PENNSYLVANIA'S MINES. ltniortn from tin- Antliruclto mill llttii. ti liiltiini Coal lles-lnn. I5IlAuriism:n(i, Pa., Sep. 10. The state ment, giving the condition Inst year of tho anthracite nncl bituminous regions, tins lieen completed. In tho anthracite district the nuinhcr of tons of coal produced wns 10,000,(115; niimlier of mlncrH employed, 28,1)81; number of minors' laborers employed, 18,0-iO; other employes inside the mines, Si, K01; outside employes, !17,H08. Totnl employes, 109,100. The number of fatal accidents whs 878; number of non-fatal Accidents, l,007j number of wives made widows, 185; number of orphans left, C02. The report for the bituminous region Is ns follows: Number of tons of conl pro duced, 40,720,521: numberof miners em ployed, 44,810, numberof miners' Inher ent employed, 2,834; other employes In tilde the mines, 8,098; outside employes, (17.'ii7; number of fatal accidents, 140; number of non-fatal acccidents, 831 i number of wives made widows, 09; num berof orphans left, 211. MUST ANSWER IN COURT. l'lilliitlelphltl Mercantile Appraiser Ar I'Mlcil mid II t! hi lii S2,B0O Hull Each. 1'Hit.Amtl.PlliA, Sep. 10. District-Attorney Graham, nftera consultation with Thomas W. llnrlow, his assistant, and Joseph V. McCullun, counsel for City Treasurer Wright, with reference to the mercantile appraisers' matter, concluded that sufliclent evidencu hnd been obtained to make out a prima facie case nKninst tho appraisers. He therefore requested llr. Wright to make out an atlldavit upon which tobae warrants for their ar rest, which he did, and Magistrate Pole thereupon issued warrants for the arrest of tile live appraiser, Pattou, Houseman, Hunter, Crawford and Bell. Tho hlstrlct-Attornoy requested tho magistrate to fix the bill at $2,500 each, for a hearing on Monday morning nt 11 o'clock. CONTRACT LABOR SUIT. A l'ltLTmrj? Company Must Answer for Importing 1'iu-uIkii "Workmen. Pittsbuiio, Sep. 10. An important suit has just been entered in the United Status Circuit Court by Walter Lyon, United States District Attorney, against the Pittsburg Terra Cottn Lumber Com pany to recover $1,000 penalty for viola tion of United States laws in importing under contract foreign laborers. The attornoy complains that the de fendants hnvo become liable in the above sum in importing Hobert Brooks, nn alien and foreigner, and n subject of Queen Victoria, to perform the work of a bricklayer. It is stated in the bill of complaint that llrooks was brought here under contract; he wns to have steady employment at ft per per day for nlno hours work and eight hours on b.iturday, and that llrooks wns encouraged to come here iy agonts of the defendants. J. D. Layton, Inspector of Immlgr tiou, Is the prime mover in this suit. Tried to Kill 111 irnthL-rli-I.iiv. IIoston, Sep. 10. John Cotter lias been nrrestod in this city charged witli con spiring to kill his brother-in-law, Luther Howe, a prominent real estato dealer. Cotter took a man named William Butler into ids confidence and tho latter leportod tho matter to Mr. Howe. How inlormcd tho police who nrrosted Cotter. Cotter wns loaded down with weapons when taken into custody. He claims that Rowe swindled him out of n large amount of property. Cotter tried to ussasslnnto Howe once before and served two years tor tliu crime. The Tliltl Nut Milliwti'il. San FitANCisco, Sep. 10. Tho brig Tahiti, which put Into Drnko's liny Saturday in distress, has left for San llenito, .Mexico with her human cargo of South Sea Islamlers. The customs ' odicers were In doubt ns to the courso they should pursue In the matter, but as tho vessel was driven upon the coast by stress of weather and had nut intended