The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 10, 1891, Image 1

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    4 d
VOL. VI.--NO. 18S.
A towu uubIiiws man yesterday
showed n Hkhald reporter n circular
he had just received from a New
York City nrm rending aa follows:
"The MoKlnley bill having advanced
' the duty on gold and silver medals to
60 per cent, (freo of duty heretofore),
it In Impossible to Import them In fu
ture and sell thum at the old prices.
We have therefore begun the manu
facture of medals In our Nhw York
factory for chalices, etc., and, having
made new dies with correct EuglUh
texts. The following list will show
we are prepared to make them now at
thnnlfl nrtae." The members of the
ilrm are Democrats, too.
This is a great country. It can
feed the whole world and still give its
owners meat three times a day and
bread and butler between meals.
The country is richer to day than
it was in 1860. Then there were
$13 85 for each inhabitant; now there
is $21.10. Republican rule aud pro
jection are the cause of the change for
V the better.
Hhenandoah Is fortunate in this
particular : Our business men nre
united in all matters of public enter
prise. They only have to contend
ngalnsttho little two-for-a-nlckle fel
lows to carry any broad-guage meas
ure that will build up the town and
advance Us Interests.
Closely following the wholesale
denunciations of State Treasurer Boyer
by the Democratic Convention, comes
the testimony of Governor Pattlson
before tho Legislative Investigation
committee, which as far as the Gover
nor could go, vindicates the State
Treasuier from the charges of speculat
ing In state funds. The Governor
testified that the bank of which he
was President had state deposits of
many thousands of dollars, but had
paid no Interest on the same nor given
, any other consideration for its use.
RAG STAIR CARPET, taken out of
the loom to-day.
O- ZD. rStlCKE'S
Carpel Store, 10 South Jardio St., near Centre
Carpets and
Our stocJiof FLOOR OIL CLOTH for the fall trade
is now complete.
to select from In all widths, qualities and zrlces.
Jfc Two yards wide, from
A large Assortment New Styles All Prices.
Don't forget our five year old pure Apple Vinegar,
and Mixed Spices for Fielding.
Just received FANCY
tra large, white and fat.
Other bank ca3hlera of Philadelphia,
whose banks had state fundson deposit,
gave the same testimony. Thus do
the Democratic Blunders fall to the
ground oven upon tho testimony of n
Democratic Governor.
An Associated Pj ess dl-patuh from
Loudon, giving the views of leading
manufacturers In England, Scotland
and Ireland, ou the MoICluloy bill,
reveals the fact that the hope of tho
foreign manufacturer Is concentrated
in the belief that tho result of the
next election will be against the tarifi.
Acting upon this belief they are re
ducing the C03t of manufacture by
reducing wages and nre thus ablo to
keep up the volume of their Bales In
many kinds of wares. They frankly
admit that If America sustains the
tarifi their business will be greatly
curtailed, therefore the fight of 1692,
so fur as the American working man
Is concerned, resolves itself into one
for bread, for If the free traders should
Bucneed In electing a free trade Presi
dent and a free trado Congress next
year, it will be a victory In the in
terest of the British manufacturer and
opposed to the best Interests of Airier
lean labor.
The census gives Pennsylvania a
uopulatlon of 6,158,014. Tills makes
her larger numerically than many
nations of whom the world bears
much, nnd her people average much
hlgber than theirs in wealth, eduea
tiou, Intelligence, and industrial skill,
Here are the populations of some of
them for comparison :
Argentine Republics 3.028,000
JUlglum 5,8i3,278
nhllk .-. 2.627.SJ I
Denmark 1,1W'0.'
Oreeco...; 1,U7,1?3
Nolherland 4.33(1.012
Norway 1,13,000
rem rf.u-u.ii-i
lVirtumil 4.703.. 78
Koumunlu 8,376.000
aervm i.wa.sou
Sweden i 8-.2J89
Switzerland 2,0Ol),7O
Rejiembek your taxes must be paid
before Oct. 3, or you cannot vote in
November. It is an Important matter
aud requires prompt attention.
It is gratifying to note that Pen
bIou Commissioner Raum reports to.
day there will be a suplusof 18,000,000
in pension appropriations Instead o
the expected deficiency.
Always go to Coslott's, South Main
street, for your primo oysters. 8 2'2-tf
Oil Cloths.
$1.00 per yard up.
, Musoum Floor Goes Down.
