MM hi' JUST EGA!! RETURN Boportcd To-dny That Ho Has Boon llccallcd. ENEMIES AFTER HIS SCALP. Ha Oliilian Party Envoys Preparing Evi dcnco Against Him. Open In their Hostility Towards II Im Statements Raid Ut l!nvn llfpn I.nlri lle- fell the President Homo Vwry Sensa tional Developments Promlsod ltcp;nrd tag Minister l!unn' Cnrner In Chill. Wabiii.noton, Sept. 4. H is reported 4it Minister Egnn has licen recalled from Chill, and tho report is credited by many here. Acting Secretory of State Wharton, when questioned, declined to cither deny or confirm the report. His only reply vim that Ksan had not been recalled j the State Department. "II a the President ordered tho re call ?" asked the reporter. Secretary Wharton ovusivoly replied that he could not tell what tho President had done. It is known that the Presi dent has been considering tho case of Minister Ekbii, and that gravo charges OKaiuat the latter have been laid before him. Tho envoys of tho successful Chilian Darty lmve been diligently collecting ev idence agalUMt Minister Egan which they navo already presented to tlio President. Theso envoys make no concealment of their hostility to Egan, and openly prom ise some very n-nsntlonnl developments concerning his career In Ulilu. WAR SHIPS SURRENDER. Chilian Vessels Turned Over to tho Minis ter at Crtllito. Callao, Peru, via Galveston, Sep. 4. The torpedero Alndrante Condell and the Hrmcd transport Imperiale, the last armed forces loyal to the lato President Ilalmaceda of Chili, have formally sur rendered to tho Chilian Minister hero, and word was immediately sent to tho Junta de Gobierno, at Santiago, that tho two vessels were at their disposal. The Condell, under tho command of Copt. Morago, sailed from Valparaiso as convoy to the Imperials on August CX. two days nfter the lauding of tho Con gressional army at Quinterno Hay. Tho mlfsion of the two ships was to - transport troops from Conuimbo to Tal cahuano. EMBARGO ON PORK RAISED. Secretary ltnHlc lli-ceUes Olllclnl Notice frtnii Germany. Wariiinoton, Sep. 4. Socrotnry Rusk has received official notico that tho Ger man government has raised tho embargo on American pork. Tho agreement rela tive to the admission of pork into Germany was signed at Capo May Point about ten lays ago, but at tho request of tho Ger man government the fact was withheld from the public press until official action could be taken by the homo government. 'f he agreement not only provides for tho udmittnnco of our pork into Germany, but also affords tho United States tho Mine schedule with reference to our farm products as that enjoyed by Russia. jjj'Serretary Rusk is confident that ho will soon bo able to extend our mnrket for corn by introducing it into Germany for use as an article of food In the place of rye, tho crop of which in Germany is this year exceedingly short. To this end, he has instructed his corn agent, C. J. llurphy, now in Europe, to proceed at ouce to lierlln, and lay tho mutter before Germany. The Lottery Ccimpuny's Iluslnesa llroken. Wasiiinoton, Sep. 4. John C. Mny- nnrd, tho postofheo inspector in charge of tho New Orleans district, has returned to Washington from New Orleans, where ho has completed tho work in some cases against the president of tho Louisi ana Lottery Company for violation of the postal lottery law. Sir. Maynard says the chain of evidence in these cases is complete. Ho thinks tho power of tho company is broken and says the business is reduced to such a point, that although it advertises a capital prizo of li00,000, yet It dons not now sell more- than hnlf of any ticket, so it is impossible for the cupltal prize to bo drawn. Itegartllng tho Union 1'acfne. New York, Sep. 4. The vehemence with which tho Gould party deny that the Vanderbilts have, or will have, any interest