Presents fn the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUIOE OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It Is themost excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one Is Ihlious Or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and OTREHCTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUtt DRUQQIST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE. KY NEW YORK. N. T. John R. Coye, Attorney-at-Law AND Real Estate Agent, OFFICE IlEDDALL'8 BniLDINO, Cor. Main and Centre Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA PROPERTY FOR SALE: 1 A two nnd one-half Btory double frame aweiung rjouse, wuu store-room ana res. laurant. Located on feast Centre street. ii A valuable property located on South Jar din street. 3 Beven dwelling hoiipes at the comer of Gil. bert and Lloyd streets. Good Investment. Terms reasonable. DR. THEEL, coo North Fourth St., UOO bl. Greto, Pmilahiltmia, Urn only genuine German American BpccliUit In th United Statu who U able to car OlOOd PolflOn. NorvouB Debility "4 Spe cial Diseases th Skin DlneaMi. Red hpoUPalai In tho bonei.SoreThroat Mouth, Blotch?!, Pimples, Krupttoni, oft or hard Uloen, Swelling!, Irrltailoni, Inflammation! and Running!, Suifllum, Weaknew and Eirly loil memory, wk back, mental anxiety, KMney nd BlaMer DlieuM and all Dlicucs remltlnir from F.icpnici, Indlretlon or Overwork. Rewnt eae cored In 4 to 10 "J relief at onca. Da not low hope, no mutter what ttalnv Iloctor, Qnack, Family or IloipUal Pnyrielan bai failed. Dr, T1ISEL cure pOBlttvely with" dn"on frora bustneit. oto, Tocfd, MinoLi aokd hd thmk eoirriMriiTin wiRRiAOR rlnTi or poor, send Jo. itamp for book ''TRUTH' exposing Qnaclu under sworn teitlmonlnui. Hovw, dailT from to S, IVfii 8 to 9. Wed, and Bat. Xt'k 6 to 10. SundiT 9 till II. Writ or eall and b lavad. for Referent ieeWodn.-M Bamrday rMIa. dally Time SUFFERING W0MEK1 SINGLE. i io truuoiod wun tnoFannori::j; irMLtm.u-. w friM'iently follohisi coldoripr nra, or fiitm in at i jttona Yi e. Wdm-us . o pecnHi.r ui thr r al.i ilJ L Ue BR. DuCHOINC'S C-lr.hrMea KfEM. 'MALE REGULATING FILLS. WJ Uayttrrt 6tron(rt'ie t-(j. - i-.ii' -:f .part t'nt, Tiifpr'inaii inrtfti' fun otimll tnartlona of liody .a mi ml. uenr r , i n i-' r- -m f. Hflrtn" FvU,. .-vitk- Co.. jT. UJJiS. MO Hick Headache and relievo all tho troubles locf dent to a bilious state of tho system, suoh aa Dizziness, Nausea, Drowslne. Distress after eating, Pain lu the Bide, to. While their most rem?Jtable success has been shown la curing A SlcacUche, yet Carter's TJttla Liver Mia on equally Yaloable In Constipation, curing and pro Venting this annoying complaint, white theyalsa correct all disorders of tho stomachtlmulato tho liver and regulate tho bowels. liven if they only veVathcyouldboahnostprlcelesatotbosawna CARTER'S WlVEK 39l I P8LS.S. VCCS3 3jeuier from this distressing complaint; butforta nmjxiately their goodness dooa notend hcro,snd thosa jBfvrho once try them will find thesollttlopillaYalu. 'able In soman? ways that they will not bo wll tllDE to do without them. But after alleles bead flBthobanecf so many Uvea that here fa whera lv?oinaio our great boost. Our pills euro It while) I others do not. Carter's Little Liver mia aro very small and Tory easy to take. Ono or two pills mako a dosa. They areetriotly vegetabla end do not grips or purge, but by their gentlo action pleasoall who usothem. Invilsat25ceutst llvofortl. Sola by druggists everywhere, or eont by malL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York: SMALL PILL. SHALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE itfA (l.k..l t. T ... . ... T. ViTYt "' iuKf i ,;. fn wjf ,o I fill ,nt- DrwatUu, or leoj 4 I W In m h ,i ftr ii-i Honi tri, tMtluouIbU