to enter American waters, they decided to take no action in the matter. To right Klcintor Companies. St. Paul, Sep. 10. The grangers hnvo determined to lorm a combination In their own interests under tho title of the Grain Growers' Association, to light tho elevator companies. They will erect and operate their own elevators in onno- Mtion to tho present monopolistic com pany. This means a bitter wnr between the elevator companies nud the fnrmerB, llluiumteil ami Abandoned. New Yoiik, Sep. 10. A dlsnatch from Jonestown, Me., says the British schooner Lmina was towed Into that port dis masted and abandoned. The yawls were missing, and it is supposed that thecrew had taken to tho boats and that they nave been picKcu up uj-some passing vos snl. The Emma was owned nt Charlotte town, P. E. I. A Deep Khnme. Tourist That is an odd setting for a photograph gallery a gaunt oak limb with a dunRltng noose and a background of i howling mob. Oklahoma Photographer That's a lit tle invention of my own. Lots of new Corners from the east have their pic tures taken with that nooso around tln ir necks, to send back where they c.mie from. It Is cheaper than paying their debts and easier than getting u di vorce. Jury. Merit Wine. Wc desire to nay to our cltlsens, that for yesrs weUflbBa sailing Dr. King's New X na Nw piKcovery for Oonmiiiitlon, Dr. Mob's New Ufr Wis, Buofclen's Arnlin Huiv" and Rice rlo Butera, and have never bundled remedies that i as well, or that lnive given stien universal wnisfaoilon. V do not beallat Via guarantee tliiu every nine, and we sian) ready to refund the pur. clime prlee, If atvtlifHoiory results do not All ow their nse. Thou, remedies have won their great ponul irlly purely oa their merits. I . ll.Uagsubueh, Druggist. Never apply water to a plant until It requires it, that Is, unili It is dry, n ul thou upply a Buillolenl quantity to soak It. Alva's llrsalllan Specific Co., 0 vvBU street N. Y. Ger.tlemeu: 1 tae pleasure In leitl fvlng to ibeuirattve iowr of jour ' ao us jii'mki tun, wiuuii lias reueviu me 01 mm cular rheumatism ol long standing. I w s troubled Mirloiuiy by dyspepila as Hell, fioin which, lam pleased to state, It has also cured me Assuring you that I shall recommrnd your medicine to my frlonds, I am. Yours respectfully, ADAM IJHOWN. i)eo. 0, 1600. W Ninth St., Brooklyn, N. V. Hold at Ktrlln's Drug Blore,Fergroon House .Block, bhsnandoah. Tlmyer Own the Constellation, Bostos, Sep. 10. Mr, Iinyard Thayer, when asked It he had purchased the Con stellation, the lst built schooner-yaclit in this country, fM that he hod. The yricht is constructed of steel nud cost uoarly $100,000. Kscaped Convict Cuuclit. SINO Smo, N. Y., Sep. 10. Louis de Luca, tho llfo convict, who escaped from Sing Sing prison on Tuesday wns recap tured by n policeman lu Turrytown an I brought back to the prison. He will uo be puulbhed. Advertising It Is said will sell anything, this is true In a measure; but for toy lug qualities,- merit Is the test. Exteniv sdvortisiug may nell anything where It is new or unknown, but after it comes Into general use, It hi judged according to its worth. The oosttaued 1 steady growth of Swift's MpeclUa U the best evideuoe of its excellent. It Is most popular where it Is best known. 75 very bottle sold, sella taa others, livery one that takes it be comes its friend, and recommends 11 ta their acquaintances. Treatise on Blood tatd Skin Diseaaa mailed free. Swu-r Spzoifio Co., Atlanta, Se National Bank. SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. A. W. Leiscnring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisennnq, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' 't Cashier. Opcti Daily From 9 to 3. 