The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 10, 1891, Image 3

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    Present in the n.ot elegant form
or THE
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perina
' nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It Is the mrt excellent remedy known to
When one is Bilious or Constipated
punc.rn.ooD, refreshing bleep,
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
e-Sr3KLXT2P 03P 3PXC3-E3
tawsviue. ky new york, ti. r.
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agent,
OFFICE bedhall'b Building,
:or. Main and Centre Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA.
J A two and one-half story double frame
dwelling bouse, wltb store-room and res
taurant. Located on Last Centre street.
8 A valuable property located on South Jar
din street.
il-t-even dwelling houses at the corner of OH
bert and Lloyd etreets. Goodlnvestment.
Terms reasonable.
Worth Fourth St.,
the on It genulD Uermtn American
SpccialUt Id tbe UdiUmI Statu mho ii
able to cure BlOOti PolSOn.
Nervous Debility and Spe
cial Dlsenons of th ier,
SilnPiMiui'K. RedSt'OUPalnilnthi
bouw.SoreThront Mouth(
BlnbcbfH, Vimrlea, ErnpUorii, tofl or
hard TJloeri, Swelling-, Irrttatloni,
lattamoiKtloDi KDi Koniilngf,
fttricturei, Wc&kowi fend Eartj
decay, loit meraorj, waak ttaok, mental am let t, K13Dir nl
Wailer nlwiKti and all DIkpmm roiuHioK from FierMei.
iDdlacretton or Orerwork. Rwent canea cvrt-rl lu 4 to 10 dari)
relief u oaoe. Do not lftM hope, no matter itltat adtft
tlitnir Doctor, Qnack, Family or Itnapltal rimlcUn ha," railed.
Ir. THEEL enrei positively nl Mtbout dfunllon froni
bnilncM. oid, roewn, mtodli aotn w tfoh coktrmfi atiko
Hta&itnii riob or poor. irnl 2o. itanip fur hOK
TnUTM' Mtuwltn Qnaok under woro teatlo onUla,
Hol'im, dailr from 9 ttt 3, Ft'bi B V?9. WH, and Bat.
Xt'ki to 10, Panda- 9 tltl 11. Writ o- call and be fared.
tux Reference lee Wedn. M HaturJey l'tilla. tUIly TinttsV
i phn trembled with tlnioannovjiiir Irrflculndtif no
jtflB-Vimtlr ftili- vtlt'u. ccl! Of -xpo-ure, or froL.- t oo
V pithQfwf 1 poculiarto tholr oj, she old
' WW iv . a r . i- s. ' rj j; I n ir'.i
1 'my Hrt i 'senile? tn th- autliB jBtr., import
I 't, riirnr luid . : t r n ti'I fnudtoat of
i 1 1 in i ml. B .it t ; , . . . i nfiuii d,fl. Add i
- Mnrtnf ' f1' - r ST. 10UIS.
Glcklleadachoana rollers all thotronblaa lncl
dont to a bilious ctato of tho syntem, cuoh ad
Doziness, Naosei, I5rowslnesa, Dlatroea after
citing. Pain In tho Eido, 6c Whilo thotr raosS
rtciiaiablo success has boon shown la cuius 4
Jleaa&cho, yet 081018 TJttla TJver PillJ ora
og,aally valuablo in Constipation, curing and pro
voatlng this anno jlnRCOinptalnVwhlla thoyalsa
correct aUd!sordorsofthostomacu,Btimulatath9
IlTciandteBulitotliobowela. EvoaJXtlieyoiila
naiejy snBirgooanesB aoos noionu noroina tuosa
who onca try ihem will find these llttlo pills vain.
nblotn so manyways that they will not bo wll
illsg to do without them. But after allslclt Leaj
flalhelanocf Doinanyllvm that hero lu whera bouat. OurpUkcureltwhllo
I others do not.
Cuter'a I.lttlo Liver Mia aro very small and
Tory easy to take. One or two pills malco a doHo.
