The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 29, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
JT. C, nOVIUl, Iklltnr mul J'uMMier.
IV it, .7. WATKJya, J.oniJ IMUor.
2Jie WJIXIKO HliltALVhaia larger cir
culation in Menantloah tliun any other paper
publUhnt, Jtookt (.penjoull. .
DAit-y.ner year, - ?3 "
WitF.Ki.r. ner Tear 1 SO
Entered at tho Poetoillce, at Shenandoah, l'a,
for trannralMlon through tho malls.
oh neeoml clam malt matter.
Waterway Convention.
'New Ohi.kans, La., Aug. 2!). Hon. D.
1). Wood, chairmuiiof theRxeetttivo Com
mittee on the Improvement of Western
"Waterways, lias Issued a cull for a con
vention to be held in 'Evansvllle, Ind.,
October 14 una lu.
lli-ilutlnK Tholr Voreo of Kmployes,
ltooHEBTF.n. Ane. 29. The Koehestor
Urick nnd Tile works have cut down their
force of 200 or BOU men to less than 70,
nnd the Ocnnan Hrick anil Tile Company
liavo made a similar reduction in tho
number of its employe.
TlllJ I'rMlllBllt'H Spi-ei-hivi.
Catr May Point, N. J., Auk. 29. Tlie
President since ho loft Untie May Pom
lias made !17 speeches. He returned her
somewhat wearied from hit trip, instead
-til helms rosu-l. an he liad liopud to bo.
Oh, What a Cough.
will inn hred the warnliiE? The slenol per
ht.Tit f,i n- miir i.tii rnnch of that more ter
rible dltente, Counmirtlon. Ask yourselves
11 jou inn nflord Itr the rake ot saving 61)
.ik in rim 1hp Tlalr nnd do notblm: for It.
e know fieri exrr rlence that BlilUih'H Cure
willt uru jonr Cough. It uevtr falls. This
explain) why tiore thnn a Million Bottles
,,,.iiilil:n Timi Tpnr. It relieves Crout)
and Whoppine Coul'Ii nt once. Mothers do
net be without It. For Lame Back, Bide or
Cl.rht.UM-Million's Porous l'lnfter. Bold by
C. II. llncrnbueli, N. E. corner wain ana
Lloyd fctreets. ,
School days are coming.
Hooky Mountain Cure.
Tho druggists claim that people cnl
dally for tho now euro for constipation and
sick headache, discovered by Dr. Silas
Lano while in tho Koc-Uy Mountains. It
aid to be Oregon grape root (a great
romody in tho far West for those com
plaints) combined with simplo herbs, and
uuado for uto by pouring on boiling water
to draw out tho strength. It tells at 0
cents a packago and is tailed Lane's
Family Medicine.
Autumn is approaching.
Swift's Specific is the great
dovolopor, of delicate child
ren. It regulatos the secre
tions; it stimulates tho skin to
healthy action, and as3.sta
nature in development.
Thero is no tonic for child
ren equal to
S. S. S.
Send for our treatise on Blood ni
Bkin Disease.
Swur SvmurK) Co., Atlanta, G
Tho. Pullman Palaco Oar Com
pany's LatOBt Production.
Willi tlui mnrveloUB liunrovetnentof
Into days In interior architecture and
elaboiato llnish of l'ullman cars it
requires tho exceptional to attract
mure thuu passing notice nnd tho
extraordinary to druw forth comment.
Home months ago the 1'ennsyivuuni
Iluilronil Coinpauy ordered Irom mo
I'ullmnu wonts, tor tno equipment, oi
tho New York tmd Washington nnd
(JoiiRresslonnl Limited express trains
I?roinG2mr.i!e2impleH to nlintliintc rtC25SMAi
tilao ITCHING IU.I-;o.
flcricl for "IlititA for rtltclicii rtrill 81clt
Kooiu,11 a baDdy book for tho household. ?ItZ3,
-Muldonn building, corner Centre
t Bib., Bheuaudoah, t'a.
