The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 09, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL. VI.--STO. 1S7.
Monday's Philadelphia Inquirer
Bays the campaign of defamation be
gun at the ratification meeting con
ducted under tho auspices of Mr.
Harrlty is continued by the Demo
Icratio organs, notably the Times. It
5t will be remembered that in that re
markable document promulgated by
tho ratification meeting Htato
Treasurer Boyer was "urralgtied und
condemned," not because he had done
anything, but because ho was a Re-
f publican and it was considered the
nrniiM- thlni? to "nrralun and coil-
jt i i " ' j
y. .. t i 11 i.. 11. .!
1 uemu" every itepuuuuau m wo utic.
Following out the lino of defamation
the immaculate Times, always in the
lead when some Job like South Moun
tain or the sale of tho gas works Is
being engineered by the vultures,
assails Boyer for having dared to leave
the state for a few days of fishing. It
says among other things :
Tho topic of discussion at the State
Capital to-day Is the disappearance of
so many Treasury and ex-Treasury
oillclalc It Is regarded as a strange
coincidence that simultaneously with
tho nalllnir together of the Legislative
flB'atlntr f!ommltteo durlnir tho
' ' past week Boyer should be in Canada,
Iilvsey in Milwaukee or somewhere
else and that Quay should have taken
a cottaee by the sea sands of New
Jersey, where his family Intend to
join him.
This Is about as mean a fling as even
the Times is capablo of. Of course,
, Quay is at Atlantic City for the sole
purposo of escaping the Investigating
j, Commlttea. He never goes there for
I any other reason. His interests are in
1 Pennsylvania. His homo is In this
JL state. He is in Atlantic, not for the
purpose of fishing, but to escape tho
questions of a committee. Of course,
IT he will continue a fugitive. He will
give up his home and his office and
remain by the seashore, just because a
Legislative Committee Is taking testi
mony a committee that began opera
tions lone before the Senator's fllcht.
y The Innuendo concerning Boyer la
A) on a par with the declaration concern-
adds :
People are recalling the fact that
Boyer was the first witness examined
by tho committee, that his examina
tion was very perfunctory, being
confined to a few questions about the
condition of the Treasury when ho
took charge of it ; the banks In which
the state money was deposited and the
exact condition of the money deposited
Carpets and Oil Cloths.
Our stoclsof 1LOOR OIL CLO'lIL j or the fall trade
is now complete.
to select from in all widths,
Two yards tvlde. from $1,00 per yard up.
A large Assortment New Styles All Prices.
Don't forget oar five year old 2ure uljiple Vinegar,
and Mixed Spices for Pickling.
Just received 1ANCY BLOATER MACKEREL, ex-
i tra large, white and at.
by his bondsmen to make good tho
Jamison and Delamater losses, aud
that ho started for Canada on a fishing
excursion tho next morning.
Doubtless such attacks aro pleasing
to the Harrlty combine, but thero are
some Democrats left who decline to
support tho newspaper in his course of
defamation. John Fow Is a member
of the Investigating Committee, and
is a Democrat. He put the questions
to Boyer. Says Mr. Fow in indigna
tion to tho Times reporter :
There was nothing perfunctory about
It. In point of fact, the Treasurer was
on the stand over two hours and we
got from hi in all tho Information we
expected to get. Nobody believes that
Mr. Boyer has actual knowledge of
anything criminally wrong. Tho
crooked work is done by outsiders, and
I for one did not expect to connect
Mr. Boyer with the looting of the
Treasury that has been going on for so
long. As for his being out of the
jurisdiction of the committee, I know
that lie is In Canada, whero he is
heavily interested In valuable fishing
grounds, but I am satisfied that lie is
I willing at any time to give us what In
formation ho can and to aid us lu re
moving the load of disgrace that
Pennsylvania is now staggering un
der. I myself asked him every per
tinent question I could think of, aud
hla answers were in every instance
clear and satisfactory.
