The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 07, 1891, Image 3

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Forty Thousand Workmoil
Parado in Now York.
President Hippolyte Cannot
Trust His Adhorcntg.
flighest of all in Leavening Power. U. . Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889
Uaod by men, women snd chlldron.
Tho Stroota of the Metropolis Throngod
With Wnge-Earncrs.
Presents in the moit elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
i" virtues of plants known to be
, most beneficial to the human
' system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti-
i ......... :tt
, jimiuu, uuu cue many 111a ui;-
m pending on a weak or inactive
W condition of the
It is the mostcjccetltnt remedy known to
When one Is Bilious or Coustipateil
Ivcry one is using it and all arc
lelighted with it.
JE"Sr3E?.TT3P 03s
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agent,
OFFICE Beddall's Building,
Cor. Main and Centre Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA.
A two and one-balf story double frame
t aweiung nouse, wnn sure-room ana res
taurant. Located on East Centi e street.
A Valuable property located on South Jar
din street.
3 Beven dwelling houpeB&t the corner nfflll.
ben and Lloyd streets, (jcod Investment.
uerms reasonable.
North Fourth 8t.v
bt-L Ornn. rutLADKLruii.
th onlf genuln German American
(Specialist la the United Stitei who it
kbls to cure BlOOd PolSOrtf
Nervous Debility "4 Spe
cial Diseases ' .
i.8oreThroat Mouth,
motonei, t impiei, i-.rapuonp, ton or
hard Cloers. SvcIUdki. Irritatloni.
&lTCf3&i InHtmmatlont and Runningi,
MSPS&W Btricture, Wcikncii anJ Early
, loii memory, wsnk kiwk, mental amktT, KWncy an4
madder DUetues and all Disease! reiuUln from Fxoeiiea.
Indlioretlon or Omwork, Recent cam cared la i to 19 dajI
relief at once. Do not low hope, no matter bat adrer
tlalns Doctor, Qaack, Family or Hospital pbjulclan haa failed.
Dr. THEKL corca positively without detention nem
t)Qilnea. old, todkOi mipdlr oao indtros coktsmflatim
MiRtutoa. rich or poor, n'oA 1. itamp for book
'TRUTH" poslng Qacki under aworn teatltuoniala.
Houw, dallr from 9 to , Ft'rj S to 9. Wed. and Bat,
Ir'fti 8 to 10. Sundar 9 till 11. Write or rail and b rarad.
Tor Refcrenew Wedo. "4 Saturday Phil, dally Time
Whsn troubled with Lho3i annoying TrretznttUHlfj an
irr iaQiir i diaor-xpo ura, or irouvr.
rotational AVeultuf!POri s peculiiir to their fx, Ehculd
Use DR. Df'CMOlWE'R O-'fbratPfJ
C lRtt Etrengtbu rn I 1 ciii entire by.lff ., .apnrt
in., vicnninil m, - n- ',, ., II fn it! nf K- In
rill mini. Hem u i .. M-tii. ( -d. l.-.l. 1. AriJi.T-f.
Ppf. H.trt- r n- rt'.f.T .ST.10UIS. Nfl
Nearly every pattern of Sa Horse
Blanket is imitated in color and
$style. In most cases the imitation
looks just as good as the genuine,
out it taste t me warp threads, and
so lacks strength, and while it sells
'for only a little less than the genu
ine it isn't worth one-half as much.
sfThe fact that A Horse Blankets
are copied is strong evidenca
mat tncy are THE STANDARD,
and every buyer should see that
the Va. rrnrli1 mark is sewed on
idj of the Blanket.
.. . Kivs Mile
i'rtl Boss
M Electric
Extra Test
"prices to sust eYerybody, If you can't cet
pem from your dealer, write us. Ask for
re 5a J-Li 'K. i ou can get it wituout charge.
ftftM- AYRES & SOUS, Philadelphia.
t'hlohe.l.r'. I!nsll.h IImonil JIro&
iia and i, -id rKiAmoVtW
na other, ibflt,dugnotiMtnbtltL V
Or tlo Utinur flUibm IValllvt'l d'ureu
uy utiuiiiiinieriiia: jr. simuea
illeii NiHK'lIIf.