Justice of the Peace,
Deed", Lences, Mortgages and Honda written
Marriage license, aim i-n". ...
piomptly attended to.
leal Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency,
General KIre IiiBiirance Iliislnes"). lteprescnis
the IsoriuweBieru iaio iusiimuiuo,..
Rnd Went
Good Properties ot All Kinds For Sale.
1. A two htory doulilo lrame dwelling nnuee
.inraAnd rrxi fl 11 Prt n I . Oil Kafct Ot'lllrC lit
2. A. dwelling and rohtaurant on East Ctntre
street. , .
3. Tienlrable property on corner Ccntio and
Jardtu sireeiB, huiuvuie lur uumuu
t.oi'ea. . .
4. A two story double name awening, on
Weft Llovd street.
5. Two2ftory lrame dwellings on West Cen
tra strrel. .
6. Two aalory dwellliiBi on tho corner ol
Coal ailQ UUOMUUl, Blieuia nwie ...
7. Two-rtory elnsle house on North riiestnui
cni.t witi, n ijirp-ftwaiehrmsQ at the rear.
g Tnt ee two-mory double fnmo bulldlngB
corner ol L,ioyuanu i-nueri sirteio.
Important Slllllarr Dlaplny,
Loftnojr. Auk. 29. Tiio grand manoU'
I lie vres of tho German army In Alsnce-Lor-
. . . " ,." f"r"..:.." V"" ' " Ti. ... ..Ill Win nn UnnHnv i.nvt. .ml Ut
II.... Aw. r mwl until tho 18th of September. They nro
"'!. 7 " . . - " V fn Iw. f mn limn onllnnM li.
the leBUll is now aeeii in tne new cain p-r"-" "
running this Inst week on. these two ponauco uuuu
ktirtii11iotir. Cftllfl VCBTtllll IP T r fl 1 1 1 H . I
m-IiIpIi raiimeet In a few hours the Sociall.t Platform Itejectod,
hiIIiiii'h nudrnnolls with her beat of LEirslO. Auk. 29. A cougross of Gor
L'overiinient. Whut Is surely ''f much man commorclnl clerks, now In session lu
more importance than tho liuudsotne this city, has rejected by a large majority
ixterior tlnlsh of these caw, over n proposal to adopt a socialistic platform
which even experienced travelers nre 'thero nro M(u delegates present.
Be iDXloas were the tnofecti rr itlwrt mea thai
puny Doyai inrin verpuiaa"Ktu.
Every man can ds uiJtunj
ana viuuttuuuia an reipeciii
Hold It to tho Light.
Tho man who tolls you conildontiallj
ust what will cure your cold is prescribing
Kemp's Balsam this year. In tho prep
aration of thi9 remarkable medicine for
coughs and colds no oxpenEO is spared to
coiubiuo only tho bebt and purest ingredi
ents. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to
tho light aud look through it; notico tho
bright, clear look; then comparo vith
' remedies. Price Wie. and $1
The picnic lover is still on.
Mew Yohk, February 28, 1S0O
Alva'B Brazilian Bpecltle Co. OuMlcmcn :
1 ti,kn iileustire In Lertl'vlDfr to thocurelie-
celved throiiKh your uudlclne, lhe Lartua
lllood Cure. 1 have bien a fcutlerer Irom
erupllcmB upon the skin cciinu, etc., lor
fcoveral yeats. During Hint time I was
treated by several sklllid pb slclims In those
Iroublt-H wlthi ut any beueflt. Aller takluu
two bottles I mn euiliely well, and hearilly
recomnienu mo meaiciuu 10 nny imp suuer
lug irom llKo troubles. I). McKKON.
8' 8 BistU avenue
Bold at Klrlln'B Drug Btore.FeiKUbon House
JJlocK. suenanuoH".
Don't full to have yourself registered
Shiloh's Consumption Curo.
This 1b beyond qiustlon the muni sno-
ceBBlul CoiiL'h Medicine we lmc fvfrsold
u lew doses lnvurlubly cure the woibt cubes ol
Coach. Croun. and llionehllls. while Its won-
derlid nicc'-r I- ibe cure of Coubiimptlon is
vtibout u parallel in the hUlory f medicine.