They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
pun, but by their gentlo action ploaso all who
usethsm. In vials at 26 cents flTefor$l. Bold
by druggists everywhere, or sent by malL
,f AnTER rflEDICINB CO., Now York;
stnt.... s .k.l ...
iT-! rlr-ltl anil flnlv An &
W&WP n.l iir .n.I In ftr.d a$i L1e WoCa
Si,'Juotnir. Htj-utdMtxc'romtuUtUu. V
2 atf V.'.; ,.'?,tfs r JrJ,l!u ttailuioolalti mi
Or Uiufi-Kiuor UuMt, loUUelj C'utvu
Jultlcji Miteclllo.
Tt f TTvanufaeturad ju a Dondtr. whlah n Vi (Hti
m 41 eitMtf ol boer. oup of coSm or tea, or In IcmxL
V4lesW. and vul eif-ot a permaaeat ana vptady
rliviSrne'nep the pat nt is q laodnrsto drinker or
m3 yboUo wrsolc It hii been given In thousands
VetSand in every matinee a perfect cure has fol-
k-d with tho booomea an utter ImDOdalhlUt
'or the liquor appetite to elat.
1 a pe dook oi parwvuiure ire vu vw naa o-
3. H..HAGENBUCH, Drusslsl, Shenandosb
Now York's Collector Nomi
nated for Governor.
The Eect of the Ticket nominated aa Fast
as HatDB3 Ware Presented.
Tho Montloti or Prosldont Hnrrlon and
Mr. lllnlno'i Nnnies Sot tlio Cntiventton
Cheering; The Nominee for Clovrrnor
Hakes a Speech Kntliuslnslu When lie
Killed Ills AVIfe and Mother.
TtocilESTBti, Sep. 10. Ainld tho boom
ing of guns and scenes of the wilitewt ex
citement, J. Sloat Fnnett vtm last night
nominated for dove nor of N'ew Ybrk
State by the Republicans assembled.
The ticket completed is as follows:
The Ticket.
Governor J. Sloat Fnseett of Cho
rnuntr county.
Lieut. -Governor John W.
of Herkimer.
Secretary of State -Eugene
nor of Kings.
Treasurer Ira 51. Hedgos
Attornoy-Qeneral William
erland of Monroe.
P. O'Con
of Eock
N. Sutu-
Comptroller Arthur C,
Wndo of
Stato Knginoer and Surveyor Ver
plank Colviu of Albany.
It did not take Iouk to put ttieso gen
tlemen in their rospective places on tho
ticket, but the convention was in session
several hours, owing to tho many
speeches dolivo: ed.
When nomlnallons for Govornon woro
declared in oider instinctively every eyo
was turned towards the Chemung county
delegation, but Collector Fassett was not
in tho hall. He had modestly retired,
but Ills pietty wife and mother occupiod
conspicuous seats on tho platform.
The Secretary then read Mr. Whlto's
letter to Mr. 1'latt. It was tantamount
to a withdrawal from tho contest.
Senator O'Goiman of Biookiyn in a
five minutes speech placed Mr. Fassett
in nomination.
Judge Doxter of Elmira, before whom
Fassett tried his first case, made a pretty
speech seconding tho nomination of his
F. F. Williams of Brooklyn mndo an
eloquent speech in placing in nomination
Gen. S. L. Woodford.
After Senator Laughlin's speech nomi
nating Mr. Beck of Buffalo, a ballot was
ordered amid much excitement.
The result was: Fassett, o07j Becker,
53; Carr, 80; Wndswortli, 83 and White, .
Gon. Woodfcrd moved to make tho
nomination unanimous, and n wild
chorus of "Ayo" answered theputtins of
tho question.
When order was restored Congressman
Raines, Gen. Stewart L. Woodford, and
Jamos w. Ilnsted woro appointed a com-
mltteo to notify Jlr. l assatt of his no mi
nation and to oscort him to tho conveii'
tlon. While thoy were on this mission
Congressman Payne, tho chairman of tho
committee, read tho platform, which was,
oi course, auoptcu.
Mr. Paj'no had finished when Messrs.
Raines, Woodruff and Husted marched
into tho Hall, amid tho booming of can.
non outsldo, while tho band playod "See,
tho Conquering Hero Comes."
i nero was an intensely exciting sceno
as Mr. Fassett walked up the aisle and
mounted the platform. Tho delegates
stood on chairs and waved their hats and
handkerchiefs in tho air. When matters
calmed tho nominee for Governor was
Fassett mado the speech of his life. Ho
was as cool as a cucumber.
