The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 08, 1891, Image 1

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    nl trill it
VOL. VI.--NO. 1SG.
The platform of tlio Democratic Con
vention, as tnndo In HarrlsburK yes-
terday, la a reflection upon the Intelli
gence of tho voter. There are twenty
awo planks, aud of these thirteen are
(pivoted to the arrest and Imprison
ment of Mr. Bardsley. urnvo national
fucatlona upon which Pennsylvania,
whether In a Republican or a Demo
Satio convention, has never spoken
with an uncertain sound, are ignored.
The tarifl nuestlon. upon which the
R uolest Democrats in tho party men
like Mr. Black, Colonel Slugerly,
Colonel Scott aud others lmvo labored
V for years, is dismissed in a sentence.
The silver question, which is now a
national Issue of tho utmost import
ance, und upon which Pennsylvania
of all states should speak with no faiut
tones, Is given an incoherent part of
an almost unintelligible sentence. The
Pension question, which excites the
interest of the true friends of the
soldier, to the end that the men who
fought may not be robbed by the men
iTln u!,l-1r,l it, r.,n,l Wlilln fnr
' Mr. Cleveland, the leader of the party,
''jhd now in the advance of active
I Democratic sentiment, there Is not a
There was U'j reason why the Dem
ocratic convention should not speak
with emphasis on the Bardsley busi
ness. But why not havo told the
whole truth, as it will be told on the
hustings? Why not have said that
Mr. Bardsley, in imitation of a dozen
or so of Democratic treasiuers of Dem
ocratic states, in emulation of that re
nowned leader, Tweed, had made
j away with the public money; that a
ltepubllcau Mayor arrested hliu, and a
Republican District Attorney sent him
to jail? Why overlook the fact that
no one is more to limine tor uie toss ot
the state money than the Governor
? himself a bank president his own
bank in financial relations with Mr.
j ABurdsley, and as a keen, nble, well-
4 .'infnrmi.f1 mnn fnlrnn tn TTRrrlMhnrrF
!te suspicion, if not the nctuul knowl
edge, which would have made an
RAG STAIR CARPET, taken out of
the loom to-day.
Carpet Slow, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre
Carpets and
Our stock of JiLOOU OIL CL01H for the fall trade
111 is now complete.
w in 1 X' IS 171 T? 7
to select fromtn all widths,
Two yards wide, from $1.00 per yard up.
A large Assortment New Styles All Prices.
Don't forget our five, year old pure Apnle Vinegar,
and Mixed Spices for Pickling.
y U licit CVCIUVC JU s JL
overhauling of the Treasury an im
mediate duty, and the consequences of
such an overhauling tho preservation
of tho interests of tho state ? Why
ignore this fact? It Is as much u part
of the record as that Bardaley stole tho
mouey. Republicans can answer the
elaborate arraignment of the platform,
with the simple averment : "If In our
misfortune, a misfortune that might
befal any bank or institution, we have
been betrayed by an unworthy ser
vant, wo likewise have servants swift
with the majesty and terror of the
law." It is because that Republican
clllcials did their duty that this mis
creant, this Republican shadow of a
Democratic Tweed, is In jail. It is be
cause that Democratic ofllcials failed
to do their duty that he was not sent
tojail mouths before.
It is unfortunate that the Demo
cratic leaders Hhould narrow their can
vass into this limited, untenable
ground. The Star haj held from the
outset thut honesty and expressed
political convictions are not relative
terms; that it is a reflection upon the
integrity of a proud aud honest peo
ple to infer that opinions upon high
national questions mean an acceptance
or condonement of crime; that men
are honest or dishonest so far as they
are really Democrats or Republicuns.
The convention did not think so, and
therefore why say it? Thero is no
scintilla of evidence so far as these
the3e Mercantile Appraisers are con
cerned that was not in the hands of
Mr. Pattlson when he was made Gov
ernor. There is no record of State
Auditor General administration so
censurable as that of certain Demo
cratic ofllcials.
And so we might continue were we
to criticise this narrow Little Pedllng
ton platform in the spirit In which it
was written. There was a time when
the great Democratic party of Penn
sylvania met in convention to unite
with its brethern in other states in
governing Democratic policy. There
never was a time when the need of
that voice was more important than
at present. We regret that our Dem
ocratic friends havo missed their
opportunity. Sllonce ou national
l-.tues, dlslngenuousness and timidity
on home issues. This is not the wi y
to win a campaign Phila. Star,
Oil Cloths.
a m T A rt mt?T lua
qualities and prices.
j-jujj.u.xj.if iu.4i,uJi.-uifxii
, A i' TIT
: : . '
The Battle That Continued in tho
Church for Oiror Two Yours
Turnod Against Rov. Andru
kowicz Tho dovo of poace is hovering over tho
Greek Catholic church of town and in a
ihort tlmo tho congregation will bo united
as strong as it was when tho church wa9
Ski instituted hero.
