,1 fi Presents in the most elegant form If THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE U OF THE !L FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, H Combined with the medicinal W virtues of plants known to be Til most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable .;gjand efFective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Cousti 11 patiou, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It Is the most excellent remedy known to CLEWSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING. SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUQQIST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY OY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. WVISVIUC. Ki NEW YORK. N. T. 7 John R. Coyle, k Attorney-at-Law Real Estate Agent, k OFFICE Beddall's Building, Lor. Main and Centre Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA. PROPERTY FOR SALE: J A two and one-hnlf stnrv rinnhln ftam. dwelling bouse, wltb store-room and res. lauram. x,ocatea on cnsi centre street. A valuable property located on South J ar um street. 3 Beven dwelling nouses at the corner of Oil liert and Lloyd streets. Good investment, iiraa reasonauie. First National Bat THEATKB BUILDING, K SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $ioo,ooo,oo. A. W. Leisenring, Pres., W J. Ferguson, V. Pres., f J. R. Leisenring, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dully From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! I'nJeJ tin Havlni- UeiioNitH. Iwarntlr following i tui I of xti'mira. or frau flnn - to ihrir fi, litrpuld i;.o on, t-u r ii- .. t!"l!irntjin EM ALE REGULATING PILLS. ITlifiyare Strengthentiiu trjt.-if. entfro ryrt.f aml1 tnne, vltror und u)A--llo for, - to a)! f ahctioas or bodj Andre ur. r-inrtnr iyioi 'r -C..S ii. lows r.a TOR MEN U flCtT U THE TOILS OF THE JIRFIKTS Cf OISUSE. " 1 tlx ,7 111,7 D il efforts to frss themiarres, ' ' I'd - b0 B0 knowing- bow to SQCceiifnlly- SHilKtUrUHE HORRID SNAKES laej girt up 10 ae.pslr ana Hat into so .Mir - v. iiutu .naval .acnuiiftfcrii 0U3 NEW BOOK 'al ft-M, poM-ral, (teutfl) for lttnlted tlme.ciplkla th uhlluiophrot Dliefti i svnd Afllctioni of tbs f Org am of Mid, and how bv ' HOME TREATMENT. ifcy m.thodi xciailvtly our own, tbi uri rntci of Loit or Ft 11 to 2 Manhood Gcnaral and Hmtoiii D )tUlty. Wakntii of Body (and Mind, BBacti of Error or Excmmi, Hiamta or IfcrnBltaOrtacieavi bCnrMl. Btntflti in a dy. flowtoEnlargaftad 8trnjth.nWAK, UNDEVELOPED RGAH8 A PABTB of BOD V mad pUln to U Inter, ited. Utn Uatlfr from 60 Sum, Trrtttrk kDd ITortien CoontrU, Ptu en writ them. For Book, full nxpUnKtoa tod proofi, kllrcij CMcbe.kr'. EnilUh Diamond Ilr.ad. .NNYKOYAL. Fi Original and iinlw Cennlne. frz, iii roUii4. t'OiLSvfk t Bra r 111, 4. ffr i.,pLi jttfd ttra I la JUd ud I'uLi rucUllin' ItioiK, tUJ uiihj bine rti.iKiu-. Tube . .,-,..., ,, ,t tmnwiB, prisma 3v i?,?Pl1fl'rw1r.t!,'lll,,i' KUnionUlj nj -J:?Uef P JmAU'm," in tetter, trrftorti Lf Ucti PraiHiU. i'lilUdi, i2 Or llio Llfinur llnblt, ioHltlvty t'urtiu Ou lit en KiiccUtc. lb 19 uwuutuwiHOHH tarn so l-vu uvs , n vuuu UUU V7 lillCll Kiuasi ui ueor, w ouu ui wwuoo r ic. or in 100a. rm' nuowreojc u uai pa givea id tuouianafl It nevrr Fall a. Thm bit & tern onaa lmnreiTnate .H.iHAGENBl'CH, Druggist, Shenandoah 1 tTV fll 'LI rV SHOCKING TRAGEDY Double Murder on n Farm Near West Poiut. SHOT IIIS BROTHER AND FATHER Easult of a Ditpnts Eogardlng This Sum met's Harvest of Pickles. Hot Wor! Load to Thrcnts nud Then to lilowsVnable to Copo with Two Ad. versuiles, He Ilccomos at Once