Tt 1 manufaatured as a uowder. whloh can b nin
In a glass of bwr, a cup of coffee or tea, or in food,
without the tenowledffu ol the patient. It aueolutel;
hartal eaa. and will offset a permanent and speedy
cure, wneiner me paueus is a moaeraie an niter ox
in aloohoiio wraolc It Uai bnen (riven in thouaaudf
or oases, ana in t? ery iuatanou a pt-r'voi oure nas 101
lowed. It in ver rail. Thesvstem onoe luiDreirnafr
ed with ton Bpeoilo,u beoouie an utter Imposalbllit
CortheliqnorapiJL'ii'ato eiist.
HMAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah
1 -CJMkTSl..
I i
mm u
Taradet In Kow Jorsey, Pcnnsylrnnla
and Massachusetts All tho Exchanges
In New Vork City Closed The Daj
f Generally Obsorred ns a Legal lloltda
In All tho nig Cities.
New YortK, Sep. 7. Forty thousand
atnlwart workmen were in line In thi
Labor Day parado In this city to-day, antf
rtt len9t onc-flfth of that number wen
marshalled in Brooklyn. Tho display to
day exceeded In Interest any of tho pre
ceding celobrntions.
Thero wero two parades In this city.
Tho parade of tho Central Labor Union
was in charge of Grand Marshal Michael
J. Fenton, of the Granito Cutters' Union.
Thoy met nt Washington squaro and
marched to 40th strees, being rovlewcd
ut tho cottage in Union square.
Tho Central Labor Federation formed
their parade on the Howery, between
Fourth and Eighth streets, August Wab
dinger being tho grand marshal. Tbcj
marched to Stuyvesant Square, where
they wero rovlowed and dismissed.
There were parades also in Jersey City
and Brooklyn, as well as labor picnic!
and athletic contests.
All tho down town exchanges were
closed. Tho Custom House, Appralser'i
Ofllce, Sub-Treasury and Assay Office,
were also closed. As it Is a legal holiday,
most of the stores in tho city were closed
as well.
Through New York State.
Albany, Sop. 7. The Federation ol
Labor and District Assembly No. 147,
Knights of Labor, joined hands in a pa
rade hero.
Syhacuse, Sep. 7. Tho Central Trades,
and Labor Assembly paraded with Philip
Miller as grand marshal. After the pa
rade there was a festival at Kirkwood
In Now Jersey.
ElizAbhto, Sep. 7. Tho unions paraded
2,00.0 strong, under tho marshalship of
Cornelius J. Duller, ol tho Carpenters
Union. Tho day was commomoraned on
a grand scalo in Washington, N J. Gen-
Ural Master Workman Powuerly, Joseph
P. McDonnell and Senator CorniBh wero
the speakers.
Tbsnton, Sop. 7. Tho union potters
had a Labor Day jubilee at Mill Urovo.
All the labor organizations in Mercer
county wero represented.
In Connecticut.
New Britain, Sep. 7. Nearly 3,000
unionists paraded here. Their festival is
being held at Rontschler's Park, where
Christopher Evans, secretary of the
American Federation of Labor, and Ed
ward King spoke. The Mayor and City
Council rovlewed tuo parade.
Iiig Display In Massachusetts
Boston, Sep. 7. Labor Day was hon
ored all over Massachusetts. The prmci
pal demonstration was in Boston. Or
ganizations whose membership amounts
to 12.000 had places in the lino of march,
Tho Common Council reviewed tho parade.
A festival will close tho day.
Lynn had a demonstration in which
8,000 men took part, under command ol
Thomas Condon, bpringflelu, Worcoster,
Lowell and Salem had demonstrations.
Professional Thlevon Charged With Bob
blng tho l'ostoirlco Safe
KETPonT, N. J., Sep. 7. Not tho.
slightest cluo has been obtained by the
officers working on the caso in regard to
tho robbery of the Post-ofllco hero early
Saturday morning. So clever were tho
robbers at their work that thoy left not
the slightest trace.
