The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 01, 1891, Image 2

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Evening Herald.
Jt a HOY Hit, lMUor mat 1'itblhlier.
W3I. J. WATK1XS, J.oel niltor.
MeMVENlXa 11E11ALD ha a larger cir
culation in bhenandonh than any other paper
jmblttheU, llonkt open to alt.
DAILY, per year 8 00
Weekly, per year 1 60
Entered At the Foitofllce, at Bbcnandonli, l'
Ibrlransmhwlon throHgbthe malls
a Mmnil claw mall matter.
KxOIlnMer Carter Iiiinnrcriiitftly III.
AslifRV I'VRK, N. J., Se)i. 1.
liatches rocehed here say that 11. A. I'
Carter, ox-llawnitun Milliliter to the
United 8titte in lylna danirerously 111 at
Hamburg, Geriimny. His physician
there are very nnxlous to appralete tho
ex-Minister's relatives, who are in tho
United States, of the serious illnesa of
Mr. Carter, but cannot obtain their ad-
To Supprotn llrlcellle Miners.
Nashville, Term., Sep. 1. Senator
l'olk. of Maury County, will introduce in
the Senate to-day a resolution setting
forth that the miners at ItrieevUlo are in
a state of insurrection, ami empowering
the Governor to call out such troops as is
necessary to suppress their unlawful acts.
Tho introduction of tho resolution will
create a sensation.
Oh, What a Cough.
will vnn heed IIib wamlnirt The slcnal per
hnnc nl f hn Llltn o rt.Tntlfll ftf lllflt UlGrO tOf'
rlblc dlaeate. CouMiniptlon. Ask yourwlves
If you can allord for Iho pake ol saving 60
rents, t run tbe Tlofcniid no nomine ion
TV. Irnnw frnm pTniTlf'tiro that Bhlloh's Cll
-U7III ( nrt. nur flinch. It never falls. Till
explnlnH why more than n Million Bottles
were fold the pact year. It relieves Croup
and Whopplne Conpli Rt once. Mothers do
not be without It. For Lame Hack, Hide or
Chest, uwShlloh's I'oroiiB Plaster. Sold by
C. II. Hngcnbucb, N. E. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
Tomntoeo are cheap.
Ask Your Friends About It.
Your distressing cough can bo cured
"We know it bocauBo Kemp's Ilalsam
within tho past few yonra has cured
mtiny couirhs and colda in thiconimunity,
Its remarkable salo has been won entirely
by its Konuina morit. Ask tome friend
who has utod it what ho thinks of Hemp's
Balsam. Thoro is no medicino to purn,
nonoso oflectivo. Largo bottles 60c and 81
at all druggists'.
Peaches getting liner.
A Ouro for Constipation
Dr. Silas Lane, while in tho llocky
Mountains, discovered a root that when
combinod with other herbs, makes an orsj
and cortain euro for constipation. It is in
tho form of dry roots and lcftvos, and Is
known as Lane's Family Medicine. It
will euro sick boadacho. For tho blood,
livor and kidneys, and for clearing up the
complexion it does wondors. Druggists
soil it at CU cents a package
Picnics continue popular.
New York, February 28, 1890
Alva's Brazilian Bpecltlo Co. Gentlemen:
J take piruture In certifying to the cure 1 re
ceived through your medicine, the cactus
lilrod Cure. I have biun a sullcrer from
eruption upou the skin eczema, etc., lor
fceveral years. During that time I was
treated by several skilled ph6lclansln those
tioubles without nuy beuent. Aller taklnir
two bottles I am ei tlrtly well, and heartily
recommend the medicine lo uny out. suffer
ing irom like troubles. 11. McKEON,
818 Blxth avenue
Hold at KIrlln's Drug Store, erguson House
Block, Bhenaurtoa' .
Polka dot stocking nro the latest.
Shlloh'a Consumption Curo.
Thu Is beyond question the most snc
ccsklul Cough Medicine w e have evr Kold,
u lew doses Invariably cure tbo woist aire of
(Tniii'h. Crnuo. uud ltiouchltls. while Its won-
aerlul success In the cure of Consumption Is
without a parallel in the hlslory of nitdlclup,
Ulncie ii'S nrsiuiscovery it uas oeen mjiu ou it
guarantee, a test uhlcn no other medicine
ran siMtiii. Ii vou h.ivi, k Couuh no earnesilv
ask you to try it. I'rlce 10 cents, 60 cents, and
it AO. If your Lungs ere sore, chest or Back
lame, use Hhlloh's I'oious l'laster. Hold by
O. H. Hagenbuch, N. '.. coruer lluln aud
Lloyd streets
Tho summer girl Is on her way
How to Suocood.
This Is the great problem of Hie which few
satisfactorily solve, home lull because 01
poor health, others want of lurk, but the
majority from deficient grit waut of nerve,
They are nervous, IrreKolute, changeable,
easily get the blues aud "take the spirits
down to keep the spirits up," thus wasting
money, time, opportunity aud nerve lorce.
There is nothing like thu lleslorallve Nervine,
dlsouvered by the great socialist, Dr. Miles,
to cure all nervous di'oaMW, as headache, the
blues, nervous prostration, sleeplewiness,
ueurHliclu. Ht. Vitus dduce, Ills, uud hytterla.