l'lirrl clde and Frutricl J--lgli1ior Shocked nt the Crime. PouoiiKEErsiK, N. Y., Sep. 3. News has been received hero from Cold Spring, the pretty little Putnam County vlllaga among tho Highland!, In Phllllpstown townihlp, on tho east bank of tho Hud son, about a mlla nbovo Woat Point, oj a shocking double tlagedy, In which father and son were killed by another ion as the result of a trivial quarrel, Frank Scolleld Is the name of the man who consigns his name to rtoubls obloquy by being at once parriciila and fratricide. Frank engaged in a dispute with his father and brother concerning their sea son's harvest of pickles. Hot words led to threats and then to blows. Finding himself unable to cope with two adversaries, b rank shot and killed both, his father and brother. Only theso meagio details of tho tragedy havo yet been received from tho horror strlckon village. The Schoflcld home stead is about Beren miles distant from Cold Spring. COMPLETING THE CENSUS. A l'ortlon or It Soon to lie Fut In the rrlntors' Ilnnili. Wasiiinqton, D. C, Sop. .8 Superin tendent Porter, of the Census Bureau, who Is now giving his entire attention to revising final census reports, says that he expects to have the first 000 pages of tho compendium of tho eleventh census ready for tho public printer on Saptomber 15. Ho has reoeived the last card punched containing population statistics, tho number of which is 02,022,G6. For the past six months a largo num ber of clerks working night and day havo been engaged upon punching machines, which, corresponding with tho enumera tors sheets, aivo all tho information re quired by Jlaw. Each card will averrigo seventeen holes, being the number of questions answered by each person. Tha number of holes punohed far exceeds 1,230,000,000. Mr. Porter says that since February 28th, 1691, the clerks have punched soven hundred cards por day which is two hun dred more than the estimates furnished by him when this method of tabulation was adopted. Doth men and women were engaged upon the machines, but the latter, he snys, showed greater adapta bility to the work. The backbone of tha census work is broken and tha few hundred clorks now employed, will bo sufficient to completo the work. He oxpeots to havo several completed volumes ready for Congress in ueamDcr. OVERCROWDED TREVES. rilgrlnit Sufl-erloir Qreutly from Heat nd I.ack of Accommodattous. Berlin, Son. 8. A do-match from Treves says that the Holy Coat pilgrims novo to unuergo irritating Hardships dur ing their stay in that city. The weather is so warm that living in tho ordinary manner would be sufficiently uncomfort able, but It is made much mora bo by tha way in which the people are crowded together, Two or tnroe bods In one small room is the rule, but In some cases it is worse, one mnuiuuj uavmg crowaeu nineteen ueds into three moderate sized rooms. For accommodations of this kind the charge i tour smtiings u nignt. f ood Is about tnreo times tlie usual nrice. and all sorts of souvenirs of the Holy Coat are on sale in an materials, from gold to wood. niinlster Lincoln's Daughter Married, London, Son. 3. Miss JIarv Lincoln. daughter ot the American Minister to England, Mr. Robert T. Lincoln, was married yoaterday afternoon to Chnrlnn isnam, a wealthy young lawyer of New York, a he marriaga ceremonv took place at tho Drompton Parish Church of the Holy trinity, Canon Farrar officiat ing. In acoordanco with tho wishes of the bride's father the weddlnn was a quiet one, only the members and inti mate friends of the brido and croom be ing present. A Ilookkeeper Kills