The thieves made their entrance
through tho transom, which was forced
open. The safe breakers then went to
work drilling holes in tho largo safe.
Threo holes were drilled at or near the
combination, and then a charge of powder
was exploded, blowing the door Into
fragments. Tho noise of tho concussion
was heard by a number or people, but
no attention was paid to it at tho time.
The safe was ransacked of all it con
tained, over $1,000 in cash, and stamps
being taken. Tno lobs will in all proba'
billty fall on tho postmaster, who is
compelled to nialco good tno shortage.
Tho robbery was undoubtedly tho
work of a gang of professionals whohavo
been operating throughout tho State.
Insults tliat May Cuuse Trouble.
London, Sep. 7. A dispatch from Paris
saya that Chilians of wealth and uis;
tintlon are Jvery numerous in that
city, and since the reception of the news
from ValparH'o they have tuken to In-
bulling Ann : inin". who, in their itcuoi'-
anee, they Miipoe to ho protectors of
Biilniaceda. if Hid qu.iriels go much fur
ther they may almost reach the dignity
of an olticial investigation. A number ol
such oases have occurred. In one instance
a certain well-known Chilian baron in
suited in tho grossest manner a New
Yorker, who was quietly dining with his
wife at one of tho tables.
Ilauk Cashier Tlllmun Heard From.
Louisville, Ky., Sep. 7. Telegrams
received here from Windsor, Can,, state
that Major Tillman, cashier of the Falls
City Bank, has left there, and It is be
lieved will either return to Louisville or
go to some place near this city where ho
can easily ooinmuuioate with his friends
and arrange terms by which ho can re
turn to his old home. Mr. John 1. Moore,
president of the Falls City Bank, statos
that the bank had found ni tvidenco
upon which to maintain a criminal pros
ecution. Gravo Fear For the (fueen.
London, Sopt 7. The state of Queen
Victoria'! health continues to excite great
concern in England. The fact that tho
sovorign lady is seriously foeble has here
tofore been kept secret, but has now
leaked out. The gravest fears aro daily
Drowned While Ilttthliir.
Atlantic Cur, N. J., Sep. 7. Barney
McLaughlin, nged 48, and living in
Philadelphia, whilo bathing here was
caught by the undertow, and before help
could reach him was drowned. The body
wan recovered and will ba sent to tho city
thU afternoon.
Will Uxamlno Fhllndelptiln linnUcr,.
Philadelphia, Sep. 7. On tho 17th of
this month the joint commission of the
State Legislature appointed to Investi
gate tho State Treasury will exam
ino several Philadelphia bank presi
dents, the bondsmen of State Treasurer
Bover nud District-Attorney Graham. At
tho mcoting in Harrisbuig the Auditor
General and his accounts will be investi
gated. Colored Cotton Tickers Organize.
Galveston, Tex., Sep. 7. It is said
that tho colored cotton pickers havo or
ganized, and that they have agreed not
to pick cotton after Sept, 10 for less than
$1 per 100 pounds and board. This or
ganization has been perfected through
the Colored Alliance, and now number!
more than 800,000 members, with thou
sands being added every day throughout
tho Southern Slates.
Minister Grtlhb Has Iloturnod.
New Youk, Sop. 7. Gen. E. Durd
Grubb, United States Minister to Spain,
arrived from Havro yesterday on ths
steamer La Touraluo. Ho was met al
Quarantine by a large delegation of G.
A. H. members from Now Jersey.
Jtnron Htrsch's I.atct Schemo.
London, Sep. 7. Baron Hirsch, tht
Jewish philanthropist, has signed a no
torial deed cmpoworlng his representa
tives to expend 2,000,000 for tho pur
chase of laud and tho location of coloniei
in the Argentine Bepublic.
Rumored Arrest of Train Robbers.
Stockton, Cal., Sep. 7. It is reported
that the Cores train robbers have beet
cuptured noar Newton, this State, by 1
posse. The report cannot be continued,
Sudden Deaths.