Trial bo tiles and due bona of testimonials
tree at U. It. Ilageiibiich's drat; store.
Iiuncheeof pennyroyal scntterblucl:
A Fatal Mistake,
rhyslolans make no more fatal mistake
than when they Inform patients that nervous
heart troubles come from the stomach and
lire of little routequenco. Dr. Franklin
Mile., the noted Indiana kiolaltst, hus
proven the contrary In his new lsok ou
4Hart Disease," which may behadfreeat
C. II. HugeuUuch's drug store who guarantees
and reoommeud Dr. Miles uutqualed New
Heart Cure, which has tlif lfllgefct kuleol any
heart In the world It cure nervous orgatilo heart dlsause, hort breath,
llutterinv, pain or tenderness In the side, arm
or shouldsr. Irregular oulse. lalutlug.sinotber.
lug. dropsy, ele. Ills Jtestorullve Nervine
cures nerfaaene, nu, eir.
Borne people Insist
hot this month.
that It will be
I'lervo nnd Liver Pills
Aet on
new principle regulating the
liver, ktomuoh and bowels Utrvuah the nervei.
A new illKcovery. Dr. Miles' fills speedily
ouio hlllousnew, bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
constipation. Unequaled lor men, women,
children. Hmallw.1. mlldest.sunll Gldoses.
Slcts. Hampl&s Free, nt C. 11. llageubuch's
urug store.
Oomplotod to Doadwood.
The llurlington Koute, 0., II. & Q. K. B.,
from Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, Is now
completed, and dally passenger trains aro
running through Lincoln, Nob,, and
Cutter, S. D., to Doadwood. Also to Now
cattle, Wyoming. Slcoplng cars to Dead'
wood. tf
Btrllto ImitiRiiriited In Five of tho Amor.
rnn Axe Company's Factories.
Nkw York, Sep. 1. The American Axo
and Tool Company is composed o nine
axe factories, situated nt JohntonviUe,
N. Y.j East Douglass, Mass. i Beaver Falls,
I'd.; Cleveland, O.; Mill Hull, Pa.; Oovf
nmla, N. Y.; Bellefonte, Pa., and DalUton
Spa, N. Y., and controls aliout one-half
tho production of axes In this country.
Thu employes of tho ilrst llvo mnnumo-
torles of tho American Axe Company
have gone on a strike, caused by the ef
forts of the company to discourage tna
urowth of labor unions.
These factories are tho largest ana
most Important onos in the company.
The company claims that it win let uio
shops rot down before allowing tho
unions to exist In them, and the men de
clare they will leave tho dlfToront townB
and hunt other work rather than aban
don their organisation.
The federation of Labor has ngreed to
nld the men to the cud.
"What 11 Search In tho Warden Itnrn
Hakovkii, N. II., Sep. 1. A search has
been made in Warden's barn, in which
tho murderer, Frank C. Almy, hid for so
long a time without detection, resulted
in the finding of tho necktie ense which
Christie Warden gavo her murderer na a
Christmas gift.
Other articles wcro found, among them
h URpklu ring, some pencilled sketches
made by Christie, n large braid of the
victim's hair, a dozen verses of senti
mental poetry, in tho murderer's hand
writing, and a package of four handker
chiefs marked with the initlnl "C."
From tho same hiding place wore also
tnken ten unopened cans of salmon, sar
dines, clams, and corned beef, besides a
bottle half full of Mcdford rum.
Weather Forecasts Muy fenon llo Dlssom
hinted by Locomotive Whistles.'
Washington. Sep. 1. Tho Weather
Bureau is endeavoring to ostabllsh a
novel Bystem of weather forcasts. Al
ready tho principal railroads of tho coun
try havo adopted tho plan of disseminat
ing woathor predictions by displaying
signal flags on trains, and the Bureau
hopes to extend this system by having
locomotives give the signals by means of
their whistles.
I'rofessor Ilnrrington, tho chief of tho
weather bureau, has arranged n system
of whistlo combinations by means of
which persons living at 11 distance from
tho railroads can receive the forecasts.
By repeating each combination a fow
times with an intervnl of ton seconds
between, possibilities of error in reading
tho forecasts will bo avoided, such as may
arise from vnriablo winds or failure to
hear tho warning signal.
Lusters Strike AgaiiiHt a Reduction.
Haverhill, Mass., Sep. 1. About 40
lastcrs and dealers-out employed nt tho
shoe factory of tho Field-l'haycr Manu
factory are on strike against a reduction
of flvo cents a caso in their work. Tho
Field-Thnycr Company havo first and
hecond grades under n first gradu price
list. They now demand that tho union
givo thorn n second grndo list similar to
that used nt Chick llrothers.
An Important Horse Sale.
New York, Sep. 1. Tho product of tho
Poy tonu, Hurstbourno nnd FcrncllIT Studs
were sold nt auction last ovening by Auc
tioneer Willinm Lnston, of Tnttersnll's.
Prominent turfmen from all over tho
country were present. Bidding was brisk,
but in most cases only modcrato prices
wero realized. Tbo total receipts for tho
yearlings wero .$17,275, an average of
&421.R0 iwr hnnd.
