Evening Herald. POBMSIIHl) DAILY, SUNDAY EXCEPTED U. a HOY Jill, lidtlnr mill J'.Mi7irr. M M. ,T. WATK1XS, hveiil milnr. ALL THE NEWS FOR ONE CENT llieliYIiXItia IIMIAIJ) hut a Itiruercir dilution in khtnuniltxth thun any other pajier pubtMeU, Jlookt r,pen to all. SUBSCRIPTION rates: DAILY, per year, 3 00 WKKKi-r, per yoir - 1 89 Entered at the 1'ostofflce, at Shenandoah, l'a, for transmission through the mail v "Of-nnJ class mall matter, c OUR INDIAN SOLDIERS. TfTIie Government's Experiment Frovlna Very Bucci-infiil. Maiirleiikai), Mnss., Sep. 7. Socro tnry of War Proctor will leave here for Ids western trip Wednesday, Speaking i)f this he snld: "Tho primary purpose of my visit Is to Inspect tho posts of the department of Dakota. I was unable to visit those posts on my former trip West. 1 desiro especially to Inspect tho now Indian companies first organized. "There are six already organized and nix additional under way. Tho ortlcen ot the companies have been carefully bclected. All orders arc given in English, nnd while all the men do not understand the langungo, thoy soon como to know the-orders and conform to tho rules very (Illicitly. "They do not glvo any troublo In com ing down from their freo-iind-easy life to military discipline, but take pride In Boldier uniform. The experiment ol making trained soldiers of them is prov ing successful. "Wo aro not hurrying the work of re cruiting, but trying to get tho best men. The physical examination is of tho most rigid nature." A SLANDERER COWHIDED. Society Circlet In Augusta, Mo., Talking About a Sensational Affair. AuauHTA, Mo., Sep. 7. Society circle hero aro ull upset to-dny on account oi a sousatlonal cowhldlng affair between two well-known sooiety men. Ed. Smart, a young druggist, aged 25, belonging to tho Commaudery, and of a highly respect nble family, thrashed A. H, Lyon, an other Augusta citizen, aged 45, a builder nnd contractor. Some two months ago Smart married a well-known Augusta young woman, and recently heard that Lyon had been circu lating slandurous stories about her. Making diligent Inquiry, ho found sev eral young men to whom ho says Lyon told tho story. This incensed him so that ho went to Kamlin's hatnoss storo and purchased a rawhide. Seeing Lyon on tho street, in .front of tho storo, he accused him of slandering his wifo, at tho same time producing his whip and laying It over Lyons' head and shoulders, ono blow making a terrible cut on the face. Lyon dodged and ran across the street into Deal's paper storo, Smart following and applying tho lash. Tho victim crept into a corner and begged for mercy, upon which tho infurlatod husband stopped. Lyon bears tho marks of tho whipping, and at noon went before the Grand Jury to have his assailant indicted. SEVERAL BANDITS SHOT. A lllooily Ilnttlo Fought With Iluligcra In u Mountain l'nss. Uvalde, Tex., Sep. 7 Summary von geanco was wreaked upon tho despera does who hold up tho express train on tho Southern Pacific railroad last Thursday, nnd who were thought to have escaped across tho Rio Grande with 420,000 of booty. A body of rangors went In pursuit of tho dosperailoos, soon after tho roouery, and after a chase lasting almost two days, c .imo up with them. A fierce battle took place. Krom ro ports received thirteen of tho robbers and two rangers woro shot down nnd killed nnd several of both sidos wore injured. Tlio engagement was short, as tho bandits wure outnumbered. They hold the better position, however, and stood their ground until their dead nnd wounded were so groat that rusistanco was Impossible and then tho romalndor fled. It is said that two of tho maraud ers escaped. Four Women Jump from a Train. Chicago, Sep. 7.! Maggie Drybalak, Mnry Kopeiuski, and two other women jumped from a Northwestern passengor train moving ot tho rate of fifteen miles nn hour at Clybourn station