Ho dwelt upon tho issues for which tho
Republican party stands to-day, and said
that if elected ho would faithfully bring
tnem to a triumphant end, so fur as lay
in his power. Among othor things ho
said that ho would at onco resign the
He concluded with this declaration
"I will lead wherever you dare follow."
At the conclusion of his speech ho
walked ovor and kissed his wifo and
mother in view ot tho audience.
Tho other nominations woro by accla-mation-nud
weru mado rapidly.
Text of tho riatforru.
The platform commends tho wisdom,
patriotism and purity of tho admin
istration' of President Harrison;
praises tho revenue legislation of
tho 51st Congress, both in the tariff and
administration acts; speaks of tho neces
sity of proper legislation to protect tho
interests of labor; opposes nil illegal com
binations and unjust exactions by aggre
gated capital and corporatcd powers; ro-
airirms tho party's fuvor to genulno civil
sorvico reform; favors comprelienslvo
and billclout excise legislation, and de
nounces tho efforts of Governor Hill to
place New York iu on unfriendly atti
tude toward the world's fair.
The Association Koxt Year.
BalTisiohe, Sep. 10. An officer of tha
Milwaukee club said that the Association
next yeav will Include Baltimore, Phila
delphia, Washington, Uoston, Chicago,
Milwaukee, Cincinnati and St. Louis.
Louisville and Columbus aro to bo
dropped. He states that thoro will bo n
great scramble for players this winter
and largo financial inducements will bu
offered to the stare of the profession.
Now SToiiuiucnts at Gettysburg.
Gettvbbuko, Pa., Sep. 10. The monu.
ments of the 6th and 10th Illinois oav-.
nlry regiments arrived hero yesterday,
and are being put up to-day. They wera
delayed on the railroad and were not
here when Illinois turned over her othef
monuments to the Memorial Association
on the 2d instant.
1 Human lllood on Ills Clothos.
Haiitford, Conn., Sep. 10. Dr. II. A.
Wolf declares that tho clothing worn by
Louis Lauer, accused of murdering Mr,
and Mrs. Uusbenhagen at Bloomfleld last
week, and who hanged himself in his
cell in the night, was covered with human
blood. Dr. Wolf is an expert mlero
scoplst. President rlltjorald Not Dangerously 111.
Lincoln, Neb., Sep. 10. The sena
tional dispatches sent out from Lincoln
to the effect that. President Fitzgerald of
the Irish National League is dangerously
ill are faUo
Sues for 810,000 For Libel.
PnoviDBSCl, R. I., Sep. 10. Joseph
W. Collins has sued tha "Telegram"
Publishing Company for (10,000 for al
leged libel.
ceipt that calls for
baking powder,
use the "Royal."
Better results will
be obtained because it is
the purest. It will make
the food lighter, sweeter,
of finer flavor, more di
gestible and wholesome.
It is always reliable and
uniform in its work.
Mtis MAftl.v PARLOAsays: "The
Royal Baking Powder Is as good
as any can be. I have used it a
grest deal and always with suds
taction." The Knglnorr Was Caroloss.
V OrsTKn Bat, L. I., Sop. 10. The cause
ol the oxploslon of the loeomotlvo boiler
in front of the denot here vestordav. bv
which tho engineer, Kreman and a brake-
man were killed, is now supposed to
have been duo to carelessness on tho part
of tho engineer In permitting tho water
to get below tho crown sheet.
At tho Summer Cnpltal.
Cape Mav Point, N. J., Sep. 10. Gen
Louis L. Michoner and daughter of
Washington dined with tho President
last evening. Early this morning tho
President started for Mnurlco River
meadows for rail birds. Ho took an early
special train nnuer tno Ulrect munago-
ment oi i;oionei uoyu.
Still 1VutchlnB tho rlnto.
CorEKHAOEX, Sep. 10. The Prosldonto
nnto, Chilian cruiser, was in the road
eted yestordny and was kept under
watch, in order to prevent her from
shipping nrms and men. The Pinto has
sailed for Helsiugfors.
Sudden Deaths.