It Is aaid will sell anything, this is
truo in a measure; but for Uyirg
qualities,- merit is the test ExtcnaWa
advertising may sell anything whera
It Is now or unknown, but after it
comes into general use, H is judged
according to It worth. The continued
au4 steady growth of Swift's Spodfio
Li tho best evidenco of 1U excollenca.
It Is most popular vhero It Is bcsS
known. Every bottle sold, sells tea
others. Every ono that taken it bo
comes Its friend, and recommends H
to tkelr acquaintances.
Treatise on Blood and Skin DiscMna
Bailed free
Swift Srrano Co., Atlanta, Can
Ingot ui ilil Etlli.!e Ptrtlj Cut hapi
Itepresentcd by
nln CAIIOTJ12" 8. JnrdtuBtrest
SEPTEMBER 1, 2, 3 & 4.
An excellent programme has been arranged,
i'rof. Vnu Normau, of Baglnaw, Michigan,
lu i'iwcu, mill li'B KirlUK Ol lUOrOUgO
bred horses and Rive some of his darlinrnnr.
formances. which have never been given any.
where In this part of the eountrv.
The trotting programme Is excellent and
entries nro numerous, as the purses of the
Central Pennsylvania Circuit, ol which the
nuove society is amemuer, amount to jo.siu,
You will miss u treat It you do not attend.
Laquedaiio Acting Temporarily
as President.
Prominent Government Officials to ba Blot
for Their Part in the Trouble,
Unlniacedii Traced to Los Andes He
KMppcit Out With Ills l'ninlly and Vnlu.
ahles lleyond tho lluach of tho TlebelA
l'orclf;)! Admirals Itcfuao to Surrender
Valparaiso, Chill, Sep. 1. Order Is
gradually being restored in Chill. Gen.
Rasquedano has been recognized as Presi
dent ad interim of the Ilepubllc by tho
members of the Junta hero and llttlo doubt
is felt but that this action will be ratified
by tho members now on routo from
The government troops at Conoepcion,
Talcahuano nnd other places have,
through their commanding officers,
notified the Cougregntionallst authori
ties that they havo finished lighting and
are roady tojobey orderu from the Junta
nnd only Conulinbo promises to make
All that remains to be dono now is to
put down the sporadic cases of disorder,
bring to trial such of the Unlmncedist offi
cials as have leen guilty of outragoons
nets of tyranny anil prepare for the elec
tlons which will give tho Republic an un
questioned constitutional government.
Senor uouoy thinkB that JJalmncoila has
escaped to IJuenos Ayros over the Cordil
leras by way of Los Andes. He left San
tiago, according to news received by Senor
Gotloy, on Saturday morning with six
carriages, containing his family nnd
Relative to Minister Egan Senor Qodoy
emphatically declares that every inter
view had by him with Halmaceda was
entirely confined to tho question of com
mercial reciprocity between the United
States and Chill. Nothing of personnl
benefit to Minister Egan was discussed.
More K&ccullons to Come.
Sovernl prominent government officials
will be shot to-day after n trial by court
Referring to tho silver shipment, Senor
Godoy says that Halmaceda bought the
Italian steamer Aiiuila at Montevideo.
Tho owners required cash. The United
States Navy Department refused to ullow
tho Baltimore to carry tho bullion.
Balmacedn s olllclnls at Coqulmbohavo
cut the English cabio thero and have re
fused to surrender nnd will make a light.
Tho Esnioreldn with tho Lynch started
for Conulinbo last night. Transports
with troops will follow.
The lirst, and so far tho only execution
which has tho appearance of having
been prompted by revengo occurred hero
yesterday. Tho Procurator Fiscal, Fns,
who prosecuted the cases against tho
men who wero alleged to bo In the plot
to blow up the torpedo boats Almlrante
Lynch and Almlrante Condell and tho
transport Imperinle, which resulted In
the execution of Cummings uud two
others, was taken out and shot.
A formal demand for their surrenderwas
made yesterday on Admiral Brown nnd
Herman Admiral by lntenucnto Joaquin
After consultation tho two naval
officers informed Senor Walker-Martinez
thnt they would declino to surrender the
men unloss proper guarantees were given
that their lives would bu sufo until they
had had a fair trial.
The prosenco of political refugees on
board the American and uerman war
ships has been tho cause of Boveral con
lomcroucos aud much 111 leoling.
Kfforts to Taho Out 63,000,000 of the Ex
tended 1 1-1$ I!ontl a Failure.
New York, Sep. 1. Tho orrorts of a
couple of bank presidents to arrange for
tho taking out of ?3,UUU,UUU ol tho ex
tended 4 1-2 per cent, bonds, which fall
due to-day, against circulation ut 2 per
cent tho ratu llxod by the government
has not succeeded. Up to last evening
only $1,800,000 had been subscribed for
bv tho banks, aud Frederick U. Tnppen,
president of the Gallatin Nationnl Panic,
uud one of the parties interested, stated
that tlieschouio had tallen through. Mr.
Tappeu further suid:
"Had the government extended tho
bonds nt 2 1-2 per cent. I have no doubt
in my own mind but that the entire ?5,
000,000 would have been taken up Thure
was practically no money in taking tbo
bonds at 2 per cent, against circulation,
not more than 01-100 of ono per cent."