Tho facts concerning Mr. Boyer are
just these, and they wore easily ob
tainable by the Times had It used the
slightest possible effort to learn them:
Mr. Boyer Is in the habit of making
an annual trip to Cauada to fish. He
delayed his vacation in order to appear
before the committee, and thero was
not a member of it that did not
know tlita and did not further know
of his. Intentions, tgjjake his vacation
as soon as his examination was "over."
Captain Skinner, another Democratic
member of the committee, adds to
Mr. Fow's announcement:
The committee knew that Treasurer
Boyer was going on his vacation, and
we arranged with him for a further
examination upon his return. I am
sure that Boyer did not run away
from tho committee, aud I know that
the committee will examine him npon
all points in connection with the
Treasury upon his return. It hasbeen
Treasurer Boyer's custom for several
years to spend a few weeks in Canada
gunning and fishing. He Is a mem
ber of a club which owns a great many
acres of woodland. The Treasurer
will probably return In a week or two.
This ought to be sufficient to satisfy
any honorable person, but tho vultures
will still flap their wings.
qualities and prices.
Thoy Refused to Pay tho Finos.
Present vtlon of a Modal to a
Leador Tho Eastern Penn
sylvania Oonforonoo.
Thomas Fluck nnd Michael Ryan were
arretted last night on a warrant sworn out
by Charles Jonps, charging them with
participating in a gamo of baseball at tho
trotting park on Sunday last. Tbo ac
cused nnd others were members of a club
of town that played a game at the tlmo
and place stated against a club from Jack
sons. Warrants aro out for other parties,
Charles Jonos and J. II. Kurtz wore
prosont to pross tho case. Tho accused did
not deny the charge. They said thoy did
not know thoy had violated any law and,
K9 thoy work during the wook, Sunday is
tho only day on which thoy can enjoy
'Squire Dengler road tho law and Im
posed a flno of four dollars upon oach of
tho young mon. They said thoy would
not pay and were coramittod to tho lockup
for tho night. This morning Constable
Tosh took tho accused to tho Pottsvillo
Jail, whero thoy will remain tor six days,
which is tho term of imprisonment pre
scribed in default of paymont of fino.
Tho Uncertain Jurora.
Tho first case tried in room iSo, 2 of tho
now Pottsvillo court houso was ono against
Stophon Lehr for soiling liquor on Sunday.
The District Attorney and S. G. M. Hollo
petor, Esq., represented tho Common
wealth and W. D. Soltzer, Esq., appearod
for tho accused. Mr. Ilollopeter says that
notwithstanding abundant ovidenco against
the accused and a charge by the Judge
that was little less than a dlroction for a
vordlct of guilty tho jury returned a ver
dict of "not gully" and put two-thirds of
tho costs on the prosocutorEdward Gray,
and ono-third on tho ilefeeAMfft, Tho pros
ecutor was unablo to pay tho costs and was
sent to jail.
A Presentation.
Prof. Philip T. Evans was last night
presented with a handsome gold medal as a
testimonial of esteem from tlio Shenandoah
Gloo Club, of which ho is leader. Tho
presentation took place in tho Watson
IIouso. Thero was a sproad and tho gleo
club and Shenandoah Choral Union
rendered sove-al excellent pieces. Mr.
Evans' friends were present in largo num
bers to oongratulato him and ho enjoyed
ono of tho most pleasant ovonings of his
BAIBD. At Shenandoah. Pa, Tues
day ovening, Sept. 8th., 1891. Charles
Miles, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Uaird, aged 3 months. Funeral on Friday,
Sept. 11th, at 2 o'clock p. m. Interment
in Odd Fellows' cometary, Shenandoah.
Friends and relatives respectfully invited,
9 9-3t
Waters' Weiss bear is tho bost. John A
Reilly sole agent. 5-6-tj
The Conference.