Heart dlsense is by far Ihe most frequent
enUM) of Midden death, which In three out ol
four cases la unsuspected. The symptoms are
uol generally uuderntood- These are: lying
on tne right side, short breath, palnordls
tress In bide, bacK or shoulder, Irregular
ptil.-.c, ntt)ima, weafc and hungry spells, wind
In stomach, welling 01 ankles or dropsy,
opnre.'Bku, dry coiicti and stnothtrms. Dr.
Jtlles' lllustiated boot on Heart Disease, fre
at (7. II. llagenbuch, who sell aud guarantee
Dr. Miles' unequaled New Heart cure, at. d his
Kt'8twatio Nervine, which cores ntrvouc
ness, headache, sleeplessnes , ellects of drink
ing, etc. It coulalLs no opiates.
Hot ami cold by turns. That Is tho
kind of weather we are having.
Ml loo' fcierve aua Liver Pills
Aft on a new principle regulating the
Itver, stomach and bowels thiovuh the nerves
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Mils speedily
cute biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, pllos,
constipation. Lfnequaled lor men, women,
children. Hmallest, lullorst, surest I 5-1 doses,
Z-.cHs. Samples 4'iee, nt C. H. Uagtnbuch's
drug store.
"Johnny Get Your Gun," the hunt
iug eeaHon is ueur at hand.
Oh, What a Cough.
, Will you heed the warning? The signal per.
imps of tl'e suie approxch of that more ter
rible disease. Consumption, Ask yourselves
If you can allord for the sake of saving 60
rents, to run the tlsfc and do nothing for It,
We know iron experience that Bhlloh's Cure
will Cure j our Cough. It never fulls. This
explains why more than a Million Mottles
were sold the past year. It relieves Croup
and Whopping Cougli at once. Mothers do
not be without It. ior Lame BncK, Hide or
Chest, use Bhlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by
C. II. Ilagenbucb, N. K. corner .Main and
Lloyd streets.
Uuy your supplies from legitimate
dealers and especially from those who
invite you through ihe newspapers.
&. Oure for Constipation and
Dr. Silas Lane, while in tho Kooky
Mountains, discovered a root that whn
:oni bined with othor herbs, makes an easj
tnd coitain euro for constipation. It is in
.he form of dry roots and loaves, and it
tnown a3 Lane's Family Medicine. It
will euro sick headache. For tho blood,
iivor hnd kidneys, and for clearing up the
complexion it does wonders. Druggist;
19II it at 50 conts a packago
The rush for school books Is not bo
erf at as It was, yet the dealers are well
Ask Your Frionda About It
Your distressing eoujth can be cured
We- know it beeauee Kemp's Dalian
vithin the past few years has cured s
-.nny eouirhs and colds in this cnnirmi"i,.v
Its roumrk&ble salo 1 as been won eriMr i
i its genuine merit. Ask tomu trim,
vhohas used it what he thinks uf Kemp'.
iialsMiu. There U no medioina so pure
aoneeo effective. Large bottlas 6O0 and$l
tt all druggists'.
Clothing will be cheap this winter
aud the clothier who advertises will
catch all the trade.
Shlloh's Consumption Cure.
This is beyond question the most buo
. essiul Cough Medicine wo have ever sold,
4 low doses Invariably cure the worst oases of
Cough, Uioiij, and llronchltls, while lis won
Jerlu! success in the cure of Consumption le
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
3lnoe it's lli'Bt discovery it has been sold on a
iuarantee,atest which no other medicine
ran stand. Ii you have a Cough we earnestly
ask you to try it. Price 10 rents, 60 cents, aud
11.10. If your Lungs are sore, Chest or lUctt
lame, use Hhlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by
U, II. Ilageubucli, N, IS. corner Main and
(Joyd streets.
The Humane Hose Co., of Mahnnoy
City, plculced at LaUesldo to-day.
Startling Faots.
Tho American people are rapidly becoming
a race of nervous wrecks, and tho following
suggests the Lost run edy: Alphousollemplf
lug, of Duller, Pa., swmrs that when his sou
was speechless Irom Bt. Vitus danco i)r
Miles' great Itestoratlve Nervine cured him.
Mrs. J. It Miller, of Valparaiso, and J. D.