nail W S-l 'ltrllt f for Hdtl'ft, ia Utter, by ret an told by alTLuaal l'lilUd" 1'2 Or tlio I.l'iuor llitblt, rotlilu ly Curcu U7nuiutini4riiiff nr. iiauie' It It mnuufaotured u a powder, which can be given tn a gloss of beer, a oup of cotfee or tea, or In food, without the knowledge of the patient It ii absolutely haroilese, a td vlU eiTdot a permanent and speedy re. whe' n"r the patient le a moderate drinker or , au a"nuiii wrjw v um ugqu kivcu iu iuguwiaa tA of eaaea, and tn every mtftanoe a perfect oure hae fol f. iVr1 1 niv4K Fslisv TbeiTitem onf ltnnritcrnAsk (48 vase book of particulars free. To bo had o' C. H.jHAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoab MONTT IS PRESIDENT Chili's New Rtilor Rccognizotl By tho United States. NEWS PHOM MINISTER EG AN, En is in Cordial Communication with tha Now Qoverntnont. The rciisacola Ordered to Ilonolulo-. Germany Slmle a Mistake In Arresting tho rhllndelplilan Moxlco's rumous Ullltary Hand Allowed to ISnter the United States. AVASiitMOTON, Sep. 8. Tho Stnto De partment telegraphed to Minister Egan on tho 4th Inst, that If a Kovcrnmeiit ac ceptable to the people hod been formed by thoCongresslonnl party that ho should rccognlzo It and open communication with Its hood. Tho department Is just In receipt ol a Uilogram from Mr. Egan stating thnt o provisional govornmcnt had been formod on the 4th Inst, with Jorge Xlontt ns president and was universally accepted by the people, and that he (Egan) was in very cordial communication with it. Wabiiikoton, Sep. 8. Scnor Lazcano, tho Chilian Minister, has offlclnlly in formed the State Department thnt ha will bo nbsent from Washington for tome timo, and In his nbencohehas desig nated Senor Jorgo A. Burnnga, secretary of the Legation, as Chnrgo d' Affaires. GRAVES RELEASED. Germany Blade a Mistake In Arresting, tho rhllndelplilan. WAbiiikqtoN, Sep. 8. Carloton Graves, tho American who was on Saturday last arrested nt Mayenco, Germany, on tha chargo of being a spy, has been liberated, the Government hnving nothing on which to hold him. When nrrested Graves represented himself as being a photographer, and his residenco as Philadelphia. Ills luggago wns seized by tho German authorities and searched for evidence of his guilt, but to no purpose. Graves, it has been discovered, is tho son of Robert Graves of Barnesvlllo, Bel mont, 0., and a ncphow of Joseph Graves, a prominent man of Philadelphia. Ho has been in the employ of the Penn sylvania Railroad for some years, and is ono of its most trusted employes. Ho was traveling on his vacation. TO PREVENT FROST. Anuther TJse Suggested for Col. Dyren furth's ltuiu Machines. WAsmNOTON, Sep. 8. As an outgrowth of Bonator Forwell's scheme for artificial rain production, artificial frost preven tion is now suggested by L. G. Knlffen of Chicago. He has written a letter to Seo retary Rusk on tho subject. Hi3 theory is that clouds or nrtlfloinl mists prevent tho radlotion of heat from theonrth. He suggests that the machinery nnd ma terials used by Colonel Dyrenfurth In causing rain be tested as a means for bringing the olouds closer to the earth nnd of creating a sort of a fog which will be a prevention ugalnst the ravages of frost. The Tensacola Ordered to Honolulu. WAsmnOTOX, Sop. 8. Orders were sent from tho Navy Department last evening to tho commander of the Pcnsncola at Ban Francisco ordering him to sail with out delay to Honolulu. Tho United States has not been represented by a man-of-war in the Hawaiian Inlnnds for heveral months and the Btato Department has come to the conclusion that this gov ernment has too many Interests in that locality to delay longer in having tho Stars and Stripes absent from Hawaiian waters. Proe Delivery a