Tho laymen's convention of.the Potts
villo district, Eastern Pennsylvania Con
ference, closed in the Evangelical church
on Cherry street yeitorday afternoon. Tho
following delegates to tho general conven
tion, to bo hold at Philadelphia, were
elected : Isaac Christ, John Hubor, John
Maurur. Alternates, W. S. Souder, J. II.
Kehler and W. II. Zarlng.
Concert Eaoh Evening.
"Willie Kondrick, tho phonomeual cor
netlst of the 0". S. Marino Band, Is homo
ou a vacation and will play at his paronts'
home, tho Kendriok Uouse, each ovening,
rendering some of tho most difficult and
popular solos of tho day, accompaniod by
the Kondrick orchestra.. Change of pro
gramma each evening. 9-3-15
Keep Off the Oorner.
Roeideuts in the vicinity of the corner of
White and Coal streets threaten to institute
protections if they cannot Induce tho boys
and girls who infest the corner at nights to
keep away by other means. Tho actions
and language indulgod in by tbo mashers is
of tho mot dlsgracoful character, they say,
Do you want a good stable, suitable for
llvory purposes, in a good location. If so,
apply to John J. Bobbins, 130 North Main
stroet, or at the Hkiiald office. 9-5-lw
Tho Roese Inquest.
Doputy Coroner Bronnan last night held
an inquest in the casoof Daniel ltoese, who
was killed in tho West Shenandoah col
liery. The jury decided that tho youug
man met hla death through his own carelessness.
It li a well known (act that Pan -Tina
Cough and Consumption Cure lias cured Con
sumption, CoujjhB and Colds when all else
failed. 25 and 60 cents. Trial bottles tree at
Klrlln's drug (tore.
Mrs. D. 0. Prliohard has given birth to a
Misses Virgle and Ethel Ilollopeter spent
to-day at l'otlsvllle.
Mrs. Mary Murphy, nf New York, is
visiting her parents in town.
Doputy Sheriff Beddall, of PotUvIlle,
was in town yesterday on offloiul business.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thurlby witnessed
tho G. A. 11. demonstration at Mt. Carmel.
Miss ltobena F. Glover left town to-day
to tnko charge of a school at Atlantic City.
S. F. Royer, of Pawtuckot, Rhode
Tsland, who was visiting friends here, wont
to Tamanua yoste day.
W. Joir Uaverstock, formerly a resident
of town, and lately of Wilmington. Del.,
has taken up his abodo in tho Soldiers'
Homo in Virginia.
Mrs. Ilollopeter and Misses Bdith Mor
gan, Salll0 It. Wasloy, Bella' Drown,
Maggio E. Jaooby and Hattio A. Gallon
attended tho W. 0. T. U. convention at
Mahanoy City to-day.
Miss E. C. Kern, one of tho best teachers
Katon ever had, has returned from hnrpad
visit to Ponnsylrania, whoro she attended
tho funeral of hor mother. From the
Raton Range, jVcw Mexico.
Newspaper Notes.
IlarrV G. Steele, fnrmnrlw ft rorinrtrtp nr.
tho Daily Republican, Pottsville, has, in
connection with Mr. Guiterman, pur
chased the ShAm.lL-tn nianntrh anA t.
now firm intends to Improve and make tho
umpauii, ono ot the best dailies in that
section of tho country.
BrO. SollonhflrcrHr. Into nf trio SlinmnlHn
Dispatch, we understand, is going to take
l uuitzars piaoeon me aew lork World
The Call. Snlinrllrlll Tlairnn'a nniu r,n,.
paper vonture, continue to fill a long-folt
want. It is being liberally patronized by
tho people of that town, as it should bo.
win btoole, formerly of tho Ashland
Telegram, on his return homo from tho
WooIeV West, will ffO into tlio nnwennniti.
business Bgaln, probably in this county.
1 he Uazleton Sentinel has beon greatly
Iniprovod and changed for tho better.
Messrs. Maue and McCarthy can, if they
win, turn out a gaod paper.
, Political Greed.