Fortunately Nobody Sorlously
Injurod Moro Baso Ball
Tho following oxocptions to the report oi
tho commissioners appointed to report on
the I'dvi-nbllity of dividing tho wards of
this borough wore presontod to tho courts at
oUsville yesterday and orderod fllod:
First. Tho petition is void booaU'O It
inks for a division of words already created
nto two or moro wards and to or.ct now
wards out of parts of two or uioro wards.
and is thoroforo bad for duplicity.
Socond, Thoro aro a sufficient numbor
ot wurd alroady existing in tho said bor
ough, and tho creation of four additional
ards will rondor tho borough council and
school board of said borough too cumber-
soruo forgood government of tho said bor
ough and school district.
Third. That said ward could be divided
into a sufficient number of voting precincts
without disturbing tho present arrange
ment of tho ward, and thus accommodato
tho voters of the borough without disturb
ing tho present municipal divisions.
Fourth. The division as mado by tho
said Commissioner is neither mado of
compact and continguous territory as
nearly equal in population as Pottsvillo,
but aro composed of districts of narrow
width and groat length and very incon
venient to tho voters of said new district.
Fifih. That said now wards as laid out
by '.ho saii Commissioners aro not of equal
population but aro of largoly unequal pop
Tho exceptions were filed by John A.
Nash, Esq., the attorney for tho parties
who opposod the p -titioners whon tho hoar,
ing was had in this town somo woeks ago.
Air. Hol'.opotor, ultornoy for tho peti
tioners, says that arguments on tho excep
tions will probably bo mado boforo tho
court next weok.
A Floor In a Museum Goes Down
Tho storo room in Bobbins' building on
South Main street, formerly occupied by
T. Rico, has been occupied by an
Egyptian mummy museum tho past few
days. Last night about 150 men and boys
crowded into tho place. Tho woight was
lot groat for the floor and down It went.
Tbo sound of falling lumber, combined
with tho shrieks of fright by tho timid and
oaths of the unterrified made tho place a
pandemonium. Tho north end of tho floor
broko from its fastenings and the couth end
retained a hold upon tho foundation wall,
forming a toboggan slido, and down went
tho men and boys Into a heap, with the
musoum manager and a couple of Egyptian
mummios on top. Tho drop was about
eight foot, but fortunately no one sustained
moro than a few scratches. An examina
tion of tho placo showed that when tho
building was put up the carpenters found
that their joists were too short and they
rested them upon a 4x2 pioco fastened with
spikes to serve as a girder.
Seff's Announcement.
On Saturday next SefT will receive at his
original bargain store on South Main street,
next door to Phillips' drug store, a large
and full stock of boots and shoos. The
stock will be sold at greatly reducod prices,
Seff's is the original bargain storo and the
only placo whero the peoplo of this town
can Eecuro genuine bargains. Ho tolls as
bo advertises land everything purchased
there may be relied upon as being tho beet
that can bo seemed iu tho market. Don'
forget tbo placo noxt Saturday and sco the
now stock. You will savo money by doing
It. 0-J0-3t
Tho Base Ball Cases.
John Iorab, the Icamslor, was before
Squiro Denglor last night, charged with
desecrating the sabbath by driving a bate
ball club to and from Lost Creek a few
Sundays ago. Mr. Lorah was directed to
pay a fine of f 1. If It Is not paid 'Squiro
Donglor will issue an attachment. Mr,
Lorah is inclined to fight the caie,
Conoort Eaoh Evening.
Willio Kendrick, tho phenomenal cor
netist of tbo U. W. Marine Band, Is home
on u vacation and will play at his parents'
home, tbo Kendrick House, each evening,
rendering some of tho most difficult and
popular solos of tho day, accompanied by
the Kendrick orchestra. Change of pro
granimo each evening. 9-3-15
Toolo Indlotod.
Tho grand jury yesterday roturnod
truo bill against Clork of tho Courts John
J. Toolo for assault and battery on achargi
preferred by County Commissioner Do
Turk. Tba ease will bo tried noxt week.
It la a well known fact that I'an-Tlna
Coueh aud Consumption Cure had cured Con
sumption, Couxbs and Cold when all else
failed. : and 60 cents. Trial bottles free at
Klrlln'8 drug (tore.
A Jolly Gathering.
A very sociable gathering of the Shen
andoah Choral Union was hold at tho
Watson House, Tuesday evening. The
main feature of tho gathering was tho pre
sentation of a very handome badgo to
lh!r loader, Prof. P. T. Evsns. The
badgo Is an elejrant piece of workmanship
and tho professor may feel proud of it.