early last tivening. Maggie's collar bone was broken anil Mary's hip was sprained by tho fan. the other two oapeil in jurv. The four women Work on a farm 1 1 ) ond the river north of tho station. . ' fi the train stopped at the bridge . K' on, suppniiiuc it would stop at ' ' I'.mru. I iiey tuyil on tlio plutiorin 1 .u the train did lint itop iticy , lll,it'li. Kta'h Htaigtt Career ISutlix. shaMokin, Pa., Sup. 7. Miit. Hobert Ray Hamilton's staife career has been buddenly brought to a close. Her com jiany yosterilay objected to continuing the tour uuIohs salaries wure paid and as the money wns not forthcoming they dis banded and returned to New York. It is said that Mi's. Hamilton was compelled to bonow the money with which to pur chase the railroad tickets fur tha com pany's return to New York. Merit Wins. W.i desire la ajr to our cltlseos, thai fur year we have been selling Dr. King's Sew jvlng'uNew DUC'-vary for Coutum, tlon, Dr. King's iJewTISf- villi, Bnplrlen's Arnlea f-alv nnd Blat ris lllllera, and have newr liHiidl'd tmmlm tliat sell at well, or Hint liuw ivu mmIi universal nilifaoU.ni. Wn do nut liillle to guarantee lliem every time, and wesianrt ready to refund the pur I'li'tw prlou. If aitisftieiory rxium do u t lol- ow tlialr use. The remedies have won their ileal populirlly iuriy oa their mei it. I'. 11. Ilatpuuuoli, imifflst. And now the txprwsmeli aiotobe irilforiiietl. Alvu's Itraslllaii Hieiflc Co.. 6 Wall fclreet N. V. Gutiiviieu: I la'-e plraKiire in tc-ii-rMuKtft iheoirallve nwrrk 01 jour "'Reus II. ond I'm, which has rellevr d me of inn rular rlittunaiWim ol Inn1 siaudlng. I w s troubled Krlonslv t.y '1.vhhp1h a well, fiom wliloh, I am 1 leasen to stale, It UH also cured 1110 Amurloit yo" tha' I liall recommend ymir medicine To n'v friends. I am. Yours resiieel llillv, DAM SHOWN, J)eo 0, 1880. SKI NtnUi Ht., Brooklyn, N. Y. ekild at Klrliu's Diug Blore.l'eriiux.n House JJlook, Mlienandoai'. NEWS OF THE DAY. Mr. Gladstone objects to n labor part; with a representation In Parliament. Nine persona, Including thrco first do ttreo murderers, have escaped from Jail ai Poplar Bluff, Mo. The First National Bank ot West, choster, N. Y, has nuked permission tf orgnnlzoa National bank. State Supt. Drnpor orders tlio opening, of Elmlra's (N. Y.) public schools, which were closed owing to deadlock inttha city's Common Council which proventoO tho levy of school taxes. Weather Indloatlona. WAsnmaios, Bep. T. For Now Englandi Local showers, stationary temperature; west erly wlndi. fiFor Eastern New York Pattern Pcnnarl. vanln.nnd New Jorsuy: Local showers near tin ooas: fair 'In (tlio lintersor, northerly wind;, stationary temperature. For Western Now York: Gonorally falri westerly wind), slight changes in tempera' ture. For Wostorn I'ounsylvanlai Warmer) fain westerly wlnJi. j Judgement ihonld bo displayed In buying media tine above all things. In seloolinK a remedy for any disease, you should bo posltlvo that it contains nothing inju rious to the healtli. Many romedic on tho markot lenro tho patient In much worse condition, than beiora taking them. SQ Q ti purely vegetable, and porfectty harmless; tho most delicate child can toko it with absolute safoty. It contains no mercury or minerals of any kind. and yet It never fails to euro tho dis eases it is recommended for. Book on Blood and Skin diseases fro. Swift SpecWo Co., Atlanta, Q First National Bank, TIIKATKK I1UII.IJINO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000,00. A. W. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisennnq, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' tCaihier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! I'liltl on HavlitsfH DcposltH. mm1 you AKE GOING TO MlhHourl, IlniiHiiM, ArUmiHns, TexitrtNelirnrtlca, l.olllHlnnil, Colorado, Vtoli, cmlloniln, OreKuiiftViiHliliiictoiiiMttxIca, 24uw Mexico or Arizona, and will send me r postal card or letter stating Where you aro going, When you are going, Where you will start from, How many there nreln your party, What freight nnd baggage jou have, I will write you or call at your boute ana furnish you with the fullest Information regardlug route", lowest rates of all classes, besides maps, descriptive and Il lustrated land pamphlets, resort books, Hot Springs guides, etc. Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arkau. sas, Kansas and Texas. J. P. McCANN, Eastern Trav. Agt., W. E. HOYT. G. E, V. Agt., 301 Broad way .New Yorlt Iron Mountain Routs; MISSOURI AND PACIFIC RAILWAY tfto Genuine Jfe is and tvlll ever bo tha best Hemody for f TMo,tAv,ara Tlnnlrnnhft. ' Tlnl.i in tha RIHn. fill OS t final FjointB, neuralgia, SpraiM, o 1 Bfor you seed to 007, obtain i tho valuaMe bookl "Qulde to Health," withj k eadouemontt of prominent pnyuoiana. J J.AD.RICHTER&C0,, 310 B roadway, HEW TOKU. Q8 Prize Medals Awarded! European HoaaeailtndolatadIioiiaoii Hurembarc. Kouateln, IiOipelo. 50 Gents a bottle, For Salo byl I. I. J. ICUIITN. 11. iiAcusivjruoii, SHENANDOAH, PA., ana otnw arogguu-, SHOT BY A FARMER A Wealthy Man's Son in Jail For a Trobablo iMurdor. HE HAS A FIGHT WITH ITALIANS They Stopped to Pluck Wild Qrtipea On His Premises, When Ordered Awny They llofmcd to Move l'iv or the Partv Knocked Down with a llotnher-The Sixth Una Miul In the Head, and will Die The Mulder er's llemnrk When Arrested. ScllANTON, Pa., Sep. 7. Christian Hnar, son of a wealthy nnd well-known farmer at Old Forgo, near here, shot down Angelo Volpo, an Italian, during the morning. Volpo, his brother nnd sIji other Italians were returning home along n newly surveyed railroad thnt skirts the Ilanr farm, where thoy stopped to pluck wild grapes. Tho older Ilanr ordered them awny, when one of them said that they didn't think they wore doing any harm. Hnai pushed him over. Just then young Hani rushed to tho scene, drew a heavy re volver and knocked five of tho Italians down with blows on the bond. They jumped to their feet nnd ran. Volpe was hit a stunning blow, and ai ho staggered away young Haor followed nnd shot him in the back of the head. Tho Italian dropped like a log. Volpes brother started back, when another shot was filed and the Italians fled from tho wounded man. I Volpo was taken to n doctor's house. The ball ponotrated his brnln and he can not live. This Is tho the third shooting young Hnar has done at alleged trespas f.ers in the past month. When told that the Italian would die ho replied, "I don't caroadamn." Ho is in jail. ATTACKED BY DOGS. A Young ISoy Horribly Ulttcn by Six English Mnitlfls. Wheeliko, W. Va., Sep. 7. Edward Glllls, 9 years old, had a horrible and fa tal experience in this city last evening. Young Gillls was playing in tho street, nnd near at hand was a dog kennel, in which wero confined six huge English mnstiffs. While playing Qlllis began teasing tho dogs, and they became fear fully enraged. One of the dogs broko down tho door, nnd six ferocious brutes mndo a fierce attack on the boy. He was knocked down at the first onslaught and all tho dogs began biting and chewing him. Policeman James Carney, assisted by William Hobinson, armed with revolvers nnd crowbars, finally reached tho infuri ated animals, but it was Impossible to make thom loosen their holds, and Car ney shot five of tho dogs dead while they were still cliowlng ana biting tnelr vic tim. Tho sixth bruto oaenpsd. Carney himself wns sevorely bitten. Glllls' wounds aro horrible; his eyes, enrs and noso wore literally bitten out, and his body has no fewer than 60 wounds. The dogs that wero killed were valued at $100 each. AV'nrldn for 3Ira. Ulnybrlck'a lloleaso. New Oiileans, La., Sop. 7. The ladles of this city are moving to securo tho re lease of lire, llorence Maybrick from