Declslunln the Allvshcuy Itutlroad Caso.
I'msBUHO. Sod. 1. In the United
Stilton Court JudKo Iteid has just banded
down a decision in the celebrated Alle
gheny Itailroad vase. The court doclaros
that the Alleghony Valley itailroad shall
be fcohl In accordance with the manner
prayed lor by the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. The decision ullows the road
to be sold without divesting It of tbe
mortgage, oxoept the income mortgages.
The holders of iuoome bonds wanted the
property sold divested of all mortgages.
The decision ia a victory for tbe Pennsyl
vania llailroad Company.
Hebrew llefugeea Still Detained.
New York, Sep. 1. Tho largo party
of lttissian Hebrew refugees who landed
at tbe liarge Office from the Cunard
steamer Ktrurla are still detained by
the immigration authorities for further
oxnuiinatiou as to their physical and
linaucial condition. Many ut them nro
pennileas and oama here with their fami
lies because they bad been deceived into
believing that they would lie welcomed
here and provided with homes by this
Wants Com lets for Coal Miners.
NASHViLUa, Tenn., Sep. 1. In his mes
sage to the Legislature the Governor in
cidentally suggests the purchase of unde
veloped ooal landK, upon which to erect
tho penitentiary with u view to working
tho mines with convict labor nnd Belling
the coal to tho public.
A Murdered Man's Skeleton Found.
Pottsvuxi!, Ya.t Sep. 1. Tho skeleton
of a man was found In the woods near
Lofty yesterday. Thoro was a bullet hole
in the back of the skull, which indicated
that the man had been murdered. It ia
thought tbe body bos loin ia the woods
for over a year.
RMffififfMPiiRirvnEM nnn
As a IMeZaiunn't" T"U m,0,'B 8TK T'l "pnUFECT IIIULTH. '
cue "nvo caYuarHoniiso Ho of land's Podophyllin Pills
At tho Summer Capital.
Cafe Mat, N. J. , Sep. 1. Tho Presi
dent is very busy catching up with accu
mulated work. Secretary Husk arrived
last evening ns a guost of the President.
Ho was accompanied by his clerk, S. S.
Eockwood. President Harrison nnd
Congressman Keyburn, piloted by local
sportsmen, aro getting ready for n day's
shooting on Mauumtukin meadows.
Congressman Scott 3Itich Wealtor.
ElliE, Fa., Sep. 1. Congressman Will
iam L. Scott passed n bail night and was
perceptibly weaker to-day. Doctors Top
per and Hrandes decided late Inst even
ing that it would be unwiso to attempt
his removal to Newport, R. I., In his
present enfeebled condition. Dr. Pepper
returned to Newport last night.
Sirs. Garrett's Hall.
Newport, R. I., Sep. 1. Ono of tho last
balls of the season was given last evening
by Mrs. Robert Garrett nt the cottage Bhe
is occupying this season off Narragansett
avenue. Tho affair was one of tho most
brilliant of the social season.
The Ills Nlajtnra Tunnel.
Ruitalo, N. Y., Sep. 1. Tho prelim
inary work on the big tunnel at Niagara
I rails has boen compieieu anu me wors
on the tunnel Itself is now going forward
ranidl v. Of the 8,530 feet to be excavated
about 1.173 ha been liono.
It goes bach
all tho money you'vo spent for
it if there's neither benefit nor
cure. That's what ought to bo said
of every medicine. It would bo
if tho medicino tvero good enough.
But it is said of only ono medicino
of its kind Dr. tfierco's Golden
Medical Discovery. It'n tho guar
anteed blood-purifier. Not only in
March, April and May, when tho
sarsaparillas claim to do good, but
in every season and in every caso
it cures all diseases arising from a
torpid liver or from impure blood.
For all Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp
Diseases, Dyspepsia, Indigestion
and Biliousness, it is a positive
Nothing elso is as cheap, no mat
ter how many hundred doses aro
offered for a dollar.
With this, you pay only fpr tho
good you get.
And nothing elso is "just as
It may be "hotter" for tho
dealer ; but you aro tho ono that's
'io helped.
Bank Counters, Tylor System, Port
ablo, Unequaled In Stylos,
Cost and Finish.
ISO Tae Catalogue of Counter, Doaka etc., lllnatrated Id
Colora, Iloota, Vrf Postage lfi Ctota
Alfo Tyler's Hoyai
OIHce lie. lie and Type
writer Cubliicte, KOO
HI Vice. Best nnd cheap
est on earth, with great
reduction In prices.
mu pairo catalogue Tree,
roataxe 13 eta. lull Heee of
lleaaat ibalra. Talilea, Hook, CaMutte, Loyal lllauk
Cablnola, rte., alwajalffl alivk.
Rn.rlal Hork nade 1a nrd.r.
