i "9; ipic-isrio qoods -at Tin:- CORNER STORE AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, All kind of potted meats, flwh, canned good, oysters, lobster, crabs, Itu stun cnVlRr, fresh spiced oysters, fltiot slnoUvd hrmis, bo lxgnits itud mnoked bef, York stn'e full crooni clieeSu.KiimntlinSwl!, Kdnni, Sapsao uild Llmbilrger. Fine aSKrtnient of Cttkes atid bis cuits. G. and 11. pl'kKn of nil kinds. Plekles by thedoz-'n. You will Ilnd just what you wunt. KJOSEB 1XF0BT ill, Light. UHraa nana anna m&yuj St arvjata) taum Bxbg nswTwrjwJ tesdxa erasn asiaa qeqhIsu sf Cor. Contro and White Streets. The Evening Herald. all the nkws von one cbnt. lias a larger circulation In ;HheuRiidoh than any other paper published. Circu lation books open to all. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY. "What News Gatherers Take a Moment to Tell About. The air Just now Is ludeued with nnUuriu. The amusement season opens to nltrlit. Housrwlves tiro busy niaklug catsup this week. Business men are looking for n lively lull traue. schools are running prophesies many storms be THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF TIIK A QB. CATARRHAL DKAP.VRSS CUKHD. NO MORE USBKOR BAK-TRUM-PUTS TKIUMl'II AT LAST. An Infallible) remedy for the cure of ctlarrh and dcafnes" in all its tai?e, by one who bus been a great sulTVror from cnUrrii and almost total deaftiBs. No catarrh or slimy jrreen and yol ow sticky matter discliHrRlnjr from lbs noee. No dOiJnoM. No ringing crackling sound in tho bead. No tnucou matter lodging in the throat. No occasional hacking oourIi with throwing up slimy green and yellow sticlty matter. It l a blessing that words cannot deseribo. For furthor information write for circu lars. Address Frank Wortz & Co., Wausau, Wis. Drawer 1020. 9-12 lv Corning Events. Sept. U Welsh tUptist Sunday school; festival and social in Uouliins' opera bouse. Sept 12. Furwell picnic of Columbia Olie Cluo. Fancy Delaware peaohoj t Ooslelt's. The public smoothly. Rev. Hicks' for September. Tho fomltiltie mind will soon turned towiml the fall bonnet. The fall styles of dress goods nro ap pearing in the shop windows ThliiKsto eat and tliliuis to wear have never been cheaper than now. Earth has no greater Joy than the discovery of u quarter a In cutt-otl-vtst. The amusement season will become moro brisk as the season advances. It won't be long till sausage and scrapple will again put iu their ap pearance. Mnnv people worked hard on Labor TUly unloading schooners of beer. The next holiday will be Thanks giving Day. How to scrapo an acquaintance Place him under a shower bath ami, If necessary, use a hoe. If you lixten at night you will Ilnd that a, great many cricket mutches are played after dark. Water thrown around the roots of a horse chestnut tree twice a day, will keep the leaves green longer. To Dispel Colds, HoftdichB! and Fovors, to cluanso to BvstBtn effectually, yet gently, when cos tive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sh CE'uh. to permanently euro habitual constitution, to awaken tho kidneys and liver lo a healthy activity, without irrilu- tinc or weakening them, useSyrup of Firs. A Good Oponlnar. Thorn was a )aro audionco In Kobbins' opera house last night to witness tho first performance of tho Kickapoi Indians Whon tho curtain went up Dr. Galletti, the manager, informed tho audienco thi be would not tolerate any disorder and that aiybody who relu-od to obey the rule would have his money returned and b joctod from tho promises. Tho perform a' ce opened with Mr. Al. Levina on the s'ack wire. This gentleman does somt very wonderful feats and elicited the ap plause of tho audience. Next was Dr. Galletti, who gsvo a very interesting ac count of the Indians, Running Antolopf, Wounded Wolf, Hed Dove and S otted Eagle. Mr. Hubert Hirst thon introduced bis very laughable marionettes. Running Antelope did some expert rifle shooting and was f illowed by Mr. JsUckwnll, a young comedian and vocalist. Tho Indians gave the hunting scene, which caused lots of mirth. Then tho prince of funny follows, Charles Lester, entertained the audience with a very witty intorlude Tho enter tainmcnt closed with a very laughable afterpiece. The order maintained was lh best over sen in town on such occasions. Dr. Galletti knows h' w to maintain order. Ho is a very fluent talker