The prnsentation sponoh was made by Mr.
.1. J. Price, tho Main street dry goods mer
chant, who stated that the bulge was not
given in compensation for services ren
dered, but was a token of tho high ostoom
in which tho gallant loader is held by the
choir. Mr. Evtns responded In a neat
littlo speech thanking the choir and also ad
vising them not to bo tho loit discouraged
by tho defoat they suffered at Lakt-sido,
but to bo firm with tho determination to
win back their laurels at an early period.
Tho choir then opened tho evening pro
gramme by singing ' Shatlor the Bonds,"
which excellent pieco was followed by
' Hon Wtad fy Iladia," which wai ably
sung by Jlr. Thomas Uavis, of Wm.
Penn. Then, at tho request of Mr. John
Phillips, Messrs. Evans nnd Price sang
Tho Two Bards." Mr. Evans then an
ouncod Mastor George Ilonry Phillips,
who gavo that grand old song "Tho Sword
f Bunkor Hill." Tho balanco of tho pro
gramme consisted of a song by Miss Mary
Jonkins, recitation by Mis? L. Bevan, and
song by Mr. Thomas Divis. Tho choir
thon adjourned to the spacious dining room
of tho Watson Housn, whero they partook
t all too delicacies ot tho soasnn. Un re
turning to tho parlors tho choir was mot by
tho Hon. T. J. Higgins and Mr. J. A
Boilly, who desired to hoar somo tolec
tions, among which was "Hallelujah
Chorus" and "Tho Summer " It Is need
oss to say that both genllemon wore do
ightod. In fact so well pleased that both
gentlomon showed their appreciation by
making a handsome donation to tho party
In concluding tho ovoning's ontertalnment
tho gleo club sang "Tho Quarryman's
Ohorus," aftor which ovory ono loft for
homo satisfied tint they bad spent a royal
An Explanation.
Mr Editor: It is due to tho gentlemen
who nppoared as prosecutors of the Sunday
base ball player that an explanation of
thoir action should bo mado public. As a
re-ultof a largo public meeting committees
were ofllcially appointed by tho goneral
churches to deviso somo method of secur
Ing a betlor observance of tho sabbath
among us. At a subsequent meeting of
these committees a volunteer sub-corn
mitteo of one from each church und ono
at-large was appointed to bring such tiros
ecutions as might bo agreed upon. It was
decided to make Sunday base hall tbe first
object of attack, becaueo mora peoplo aro
implicated in it and because its very
popularity it loading so many of our young
peoplo astray
From tills it will appear that the pros
ecutors aro acting not for themselves, but
in bohalf of tho churches who aro behind
them and stand pledged to their support.
Theso prosecutions, and others that aro
likely to follow, aro not potty prosecutions
growing out of personal grudges, but tho
first exhibitions of a movement on tho part
of a considerablo number of intelligent,
upright and determined men and wumon
who soek nothing but tho wolfaro of tbo
community through tho enforcement of!
tho law. The persons against whom proao
cutions may ho pressed havo no truer
triends than they will find intheporsons
who press them tbo moment they "cease to
do evil and learn to do well." In behalf
of law and order, I am very truly yours,
Wm. Powick,
Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church.
Shenandoah, Pa., Sept. 10, 1891.
Socond band school books
bought and I
sold at Max ltooso's.
Work Speaks for Itself.
With a steady Increase In trado our work
Is giving onliro satisfaction and wu guar
antee it wo do as wo say. All persons hold
ing our advertising tickets will please
bring them along at the timo of sotting.
We will give you exactly what the tickots
cull for. ltomembor tbe placo, Itoshon's
gallory, 29 W. Centre stroot, Hoffman's
old eland. 9-4-tf
A Safe Invostmont.
Ia one which In truuranteed to brlmr you sat
isfactory revolts, or In oasa of failure a return
of nurcnoko price. On this safe plan you can
nuy irom our aaveriisea uruggisi a uoiiio oi
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.
11 is guarunieea u) unug reuer in t-very case,
when uted for any affection of Throat, ' ungs
orCuext. such as Consumption. Inflamma
tion of Lungs, llronchltls, Asthma, Whooi-
ing Lougu. uroup, eia., eio. 41 is pi Hsuotuna
agreeable to Unttx. perfectly safe, and can ul
ways be depended upon. Trial botlles free at
U. II. Ilsgeubuch b Dru.' SUire.
There will bo a grand sociable In Fergu
son's front hall, Thursday evening. All
aro Invited. 0 9-2t
Now Fashions.