Success. Washington, Sop. 8. Postmnstor-Gen-eral Wanamaker Is very indignant that during his absence on vacntlon nn ill informed clerk in ono of tho bureaus of the Postofllco Department had given out falso information to tho press that the free dollvery experiments are not a suc cess. Ho caused an examination of the latest reports from these experiments to be made and found they were succeeding beyond his most sanguine expectations. Garland Has Ilatlred from Publlo Life. Wabotnotoh, Sep. 8. Ex-Attorney-Genernl Garland, rcforring to n para graph mentioning him as a enndidato for the vacant Inter-State Commerce Com mi9sionership, said that he would not accept the ottlca If tendered to him. He has permanently retired from public Ufo and Is devoting himself to the practice of law. Ho also declined an appointment to the Supreme Bench. Mexico's Military Band May ISnter. Wabkixqton, Sep. 8. The Treasury Deportment, upon tho request of Min ister Romero, has granted permission for tho Mexican Military Hand to enter tha Unitod States and proceed to Portlond, Ore., where this famous band will tako part In the Oregon State Exhibition. The United State Will Get Thorn. Touonto, Sep. 8. Forty families of destitute Jews, who had beon expelled from Russia, arrived in this city by train from Montreal last night, nnd wore met and taken care of by liabbi Elzas and a number of monlod and influential He brows of this place. This morning they were sent ovor on the Chlcora to Lewis, ton and will bo sent on to Buffalo and various points in tho United States. An Amerloan Woman l'ardonrd. Wiesbaden, Sep. 8. Emperor William, has pardoned Mrs. O'Neill, wife of Gen. O'Nell 'who claimed to have been art officer In the United States army, who shot and dangerously woundod her hus. band on May 24th last, and who has since then been in prison. Mrs. O'Nel) will be at once released from conflnment. An Insane l'atlent Would lie Free. Baltimore, Sep. 8. John K. Nunan, a patient in Mount Hope Asylum, is seek ing by an appeal to tha courts to be re leased from his captivity. He Is worth (200,000, has an inoomeof $18,000 a year, is single and has no one dependent on him. Fourth-Class Postmasters Named. Wabhihotok, Sep. 8. Fourth-class Sostmasters have Just been appointed in ew York Stata us follows: K. Smith, at American Union, and J. Luuiley, at South Edward. Dainty Foods Demand it. N EVERY Re ceipt that calls for baking powder, use the "Royal." Better results will be obtained because it is the purest. It will make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor, more di gestible and wholesome. It is always reliable and uniform in its work. I have found the Royal Baking Powder superior to nil others. C. Gorju, Late Chef, Delmonlco's. NEW YORK REPUBLICANS. The Slate as Arod Upon for the Itoeh cittor Convention. RocliKSTETt, N. Y., Sep. 8. Everything Is In roadlneas for tho opening of the Republican State Convention tomorrow, nnd dolegatcs aro already beginning to arrive. The Western Union has run 10 wires into convention hall for special service, nnd the Postal Telegraph have run ns many moro into tho hnll. Tho slate agreed upon is said to bo as follows: For Governor, J. Sloat Fnssett; Lieut.. Governor, Philip Becker of UufTnloi Sec retary of State, John W. Vrooman; Attorney General, Wm. A. Sutherland; Comptroller, Senator Ernstlne. Should Becker refuse the nomination for Lieut. -Governor It will be offered to Wadsworth, and In the event of his re fusal to McAlpin. Tho platform it is stated will contain a hard money olauso. favor reciprocity, endorse the administration, and thero will bo no high license. Elaborato arrangements aro being made for the celobration Wednesday night. Thero will bo a big parado, and tho Itcnublicnn clubs