Himself. SYRACUSE. N. Y.. Sou. 8. Hanrv W. Carberry, for tho last ten years assistant uooitKeeper lor tho lias L.laht Comnanv. was found dead at his home during tho morning witu a uuiletfrom a revolver In his own hand in his heart. He had been married for about fire years, but from reports gathered In the neighborhood ho nau not always lived happily with his wife. Minister Shannon In Washington. Washington, Sep. 8. n. C. Shannon, United States Minister to Costa Rica, Salvador and Nicaragua, was at tho State Department during tho morning sua nau a contorence with Acting secre tary of State Wharton. He will leavo 'or his post in about ten days. Secretury Truoy Visits the rresidrnt. Cape Mav Point, N. J., Sep. 8. Secre tnry Tracy arrived hero last night am was met at the Grand Street station by tho President and taken to Point Cottage in his carringo. Tho date ut fce Presi dont's reed bird ..iting tri? fc Maurice P.'wr Udos w iji-sd for o-marow. lltl'tn by u Train. AnoolA, N. Y., Sop. 3. George Sauer, a Lake Shora section hand, was struck and killed by a way freight near Pike's Crossing during tho morning. Ha was a German, 45 years of age, and unmar ried. The Great Double Soul! Itc. Doston, Sep. 8. Tha double soull raca between Teemer and Wise and Hanlan end O'C Is urranged to take place Volnt f Fines on Saturday, Sut. IB. tr it 5 o'olock. ' Secretary Trootor Accepts. Washington, Bap. 3 Secretary Pror tor has written a letter ta Governor Pa of Vermont accepting the appointment to tha Federal Senate. highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTE Of PURE ATLANTIC CATTLE STEAMERS, An Olllcinl Order Ilrgul.itlnj tho Ship ments Insueil in Enirlnnd, London, Sop. 8. An official order o the Board of Agriculture hits boen Issue.) relating to tho Atlantic cattle trada, to go, into operation next January. Cattle or not to bo carried on more than three deoks nor on any hatch above a compart ment containing other cattle, no- in any position interfering with tho navigation and ventilation of the vessel or tho worlti ing of tho boats. Every part used for cattlo must be pro vided with substantial pens, strong enough to resist tho weight of the cattla or tho action of the weather. Tho pen must be woatherproof and provided with battens secured to tho dock to nrovent cattlo from slipping. Not more than fou 1 largo or live small animals are to bo placed in each pen, There must be a passageway of tho minimum width oj eighteen inches between every two rowj of cattle and In front of every single row. Pens must bo odequately ventilated and lighted, and sufficiently roomy foi repose and feeding. Food and watcj must bo protected from tho weather. There must bo n competent foreman, with one assistant to every twont7-flv head of cattlo. Any animal soriously injured must be forthwith slauchterod. Any contravention of the order will make the owner, charterer and master of the vessel guilty of an offense against ths Contagious diseases (Animals) Act oi 1873. HEBrlEWS COMPLAIN. Forty-Twn Who Havo a Grievance Agnlnsl tho Ilrazillan Consul at Jfew York. New Yonic, Sop. 3. The steamship Alliance has arrived from Brazil with forty-two Hobrows on board, who stat that thoy were induced by the Brazilian Consul in this city four months ago to go to Marahano, Brazil, whero easy work and good pay woro promised thorn. The hlghost wages they could get when they arrived there was seventeen cents 3 day, and they were employed in felling trees and clearing lumber land. When thoy found they could not make a living the applied to tho American Uonsul in Brazil at tho