Tii.i:ts i)r.sicco.,st.i..jui, sid.,u.H.A.
the onlr gunula Ut-rusa Atucrleia
ftptfctftlUi In tfw L'ntUMl StV who
tun w our Blood Polaon
Nervous Debility ud Spe
cial Diseases '
Skin Diet,, hvd bpou Paint to tb
boQii SoroThroat & Mouth,
IMolchei, fitniiln, ErupUont, awfl or
hrd Clwr, HwtrUlavi, IrritMiooi,
lutlnuiniUoni unJ Rontiliigi,
buictunx, Wctkfitti inJ i-ii'j
dcsr. lott mmory wask hwk meoUl ntotr, Kllaty km
KUl.t. r DiioMoi And (Ul DlcKl roiuUlnft rrota 't'l,
la llewmloii or Urerwork. Kecent cuoi cured ia 4 to 10
tvUrt kt moe Do not Inatt bopt, no niMtcr hit
Uilog Doctor, Qutwk, Family or Boplta) Phlclan hu ftUed.
Ur.THI-.BL cure pOBltlvely wllhont dftotloo tnta
Marnirjaii. rlnh or p,.)r, rtni to I'Anip tor bOOW
''TRUTH" OnMka un-lcr inorn titlminla.
!."? iUIIt lm 9 t . Fn 6 to . Vrt. "t.
Xr'ia 6 to 10. Bund. S till It. rila or call and W wad.
For Kefercnoo fcea Wedn. "d Saturday JH1. di.7 Timfc
Or the J.liiuor 31nli.. gualilily tiutsu
Mj-uiuuiiiiJiivritiir nr. liuini'ia
Uolileii Nitecicic
It Is manufactured as a powder, which on be srlrea
tf,!"- wi Wi uuudu ut tn, or 111 lOtK.
without tbo koowledffe of the patient. It it abaolutel;
narmlofti, and will efleot a permanent and speedy
cure, whether tha patient ia a xaodurata drinser or
an aloohoua wrjes It baa ben riven In thousands
jv w.Baj,nuu iu fvurr laaiaatM a peneoc euro naa ioi
lowed. It inner (alia. Tbeayatom onoe ltnprajrna
d with tbe beoouire an utter Impoaslbtliu
ior thellQuor appetite to extttt.
48 pase book of parttomar fre. To be had e
C. H.. HAGENBUCH, Drt-ool&t, Shenandoah
A newly discovered SIlNIillAL WATER.
the ute or ulilch will supply lrupnrtant ele
tnents neccsry lo health. It will cure the
Kidneys, Mver, rltoruscli, and all Ilowd and
llladder disease. It will dissolve calculi and
remove 1 turn. It rt moves the urlo acid from
tfce blood and tbus destroys Malaria and
mine, iv cures xirieni's airease, ana is
peclally recommended for people advanced In
life, and for cenera) debility. For undoubted
proofs of this tend lor pamphlet elvlng full
I particulars, to j, . PEKItY, Water ot Idle
i n . m rouin uain niu wuaes-iiarre ra.
1'iArn bl
COWaiLlV KM) " ' 1-7
Tf T'flT'T. T I' rrTT T. T T VI' 1, . ... . ..... r.
Purifies tho blood, tones up
the system, gives an appetite.
Cures dyspepsia, constipa
tion, sick headache. Regulates
the liver and kidneys, and bo
sides cures all blood and skin
diseases, whether manifested
only by common pimples, or
eczema, or by ulcers, abscesses,
and the more A'iolent effects of
scrofula and blood poison.
Is perfectly harmless and
n iver fails.
Sold at Klrlln'8 Drue Store,
Ferguson's Motel Block, Shenandoah, Pa.
Your trade Is what wo
This is how we propose
-to get It,
By selling you n flrst
clnss article; by selling you
for less than others; by
celling you furniture, an
organ, a plnno, n sewing
machine or anything else
In the line of homchold
Wo have a large nnd va
ried stock to select from.
No trouble to show goods.
Call, examine aud be
SoutU BInlu St.,
Lohigli Valley llailroad.
-MAY 10, 1891.-
I'asscneer trains will leave Bhenandoah for
Mauch Clumfe. Lehlebton. Platlnelon. Uata-
dauqua, Allentown, Betblebem, Easton, I'lill
adelphla and New York at 6., 7.-10, !).( a. m.,
izat,, o.m p. m.
Kor Holvldtre. Delaware Water Qan and
Btroudtburg at 5.47, a.m., ana 5.20 p. m.
rur ijaiuuerLviuu anu areniou, v.vo a, zn,
For White Haven. Wilfees-Marre and Fltta
ton 5.47. .08, 10.41 a. m 3.10 and bS& p. m.
For Tunkhanuock, 10,41 a, m., 3.10 and 5.26
p. Ui
For Auburn, Itbaca, (Geneva and and Lyons
10.41 u. m ane b.'M p. m.
r nr j.acc vuie, xowanoa. nayre, waveny,
Elmlra. Koche&ier. lurlalo. r.lntrara Fnlui.
L'hlruKu und all points Went at 10.41 a. m.,and
p. m.