of tho city win march through Powers Hotel Hnll. There will be n magnificent fireworks demonstration. Sudden Deaths. Heart disease Is by far the most frequent cauxe of sudden dcjih, which In three out of lour rases is uususptcleu. The symptoms uro dot cenerally understood These are: lying on tha right side, short breath, pain or die treks lu tide, bacs; or shoulder, irregular pulee,, weak und buiiKty bpells, wind In siortiacb, swelling o. nukles or dropsy, oppression, dry couth and Miiot tiering. Dr. Miles' Illustrated hoolt on Heart lllkense. free atO. II. liat;enbucli, who sell nnd guarantee Dr. Allies' unequaled New Heart Cure, ard his ltesluratlo Nervine, which cures nervou. ness, headache, Meeplesfeiics .effects of drink lug, etc. It coulnlL6 no opiates. Tiino to advertise. Miles' Norvo ana Liver Pills Vet on a new principle regulating the liver, Hotmich and dowels through the nerves A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Fills speedily cure biliousue'", had taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation, unequaled lor men, women, children. BmHlltsI, uilluest, surest 1, S5ctB. Samples r'reo, at U. II. llagenlmcu'i" ding store. Air tho cellar?. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the vtarnlng? The Mgnal per bans ol tfcn sure spnroHCh of that more ter rible dlseaho. Consumption. Ask yourselves If you can afford for the sake or saving m cents, tn run the rUk und do nothing for It. V know from experience that Khiloh's Curs will Cure j our Cough. It never lulls. This explains why more than a Million ttottles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup aud Whopping Coni-h at once. Mothers do not be without It. Kor Lame Back, Hide or Chest, usnHhllnh'8 Porous 1'JaBter, Hold by V. II. Hagenbucn, E. corner .Vain and Uoyd street. Leaves are coloring. A. Cure for Constipation and Headache. Dr. Silas Lane, whilo in tho Rocky Mountains, discovered r root that whn combined with other herbs, makes an eas tnd certain cure for constipation, It is in the form of dry roots and leaves, and Is known as Lane's Family Jlodlciue. It will euro sick beadncho. For tho blood, liver and kidnoys, and for clearing up the complexion it doss wonders. Druggists tell it at 60 conts n package Frosty mornings soon. Ask Your Friends About It. Your distressing cough can be cured Wo know it because Kemp's Balsam within the past few years has cured eo many coughs and colds In thlslcommunity. Its remarkable salo has beon won entirely by its genuine merit. Ask some friend who has used it what ho thinks of Kemp's Halsarn. Thero Is no medicine eo puro, nonoso effoctivo. Largo bottles COo andfrl -it all druggists'. The tickets are now in the field. Shlloh'o Consumption Cure. This Is beyond question the most sue eeselul Cough Medicine we have ever sold, lew iIokw Invariably cure the wont caws oj Cough, Croup, and Ilionchltls, while Its won. derrui success in the cure of Consumption is without u parallel In the history of medicine. Since It's nrbt discovery It has been sold on a funranlee, a test which no other medicine can stand, I: you have a Cough we earnestly ask you to try it. l'rloe 10 cents. 60 oents, and 11.1)0. If your Ltines ore sore. Chest or Back lame, use Hblloh'a Porous Plaster. Bold bv O. U. IlaL-enbuch, N. . corner Main and Lloyd streets, Qrapes are plenty aud good this sea son. Startling- Faots. The American people are rapidly becoming a raoe of nervous wrecks, and tho following suggests the bestren edyi Alpbooso Jleraptl lug, of Duller, Pa., swtars that when his son was speechless from Ut. Vitus dance Dr. Miles' great Restorative Nervine cured him. Mrs. J. It. Miller, of Valparaiso, and J. II. Taylor, of Logansport, Ind., eaua culnedlU pounds from taking