Tavlor, of Logansport, Ind., eao 1 gained 1W
pounds from taking It. Mrs, II. A. Gaidner,
of Vistula, lud., was cured of 40 to 60 con
vulsions a day, and much headachs, dlzzt
nes, backache and nervous prostration by
one bottle. Trial bottles, and hue hooks of
marvelous cures, fiee at O. H. liagenbuch,
the druggist, who recommends and guaran
tees this uncqualed remtdy.
Tln Wcnthor llurcan's Report from
New I'nglnnd ami Middle Rtntcs.
Washington, Sep. 7. A bulletin hai
just been Issned by the Woather Buroau
showing tho condition of crops in the fol
lowing States:
Pennsylvania. Corn is excellent, but
needs warm, sunshiny weather to mnturd
it. Tho buckwheat crop will be units
ually large. Tobacco cutting continue
and the crop is reported fine. Potatoes
only slightly injured by rot; crop very
large. Seeding has been delayed by wcl
New Enoland. Crops ripening slowly.
Potato rot not spreading seriously. To
bacco harvest nearly completed, and thi
crop Is in good condition. A large cro;
of cranberries is indicated; picking wit'
begin this week.
New York. Tho conditions wero gen.
ernlly favorablo for growing crops and
seeding. Corn is from ono to throij
weeks late. The potato blight is increase
ing. Hops badly damaged by moisturo.
Tobacco harvest Is well advanced.
New Jersey. Tho cranberry crop
promises an nverngo yield. Tho weather
has been unfavorable for ripening fruit
and vegetables, and the ground is too,
wet for digging potatoes and for plough
ing and seeding.
Maryland, Peaches, potatoes, and
tobacco were injured by rain in southern;
Maryland; otherwise, conditions wero
favorable to growing crops. SunBhiny
weather is needed in all sections.
The Iluttlo of Oroton.
New London, Conn., Sep. 7. The 110th
anniversary of tho battle of Groton 1
Heights and massacre at Fort Griswold
was commemorated to-day with fitting
services. In tho morning there was a
procession, made up of tho local bnttal-,
ions of tho Third Regiment, C. N. G. Ao-1
miral Gherardl sent six companies of
bluejackets, a company of marines and
tho band from tho ships Philadelphia,
Petrel and Enterprise of tho North Ati
lantic Squadron. A company of regulars
from Fort Trumbull also participated, as
well as tho Uniformed Knignts of Pythl-
ns. Odd FellowB, American Mechanics
and other civic organizations.
II. & O. Matters.
Baltimore, Md., Sep. 7. President
Mayer, of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail
road, who recently arrived from Europe,
haB gone to Bar Harbor. He was looking
well and was much improved by his trip
abroad. During tho month of AugnsS
the Baltlmoro & Ohio received 3,000 mora
carloads of freight from the West at
Locust Point, than ever arrived thero bo
foro In any one month in the history of
tho road. The west-bound freight traffic
was correspondingly heavy. The pas
senger busines was all that tho company
could handle and wus very heavy, both
through and local.
An Old Firm Assigns.
Baltimore, Md., Sep. 7. Tho firm of
Robert Mooro & Co., which has mado a
deed of trust for tho benefit of its'
creditors to Carl Vlrter, of New York, la
one of tho oldest and best known firms
of woolon cloth importers in this country. ,
Tho business was founded in 1838. A '
member of tho firm states that the deed,
of trust is mado in ordor to liquidate and;
settle up the business, and that th 0 Ha.
bllities of the firm are- less than tho as
sets. It is stated that all tho firm's lia
bilities aro with Now York and European
firms. I
left His AVifo Provided for.
Wilkesbabre, Pa., Sep. 7. The where
abouts of J. B. Shearn and Miss Mary J.
Williams, who eloped Saturday, nro stilt
unknown. Shearn is a coal operator nnd
Miss Williams is a young society lady
but 10 years old. Shearn, who Is aboutj
40 years old, has a wlfo and two children
who aro at Asbury Turk, N. J. Mis
Williams is very pretty. Her father is
dead and her mother is in Europe.