Woking prison, England, where she is confined for life, convicted of having poisoned her husband. Gall Hamilton's recent articles, showing that there should havo been a different course taken than the one adopted toward tho unfortunate woman, have brought the caso once mora to public notice. The ladles of this city and Stute will presont a petition, numer ously signed, to tho Queon, whom thoy will ask to right the injustico dono to Mrs. Maybrick. Keystone llnnk Clerks Arrested. Phiidelphia, Sep. 7. Chas E. Ega and E. L. McGuiro, formerly ledger clerks at the Keystono I3ank,have been arrested, charged with making fnlso entries in their ledgers, and with making such state ments as would tend to deceive the bank examiuor. Tho nrrasts wero made on complaint of tho Government accoun tants who have been examining the books of tho bank. Ego nnd McGuiro were relented on 10,000 bail. They will have u hearing to-morrow. It is ex pected thnt another arrest upon tho same charge will be mauo to-uay. Chlnamon TTant to llcturn to Cnnadn. Buattleboho, Vt., bep. 7. The cast of tho two Chinamen arrested ot Bur lington, is still under ndviiement by Juduo Wheeler of the United States Cir cuit Court. In their exnminatlon tne lawyere for the Chinamen contendoil thnt inoy snouiu uc returneu xo uanaun, na thoy had in their possession a permit to return to that country. Tn u. a. uis trlet Attorney contended tluit tho permit was simuiv a pretext thiouuu wmcn Chinamen might, be smuggled into the cuunt.y. sluit Ht Wlf and Htmtelf. Sfymouh, Conn., Sep. 7. Geo. Wing bhtda, a midrila-aged German mechanic. chot hia wife in the mouth last vming, inflicting serious injuria. He then shot nnd killed himielf. winglilnde recently lost his position, and this preyed on Ills mind and causad him to commit the ter rible ciime. Turret for I'ort York. Halifax, N. S., Sep. 7. The military authoritiea have decided to pluco two re volving turrets at Fort York redoubt. One will be placed at the southern ex tremity of the fort and the other at the northern end. Each turiet will be mada of stone and will hold four sixty-ton guns. I'liflll't AVIUon In the liilht. IJostos, ?ep. 7. Billy Wilson, cham pion pugilist of the Northwest, is in tldi city. He says he is rawly to make a mutch with Godfrey, Ixnnon, Jim Sh n, of Wichita, Kan., or l'atsy Cardiff, aud, thut any time or place. Will suit him. Severul KulldllifM Humeri. PoktmMoUTH, N. II., Sap. 7. The house, barn and out buildings un the Eliaa Per kins en taw wore burned during tha morning. Loss, $20,000; insurunra partial. Ueolnrvil Insolvent. DKOnAU, Mass., Sp. 7. The Ureka Silk Manufacturing Company ot Canton havo had wurrants ot iiisolreney issued against tuein. A meeting of creditors will be held at ut&bam, September 23. WILL CURE EVEflY FORM OF rrom dimple THE POMPEIAN PALACE. A Noted llulldlctr of 1'arU and Its History. Tlio Paris correspondent of tho Lon don Times says: "Tho famous 'Pom pelan palace' of tho Avenuo Montaigne, built by tho lato Princo Napoleon, has just been sold by Us owner, Count PalfTy. of Hungary, to 21, Porges, who is about to pull it down for tho con struction of a prlvato bouse. The site originally belonged to Mile. Mars of tho Theater Franeals, and tho archl itect, who Is now a momber of tho In stitute, M. Normand, designed his plans nftor tho famous house of Dio medo at rompoll and that belonging to tho poet Pansa. The house, about which clusters a number of memories, sometimes odorous of the Roman deca dence, is associated with the names of Theophile, Gautier, Nestor Hoqueplan, Arseno Houssaye, Sainto Bouve, and Paul do Saint Victor. There wero played Augler's pretty comedies, 'Lo Joueur do Flute' and 'La Femmo do Nlcomede.' After tho salo of tlio house in 1800 to the Comto do Qulnsonnas for six hundred thou sand francs It was bought by MM. de Lesseps, do Beauregard, and