3 PER GENT. INTEREST ! Xu!el on KaviitH xicpoNltn Wor LOST or rAItINO MANHOOD. 'laencral and II2UV0TJ3 DEBILITY, ! Weakness of Body and Kin d, Ettecta KobDiU .Nobln 31AMIU0U foltf Ilrsloml. How In Kol&nrp and htrt-nftlirii KAK,LM)M KI.((fkIH)R(JANS A 1'AKTH orUOUlf Absotutfl i-nfuitlnic IIOflK TItMltlhSr llnteillii H day. uea tufy intra fu piiph and rorr ivn ioaolrlri. Hrlt llietn, IlMtrljtthe Hook, rttltnotlon cod iroor mailed (tcalntjfree Adareu ERIE rnuDICAL CO., BUFFALO. Nt Y. Iin TOTJ AUK aoiNa TO nilHNmirl, ICaiiHiiH, ArltniiHiiH, TcxiiH,;Nu1roHltii, I.otiiHlaiiH, Colorado, Vtali, Clltoriiin, OrrKoiiWnNlilm:toiil3Xtxico, cw Illcxlco or Arlzoiin, and will send me a postal card or letter stating Where you nre going, When you aro going, Whoro yon will start from, How mauy there are In your party, What freight oiul boggugo you have, 1 will write you or call at your hoi)feanQ furnish you with the fullest information rfsrdltK routes, lowest rates of all cliiFKB, Minucs msps, aeecripiive auuu. luetriuid land pamphlets, resort books, Hot Springs guides, etc. Cheap Fannin? Lar.ds In Missouri, ArSun sa", Kansas and Texas. J. P. McCANN. Eastern Trav. Agt., W. E. HOYT, Q. E. 1'. Agt., 301 Broad wny.Now York Iron Mountain Route, MISSOURI AND PACIFIC RAILWAY Genuine . " is and will evor bo tho -best Remedy for Omit Tnflnans. Tankohe.' Onina in tha fMrin. RhSBt BUdl Joints, Ifeuralgia, Bpruins, &o Befure yoa aoea to loy, cotaut rar-cntre nC flHJUlCEtS tlio valWo book 1 "Guide to Hesltb," wiUl i enoors8eni 01 prummini uujuauuii. Auiissii: A 310 Broadway, HEW TfOBIi. 'rlzs Medals Awarded! 7Enropf..nHocBeiRoJolt3tLoiiflon7 Viani l'rgn?i Eotteidam, Oltoni 50 Cents a bottle, For Salo by j 1. . ItlllXIN, C, II. IIA.GKNJJUCII, SHENANDOAH, PA., ana otner arossun. rirst ITALY AND OUR FAIR King Hiiinljort's Silonco Has Aroused Italians Horo. A BIQ MEETING TO BE CALLED. Strong Efforts Being Mado to Have the Oonntry Bopresentod. The I'hmioiis tVlilte Hiiuailron to Mo I)ls l)iiniled"i)iieesloiis ltvllevrtl to Hnro Keen Made lly lloth Sides In tlio Itntn Matter Chairman Cooloy's llonignatlon tho Iteaillt of 111 Health. WashivqtoK, Sep. 10. Tho fallttro of tho Italian government to accept the In vitation of tho United States to partici pate in the World's Fair caused promi nent Italian citizens lu this country some time ago tourgo Italy to change its decision. No answer was mnilo to tho request. At a meeting held here last night of the ItHlo-Ainerican committee on promo tion of the World's Columbian Exposi tion, a body created at a meeting wh ch urged the acceptnnee of the Invitation, the president, Dr. T. S. Verdi, reported that the previous resolutions had been forwarded through the proper diplo matic channel to the Italian government, and, though eight weeks have elapsed, no otllclal answer has been received, and that, under tho circumstances, ho would Buggest that ft general meeting he held In Washington, at which tho Italo American citiiens of tho United States should he represented to givo expression to the necessity of having tho Italian government participate in the great ex position. llr. Cnraoristi, tho secretary of the committee, agreed to the necessity of such an nppcnl coming from 1,600,000 ltalo-Amerionus in tho United States. There wero differences, he said, between tho two governments, for which tho people, ns a whole, of neither country nre responsible; therefore, he said, the gov ernment of Italy should overcome sensl tivoness whou confronted witlin national duty. Kesolutlons calling for n meeting of Italo-Amcricnns in Washington on Dec. 7 next, to take action looking to the pro motion of the fair