in tlio union t'nclllc leads to n suspicion that they do not feel the foun dation very firm underfoot. If tho loan schemo Is carried through,? J. Pierpont Morgan will be practically receiver of the I nlon Pacific Company, and the vander bilts will have a voice in its nlfair which will overpower anything J. Uould can say. The Vanderbilts, however, do not wlsli to antagonize uould, only to see that the great Western railroad system operates in Harmony. Hamilton College OttU-crs Kleeted. Utica, N. Y., Sep. 4. At the meetiag of the trustees of Hamilton College, held nt Hagg's Hotel, Horace P. Silliman of C'ohoes was elected president. Clinton II. Scollard wa elected in place of l'rofessor ilot, who Iioh accepted a chair in Au burn Theological Seminary. W. I). Moore was made assistant professor of rhetoric and A. 1). Merrill was elected professor of chemistry. liftect of a l'rujiohixl Wage Reduction. Fall IttVMt, Una., gept. 4. Tho do clston of the manufacturer to cut down wages In October has caused a feeling of uepresston among business men and oper atives all over the uity. It means a loss of 18,000 weekly to operatives and con sequent loss to all kinds of trade. I'eitiisylvaula Democratic- Nominations. IlAKiilSBUKO, Sep. 4. The Democratic! Stute Convention unanimously nominated A. L. Tildeu for htate 1 reasnrer and 11. K. Wright for Auditor-General. Tho liardsloy scandals wero made tho chief Issues of the campaign. The Humor Discredited. NkwYokk. Sep. 4. Nothing mora has been heard here of the report from Oma ha, Neb., that receivership papers for the Union Pacific Jlailroad would be filed -vsry scon. Tho report is totally dis credited. PITTSBURG PHIL'S LUCK. Tho Monger Makes n Princely WlimLiu'or lilt Colt King Cndmin. Nkw York, Sep. 4. Tho winnings of O. E. Smith, tho plunger, widely known ns Pittsburg Phil, on his colt King Cad iuub, who won tho Sapphire Stakes nl Sheepshead yesterday, aro the largest that have been recorded on tho Amoricar turf In several years. Ho bet S5.000 in tho ring, S-i.U'JUin Won York and $2,000 between tho pool roomr In llaltlmoro and Washington. Ho got nil tho way from UU to b to 1 roi his money, and ho la from $75,000 tf iao,OUO richer now than he was before tho race. Ills exact winnings cannot now bo told until ho shall have heard from his boutli ern bets. Ho put one bookmaker out of business, and that one was Iko Thompson, one ol tho nerviest men in tho ring. Tho latter accepted a big bet from tho plunger, and after tho raco he turned hU slate, uud did not do any mora business. NOTHING LIKE ITI Blood Is thicker than water, nod must be kopt pure to Insure good health. Swift's Spkcifio is natures rmfy for this purposo. It novur to fails ellmnate the lmpw tic and build up the general healik. Therms only one Swift's Sjvcciflo, end thero is nothing liko U. Be sure and get the genuine. Trealiso on Blood and Skin IMmGsto mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Oa First National Bank, THEATiu-; iuii.mric;, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. A. W. Leisenrinq, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenrinq, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! I'a HI on Hnvlugs DeionltH. IIF1 IrrOTT ABU GOING-TO MlHNuurl, ICanwnH, ArlmiiHiiH, 'ri-xiiK,'NcliniHl:, LoiiiHlniin, t.-olornilo, Utah, Clltornla, Orc-Kl1VllHllUKtoII,MuxlCO, New Mexico or Arlzouu, and will send mo a postal card or letter stating Wnere you are going, When yon tire going, Where you will start from, How many there lire iu your party, What freight and baggage you have, I will write you or oall at your home uud furnish you with the fullest Information regarding routes, lowest rates of all classes, besides maps, descriptive and Il lustrated land pamphlets, resort bookB, Hot Springs guides, eto. Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arknn wi, jvauBusuuu lulus. J P. McCINN, Eastern Trav. Agt., W. E. HOYT, G.E, P. Agt., SOI II roadway, New York Iron Mountain Route, MISSOURI AND PACIFIC RAILWAY .-v,o Genuine 2n,3 is end will over bo tho best Hemody for rami- TnflnnflMi. TlnckacllO. 1 Pnino In thn flido. Chost tmdV JointB, neuralgia, Sprains, &e Beforoyonaoeato tray, obtain fiwcnpp OP CHARGE'S . "... . it. ., rr.-l.t. llliL P 18 valuable oooi t uupo w oeaiiu,- wiiur endorsements 01 promiaeut fujt'viauB, F.AD.RICHTER& 310 Broadway, flfc.W YUKrS.. 28 Meuais Ariaiutu EnropeannouieBlBudoltadt,Ijo.naoDr! Ilnremberi'i &onit 50 Cents a bottle, For Sale byf v. 1. x). JCiitr-Tiv, c. 11. iiA-oiaiviiuoii, SHENANDOAH, PA., and other areggu". it inr -iiiin-'"1 Mf Imt ex wnmm 14 ML LI BASEBALL SCORES, Chicago DefcnU lloston and the Ken Vorks Win nt Clovotand. AT CLEVELAND. Clovelnnd 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0-4 New York 3 0 O 1 0 1 2 Ox 7 Batteries Oruber and ZttnrucR J. Ewlna and Buckley. AT CUIOAOO. Chlcnjro 0 4401000 0-0 noitnn 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 IvHattorlos Hutchinson and Sehrivcn Clark con and lletmutt. AT OIKCINNATL j Cincinnati 0 1000205 0-8 Philadelphia 3 0 0 0 7 0 0 4 x-13 lotteries Mnllans and Hnrrlna-tonj Kllntr and Clements. AT riTTBHUlU). rittsburg 1 3 0 -4 Brooklyn 4 '0 1 C Batteries Baldwin and Miller? Txit-ntt and Daly. called on account or ram. National League llecord. 1'tr tfuht. Tt'nn. Tjl Ct CHxiht. fT-m. TrtlL f7t Chioa-o...OO 41 .627 lloston (IS 40 .574 Now York. 54 45 ,B) Phlla'phla.67 60 .533 Cloveland.51 00 .450 Brooklyn. 47 57 rittsbum.44 (14 Clnctu'ati.4i 0J .448 .407 .40a American Association Games. AT eosto.-. 0 0000001 01 Boston. ... Columbus, 1 0000051 0-7 Haddock and Murphy; Knell and Butteries Dowse. AT PHILADELPHIA. Athletics 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 3- St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0-3 Batteries WcThinK and Jlllllunu; Stlvctts ana jjarnng. AT BALTIMORE. Milwaukee 1 1001080 2-7 llaltlmoro u 01000000-1 llatterles Madden and ltoblnson: Davis and Grim, AT WASniNQTON. Washington 5 3 0 4 1 0 2 0 0-1S Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5- fi llatterles Cancy and SutcllSc: Fltzgorald and Ityaa. SECOND GAME. Louisville 3 0 5 0 1 1 0 3 0-12 Washington 0 000201003 llatterles Strutton and Cahlll: Carsovand Sutclillo. Amcrlcnn Association llecord. Per CTuhft. Tfnn. LmL Ct Pu5. iron, ct P.oaton....78 33 .703 Bt. Louls..7-i 43 .(,31 llaltlmoro 01 48 ,5U0 Columbus. .53 01 .448 illlwaulc'0.47 0.1 .427 Lou'vlUO...30 72 .34'i Wash'tou.,37 07 .362 Altllotlo..50 51 .03 U Kastorn Association Games. AT ALBANY. Albany 0 0 0 0 0 0 Troy 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 llatterles KUror und Brown: Braham and Wells. AT LEBANON. Lebanon 0 0 0 1 2 0 Sago: 0 0 0 0- BuHato 0 0 0 4 0 0-0 Batteries Neal ond German and Weoli booker. WILL COST OVER 36,000,000. Work Soon to lie Commenced on 1m memo Stock Yards. Philadelphia, Sep. 4. One of tho gentlemen in this city who is interested in tho proposed construction of immense stock yards at Tolleston, 111., is author ity for tho statement that the work will likely bo begun very soon. An expend! turo of $0,000,000 or 83,000,000 Is to bo mado In tho construction, and In tho building of branch lines of railways, con struction of canals and other improve ments. A movement is under way, backed by unquestioned financial strength, to carry out a lino of improvement that will not bo Becond to that contemplated by tho "Big Four," previous to their recent settle ment with tho Union Stock Yard Com pany. Tho matter has been gotten into tne shape 01 a detinue proposition, wmcn is being submitted to the smaller packers, It Is Impossible to say how