town of St. Louis noar where tho men woro, isiupiuyeu, lie secured passage ror them on the Alliance. Thu Hebrews claim thoy are all American citizens. Their case h oeing investigated ut the Bargo Office, Oh, What a Cough. Will yon heed the warning? Kns of the sure hnnrouch of The f lenal tier- ) sure hpproKch of that moro tor- rlble disease, Comnmptlon, A6k yourselves If you can allord for the sake oi saving CO rrnir, to run ine tjsk ana ao jioiuin loriu We know from expf-rieneo that Hhiloh's Curs will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than n Million Bottles were sold Ihe past year. It relieves Croup and Wlioppluit Coueh at once, ilothers do not be without, it. For Lame Hack, Bide or Chest, useBblloh's Porous I'laster. Bold by O. II. Ilagenbuch, K. K. corner Slain and Uoyd streets. Partridge's are plentiful this season. Rocky Mountain Ouro. The druggists claim that people call daily for tho new euro for constipation and sick headache, discovered by Dr. Silas Lane while in tho Rocky Mountains, It Is laid to bo Oregon grapo root (a great remedy in tho far West for thoso com plaints) combined with simple herbs, and is aiado for use by pouring on boiling water to draw out tho strcnRth. It sells at 50 lente a packngo snd is called Lane's Family Modicine. School children enliven the streets Hold It to tho Light. Tho man who tells you confidontmlly ust what will cure your cold is proscribing Kemp's Balsam this year. In the prep aration of this remarkable mcdlcino for coughs and colds no expense is spared to eomblno only the best and purest ingredi ents. Hold a bottle of Kouip'e Balsam to tho light and look through it; notice the bright, clear look; then eomparo with olhir remedies. Pnco 60c. and ?1 Busy teachers, uolsy scholars. Shlloh's Consumption Cure. This is beyond question the most suo a lew doses Invariably cure the worst cases oi Cough, Croup, and liioncbltls, while lis won derful succets In the cure of Consumption is without u parallel In the history of medlolne. ui u parallel in ine nistory or meaieine. i It's rlrst discovery It has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medlolne oiuce n h nrsiuiscover can stand, ll vou h-ive a Couub we earnfesLlv ask you to try it. l'rlee 10 cents, 60 cents, and 51.10. If your Lungs ere sore, chest or Back sine, use Hhiloh's Porous Plaster. Bold bv C 11. liairenbuch. N. K. corner Main and uioya streets. School days again. Startling Facts. The American neocle aro ranldlv becomiuar a race of nervous wrecks, and the following suggests the best re" edyi Alphousollempil- ing, oi iiutier, i'a swears that when his son was speechless Irom Bt. Vitus dance Dr. Miles' great Kesloratlva Nervine cured him. Mrs. J. It Miller, of Valparaiso, and J. D. 1'ui lor. of Loeansnort. Ind.. i-uol trained 20 pounds from faking it, Mrs. II. A. Gardner, of Vistula, Iud., was cured of 40 to 60 con vulsions a day, and much hoaducus, dizzi ness, backache and nervous prostration by ono bottle. Trial bottles, and nne books of marvelous cures, free at C. H. Hugenuuch, the druggist, who recommends and guaran tees this uuequaled remedy. Kenleiuber neaches aro tho best for puttiut; up. Alva's Brazilian Specific Co., 8 Wall street, N. Y. Gentlemen ; I take pleasure In testi fying to the curative powers of your Cactus lilnod Cure, which has relieved me of mus cular rheumatism ot long standing. I was troubled seriously bv d iepsla as well, from which, I am please- tostiite, it has also cured ine ilia hull recommend your ' i y fi lei e I am. 1 OU S ertfully, DAM BBOWN. Si. 1 ll il., Brooklyn, if, Y. ""I, Hi