Tho pfSpition, whoovnr made it, to al
low each party to olect a Poor Director this
vear. does not meet with favor with thn
Democrats. Thev want tho whole hog or
noming. snenanaoati tlerald.
That's a fact, brother, thoro is nothing
vory generous In Democratio politics or
there would not bo a candidate run against
Judge Green, the only Republican upon
tho bench, while tho Democrats have two.
Thoy could well afford to let things remain
unchanged, but as tho Hebalb says, thoy
aro not contented with even tho lion's
share, but hanker after tho whole hog.
Trt- Weekly Record.
Secondhand school books bought and
sold at Max Keoao's. tf
Columbia County Pair.
Tho thirty-seventh annual exhibition of
tho Columbia County Agricultural Society
will bo held at Bloomsburg, October 14-17,
1891. This old and well established society.
in order to hold Us position in the van of
similar organizations, has again revisodand
increasod its premium list, providing for an
additional raco each day, whilo at tho same
time offering oxtra inducomonts to exhibi
tions in several of the other departments,
Tho five railroads which have access to
Bloomsburg will sell tickets at oxcursion
ratos during the fair and the Indications aro
favorable for tho largest altondanco In its
Goseolho Indian entertainment overy
night at Robbins' opera houso. 9-3-tf
Tho Pastor Kept His Promise.
David Thoina, aged 70 yoars, ono of tho
oldoEt Welsh citizens in New York, died
on Friday, from tho result of an accidont,
falling down a hatchway. Uo was just re
covering from an accidont roceivod a year
ago. Ho was a contractor, and employed
a large number of toams. Ho was a deacon
ot the Eleventh street "Welsh Congrega
tional church. Ho askod Kev. K. J.
Morris, of this city, who was for many
yoars his pastor, that if ho survived him
hi should preach his funeral sermon. Mr.
Morris kopt tho long promise, and left on
Saturday to ofilciato at the funeral, which
occurrod yesterday. Wilket-liarre Record.
Work Speaks for Itself.
With a steady Increase In trade our work
is giving entire satisfaction and wo gwr
anteo it wo do as wo say. All persons hold
tng our advertising tlokets will please
bring them along 'at tho time of setting.
Wo will givo you exactly what tho tlckols
o ill for. Kemombor tho place, Roshon's
gallery, 'J9 W. Contro stroot, Hoffman's
old stand. 9-1-tf
A Safe Investment
Is one whloU is guaranteed to bring you cat
Isfuclory results, or In oaxe of failure u return
of parchana price. On this safe nluu you cun
liuy Irom our advertised Druggist a bottle ul
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.
It Is guaranteed to bring relief lu ivery cane,
when ued for any affection of Tbroat. uugs
or tliiest, tucli as Consumption, Inllammu
llon of t,uiiK, Bronchitis, Aathma, Whoup.
lug itougb, Croup, rto., etc. Ills pi usanluud
agreeable to tastt. perfectly safe, and can al
way b depended upon. Trial bottles fret) at
U.II. Ilageubuchs Drugstore.
Four tintypos for 25 couts, at Dabb'. tf
A Claim That His Friends Are In
terfering in tho State Cam
paign A Vigorous Proteet
Against Powor of Wealth.
ItaonAMTOV, N. Y., Sep. 0. The fol
lowing open letter is published by n
paper in this oity:
IiivaiiAMTON, N. Y., Sep. 8.
Hon. Grovor Cleveland, New York.
Sin : Excuse my addressing you
through the "press," but as the subject
considered is ono . in which tho public Is
fjroatly intereutoJ, I deem it proper to
do so.
It is understood that you nro n candi
date for tho Presidential nomination lu
1802. This renders it not only proper,
but incumbent upou you to take nil
honorable means to protect your Inter
ests, and prevent your friends from com
plicating you in alliances which may re
sult to your injury Your friends nro
taking actlvo Interest in our Stato cam
paign and are froely using your name in
their support of Mr. Flower.