Rluce it's Ilrl (llfccoM-ry it bas been told on a
guarantee, a test which no other medicine
can stand, li yuu luve a Cough we earneFtly
ask you totiy it. l'lli 10 rents fidcmls, aud
tl. 10. If your Lungs ore sore, thtst or llaclc
lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Hold by
O. U. llageubuch, Xi. K. comer Uelu and
Lloyd BtreelB.
About 8,000 stnrs
nuUed eye.
nro visible to the
How to Suocoed.
This Is the great problem of llle which lew
satisfactorily solve, homo lall beeauso oi
poor health, others waul ol luck, bill the
majority from deficient grit want ol nerve,
'i'hev are nervous, lrrcbolute. changeable.
easily get the blues and "take the spirits
Gi)Wl)lOKfp ino ppiriiH up, imis warning
money, lime, opportuniiy ana nerve iorce.
Q'here is nothing like theltestoriitlveNervlne,
dlscuvered bv the ure&t specialist. Dr. Allies,
to cure alt nervous ditcasos us headache, the
blues, nervous probtiutlou, sleeplessness,
neiiralxla. Ht. Vitus daree. llts. aud hyiteila,
Trial bullies nnd tine book of testimonials
lree at C. II. Hagonbuch's drug store.
There will noon be a demund again
lor school books.
A Fatal Mistake.
I'hyslelaiia make no more fatal mistake
than when they Inform patients that nervous
lioart troubles come from the stomucband
nro of little rouiciiuence. Dr. l-'ranklm
Siller, the noted Indiana breclullsi, has
nruven the contrary lu his new book on
"HHHtUiKsw," which may behadfreeat
C. II, llngenbuob's dm? store who mixriintceB
and ruoummeiuM Dr. Allies m.rqualtd New
Heart Cure, which has tin largest snle ol any
lioart remedy In the world. It eures nervous
t.nd orcanlo heart disease, short breath.
fluttering, pain or tendi-rness In the side, arm
or shoulder, Irregular pulse fainting, smother
ing, dropsy, etc. Ills Hestorallve Nervine
cures neaoHune, nw, eie.
I'eaohes, watermelons
teloupes have the call.
nnd emi-
Mlloa' Norve antt Llvor PIIIh
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels through the timv.
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily
cure uiiiousueH, uau uisie, l-.iiuu iMer,piies,
oonstlptitlon. Unequaled lor men, women,
children. Smallest, mildest, surest I Sidoses,
Vwts. Hamplen Kiee, .ut C. II. llageubuch i
arug store,
Completed to Doadwood.
The Uurlington Kouto, 0., 1). & Q. B. B.
from Chicago, 1'oorla and St. Louis, is now
cotnpletod, and daily passenger trains aro
running through Lincoln. Nob., and
Custor, 8. I)., to Dead wood, Also to Now
castle, "Wyoming. Stooping cars to Dead
wood, tf
i n a i i
1 WJc LS-
enthusiastic, 1b tho Improved nnd
lieuvv trucks ou which tho unlaces are
built. 'Ihev huve been, with
the wheels ami nxles, sub
looted to the vcrv hlchest test, even
beyond tho stanuard, which on tho
rminsvlvania ltullioiul Is highest
known, aud nt tho end of their active
journey came to a halt as cool almost
us at me start, a iie aestguer uere hub
al-io made a marked advance, and one
iiroinotiiiit untold comfort, by nrrstiK
I tlin piiiitinrtlirm of car boiiv and
truck so as to reduce to a minimum
the swaying motion ordinarily lell
when under full speed. The entire
trains nre connected by vestibules,
Iltt'ed for steam heat and emilpped
with Improved atr-brako appliances,
which practically slop the cars almost
in their own length. The former
etiuitimeut of these trains teemed im
possible to be improved upon, yet their
noifeotlon of design and finish
demonstrates the eapucllies of this
modern age for wonderful and ladletil
changeB. The exterior appeurame,
aside from the dr.iwiuK-rooin auuled
bay-windows, is identical with the
regulation Pullman in eolorand design,
and It is not until advancing thiough
the vestibule that the revelation of
what Americans have grown to expect
in taking their few hundred miles
Inuutsismade manifest, as illustrated
tnese luxuriously liuisueit ptuucis
on wheels, jne upuoistery ot tno
comfortable, revolving easy ehaiis and
sofjs. uirotding seating accommoda
tions for thirty-four persons in each
enr, is of a white, Imported mohair
cloth, worked with Hull red silk em
bossing. The ilooring is covered with
Secretary Foster's Trip.