It, Mrs, II. A. Gardner, of Vistula, Ind., was cured of 40 to 60 con. vulslousa day, and much hcadach?, dlizl ne s, backache and nervous prostration by one bottle. Trial bottles, and One books of marvelous cures, free at O. U, llageutmcli, the druggist, who recommends and girnrau. tees this unequaled remedy. BASEBALL SCORES, Chicago Won Ono Game nnd Lost One, aud tho New Yorks tha Sumo. AT HEW YORK. New Yorie..O 00220000 1-1 Clnclnnstl ,,0 OU0020400I! t Unttrrles-ltuile aud Clark Mullnco anl Harrington. SECOND GAME. New York -J 1020001 0-1 Cincinnati 0 0000000 0-4 lttttcrles-Uwinj and Clarko: Crane and Hor ring-ton. AT BROOKLYN. Brooklyn 0 II 0 2 2 0 3 2 3-21 Cblcmro u 0000030 0-j Ilnttcrles-Cirutliors and Dalley; Vlokerj and schrlver. 6ECO.ND OAMB. Ilrooklyn 1 1 1 1 0 0 3 0 1-1 Chicago 3 0 111 0 0 0 0-1 Hatterlcs-Lovett an! Daly; Schrlver and Hutchinson. AT PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia 1 0010000 11 rittsburs- 3 0101010 0-( Batteries Thornton and Clements; King anj Miller. SECOND OAME. Philadelphia. 0 1000000 01 Pittsburg 0 0331008 x I nttorios Keefo and Clements; nuldwln ahd Mlllor. AT BOSTON. Iloston-Clevelaud (tames postpouod on ao count of ruin. NtUloutil League Record. Ptr Pit uunt. ii on. tost irt raitoi. rni. TyviL fri Chicago... 70 43 .uai Cleveland. 51 01 ,461 xiostou o.j t .flu iirooKiyn.-to ui ,4-t New York. 48 4 0 . 558 l'lttsburir.48 05 .4-. l'blla'phla.68 63 .6-!7 ClU0lU'lltl.4S US .391 American Association Games. AT rillLADELTniA. -Athletics 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 1- J Mllivuukt-a 0 1011000 0 Ihitterles Chamberlain aud Milllgan; Davloi and Vaughn. SECOND OAME. Athletics 0 0001000 0-1 Milwaukee 000012 1 0 0-4 llatterics-Woyhlng and MiUlgan; Kllleon and Vaughn. AT WASUiXQTOS. Washington 1 0330000 07 Columbus 0 11 0 0 1 3 0 0 013 Datteries Duke aud Sutcliffo; Qastrlght and Donahue. SECOND DAUB. Washington 0 300000003 Columbus I 100 2 000 0-? riattcricsLelper and Donahue; Foreman McUulre. AT BALTIMORE. Daltlmoro 4 0010030 07 Louisville 0 S 030000 0-J Batteries Houly aud ltobinson; Strattoe aud Ityun. SECOND GAME. Tlaltimoro S 030200 Q LouUvillo 0 8 0 0 1 2 2 - nattorios ntzgerald and ltyun; Mould m and Cahlll Called on account of darkness. AT BOSTON. Boston-St. Louis games postpoucdon account of rain. American Association Kccord. Per r- avbf. iron. 7ot. Ct CTufit. 7xt. c't Boston.... 70 3J .703 Columbus.. 64 UO .450 8L Louis. .72 4.') ,(2t JIllwauk'OH 07 .417 Baltimore U4 40 .600 Lou'vlllo... 30 70 .310 Alttletlo..03 64 .638 Woih'tou..30 70 !3s Kustorn Association Games. AT BUFFALO. nulTolo 0 1010012 40 Lebanon 0 0010000 23 Ilattcries-MolCoough and Calllhan; Sago and Neul. SECOND OAME. nutraio i oi o ooiio 4 Lebanon., 0 0100010 0 a Batteries Wockbookor an 1 German; McCaf frey aud Fitzgerald. AT TROT. Albany 0 0040000 0-4 Troy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II 23 Batteries Doran and Wolls: Frlcken aud Brown lut Sleeping Powders In Ills Lemonade. Manchester, N. H., Sop. 8. Two pris oners nt tho Industrial School, named John Tobin and Frank Willis, placed somo sleeping powders in a glass of lemonade nnd gave It to Alblou Clough, a watch man, yesterday. When tho latter wa3 stupid from the effects of tho powders the two prisoners beat him with a base ball bat and a brass nozzle. The noiso was heard by another prisoner, who gavo the nlarm, preventing any further Injury to Clough and tho e-.capo of tho assail ants. The prisoners will havo n hearing in tho police court to-day. Clough is in a critical condition. On a Tourof tho North and Hast. Augusta, On., Sep. 8. A delegation of 20 prominent citizens of Augusta left to day for a tour of the North and East, their route including visits to New York, Boston, Lowell, Fall