Tho tactions havo united and they aro
now turning In a body against Rev. An
drukowicz, tlio priest who has ho d tho
church In defiance of all efforts legal and
otherwise to depose him and who, or
months, conducted services under tho pro
tection of a body of special poico.
It will bo remembered that two years
ago Kov. Wolanskl, wlio roundel tho
church, returned from Lornborg, Galicinj
and claimed that ho was empowered by tho
Archbishop of that place to resume charge
of tho church.
Rov. Wolanski'a visit horo caused somo
excitement among Rev. Andrukowicz's
adherents and tho latter rofuod to meot
tho former, or treat wilh him in the mat
ter. Kov. Wolanski remonstrated and
Rov. Andrukowicz was defiant. Rav.
Wolanskl visited the church to hold mass,
but was stopped at tho door by tho special
police armed with Winchesters and put on
guard by Rov. Andrukowicz and tho
Documents from tho Archbishop of
Loinborg, purporting to" authorize Rav.
Wolanski to tako charge of tho churoh
wora noxt producod, but Rev. Andru
kowicz declared they wero not authentic
and of no valuo.
Then Rev. Aubuekaviez arrivod from
Lornborg, armed with documonta author
izing him to tako charge of tho church,
but ho was treated by Rov. Andrukowicz,
as Rav, Wolanskl had been troalod.
Finally the latter gentleman became dis
gusted and returnod to Oalicia, where he
now has charge of a lffrge congregation.
Rov. Aubuskavicz tried to roason with tho
church tru;toes, but thoy wore pledged to
support the priest in charge and would not
bo moved.
Rov. Aubuskavicz noxt gavo up and took
charge of a church in Shamokin and has
Binco taken charge ot one in O'yphant.
Sinco that timo Rev. Andrukowicz has
enjoyed possession of tho church hero, un
disturbed. But his reign will not bo peace
ful much longer. Tho friands who stood
by him in his fight against Revs. Wolanskl
And Aubuskavicz have at last bee mo con
vinced that tho documents Drought horo by
those two priests were genuine. They
recognize at last that Rov. Andrukowicz
was legally suspended and thoy now doqluro
that they can no longer attend tho church
while he claims to havo charge.
Accordingly, all factions of tho church
are now united and a determined effort will
be made in a few days to oust the priest.
Yesterday a new board of trustees was
elected. They arot Andrew Kossar,
Afton Michalskl, Joseph Kowal, D. Saloy,
Mike Donnyanczyl, George Kornc, Tomkp
Onuszcztk, Mike I'avlick, Akin Dzuvin',
Mike Urvan, George Wrelick, Panko
Sembrat and Goorge Koval,
The board has notified Roy. Andrukowicz
that tho suspension made by the Archbishop
of Lornborg, has boon found authentic and
that the church must be surrendered,
i Rov. Andrukowicz says ho will not sur
render until tho congregation refunds to
him ?1,900 he claims to have invested in
the church. Tho trustees eay they want
tho priest to make an accounting and if ho
call show thorn that ho Invested $1,000 in
the church they will pay him the uiouay.
Tho trustees are determined that Rev.
Andrukowicz sball surrender tho church
and, if neeossary, thoy will go into court
to compel tho priest to make an accounting
and withdraw.
This turn of affairs Is a complete vindi
cation for Rove. Wolanskl and Aubus
kavego, whoio cause tho Hkrald cham
pioned during the fruitless battles.
Waters' Wolss boor is the bast,
Reilly sole agont.
John A
Concert Each Evening.
Willie Kendrick, tho phenomenal cor
netlst of tho U, ti. Marina Rand, Is home
on a vacation and will play at his paronts'
home, the Kendriok IIouso, each evening,
rendering somo of tho most dilUcult and
popular solos of the day, accompanied by
tho Kendrick orcbostra. Chango of pro
gramme each evening. 9-3-15
Do you want a good stable, suitable for
livery purposes, In a good location. If so,
apply to John J. Bobbins, 130 North Main
streot, or at tbo Hkrald office. 9-5-lw
. The Shenandoah Male Troupo will meot
In the Watson House this, (Tuesday
evening), 8th Inst., at 8 o'clock,
Constable Tosh Prosecutes O. & I.