Shearn left a chock for $1,000 to bo giveD
to his wife when sho returned.
Pork Restrictions Ofllnlally Itosoinded.
Washington, Sep. 7. Baron Von
Mumm of tho German Legation in thin
city has sent tho following telegram from,
New York to Acting Assistant Whartoni
"I havo the honor to inform you that thq 1
restrictions placod upon tho Importation
of swino and sausages into Germany havo
been rescinded, provided snub meats have
lieen examined according to your Jaw of
March "id, and according to the radia
tions 1 1 "March "37th of tlii . y an! n-tj
fnt n.i-d villi km.,
can ' J
Tleti-l'lutiHMl to See the I'll). j
Clin u.o, Sep. 7. Culom-1 K. 1
Shepard of the New York Muil and Ex-1
pres, has engaged for himself and u
dozen or more friends the largest parlot
in the Auditorium Hotel, capable of seat. !
the first floor, fortho entire period during
which the Colunibiati EJosItiou will
last. Tho cost of tho accommodations)
it is said, will amount' to something Ilka
525,000. .
ltlcyelo Raoes I'oJtponml.
Phovidence, R. I., Sep. 0. Thebtejeh
races of the Rhode Island wheelman
whloh were prevented Saturday by rain,
will toko place next Saturday.
Convicts Refuse to Hat Huang.
Hartford, Conn., Sep, 7. About 10
criminals at tho State Prison at Watltam
fleld refused to eat beans which had been
cookod for dinner. Tho win-den prompt
ly sent nine of the stubborn prisoners to
their cells, and afterward placed th two
ringleaders in solitary conllnomont, thus
ending the trouble.
Tho Chilian Minister Off for ISurnpe.
New York, Sep, 7. Senor I-azoano,
fTMllan HI,, I tin,- In tin ITy,tl.l U,
has arrived in this city from Washing
ton. He will sail for Europe to-morrow.
A Mechanic Cuts Ills Throat.
SEYMOUR. Conn.. Son 7 Willlnm n.
an, a mechanic, cut hU throat yesterday.
no win aid. Despondency was tho ttun
An Attack Expected By tho Bavolution
ary Exiles Under Legitime.
Itear-Adnilrni rlherardl Says nn Uprlslni
is Inevltnblo-l)cnlnt Will Protmblj
fiupplnnt Hlppolyto Hitter I'celluo
Hetween thn Negroes nud Mulnttoes
Thoy Will Wolconio Trouble.
New York, Sep. 7. The latest ncwi
from Haytl, just brought iu by tho steam
ship Adirondack, is to tho effoct tha'
President Ilippolyto is in constant nppre
hension of an attack by the revolutloiiarj
exiles under tho leadership of Gen. Lcgi
time. All tho Haytian ports ore well
garrisoned, and an extra guard protecti
tho palace in Port au Prince.
Hypimllte particularly fears treacherj
among his own subjects. While affect
ing to bo loyal to the administration, itii
believed that persons prominent in tht
affairs of tho republic secretly sympa
thlzo with tho aims of the insurgents,
and that in the event of an energetic nt
tack they would desert Hyppolito's stand
urd and welcome the oxiles.
A Revolution In I'xpnctrd by Admiral
Washington, Sep. 7. Rear
Gherardl, who came here In obodienco to
orders from Secretary Tracy, has returned
to rcv London, Conn., where his squad
ron is now. Ho had a long conference
with Secretnry Tracy and Commodore
Ramsay, Chief of tho Bureau of Naviga
tion. Tho subject discussed is con
jectural, but it is believed to have been
In reference to the recont alleged disa
greement between himsolf and Rear
Admiral Walker.
Admiral Gherardl, in discussing affairs
in Haytl, said that a revolution Hiero in
tho near future was Inevitable. Denejat
was tne strongest man on the island, and
would doubtless supplant HiDoolyte.
Tho negroos, he said, composed 25
per cent, of tho population of the island,
The millattoes were tho more intelligent
and the bitterness betweeu the two races
was Intense.
An Alleged Quarrel lletwcen tho Kuiperor
mid Kmpross.