ore.Ferguson House U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, A Joelcty Will 1. "inula ror MiloiilP. BRADronD, Pa.. Sep. 3. A suicidal mania has taken possession of the aged mambors of n local agnostic circle hero, which was founded by tho Into Dr. Sttinrt, who himself led tho way by taking his llfo. Since then thero aro other members of the circle who have triod to kill them solve and two have succeeded. The last ensehasjustoccurred. EllasHensloy, aged - ' f0' tolt "ruK on rats" and died from its effects. He hod pondered on tha Ufa and death theory of Dr. Stuart until ho decided to end his life in harmony with his friends' theory and practice. A Siiccrssor to I'lircue Cousins. "sj Chicago, Sep. 8. The Board ot Lady Managers of the World's Columbian Ex position havo elected Mrs. Susan Gnl Cook of Tonnessco secretary of the Board. NEWS OF THE DAY. The estimated yield of wheat in Mani toba, notwithstaud tho frost, is 23,000,000 uusiieis. Fire lost night burned several blocks In tho business center of Dallas, Ordgon. Loss heavy. W. K. Calvert, dealer In lumber at Al toona, Pu., has assigned. Liabilities and assets unkm vn. Frank Albtrtson rsuccoedod in crontiug two heavy falls of rain at Cheyenne, Wyo, Tuesday. Tho postoffico safe at Granite Falls, Minn., was blown open during tho night and about 31,000 In monoy and stamps taken. There is no clue. Weather Indications. WsniNOTON, Sep. 3. For Eastern New 1;:;.,, For New linahm nr,w r,., .'n,.i- wurraer; southwesterly winds: cooler on Frl - day. For Eastern Pennsylvania, Now Jcrsoy and Aiaryiunu: lair and warmer; southwesterly winds. For Western Now York and Western Penn sylvania: Warmer; fain winds shifting to easterly; followed by local showers and cooler weather. Sliff VOHK MAHtfETS. New Yonit. Sep. a. Money on loaning at 4 and 5 per cent. I10ND3. Closlni Yestordar, call easy. MIS, wi ilea- loot, 4j, 1801 Coup loot, 4 S, 1U07 lies ...117 s, iwt Kioup no faTOCK ilAl'KET. UloslnjT Yestorday, inuauian rrtciac &T iwninu 1'aciuo 3i Chicago, IJur. & Quiucy BO' Uelawuro & Hudson i:u Del., Lack, Si Western HIW Krle 25i3 Kvie prsf 04 Loke Shore nu Louis. & Nash Michigan Central 08v Missouri Pacific ;ail New Jorser Control uu Northwestern ll'iti OrcHon Narizatlon 7a PacllloMall 30 Healins 3r,w Hook Island bii tit, l'oul 71 & Union Pnolflo 4sjs Western Union 81 OltAIN MAHICET. Corn openod lirm, declined and then irrad uallr rocoverou. Nn. y. tnlml this. 11-... mixed. 70U; tiuDt. 7i: Oct. uu: Nov. oo. Ottts Dull. out nrm. No. 2, mixed 3W; Scut. 301 C. Wheat-Market oponod weak anJ contlaucd hj .Jutinwi uiuiv.vwuuy luwnru ciojo, Io. 11 15fi, winter, 100all)OH: Sept, lOdji: Oct. 10ug; Nov. 110, PRODUCE II OTTER Creamery, State & Penn., extras. 9.1 asIJo. Creamery, western, Mrsts 19 o.Ml o Creamery, western, soconds lUSo,alS o State dairy, h. f. tubs, exti as.... o.aJl o Koos- N. Y. State, new laid, per doz,..,lBi.:o.a o. Ponn., now laid is' 0.alDU0. Western & Nortuwestern, good to "f"ne 17 i7jj TOTATOIS Jereey ltose, per bbl.,, i oom 25 tweet potatoes, Va, ohoice l 23ai 7j Live Poultry pprtna chiokons, choico, larss p-r lb.. 11 al41 burlng chickens, prime ia al'JV6 Fowls, Jersey, State & Pa., perlb 13 ul3J Dressed Fouimv Turkeys, mixed weluhti, pr lb 13 an fcp'ir chk'i, Phils., Jt:,i Hj3 i0 pair. . , . 1H ultl I'EACHES Md. it l)fl jellow, choloe, p bask,, 63a 73 MU, & Del , rod fruit, cuu.wi. Lass.... o..u no Jerse, prime, por basktt..., cjj 7j AlTLBS Md. a lie!., onaica. perciats nOa 40 ua. uei., common, p cnte. Sl'a 2.1 , Pr d.