Policeman Geiger.
0. & I. Polld'tnan Gaiger, one of the
Lhlgh Vallov Railroad force, this morn
ing ontered 9800 ball
assault and battery made anainst him bj
uomtablo Touli, of town.
Tosh wits a nasseneor on a L,hlili Vnl-
loy train lat evening with oxeuwionist
irotn at. umir. w uen tlio oar was between
Dnrk Water nml llol.,n T...1, .,, 1,,.
told an Intoxicated man who was in n pas
tortgor car with ladies not to use vile
language' Geiirer then Ontered tho rnr and
to'd T!sh not to talk to the man. An ox-
change of words followed and then Geiger
pulled Tosh out of his seat and foroed him
into a roar car. Tosh says that G ignr was
too quick tempered and mod undue vio
Tho Democrats aro talking nbout tho
"ringing platform" enunciated at llairis
burg. Hollow things usually uiakn most
nolso, that's tho rea'on that platform I;
such a ringing one. It's all (.ound. "shoet
iron thunder" an exchange woll calls It.
See that your taxes aro paid before Oc
tobor 3d.
Gen. Gregg, was a gallant soldier, one of
tho heroes of the battle of Gettysburg
Robert E. Wright is a corporation lawyer.
H ah aro candidates for Auditor General of
Pennsylvania. Voters of the stato must
mako thnlr choice botwoen tho two.
The Democrats do not like the way tho
Republicans aro coming together.
This is a year of Republican unity in
Pennsylvania as plsowhero. Tho wholo
party supports Gregg and Morrison. There
aro no kickers, no soreheads, no Indepen
dents, no Mugwumps.
Prosperity and tho Republican party go
Has WaJlinger dropped out of the raco?
You hear his name scarcely montionod
since tho convention adjourned.
Capt. John W. Morrion, tho Republi
can candidate lor otato Troasuror, was a
Ashling soldier of tho celebratod Round
head regiment. A. r. Tilden is tho Demo
cratic candidato, a political farmer who
never fought a battle, Tho peoplo will
lane the bravo soldlor every time, espec
ially when in personal character and in
tegrity he is tho peer of his opponent.
Judgo Groan's majority In Pottsvillo
will bo very largo a regular old-fashioned
Republican majority.
Second hand school
sold at Max Reese's.
books bought and
Mt. Cnrmol To-morrow.
Grand Army Day will bo celebrated
with great eclat at Mt. Oarmel to-morrow.
This old town has beon groatly changed in
appearanco by tho profusion of evergreens,
nags, bunting, otc.
Arrangements have boon mndo to give
the veterans of tho late var u good rocop1
tion. Refreshments will bo abundant and
none need go away hungry.
Our own Tost of tho Grand Army, ac
companied by tho Grant band, will lcavo
on tho Lehigh Valloy lliilroad at 9:30
a. m.
Tho faro for tho round trip on both tho
Reading aud Lehigh Valley Railroads is
only 50 cents.
The groat ex-war Govornor, Andrew
G. Uurtin, Is ox pec til to be present; liko
wiso many other distinguished officers and
Shenandoah will also Bond u large num
bor of citizens to help tho "boys in blue"
in making a good showing.
Gosoo the Indian entertainment ovory
night at Robbing' opora bouse. 9-3-tf
M. M. L'Vollo, Esq., of Ashland, was
in town yesterday.
Miss Emma Wasley lo.t this morning to
enter S vartbmoro College
Miss Eflle Heaton, of No. 4, left yostor
day for Bloomtburg to attend tho Normal
school there.
Post Ofllce Inspector Moore, of Phila
dnlphia, was In town a few minutes yester
day, while en route to Audonreid.
Mrs. Prank P. Langton, and Miss Mary
Berrigan, the agreeable young clork at
Prices' Son's store, drovo up to Shenandoah
yesterday and called on their friends there.
Ashland Telegram.
Mr. Arthur D, Shaw, one of the efficient
and obliging clerks at tho Indian Ridge
oolllery office of the P. & R. O. & I., to
day tendered his resignation and will leavo
town to-morrow night to accept a more
lucrative position at Latrobe.