and looks out well for his entertainment. Is the st r ime In the matket, unit tho prlco wiuju.i sun. rue mumviDg promptly aitooited to: TIN ROOFING, SF0UTW0, ROOF PAINTING Ami .'11 klrdsof HJ TOSSES R.EI'LirZ.S, kent on linnet. Dsaters spoiled. Thanking for past favors, I remain yo ir lo oumn nJ, "WM. Pv. PHATT, A Cold Day. "A Cold Dili" will bo the first attraction at the theatre this evening. Many cnances havo bon made in tho interior of tho theatre and will no doubt bo appre ciated. "A Cold Day" has created grn.it laughter for six seasons, and this season eurpasses all others. Many new specialties ure introduced, and tho music is frum the rocent operatic successes. The company is a capable one. and includes Perkins D. Fisher, Andy Amaun, John Duyoy, Goo, Mitchell, W. L. Dennison, Carlotta whoso dancing is ot the son ational kind, Jis- ophino Amann and Edith Barton. Kolthan Robbed. About 1 o'clock Sunday morning Keitban's bakory was entered by burglars. About ?5 In cash and a shot gun valued at 850 wore taken. Entrance to the placo was gained by forcing open ono of the roar I doors of the house. Tho oish was stolon I from the till In the ttore, which was fotced opon. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. The Hest Halve In the world for Cuts 1IiiiIi.hu. Hnrt. Ulcers. Halt Itlieutn. Fever. Wort., Tetter, Chapped Hands, (jnllolalim Corns, mid all Hum Eruptions, una ponuveiy cures I'llOT. or no pay required. It Is guar sinieeritaLrivfl Derlec! Rntlbfucllon. or raoneV refuuded. I'rloefii cents per box. For bale by U.II.iilagentmcb. Wuy Kayttonc flour. Uo careful that thr name Lnssio & Co., Ashland, ra., is printed on overv sack. 3-3-3taw Gone to Shenandoah. Doctor Harry Gallottl, of tiio Kickapoo Indian show, camoinlothisoflicetbis morn wig, paid his bill and took tho show ovor ti SbenandoAb. The doctor has left a good name behind him beoauso ho lived up to bU advertisement and boon a friend lo nvorybody. His work and bis actions nt Jomesvillo at tbo time of tho great mine accident stamped him as a man of good and kindly impulses and it made him many friends throughout tho region wbi ill wish him luck whorever ho g'os. llatleton Sentinel. Arrested fop rorcery. iUxenESTEn. N. H.. Sep. 8. Henry Prehln l under arrest hero on tbo chares of forgery. Ho had in bis possession several chocks on tbo Amoskoag N. tonal nnd Merchant's National oanKs. Treblo was arrested for forging a check on Griffln Brothers, The chocks found on him wero mndo payable to tho order nf a. II. llenton. and s gned 11. X. elev ens. Other merchants have beer victimized by the prisoner, who came hero from Drockvillo, N. Y., a week ago. receiveil dally 8-21 -tf G-ET rrJr.i BEST. he 331 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah HEADQUAHrKRB FOR Fish, Oysters, Fruits, VEGETABLES, &c. RESH G"iODS EVERY DAY. iit.ici:t4 .-MoiniicvTi':. Would solicit part of the patronage of the public. COAKLEY BROS., Kiileht'sOldStind. Clll'VlVTlA III 1)1 Cor. Centre and White Hts.,UULHiUi!UdU, 1 .1. VFOLLO WAS A PERFECT NhU, rtnFECT IN FORM I-MATCHLESS IN YARI Bo K&xk)Bl were itte ftooltnu for ttiwrt men tb l puojr boji at tint wersputtodraUu WANTS, &o. XXTANTKD-A r T letting Muln street. bov to learn tin business. Apply at 21 Jorth O-i-St WANTED. A good servant clrl. Apply to I. linuuntelu, 2J N. White street 0-8-lt FOIl SAL 13 Old bottlPH, suitable for boitllng cHtJiiip, tc. oan be had very cheap at . I. A. Kellly's liquor sto e. 8aj-tr FOR KENT. Three rooms, suitable for club room, office, etc. Ohs and steam fixtures. iN'ow ooller Just put lu. Apply to Lb i Hefowlch, clothier, H, Main Ht. 0 2-tf DEdlltABLE PBOPERTY FOR sale. One of t he most desirable proper tlex oii West Oak street, for hbIm on reaeonablp terms. Apply u Rowse's grooery store, cor ner Jardln and O streets, Hlienaudnah, Pa TYPE WRITING. A young lady, n giadimt-, wnis work at type writing, i all at IIf.kai.1i offlrie, or addrets HffRALD, Shenandoah, I'a. 8 l it FARMS FOR SALE. Areyou look lug lor a Inrrn? If so call on or write lo J.J. Keluer, Frnclcvllle, l'u as to where they aro located and for teruif. 