Heart disease is bv for Hig most. f.mipnt.
cauxo of Rucldcu duiih, which In three uuluf
mm i-itsra in uutiuKpciea. ine yijjpiousuro
uol generally understood. Thece arc: lyltjg
ju me ugiH niuv, nuuib urt'uui, paiuoruu
tress lu hide, ImcK or shoulder, irregular
pule, astl.lua, wean and hungry spells, wind
1U HlOUiUt'll. swelling of linklPM of flrmtui
opnror-stim, dry coukIi and smothering. Dr
tllc' illif-trated book on Heart Disease, fre
atU. II. Hagrnbuch, who wll and guaraulee
Dr Jules' uuequaled New'dhls
ItestoratU o Nervine, which cntes nervous
ness, headache, Metplessnes , elicits ul drinfe.
tng, etc. It coutair.ft no opiates.
Song of the barred out uiofqulto:
"Wo nover driuk behind the bur."
MIlos' Nerve nnci Liver Pills
-Ut on a new prinilple leijUlaling the
liver, ftomacb and bowols llaovth the nerves
A newdltcovery. Dr. Miles' Mils speedily
cute biliousness, cad taste, torpid liver, piles,
constipation. Unoqualed lor men, women,
children. Bmallust, nilh.est.kurestl 5idce,
'Acts. Humpies Free, at u. 11. Huzmbuch's
dm? store.
Tlio peach and tipple dumpling have
n race for ilrnt place just now.
Oh, What a Cough.
Wilt you heed the warning? The slcnnl per.
'irdhoi the sure up, roach of that more ter
rible disease, Coummption. Aslt yourselves
If you can aftord fr.r the sake ol saving 60
rents, to run the risk and do nothhiK for It.
We know from ezp rleoce that Hblloh's Cure
will Cure jour C'ongb. It nover falls. This
explulns why more than a Million Botlles
were so!d the past year, it relieves Croup
and whopplne '.ongh at once. Mothers do
not. be without It. For Lame ItacE, Hide or
Chet, useShlloh'H l'ormia Planter. Hold by
U. II. Hageubuch, N. 14, corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
Tliecannlnp anil preserving season
is not over yet oy any menuB.
Ask Your Frionda About It.
Your distress! iir couch can be cured
Wo know It because Kemp's Balsam
unin inn past low years has curud so
many coughs and colds In thislcommunity
Its remarkable sale lias been won cntiroly
by its genulno merit. Ask Eomo friend
ho has used il what he thinks of Kemp't
Balsam. Thero Is no medicine so pure,
aone so effective. Large bottles 50c and$l
t all druggists'.
The demand for cider barrels is said
to be in excess of the supply.
Bhlloh's Consumption Cure.
mis in neyona question the most snc-
"vmhui uuugu meuicme wo nave ever sold,
lew dotes Invariably cure the worst ossex oj
Donah, Oronp, and ISrouchltk. while Its won
derftu euoeess in the cure or Consumption is
without a parallel in the lilsthrv of nia.iinina
Since It's lirst discovery It has rbcen sold on a
guarantee, a test which no other mwllnln,,
ma snuiu, ii you nave a exilian we earnestly
MKyoii to try It, I'rloe 10 cents. 80 cents, and
I1.W. it your Lungs are tore, Chest or ilaofc
lume, use Milloh's Porous Plaster. Bold bv
u, iv aweuuuga, i. jj,, corner Alain and
A workmau can kill time and nn In.
quest will be necessary.
Startling Faote.
The American roocle are ranldlv beoomlnsr
a wee of nervous wreoks, and the followinsT
ugit,L8 the best ran ody : Alplun so Jleuiplf
lug, of Bui Ier, Pa., sw.ara that when hla sou
was spechles8 from bL Vitus dance Dr
Mllrs' great Restorative N'rvlne cured him.
J1M.J.K Miller, of Vliaralsi, and J.I).
Taylor, of Logansport, Iud., eae i valued 30
pounds irom taking It. Mia. II. A. Gardner,
of Vistula, Ind., was cured of 40 to SO con
vulsions a clay, and much headaehi, dlctl
nets, backache and nervous prostration bv
one bottle. Trial botUen, and line books of
iiiarvelous cures, free at O. H. Hiumihiii,),
MiuiiiuSb1-1) woo lunjimuuuus uau
t guarau-
tees mis unetjuuieu rerueay.