River and other manufacturing centers. Tho object of the trip is to extend to tho vnrloua boards of trade invitations to attond the Augusta Exposition in November. They will also visit Montreal 'and probably Toronto. Admits a Deficiency iu His Accounts. PiTTSDURO, Sep. 8. Gottleib Kraft, treasurer of tho borough of Shnrpsburg, this county, has confessed judgment to W. P. Potter, borough solicitor, for $9,000. Tho oxtentof Kraft's indebted ness is not known, but ho admits a de ficiency iu his borough accounts of from $10,000 to $12,000. He Is under bonds to tho borough in the sum of $20,000. New Steamers for XSotton Trade .Boston, Sep. 8. A Liverpool dis patch says it is announced there that tha Cunard Steamship Company has decided to build two new steamerH for the Bos ton trnde, In addition to the two new vessels which that company will construct for their New York trade. Violated tho Lottery Law. 5IILWAUKEK, Wis., Sep. 8. John F. Cramer, of tho Evening Wisconsin, 1ms been nrrested on a charue of publishing lottery matter. The articles ou whioli the proseoutlon Is based are two accounts of a San Francisco paper attacking the validity of tho lottery law. The Mioru Capital to Close Next Woek. Caps May, Sep. 8. Last evening Sooro tary Noble arrived, He will be theguest of tho Prosldent during his stay. It Is stated tho shore capital will be closed next week, so tar as official busiuebs is concerned. .Tersey Republican League Cluhs. Trenton, N. J., Sep. 8. The executive couuiiittoe of the State League of liei u'i lican Clubs decided to hold a St a to o n of the league on Oct. 15 ut Trenton. A call will be issued in a few days. New Jersey I.uud for Hebrews. May's Landing, N. J., Sep. 8. Four hundred Italians are now at work clear ing a tract of land near here rect.itly pur chased by wealthy Hebrews. SAVAGES ON BOARD Ovor 300 Gilbort Islanders on an American Brig. SECURELY LOCKED IN THE HOLD. Taken from Thoir Homes to Work cm Plantations as Slave. retlernl omdnls to Slake an Ilxnmlnatlou Tn-dayDeteimlned to rind Out the 1'ticts About the Cargo of Human rrelghtroars llxprrssed that the Cup tain Will Slip Amir, San Francisco, Sep. 8. In Drake's Bay, ten miles from this city, lies thq American brig Tahiti with 800 Gilbert Islanders securely locked in tho hold. The vessel put Into that obscure port, tho Captain says, because ha wanted tc repair damages by storm nnd he didn't f wnnt to bo bothorod by tho curiosity keekers who would hnvo swarmed over his boat in this harbor. The destination of the Tahiti and her cargo of savages is San Benito, Mexico, where these poor beings are boing takon ostensibly under contract to work ou cof- l fee plantations. To those fumillar with tho history of the abuses that hnvo been practiced on unfortunate Islanders who havo been conveyed from their homos In tho past to work In other couutrios It will seem at least singular that so many of them aro crowded on boanl an American brig ly ing iu American wntera. it may bo that tho human cargo of tho lahitl will meet with better treat ment in Mexico than their unfortunate, countrymen havo experienced olsowhoro and thnt tho Tahiti is engaged in legiti mate tralllc, but It is at loast siugulnr that tho brig, when compelled to put into port from stress of wenthor, should havo nindo for the isolated covo known ns Drake's Bay, when tho port of San r rnncisco was so near. Federal officials wero seen and Collec tor Phelps snld he would send a tug to tho brig this afternoon and ascertain just what was her cargo of living freight. To day the captains were chnngod, nnd fears are expressed thnt tho brig may give tho customs officers tho slip. Thoee fumillar with tho traffic say that theso 800 Islanders nro virtual