The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 31, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. YI.-NO. 179.
Republican State Ticket.
statu TiiEASunmii
Deleaatea-nt-TMrg to the Constitutional
County Ticket.
Judge lion. X. D. Green.
Sheriff lieriiamin Smith.
Juru Commissioner Mo . William
Poor Director George Heffner.
Constitutional Convention Delegates.
S, 11URD EDWARDS, PoltsViUe.
J. H. POMBROY, Shenandoah.
JOHN J. COYLE, Mabanoy City.
We desire to call the attention of
our readers to the vital importance of
being registered or assessed on or be
fore Thursday, September 3d. The
Democrats are making extraordinary
efforts to have all their voters enrolled
and assessed. Let Republicans coun
teract the results of their eflorts by
doing likewise.
Dalzell refuses to retire from the
league presidency field with Congress
man Robinson In the interest of har
mony. As. this is a good year for
kickers It may be possible for Dalzell
to kick himself in, but we doubt his
ability to do so. By the way, should
not the straightouts have some en
couragement ?
IiAbt week the pension office at
Washington issued 6,297 pension cer
tificates. These called for a total first
payment of iG4,847. This amount
seems large. Over half a million paid
out last week alone, and merely to new
claimants on the publlcbounty. How-
03Z33KTIX',3 PER YD.
RAG STAIR CARPET, taken out of
the loom to-day.
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin SL, Dear Centre
Carpets and
Our stoclto JiLOOR OIL CZOIH jorthe all trade
is now complete.
to select from in all widths, qualities and prices.
Two yards wide, from $1.00 per yard up.
A large Assortment New SlylesAll Prices.
Don't forget our five year old pure Apple. Vinegar,
and Mixed Spices or PlcMing.
tra large, wJiite and at,
ever, no one will be bo niggardly as to
grudge the old soldier bla juet dues.
The Integrity of this nation to-day,
as well as Its commercial prosperity, Is
due ulone to his gallantry and hla
courage. The United States Is redeem
ing her pledge well to those who fought
for her her life and her honor. No
old soldier and no old soldier's wife or
children will bo left to feel the pangs
of hunger while Uncle Sam has a dol
lar left In the treasury.
Mark our words. It will not be
many years beforo American shipyards
will be engaged In building ironclads
for foreign navies. Already the naval
experts of one power have been feeling
our market for a couple of big battle
ships. Why not?
Sometimes figures are more eloquent
than words. The new official census
of Great Britain shows that while
fifty years ago there were 8,105,124
i souls in Ireland, there are now only
4.700,101 souls a loss of about three
and a half millions of population in
that period, 450,000 of Whioh are cred'
ited to the decade just passed. And
the most striking feature of this state
of facts is that the north of the island
is a greater loser than other parts of
the island. In the last ten years the
number of abaudoned homesteads and
dwellings in all Ireland has increased
12 per cent. The Irish land bill, if
there be any virtue in it, passed none
too soon. It will take much good gov
eminent to replace In small part what
bad government has wantonly de
stroyed. The evil done can never be
fully atoned for.
Second Hand Books at Half Price,
Have just purchased a largo involco of
second band school books, almost new,
which I wilt soil at halt price. A specialty
inhlgh school books.
Also, 5,000 tablets, formerly sold at 1G
cents, now 6 cents.
Como early boforo all gone.
Max Reese, Agent.
Last Picnic
Columbia park will ba abandon od next
September, as tho site will thereafter bo
used &3 a dumping around for tho Kohioy
Run colliery. The 'ast event to be hold in
the park ia a picnic of tho Columbia GJeo
Club, to bo held on Saturday, Soptembcr
12th. 8 20-lw
Oil Cloths.
Ihe Tattle of the Tattlers Timely
Taken and Told Typograplcally
In a Tastoful and Tempt
ing Tono.
There is something choorful in tbo sight
that moots one's otes to-day. lie e and
thero ho meots a coup of school cb' dren,
weighted with books, ela.03 and olhor edu
catlonal perquVtes, bound to or from the
school house or tea book store, full of
oagor excitement and vo'y evidently re
joicing that the tcbool days havo again
begun. Tbey havo opjoyod tboir Jong
vacation and many of ibom woro loath to
see us lorm grow shorter and tbo limo of
work draw near. Ajd yet when the school
day actually conies and tbo school boll
rings tbey scamper off to their arithmetics
and spoiling with as much alacrity as if the
books were doHs or base ball bats. Thore
is on immeofo amojnt of enthusiasm ex
pressed on tho face3 and in thu speech of
our school children of all ages to-day
And for tho typical laggard, "creepin:
liKO snail unwillingly to school." ono
Would have to search long and fruitlessly.