Your strength as a Presidential candl
dnto lies in your strength with tho
masses, tho wngo-oarners, tho tollers and
producers. They nro a largo majority of
tho peoplo in this country, nnd they aro
not In sympathy with the class of peoplo
whom Mr. Flower represents.
Tho movement "along tho lino," mani
festing itself in alliances, leagues, various
combinations and organizations, as well
as the free expression of the peoplo in
"daily talk." is n protest against tho ag
gressive power of wealth, now accom
plishing its purpose by Its free uso iu de
bauching tho political morals of tho
peoplo Yours truly,
Edward F. Jones.
York Ttppuhllcnns Meat Tn-I)ny to
Nominate Statu Oinccrs.
RociinsTEli, N. Y., Sep. 0. Tho Fns
ectt boom is enrrying everything before
It hero and his name will probably be tho
first on tho State ticket to bo nominated
to-night or to-morrow.
Shortly boforo noon West Washington
rink was crowded and nt 12 o'clock the
Stnte Convention was culled to order.
Prayer was offered by Rev. H. II. Stob
bins, after which William W. Goodrich
of Brooklyn was elected temporary chair
man. He appointed the standing com
mltteoa on contested seats, platform aud
permanent organization.
Tho convention then took "a recess till
Inter in the afternoon. There nro only two
contests, one in Seuaca County nnd ono
in Chemung, both of which will, It Is
expected, bo made short work of.
Tho platform will commend Harrison's
administration and will praiso Dlninu's
foreign policy in equally strong tonus.
This will givo the delegates a chance to
tliow their preferences for Rlatno or Har
risuu. Tho strongest plank will bo that iu
favor of tho .McKlnley tnrifT, aud much
space will bo devoted to it. Credit will
be claimed for tlio Republican party lu
reducing tho ratu of Stato taxation. Free
direr will be denounced.
Sued for Injecting a Count.
New Yoiik, Sep. 0. Count Eugene
Logotheth, a member of ono the most
distinguished families of Hungary, has
brought suit for $5,000 damages against
Col. Sinn of the Park Theatre, Brooklyn.
The Count states that ou April 0 ho was
forcibly ojocted from tho lobby of tlio
theatre, whoro ho was standing, waiting
for a friend who was purchasing tickets.
He roalstcd the expulsion, and was ar
rested and conlined in a cell at the pollco
station until he was balled out by tho
Austrian Consul-Gcneral, Mr. Politcbek,
who is ono of his friends. Tho suit will
bo tried next term of the United btatos
Circuit Court.
Odd Fellows In ScmIoii.
Carlisle, I'a,, Sep. 0. Tho Grand
Unltod Order of Odd Follows of District
No. 1, comprising the Stato of Pennsyl
vania, in convention, hero olectcd R. H.
Buinery of Allegheny City, chairman;
Patterson Holland, vice-president; J. M.
Stafford of Marietta, secretary; W. H.
lllshop of Philadelphia, ussitant secre
tary, und Kev. W. 11. Davis of Philadel
phia, chaplain. Grand JIaster W. T. T,
Forrester of Richmond, Va., reached this
city last night
Our Business Tactics l'ralted lly tho ISar
of Aberdeen.
Boston, Mass., Sep. 0. The Earl of
Aberdeen, now n guest of Dr. Seward
Webb in tho White Mountains, is n great
lovor ot Americans nnd their business
qualifications. Speaking tho other day
to a reporter here ho said:
"In England wo nro always surprised
that with tho Immense capital employed
in your business thero aro so few labor
disturbances, and thnt when happening
they are so quickly and amicably ad
Justed. I wish that the keen, cool Judge
ment of your Chauncey Dopew, and other
American business masters could be In
doctrinated In England.
"Thoro is, and will bo always In Great
Britain, a deep and proud love of her
American cousins, and tho pride is greater
yet when there come over to us such
grand mon as your Lowell and Phelps
and Lincoln."
Go to Coslett's for your preserving fruit
It will be Shorlff Smith.