It won't bo lone thst we have shnrn
and frosty mornings.
A Curo for Constipation and
Dr. mini Lane, while in the Rocky
Mountains, discovered a root that wbeq
combined with other herbs, makes an casj
and certain cure for constipation, It Is in
the form of dry roots and leaves, and is
known as Lane's Family Medicine. It
will euro sick headache. For the blood
liver and kidneys, and for clearing up the
complexion it doos wonders. Druggists
ell It at 60 cents a package
New York, Chicago nnd Ilo.ron Win-No
Association names.
CMcniro 0 0001300 14
Urooklyn 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 08
IJsrtoYles-.Hutcliinson nnd Sohriven I11K3
arm Daily.
Now York 0 0U101.10 0 7
Llneltitmti 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0- a
iMtlorH-ltusle and Clarki Mullens and
noston g
6 0 O 1 a 0 a 0..11
uisveisnn 0
3 10 4 0 0 0 S-10
IWtterlce-.NIcliolt, Clnrltton and Oaiisel;
10UH?, Vlauund ZltntneT,
notion 0 1 4 0 a :i io
Cleveland 0 1U403 s
IMtteries-.Clarkson arid Ilonnett. Shearou
and Doylo an I Xluimur.
Came called on account of darkness.
nttsuurg 0 0 3 10 0 10
1'hlUidelpht.i. ..0 0 0 u 0 4 0 0
1- 0
1- 6
Uattertee-Raldwln ami Maek;
CI ray.
risper and
Nutlonal Loiikuo Itecord.
It' n,.
CTtlh". iron. fxit Ct aifn. iron. rnt. m
Cleveland. r,l 8
l'itubiira.41) us
Cluciii'atl.lU 84
lloston iM 47
Jsow Vork.Mi 48
Amcrlcnn Axuiclallrn (lume.
No game scheduled.
American Association Itccord.
auhi. trn. ijni. ot
Boston..,. 80 3.T .708
HL Loul4.."a 44 .Wl
HaltlmnrelH 40 .511(1
Athletic. . U!) St .j:is
Ok'). M'L Ct
Columbus.. iO 00 .450
iuvvaiiK'e.4 U7
I.ou vIIIb... ;1 id
Wusli'tcm..30 70
ISnstcrn Assucl.'itlou Gurnet.
,...0 10 3 0
0 0
'Iroy a 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-
Ilatterlos-Ncal and Kura; Shea and Wells.
Philadelphia's LmheszIIiiE: Itiuilt Teller's
Friends Don't Desert Him.
PiiiLADKLrniA, Sep. 10. The friends of
Paying Teller Williams of tho Produco
Bank, who was arrested yesterday on the
chargo of embezzling nbout $3,000, aro
loth to condomn him too severely. Thoy
believe ho was led into disgrace through
bad associates, nnd that most of tho
money was spent ii making it pleasant
for others.
Ono of tho bank officers speaking of
tho affair said:
"Wo did not suspect anything wrong
with tho young mnn, but n few days ago
during onoof our regular examinations it
was discovered that Wilson was short
$ 3,C00 in lils accounts. When confronted
with tho proofs of his guilt ho did not
deny tho charges, but said ho had beeii
led Into ovil by di.sipatioii and gambling
on tlio Gloucester races.
"We have nothing to do in the arrest
and criminal proceedings, as wo are
amply Eccured by a bond of $10,000 of
tho American Surety Company of Now
York, who aro the bondsmen of tho
young mnn, and 1 supposo thoy nro also
amply secured. The defalcation is the
result of small peculations, which were
euslly discovered when ths books wero
The Davis Will Case.
Butte, Mont., Sep. 10. At 2 o'clock
sn tho nftornoou tho jury in tlio Davis
will enso asked to bo discharged, saying
it was useless to remain out any longer,
as no verdict could be arrived at. Tho
judge ordered tho jury back and said a
verdict must bo found, but gave instruc
tions that horenfter tho members of tho
jury might retire nt 10 instead of 12
o'clock at night. Many reports of at
tempted bribery of bniliffs and efforts to
reach tho jurors being afloat, extra bail
iffs have been added to thoso already in
charge, and no persons nro permitted to
go near tho jury room. It is estimated
that the trial liaa already cost $120,000.