Of oourso Shenandoah children do not
all lovo school. It is not tbo naluro of
every child no', porbapr, of many children
so to do. Tho eminent Edward Evorelt
Ilalo has said, in a recent magazine article,
that be always haled school and was en
couraged to bato it. And, strange as such
words sound f'om ouo of tbo deepest
students and most widoly read scholars of
tho ago, thoy probably pretty accurately
eipress tho sentiments of many of tbo
aplost pupils of our Ecbools. It was Dr.
Halo's hatred of school, ho tells us, that
mado him apply himself raoro diligently.
He knew his lessons must bo loarnoi, and
ho made baste to learn tbem, that tbo ab
horred task might bo as spoodily as possible
finished. Those of our pupils who lovo
school will learn readily enough. The
discipline that was applied in Dr. Ilalo's
caso mako ovon tboso who lean toward
truancy tho head boys of tho class.
The childron who hate school in tho ab
stract are the most ontbusiasllo pupils to
day. Ask tbo teachers if it is not so. Tho
boys who are tbo most unruly and tbe girls
who rofuso to study aro apparently tho most
oajer to begin tho school yjar. They do
notreaby lovo to study. Tbe flwttnn
minute reccs ot the now lorm will bo to
them one of the baopiest ton mlnulei ever
known. A ed yet tbe'r avtual dolight over
school's beginning far exceeds tbat of their
more demurely studious com-ades.
"Why cii't Ibis eager ODtbutlaira bo al
ways maintained 7 Why need it wear
away and tbo eoorot pleasu-o of t;i'dy 'or
tbo boys and c''ls in question w''M cever
openly admit it is a p'oature be tbe
perennial substitute for tbo g-inding
drudgery tbat seems su.-o to set in next
Perhaps our wleo toscbers may mako It
so. Perhaps tbey will see that a hov who
b ,Ua ma'.bematios can oot bo made to ado-o
tbem, and bo may novclbelfM be made
vory proficient in them. PerbapUbev wll
take tho cue Iron the ao'Jvity of'i;sor
that lazy boy to-day and endeavor to keep
him active all year. Perhaps they will,; -y
to improcs on their pupils tbat trite b'.'t
wholesome lesson that the more diligont'y
tbey work the briefer will bo the haled
labor. And thus, porhaps, even like Dr.
Halo, tbey will reach a period when da-
tested study will become unconsciously a
dolight. We will at lout hope so.
And let us hope that the relations of
parents and pupils will not be marred dur
log the ensuing term as thoy woro during
the last. Let parents act with forobearanco
and, should tbey feel called upon to In
quire in complaints mado to tbem by
children, let them do so with a spirit of
fairness and not pronounce guilty upon
anyone until a full Investigation is made.
With a spirit of harmony prevailing be'
tween parent and teacher the child can
gain much. But the Influence of home and
the school room must bo combin d before
arjygood losult can boa'la'nod. When
ever a child topo Is a ciovaoco let tho
Ds eot consult wl,h tbo toaoberln asp ,'t
ca'oiiialed to p'-omoie an am'cab'o ar arge-
raont, and not do or say anything that w'll
tood to sow seeds of dlico'd Rnd prec'pUato
a lud;c-ous oxbibUfon befo.-o the ichool
load. School teacbe s a;o human and
a orab'atooif, bulfio Inves'igalioos du -fDg
.bo last to ms showed that most of tbo
cr o swore chargeable to tbo pa'-on add
that had tho uoublos been handled ctOm'y
aid jua'c'iocsly much ill feollng would
b&vo been avoided.
Pithy, Pungent, Pleasing Points
Polntodly Paragraphod.
Get registered.
Shenandoah will poll 2,100 to 2 203 voifs
celt elec.ioo.
The political pot gives internal ovidenco
of violent unrest.
Tbo clocloa th's yoir will not bo bold
under tbo new law.
Oandida.os for office aro now making
tbo rounds among tbe farmorj.