For lmlra and the West via Salamanca at
3.10 p. in.
for Auucnrica, nazieion, niocaion, jum
ler Yard, Weatkerly and l'enn Haven June
lion at 6.47, 7.40,8,08 a. in. and 12.62, 8.10 and
5,28 p. in.
ror jeaneviue, o.evision anu Heaver
Meadow, 7.40, 0,08 a.m. and 6.26 p. ru,
For Hcrautonnt 5.47 V.W. 10.41a. m. 3.10 and
5:28 p. m.
ror jiazie uroos. jeaao, uniion anu j?tcq.
land at 5.47. 7.40. 0.08. 10.41 a. ni.. 12.M 8.10 and
5.26 p.m.
ror uuuiiu&e ui, o.a uuu v.vo a.m., anu
3.11) p. m.
For W lggans, GUberton and Frackvllle at
6.50undv.08a m and 4,10 p.m.
For Yatesville, Mabanoy City and Delano
6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10,58 a. m.,12.52,3.10,5.26, 8,03,
PJi and 10.27 p.m.
roriost uieea, jiraravine ani .Asmana
( m AH u KO 111 in h l m t m A ,n u e
11, 4.7U,t..U, .U.1U AAA., A.ViA A. (V, 1,lV UMJ.
8.10 and 6.14 p.m.
ror uarawuier, hi. uiair aru I'ottsviiie,
7.40, 0.08, 10.58 a.m., 12.52, 3.10, 10, 6.26 and 8.0b
ror jjdck iuouniuin, incw notion ana
Moreu. 7.40. 9.08. 10.58 a. sc.. 12.52. 3.10. fi.26 and
8.03 p. ra,
For liaveu Hun, Centralla, Mt. Carmel and
Buamoum,, ana lv.xa a. ra., i.iu, i.ii
sua n. in.
Trtdns leave Bhamokln lor Hheunndnab.
76 116 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and (UK) p. m arriving
nt Shenandoab, 0.05 a. m., I2J2, 8.10, 6.26 and
ll.i! p. xu.
nuniiAX tuaipim.
For LoBt Creek. Utrardvllle and Ashland.
6.5(i, D.10 11J6 o. m., 2)5 p. m.
For Darkwater. Bt. Clair and PoltsvlUe,
u.uv, o.w, vxje, ui.. ,a p. lu.
For Yatesville, Mabanoy City and Delano,
i.w, a. in,,, .iu, o.ujp. in.
For Lofty, Audenrled and Uaileton, 8.W
tv va 1.40 p. m:
ruriuuucu vnuua. x.enignun, rjiaiingiou,
CataMiuaua. Allentown. liethlehem. Kastok
and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. mi
rur ruuaueipma, i.iu p. m.
Uen'l Pass, Act., liethlehem,
All persons are hereby warned
Belonging to the
Shenandoah Water Company,
and oil parties caught violating this; notice
Will uu
Prosecuted ns Trespassers.
By order of
tub ao2vri.vjT-s-l
m ffl Bro
- ..wJai muu MUUUiUg -LW1.1.1 1 '
Tin; Table in ejffeel Jiifj 10, 18U1
--.... i u nuiA r aj uuuiiuitxf villi ail 1 uliLU
l.'nf T-'.U Vn.V .l . I)lll1nj.1..l,,. w
z.iu 5.ia, 7.30 a. m. nnd 12.83 2.50 unrt
r. -. u..uuuj .iv nuu .io u. in. rur i
v An unuuir, week days,
r.M, a. m. and 12.85 and 2.E0 rt.m.
m, i.w, a. m., ii3o and 5.65 p
uuv,i,i.iniia7,1 4.30 n. m.
i or Aiieniown. week dav. 7. HI t. m '
i.:0 d. m.
HntlflflV. O 1(1 onrl 7
a, m . 4 30 P.m.
IMUJ m.tnw tiini ii,oa ii. III.
For Tttmuunii find VoViannw nu
day, 2.10,, 7.20, a. m., 12 8$ 2io and 6jJ
ii. m. ouuuay. .luana 7.4Hft.m.. d mi . w.
Additional tor Muhanoy City, week days '7.00
For Lancaster nnd Columbia, weet days.
Ml a.m., 4.60 p.m.
ror willlamBrKirl, Sunbury and Lewlntmit,
week days, 8.23, 7.20 and ll.ftj a. m.. x t. 7.M
m. uunday 3:23 m , 8.05 p. m,
Kor Mahanov Plane. whr iiuvn. 2.1ft H 91.
1 W. 7.20 and 11.3) a. m.. 12.Sfi. .sr,. .&,. a .as
7.00 and k. p. m. Bunday, 2.10, and7.a
m, s.oe, 4.S0 p. m.
For Qlrarovllle rlhiTinAhiinnnflc K:aiinr.
rwk days, 2.10, 3.23, 5.25, 7.2H and 11.3Ua. m.,
I2.3o. 1 So. v.50. 6.M. 7.00 and U.26. r. m. Hnnduv:
IV, , I. IO . ill., OA'O, II. 111.
"or Aehland and bharooKln. weefe
S.2j, 5.25, 7.H 11.30 a. m., 1.85. 7.00 and
m. eunoay .-, u. m., .ua p. m. - i
Ijeave Now York via Phllrulelnhla. -anlr
dyo,7.45 a. m 1.E0, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.1B
QiBoi. sunany, o.uo p. m.. menu
lieave xiew York via Mannb Chunk. umI;
days, 4.30. 8.45 a. m 1.00 and 4.03 p. m.