Arseno Iloussayo, for tho purpose of a museum. Count Palffy has owned It sinco 1875 and prqsorved it intact as originally constructed." Olrls as Whistlers. The belles nt some of tho fashionable rural resorts this season, says tho New York Sun, havo attained such skill in tho flno art of whistling that they can imitate tho songs of bobolinks and other birds in a way that deceives even tho ear drum of a trained listener. They whistle whilo rambling in tho -woods, or standing on tho hilltops, or reclining on the lawns. They whistlo in groups so as to produce a pleasing effect, and sometimes ono will whistle all by her self in a way to thrill tho soul of tho hearer. Tho custom may yet who can tell? bo introduced into tho city here, so that wo shall hear tho light-hearted daughters of New York whislingliko bobolinks or canary birds as they roam or march through our inviting streets, avenues, squares and parks. Now Bids to llo Invited. Washington, Sep. 0. Architect Ed brooko will issuo this week n circulai lottor to the bidders who submitted pro posals for erecting tho government build ings nt Chicago, inviting them to submi) new bids on tho amended specifications, a copy of which will bo fnrnishod each oJ tho original bidders. rsnaHt um Big, but bad tho old-fashioned pill. Bad to take, and bad to havo taken. In efficient, too. It's only temporary relief you can get from it. Try something better. With Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets tho benefit ia lasting. Thoy clcanso and regulate- tho liver, stomach and bowels. Taken in time, they prevent trouble. Tn anv case, they cure it. And they euro it easily; they'ro mild and gentle, but thorough and effective. There's no disturbance to tho svstom. diet or occupation Ono tinv. surrar-coated Pellet for a laxativo thrco for a cathartic, Sick and Bilious Headache, Constl pation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all dcrangomcnts of tho liver, stomach aud bowel3 aro promptly relieved and permanently cured. Thov're nurclv vegetable, per feotlv harmless, the smallest, and the eatiji.t to take but bi'sidos hat. t.liov'rr flip ctnowst nill VOU " , - j L V can buy, l'w.- they ie iintratdieil to give san returned. io:i, or yuiir money u ju' pay only for tho good yo'i t. Tum is true only of Dr. Pierce's medicines. Bank Counters. Tyler System. Port' aoio, unoquaieci in atyios, Cost nnd Finish. 1&0 rnee Calulorus ot Cuuutt-rt lie.k cte., Ululratoil In Color, noutl, IVf FomUm lfttVula. Also 'l'viet-a isoyai Onice lleoka nnd Type writer Cabinet!. UOO Nlylea. Beat nnd cheap est on earth, wltb great reduction in prices. fa.lutfe la cti. lull Hot. o Dr-la, thalri. Tallpt, Hook t'o.M. CtUucU, Loyal llliak tabloola, ate., alwaja U aloek. Suoalal work toad to order. i: J. j.i.aa, 13 Jtta. a;u. nt. a.ouia, nio.a aj.r-.A ROPSY TnriTCn Ctrl i'MitWa'lyQixrmSv.ii Prt'iit irt difso ivn.v'tnfi- li ii ft,j-t tw ii (hiri! aurialaor mlr t' ulnua i urea TK DMS 'ZXXSS FHEE1 truu. !n.l Ion , Ion ert. n- - ..lis I i . r- lar waaaa KIM DISEASE Plmnles to olmtlttnte ECSlJHAi tfa-Qend (V,r"ailntn for Kltcltcti ana Hid-. Kooai," 0 handy book for tho household. FHCE, CACTUS BLOOD CURE. SUPERIOR TO SARSAP.4RJLU. Tones up your system and gives you an appetito that a lumberman might envy. Cures dyspepsia, stomach troubles, constipation, and liver or kidney diseases. In addition to this it cures all skin affections and the more violent blood troubles. Effects are immediate and cures permanent. Sold at Klrlln'8 Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa. Your trade Is what we wnut. This is how we propose to get It. By selling you n flrst clnss article; by selling you for less than others; by fcelllrg you furniture, an orfiau, a piano, a' (sewing machine or anything else in the line of houcehold goods. AVe have a large and va ried stock to select from. No trouble to show goods. Call, examine and be convinced. 