and urging Italy to accept the invitation of tho United States, were ndopted. TO BE DISBANDED. Vessols of the rnmou Whlto Squadron Ordered to Different Station. Wasiuxqton, Sep. 10. Tho Squadron of Evolution, or tho White Squadron, which has attracted so much attention throughout this country nud Europe is to be disbanded. Secretary Tracy has Issued orders to the chiefs of bureaus in tho Navy De partment directing them to mako the nccossary arrangements for preparing for sea service two vossels of tho squad ron the Yorktown ami tho Petrol. Tho Petrel, one of tho smaller vessels of tho navy, will go to China via tho Mediterranean Sea and the Suez Canal. Her small sizo makes her especially litted for tho Chiua station, enabling her to cruise In many of the rivers for a consider able distanco inland. Tho Yorktown, a gunboat, will bo as signed to tho rncillo. The other vessels of Admiral Wnlkor's command will probably bo assigned to foreign stations. THE ITATA CASE. Concessions llulluvvd to Have llocn Made l.y lloth Sides. Washington, Sep. 10. It is learned that tho abandonment of tho case against the Itatn is tho result of an agreement between this government and tho now Chilian government, whereby tho latter is to reimburse the United States for tho expense incurred in tho chase of tho Itata. In return the Congrossionalist agonts aro freed from a further prosecution of the neutrality laws and the steamer is released. Conference Over Keystone Dunk Affairs. Washington. Sep. 10. Itccelver Ynrd loy, of the Keystone National Bank of I'hlladolphln, accompanied by several government officials from Philadelphia, had an extonded conference with Comp troller Lacey at tho Treasury Depart ment last evening in regard to matters concerning tho Keystone Bank. Second Comptroller Gilkerson was called into tho conference, tho result of which is un known. Those In it refused to disclose its object Chilian IloAizoea Landed Teru. Wabhinoton, Sep. 10. Tho only Chil ian news of an official character received during tho past 13 hours was contained in a cable dispatch from Admiral Brown to the Navy Department. Ho said tho Jlaltimorehad urrived at Jlalcndo, Peru, ami placed the Chilian refugees on shore and would return without delay to Val paraiso. Hand ItcHtcuiptlon. Washinoton, Sep. 10. At the close of business last evening the Treasury De partment had redeemed 10,5o,100 four and a half per cent, bonds, and extended $324,118,850 at' 8 per cent., leaving out standing about $47,000,000. AVIiy Chulrman Conloy Ileslgned. Wasmnuton, Sep. 10. A letter baa been received from Judge Cooley giving sickness as a reason for resigning his po sition as chairman of the Interstate Com mission. Silo for T.ynn's I'ubllo lltilldlng. Washington, Sep. 10. Assistant Sec retary Crounse has seleoted the property bounded by Liberty, Willow and Wash ington streets in Lynn, Mass., as theslto for the new publio building in that city. Will Demand Indemnity. New York, Sept. 10. Tho ITorgnn Line Steamship Company announces that a demand will be made upon the British government for indemnity for the cargo stolen from the stranded steamer El Do rado by the Bahama wreckers. Ki-Jmiltur Daley's Trial. ILuitford, Conn., Sep. 10. The trial of ex-Janitor Daley of Trinity College, who, on tho night of the Trinity olasa day dance shot and killed John McCarthy, 1 set down for next Tuesday. H oilJtmenit WILL CURE CVEBV rnnui ne Weather Indications. Washiscito.v, Sop. 10. For Now England! Generally fair, no chauuo lu toinperaturo, northerly wlmli. For liustorn New York, pastern Pennsyl vania, Now Jersey: Generally fair, stationary temperature, northerly winds, For Western Now York and Western Penn sylvania: Generally fair, warmer, w.torly w,ni8" NEW TOHIC MAUICKTS. Nbw Yonrc, Sep. 0. llonoy on call easy loaning at 3 and 4 per cone LOND3. C!oin Yestenlsy. 