staves. FAILED TO COLLECT RENTAL. Allegheny City Out n Iirgo Sum Through Sler Market Clerk. PnTsncRO, Sep. 8. The report of tho Allegheny Bub-Audltlng Commltteo of Councils, which Is Investigating tho var ious heads of departments In Allegheny, reports that Market Clork David Hast ings Is $32,017 short in his accounts. The investigation goes back as far as 1879. It appears Hastings failed to collect rental from many stall keepers in tho market, in somo cases for years. Tho stub receipts havo been destroyed and It Is not yet kown whether Hastings col lected and appropriated any monoy to his own uso or not. Attempted to Dofraud tho Government. Baltimore, Sep. 8. Charlo E. Cartice, Mamie Colo, ullas Williams, George Phil pot, Dr. Georgo G. Brewer, Rev. Noah Jackson and Mrs. E. Miller have been held In 51,500 ball each on a chnrgo of conspiracy to dofraud the United States Government. It is alleged that Mnniio Cole, a mulatto, aged 22, was married to a 73-year-old colored pensioner named John J. L. Cole, whilo tho latter was lying unconscious upon his death bed, and that tha other prisoners conspired with her to obtain the continuauco of Cole's pension after his deccaso. Gov Hill SnysGoodhy. Buffalo, N. Y., Sep. 8. Tho princi pal feature of tho colebration of Labor Day was tho address by Gov. Hill. In his speech the Governor alluded to his visit as his Inst one as "Chief Executive of the State." His address was a review of tho labor question and tho remedial legislation passed under his administra tion. Ho advocated arbitration as tho most satisfactory moans to adjust all disputes between capltul nnd labor, nnd considered eight hours sullicleut for a day's work. To Strlko Soptemher 13th. Houston, Tex., Sep. 8. A newspaper hero has secured n copy of tho secret circular which tho Colored Alliance Is sending to tho cottou pickers throughout the State. It soys that the new organ ization of cotton pickers is 00,000 strong, and appoints Sept. 12 ns tho day for tho strike of that body unless their demands for $1 for every 100 pounds of cotton picked or gathered. Curmcncltu In Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Sept. 8, Carmencita mado hor debut as a provincial star and inau gurated her first tour outside of Now York at tho Grand Opera House last night before an overflowing audience. The famous dauseuse made an instanta neous buccess, receiving eight recalls aud being deluged with flowers. The Span ish students from Madrid created a furore, Farmers Holding Their Wheat. Portland, Ore., Sep. 8. Hundreds of farmers in Eastern Oregon and Washing ton are holding their wheat under orders from the Alliance until spring in hope of getting better prices. The highest price paid In tho Northwest for wheat this sea. son was 75 cents per bushel. Since then prloes have declined from 5 to 8 oeuts per bushel. Hitch In the Canudlan Loan. Montreal, Sep. 8. There is a rumored hitch In the 1,000,000 loan lately nego tiated by Premier Meroier lu Paris. Tho French capitalists are reported to havo refused to pay over the money to the provlnoe of Quebeo unless tho boodle churges against Mercler are disproved. Hued tho Minister. Trenton, N. J., Sep. 8. Rev. Charlos D. JInkinsoa has been sued by Jamos G. Ray for marrying his daughter to John Stretch In June last. Mr. Ray alleges that his daughter was under age, and that tho minister had no uuthority from him to marry her. Another Aerunautlo Fatality. PEORIA, 111., Sop. a Miss Klefor, the aeronaut, who made an ascent from Central Park, here Sunday, and who fell Into the lake on account of the failure of her parachute to work, cannot rscover. WolffsflCMEBIacking Shoes eiin bewssbed dill. EO Used bj men, women and children. W&Itdsrllnff, roar coach isn't dry jreL