Berlin, Sep. 7. Court circles hero ore
agog over a reported quarrel between the
Emperor of Gormany and tho Empress,
tho origin of which is said to bo ns fol
lows: Some time ago tho Empress found n bun
dle of letters written by tho Kuiser to a lady
of the court. Theso compromising docu
ments wero accompanied by nn anony
mous cpistlo, which, it is said, made mat
ters worse.
The court lady concerned was at once
dismissed, but tho Kaiser insisted that
sho should bo allowed to romain. Meagre
details only havo as yet been given out.
The German press havo received a hint
that imprisonment will be the fato of
any and all editors who print any mention
of the matter.
A Hangorons Conildcnce Mnn Arresrod.
Chicago, Sop. 7. "Dig Ed" Hennessy,
leader of ono of tho most dangerous
gangs of confidence operators in tho
country, was arrested yesterday after
noon by officers of tho Central Police
Station at the instance of John I. Norris,
ths irrcprossiblo detective from Ohio.
Norris wants Hennessy for complicity in
a series of robberies in western Missouri,
of which well-to-do farmers were tho
victims. One old man named C. W.
Funk, of Knox County, Mo., was robbed
of $2,000; another, Thomas Blackburn,
of Albany County, of JO, 500, and a third,
Stephen Trice, of Lathrop, of $4,000.
Tho Chilian Junta Not Yet Recognized.
Washington, Sep. 7. At the State De
partment tho report Is given out that
no regular formal recognition will be
extended to tho Chilian Government until
new credentials aro supplied to our
Minister nt Santiago. Our present rela
tions aro entirely friendly, however, nnd
Minister Egan Is in a position to treat
with the Junta on any Issue that may
ariso. This arrangement has been mude
at Mr. Blaine's direction, and there is no
truth in tho story that tho Secretary's
functions havo been usurped by Gcu.
Traoy at tho President's Instance.
Hrowerics Seized By U. S. Marshals.
St. Louis, Mo,, Sep. 7. Tho Federal
authorities havo inaugurated a war on
isonio of the St. Louis breweries for vio
lating some of tho statutes in relation to
ie uto of stamps. The Berliner imported
eor browcry has been seized by United
States Marshal Buchanan nnd invoiced
iu charge of Deputy United Statos Mar
shal Atkinson. Tho brewery of Stitt
uer Thomas was also seized. Ths
charge, tho Marshal btnteB, are using
s.t,iuq-i twi e. Ihe aulluii-llli. , .Utle ihoy
uro ul'et mlicr brew .ie.
Almost a Uiot.
LkbasuN, Pa., t ip 7. The affray be
twoen Special Oflicer Johnson, hw sou
George and two non-union men employed
in Leight's rolling mill on the one side,
and n number of strikers on the other,
almost ussumod the proportions of a riot.
The police had groat difficulty in quell
ing the disturbance. Tho Johnsons were,
nearly killed during the melee. Isaac
Reed, Ed McLaughlin, Lewis Ricker nnd
Johu Wellsr of the strikers havo been
The KodlM Reenvered.
Thomaston, Coun., Sep. 7. The bodies
of the two daughters of Henry Hughes,
Elleu, aged ten, and Catharine aged
four, which were found iu the Naugatuek
river near Waverbury, have been brought
here. The girls wandered away frooj
home, and in some manuer wers,
The lUnlnes to Go to Augusto.
ArjousTA, Sep. 7. Mr. and Mrs, Mains
and Hattie and James G. Blaine, jr., will
leavo Bar Harbor about the IStli Instant.
and come to Augusta to occupy theii
residence ou State street for three weeks,
returning to wajuington oariy n Uoto
bor. i
Attorney-General Miller Ku Voyage.
PiULADklmiia, Sep. 7. Attornev-Gen
oral Miller and a party of six gentlemen
aro cruising about tha Delaware break
water in the revenue cutter Hamilton.
t the weather is favorablo a short sua
voyage will be taken.
"oil uniiiiiK, juur umu,u tou tui(tii aubidjuuv
paint M tt with
Looks like a new coach, don't It baby?