822-tf IsTO'W" F 0 w i i i i We are selling out our entire stoct of Ladles', Ml.isoh' uud CUlldren's FINE FOOTWEAR, to make room for our fall goods, already or dered. In fAot, we ero determined to clear evtrytblng out. Including a large lot of Men's Mining and Rubber Boots. Theo goods must be sold, and no reasonable offer will be refused for them. This Is no humbug, an what we aovertlsewe me, in. Tue people will now hive an opportunity to Secure Genuine Bargains. Come early belore the sizes are broken. educ 4- ZOT PRICE. A few patterns of White Embroidery, Flouncings, Plain and Plaid Muslins, Pineapple Cloths, Satteens, Chintzes, also remnants of Prints, Ginghams, and Dress Goods of all kinds, which aro oftercd regai'dless of cost to clean out. 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. "I- tTrril'f! t ff f Hit! 1 1 III, iflltftffl II i H iii,"t,r"iiiiliiin ti,niiitti'' --ininipiii HeQBQB .yFJ. Boston Boot and Shoe Stoic Tlie days have long since past whon a business man's content To neither npur norbridle hU business In lis beet To keep all tblDg a-mnvlng If tlie spirit of the hour. And hustle up the ciuto'.u with an honest bargain's power. Stagnation is tho horror of an vone engaged in trade. It's the nimble six pence that brings the pr fits. V will make things move this week, even If ordinary conditions aro not favorable, by drives in special lines. Look here 1 Neclttles worth 606, for 25c: Men's Bomet Shirts worth GOo, for 23c; Men's all-wool Panti tor 8-1.00; Children's Salts for 80c. A few Men's Light Chovlot Suits lor hall their value. And everything else you will find at a bargain. in&trtng from NERVOUS DE- jiiLixx, 1.GII or tailing uu hood, fhyilcal Exeeslfl. ManUl Vorrv. Stunted DiTtlontnent. or HH7 FER80N AT. WEAKNESS, titll reitorad to FEEFEOT HEALTH mi tho NOBLE VITALITY of STH0BQ MEN, tne Frldo ana rower or n&uosi. Wo claim by years of practice by our exclusive, tnethorifl a uniform filonOrOLT orsucocaa" in ircec In? all XUlsaieB, Weakceiieiand Kobtilns' DlocK, Car. Main and Oak Streets, Shunandoah, AUictlontof Men. Testimonial!, -" - I frrmfiORtntos and Territories. OUR NEW BaORSiiifinTjilSjfSS It while roaean. Full Eiptntloni for HOME TEEAT MGNT. Too eta bi FULLY BE3T0BED tui Thone&Ddl tiAvabtanbrnt. Rtad eurteitlmo&UU. Addrcinatocce Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Whsre ha will be plea.cd to meet the wants oi ins inenos aua ine puunc in IMG L'O1HD1H0 Jieer 1 1 Everything in the Drinking Line. Shenandoah Business JJEItGUHOM'O THUATItK, 1'. J FCRQUSOX, 2IANAGKK. has secitrud the agency for the BUUY.EISES and EXPORT 8EERS RICHARDS & CO. OF WILKES-B.VnUK.J OPEXIXG OF THE SEASON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, '91. Fisher's Company ot Comedians In tho merry, musical lurce-i'omeay, Kdltorlal ChanBO In Philadelphia. PniLADELpniA. Sen. 8. The most Im portant nowspaper change announced In this city for some tlmo has Just xccurrei In the rublio Ledger offlco. Mr. Wllllan V. McKean, for npora thar u years in managing editor, has retired, and is suc ceeded by Li. UlarKo.uavio, r, iicivcan, will continue on the staff of the' Ledge nt full pay nnd will write occasional ami cles. Tho announcement Is made thai Mr. Goorge W. Clillds will himself hero- after be editor in chicr. Rettigs Beer, Porter, AND CONTINENTAL ALES. ORDERS OAN HE LEFT WITH Best work done at Ilrennan's steam laundry. Everything white and spotless. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. SCHOOL BOOKS. 1 1 The place to buy your school books cheap is Also Jcholar's Companions, nook. Straps, dcuoui JiUK. .lauieiv, eiu. x.vur uuu( and anythliiK required In tichool. Slates, penelN. etc., sold re tail nud wholesale. Books Suitable for East and West MaknoyTwp. Don't (orget the place If yon wish to cave money. HUH- MELLBT; CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St., Shenanaoah. A Tenant's Victory. Mrs. Joseph Bosch was mod for assault and battery by ono of her tenants, Mrs. Hopkins. Tho parties had a difficulty about rent and Mrs. Bosch cut off the water supply and pushed Mrs. Hopkins from the hydrant. 