IhaTOpJBl Looks like a new coach, don't it b&by f A lOo. Ilottle M ill paint a Ilaliy Coach. A 25c. Ilottle rt II, il lloom Suit. WOLFF It RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of ihe Peace, Heeds, Lenses, Morlgnges and Bonds written. Mnrrlake llieusit, and It-Kttl claims picunptiy attended m. lied Estate, Collection and Insnrsnce ogeccy. General Fire Insurance Busmena, Itepresents the NorthweMcru I. We InsuranceCo. OrrirE-iIuldoou' building, corner Centre and West bin., uhenoudush, l'u. Good Properiiei oi All Kinds For Sale. 1. A trMory double Iran p dwelling house storeuud restat.rMi' o iniroHt. 2. A dwelling nud rcsionnmi on Eust Centre fctreet . Iiewlruble property rp cum r C ntre and Jardlu streets, kui ablo for business pur- POM-. 4.X two story double linmp dwelling, on Wt Lkndntrr-f. ' 6. Two 2-story irainc dwellings on West Con- irt- Birt'ei. 0. Two 2 story dwelling' on the corner of Coal and Chootuut st.tetp More room in one. 7. Two-story slnele home nn North Chestnut street with it luree witxh. nun Hiiiinmnr. 8. Tin ee to-siory dcublu f anio buildings wiucwi uii' u iiuu t uueri Kireets. Ask my ntrents for V. L. Douglas Slinrn. If not lur snlo lu our place itwk your denier to send for cntalogue, secure tho llgoiiry, nud set lucm lor you. jy-TAKC NO SUBSTITUTE. .41 S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE III THE WORLD FOtl THE HDflEif It la ft L'nirtlt"tn Rhno. With nn tfielra nr wn-r rhrerwi to hurt tho feet, miuto or the best flue calf, atyllsli una easy, nnd bemuse ice make more thoes of thla grade than any other manufacturer. It equals Land sowed fthooR costing from $4.uu to ikk u tiriiuitir iinunxsenciii mo nnesi can KIlOO lltr (tfTiTi'il tar 1Vti.1t mmnli Vrnnnh imported shoes which cost from $s.oit to 612.00. GtA 00 IliimUewrd Welt Mine, tine calf, wVm 8tiHli. com fort ahlo nnd Tha Uo shoo ever olTered nt thl price i some grade as cus- ii'iii-iiiutiu ririiH-i uusuiik i ruin ICHJIMJJ. G 30 l'olico hliiii'j rarmere, ltallroad Men UJha andU'tUTCarrlersall wcartheni; tl no calf, seamless, smooth Inside, heavy threo soles, exten slonedgo. Ono pair w 111 wear a ear. Srj ti him! cunt u upiiersnoo ever onerea nt Cm m thla lirleti: on Irlnl will nnnvificn thnsri who want a shoo for comfort and nervlce. una jy.'.uw VoiUliiLEiiiiiir shoes ii (mm nrn orv ktrtmij- ntnl ilnrnlilu 'I whn hat 0 given them a trial will w ear 110 other make. ffjfj7 .iw 11 mi i.7s school slices am lUw sT J worn hvthft linvaiivurvwhdrd! t hp v soil ou their merits, as the increasing sal en show. 3 ai5 iciGi ?" 11 mi -m veil Buoe, oesc laiuU I O Donsola. vervfctvllih: rnualaFrnne h Imported shoos costing from Sl.u to I.nilim i.-KI. 8i.0() und shoo for Jllssca oro tho heat fine Uonfola. stylish and durable. tiaiilloii. heo that W. h. IuiiKlas uamo aud prlco are stamped on the Iw.ttom of each 6hoo. tToiaoplii 'JT r 12,' FIRE INSURANCE! LurgiHt mill OUIenl Reliable Purely Cash Companies, Represented by DAVID FAUST, 120 S. Jardm St., Shenandoah, Pa. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. W. Baker & Co.-s reakfast Cocoa from which the excess of oil has been removed, is. Absolutely Puro aud it in Soluble. No Chemicals aro usod iu Its preparation. It lias more than three fimea the strength of Cocoa mlsod with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, ntul is thoroforo far moro economical, costing less than one cent a aq. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily dioested, and admirably adapted for invalids ns well ns for persons in health. Sold by Crooors ovorywhoro. V. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. J. s I'OMEllOY. A 7 7 OR NET' A T-LA W, i ace-Bedaal' s building corner Main tad Csnlc C st'j' WHY IS THE ' Wa fL DOUGLAS mm