4Ws, 1801 ltoy.,.. 4i 1801 Coup.. 4 s, 1007 Ho.... 4 b, 1007 Coup.. nm 110M STOCK MARKET. Closing Yostordar. Cnnnrtlnti Tactile 8N Central Fnoltla 'S'i Chloaifo, tlur. Qulncy 00 Delaware & Hudson 140 Del., Lack. & Western 14.1 nrle 27W l.rin prof , OltS Lake Shore 11BVJ Ixiuln. & Nan Michigan Central 09 iliSMjiiri 1'iiclfle M New Jerser I entral 120 Koithwestern 112! Oregon Navigation 72 Vaulflo Mall 30U UeaUlne U.Vtf Itock Wand 84 t-'t. l'uul Tuff Union l'aoino -Tj Western Union 84 ) Closing To-dny. 00 11)8 1431J lluti GUAIN MAIlKr.T. Corn opened weak, but rallied boforo 0I039. No. -', mixed, To Oct. osfcl: Doo. Ou. Outs Fairly actlvo and steady. No. 2, mixed :. Wlioat Market oponod weak and furthor declined t No. 2, 'lied wlutor, loajj; Oot. 10TW: Dec 110J4. PltODUCB IlnTTEa Creamorr. State It Ponn.. extras. 24 n.a24t$o. Creamery, wostorn. flrsls 20 caJS 0. Creamery, western, seconds 17 o.alO o. State dairy, h. f. tubs, oxtras..., 21o.a-2 o. r.aos N. Y. State, now laid, per doz,...10,o.a30 0. Venn., new laid lu c.alUlja. Weetorn A Nortbwcitern, good to prime 17 nl7 l'OTATOBS Jerser Koxa, per libl 1 lav I 2; Sweet potatoes. Vs., clioico 1 unl 7.5 Live Poolthv blirlmr cliickunj. choice, laro per lb. .14 all!4 Miring ctilcke is. prime Ill ul3j i'Owls.Jen-ey.State&l'a., perlb 13 al3i LIIUUSSD 1'OULTllY Turkeys, mixed weights, nor lb. 13 an bpr clik's, Pliiln., 3o. Hh to alO Peaches Md. &l)cl., yellow, choice, per bosk.. 03b 75 lid. A; Dei.. .-d fruit, choice, InWK.... UUa ia Jersey, prime, per b.titot uo 73 Arri.ES Md. 3t Del., cholco, per crjto HOa 43 JId. & Del . , ooramon, per crutc 20a 25 NyuaJc or UoUuad t'lpiiiu, p U-U.bLliM 2.'sl til 'COPVBiCHt IB51 "There's something behind it." That's what you think, perhaps, when you read that tho proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy offer $500 reward for an inctirablo caso of Catarrh. Rather unusual, you think, to find tho raakora of a medi cine trying to provo that thoy be lievo in it, "Thero must bo some thing back of it 1 " But it's a plain, squaro offer, mado in good failh. Tho only thing that's back of it Is tho Remedy. It cures Catarrh in tho Head. To its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, tho worst cases yield, no matter how bad or of how long standing. It has a record that goes back for 25 years. It doesn't simply relievo it perfectly and permanently cures. With a Rem edy liko this, tho proprietors can mako such an offor and mean, it. To bo sure there's risk in it, but it's so very small that they aro willing to take it. You've " never heard of anything like this offer?" True enough. But then you'vo never heard of anything liko Dr. Sage's Remedy. Bank Counters, Tyler System, Port ablo, Unequalod In Styles. ,.,Cost nd Finish. Also Tyler's It oral Office JJcka and Type writer Cabinet!, Htylea. llot ond cheap cbi on earth, with great reduction in prices. Iso pug MUivgu rive, ro.ugt J eta. Full Its, of Pe.kt, ifaMn, Table. UmIi, Cabuitu, Lrrftl IlUati Ckblarli, tie., ! la .lock. k ...!. I A.fc .A- .