A 10c. Mot tie will paint n Hatty Conch
A 25c. Itottle n lied lloom Suit.
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
Justice of the Peace,
Deedi, I.ente. Mortgages and ilonds written.
Marriage liiensis and lsgal claims
plompliy attended to.
Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency.
acneral Fire Insurance Hnsiuesi'. Represents
the Northwestern I. Ho lusuranceLo.
Office-MuldoonV building, coiner Centre
and West Bis., bhinrtndin.h, l'a.
Good Properties n: All Kino's for Sale.
A two story douhle lrsme dwelling rinuse
sioieaud reMunrau', ol i;sl '"cntrcSt.
, A dwcl'lrg and restaurant on Kasl Centre
, l)eliable property ot. cjmi-r Ce ctre nnd
ouiiuu sirei-is,sui auie ior business pur-
, A two story double lrnine dwelling, on
Two 2-story irame dwellings on West Cen
tre street.
, Two Calory dwelling' on the comer of
uoai auu ciiesimii suteis mure room in
Two-f tory slrgle houe on North Chestnut
sireei wnu ainrgewaicni me httnerear.
, Thr en two-story dr ubl flame buildings
corner of Lloyd ard Hllbeit streets.
Ask my njentK for W. 1. Dnuelna Shoes.
If not lor sale In jour place nsk jour
ilenler to nend for culnlosue, securo tho
nsency, ami rt them lor you.
It Is a seamless shoe, a ltu no tacks or wax tlirr at
to hurt tho feet; made of tbo best line calf, stvllsb
and canr. nnd because ttA inkn nnr hw ne thia
grade than any other viatwifttctttrer, It equals band
suwed sbnes costing from $.UU to 85.(.
z ii uu ; huiihiiip iinmi-ftiMvt'ii, mo nnesc can
eJwfl fillOtl OVfF nfTiTed fnr lUlllt nnnnl Wpih)i
imported shoos whlou cost from $s.(mo $12 00.
ttrffl. uu niiH-.-Mivu-n wvii mine. line cair,
tBVm BtVllsh. fomfortfihlo nnd tlnrnhln. 1 hn hfnt
shoo ever offered nt thU I'rlco t same (trade as custom-made
shoes coating from $o.oo to
3iiu roiico rMiont formers, uauroaa Jien
undLettorCnrrlersnll wtnr Mifm flnen1r
seamless, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, extent
slon edwe. One pair will e a year.
V-r "js on iiiiuciiiii no ueiicr snoo ever onerea at
X9fla this nrlL-o: nnn will rnnvlnrn timer
who want a shoo for comfort and service.
Wv9 " una um-kliiciunifn sboet
VJ fu m nro VOTV RtronLr Atid slnrnKIrt. Thnen uhr
unvo giYtju ineni a irini win wear no otner mane.
kmv'J 1 Zj worn hvthn tinvsovprvwhprpt thpvupll
ru their merits, the Increasing sales show.
lLb(U.1 ICS I)nniriln. vprvuf vllchi onunla lnrh
Imported shoes eoatlu from gl.W) to 86.U).
LimIIch ,AO, 8.00 nnd 11.7-1 shoo for
Mia; are the best flnoUongolo. stylish and ilurable.
t'lmtloiie See that W. L. Douglas name and
price aro stamped on the ttottmn of each shoo.
, Li. uuuul.i, iirocicion, jxass.
SSjka.03Q.V23.3.-023. Dtp CI
Znci' ii Mil Ohlint
Reliable Purely Cash Companies,
IlejM'esentetl by
120 S. Janlm St.. Shenandoah, Pa.
1. Baker & Co.'s
from which tho oxcesa ot
oil has been removed, is
Absolutely Pure
and it in Soluble.
Ho Chemicals
are usoil in ita nrepuratiou. It has
more tftrm three times the strength of
Cocoa nilxoil with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, ami is theroforo far more
economical, costing less than one cent
a cup. It ia delicious, nourishing,
Btrongthoniug, easily digested,
anil admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for parsons iu health.
Sold by Grocers ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
'X0'-'-hi!i building cjrocr Main .ntUeau