Washington. Auk. 29. Secretary Fos
ter will lenvo Washington for n two weeks'
trip along tho Now England const about
tho mlddlo of September, lto expects to
go as far north as Bar Harbor, Mo.
Found Dead In lied.
PonTSMOCTll. N. II., Aug. 29. William
Doford. a wealthy citizen of Baltimore,
was found dead in bed at the Applodoro
House. Islo of Slionls, yesterday. Apo
plexy was the cause of death.
Ituslness Failures for tho Week.
New YoitK. Aug. 29. Uradstreet's re
ports ISO fnllures in the United States
during the past weok, agaiust 181 in the
preceding week.
Philadelphia and Reading Eailroad
line Table n tiled July 10, 1801
for New York via Phlladelnhta. week ds vs.
2..0 5.25, 7.20 n. m. and 12.35 2.50 and 6.56
For Kew
p. m. Huttday 2.10 aud 7.4S
York, via Mauch Chunk, week days,
twin, Vlll juut:il uuuux,
Ml. a. m. and 12.35 nud 'i.rjl n.
For lteadlnor anil Plillcripfnhla week davt.
2.10, 7.20, a. m., 12.35 '!.U) and 5.55 p: m,
oniiuny, i.iuana ;.ia a. m., 4J0 p. m.
For Harrisburg, week days, 2.10,7.20 a. m,i
i,L0, D.65 p. m.
For Alleatown, week days, 7.20 i. m 12.35
or- I'ottsvllle, week days, 2.o,7.20,s. m.,
12.35 S.M and6.55p.iu. Sunday, 2 10 and 7.48
u. in , 4 80 p.m.
For Tamauua and Mahanoy City, week
dys, 2.10, 5.25, 7.20, a, m., 12.31 2.t0 and 6.65
p. in, Sunday, 2.10 and 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m.
Additional lor Mahanoy City, week days 7.09
p. in.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days.
7,20 b. to... 2.60 p. m.
For W'llllamsport. Bunbury nnd LewlRburg,
week days, 3.23, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m.. 1.35, 7.00
p. m. Kunday 8:23 a. ra., 3.05 p. m.
For .Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10 8.23,
1 3fi, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m., 12.35, 1.35. 2.60, 5.55,
7.00 ana v.'i n m. Hunday, 2.10, 3.23 and7,4B
a. m.-, 4.30 p. ra.
For (ilraravllle (Rappahannock Btatlonj
ivpc asys, z.iu, n.zOt i.w sou u.&ja. m.t
12.35, 1 35, 1..50, 6,65, 7.00 and w.25. p. m. Bunday,
10, . .2 ,, 7.48 a. m., 8.C5, 1.30 p. m.
f or Asniana ana cnamosiu, wees, uayrs;
li, 5.25, 7.20, ii.3ti a. m., i.u, .iw ana
m. unnday 3.25, 8 32 a, m., 3.05 p. m.
Leave New York via PhlladelDhla. week
days. 7.45 a. m,, 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.1 a
tnni. eunoay, e.wp. m n.iomsnu
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk.
ooys, h.43 a. to., i.uu auu p. m.
l.eavo I'hllsdelphla, ween days, 4.10, ana
10.00 a. m. 4.00 ami 6.00 p. to., frrm Broi'd
and CallowbiU and 8.35 a. m. and 11.30 p. m.
from fith and ureeu eliooifl. Buudav B.05 a.
m. 11.10 p. m. from ttth ana (i.u.
jjeave- Kenning, wees days, l 6). T.iu,
and 11.60 n. m 5.55, 7.57 p, m. Bunday 1.35 and
10.48 0. m.
