. 8-22-tf
Oysters aro in season. Go to Schoonnr'i.
Families supplied. Tsrlors for ladies. 9-4-tf
You aro thinking of taking
in your flowers, and you will
want some pots. Wo got a
lot of very cheap ones Mon
day, and whon you are ready
to plant don't forgot that you
can got them at
No. 122 North Jardin Stroot.