Tbo campaign leUor writer is abroad.
Noit wi'l ba tbo nffldivit fiend.
Farme-s say thoy no too busy making
money this year to talk politics.
This ought to bo a bard cider campaign.
There will ba plenty of the liquid this fall.
The interests of lha Btito administration
woro looked after hero on Monday by a
delegation consisting of Jim Sweeney, of
Ilazloton; Jim Padden of Cass, and Hugh
McGarvoy, cilizon at largo. Their instruc
tions were to boo that tho administration
which employs tbom was not neglectod in
tho resolutions, and thoy accompl'sbod
their mission without any apparent effort.
isunday S' News, (Dom.)
Powdorly's friends do not relish the
attacks made upon him by tho DmocHtic
Tbe decision on tho raco question in tbo
bons of America has no political signid
McKinley is striking hard blows in Ohio
His audiences aro the largest over seon at a
political mooting.
Harrison is willing to withdraw if Blaine
wants tbe Presidential nomination. That
is tho latest from tho seat of war.
The Damocats nominated a ticket that
sent a thrill of joy into tho boirt of overy
Republican in tbo county. It was a strange
combination of deceit, troicbery, corrup
lion and stupidity, and wa3 lust powerful
enough to defoat tho expressed will of tho
majority and to nominate a ticket tbat
invites disaster in November. Jack Smith
in the S'News.
uei. uogg 13 mooting wun a cord'al re
ception wherever be goes, 'the old vetei-
ans will rally around him to a man.
"We hopo the ticket will bo elected in its
ontiroiy, but wo have our doubts about it."
So tho S Netos comments on the Democratic
ticket. Wo doubt with jou, old fol
Tbo Republicans aro not troubling them
solves about Q ay or Mageo. Thoyaioa
unit for the ticket nominalod at Harrisburg
and Potlsvillo.
When tbo Chronicle mado tho attack o:t
Major Pinnoy, last wcok, for leaving bi
post on a leave of absence, it did not occur
to its bright editor that tbo Democratic
boss at Harrisburg was giving out freo
passes to tho clerks to onnblo them to attend
tho DemocMtio convention in order to bavo
the state administration endorsed. Novo?'
theloss it was a fact and tho abovo confirms
Tho S'iYewjBiys Shenandoah was repro
sonted at tho Democratic county conren
Hon by "half lads," and tbo joke hinges on
Denny Doyle failing to pull Na9h through
Thero aro quite a number of pretty good
political jobs put up for next year already
Tbey will all receive careful attention in
due time. ,
Graf will havo
more fruit jars Tuesday
or Wednesday,
Ono Man Killed and Ono Sorlously
James Ferguson, of South Jardin street.
was brought to town at noon with
his right arm crushed from writt to elbow
Ills relatives say he was injured in a coal
train wreck at Mtbanoy City, but inquiry
at tbe Lehigh and P. & H. depots failed to
disclose any sueb wreck, siooco said tb
man was Injured at Sbamokio. Ferguson
will probably lots tbo arm. He has a wife
and two children. Ho was brought to
town tbis afternoon.
Patrick Joyce, an aged repalrsman, was
struck by a P. & II. train at llabsnoy
Plana this morning and instantly killed,
Walt for Bargains.
J. Coffee has gone to Philadelphia and
Now Y.'rk to purchaso a stock of goods for
both his South Main street stores. Ho will
be absent ten days and will bring back
with him tho largest and flnost stock of
boots, bIioos, clothing and gents' furnishing
gsods evor brought to this town. Parties
in search of bargains in this line of goods
should watch for bis return as he will toll
his purchafos at the most reasonable prices
imaginablo. Tho stock will be first class
in every particular. Watch for Coffee1
That tired leollng now 8) often heard ef,
Is entirely ovorcomo by Hood's S&rshparilla
which "gives menial and bodily strength. '
Mooting of Olorgymen Yesterday
Afternoon in tho P. M. Church
to Provent tho Dosooration
of tho Sabbath.
The pastor having returned a few davB
aso f.'om Ocean Grovo tbo subject of last
evening's discourse in tbo M6thodlst Episco
pal church was "Sea Sido Meditations.''
