DPIO-3STIC C3-OOHDS 1STOW CD1ST TIA-HP I -AT Till;- CORNER STORE ! AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, All kluda of potted meats, fish, canned goods, oysters, loustfn, crabs, lliuslan caviar, fresh spiced oysters, finest smoknl lisuns, bo lognus and einoked beef, York state full cream clicese,Kniautbal,Swls, Edam, Sapsaio'1 and Lltnburfjer. Fine assortment of cakes und bib cults. O. and IJ. plrkles of all kinds. Pickles by the dnz-n. You will find just what you want. Light. MAIM CITY, PA. Syv ana e Dark, ?l BSMSCBQK9 DOCKKSSEBk s m&m mm BaLna Swanera W IXPOBT Bill, Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. ALT. TIIU NEWS Foil ONU CENT. lias a larger circulation In ;shcnandoah than any other piper published. Circu lation books tptu to all. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY. What Nowb Gatherers Take Moment to Toll About. New moon. A wet eu minor. Miliars weather. Prairie green is a new color. Peaches will last six weeks yet. Cider will be cheap next whiter. The excursion season is drawing to a ciose, Fix that bad sidewalk before winter seta in. Oysters are now shelling out-the politicians soon will be. We are running nlong In the ninth mouth of the year. The craze of the souvenir seems to have made quite a stir. spoon Now if you are registered pay your poll tax before October 3rd. A good many fatal balloon ascensions this summer have been recorded. The scrapers In town are silent. Mrs. Worley lectured In the Primi tive Methodist church lat evcnlmr, miller the auspices of the W. C. T. U. Th attention of the Chief Ilurgens aud the police Is called to the crowds of boyethat congregate on East Oak street, In the vicinity of the theatre, on Sunday nights, where they make the night hideous with their remarks and noise. Bucklon's Arnica Salvo. The Best Salve In the world for Puts Tir.iUk Knivfi. Ulcers. Halt Illieum. Fever. Bores, 'fetter. Chapped Hands, Ciillnlul hm .Corns, and allSltln Eruptions, and positively eurts riles, or no rav renuin a. u is guar- mnti-edt" give perfect satisfaction, or mouey refuurted. Prices") cents icrbx. Tor tale by O. II. Ilagculnicb. 'V jv READY TO FIGHT. BleAullffe and Gibbons in Great Shape fo the Contest. New York, Pep. 7. The oyes of tin pugillstlo world aro now turned to thi meeting of Jack McAulilro, the champioi lightweight, and Austin Gibbons. Tin men will mot in tho Granite Club nex.' Friday night, and tlioy should make a, crand contost. JIcAiilillo is favorite in the betting nnd ho has already been back cd to win some thousands of dollars. Doth men are in splendid condition anc! both aro comment of winning. Tho Grnnlto Club lia9 mndo every ar rangement that can possibly conduce t the success of the atrair. To prevent any hitch, sinch at occurred in the Slavln-Kilraln contest, a now olec. trio time-keeper has been secured. Tail is a very ingenious alfalr, and is said to work well. It consists ot a clock, two gongs and two lights, one red and tho other white, It is so contrived that the red light wil! burn for three minutes, nnd at tha ox, plratlon of that time it will give placo to. a white light, which will bo a signal foi tho men to tnko their corners. The whiti light bums during the one mlnuto rest and thon the red light appears, and botb hold forth for three minutes longer. When a knock-down blow Is given tht time-keeper will press an electric button, which will set a small gong going. Thll sounds every second until the tenth, when It will ring rapidly. If It ovoi comes to that It will bo a signal that th( light Is over. Tho men will bo called Into tho ring al 9 o'clock und will set to without delay, Go to Cosle't's for your preserving fruit. 8-22-tf Tluy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the namo Lessio & Co., Ashland, Pa., it printed on evorv Back. 3-3-3taw Heat work done at Iirennan's steam laundry. Evorythln white and spotloss. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. The place to buy your school books cheap is 1 Also Scholar's Companions, Dnok Straps, and anything rnjulred In school. Slates, pencils, etc., sold re tail aud wholesale. Books Suitalile for East and West Mahanoj Twp. Don't forget tha place If you with to save znouey. CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 Bast Centre St., Shenanooah. I T j SCHOOL BOOKS. 