- I TYt.r:it J) Eg It CO., Ht.l.oill., Mo., U.S.A. nouclexs y the bct piiviitiftm J-tam Kai t'r ymptoruf tmreirv-wl, fWm! f. Ft?HE ftfJOi- t ei 11MW it flROPSY SKIM DISEA CACTUS BLOOD CURE. TO Tones up your system and gives you an appetite that a lumberman might envy. Cures dyspepsia, stomach troubles, constipation, and liver or kidney diseases. In addition to this it cures all skin affections and the more violent blood troubles. Effects aro immediate and cures permanent;. Sold at Kirllit's Drup Store, Ferguson's Hotel lHock, Shenandoah, Pa. Your trade Is what we want. This Is how we proposo to get it. By selling you a flrst class article; by selling you for less than others; by eellirg you furniture, nn organ, u piano, n tewing nuieliinc or anything else In the line of howehold goods. We have a largo and va ried stock to select fiom. No trouble to showgoods. EH H s H H Cj Call, examine and bo convinced. THE OLD RELIABLE, South Main St., SHE 3ST.nST3D ov.r. Loliigli Valley Railroad. ABBANOEMKNT or FA8SEKQEK TKAIBS. -MAY 10, 1891.. Passenger trains will leave HhenandoaU for Muuch Chunk, Jhlgbton, Blatlnstou, Cata siiuqua, Alleulown, Betlilehem, Eastou, 1'hU dlplilKarid!ew Vort at 6.47, 7.40, 9.03 a.m., lZ52,aiO,5.1Wp.iii. ' For Helvldere, Delaware Wter Gap and StroudEburg at 5.47, a. m., and 5.26 p. m. Kor Lambcrtvlllo and Trenton, tf.ub a, m For White Haven, Wilkes-Harre and t'ltto 1011 5,47. f .0!j, m.41 a. to., 8.10 and 5.26 p. in. For TiinlihannocR-, 10,11 a. in., 8.10 and 5.S6 p. 01 For Anbnrn, lthaoa, Qeneva and and Lyons 10.41 a. m and 5.26 p. in. For Laowy vllle, Towanda, Bayre, Waverlr, lilnilra, llocheeter, JBuOalo, Magara. FUa I'hlcsRU and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,aiid 5.2ii p. 111. For l-lmlra and the West vlnHiilnninn-fi ni 3.10 p.m. but Auaennea, nazieton, Stockton, 1,11111. tier Yard, Weatfcerly and Fenn Haven Jnno tlou at 5.47, 7.40, t),08a. m.and 12.52, 3.10 abd 0,26 p.m. Kor Joanesvllle, LevlBton and Iieavei Meadow, 7.10, 9.08 a. m. and 628 p. m. Fort(crantonat6.47 V.m, 10.41a. m. 3,10 and 5:21) p. to. For Hasle Brook. Jeddo, Drlfton and Free land at b.47, 7.10, 9.08, 10.11 a. in., 1252 8.10 and 5.20 p, 111. For Quakaie at 5.47 and 9.08 a.m., and 3.10 p. in. For Wlgnaiis, Ollberton and Fracfevllle at 5.50 and 9.08a m.,and 4.10 p. m. For Yatt-sYille, Mahanoy City and Drlatio 5.47, 7.40, 9.0S, 10.41, 10,58 a. m.,12.52,, 8.03, 8.2 ' For Unl CreeK, aiiardvllle and Ashland I. 27, 7.16. 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.10, 4.10. 8.35, B.10 and 9.11 p. m. For Darfcwater, Bt. Clair and Pottavllle, 7.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. in., 12.52,3.10,4.10, 6.26 and S.Ot p. m. For Bock Mountain, New Boston and Mnrea, 7.40, 9.08, lu.58 a. m., ISL52, 8.10, 6.26 and 8.08 p. in. For Haven Run, Centralla,Mt. Carmel and Bhamoklu, 8.52, and 10.15 a. m., 1.10, lit and 8.06 p.m. Trains leave Hhsmokln for Shenandoah, 7.55 11.65 a. in., 2.10, 40 and 9.30 p. m arriving at Hhenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52, 8.10, 6.a8 and II. 15 p.m. SUNDAY TKAINb. Ft Lost l, Olrardvllie and AshlonO, i.50, 9.10 llJto u. m., 3.45 p. m. For Darkwater. Ht. Clair and Fottsvlue, 1.5(1, 8.(, 9.80 . . 111.. 2,45 p. m. Foi Vetesvili. , MahanoytJIty and Delano, .U, J1.86 s. n. 1.40, 4.4M.0p. ra. l'nr Uifiy, Aailsnrlsd and Hazleton, bJX A' m,, 1.40 p. in. F"r :: ucb Chunk. Lehlghton. Ulsttntlon Cstaaiiqnn, AU-Dtown, Bitlilelieni, Kostoi and New York, H.00 a. in., 1.40 p. ra: For fuluulr lj-hls, 1.40 p. ra. a. B. BYINGTON, Uen'l Prs. ARt.. Bethlehem. HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Cream I BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and KETAIL, Orders promptly Mended to, Tartlcular at tention puld to Balls, Picnics, rcttuls, etc, n. TIT'A.T NOKTll MAIN 8TKEKT, Near Corner olJUoyd, (HENAKDQAH, PENNs WE'RE AFTER YOU! J.P.WiaABro., Philadelphia and Roading Eailroad Vime Tabl in egeel July JO, ltsbl TRAINS LEAVE SHENANDOAH IS FOLLOWS 2.r7rlVlA.1,al!ddf2aealndrt m1?r2lJU,f.Dd 1M m. Kor New V Il,m,jF.n1 '2.85 and 2.50 p.m. 2in ScaTi!!,tand i'hllBdelphla Weekday Z',..??'?' R.'.m-i 12-35 V-M and 5.55 p;m, nnitay. 