Leave Fotisvine, ween days, .4u,7.4u a. m.,
llUXf, 6.11 p. m. Bnuday, 2.40, 7,00 a. in. ana
p. xa.
jae xnmaqua. weea aays, j.zu, o.ti huh
2 ) a. ra.. 1.21. 7.13. and u.18 p. m. Hunday 8.10
43 . in. and 250 p. in.
ieave mauanoy uny, wbhk usys, o.iv, d. a
nil 11.47 fl. m.. l.fil. 7.42 and 9.44 Tl. 111. Hun.
iUy, 8.40,8.17 h. m., 3.20 p. m.
Leave liauanoy i-ihdi;, wbir unfB,i ii.iii
SO, 95, 11.69 a. m.,l.ti5, 2.00. 5-20, fl 28,7.57, and
'ivip. m. Bunday 2.4;, 4.00, and 8.7, a. m.
37, 5.01, p. m.
jLisuve Gtmrdvllle (llappahannock HUitinu)
week days. 2.47 4.07, 6.83, and 9.11 a. m., 12.03
zt ti.i, ti.BZ,B.U3 ano lu.oti p. m, Dunaay,z,?v
.0. , c 33 . m. H.41, C.i7 p. m.
Leave WUllamsport. week days, 3.(10,9.43 ant
U.55 a, m. 3.35 and 11.15 p. m. Bunday 11.1 j
)'. m.
Hor Baltimore, Washington and the west
via 13. & 0. 11. B., through trains leave Glrard
Avenue station. Philadelphia, (P. & It. K. It.)
at 4.16, sui ana 11,21 a, m i.m, -i.i, o.oa hu
7.23 p, in. Bunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a. m 4.24
no ana p. m,
Leave i'hlladolnhla. Chestnut Street Whan
and -Joath Street Wharf. ,
i-or Atlantic CHt.
Week-dars ExnrefF. 5.15. 8 00. 9:00. 10.15 a. .
ra. and 1 in (Saturdays only. 1.30), 2.U), 3.00. "
3.30, i.'f, 5 00, 0.00 p. m. AccoaiHio Jatlon, 7 40
a. m., 4.ii, u p. iu.
inno .m,-elxprexs, 5 15, 7.00. 7.30, 8.00, 8 30,
9.00, 0.30 a. m. and 4 80 p. m. aocoiiiiuu .iiuull
8.00 a. m. ana 1 10 p. m.
itetarnlng, leave Allan tie city, depot corner
i'pitinind Arkanpup nvenuns. weer-nv
F.nnresR. 7.00. 7J0. 8 00. 9.00. 10.00 a. m. and 3 15.
4 00, 5 SO. 6.3", 7.30, 9 30 p. ni. Accommodation
0.00,8.10a.m. and 4.10 p m. Bnndays-Fx-
press, 3 so, 4.W, o oo, u oo, u-au 7-uo, 7.3U. 8 ou, .8l
p. m. Accommodation, 7.30 a. m ,5.05 p. m.
u. HAi-ilviA., uteu i r ae, r Lgii
A. A. MOLKOD. Pros, ft Gen'l Manager.
Purifies tho blood, tones up
the system, gives an appetite
Cures dyspepsia, constipa
tion, sick headache. Kegulates
the liver and kidneys, and be
sides cures all blood and skin
diseases, whether manifested
only by common pimples, or
eczema, or by ulcers, abscesses,
and the more violent effects of
scrofula and blood poison.
13 perfectly harmless and
never fails.
Sold at Klrlin's Drug Store,'
Ferguson's Jloicl Block, Shenandoah, Pa,
(nBerlnj from tlERVODB DE-
hood, fbyilc&l txceiitB, Mental
Worry, Stunted Development, or
...BEIinHlI. fllDI . . .. .. ..
mU;rto PEKftcx health nd ! a rieu. Heavy itiruiBii eurpeiiuir,
lCOty.(,KT 1631 L7'
MEN, tb Prid and Power of Nations.