this propo sition will be acted on. It Is now beln; seriously considered, however, and it may result in tho abandonment of tho Stlcknoy plans. The most ample capital is represented in the syndicate, making tho proposition. The syndicate Includes 1'hiladclpma and Chicago men nnd one prominent millionaire from west of tho Rocky .Mountains. Why lie Is Cool Towards Kngland. London, Sep. 4. Constantinople ad vices stnto that one cause of the Sultan's coolness toward England is tho recent discovery by tho Turkish authorities In Arabia that tho rebels in Yemen aro armed with rifles of tho latest Englisli make. Imported by way of Aden. The insurrection is spreading throughout Arabia, and the Turks have Bhown them selves entirely unable to oopo with the rebels, who are rapidly growing Iu num bers through the accession of other tribes, Shu Changed Her Mind. New Yoiik, Sep. 4. The news that Miss Mnudo Leland, daughter of Francis L. Leland, president of tho Now York County National Bank, had broken hor engagement to Oapt. James F. . Crane, has caused no little comment among so ciety circles here. The wedding wns to have occurred at Dayton, O., the 17th inst. Uapt. Crane, who Is a nephew of LliKS: society leaders at Dayton. All on Hoard Drowned. San Francisco, Cal., Sep. 4. Ad vlcos by steamer just arrived In port here nro to tho effect that the schooner Pannonla, from the Marshall Islands for San Francisco, was wrecked on tho Hawaiian reefs, and all on board were drowned, including tho crew seven men, Captain Goorge D. Lovodale of San DIogo, Mrs. Lovodale and the captain's three children. Oil' for n Day's Shooting. Cape May Point, N. J., Sep. 4. Th President has appointed Webster Flanna- gan Collector of Customs at El Paso, Tex. vice F. P. Clark resigned. Secretary Tracy lias returned to Washington. Tho President left here at 0 o'clock this morn ing for a day's shooting. George W Boyd, of tho Pennsylvania road, was with mm. They Can't Meet Toouieraud AVlso, Boston, Sop, 4. Hanlan and O'Connor have telegraphed that they will bo un ablo to meet Teenier and Wise ut Point of Pines, Sept. 12, because of a prior en gagement ut Westmiuster, C. II., for Sept au. Amiuul Shoot at Creedmore. CRBCnuons, L. I Sep. 4. At tho an nual rifle shoot now in progress here some of the best scores attained in recent years have been made. The match will close tomorrow. As a PleS' ." r,0L eDectlvoCatl.arilou.0 HOOfland SEVERAL WERE KILLED. Mob Tries to Keleaso lromlncnt ISxllel nt Nlcarncrun. NEW Yoiik, Sep. 4. Advices frotr Corlnto, Nicaragua, stnto that on Aug. 3d, tho steamer Colimn carried away to Costa Rica six prominent Nicnrngunnf sent into exile by President Sarcasa, whe accused them of plotting against him. Tho exiles nil lived at Grenada, and while they were being taken from that city a mob attempted to rescue them. Tho soldiers llreil, without injurlna anybody, and tho mob replied with a vol ley which killed several men, Including tne uoveruor 01 tne alstrlct., tue lieuten ant commanding tho troops, three sol diers and two bystanders. lte-enforcemonts nrrlved. tho mob vrai dispersed and tho prisoners taken to Cor lnto. Among tho cxllos nro ox-Prosideut 'avnla and several members of thQ Senate. lleunlon of Vctorans. Susquehanna, Pa., Sep. 4. Tho an nual reunion of the veterans of the Sus quehanna, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Wayne, Wyoming and Columbia counties of Penn sylvania, and of liroomo county, New York, which took place yosterday was at tended by a large number of veterans and others. Thero was a great parade in thu fternoou and a banquet in tho evening. tendered by tho citizens of Jermyn and vicinity. Another Test of the 13-lnch Mortnrrt. Sandy, Hook, N. J., Sep. 4. Officials tho United State4 Government gavo another test of tho 