Tbo text was, "Tbo Sea Is His and Ho
mado it." It speaks to us in its vastnos,
power and depths of its Alakor. Tbo o dices
it porfo.-ms fjr man in bearing away oartb's
Bswago, purlfving its atmospboro, equal
izing its temperatu o and be'plng to pro-
ido its food supplies from its o'gbtthou
sand vacict'es of fish proclaims tbo w sdom
and goodness of God. No wonder that
Cbiist loved tho sea and frequented its
ores and tbat wo do tbo samo as oppor-
turily aflords. Our rapidly multiplying
peasdoreso ts proc'aim tho mato-'al pras-
povity of man. Not only tbo rich but the
poor aro g owing richer. Notwithstanding
isolated exceptions a day's wages repr&onls
ore comfort in tbo past decade tban over
befoio. Tno coation of larger wants and
flier a'pirations maiks an epoch in tbe
pward development of tho 'aco indo
pendently of tbo question of their realize
on. A struggle onsues for an upward rise
and somehow we get thero. Honco paupers
avo conveniences and comforts within
tnelr reacn wn cn r low yean ago woro
denied to kings. Only Christianity fur-
sshes tho inspiration. Thero Is no progress
beyond its pale. Men may doploro tho
changes which havo taken place In our
camp moetlngs but we aro powerloss to ro
slst tbem, Old-fashioned camp meetings
aro things of tho past. Wo do not need
tho camp meeting as a distinctively spirit'
al institution as it was formerly needed
Tho multiplication of cbuiches has djno
much to supply thu need that called thorn
into bolng. But tboy are needed as sum
mor resorts under religious auspices. Wo
read much of tbe poworful meolings at
Ocoan Grove. Truol Men preach llko
Paul and sing liko angols although some
f the proaching and singing aro as poor as
you can find anywhere olse but the inside
rojults are no greater than in many lees
pretentious places, showing that tho hard
ness of tho sinner's heart Is a factor in tbo
problom of salvation that defies both
human and divine influences. Another
tbougbt i3 concerning tbo adaptation of ro
ligiousprlnciplos to civil polity. Among the
unconvorted thousands at Ocean Grovo ho
saw no ono drunk and saw no ono quarrol
and heard no one swear. Childron skipped
and played in perfect eafoly, Contral Park,
New York, spends fSCO,0C3 a year to pro'
lect her flower beds and walks but Ocoan
grovo with more va'uablo interests gets
a'ong with ono or two policemen. Why
There aro no saloons. Incarnate fiends aro
trying to dos.roy its peace by introducing
them. But thero thoy encounter men who
have instead of "a cotton string down their
back" a roal gonuino back bone. This is
all that is needed to mako Shenandoah
very different place from what It now is I
this respect. Mon wbo instead of doling
out moral suasion to Inco-rigiblo rumsellers
will imitate the mook and lowly Jesus
when he mado a whip of small cords and
said to tho incorrigiblo thieves in his
fathers houso "get out."
Sabbath Obaorvanco.
A meeting was hold in tho Primitlvo
Mcthoditt church yestorday afternoon at
which nearly ovo-y congregation of tho
town was represented to consider tbo ques
tion of Sabbath observance in geneial and
tho suppression of baso hall In particu ar.
After an interchange of views it was de
cided to request the pastors of tho town to
meet, with three laymon from tbelr respec
tive churches, this evening at 8:30 to formu
late somo plan of notion.
Orwigsburg .Fair.
Tba Miu annual fair of tho Sohuylkll
County Agricultural 3ocity will be held
at Orwigsburg and will open to-morrow,
September 1st, and olosa on the evening of
the-llh. Prof. L. Van Norman, of Sagi
naw, Mich., has a lUbl of nobis steeds.
He will glvo his daring feat of hurdlo and
other fancy riding, He give one perform
ance which alone is worth the prise of ad
mission, Jt is his Roman chair feat whioh
has never beon shown anywhere in this
section of the oountiy. All who detlro to
spend an enjoyable week should go to tho
Waters' Weiss beer is the best,
lloilly solo agent.
John A
Pay Attention.
J. Coffeo bus a quantity of John Bain
brldgo's oil cloth loft and will sell it to
morrow at his South Main street storo at
surprisingly ..low prices. 8 31-lt
It don t do to neglect nature's warnlug
aches through tho ytlem, cause ltlieuruo
tlsm, Nturnlgu and Backache. Try Ited Klag
I'll, t.It) A'UIUWU. A W.M UU.V. WVtUWH.AU'
un's drug sture.