Tho ladles who crowded Bobbins' opera
house but night wero dressed in tho height
of fashion. 0-10 3t
Prime oysters, the btst the market
affords, always on band at Coslett's. 8-22-tf
Four tintypes fur 25 conts, at Dabb's. tf
The Grand Jury Roturns a True
Bill A Gratid Demonstration
G. A. R. at Mt, Oarmel
The county convention of tbo Womon's
Christian Temperance Union was held in
Mahanoy City yestorday. All tho unions
in tho county woro represented. Tho re
ports of work being dona along tho lines of
scientific tomperanco instruct! n, mothers'
mornings, railroad work, press, juvenile
nnd litoraturo wcro most oncouraging.
There has been distributed by tho Shen
andoah union 5,209 pages of teniperancn
litoraturo. Muhunoy City distributed 10.-
CV) pages and tho Shenandoah "Y" 160
tracts. Thoy have also diHributod 15
baskots of flowers, two baskets of fruit and
havo visited nine sick persons.
ino county union dociuod to havo a
county banner with tho laurel as tho em
biematical flower and the motto, "In His
Name wo Conquor."
All tho local unions aro to havo banners
but havo not decided as to tho flower or
Tho convontion was woll attended by
persons who are not mombors nnd encour
aging addresses were made by ministers
and others in attondanco.
t tho evening meeting thoro was
crowded lmu'o and several stirring ad-
drosses wore mado.
G. A. R. DAY.
A GloriouB Timo at Mt. Carmol
Grand Army Day, at Jit. Carmel yostor
day, proved a decided success Tho pro
lusion was ono ot tho liticst over seen in
that hustling burg. Tho weathor was de
lightful and tho programme was carried
out to tho lotter. It is estimated that fully
15,000 pooplo witnessed tho demonstration
All day long tho town was crowded with
visiting Grand Army Posts, Sons of Vet
erans, and pooplo from all parts of Schuyl
kill and adjoining counlios. Watkin
Waters Post, No. Mtl, G. A. It., Henry
Horncastlo Camp, No. 49, S. of V., tho
Grant Cornet Baud, and a largo delegation
of citizens, numborlng in all about 300,
were in attendance Tho Grant band mado
a hit and was enthusiastically rccnivod.
It Will bo Held at Bothlohom and
Will Ecllpso all Others.
Tho stale fair, which will bo hold at
Bethlehem this year, opening on Sopt,
list and closing on tho 20th, will bo a joint
exhibition with tho Bothlohom B'airand
Driving Park Asciat on, and will sur
pass all othor exhibitions. Many horse
men will bo present from all parts of the
country, nnd excellent trials of spool aro
promieod, Besides, there will be exhibi
tions daily by tho famous equestrienne,
Miss Nollio Burko, who has boon soeurod
at an enormous oxponso. Thursday will bo
Governor's day, and on Friday tb firo-
men's tournament will take placo. Tho
premiums offered aggregato ?12,000, aro
larger than over beforo, and this alono Is
sufllcient proof of a groat oxhibition. The
racing premiums sum up f 1.000, so that tbo
races will bo the finest. The grounds aro
largo enough to accommodato 100,000
peoplo. The pooplo of Bethlehem and
vicinity roalizo tho groat attraction of tho
stato fair, and are very enthusiastic over
tho fust approaching ovont.
The crops in Oxford County, Me., were
greatly damaged by a boavy frost last
Tho flth annual convention of the ceme
tery superintendents of America, is in ses
sion at the Palmer House, Chicago.
The destruction by fire of thoextonslva
Baum store building In Brooklyn, N. Y.f
yesterday threw COO people out of work.
MTho Board of Directors of tho Western
union Telegraph Company havo declared
aillvlilund of U 1-1 per cunt., payable on
the loth.
Admission Day, commemorating tbs
admission ot California into tbo Union,
was generally obsorved throughout Cali
fornia yesterday.
The Treasury Department yosterdsy
purchased 050,000 ounces of silver at
D8 2-5 to 98 8-5 cents per ounoo. The of
(era were 920,000 ounces.
Tho cable stonuior Mackny-Bennett
sailed from Halifax, N. S., ltwt night to
find a break in tbe Commorclal Cauls be
tween O'Pierre and Canso.