Animal lteport of IL C. A.
WATEHSOWN, N. Y., Son. 10. The
nnnunl report of tho Secretary of tho
Railway Clerks Association now in ses
sion at Alexandria Bay shows that 24.-
uuu were paid to benellcinrlos during tho
year, leaving a balance of $4,4J.y.). Tho
number of members admitted dur
ing the year was 001; numberdropned
823; number of doaths 17, leaving tho
total membership 2,154. Tho salary of
mo secrotary nuti treasurer has been
lhanged from $000 to $100 a year for
n-ri ,
Split In tho Oswego Convention.
Osweoo, N. Y., Sep. 10. The conven
tion 01 the Democrats of tho first Oswego
llstrlct to elect delegates to the Stnto
tonventlon, rosultod In a split. Tho
Cleveland men had the organization, but
the Hill men hnll tho delegates. There
ivas quite a llvoly time, and two con
tentions wero held in the ame hall at
Ihu same time. Tho Hill men elected
jelegates and endorsed Flowers' onndl
Jacy, and that of C. X. Bulger for At-Jorney-Genarnl.
The Cleveland men
elocted delegates and also endorsed
An Old $hor, Manufacturer to Itvtlre.
Boston, Sep. 10. Mr. N. P. Cobttrn,
after an aotlve business life of 50 years,
is nbout to retire from the Arm of Will
iam Clallln, Cobnrn & Co., one ot tha
oldeet and best known boot and shoo
manufacturing establlaumenta in the
East. In futuro the South Framlnglmm
factory will be conducted under filename
of Gregory, Shaw & Co.; the Ilopklnton
factory under that of Crooks, Root &
Co., and the Cobnrn factory under that
of Coburn, Gauss & Co.
Major Hundy Dead.
NkwYobk, Sep. 10. Major Jonas St.
Buudy, editor of the "Mall and Express,"
who was strioken with appoplexy in
Paris, died a few hours after the shook,
without recovering consciousness. The
body will be embalmed and placed In tliu
vault of the Ameriean church at Aveuuo
de L' Alma.
J'relglit Trains In Collision.
Danbotiy, Conn., Sep. 10. A freight
train on the N.Y. & N. E. Railroad col
Hded with a work train in the yards here
last evening, witokiug both looomotivea
and 10 cars, and blocking the road for
several hours. No one was hurt.
I'allcd for 938,000.
Bhocton, Mass,, Sep. 10. Georce B.
Kingman, boot and shoe manufacturer
has failed. Liabilities $28,000, assets
9,0000, He has offered his creditors SO
cents ou the dollar.
Awful Destruction It Property
ly nn Mrtliqunko.
Men, Women and Children Shrieking and
Praying In the Streets.
Walls of Houses Crncked, Settled nnci Fell.
The I'nulc-Strlckcn People: Flock to the
Open GroundPresident Kn'tll Trying
to Stop tha Punic and Care for the
San Salvadou, Sop. 10. Millions of
dollars' worth of prope ty and many
Uvea were lost in this Republic by enrth
qiittko yesterday.
Whole towns were wlpcel out, and so
far as advices received here ludlcato
hardly a city in the oottntry, except those
along the coaat, escaped the awful effects
of tho convulsion.
At just Ave minutes before two o'clock
in the morning the earth liegatt to shako.
Tho wave had a strong vertioal anil
oscillatory movement.
People rushed Into the streets in their
night clothing, and, while tho shock
lasted only twenty seconds, before it had
passed away there was a panic-stricken
mob making Ita way to tho open country
outride of the city.
The was terribly sublime. Me n,
women and children were shrieking anil
praying in the street; walls of houses tot
tered and fell. Whilo the shock lasted
this earth rose and fell In long wavos and
strong men wero unable to k'uep their
The panlc-strlckcn people (looked to
the open ground outside of the city.
The inhabitants are afraid to return
to their houses, and are making them
selves as fomfortnble as possible in their
temporary camps until tho commotion
President Ezetn Is doing everything ho
can to stop tho panic and cure for tho
hornless people until it is cansidered safe
far them to go back to their homes.