Ohio and McKlnley go togetlior.
If you have not Daid vour Uin vt. ln
s at onco. October 3d is the last day.
II you want to bo an Atnnriosn nltlinn
vou should vote, II your taxes hate not
b'on paid, toko a mova on vonnMlf an I
'all on Ihe oollnctor before October 8d.
Every Republican should votn this
There is no excuse for sulkW. A tr-u.i.
dent Is to be elected next yoar anl a vic
tory mis year means a bigger one next.
Iowa Republicans nrn wlrin-nwika un,t
huitllng. Tho state will be found in tho
uepuuucau column this year as well as
Judge Green grows in iKmnlnritv ova
Jay. It is only a question how large hi
majority win Dp.
New York Renublloina will umrt in
harmony this year and the big Republican
msjorities from tho other side of tho Harlem
bridge will be astonisliers when tho returns
comu in.
Tho Borko County Fair.
Among tho moat successful fairs in Penn
sylvania aro those held at Reading by tho
llorks County Agricultural Society. Evory
man, woman and child in tho county takos
an Intorost in tho fair, which is mado tho
ureat holiday occasion of tho year, and
thoro is usually a line display in evory de
partment. Visitors are promised a grand
ontortaiument this year. Tho immonso
fruit crop in the oounty will bring out tho
choicest products of tho orchard and gar
den. Many now attractions havo boon pro
vided, including Roman, flat and hurdlo
races and a regular circus porformanco
daily on tho track, lialloon ascensions
and parachuto leaps by a gontloman and
lady will tako place ovory afternoon. Tho
grounds aro splondidly oquippod with
buildings, raco course, grandstand and nil
necessary adjuncts, including a largo and
well-conductod hotol. Passenger trains
arrive at tho main ontranco ovory fow
minutes. Tho dates aro September 15, 1(5,
17 and 18
Grand ladies and children's matineoat2
o'clock Saturday afternoon in Robbins'
opera houso. Admission, adults, 10 cents.
Children 5 cents. 0 3-tf
Off for Mt. Oarmel.
Watkin Waters Post,- No. 110, G. A. R ,
Henry Horncastlo Camp, No. 19, S. of V.,
tho Grant Cornet Band and a largo num
btr of citizens wont to Mt. Carmel this
morning to witnoss tho Grand Army day
Charles Milos, tbo infant son of Superin
tendent Thomas Uaird, of the Kehloy Run
olllory, died last ovening. Tho funeral
will tako placo at 2 p. in. Friday,
Airs. Richard Harrington died at her"
rosidonco on East Contro streot this morn
ing. Last Pionlo.
Columbia park will bo abandoned noxt
Septombsr, as tho sito will thereafter bo
used as a dumping ground for tbo Kehloy
Run colliery. Tho last ovont to bo hold In
the park is a picnic of tho Columbia Gleo
Club, to bo hold on Saturday, September
12th. 9 5-lw
Another Lot
Of second-hand school books, Just received
from Now York Clearing Salo Company.
For sale at half price at Max Reoo's. 9-5-tf
A Glorious Bocord.
Since the Introduction of the Famous Pan
Una Cough aud Consumption Cure in this
vicinity, the death rale from Consumption
h.s decreased wonderfully; It never falls to
effect u cure, aud Is tho best Cough medicine.
Try It. Trial bottles Tree at Ktrlln's druc
Oysters are in season. Go to Schooner's.
Fa,milios supplied. Tartars for ladles. 9 1-tf
Take tho ladies and childron to boo the
Indians at Robbins' opera houso to-night.
0333Srn7S IMS It YD.
RAG STAIR OAItl'E P, takon out of
the loom to-day,
Carpel Store, 10 South Jardiu SL, near Centre
You aro thinking of taking
in your llowors, and you will
want some pots. Wo got a
lot of vory cheap ones Mon
day, and when you aro ready
to plant don't forgot that you
can got them at
No. 122 North Jardin Street.