4 3 b H H h3 P THE OLD RELIABLE, Soutli Main St., s i-ie 3sr,A.nsrr) o-a.:e3:. Lehigh Valley Railroad, AKKANGEMENT OI PASSENGER TKAINB. -MAY 10, 1891.. FnMencrer tralnB will leavo Shenandoah for Mauch Chunk, Lenlgnton, Slatlneton. Cale. iiaeipnia ana ivew lorn aio.ti, 7,10, u.uaa. m., 1252, 8.10,6.211 p. m. Kor Belvldere. Delaware Water OaD and 3troudsburg at 6.47, a. m., and 5.20 p. m. For Lambertvllle nnd Trenton, 9.08 a, m ror wniteiiavcn, wimes-uarro ana t'ltts ton 5.47. 0.08, 10.41 a. m 3.10 and 6.26 p. m. u ana ou p. m. . a, m 3.10 and 6.26 1 or TuuknannocK, 10,11 1 p. m For Auburn. Ithaca: Geneva and and Lyona 10.41 a. m and 6.26 p. ra. rnrLacey vine, lowanaa, nay re, waveriy, Hlmlra. Itocbefier. Bullalo. .Mttgara Fall lis. Chicago nnd all point west at 10.411 1 a. m..and i.2h p. m. For ' Imlra and the West vlaSalamanca at 8.10 p. m. r or Auoenriea, jiasieion, ntocaton, x.nm her Yard, Weatherly und Penn Haven Juno tlon at 6.47,7.40, 9,08 a. m. and 12.62, 8.10 and P.m. vol jeaueHvuie, uaviawtu uuu xseavei Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a.m. and 5.26 p. m. i-orncrauionuio.n v.un. iv.n a. ni. is.iuanu 5:26 p. in. For uazie urooK. jeaao, urinon ana rTee if.nd at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. 12.62 3.10 and 5.26 p. in. rurnuamukQ ui a.tt ttuu tr.uo u. ui., 3.10 p. m. or wiggana, uiiuerton una rTaoKvme at 5.50 and n.oa a m and 4.10 p.m. For Yatesvllle, Malianoy City ond Delano 5.47. 7.40. 9.1H. 10.41. 10.68 a. m.,12.62, 8.03. 9.2 ai d 10.27 p.m. - For Lost uxeea, airaravnie ana Asninna 1 .m v in u o til it n . 1 rm 1 ... . in u R f.w.oao, AU.au 4U., 4.W, 3.1V. 1W S.10 and 9.14 p. m. ror iiarKwaier, bi. i ieir ana r' twviiie. 40, V.08, W.i a. 111 ., 12.52, 8.10, 4.10, b.M nnd H.U. 11. in. i-or llnek Mciunlein, New llmton sr.d Mint... 7.10,9.06. 1' .&h h. n. 12.52. 3.10, 5.26 i"id H.0s p. nj. For naven nun, lentiaiua, mt. uaarmei aaua ihamnkln. hJSt. and 10.15 a. m.. 1.40. 4.4( and 8.00 p. m. Trains leave Bbnmokln for Shenandoah, 7.5b 11.65 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 und 0.80 p. ra., arriving at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. 111., 12.52, 8.10, 6.26 and 11.10 p. ra. SUNDAY TKAINB. For Lost Creek. Glrnrdvllle and Ashland. 6.50, 9.10 11.35 a.m., 2.45 p. m. ror uarawnier, m. uiuir ana jroiwvim, .60, 8.00, 90 s. m., 2.45 p. in. For Yutesvllle, ilohnnoy City and Delano, 6.00, 11.35 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m. For Lofty, Audeurted and llarltton, B.0( a- m 1.40 p. m: Vcrilancli Chunk. Lchlghton, Slatlngton, Pa lasantjua, Allcntown, Bethlehem, Kaatoi and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m: For Vhlladelphla, 1.10 p. m. K. B. BYINGTON, Uen'l l'aes. Agt Bethlehem. HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Cream ! BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Orders promptly attended to. Particular at- it entlon paid to Balls, Picnics, Festivals, etc. IF1. KEITH NOHTII MAIN STKEET, Near Corner of Lloyd, SHENANDOAH, PENNA WK'KEAFTERYOU! P.Williams&Bro. Jl.Il-J.11.' J -n.-j- nit -uijiiiutiipxiia ituu xieuumg HDllrOBi Time JViftfe in eBtctJuly 10 lMtl (UilRiS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOW For New York via Philadelphia, weok day 2. 0 5J25, 7.20 . m. and 12 85 160 and i. ,i. uu uunua; z.iu ana 7. a. m, roi He Vork. VlA Manch Chunk, weak rlava. so '"Jl n. aju. UUU li.OJ HUU P. Ul, rVir Heading and Philadelphia week day i.m, a. m iz.ij a -u ana o.oo p; a ;m, a. m I2.M 10 and 7.48 a. in., rlsburit. week at uuuHy, a.iu ana 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m ro. 5.M r rn bk w' wees UH days, 2.10,7.20 a. m n. m. nr A"entown, week days, 7.20 , a, 12.. r01!1!'