Wo claim by years of practice by
our ?Tclnsivo method a uniform
MOHOrOLY OF BUUCttSB" in ircai-
I.. nil TH.mmm WitTite rtnrl
AOlcttoniof Men. Testimonial!)
i ' f rr m 50 SttUea and Territories,
OUR NEW BCSOKpalIoallm'lJrtlmefoe';
It wnil. yon C&n. run cipimiviani ior nuhi,
ti.y.beenbyns. Bead our teetlmonUlB. Addreeiatcnce
EH IE. MbllltiAl.VU.uuri'Mi.u.iiiii'
whose eolor blends harmoniously with
the furnishings, even to the adjustable
CKtouiun, really for loot fervlee ut the
front of eiteh ehalr. Upon enttrinc
the tusle-wuy It is notieeubly wider
than lu other I'lillman cars, und the
wood-work Is polished ush, stained.
A perlect clleot is proaticeit in tho
hand-curved entrances from the dtaiv-
lug-rooms into the main car body, as
first National Ban!
Capital, $100,000.00.
fl. W. Leisennng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennng, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Disily From 9 to 3.
I'n Id on Hnviiiiiu nepoHltH.
Itittt nil Bldcst Reliable Pirtlj Cut CtajiE't
Representtil by
120 B, Jsrdln Street
To li
la nnd will ever bo tho
Eomody, for
Rnnt. Tnflufirifia. HaokQOhG, '
Pfiinn in tho Side. Chost andl
Jolnto, Neuralgia, Bpraino, &o '
Before you accj to boy, octala
tlio vuluallo looki "0nld8 to Health," wlthj
310 Broadwav,
Prize Medals Awarded!
Vienna, ,1'ragoe, Kottordam, tjlten,
50 Cents a bottle, For Solo by )
X. X. I). ICIItlTN.
and otber drufpin.
A woman who can see.
She's tho woman who gets well.
It's tho woman who won't sco and
won't boliovo who has to suffer.
And it's needless. There's a
medicine a legitimate medicine
that's mado to stop woman's suf
fering and curo woman's ailments.
It's fir. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion. It's purely vegetable and
perfectly harmless a powerful
lug-lunula mm ilium uiii i.uuj-, ua 1 v 1f .
it arches to a centre in u miniature general, as well as utenne, tomo
and nervine, imparting vigor ana
Btrcnath to tho whole system. For
periodical pains, weak back, bearing
down sensations, nervous prostra
tion, and all "femalo complaints,"
dome, where scroll-work, leaded uluss,
briibs uesmns aud Heavy plate mlrrois
lend an exceptionally rich llnish. At
tne windows luinir a until set ot cur
tains, one a light creum to neutralize
tuo llgbt anu snaue tne eyes, aim back
a heavy set of tome rich brown stufl, it's a positivo remedy, it improves
uf seieti. Tito cell- dicestion. enriches the
embroidered and t
intrs are hand-decorations, not elabor
ate nor overwoiked, but very artistic,
while every cornice or wbero one
might expect the sharp edgeisfome
uulutv bit 01 rellet wooil-rarvlnir.
The receptacle lacks as well iw the
chandelier lamps are made of oxidlzeil
silver, tho latter being of very unique
digestion, enriches tho blood, dispels
aches and pains, melancholy and
nervousness, brings refreshing sleep,
and restores health and strength,
No other medicine for women is
Guaranteed, as this is. If it fails to
civo satisfaction, in any ease, tho
pattern aud shedding the bofiest money paid lor it is reiuncteu. 10a
silvery light on the interior decora- pay only for the good you get. On
Your trade is what wo
This Ib how we propose
to get it.
By selling you a flrst
cluss article; by selling you
for lets than others; by
selling you furniture, an
orgau, a piano, a sewing
machine or anything elso
in the line of household
Wo have a largo and va
ried stock to select from.
No trouble to show goods.
Call, examine and be
-J. P. Williams & Bro.