-h.bLl Mil 60 Suddon Deaths. Heart d sense is bv far tlm innitfri.ini cause of sudden death, which In three out of luurnweaw uususpt cieu. -ino sympionis are not generally understood. These are: lying .u wi. (igii. niup, UUri UIMllJl, pUlUOrUIR tress in side, buck or shoulder, Irregular pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind In stomach, swelling oi ankles or drons,. oppression, dry cough and smotherlnr. Dr. Miles' Illustrated hook on Heart Disease, free alC. II Hogenhuch, who sell and guurauteo Dr. Miles' unequaled New Heart Cure.auduls Keslorfttle Nervine, which cures nervom- ing, etc. It contains no opiates. People are returulnc from their vn. cations. Miles' Norvo and Liver Pills Aot on a new nrincinlo reirntfitinfr is. liver, stomach and bowels throuyh Ihe nervei. A uow discovery. Dr. Miles' Fills speedily vui o uiiiuiuuc, um iusio, lorpiu nvor, pnea, constipation. Unoqualed lor men, woman, children. Smallest, mildest, surest I 6)does, acts. Hamples Free, at O. II. liagenbuoh's drug store. A lone nurse too often means n shmt llfo. Morlt Wins. We desire to sav to our eii imnii n.a, r. j..,. no Mmo uesii selling ur. Ivlng i K ug a New Discovery for ConsuniiHk New on, l i jviuB ti x,iie i-uis, iiucklen's Ai Halve and Elec r!o Uitiers, and have imnuicu remeaiei that sell as well have given such unlveial sails. . do not hesitate to guaranlfe time, and we stand ready t chase price, If satisfactory r low their use, Theso re their great liopularlty pure u. ii, iiHgenoucn, uiuggisi WAS HE MURDERED A Rumor that Balniaccda Wn3 Assassinated. SHOT DOWN BY A MAN HE STRUCK His Muleteers Became Muitinous and Rj. fuaed to Acoompany tho President, Ills Only Tollowor Also Klllod-Thoy Hail Vast JuiintltUs of Money and Jewelry, lloth llodlcs ltnbbiMl mid tho I'nrty Ho turn to.iantlngn-Mlnlstcr Vgnn Itrports at Lnst to the State Department. New York, Sep. 8. Merchants in this city Interested in tho Chilian war aro deeply excited by the report that the de posed Pr-jsldont Balmaceda had been asuuated while attempting to escape to Buaos Ayros by crossing the Alps. Blnuoed, according to the rumor, lea Santiago with his family while the riotlog wm at its height. He took vast quantities of money and Jewelry with hlin. A pecinl train convoyed tho flee ing pr-rty to Los Andos, a point thirty odd milt north of Santiago. Thore Balmaceda left his family, and f-eeuring mules, with tho rwt of tho party commenced the dangerous journey of crwinj; tho Andes. On tho scond day of the trip, it is said tho muleteers became frightened and wanted to turn back. Balmaceda know ing that certain death awaited him in t-hlil, rclurnd. Ono of the muleteers heenmo mutinous and Balmaceda struck him a blow on the heud. Tho fellow ro tnlUtcd by drawing n pistol and shooting me neeing -resiuent through the heart. Thon It Is sld that tho mulotcors Killed the only faithful follower of the deposed President, and after robbing both bodlo-t, returned to Santiago whero they mule known their act. Charles R. Flint, who had been ap pointed by Balmaceda ns Chilian Consul and who refu6od tho honor, could not confirm the news, although ho had heard of tho rumor. MINISTER EQAN'S REPORT. Defective Telegraph Rsrvlco tho Alleged Cliiuu of Ills Sllenco. lWAs"ON, D. C, Sep. 8,-MlnIster E8an has heon- beari from. In a dos- ' patc" t0 tto StntB Department ho offl claliy notllics tho United States Govcrn- mcnt that tho Dalmacodan Government has been overthrown by the revolution ists. This Government will not immediately in,vK,D .ut: ruvuiusionisis, nowevor, as Acting Secretory Wharton explained: Tho United States will