John G'ant Is in Scnolon.
'Squire Williams is back from tho sea-
M. Vernooy visited friends at Mahanoy
City to-day.
Miss Bella Grant is home again from
William Otto spent Sunday with his
friODds at Potlsvi'lo.
John T. Davies, of St. Nicholas, was a
isitor to town Saturday evening.
Goorgo and Will -McIIilo, of Uazloton,
pent a fow days In town Saturday.
Goorgo Williams, tho South Main stroet
grocer, spont Sunday at Mt. Cvmel.
Mis. O. A. koitn and her relic, Miss
Joan Glover, camo home Saturday night.
M. b. Biggs' family has returned lolown
from llmgtown, where tho summer Was.
P. H. Gilbert, who has boon on tbo sick
ist, is again able to resumo his position at
tbo minos.
B. F. Parrott and his brotho in-law.
Elmer Wildo, are enjoying themselves at
Atlantic City.
W. C. Mooro, post offlco insnoctor, of
Philadelphia, was in town on Saturday on
official business.
Charlo Gurvon, ono of Duncan & Waid-
loy's polite clorks, is enjoying his vacation
at Atlantic City.
Inside foreman Thomas Giles, of Maha
noy Piano, is a victim of typhoid fever and
is in a critical condition.
John Gettlngor, of Silver Brook, and
William J. Williams, of Audenrlod, wero
Saturday visitors to town.
Mrs. T. O'Mahoney, who hal boen
spending tho past two weeks with friends in
town, returned to her homo in Philadel
phia Saturday.
Miss Maniio Shannon, of Patterson,
N. J., wbo has beon tho guost of Misa
Lizzie Oliver, of North Main stroet, re
turned tobor homo.
Max B. Meyer i pent Sunday in Ashland.
This morning ho loft for Heading whore. In
company with his friend Amos Poking, of
iiiysburg, will visit Torre Hill, Lancaster
Prof. Kendrick, tho phenomenal cornet-
ist of tbo U. S. Marino band, will bo homo
on Wednesday, lie is expected to pivo.
concerts ovory evening during his stay hero
in his father's cafo.
Death of Director of tho Poor
Director of tho Poor Charles K. Kano
diod at his residence in Port Carbon on
Saturday ovening, after an illness of sovoral
weeks. Inflimmalion of tbe bowels was
tbo causo of death.
Mr. Kano was a young man, being but
29 years of age. Ho was an exceedingly
popular young man, as nttoslod by tbe
brilliant victory ho achieved last fall when
ho ran against Josoph Nichtor, of Polts
ville, for tho Poor Directorship.
Tho deceased left a wifo and two child
ren. Ho was a momber of Camp 131 and
Grant Commandory, P. O. S. of A., Odd
Fellows, Junior Order United Amorican
Mechanics and tbo Good Will IIoso Com
pany of Potlsvillo.
The remaining directors of tho board
feol tho loss of their colloaguo koenly.
Tho funoral will "lake place to-morrow, at
2:30 p. m. Intormont at Port Carbon.
Charlos T. Gibson, of town, Is a brother-in-law
of tho doceasod.
Robbed of $340.
Wbllo John Strobulski, a First ward
Hungarian who keops a boarding houso.
was absont from his houso with his wifo
yesterday afternoon, his trunk was broken
open and SI0 In cash was stolen. Upon
discoyer'ng hlsloss Strobulski questioned bis
boarders and all but ono signified a willing
ness to go beforo tho Polish priest and
swear ho did not tako tbo money. Stro
bulski then applied to 'Squire Monagban
for relief. Ha wanted a warrant issued
aga nsttbo man wbu declined to swear.
Uo did not want io arrest tho man, but
wanted a warrant issued to c impel him to
go with the other boarders before the priest
and swear ho did not take the money. Of
cou,fo the 'Squire oould issue no such
warrant and at last account the boarding
boss was still minus his money.
Fancy Bartlelt pears,
'6 cents per basket,
at Coslett't.
You aro thinking of taking
in your flowers, and you will
want somo pots. Wo got a
lot of very cheap ones Mon
day, and when you aro ready
to plant don't forgot that you
can get them at
No. 122 North Jardin Street.