Do you want a good stable, suitable for
livery purposes, In a good location. If so,
apply to John J. Bobbins, 130 North Main
street, or at tbo Herald oQloe. 9-5-lw
A Handsome Prize.
Tho Kickapoo Indians will givo the
prottlost lady a handsome prlzo Saturday
night, at Bobbins' opera homo. Admts
tion, 10 cents. 0 10-St
Daniel Neiswendor spent to-day at tho
ounty seat.
William AnHock, Sr., pent last night In
own, the guest of his on.
nmoiiiy tjoaKiey went to Philadelphia
this morning to purchase goods.
losephand William Jeffrey, of Scran-
ui, are visiting relatives in town.
Policemen Amour and Davis and Con-
itablo Uoland went to Polttvllle this morn-
Arthur D. Shaw left town this morning
for Latrobe, where ho will mako his fulu:o
Capt. William!, postmaster at Lanford,
and wife, spent tbe put few days in town
with friends.
Andrew Ferguson, out.-ide foreman at
the Elmwood colliery, was a visitor to
town last evening.
Joseph Boos and hi sister, Mattio, havo
returned from a pleasant visit to relatives
in Wost Chester, Pa.
Biggage MaUer John Slevons, of tho
& 11. 11. K Shenandoah branch, is on
duty nuain aftor enjoying a pleasant vacu-
Mr. Froeman, mother of our superin
tendent of schools, left town this morning
for Palmyri, N. Y. Mrs. Freeman wil1
return and aftor a brief slay hero will
leavo for homo in Providence, It. I.
BAIHD. At Shenandoah, Pa, Tues
day ovonlng, Sept. 8th., 1891. Charles
Miles, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
ltalrd, agod 3 months. Funoralon Friday,
Sept. Uth, at 2 o'clock p. m. Interment
in Odd Fellows' comotary, Shenandoah.
Frionds and rolatlvoj respectfully invited.
IIAHBINGTON. On tho 0th Inst., at
Shonandoah, Pa Mrs, Kichard Harring
ton. Funeral will take place on Friday,
11th inst., leaving rjhonandoah on the
12:52 p. m. Lohigh Valley train lor Potts
villo. Interment in tho Old Fellows'
cemetery at the latter place. Friends and
relatives respectfully Invited to attend. It
Pay Your Taxes
Nolice is hereby given that all persons in
arrears for 16S9-90 taxes must make settle
ment nt once, as tho undor.igned is delor
minod to make his collections comploto in
in tbo near futuro, oven if arrests must bo
resorted to. Christ. Scumidt,
9-10-3t Tax Collector.
Last Picnic.
Columbia pirk will bo abandonod noxt
September, as tho site will thereafter bo
used us a dumping ground for tho Kohloy
Bun colliery. Tho lat ovont to bo held in
tho park is a picnic of tho Columbia Glou
Club, to bo hold on Saturday, Soptembor
12th. 9-5-lw
Hazloton vs. Shenandoah.
On Saturday noxt, at 2 p. m tho Hazl
ton base ball club will cross bats with
Manager Sampsoll's team of town. It will
be a great game. Admission to tho grand
stand, 10 cents.
Waters' Weiss boar is tho best.
John A
Boilly solo agont.
Cameron Club.
A meoting of tho J. Donald Cameron
C ub will bo hold in Befowich's hall on
Friday, 11th inst., at 7:30 p. m. By order
of tbo president.
9-10-2t J. F. Fisnkt, Sco'y.
Another Lot
Of second-hand school books, just recolved
from Now York Clearing Sale Company.
Korsaleat half pricout Max Boose's. 9-5-tf
Porfootly Safo.
Dr. Gallotti wont overcrowd Bobbins
opera house. Whon tho placo is comfortably
filled ho wont allow any more tickets sold.
Oystors aro in season and tbo best in tbo
market aro at Coslett's. 8-22-lf
A Glorious Rocord.
Hliu-e the Introduction of the Famous Pan
Tina Cough and Consumption Cure m tills
viciuuy, tue aeaiu rue iroiu woimimpuon
hs decreased wonderfully ; It nevor falls to
ellVct a cure, aud Is the best Cough medicine.
Try It, Trial bottles freo ul Klrlln's drug
Oysters aro in season. Go to Schoonor's.
Families supplied, Parlors for ladios. 9-4-tf
You aro thinking of takincr
in your ilowcrs, and you will
want somo pots. Wo got a
lot of very cheap ones Mon
day, and when you are ready
to plant don't forgot that you
can got them at
No. 122 North Jardin Stroof.