The towns throughout the country
have suffered more seiveroly than tha
capital even. Analquito and Cotnnsngua
have been completely destroyed.
It is impossible nt this writing to form
any Idea of tho number of lives lost
Tho loss of property will run well into
tho millions.
Tho Announcement Cumo Somewhat ns a
Suprlso In Purls.
Paths, Sep. 10. Tho announcement
yesterday afternoon of tho death of M.
Julos Grovy came somewhat ns a supriso
nlthough he was far advanced in years,
yet it was thought that he was enjoying
usual good health.
Tho ux-Presldent was born nt Mont-sous
Ynudrey, in tho Jura, August 15, 1807,
was educated In tho College of Pollgney,
studied law lu Paris, took part in the
revolution of July, 1880, nnd was em
ployed to defend accused Radicals. lie
became a member of tho Constituent As
sembly in 1S18, was on tho Committee of
Justice nnd lco-1'resldent of the Assem
bly, nnd proved his ability as a speaker.
M. Grevy re-ontored tho Assembly in
Idol), nnd was chosen its president Feb.
10, 1871, resigning in April, 1873.
Ho was again made President of tho
Chamber in 1870, and was returned from
tho Jura several times before, on Janu
ary 30, 1870, when Mnrshnl MacMahon
had resigned tho Presidency of the Re
public. M. Grevy was oloctod ti this
olllco for the term of seven years.
President Grevy was re-elected Presi
dent, but resigned In 1887, on account of
tho notorious Wilson scandal in which
M. Grcvy's son-in-law was proved to havo
been connected with tho salo of Stato
decorations, tho revelations reacting on
the Elysoe with most damaging effect.
In tlis matter M. Grevy was known
to be quite beyond any charge, but his
destro to shield his family and his dis
inclination to act vigorously, causod him
to be much blamed.
Since that ox-President Grovy has lived
the quiet life of a country gentleman, of
which he wits always fond, and has not
meddled iu politics in any way.
An Olllcer Who Iteiulared tho United
Mutes Klllcient Service.
NkwYouk, Sep. 10. Colonel John G.
Lee, Si years old, and an ofrloer iu the
United States army was found dead in
his room No. 872, in tlio Hoffman House.
Ho was In excellent spirits whon ho re
tired at 10 p. m. The coroner found that
Lee had died of cerebral apoplexy.
About four years ago the Corenn Gov
ernmunt applied to tho United States to
send an army officer to that country to
drill the army andto Instruct the soldiery
in field manoeuvres. Col. Lee was ap
pointed to tho position and filled it with
Among his personal effects was found
a letter dated Philadelphia, April 11,
1888, in which he stated he was a fonnet
resident of Philadelphia, giving Instruc
tions regarding his burial and statinq
that the Philadelphia Tru'.t Company
were his executors and had his will.
Odd fellow lilect Ottloers.
Carlisle, Pa., Sap. 10. The aram
United Order of Odd Fellows, after the
election of officers, selected Willhimsport
aa the place for next year's convention.
The following are the oltioera elected :
District Master, James E. Needham of
Philadelphia; Deputy Master, William
Perm ot Pittsburg; District Secretary, S.
M. Stafford of Marietta; Distrlot Treas
urer, Alexander Denny of Harrisburg;
Director, C. T. Logan ot Wilkesbarre.
Philadelphia's New Mint Rite.
Vajshinotow, Sep. 0. Tha commis
sion appointed by Secretary Foster to se
lect a site for the new mtut building in
Philadelphia has submitted its report to
tho Treasury Department. They name
the site, but its location will not be di
vulged until the return of Secretary
Mahan ami Mabory Mutchcd.
San Fuakcisto, Sept. 10. Billy Mo
han of San Francisco, and Billy Mabory,
tho Australian, huve been matched to
fight to a finish before the Occidental
Club in October for a (1,000 purse.
! WSl ltIS:
Utted by uwn, women and chiMren.
Walt dttfUnff, yonr coaoh Isn't dry yeL 1 haw Jart
tw lnfa.1 It. w4 h
Loots liko a new coach, don't It baby I
A 10c. llnltle svlll itnt n Ilabj- Condi.