Soiitli Main St.,
The drawing-rooms are perhaps the
latest innovation 111 car construction:
one is closed to the tcp of the ceiling,
above (lie average slauding height,
with heavy plate-glafs, beveled and
paneled, while tho other Is open, and
lie occupants screened irom tnepassen-
geis in the body of the car by rich
sliding curtains suspended ou brass
rods, running posltuy two leet lilguer
man tne irunio wood-work, aud sup-
poi led at tlie carved comers by thin
newel posts of curiously twisted brasb.
liiene compartments, accommodat
ing six euch, have a direct connection
oy door Willi tlie Javatory and toilet
rooms, two spaciouu apartments well
ventilated and llglited. The lavatory
basin is made of heavy nickel, and
every appointment in tlie way of nec-
e-isary toilet arucie-i is iu us respective
lack 01 twisteii urass.
The wood-work above each chair In
the main car Is carved with laurel
wreaths, suspended by the gracelully
llowlug strings, ull most exqulsltively
carveu uy naiiii.
The eutlro arrangement suggests
more a salon of Louis XIV.'s time
than a regular passenger express train
01 me I'cnnsyivania iiaiuoau.
Tiiese cars, added to tho deservedly
popular dicing car service of the
Washington Limited aud Conures-
slonal Limited Exprtss trains, render
tnese trains ituaoiuieiy peerless lor day
libo. j'iiia. Junes.
these terms it's the cheapest.
But moro than that, it's tho best.
Bank Counters, Tyler System, Port
at)lo, unoquaiea in aiyios,
Cost and Finish.
ISO r-Rte Cat&loguo of l-uuolrr. tite., Ulnitrated la
Colon, llouli. Fie. Toilije IB Centi,
Also -i-jicr'B iiorm
ORico lle.Ua and Type
writer i'uliliiet, MOO
Mlvla. Uest nnd cheap
est on earth, with great
reduction in prices.
lltu n.ra e&t.loru. Free.
roilag. II! ete. lull Il.e. of
ll.-An, Chnlre, T.I1. Hook
r,i, Cabineti, I.rK.1 HUiik
r.oincli, elf., olwayala elork.
biteilnl work made lo order.
TlfLEIl lir:SIC CO., Kt.I.oul.,5Io.i U.S.A.
Answer to tho Chnrco of afurder.
Hut I Iiot Itemly for Trial.
Dekveh, Col., Aug. 30. Madame ABtle
was taken luto Justice Hang's court dur
ing tlie morning to iinawor to the chargo
of murder. Sbo was followed by Jlr. and
Mrs. Mayno, Oertio Harris and Clara
Jlumtuno Astlo was without an attor
ney, and it took Borne time before 0110
was secured. Finally Judge Felkorwas
called upon to tnko charge of tlie case.
After a short conversation with Ids client
the Judge announced that lie was not
ready for trial, anil asked for a continu
ance, which was granted, and tlie woman's
bond was placed at $10,000, and she being
unable to furnish it was taken to tho
county jail.
Attorney George Smith represented
Mayne and wife. Their bond was placed
at $3,000 each and was promptly given.
Olllcor Hugh Smith, who lias been un
raveling this case, bays that there aro a
number of others, both iu this city and
surrounding towns, who will bo arrested
before next Tuesday, tho day set for trial,
for tholr connection with this caso.
To Our Headers.
Arayou troubled with Consumption or a
deep seated Cold, If so take healtliy exercue,
l voln open air, use l'an-'flna Cough and
Consumption Cure, and be cured. Don't
delay. Trial bottles free at Klrllu'a drug store
eqs North Fourth St.,
Uw onlr genuine Oeruiao American
BprclalUl la toe Unlud Bulea ho li
able to cure DlOOd Poison,
Nervous Debility and Spe
cial Diseases ' bo'1" "
bkiu Dlmaiea. Red bpoU Palna la Ino
bonoi.SoreThroat Mouth,
m.uohoe, rlmt-lcB. Eruption!, luft or
hard Ulcer., Uwelllug., lrrllatlonl,
lonamiuallooa -tftiid Kuootngi,
buloturva, WcakiTiil aud Earl
decar, loll rnemorj weik hack mental analetj,
Blalder IMieaiea and all nueaiea rceultlnf from Esciiiia,
Iudlicrt-tlon or Oyi rFork Kecent caaea cure -1 In to 10 oe; .
relief at onoe Do oot Iom liopo, no rratu-r what adrir.
tlilan noclor, Quack, Farollr or lloipllal n.,alelan haa fallid.
nr. THEEL curoe pOFllively ,n(1 l',"n, detention troiu
onitneai. old, TOtrao, midolo aaan lan tHaa eoaTeMi-liTiso
uiaauna, rich or poor, Bend To alamp for bOOK
"TnUTH" OTpodna Quaitki und.r iworn teitlmonial..
lioi'st'dallr from D to S, Km to , Wed. and Eat.