Leave Phllsdniohin. -Rrff.x invn. j in. owa
10.00 a. in. 4.00 and tl.uo p. m.. Iri m Broad
and CRllowhul and 8.35 a. in. and ll.m n. m.
from 8th anc ureen uiroets. Monday 8.05 a.
m. 11.S0 p. m. froiu ttin nuC ui.u
i.eave r.eaoinc wees duye, 1.35. 7.10. 10.C6
nd 11.60 a. m.. fi.55. 1JS n. m. Knudav l ft", nn n
Mi.ti a, m.
L.eave Pottevllle, week dayH, 140, 7,40 a. m
U.t0.S.ll v. m. Unndav. 2.40. 7.00 a. ill. anil
3.C6 1. m.
..eave iarnaqua, weeK days, 8.20, 8.48 and
2 1 a. m.. 1.21. 7.13. and n. m. Mnnrl iv 3 '.n
7.43 ' . m. and 2.50 p. ru.
LMve ilahauoy Olty, weet aiyii, 8.40, 9.1&
uud 11.47a. m 1.61, 7.42 nnd 8.41 p.m. bun.
day, 8.40,8.17 a. m., 3.30 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy PliLe, week dayB, 2-4U. 4.10
i!.80, 85. 11.69 a. m.,1.1,5, 2.C8. 5-20, 8 28, 7.57, and
It) (n. m. Hundav2.4j. 4.00. and 8.i7. m.
3 37, 5.01, p. m.
iehvu uiraraviue (iinppanannocK uiatlon)
week days. 2.47, 4.07, 6.38, and 9.41 a. ni 12.05,
a 12, 6.l, 8.82, 8.03 and 10.06 p. m. Hunday,i,47,
0 , S.S3a.ra.3.41,5.i7 p. m.
i.tave Wllllamiiport, week days, 8.00,9.43 anc
tt.66 n. m. 8.35 and 11.15 p. m. Bunday 11.1&
d. m.
for Baltimore, Washington and the west
via B, O. K, K., through trains leave Ulrnrd
Avenue station, l'hlladelpbla, (P. & K. K. R.)
at 4.16, 801 and il.27 a. m 1.34, 4.24, 5.55 ant
7.23 p. m. Bunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a, m 4.34
'.55 and 7.21 p. m.
atiLantic city division.
l.eava Philadelphia, Chestnut Btrett VVnarr
uno nouinoireei wnarr.
I'ot AiimitlcCIiv.
Woelr-duvd Kxnreiw. S.15. 8 00. 9:00. 10.4i n--
m. andlim (HaturdaVB onlv. L30). 2.(0. 3.00.
3.S0, i.W', 6 00, 0.00 v. iu. Accommodation, 7 10
ti. m., 4.n, o p. m.
on(ij. tsxprees, 515, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 8 30,
9.00, 0.30 a. m. and 4 30 p. m. Aocoinmi .ition.
8.00 h. m. and 4.45 p. ia.
Jcieturnlcs, leave Atlantic City, depot corner
imntlo and Arkauwui nveiinn. vee!r-rta
Kxpress, 7.00, 7.30, 8 00, 0.00, 10.00 a. m. and 3.15
4.00, 5.30, 6.81), 7.30, 9 30 p. m. Accommodation
6.00, 8.10 a. m. aud 4.Mp m. Bnndays-Bx-press,
3 30, 4.00, 6 00, 6 00, fl-30, 7-00, 7.30. 8.00, 0.3O
p. m. Accommodation, 7.80 a.m., 6.05 p. m.
U. Ii. HAJXCUCK, Uf-U 1 tt-ea r AKt
A, . HcLKOD. Pres. X Oen'l Manacer.
ssutnrxiij. division.
C and after Aiov. 24, 1680, tralnt will lean
Bhenawloah as follows:
For Wlggsn, Gllbcrton, Frackvllle, Kev,'
llastle, Bt. Clair, and way points, 6.0J, S.1U
in and 4.15 p in,
Bundavs, 600, 11.40 a m and 3,1 0 p m.
For FotUvllle, 6.00, D.lo o m and 4.15 p m.
Sundays, 6U0, 9.10 a m and 3.10 n tn.
For Ktadlng, 6.00, 8.10 n m and 4.15 p m,
Sundays, 600,8.40 a.m. and 8.10 pm.
For I'otutowu, Phoenixvllle, iorrUtovm
and Philadelphia (Broad street etatloni, 6.TO,
9.10 am. und 4.15 p m week days
Bucdays, 600, 8.4Ja m 3.10 v m
Trains leave Frackvllle lor Bhenandoah nl
10.40 a m and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Sundays,
11.18 a m and .40 p m.
Leave PoiUvlllo lor Bhenandoah. 10.15 snffi
11.(8. a m 7.15. 9.42 p m. bundavs. 10.40 n m.
5.1 o p m.
iioavo i-niiaacipnia (iiroaa srreet station). ,
ir Pottsvlllo and Bhenandoah. a m
2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Bunday
am HDQi.iup, m.