A Safe, Investment
Is one whloh le guaranteed to bring you sat
isfactory results, or in oase ot failure u return
of purchase price. On this sate plan you can
buy lrom our advertised Druggist, x bottle ot
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption,
It Is guaranteed to bring relief In every case,
wheu ued forany airecllou of Throat, ' lings
or Client, tmch as Consumption, Inllammu
ilon of Luuus, Uronchttls, Asthma, Whoop
ing I'ongb, Croup, no., etc. It Is pi .nsan t and
aicreeable to Uuta, pcrlectly safe, and can nl
ways be depe' dea upon. Trial bottles free at
U. II. lUgeubucli s Druj Htore.
At the Same Prloe.
All porsons holding duplicate chocks for
photographs can havo the same promptly
finished at Koagey's art studio at the samo
price. Remember wo are on the first floor.
riio Tattlo of tho Tattlors Tlmoly
Takon and Told Typograplcally
In a Tastoful and Tempt
ing Tono.
If Shenandoah had a ?."0,000 industrial
fund on tap business would be nuito differ
ent in the town ; in fact tho cry of hard
times would not be heard, and for tho roa
son every person would bo fully employed.
Gradually tho ompty housos would fill
with prompt paying tenants and in time
now homes would havo to bo orocted to
supply tho over increasing demand for
housos for tho new comers. Such a picture
presents quite a contrast with tho situation
of to-day, and yet it is a faithful illustra
tion of tho d ffaronco between trying to
make a town and lotting a town go to
pieces rather than to raise a finger to save
it. This wholo question of building up tho
town by encouraging manufacturing re
solves itself Into this: It is simply boost
ing tho town in order to help tho Individual
by making his possessions moro valuable.
A parallel can bo found in tho policy
tho real estato owner who will venture to
make tt $300 or $1,000 improvomont with
th 9 certainty of incrcaaing-i'no market val
uation of his property 1,600 to $3,000
Surely a person would not hesltato long
ovor such a prospect, and yet tho samo
person fails, perhaps, to seo that investing
in manufacturing enterprises will havo a
similar effect on tho read estate of Shonan
doah, and instead of benefiting but one
person will beni fit every person directly or
indirectly in the town or noar vicinity.
That planting and fostering industrial en
terprises will affect tho town, as shown, is
oasily proven by the record of ovory pro
gressiva city or town in tho country.
Manufacturing ontorprisos attract popu
lation; population consumes food proJucts,
gouds, wares and merchandise; rents
housos, buys land, erects buildings, patron
ize! schools, colleges, railways and, high
abovo all, creatos wealth, and scatters
monoy in ovory direction. Shonandoah, ia
hesitating to plint industries, is practically
strangling herself, and that is just why the
IIkhald so stoutly protosts against such a
shameful sacrifice. Shenandoah Bhould bo
a stirring, prosperous city; it can be so
mado, but It will require patiencoond over.
lasting push. The game Is worth the
candle, thereforo let each and all do hit
part, and dollars can soon bo galherod
moro readily than ponnios heretofore or
Work Speaks for Itself.
With a steady Increase in trade our work
Is giving entire satisfaction and we guar
antee It we do as wo say. All persons hold
ing our advertising tickets will please
bring them along at the tlmo Of sotting.
Wo will givo you exactly what the tickots
c dl for. Remembor the placo, Rothon's
gallery, 29 W, Contro streot, Hoffman's
old stand. 0-i-tt
Artlstio Advertising.
Undoubtedly tho Ivory Soap poople
deserve credit for tho best grade of illustra
tions now being u.ed for advertising pur
poses. Tho series of full-page drawings
which havo been appearing on the last pago
of tho Century reprosent somo of tho most
capable book and magazine artists In tho
country. The series must have cost no
small figure. As yet the "way up" artists
do not sign the work thoy do for advertisers,
but 1 apprehend that it will not be long ore
wo shall eeo In tlio advertising columns
such names as Georgo Wharton Edwatds,
E. W. Komble, etc. Such men as those
bring to their work, besides mere machanl
cal skill, a trained ..Imagination and an
artlstio conception of things, Tboso quali
ties, when used in connection with
advertisements, command scarcely loss
intorest than when used in tho ordinary
literary way. Printer's Ink, August 19,
It Is a well known faet that I'an.TInn
Cornell and Consumption Cure hint mired emi
j sumption, Couiths and Colds when ail else
ivinm arug store.
Four tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb's. tf
Laymen Met in the Evangelical'
Ohuroh To-day.