12-inch breech-loading steel mortnra. With a ciargo of 51 pounds of powder o 4 1-3 Inch solid plato bet. into the sand at an nnglo of 03 de grees, 105 feet from the mortar, was smashed iuto fragments. The test proved that a shell from the mortar could peno trato tho deck mrmor of any war vessel afloat at a distance of six mllos. "Want tho Talr Closod Sunday. Chicago, Sep. 4. About 200 advo cates of a clo?cd World's Fair on Sunday were given a hearing by tho National Commission yesterday. They represented nearly every State in tho Union, axtd most of them were divines or laymen of national repute. Lengthy petitions wero presented and strong arguments mado against opening tho fair on Sunday. Ho action will bo taken in tho matter by tho Commission for some time. Clinton County Republicans. PLAnsnunail, N. Y., Sep. 4. Hon. Georgo Chahoon, who was nominated yesterday for member of Assembly, was tho first ilayor of ltichmond, Va., nfter tho war. The delogates to tho State con vention, with tho exception of Mr. Houghran, are non-committal on their choice for Governor. Mr. Houghran ex pressed a decided preference for Mr. Bur COSYIUHt IBCf All back every cent you've paid for it, if it doesn't benefit or euro you. A mcd icino that promises this is one that promises to help you. But thero'a only one medicmo of its kind that can and does proraiso it. It's Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It's tho guaranteed remedy for all Blood, Skin and Scalp Dis eases, from a common blotch or eruption to tho worst scrofula. It cleanses, purifies, and enriches tho blood, invigorates the system, and cures Salt-rheum, Totter, Eczema, Erysipelas and all manner of blood- taints from whatever cause. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under its benign influence. It's tho best blood-purifier, and it's tho cheapest, no matter bow many doses aro offered for a dollar for you pay only for tho good you get. Nothing clso is "just as good" as tho " Discovery." It may bo better for tho dealer. But ho wants money and you want help. Bank Counters, Tylor Systom, Port ablo, Unoqualed In Stylos, Cost nnrl Finish. ISO race C-tftlofut: or Couutcn, Dfiki tic, llluu-kttd ta Cblon, llool, Iret Poilu 16 Unit. Also Tilcr'a Jlnral Onlce !)eka and Type writer tlutilliela, 92UO Nlylei. Bent and cheap est on earth, wtth great reduction in prices. ltu eiulttifus Fre. 12 CU. full lUta of 111..., Ihiln, -1.1.1.., Hock I'luvl, CaL-lncU, IRI UUuk iiulaelt, ole., tlwijtl ktock. Su.flnl Murk uid to order. TY1.UK DESK CO.. St. Louis, Mo., XJ.H. A. UtvtB rureii marv t tio. by Iho 1 I v twrcntdnii ana rem Wkl, rnd ten i-entn n r u- U;"tMuum POeSFYnBLOOO ClillAlt Till: ro.UPTjHXION, BRimiTi:n the kyiis, swKnTKN Tim imnATiT. TONE THE BTO.UACII. UiJnCT liEAn.""""-' S Pflfinnhullin Pillo . , ,j , , , , , B CACTUS BLOOD CURE. TO Tones up your system and gives you an appetite that a lumberman might envy. Ciu-es dyspepsia, stomach troubles, constipation, and liver or kidney diseases. In addition to this it cures all skin affections and the more violent blood troubles. Effects aro immediate and cures permanent. Sold at Klrlln't Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel IHoch, Shenandoah, Pa. WE'RE AFTER YOU ! Your trno is what we wnut. This la how we propose to get it, By selllug you a lirst class article; by Belllngyou for lets thnn otliers; by telling you furniture, nn organ, a piano, a sewing machine or anything else in the line of household goods. We hnven large and va ried stock to select from. No trouble to show goods. Call, examine nnd he convinced. 4 H I H H q THE OLD RELIABLE, J.P. 5 Soutli Main St., Lehigh Valley Railroad. AEEANGEMENT OF rABSEKOEB TKAIKB. MAY 10. 