2.10 and 7.48 a. m., 4.80 n. m. op. '"wu weel!: Jtrtt, 7.20 . m. 12.W 2l3irm'0flnd1S& 'k ayl 2-w.7.a),.M.. m fu p.iii. ' Hnnfl,5' Z10nrt7.(8 fof and Mahnnoy city, week .ays, 2i0, 5.25, 7.20. a, lu., 12.3j W0 and 655 ;JSf..8uudar' I1'!' 7.43a,m.74.S)p. m. Additional ,..r Mnuanoy City, week days 7.00 ',0p.Tni Columllla. lays. For Wllllameport, Munbnry and Lewlubnrr.. .wkilay.8.2i, 7.20 and n 80 m.. 1.85 7 64 . vo. Sunday 8:25 h. m., 3.06 p. m. iL.Run.BO.1,1,luci wws flayi, 2.10 8.2,. i. 7J and 11.30 a. m., 12.W, lSu, Au. r 55 ,.s, ,. m. Sunday, 2.V& au'd or AAhland and fsbhn.dr'in. ' wmi- h.j, 7.wi, u.m a m., i 85, 7.00 and 9.36 .. m. Unnday 3.25, 8 32.,. ro S. p.m. rilAlNH KOU bWlOiMANDOAH l laye New York via Fhlladelplila, weov lays, 7.45 . m.. 1.80, 4.00, 7.80 p. m 12.11 ilibt. BnndKy,koop.m..f2.16ulimt. . '"eTL?'??. m V,R Mnch diunk, weel lays, 4.30. 8.45 n.m 1.00 mid 4.0J p. m. ,'aVB l'hU';delphlu, ween dnyo, 4.10, anfl ni Oallowtiil) and 85 a. m. and 11.30 p. in, from 9th ano wrwiu ireui. Bunday 9.05 a. m. 11.10 p. m. from fun n -ii. "'"dins, week days, 1.85, 7.10, ad 11.80 a. in., 56, 7.57 p.m. Bunday 1.85 hn '.v a. m. Leave PolUvllle, week dfcys, S.10, 7.40 a, n... i?.s&,6H p. in. BnndRy, 2.40, 7.00 a. m. and 3.15 1 . m. uwvoTamwiUtt, week days, 3.S0, 8.4B and 21 a. m., 1.21, 7.13, and 9.1b p. m. Bunday s.iO 7 43 u to. and 2.60 p. m. iwavo Mahanoy city, week days, 8.10, 9.18 nd 11,47 a. m 1.61, 7.42 and 9.41 p. in. (Inn. lay, 8.46,8.17 u. m., S.20 p. m. teae Mahanoy X'lauc, week days, 2-4, 4.C0 I. 80,95, 1U 9 a. m.,1.06, 2.10. 520. 626,7.57, and l"."1' Sunday 2.1j, 4.00, and 8.i7,a. m. 3 37, 5.01, p. m. iuvti Glrnrdvllle (lUvppahannocs Btatlon) weok days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.30, and 8.41 tt. in., 12.0 ' 2, 6.1(1. 6.82, 8.03 and 10.06 p. m. Sunday. 2.47; 0 ,b 33 a.m. 8.11,6.1.7 p. lu. lm.u Wllllamiiport, week days, 3.00,9.45 anfl II. 55 a. m. 8.35 and 11.16 p. m. Bunday 11.1 p, m. tor Baltimore, Washington and the west 1 B. A O. B. It., through trains leave Olrard Vvenue station, Fhlladelphla, tF. d: R. 1. K.) at 4.16, 8U1 and 11.27 a. m 1.81, 4.24, 5.55 am 1.23 p. ui. Bunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a. m 4.24 i avo Philadelphia, Chestnut otreet Wharf, tn.l hnnth Ul.ul uri.n.r Weok-dyii Bxpretr, 6.15, 8 00.9:00,10.45 a. m.auali' (turdny. only, 1.80), 2.(0, 3 00, 3.80, , 5 00. 0.00 y. Auoommodatton, 7 40 a. xu., 4.15, 0 30 p. ni. nii'i ,. clxprnw 615, 7.00, 7.3J. 8.00, 8 SO, 9.00, 9.30 . ni. anil 4 30 p. in. aocoiuuh, .jiuon 8.00 a. m.and 1 45 i. lu. tetarnlnn. leave Atlantic City, depot corner iiilltniniAi Knu.r MTl"'llHV- V IVHIIl'l ExprePP, 7.00, 7.30, 8 00, 0.00, 10.00 a. m. and 3 15 4 ni. .1 .an. fi-.T l 7 an a :u n m a iwuvtirtii.n (I.0U, 8.10a.m. and O0p in. Hnudays-hx- tircuD 'Xl A IV K IWt 0 (UI it. Of I r or. Ann n .in. p. in. AccommoJiitlon, 7.3U a. m,,G.05 p. su. PENNSYLVANIA UAILSOAB. sounyiKHj. sivibiok. Onanii after Scjilember 1, 1391, iroim xellt ob For WICKan, OUberton, Frackvllle, Neve Smtlo, Bt. Clair, and way points, 6.W, 9.1S . m tnd 4.16 p in. Sundays, boo, 9.40 a m and 3.10 p m. For Fottavlllo, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15p m. r m. For Folttown. PhnenlxvillA. Nnrrlnt..n-, :.d Philadelphia fB-oad street station), 6,00, a. in. and 4.15 p m week days fjur.days, too, 9.40 a m AM p m Trains leave FrackvlUe lor Bhcnandotu at 10.40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p in. Bcndavs. IU18 m and 6.40 p m. t,eAve 1'oitsvllle lorOhenandoah, 10.15 and U.48, a m 7.15, 9.42 p m, BnsCays, 19,40 a m i.15 p ra. i.unvo uuMuvivum (xiruuu mreei kihviosi. i Pottsvlllo and Bbennnrtoah. 