1 1 REGION 'ROUND. A Budget of IntoreBtlng Articles on all Topics. John M. Granger, of Girardvllie, who has been actlnc mine Itmpeutor of the Uirard Estate collieries for the past three years, during the Illness of the late W. G. Gwyther, will now Miicceed to that position. Mr Gran ger has proven himself a capable and elllcient inspector, aud Is fully worthy of the appointment. Frank Moutler, of O ikland, had his foot badly crushed at Bast colliery by a rush of coal that caught him In the schute from which he was loading. The funeral of the lute William G. Gwyther took place at Girardvllie. A tquud from Co, F,8th regiment, hod been detailed to lire thu last salute over his grave. The deceased was Past Commander of JcunliiKS Post, No. 121, G. A. 11: also a member of Aihlund Lodge, A. Y. M., No. 290 ; Prince of Peace Commandery, K. T., No. 39 ; Ao.ua Lodge, I. O. O. F., Shenandoah Valley Encampment, No. 258; Red Men Tribe No. 165. He wus 69 years of age, aud leaves a wife ana nine ciuuiren. The Washington Fire Company, of A,8'11""'1!'.89 ' eclacS c1Ko.,?i , 110 City on Saturday, bent. 2tb .for a shland, has decided to go to Atlantic several days stav. durluir which lliey will ue tlio guests ol uie Jersey lire boys who will now an annual con vention at that famous resort, and which will open on September 27 and remain in session until Oct. 1st. A man supposed to be John Mennlg, of Ashland, Pa., is said to be roaming around Tomhleken aud mad as a hare. He appeared at an Hungarian shanty and the tight of his wild, srliastly face almost shattered the never very phlegmatic Hunks. They thought that Satan had come to claim ills own. witn an uneartliiy latieii the mad man fled into the woods aud the Huns double barred the door. A Heaver Meadow clrl earned S48 i n huckleberries this year, nnd will prob ably turn nut In a new seal plush coat ih's winter. A Shamoklu woman has hired a gang of Italians at 70 cents a day ana takes contracts for digglug out cellars, drams mid sewers away uelow me regular contractors. J din Peroci,h was helnp bolsted to thu surface ot the Nelson shaft Satur day when hit drill, which was resting on nis snouiucr, raugm a projecting niece of timber. This overbalanced rerotrisn aim ne sun on me cage. iu eomnanlons found him dead. He fell 501 feet aud was completely dlsem boweled. Owlutr to the Increased tralllc over Muhauov branch of tho P. & It. syt tern, which is due to the shipments of the coal irom me oxe cs v-o. turneries In the tinner recious. It has been de cldid to double shift all the engines and their crews at Gordon and also the nlane hands. The cars are all to irn over ine Tamaneuu uruuun ui me V. & 11. and thence to Gordon, aud hoisted over the plane at mat place. Xws; the telegraph olhce Saturday moru- Filtv-two new hanas were nut ou at Ing calls lorntty more. GAGGED BY RUUBEHS, Ko Clue to the Thtevrs Who Maltreatci) Mrs. Klklna. HAvnnuux, Mass., Sep. 7. Mrs. Elklns of tho Elm House, who was so. roughly treated by robbers Saturday afternoon, remains prostrated and cannot leave her room. The robbery is tho one areat topic of discussion. The robbers were two in number, anu were ruasKea. They lorcea tneir way into the house, seized Mrs. Elkins and demanded her money. Shs handed to tho men $83. Presenting a revolver ot her head the mon demanded all the money she had, saving that she had mora con cealed on her person. Tho terrified woman said sho had no more money, whereupon one of the mon tore open hor dress and grabbed a canvas baa contain ing $800 in cash and (100 in checks. They then bound nnd gagged her and fled. I hero is no clue to the thieves. FLOODS IN JERSEY. Much Damnge Has lleeu Caused In tilt I Scaeoast Towns. Asnunr Park, N. J., Sep. 7. The severe rains ot tho post two days and the I unusually heavy surf caused much dam age along the New Jersey jcacost towns. Many bad cuts were modo In the Long I Branch bluff. The Now Jersey Southern liallway tracks at Higblund Boach wore undermined by the high tide. At iirowntown, a small Aaoury i'arn 1 settlement, the streets are all inundated nnd dcotjIo ore