1891. Passenger trains will leave BhenaDdoah for Maucn cnunK, Xieuieuion, Miatineion. unk, Lebleblon, Blatlnglon, Cata sauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Eatton, Phil- nuliijuu, ituruiuwiii uctuicuriii, ..biou, irnil- Adelphlh and Kew York at 5.47, 7.10, 9.08am For Belvldcre. Delavrare Water Qqd nnd curouosourg m o.a, 11. in,, ana o.Q p. m. l'or White Haven. Wllkes-Ilarre and Pitts ton 6.47. 0.08. 1U.41 n. m.. 3.10 and o. m. t or TunKnanuocK, iu,u a, m s.iu una s.M i iu. For Auburn. Ithaca: Geneva and and Lvont iU.11 n. Ul., UUU rt. IU. i-or juaceiviue. iownnoa. oayie. waveriv Clilcaxuand all points West atlo.-ll a.m., and 6.2Hp, in. For Mmlra and the West via Balamanca al 3.10 p. m. i or Auaenneo. jiazieion. BiocKion. Lnm. Iior Yard. Weatherlv aud i'enn Haven Juno lion at S.-i;. 7.40. l).Ca. ru. and 12.52. 8.10 and 9,20 p. in. nor jfanesvuie, tevision ana ueavoi Meadow. 7.40. 0.08 a. m. and 5.28 n. m. For Hcnmtonnt 6.47 U.OS. 10.41a. m. 8.10 and o:zu p. m. ioriinz e urooa. jeoao. urinon ana iTee land at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. 12.62 3.10 and 6.28 B. la. . r orunaaaae ai o.i, ana a. m., ana 8.10 p. in. or wiggans, uiiDerton ana fTacsyuie at 'i.m ana ti.os a. m unci 4,10 p. m. For Yatesvllle. Mahanoy City and Delano 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41. 10.58 a. m..l2.52, 8.03. V. UUU LV.ii It. IU. r or i.oai ureeK. jiraraviue ana Aemana 4.27, 7.46. 8.62, 10.15 h. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, (US, s.iu ana v.i p. w. For Darkwater. Ht. Clulr and Pottsvllle. 7.40, 9.08, 10.58 tt. m., 122,8.10,4.10, 5228 and 8.08 D.m. For Buck Mountain, New lloHton and iloriw, 7.40, 9.08, 10.58 a. m., 12X2, 8.10, 6.26 FJld B.oap.m. For Haven Kun, Centrnlla, Ml. Caiinel and qnamoam, bjjt ana a. m.,, f.ii and 8.00 p. m. Trains leave Hlinrnokln for Bhenandoah 7.55 11X5 a. m., 2.10, 4.S0 and 90 p. in., arriving at r-ueiiuituuttu, v,w n. ui., XMt, d.iu, O.M anu p. in. For lost Creek, tilrardvllle and Ashland t.50, 9.10 115 a. m., 2.45 p. m. x or uarawaier, nt. tjiair ana jroiisviue . Ul U (III li Ull n v. niln m n.l-V, VJU V. U... .U. For Yotesvllle. Wabauoy City and Delano. o.iiu, a. iu i.iu, i.w, D.tup. m. For lofty, Audenrled and Uazleton, iSX a- m., 1.40 p. m: ForMauch Chunk. Leblehton. Blatlntton ('alafauqua, Alltntown, llcthlehem, Eaktpt nun fiew lora, o.uun. iu., i,w p. in. For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m. K. B. BYINQTON. Uen'l Ptws. AKt., Bethlehem. -J"TTST OXJT- The "NEW BROADWAY RANG It beat" every thing In the market, and the price iBjusingnt.10 suiliub uuit-B. it will pay you to come ana twe it. I am prepared to do the following at the nrlctsouoted: Tin rooflnp -..Ho per foot and up iin rooi ,muuu fau Tin conductor ..........12a 11 Tin hanElne cutter .........12a Ualvanlzcd chimney stack 20c per pound itcpuiis xur hu stuvtiH u specialty. wm.:e. pkatt, 73m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenindoah lams & Bro Fhiladelphia and Beading iJailroad J1 Table n effect July 10, 1891 TRAINS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS . for New York via Philadelphia, week dayV, 2..0 5.S8, 7.20 n. m. and 12 35 2.E0 and S.I e-'X' Snnd.fy 2.1U and 7.4S 11. m. For New iork, via Mauob Chunk, week days, 5.25. f.a , a. m. nnd .35nd 2.S0 p. m. 1 r ur lteaillnr anrt lil,lt.rt.ini,in w .1 -.ST:,o ,n ' ana p;ni. '""""; -'V ra . a. m , 4.30 p. ni, JfO B55n"m K' W6ek aay"' i10'' nrrlsbunz, week days, !i 10,7.80 a. m,. i-or Aflestown, week days, 7, 20 . m, atown. Wftnlr i1d. 'vi . ... inn. Oo.m. ' " "or Fottavllie, week days. 2.10 7 M) m l-'oi Xarnuqua and Mahanoy Uef M v, Hi III. , 1 i) Z.U) ftDU U.fA p. in. ttunday, 2.1(faud 7.48 ft. m.V u. m a, m., 12 35 2.60 and u.64 Auaiuonai 101 juananoy city, week dayi 7,00 Koir lancaster and Columbia, woek day. '.20 a. m., 2.60 p. m. " For Wllllameport, ennbury and Lewlebnrit. week days. 3.25, 7.20 and 11 3D a.m., 1,85 7.00 p. ra. Bunday 8:25 a. m., 3.05 p. m. For Mahanoy Plane, ween days, 2.10 3.21. 