! week yj 2.)0,7.i0,. ni .in , i. 3o"p m P" m" BuD',,y' 2 10 and 7, lr?r ri1Sim?,J?. RnQ MahRnoy City, weo : u ', i.m, a. m., ias 2,60 and 6.1 1 1".!.. Bmay. 2.10 and 7.t8 a. m 4 30 p. n rlittfl, trial ..... Uf.hnMr. . ti. in. $u noTn Lana 0olnBWa week dayil For Wllllaraaport, Snnbury and Lewiabnra' veek days. 3.25, 7.20 and 11 SJ a. m., 1.35. 7.C .. m. Sunday 3:25 a. m., 3.03 p. m. Kor Slahnnoy Plane, week duyn, 2.10 3.2". as. 7.20 and 11.8J a. m.. UM. ias. bik r 7.00 ant 16 m. Hunday, 2 10, 8.21 nnd 7.4. 1. ro. S.05, 4.30 i.lu. For Glruravllle lltaorinhBnnrM-ii Hiutinn "'K dye, 2.10, 8.2j, 6.25, 7.20 ond H.B'ja. m. I2.3S. 1 35 50. J.56. 7.00 and H.25. D. m. Knuriov 2-10. .2 ,7,48 a.m., 3.05, 4.30 p.m. 'or Anliland and BnainoKln, week days .2 -, 5 JS, 7.20. 11.31 h. m., 1S5, 7.00 and 9.a .. ni. Humliiy 82 , 8 32 a, m,, 3.05 p. m, 1IM IiJa Lnlj uuth i aiiii, i u. Jueuve New York via Philadelphia, we nphL Kiinrtfav-fl.m n. m . 19 1R li.r,f eaye Hew VorX via A! an en (.hunk, week lays, 4.30, 8.ij a. m., 1.00 and 4.0 1 p, m. Ieave PliilBdclphla, ween daye, 4.10, and 10.00 a. va. 4,00 and U.00 P. m., fn irj Bioad nd Collowhtll and 8.35 a. m. and 11.30 p. m. from 0th ti.UL ufBOD HtruetA. Hlindnv U OA a. m. ll.SO p. m. from Bin anc -an. Iflaave Wending, woek days, 1.33. 7.10. 10.16 and ll.tO a. m., 5.55, 77 p. m. Suiidny 1.85 acc 10.48 a. va. Leave I'ottevlUe, week dnys, 1 40, 7.40 a, m., f.SO, t) 11 p, ni. Sunday, 2.4", 7.00 a. m. and i( 5 p. m. Lieave Xamuqaa. iteek dajB, 8.20, 8,43 aud 2 1 a. m.. 1.21. 7.13. and U.18 n. m. Bundav S.iO 7 43 .m.and2lp. m. i-eavo Malianoy City, week daya, 8.40, 0.1 B ind 11.47 a. m 1.51, 7.42 and 9.44 p. m, Hun. lay, 8.46,8.17 tt. m 8.20 p. m. Leave Aiahauoy Plane, week daya, 2-4 1, 4.10 ).30, 05. 1U8 a. m.,l.(15, 2.0. 5 20, 0 2S, 7.57, and """in. vn. 8nndavl4 . 4.00. nnd K.57. a. m 3 37, 5.01 p. m. x.cuve uiraravine (iiappanaunoca. Htationi eek days, 2.47. 4.07, 6.36. and 0.41 a. m., 12.05, ' '2, 5.2, 6.32, 8.03 and 10.06 p. m. bund ay, 2,47, 0 , 8.83 a. m. 3.41, 5.i'7 p. m. ijenvo Wllllamaport, week days, 8.00,9.45 and U.bS h. m. 8.35 and 11.15 p, m. Uanday 11.13 f.. m. Kor Baltimore, Waahlngton and tho west la B. A O. K. It., through tralnB leave Ulrard vvenne station, Philadelphia, (F. Si K. K. u.) tt 4.16, 01 and 11.27 a. m 1.31, 4.21, 5.55 anS '.23 p. m. Sunday, 4.10 8.02 11.27 a, m 4.24 ..66 and 7.23 p.m. atantio CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Btreot Wharl I ana nonui -jireei wnarr. For AUauticCHv. 9:00,10.45 a.l I), 2.10, 8.01 odallon, 7 4i Week-days Exprcit, S.15, 8 00, 9:C m. ind 1 i" (Saturday only. 1.30). Q QA . .U R V ft fV .. ... AAnn..nAHnl,nn a. Ui.. 4.15, 0 30 J. ai, " imrio. txpretw. 5 15, 7.00, 7 3J, 8.00, 8 SO, tf.00, 9.30 4. m. anil 4 30 p. m. icx-Oiiiun,.xauua j.Ou a. m.and .45 i. m, taeturnine, leave Atlantic City, depot corner i'tutlond ArkanaRS ovennea. wee-inra Espresa, 7.00, 7.30, 8 00, 9.00, 10.00 a. m. nnd 8 1& 4.00, 5.30, 6.3H, 7.30, 9 30 p. m. Accommodation 0.00, 8.10a. m. nnd 4.Mp m. Buudays-Kx-press, 3 30, 4 00, 6 00, 0 00, 6-30 7-00, 7.30 8 00, 9.80 p. m. Accommodation, 7.30 a. m., 6.05 p. m. ... u. UaNUUUA, Ueu i rtwu i Agll . A. McLLOU. i'rea. A Uen'l Manager. PENNSYLVANIA I1AILRQAD. ECHUYI.UILI. DIV13IOK, On and after September 1 1391, !ro(n will lean 6heunavuh ut fuUoxvt: for Wlggan, Ullberlon, Frockvllle, New ."astle, Ht. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 0.19 m and 4.15 p m, Sundays, WO, 9.40 a m and 8.10 p m. For l'ottsville, 8.00, 9.10 a m and 4. 15 p m. Bnndays, 6O0, 9.40a m and 3.10 p m, For Beading, 6.00, a m and 4.15 pin Sundays, 600, 9.40 a. m. and 8.10 p m. For Fottstown, 1'lioenlxville, Norrlntown aud Fhllndelpbla (Broad street Elation), 6,00 a. m. and 4.15 p m week days Sundays, 600, 9.40 a m 3.10 p m Trains leave Frackvlhe lor Shenandoah at 10.10 am nnd 12.14, 7.42,10,09pm. Sundays. 11.18 a m and 6.40 p m. Leave Foitsvllle lor Shenandoah, 10.15 ana 11.48, a m 7.15, 9.42 p m. Sundays, 10.40 a ra 5.15 p ro. Leave Pblladelpliia (Broad street station) 'or l'ottsville and Shenandoah. 