5.S7. RS ni 4'C anil 7.00 Ti tn wattlr rlnvR. Hnnilftv ft fin nn. 9.23 r Ja c or New York, 8.20, 4,0f, MO, 6.85, (1.60, 7.S0. .aos.Sn, 1I.60, 11.00andllJ4, 11.35am, 12.00 noonL (Umtleit er-ross, l,n 4.60 p m.) 12.21 12.41, 1.40. 3.30, 4.J0, .02 5,,6.2), 6.51) 7.13 8.12 and lU.OO p. m. 12.01 ultut. Btsnuuys, t i. 4.0B, 4.4a r,.B6. 8.12, 8.W), 9.50. 1135 m. ma 12 2t, 12 41, 2 30, 4 02, (limited , . ,. , 4 ai i.ui muni. For Bea Girt. IjOncBranch and lnlerm ed lot stations 1,05, 6.50, 8.25 and 11 89 a. in., 6.10, 8.30, 4. 10 p. m. week days. .turdays only 6 00 p. in. HiinanynUdtiuaB2ia. m. Pdr ll.llltm.irn ftnrt VlTuulilnrrltti Kill Ol 0.10 and 11.18 a. ra., 4 41, 0.57, 7.1U p.m. and" 12.0S iiIctI,!, mw u ni iAm.. ... IOM , ...1... express with dlnluc car to llaltlmore) 1.30,8.46 p. m. wek days. For Baltimore only 2.02, 4.01 weekdays, 5.0i, 11.80 p.m. dally. For ltlcbniond, 7 20 a. m. and 12.03 night daily, 130 p. m. uaily, except Sunday. iniiiB w.ive imrnAuutll lor lllfeDCirK ana he weBtevorj day at '".Wand 8.10 a m and ..on (ltmltedl and 8.41'. 8 SO. 0.35 n m. Wn fnr- Altuohn h m and 4.10 p m erery aay. 1 or ritisourt: only, 11.20 a m daily una 10.20 , na week days. Leave Bunbury lor 'Wllltainsport, Blmlia, nsudalgna, Uochestr,Bnftnloand Niagara I'alls, B.lOanidnlly, and l,2pm weokdnys. for Vatklns, 6.S0 p m week days. Kor F.rle and interniedlato pcilate,5.1uatn., dally. For lack ijHven, 6J0, and 9,8 a m. dally, 1 U and 6.30 p. 111. week days. For rtenova 0.10 a m 1.42 and 6,'JO p ia week days, 1.10 a. 10 aunrtay m. .'HAB. S. 1'U1, J.K.WOUU, flan. Khu'r 6n. Buss. Alt. JILMINaTON A NOltTHEltN It. It. 2me table in tffect May.W, 1881. Trains leave Heading (F. & It. nation) for Gibraltar, Beyfert, Blrohboro, Joanua, Spring field, Wnyntshuie Junction, CoaUBVille,We6t Chester,l badsford Junction, B. a O. Junction, Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dully except bunday, at 6J25 and 8.30 a.m. and 3,15 p. in. Bundny only at 8.05 p. 111. For Warwick, ht.Feter and liitermedlata statlons.daUy except Bunday, at 9.20 u.m., and 6.19 p. ra. hunday only 8.16 a ra. For Blrdkburo and intermediate Stallone, Saturday only, at 12 m. . -f For Baltlmnrr and Washington ,1). O.K. K.) dntly except Bunday at 6.26 and 8.80 a, m and 8.U p. in. bunday only ai 8.05 p. m. Trains arrive si Itvbdtng (!' V It. nation) ironi Wilmington. B. it O. Junction, Mmt rhanln,'Cliaddslord Junction, Wist t'htstrr, Inape, Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction, bpriUKllold.Jounna, lilidtboro, Ulbniliur, y feriand Intermediate ktatlonK, dally tict . Bunday st 10.30 a. in. 5.62 and 8.17 p. m. Bin day only at 11.94 a. in. From Bt. Feters, Warwick and Intermrdtale stations, daily excopt Bunday, at K.2J a. m. and 2.35 p.m. Bunday only at 6 p. m. From Blidaboro and Intermediate stations Saturday only at 1.40 p. m. Fiom Washington and llaltlmore, dally x copt Bunday, 10 20 a. ra. 6.62 and 817 p. m. Bandsy only at 11.24 a. rn. BOWNKKB BB1GOB, Gen'lPass. As1 A. Q. MCCA UBUAND, BupU RUPTURE. rvM II U I I U li ll Hupture by Dr J. B. MAYEIt, 831 Arch Bt., Vhlla. Tl omaa B. Harlung, New Uluggold, Fa., I.f'audt, houtb Eautun, I'll., I,. I". s O. A. Deturck, Oley, l'a It. O. Htanlev. 421Bnruce Bt.. Lebanon. 1 'a . A eciiueiaer. ixicuh iiaie, ra.,11, 11. jsoii. Limn Dr. MAYKH Is at Hotel l'enn, Beading, l'a., on the 2nd Baturday ol each inomh. Call to see him. jg- E. BIUCKER, M. D FMYSIOIAN AND SVJtffJEON, NolSEast Centre Street; Mahanoy City, F Bkln and all special diseases k specialty, una, i'ii., win. in. iinneuKiiiie, rnoenixvnie. Fa., W. M. Irflnbach, tSl W'sthliigton Bt.! Beading, Fa., J, C. Lyme. 1310 W. Howard Bt,, llarrlsbiirir. 1'u.. O. Keehu. Douelassvllle. l'a.