For w York. 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 5.35, 6.50, 7.iKW ,
8.208.80, i).60, ll.()0anilll.l5um. 12.00 noou. fllm
lieu eprese, i.m anu p m.) 12.44, 1,40, 2.SU.
ai' 8-50 7,lirsJ an" 10M P Ma IMS
Un Bunaays, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 5.35, 8.12, 8.30, 8.50.
a r. and 12.49, 3.20 (limited 4.50J, 6.2B, 6.30, 6,50 h.Vi p in and 12.01 night.
Bea Olrt. Burine
Lase, Belmar.
jcoau CJrove, Asbury 1'ark, and Lome liranoh.
urnc nrancn.
davf t or
3 20, 11,15, a. ru. 4.00 p. m. week
Ifreebnld. 5.v , u. m. week aavs.
Ualilmor" and Wasnmeuin. &.50. 7'ja.
9.10, li,20, ) 1.18 a m, lSAS (rtmltea express) S.4B
i.i p.Tt Kur t.iv p, m., unu iiunigut. r o;
Baltimore, my, 2.02, 4.1 1, 6 08 and p. ra.
su, 7.m. H.iouna 11. if a. m. 4.4
6.o7, 7.40 p m, 12.03 night. Ha It. 'more only
5,08 and ll.Nl p in.
;or tuenmonaona tne isontn 7.20 H.iK k. m.
i-imnea repress l.u n, m..U2.i
rains leave Harrlobure tor Pltuouru and
iho went every day at 1
Sand 3.10 a m ana
J.00 (limited) and 3.40 p m. Way for Altoona,
4.1& a ra and 4.10 n m everv dav.
ror i-nujuiirf. oniy, n.aj a m uaiiy ana 10.2U
m week days.
Leave Bnnbitrv lor Wllllamsnort. F.imlTa.
Umia udalgua, iiocheoler, Ilnllalo and N iugam
r ails, a.iu a iu uauy, ana l.aij p m woea oa.yH
For Watklns. 6.80!
n m week davs.
ror Me ana iniriueaiate j
erxuedlate nelnts. 5.10 a m:
uaiiy, r ur uwn iiaven, oau, ana v&i a m.
dally, 1.34 and 5.30 p. m. week days. Fob
neuuva d.iu u ui i,m ana o,so p m weex cu,ys
i.AXli., Ill CJUUUifcVH,
dan Huti'r
0n J'r,. ASt,
-yyiLMINQTON ft NOllTlIEltN It. K.
,INI,(UVW (I, IHCt, AllUy.AV, AOitl.
Trains leave Beading (P. a It. station) fo
umrauar, oeyien, niraaDoro, Joanna, Bprmgi
tleld, Waynesbure Junction, Coatesvllle.Weyi 1
cueisier,!. uuutiiuru juuciion, n. fe u. JUUCllOLar
Wlimineton anu intermedia e stations. daily .
except bunday, at 6.25 and 8.80 a.m. andSJV.'
p. m. Bunday only at 8.05 p. m.
ror nrirwica, ni. reiers ana iniermeaiats
statlons,dally except Bunday, at 9.20 a.m., and
6.19 p.m. Bunday only 8.15 a. m.
For Illrdtboro and Intermediate stations.
Saturday only, at 12 ra. ft i
ror iiauimorr ana wasnimrion (. U.K.
R.) dallv excent Bundav at 6.25 nnd 8.S0 a. m.
and 3.16 p. m. bunday only at 8.05 p. in.
uruiuH arrive ui iteuaing ir. a n. ibiaiionj
Irom Wilmington, If. & O. Junction, Mont
chanln, Cbnddslord Junction, West Chester,
Lenape, Coatesvlllo, Wayneeburg Junction,
Bprlngneld,Joanna,I!lrdsboro, Glbmltar, Hey
fen and intermediate Stallone, dally except
Bunday at 10.2D a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m, bun
dy only at 11.24 a. ni.
From Bt. peters, Warwick and Intermediate
stations, dally except
Biinaay, at 8.24 a. in.
and 2.25 p. m. Bunday i
. m
oniy aiop. m.
From Blrdsboro nnd Intermediate stations.
Baturday only at 1.40 n. m.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex
cept Bunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m.
Bunday only at 11.24 a.' m.
, llO WKES8 HRIGG8, Gen'l Pass. Agt.
We, the nnderslgncd,
I ItUDtUre bv llr .1.
MAYER, 831 Arch Bt., Thllo. Thomas U.
Ilartung, New ltlnggold, I'a., I.Pandt, Boutti
Easton, Pu., L. P. fc C. A. Deturck, Uley, Pa
H. G, Bianley, 421 Spruce Bt., Lebanon, Pa., A.
Bchnelder. Locust Iiale, Pa.,D, B. Noll, Lime
kiln, Pa., Wm. E. llarienstlne, Phoenlxvllle,
Pa., W. M. Lelubach, 624 Washington Bt.,
Beading, Pa., J, 0. Lyme, 1810 W. Howard Bt.,
liarrlsburtr. Pa., O. Ktehn, Douelassvllle, Pa.
Dr. MAYER Is at Hotel Penn, Beading, Pa.,
on the 2nd Baturday of each mouth. Call to
see him.
ri (rlrr Tl J t .mm nr.Ti,aT
No! R East Centre Btreet; Mabanoy City, Fa
nm turn ivu soeoiai oiseasoi a specially, ,