A 9c. Uottlr it llfil Ilooni Suit.
WOLFF fe RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
Justice of tho Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written.
Marriage Hocuses and legal claims
jiicniptiy attended to.
Ileal Estate, Collection and lusursnce igcrcy.
Ocncial Klre Insurance Business, Iter resents
the Northwestern Lite Insurance Lo.
OrriCK- Muldoon'n building, corner Centra
and West bis., Shenandoah, l a.
Good Properties ct All Kir.ils Fnr Xni
1. .
A lwo-siory aniinieirnn e di-clllng houso
muiDnuu lei-iuuruii . o jyiM .cntleril.
, A dwelling nnd restaunn' on Hast Centre
. neol'Rbl protertym. corner Ci mre and
-A two story double iraine duelling, on
V! LIodslr .
-Tvro2sioiy iraine dwellings on West Cen
tre street.
-Two asmry dwelling" on tbe corner ol
Coal and Cnoslnut stieut Htore room In
-Two-tory single honsc on Noith t heetnut
street with a 'urge wa eln tiie el the rear.
-Tin ee to-Hiory douhli- frame buildings
corner of Llojd and 1 llbert streets.
Aslt my ngents for W. I,. Dnuiiln Sheen,
ir not lor wile In your place lisk your
denier in send for cululagiie, necuro tbu
CS3 52? S. S Ati K1 FOR
(.,...;,' " "iinuoiucKsor wox turead
to hurt tho re el; nmilo of tho best Hue calf, stvllsh
and easy, ami bciumi ire make morn fhoea of thta
OraasMun a up o,v mm:ii.irf,nc-, It equals hand
sewed shoes costing f rem S-Uiu to SWJ0,
Ssb Olltieuiiliie llRiid-Himed, tho finest calf
Sf- ? fUt! ""T orrered for aui equals FreneU
Imported shoes h hk-h eopt from t.oito SI2.0D.
9i&L 0i M'!1"''.'"1''1 v,,t Mioc, lino cnlf,
styllsb, eonirnrlablo auj durable. Tlio best
shoo ever oirercd at II1I4 pi lee 1 smo grade as cus.
toin-mmle shoes eostlUK flilln SIMU to SM.WI.
ffiO 30 Poller Hhoci Kanneis, Ttallroad Men
eysa undLutterCarrlersallweartliem; lluocalf.
flenmlem, siiiooth Inside, heavy three soles, exteu'
hlon ede. one pair v. 1 1 1 we; t- a year.
CJ SI) lino rulfi no better shoe ever olTermt at
Jtt-s this price 1 one trial will coninoe thoso
who vunt nslioe for emnfi.rt and service.
flJO 'J.J mid S-J.OO Woi'kliiKiuiiti'H shoes
i?tKm are very stroiut nnd durable Those who
nave given them a trial will wear no other make.
RnVR' S'J.OO and ,81.7.1 school shoes are
cVr .worn by the bujs everywhere; theysell
on their merits, as tho lucreaslag sales show.
i ?3-00, Hniid-ncvied shoe, best
bCIUICA IJooRiila.veryslyluhietiualsFrench
imported shoes costlutf from Dl.uo to S3.(W.
Ladles' ' 'J..1II, Stt.OO mid IJI.7S shoo ror
Jllsw-suro the liest fluo Uougola. stvllsh anddurable.
('auiloii.-iee that w. 1,. Douglas' name and
priee uro stamped on tho bottom of each shoe.
W. L. DOOOLAS, Erockton, Mass.
cYojHCTpJbi. 2T" t: 11,
l.tirgnit mid Oltltxt
Reliable Purely Cash Companies,
lU'inivntel by
120 S. Jardm St., Shenandoah, Pa.
W. Baker & Co.'s
from which tbe excess of
oil has been removed, is
Abiiolutoly JPnre
and it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
are used in Us propnralion. It hag
mors than thrte timu the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, anil is therefore far more
economical, coaling ka than one cent
a cup. It la delicious, nourishing,
Btrongtheniiig, kasily diobsted,
nnd ndmirnbly adapted for invalids
as well as for persons iu health.
Sold by Crooora ovorywhoro.
V. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
0CD.ce Btddr s bunding corner Msln and Centre,