6.57. 8 3, a rr i.uuua i.w p xu W80& aays, Sunday 0 50, and For Now York, 8.20, 4.05. 4.40, 6.35, B.60, 7.30, 1.20 8.iH J.50, 11.00 and 11.1 4 , 11.35 a m . I z.00 noorj (llmltod er"Toas, 1.06 t.'M p m.) 12.21 12.44, 1.1TOV S.3C, VX, 4.02 , , 6.2 1, 6.60 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 pV. ' On Sunoaya, s m. 4,1)5, 4.40. 5.85. 8.12, 8.30, 9.50, 11.35 in. nnd 12 21, 12 44, 2 30, 4 02, (llmltedi i.M). 5 23. " 21. , ul ana 12.01 nlghl For Sea Girt, Long Branch nnd lnterm edlat e stations 4,05, 6.60, 8.25 and 11 39 a. ra., 5.40, 3.30, 4.10 p.m. weekdays. Saturdays only 5.00 p. m. Sundays 1 05 and 8 23 a. m. For Baltimore and Waabtngton, 3.60, 7.20, 0.10 und 11,18 h. m., 4 41, 0.57, 7.40 p.m. and 12.03. night dally aud 8 31, 10.20 a. in., 12 35 (Pnilted oxpress with dlnlrg car to Baltimore) 1.30, 8. 18 p. in. Vi eek days. For Baltimore only 2.02, 4.01 weet days. 5.08. 11.80 n. m. dally. ror menmoua, 1 -v a.m. ana i.'.im nigut dally, 130p m, daily, except Sunday, irjainaieuveHarribbuig lor i'tluunrK and uo west every day at '"vsand 3.10 a m and '..no lllmlted) and 8.40, 8 30, 0.83 p m. Way for Altooiw "am and 4.10 p 01 every day. For Pltlaburg only, 1L20 a m aauj una 10.20 . ra week days. Leave Bunbury lor Wllllamaport, Elmlra, auandalgun, ltochcster.BrCaloandiJlajan. "alls, 5.10 am dally, and 1.12 pm week daya. ifor VatklDS, 5.30 p m week days. For Krle and intermedlatepoluts, 6.10 ami, tally. Fir Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.66 a nu lally, 1.42 and 5.30 p. in. week days. For KpoovuD.lO a m;.(2 and 6,S0pm weekday, 1.10 a, m ktundays. IM.AS. F- FOGH. J. It. WOOD, (io.u. Mau'r Hen. Pass, At. -tilming'io a nobthehn k.b. Tltite table t. - fl . d May, 10, 1 --''l Trains iea'.e BeaUIni: 11-. AH- i, un) fo! Olbrailai, releii, ' iro-in ro, J. . ni , 1 i 1 1 - Weld, Wh; 1 1 ; iihti Iru, i'uhi iM. w esi l.iit'iicr, rm.. 111 juiiiu. i,r d 1.. ) t 1. Wiium.glt'U ai.U iitiei nu ti.., . mi.i 11111, (. n- eeept unduy hi bmui 0 ".u tun., ana J. x: ui. unda only ai 3 do n. in. For Warwick, K. lvieic nnd Intermedin etilnltrfti Ktutlons.dally t xeepl Sundu , at 9.20 a. In., &.iv p. m. nunoay uuiy e.io a m. For Blrdaboro and Intermediate station' "SGS Baturday only, at 12 m. Far iiaiumore ana wasnineion ris. a It.) dallv exeentKuudav at 6.25 and 8.80 a. n. and 8.15 p. in. tun day only ni 8.O0 p. m. Trains arrive ui Keuaing tr. tv it. aiuuon, from Wilmington, B. & O. Junction, Alont chanln, Chadoslord Junction, West Cbesttr, Leuape, Coatesville, Waynesburc Junction, Sprlngfleld,Joanna,Blrdfcboro, Gibraltar, Sey fertniid lmennedlate stations, dally eicept Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.52 aud 8.17 p. m. Sun day only at 11.24 a. in. From St. Peters, Warwick nnd Intermediate stations, dally except Sunday, at 8.2J turn. anil .2D p. in. nuuuay uuiy ui d ji. in. m jiirasorro aim 11 l Intermeaiutr stations, Ralnrdav only at 1.40 n. m. Fiom Waablugiou and Balllmore, dally ex cept Hundny, 1021) a. m. 6.62 ana 8.17 p.m. Sunduycnlyst 11.24 a. m. B0VNES8 BBIGUH, Geu'l Pass. Agt. A. G. MCUA USLAND, BupU RUPTURE, We, the undersigned, nro entirely cured oi Huntiiro b.v Dr. J. H. JIAYUIt, 831 Arch St., Vhlla. TI onias B. llarlung. New Hlnggold, I'n., I. -ai)dt, south Eaatun, Va., L. P. & C. A. Deluick, Oley, l'a II. G. Stauley, 424 Spruce St , lbauou, I'a.,A. Schneider. LotuH Dale, l'a.. U, B. Noll, Lime kiln, Fa., Win. E. Har enktlue. t'hoenixvllle. l'., W. M. Ilnliach, 624 Wnalnngton St., Ueadlug, l'a., J. C. Lya... 1310 W. llc.Mard St., liarrlsburar. I'm., O. Ktehn. Dmitilassvillc, Pa. Dr. AIAY'EH Is nt Boiel l'eun, Beading, l'a.. out lie 2nd Saluidnyof eaehmonih. Cull lo ste him. jQ- B. imiCKER, M. JJ., I'M YMCJA.N AND SVliGJEON, ,iili v AMI' wruun ' aj hi, wu - tj f, n.