1 06, 7.20 and 11.80 a.m., 12.85, 1.35, 2.50. 5 55 7.01) an5 n p m. Buuday, 2 10, 3.25 and 7.49 a. m. 3.05, 4.30 p. m. ' 3 For Olrardvllle illarntthaunnr.b nininn. r days, 2.10, 8.2V 5.2o, 7.20 and 11.83 a. m.. tj, i bo, i.ou, a,m, 7,uu aim p. m. Bunday. 10, 2 , 7.48 a. m., 3.C6, 4.S0 p.m. "u"r 1 or Ashland nnd HUunioetn. -nV rtu. Si, 5.25, 7.20, 11.8 1 it. nt., J 85, 7.00 and 9,2i m. nunaay r!.zi, 8 :a h. n., 3.05 p. m. l'ltAlffB FOB bliKiN ANUtiA H 1 lsf.ave New York via l'lilluru-lnhio JayB,7.45 a. m., 1.80, 4.00. 7.30 p. m ciBuu nunaay, ti.uu p. m., iz.15 nlgbt. Jave New York vl Maucn Ctiunk. week ays, 4.30. 8,15 a. m., 1.00 and t.Oi p. m. I.cavo PhUitdelphla, week days. 4.10. nnn ,00 a. m. 4.00 and 8.00 n. m' fn,m Amnn ind Callowhill and 8.35 a. m. and 11.80 p. in (Tom 9th anci jrteu uueets. bunday 9:05 a. i. ll.xo p. m. from 9th nnc - wu. nd 1 1.50 a. in., b.55, 7.57 p, m. Bunday 1.35 and '.wa. m. Ieotve Potuvllle, week days, S.40, 7,10 a. m 1.80.811 t. in. Bunday. 2.40. 7.00 a. m. snri 1.05 (. ui. iaeTamaqua, week flays, 8..V, 8.4s and 21a.m.. 1.21. 7.13. and 9.18 n. in. Bunduv .:o 43 4. m. and 2.50 p. m. xiuavo Mahanoy City, week days, 8.40, t).)B nd 11.47 n. m 1.61. 7.42 and 9.44 t. iu. bun. day, 8.48,8.17 a. m., 8.2m p, ra, Leave Alahanoy Pm:,e. week dava. 2-43. -SO, 9.S5, 11.59 a. m.,).t)5, 2.08. 5 S0, 2.1, 7.57, and lOOi). m. Hunclav 2.4. . J.oa. and A.' 7. &. m 37, 5.01, p. m. l.m jo Olrardvllle (Rnvtmhaunock Btatlnnl wook days, 2.17, 4.07, CHU, and 9.41 a. m 12.05, , z,, K.iu, o.u.i anu iu.uo p. m, ounaay, 2,47, 0 , 8 33 a. m. 3.41, 5.07 p. m. j.eave vriiiiamupoix, week aays, s,uu,.4anc 55 a.m. 3.85 ana 11.15 p. m. Bunday 11.15 m. For Baltimore. Washington and the west la B. t O. K. It., through trains leave Girard AVanue station, Phtladelphla. (P. A 11. It. P..) at 4.16, 801 and 11.27 a. in., 1.81, 4.24, 6.55 ani4 i.i p. ra. annoay, 1.10 ts.tu uxi a, m do anu y.iip. m. AiXuVNXlO UITY DIVIBIOK. l.raye Philadelphia. Chestnut Htreet WhnrI and Bouth Blreet Wharf. For Atlantic Citv. Week-dys Kxpms. 5.15. 8 00. 9:00. 10.45 a. m. ,tnd 1 1' (rSaturdaya only, 1.30), 2.C0, 3 00. SO, 1. 11 , 6 00, U.OO 1 . ui. Accommodation, 7 40 Ul., U 3U 1). m, Mn-ionyB. axorefiB. 6 15. 7.00. 7.30. 8.00. 8 30 00, S.30 at. in. nnd 4 80 p. in. a.ocouiuituon ,00 a. m. and 4.45 1. iu. lieturnlng, leave Atlantlo City, depot corner tlxntlo and Arkansaa avenues. Week-inv F.xpreie, 7.00, 7.30, 8 00, 9.00, 10.00 a. m. and 3 15, 4.00, 5 30, 6.3il, 7.80, 0 So p. m. Accommodation U.OO, 8.10a. m. nnd 4.U0 n m. 8undays-Kx- press, 3 30, 4 00, 6 00, 0 00, 0-30 7-00, 7.30 8 00, 9.80 in, Accoinuiouattuu. a. m.,o.oj p.m. 0. U. MA.WtXlCK, Uuii -utj r Atfll , A. MuxacOU, Pres. b Gea'l Mknanor. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. aulsnrLKiw, DIVISION. t rmd afur Aov. 24, 1890, traint uill Uat ar.enanuoun n rollouts: Pot Wlestnn. Gllberlon. Frackvlllc. Now Cattle, Bt. Clair, and way points, S.0J, 9.1i a, m and 4.15 p ra. Bunday s, wo, 9.40 a m aud 8.10 p m. For Pottsvllle, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 pm, SnndayB, 600, 8.40 a m and 3.10 p m, For Heading, 8.00, 9.10 a in and 4.15 p m. .Sundays, 800, 9.40 u. m. and 3.10 pm. For Pottstown, Phoenixvllle, Norrlstowx. nd Phlladolnhla (Broad street stallnni. MO a ra. and 4.15 p m week days rjunauya, dou, ama,iupm Trains leave I'rsckvllio lor Bhenandonh e.1 10.40 am and 12.14 , 7.42, 10,09 p m. Bundaya, 11.18 a m and 5.40 p ra. Liiavo pousviiie loruuenanaoan, JU.isauQ 11.48, a m 7.15, 9.42 p ra. Bundays, 10.40 a xa 5,15 p m. bt-ave Philadelphia (Broad street station), for PottiVllle aud Bhenandoah. a m 2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Bunday 9.2S a m anu 1.10 p. 111. For wYorir,a.20, 4.05, 4.40. 