wodin.t from place to placo. I In many houses tho water lifts tioodoa the I first story. Several small Bailing vessels I were driven ashore at Atluntlo IIlBh- lands. HAWLEY FOR THE CABINET. Humors Tlmt He lias Deen Offered becretnryshlp of War. the Wxsuinotos, Sen. 7. Private advices received here, state that Senator Hawley, ot Connecticut, has been ottered tho War Office, to nucccod Secretary Proctor. Qon. Hawley Is at Cape May, conferring with President UarrUon about tho matter. Friends of tho Senator who nro fnnill lar with Connecticut politic,, and who regard with doubt his chances for renonil- nation and re-election to the United States Senate as against Governor Dulke- lev. think it very pv.jb.iblo that he will accept tho offer and be tlu noxt Secretary of War. OomiuR Events. Sopt. 11 Welsh Baptist Sunday school! festival and social in Bobbins' opera house. Sopt. 12, Farewell picnlo of Columbia Oleo Olutt. The S oap for Hard Water is Lenox. POLITICAL. -FOR- SHERIFF, BENJ. J. SMITH PKESENT DEPUTY. ht r n i t VI n I ,Vm mTl O KOOV I I U UU1JLLU11LC JJCC1 I has secured the agency for the BUUWE1SES and EXPORT BEERS RICHARDS & CO. OF WILKE4-HA.RKEM ALSO AOUKT FOR Rettigs Beer, Porter, AND CONTINENTAL ALES. ORDERS CAN HE LEFT WITH mv 120 s MAIN ST Mil. UfifllV, luU U. MiUll 01., who will promptly fill all o-ders for Bheuandoahand vicinity. -CTXTST OXJT- The"HEW BROADWAY" RANGE It beats everything In the market, and the price is jusi nirni 10 sumue times. It will pay you to come and see It. I am prepared to do the following at the prices auoted: Tin rooang.....-........n-..fio per foot nnd up Tin roor paint iug .wj Tin conductor .........12o " Tin liRiiL'Ine cutter ...........12o " ' Uaivamzeu cnimney suick vxs per pouna ,t itepaireior on stoves asp:ciuuy. W. E. PRATT, 74.3m 331 3. Jardln St., Shenandoah OTIIA.W8 show the way the wina blows, but u't show what hard blows we have been strlklnirat straw hat nrlces. Some bats are dear at any price; these hats are cheap at nnhlA tliA mnnnv. ff what finvftm vnur bend is not becoming to you. all the pains you take as to tho rest ol your attire areslmply thrown Hitrnr. (InmflHnd raa hnwvnuwlll tnnfe In one of our GOo straw bats. There's no use In giving any lurther description of theiuthan to say this they are stylish. Wo out the price down because we want to cut our stock down. Another big bargain In bata Is our II black stlir hats. IS S. Halo SI. SOANL AN Shetiandoih WANTS, teo. WANTED A boy to learn the bailing business. Apply at 23 North Main street, o-5-3t FOR SALE Old bottles, suitable for bottling dtstip, Ac., can be had very cheap at J. A. Keflly's 1 Iquor sto e. 8 26-tr FOR RENT. Three rooms, suitable for club room, office, etc. Gas and steam fixtures. New boiler Just put In. Apply to irfjvl Kofowlch, clothier, Si Main St. 0 2-tf DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sain. One of the most desirable proper ties ou West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at HoiTse's grocery store, cor ner Jardln and Oak streetB. Shenandoah. Pa. YPE WRITING. A young lady, a graduat'. wnts work at type writing, 'till at Herald wlllco, or address llKit vr.u, Shenandoah, Pa, 8 i ll FARMS FOR BALE. Aroyou look ing for a rurm? If so call on or write to J.J. Kenier, t racKvllle, Pa., as to where they are located aud for terms. 8 22-tf zlstow FOR BARGAIN We are selling out our entire stock of Ladles', Misses' and Children's FINE FOOTWEAR, to make -room for our fall goods, already or dered. In fact, we are determined to clear everything out. Including a large lot or Men's Mining and Rubber Boots. Thee goods must be sold, and no reasonable ouer win ne reinsert ior mem. mis ib no humbug, an what we an vert lse we mem. The people will now have an opportunity to Secure Genuine Bargains. Come early before tho sizes are broken. Sosion Boot and Shoe Store ! Hobblns' Block, Cor. Main and Oak Streets, Shenandoah, X.. GOMMIAN, Jltinr. Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STKEET, Where lie will be pleaded to meet tho wants of his irlenas ana the public in Everything in the Drinking Line. GRGlIDONiH TIIEATttE, p. j. rERoueox, manager. OPEXIjXG OF THE SEASON! TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 'gi. Fisher's Company ot ComMlans In tho merry, musical larce-comeay, "A COLD DAY !" SIXTH SUCCESSFUL SEASON. New Song-New Dances New Music PRICES OF ADMISSION, 25, 35, COe. The namo of A. C. YATES & CO. is a household word Tho quality of our gooda has built up our popularity. I'or tho coming i?iui anu Winter wo have manufactured a stock that is sure to please Novelties and standard fabrics aro here in plenty, and price stylo, quality and making have . "i ' 1 . , ' i UU ItXOlVtiU uui ijuibuuui mu With voiir former needs in I v -. . Hiuiu ire aic wuiiucuu ui mwu Jjjrr present Wantf, I I A. C. Yates & Co. Cor. 13th b Chestnut Sts, PHILADELPHIA. Reduction A few patterns of White Embroidery, FJouncings, Plain and Plaid Muslins, Pineapple Cloths, Satteons, Chintzes, also remnants of Prints, Ginghams, and Dress Goods of all kindswhich aro offered regardless of cost to clean out. PRICE'S Old 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. THE "FAMOUS" 01 IX If. Main Street, Shenandoah. Shenandoah Business College ! -AND- SHORTHAND SCHOOL, ROBBNS' OPERA NORTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, Fall Term Begins Monday, August 31st, 1891. W. J. SOLLY, President. RICHARD DABB The Leading; Photographer, NO. 14 N. WHITE ST. The work done at this eallerr Is fully enual to that done at the large galleries of Mew York and I'hlladelnhla. Comparison is in vited between the specimens of his two and thri e dollar cabinets shown In his window and the best of work done elsewhere at Ave and six dollars. Wl)o not climb lone n ebts of stairs to patronize an enterprise run by out of town parties when better work may be had of your own townsmen. SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, SO Eael Centre Street, SIIEXAXnOAU, Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Coafectionery ! -Or AM. KINDS ' Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ot Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty ot Nellie Bly and Mary Auderson Cape. e BASl CBNTKH StT. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Hosteller's old stand,) Corner Coal and Jnrclln HIh. Mr. Snyder will always keepMn stock a!flna line of boots and shoes. Custom Worlc aud Repairing; done In the best style. He guarantee to sell cheaper than competitors on Main street who uave uigr reaui to pay, ana guamutee a genu ine bargain on every purchase. Reliable Stand, Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk. Thm people stand weeping Wllh nil their wits sleeping. While their milk flowsaway luster aud faster; ( Be up nd doing New schemes a brewing, m And turn to good fortune each trlulag dis aster. What's the use of our worrying be cause we are overstocked hi some lines. We wont. We have decided to give the people the benefit of this; to re lieve ourselves and advertise our busi ness by offering such unheard of bar gains as will bring us trade iu the reg ular way for months to come. Look at these offerings below : Children's Suits forSOc, worth fl.25. do do 1.00 do 1.50. M en' Ddmet Shirts for 2oo, worth 60c. Hoys' do 20o do 33s. Neckties, best In this county, for 15c. A T. JONES, HOUSE BUILDING, New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Painted, Papered and Renovated. No. 115 EAST CBNTRIi BTREBT, Three doors above Kendrlck Ilouse, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Haskev would Inform his manv friends and the public that he will cater to their wants lniuosame nrswuass siyie mat ne nas aoae In the past. None but the best brands of for eign and domestic wines, liquors and cigars, will be kept In stock. Choice temperance annas, rineoiu biockbiq. TheeattnKbar Is supplied with everythln PRICE CLOTHIER m luineeaunt line servea in me dbslhu Meals served at all hours, trine private i aitaouea. LEATHER and SHOE 3? CT. CLEAEY, ' l Dealer In all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supphea 18 W. OENTBE ST., Ferguson Uou'e building, SHENANDOAH, PA. The Cheapest Place ! -TO BUY- Genls' Farnisbing Goods, Hosiery, Etc, 18 AT CHARLES : YAROWSKY'S, 23 West Centre St., Shenandoah. Q M. it AMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUR0E0N. omce- M West Lloyd Street, Shenandoah' ft