The laymen's convention of the Potts-
villa district, Eastern Pennsylvania Con
lerenoe, was held In the Evangelical
church, on (Jherry street, to-day.
The conference was opened by D. Ak
Medlar, Presiding Elder, by scripture read
ing. IJevotional exercises were held until
10 a. m.
Thebtlanoe of the meeting was taken up
by the discussion of Us representatives,
Tho following delegates were present : J
II. fv"hlornd J. L. Hassler, Shenandoah;
J. h liuber, Mt. Garrnel; Marquardt,
Port Carbon ; W. 11. . tring, Shamokin:
J. A. Swaltn, Mahanoy City; Charles
Ulew, llarnesville; C. P. Neilert, Quakake;
Oharles Wagner, Ashland; W. S. Soudor,
Tamuqua; Isaao Christ, Lausford.
The clorgymon present were: D. II. Mod-
ler, Pottsville, 1. A. Stauller, Mt. Carmel:
W. A. Warfel, Shamokin; J. L. Guinther,
Ashland; H. J. Click, Shenandoah.
Tho following orgaiiizatijii was effected s
J. II Hasslor, presidont; J. A. Swalm,
vico president; J. E. liuber, secretary;
Isaac Christ, treasurer.
Wellor Arrested.
Yesterdai Chief of Police Amour wont
to Washington townhip, Snydor oouniy,
and arrested AV. J. Wellor. cattle dealor of
Middloburg, charged by William Taggart,
of Wm. Penn, with horse stealing. Wollcr
lurni'hed bail before 'Squire Hummel, of
Middleburg, in the sum of $1,000 for bla
appoaranco at Pott ville noxt Monday.
Waller was with "Dr. H. S. Darwin of
Baltimore, Md " when ho sold Taggart a
horrothat J. C. Bower, of Duboistown,
Lycoming county, subsequently claimed as
stolon proportv.
An Unknown Miscreant.
Whilo tho picnic was in progress at Col
umbia Park last night some unknown
rowdy throw a stone that struck a daugh
ter of Tax Collector Higgins, who was on
tho dancing platform. The stono inflicted,
a painful gash on tho young lady's firo-
head and it was necoswry to remove her
to her home. It will not be pleasant for
tho rowdy If his identity is discovered.
Eva Disbands.
Mrs. Eva Mann, who has bcon masquer
ading as Mrs. R bert Ray Hamilton, and
who was bookod by Managor Porguson to1,
appear in this town this week, disbanded at
Shamokin Saturday night and will not ap
pear hero. Eva and her play "All a Mis
tike" received a more decided set back in
Pennsylvania than they did in Naw Jer-'
sey and hor manager has very widely con
cluded to withdraw from thu field.
Grand ladles and children's matinoealZ.
o'clock Saturday afternoon in Robbins
opera bousa. Admission, adults, 10 conts.
Children 5 cents. G 3-tf
Last Pionlc.
Columbia park will bo abandoned noxt
Soptemb9r, as tho site will theroaftcr bo
used as tt dumping eround for tho Kohloy
Run colliery. Tho 'ftt ovent to bo hold in
tho park Is a picnic of tho Columbia Gleo
Olub, to bo held on Saturday, September
12th. 9 5-lw
America's Day OfQcors.
Tho following officers of tho general
committeo of Amorioa's Day wcrj olected
at St. Clair yesterday : Prosidont, John
W. Reeso, St. Clair; Vice President, G. V.
O man, Shamokin ; Secretary, Charles T.
Straughn, Shenandoah. The demonstra
tion will bo hold in Mahanoy City next
Another Lot
Of second-hand school books, just received
from Now York Clearing Sale Company.
Porsaleat half price at Max Keoso's. 9-5-tf
A Glorious Record.
Hlnco tho Introduction of tho Famous I'an
ilna Cough aud Consumption Cnre in this
vicinity, the deatu rate lrom Consumption
hs decreased wooderfullv : It never fitllH tt.
effect ucure, and Is the tMwtCimgh medicine
xry ' Trial uoitua Irtso at Klrlln a drus
r i c . i ,.
ujeiurs uru in eaiMi. uu tu ocuuunur s
Families suppllod, Parlors for ladies. 9-1-tf
Take tho ladies and children to see tha
Indians at Robblns' opera house to-night.
9 3-tf
You aro thinking of taking
in your flowers, and you will
want some pots. Wo got a
lot of very cheap ones Mon
day, and when you aro ready
to plant don't forgot that you
can get them at
No. 122 North Jardin Streot.