5.35, 6.50, 7.30. 8.208.30, 4.50, ll.U0audll.15am, 12.00 noon, (11m1 lted ezpreos, l.W and 4.50 p m.) 12.44, 1.40, 2.80, S.20, 4, 5, 8, 8.3IJ, 6.50 7.18 8.12 and 10.00 p m, 12.01 alpht. On Bundays, 3.20, 4.05, 4,40, S.83, 8.12, 8.80, 9.50. a ID and 12.49, 8.20 (limited 4.50), 5.28, 6,80, Is 7,13 8.12 p m and 12.01 night. For eea uin, spring lxlkb, Belmar, icean tirove, Aebury Park, and Lontr Branch 8.20, 11,15, a. m. 4.00 p. ix,. week dayp For B reenoiu, o.v , p. in, wbok auys. Haltlmor" and Waauiuutou. 3.50. 7.20. 8.31 J.10, )i,.20, ) 1.18 a m, 12." (limited express) 3.46 uuM.iv y. 111., nnu is.w niguu ro- Ou Bundays, J.60, 7.20. 9.lliand 11.12 a, m. 4.41 8.57,7.40 p m. 12.03 night. P.altmoro only 5.08 and 11.80 pm. ior tuenmonaana uiobouiu 7.20 ti.isa. m., Llmllod Kxpress 12.35 p. ni.,)12.M night, week ivs. snnoavc. t.Mn. m.. iz.iameni. iialn leave Harrlcbnrg lor PHtsDurc ana Lht west every day at 12.25 and 3.10 a m and: 3.00 (limited) and 3,40 p m. Way for Alloona, a in and 4 JO p m every day. i- or ritu-unrg onty, a m aaiiy ana r. m week days. Leave Bnnburv for V, lllianjeuort. Elmlra. Oanandalgua, Hocheater,l)ntfaloand Niagara saiw. b.iu a m cany, ana i.u pm weez avys. For Krle and liuermedlat e points. 6.10 am:. dully. For Lock Haven, 5.10, and 9.53 a m. dally, 1.31 and 5.30 p. in. week days. For uenova a m una a,ou p m wees aays. '..tun. m auuaays. uab. is ruua, J.r.. uuu, Oen. Mart- tiaa. Pass, Aet. yiLMINUTON 4 NORTHKKN It. It. ivmeiaoie m tnen jiay, 10, ivau Trains leave KeadTnir (P. tt It. station) foi Gibraltar. Beyfert. Illratboro. Joanna. Hrrlue- tleld, Waynesburg Junction, Coatekvllle.West Chesler.Chnasiora junction, is, A u. Junction, , I Wilmington and Intermrdiole stations. dally I except Bunday. at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 3.15 p. m. Bunday only at 8.05 p. m. ror warwica, rtuxetern anu lnienneaiate statlons.dally except Bunday, at 9.20 a.m., and 5.19 p. ui. Bunday only 8.15 a. m. For Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations. Saturday only, at 12 m. Tiy'4 iOT iiauimoi-p ana .vasningron in. a u.iw It., dallv excent Buudav at (1.25 and 8.S0 a. m. and 8.15 p. m. Bunday only al 8.05 1. m. iniius arrive at iteauniK r. a. iv. btutiuii Irom Wilmington, B. ift O. Junctlou, Mont rhantn, ChaddBlord Junction, West Chester, Lenape, Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction, Bprlugfleld.Joanua.lSlrdsboro, Olbraltar, Bey fmand Intermediate stations, dally except Bunday nt 10.20 a. m. 6.52 and 8.17 p. ra. Bun. day only at 1124 a. ra. From St. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate stations, dally ext-cpt Bunday, at 8.23 a. m. and 2.25 p. in, Bunday only at 8 p. 111. From Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations, Baturday only at 1.40 p. m. From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex cept Bunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 nnd 8.17 p. m. Bunday only at 11.21 a. ra. BOW)E8H Blliaas, Oen'l Pass. Act. A.G.MCOAUSIiAND.BupU RUPTURE. We, the undersigned, nre entirely cured 01 Itunture by Dr. J. It. MAYEIt, 831 Aroh Bt.. Phlln. Tl omas 11. 1 1 art u tig. New Uluggold, Pa., I.Kandt, bouth Easton. Pa.. L. P. dt C. A. Deturck, Oley, Pa H. G. Btanley, 424 Spruce St., Ibanon, Pa., A, Schneider. Locust Dale, Pa.,0), B. Noll, Lime kiln, Pa., Wm.E. Ilanensllne, Phoenixvllle. Pa., W. M. Lelnbach, 621 Washington St., Heading, I'a., J, C. Lyme. 1310 W. Howard St., llarrlsburg. I'a., C. Keehn, Douglassvllle, Pa. Dr. MAYKH Is at Hotel Penn, Beading, Pa., on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Call to see him. HE. BRIOKER, M. D., JPJIY&IOIAN AND SDROEON, ' Noi 9 Bast Centre Street; Mahanoy City, P Bklu and all special diseases a specialty, 'til, ,