'Squire Dangler held that Mrs. Botch had no right to cut off tbo water uud the latter sottled the case- by paying tho costs. Fancy Bartlott poars, 75 cents per baske', at Ooslett's. 8-22-tf Hazleten Won. Manager Sampsell's base ball olub went I to II izloton yesterday to try concluiions with the Y. M. O. A. club of that place and returned homo defeated by a score of 11 ti.6, Now Fruit Store. Coskloy Bros, havo purchased tbo fruit and grcon truck business at Knight's old stand, on East Centre street. The stand will hereafter be headquarters for the finest fish, oysters, fruits and vegetables. Give thom a call. Their prices will suit you. Go to Coelett's fur your proicrvlug fruit, 8-22Hf Business Obaugo. William Davis & Bro, hivo bought tb creamery on "West Centro street heretofore conducted by F. B. Mull and will bo pleased to receive a continuance ot tho.pati ronago. The best cream, mdk, butter, led cream, etc., will always be kept cn band, l)-8-3t "A COLD DAY ALSO flOEST FOft SIXTH SUCCESSFUL SEASON. New Songi-New Daucos Sew Music. SOL. ll.UK, 120 S. UAIK ST., who will promptly 111' all orders for Shenandoah uud vicinity. PRICES OF ADMISSION, 25, 35, 60c, 735 snuM.SnW JjjTSi The name of A. C. YATES & CO. is a household word The quality of our goods has bunt up our popularity. ior tiio connno- jtn ana Vinter we havo manufactured a stock that is sure to please Novelties and standard fabrics aro hero in plenty, and price. STitAwsshnwihe way the wind wows, bm style, quality and making have they don't show what hard blows we have W j 1 beeustrlklneauiriwbal prloes. Some bats ail rt'UUtVUU UlU IJUIHUIUU uaiu ore dear at any price; these hats are cheap at With YOUr former needs in rinuhla tho rannev. f f what pnvera vonr head I . J . lsnotbeoomlngtoyou, alt ihepalusyou take mintl W0 ftrO COnlldent OI meet as to the rest ot your attire ateslmply thrown I jnrr pfCSOnt Wants ftwav. .Homaaud see ltaw vnu will Innlrliil at one of our GOo straw liau. There's no use In giving any lurther description of them than to say this they are stylish, We cut the price down because we want to cut our stock dowu. Another bit bargain In hats, (a our tl black sllir bats. IJ I Utii St. SOANLAN Sheaaadoth ) A. C. Yates & Co MOW OlfDY Cor. l3Wtt. Chestnut Sis. PHILADELPHIA, ) I rTTO T. ;Wt JkLJ - r 1 i 1 GLOTHlER 1.1 JV. Main Street, Shenandoah. College I f -AND- SHORTHAND SCHOOL, ROBBING OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, NORTH MAIN STKEET. SHENANDOAH, Fall Term Begins Monday, August 31st, 1891. W. J, OLLY, President. RICHARD DABS Tho Leading Photographer, NO. 14 N. WHITE ST. The work done at this eallorv Is fullv eaual to that done at the lare galleries of New Yofkaud Philadelphia. Comparison Is In vited between Ihe spedmens of his two and inrte apuarcaoinets snown in nis winnow and the best of work done elsewhere at five and Six dollars. iTDo not climb long flights ot stairs to patronlie un eniorp-Ua run by ou' of town oartlea wbeu belter work iuav be had of vour SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, 30 Etttt Centre Street, SnEXJ-NVOAn, Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Confectionery -OF ALL KINDS New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Pakted, Papered and Renovated. No. 115 EAST CENTRE STRBBT, Three doors above Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Ilaskev would ln'orm his many frlonrta and the publlo that he will cater to their wants mine same nrai-ciass style mat ne baa done In the past None but the best brands nr for. elgn and domestlo wines, liquors and cigars win oe ueib ju biuck. unoice temperanpQ uriunn. rujHuiu Hiumtum The eatlne bar lssuonlled with evervthlntr 1 in ine uiiiu una serrea iu tne best styiera a Meals served at all hours. Fine private rooniJC , atiacneu. LEATHER and SHOE FUNGS Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ot Hats, Caps and Cents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty ot . Nellie Bly and Mary Anderson Caps, e EAST OBNTKH ST. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Mosteller's old stand,) corner coal and Jarcllti Hts. Mr. Bnyder will always keepMn stook a: tine line of boots and shoes. Custom Worlc and Rcpnlrlug: done in the best style. He guarantees to sell cueuper man competitors on Main street Who uv; uiji rents to pay, ana guarantees a genu' mo bargain on every purchase. Dealer in all kinds ol Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and fl rat-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Fyrgnson Housebuilding, SHENANDOAH, PA. The Cheapest Place ! TO BUY . Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hosiery, Ek , OHARLES : YAROWSKY'S, 2 West Centre Ht., Bhenandoab. Q M. HAMILTON, M, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OtUce- I'VL. 53 West Lloyd Street, Hhenandoau- i