wait until tho now Rprty fully organize tho Government and formally demand recognition by a foreign power. Tho despatch from Minister Egan, dated thiee days ago as It was, throws light upon hit, silence during the trouble in Chill. Tho telegraph line between Santiago nd Valparaiso is known to have been down, and this cut off Minister Egan from communication with tho United States by tho Pacific road. This is winter in Chili, and tho Andos aro deep with snow and Ice, and tho tele graph, it Is thought at the Stato Depart ment, mit9t bo broken down. This was the only lino left to Minister Egan, and tho telegram received came over this routo from Santiago to Buenos Ayres, and thenca up tho Atlantic cotist. Tolcgrams sent from the Stato Depart ment to Minister Egan within the past few days havo not yot reached him, as they called for Immediate replies and nono have been received Deputy Vorduga, ono of ex-PresIdont Balmacedo's friends, has been captured at Talca, Chill, with over a million dol lars In bank notes and drafts. Injunction In Favor of tho Junta. London, Sep. 3. The court yestorday granted nn injunction apnlled for on bo half of an agent of the Junta or Provis ional Government of Chili. The Injunction operates to restrain tho City Bank from paying, or negotiating, until tho caso Is decided by trial, or until a further order issues, a bill of sxohango for $74,000, drawn on the fcintional Bank of Chill, tuitdo payable to Benor Joaquin Ooday, President Balma ceda's chief financial agent in Europe and accepted by tho City Bank. A Prominent Hurse Denier Fulls, ijlhnos, Pa., Sop. 3. Jacob Banoy, s vell-kno,fn horsa dealer of Myerstown, las fallod executions boing issued against him for $3-1,000. Tho Hens against his property aggregate $160,000. The outsldo debts not secured by Hens are variously estimated at from $50,000 tb $100,000. Tho assets aro not yet known The Senate Flshory Sub-Commltteo. Bobton, Sap, 3 Senators Morrill and MoPherson, the Senatorial Fishery Sub-Coinmtttee, had a conference hero and arranged for hearings on tho mat ter. At the oonehulon of the testimony they will visit all the important Ashing perts on the New England coast. Knight Templar lIuiHniet. Saravooa, N. Y., Sep, 8. The seventh annual conclave of the Btato Com- -".ary. Knights Templar, was brought to i lUiant close last ninht with a ban- sti.t at tha Grand Union Hotel given by Waahtiiutou Commanderv of Haratoirn. In haute of the visiting Knights. Appointed Superintendent r the Poor. SteacI'SB. N. Y.. Sod. 8. John Q. Fl. Jaws, Domoorat, hiH been appointed by Mia OuMidasra Board of Sutiarvisors tn imo .,. 1 I'h ore as M. Grimes, ltepubllcan, uprinieiitiani oi r,ua xoor. Air. Qrrltees realgntxl on account of his ao Muuts Ulng found short. Found Dtind lu Her Ttouin. Jawkiowm. N. Y.. Sen. 3 Mrs TW id' 'e,-l to the excessive use of liiiuor, wu fou-.d dead in her room this morn iM. r mi' h was due to heart falluro, Kltt !. liwl been dead 3 hours when fouarf. A pert of ono hand li.nl linen luawid away by rata. Ollntou 1'rison Investigation. Dajikimoka, N. Y , Sep. 8. The com I'W apscltited to InvestiuatB tha ,f.inst tha officials of Clinton nhseu j iv ia session here. The hear la f tstimny will not be open to tin b'itl. . Ladies Think then Act. That Wolffs lacking IS CHEAPER than any other dressing at any price, be it 5 cents, 10 cents, or 25 cents, you can convince yourself by wearing one shoe dressed with Acme Blacking and the other shoe dressed with whatever happens to be your favorite dressing. While Acme Black ing will endurt a month through snow cr rain, and can, if the shoe is soiled, bewashed clean, theothcr dressing will not last a single day in wet weather Your shoes will look better, last longer and be more comfortable if dressed with Wolff's Acme Blacking. WOLrP S, RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written Marrlaxo licenseH nnd legal claims promptly attended to. Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. General Fire Insurance Business. Itepresonts the Northwestern Life insurance Co. OrricK-Mttldoou's building, corner Centre and West Bis.,Shenandonh, l'a. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. 1. A two story double lrame dwelling house store and restnnrniit, on Et 'entreat 2- Adweblbgnud resiaunint en East Centre- 3. Desltablo property on corner C hire and, Jardln streets, suitable for business pur poses. F '"woM Lim'Ltdre?,ble lmrae' belling, on 5--'fret2reetry ,mme awell!nS, on West Cen 0. Two 2 story dwelling on the mm, nt Coal aud Chestnut streets Htore room in 7.-Two-story single house on North Chestnut Street With n. lnri.o xirn.Dl.nocn ,.,. 8 - - .... ..... uow k, iiiv iriii, .Three two-story double frame buildings. turner oi uioyn ana Gilbert streets. denier to -.end for cntitloiue, secure .tho iiBCuer, nud get them for jT.u. 1 fSTTAKK .o BLllSTJTUTE.-dJ S3 SHOE centleVien IHE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is o seamless shoe, w Uu no taclts or wax thread to hurt the reet: mnrin nr th. i,. , a5i LCV.T- aul i";'1' '! mate mora liof vf Ms tirade than unit nlhAr ,,mH.r.. ...... ... ,. nn n,. 1. , sewed shoes costlns from 1.00 to 83.W. shoo over offered for S3.00: equals French Imported shnes which cost from j.(KitolJ.lx. S3. oul, l!"-s''"-il Welt hluie, nno calf, stjllsh.eomrortablo and durable. Thobest shoo ever offered at this price ; same grado as custom-made shoes costing from SG.OJ to S'luo. S?3 3,1 V?""' .hori Farmers, Railroad Men l9m and LetterCarrlersall wear them: flueealf. seamless, smooth Inside, heavy thrco soles, exten stotledge. Ono pair will wear a year. R!3 oO line cniri no better shoo ever offered at cjemm this prlcoi ono trial will conviuce tliose who want a shoo for comfort and service. CO "3 nnil S'J.OO Wnrhlinriiinn'a shoes UiS. are very strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial will wear no other make. fJnvel nud 81.7.1 school shoes am -. , worn by the boys e eryn herei they sell ou their merits, as the increasing sales show, Lrf IPSC! !'"". "miileneil shoe, best , C . , V Dongola, very8tyllsh:cquaIsFreiiL.h Imported shocB costlnir trom $1.00 to S0.no. I.nillca ' J..1II, '.'.IIO nnil 11.75 shoo for Misses nro tho best One Uongola. stylish and durable. t'liiltlou. Seo tUat W. L. Douglas- namo aud prico aro stamped ou the liottom of each shoo. W. L. D0U0L.V3. Brockton, Mass. tT QEiosplx 2311, JS?laox3.,aaca.oix IE ex FIRE INSURANCE! iMryett nud Oldest Reliable Purely Cash Companies, Jtcprt'senteil by DAVID FAUST, 120 S. JardmSt, Shenandoah, Pa. GOLD HEDAL, VAV.13, 1378. W. Baker & Co.'s from which the excess of oil has been removed, Is Abaolxttely J?uro and it is Soluble, No Chemicals arc uscl in its preparation. It lias more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, nnd is thoroforo far more economical, costing less than one cent a etij). It is tloliclous, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, find admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocoro ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. J H J-OMKHOY, ATTORNEY'AT'LAW, lClce BediLsll's building corner Mala at Osstra WHY IS THE Breakfast Cocoa MY II 1