Ir-ne 6 to 10. Bund.- II till 1J Write or call and I fared.
for Kefcrenoee eee Wuda. "d Sawrdaj TtUa. dell Ilmea
Or (tio J.tiiiur llulili, E'oslllirlf I'urvu
my luiniiiiiaK i iiis nr. iiuiuea,'
ejiilileii Hiieeltlf.
It la TnaTtuflioturacl bm arjonder wrilnh ViMrrlvnn
In a jrluau ol bsor, a oup of cc-flee or lea, or in food,
without tho knowledge ot tho patleut. It la absolutely
harmleaa. and will olTeet a Derm&nent And ioimIv
cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker ot
an ttloohollo wrduk. Xthafl been given In thousands
of caaes, and In every taataneti a perfect euro haa fol
lowed. It rimer Pall. The system once lmpieeoat.
J d with the beoomes an utter ImpoasibUlty
or the liquor appetite to exlat.
48 pace book of particular free. To be had o
C. It HAGF.NDUCH, DrucOt. EhtnardnBh
Lobigli Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10, 1891.-
PaBBeDger trains will leave Sheuandcah for
tmch Chun)i. .LeulL'ulon. Blallncton. Cata-
Bauqua, Allenlowu, Hcthltliem, Kaoton, Will
uueipniu ana Jew lorniuo.i;, v.iu, u.uoit. m
Vor llolvldere, Delaware Woter Oan an
Diiuuasuurgaio.i, a.m., una o.2up. m.
1.-... l.nml.nHvHla,iri Irrantm. O llU o rv
For White Haven, Wllkes-Barr'e and tltt
O.ll. O.W, M. U.V UUU U, f. Ul
ForTunlitiannocK, 10.11 n. m., 3.1U and 5.26
p. m.
Kor Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyona k. ui ttuti O.ZO ). xu.
or I Jicey vllle, Towanda, Bayre, Waverl;
rj-,...,. u..Mnfn ..: Tj,n,l
Chicago and allpoinU Went at 10.41 u.ra.,ac p. m.
For Mmlra and the West vlaijalamanca
For Audenrled, Ilazleton, tjtockton, Lum
ber Yard, Weatterly nnd Fenn Haven Juuo
tlon at 5.4?, 7.10, 0,08 a. m. and 12.52, S.10 aid
5,2o p. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Bcavei
Meadow, 7.40, 0.03 a. in. and 5,26 p. ill,
For Hcrauton at 6.17 0.08, 10.41a. m. 3,10 and
5:2(, p. m.
For Ilaile Urook. Jeddo, Drlfton nnd Free
land at b.47, 7,40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m 1252 3.10 and
5.2fl p. m.
For Uuakake at 6.47 and 8.08 a. m., and
3.10 p. m.
For WigBans, Gllberton and Frackvllle at
5.50 and 0.08 a in., and 4.10 p. m.
For Yatesville, Mahanoy City and Delano
5.47, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41, 10,68 a, m.,12.52,3.10,5.2tl, 8,03,
0.2 1 and 10.27 p. m.
For Lost Creelc, 3lrardvllle and Ashland
4.27,, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,1.10, 6.85,
8.10 and 8.14 p. m.
For Darkwater, Bt. Chlr and Fottsvllle.
7.40, 0.08, 10.58 a. in., 12.52,3.10,1.10, 5.26 and 8.0o
For Knck Monntain, New Boston and
Morea, 7.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. u.., 12.52, 8.10, 5.26 aud
For Haven Run, Centralla, Mt. Carrnel and
Hhamokln, 8.52, and 10,16 a. in., 1.40, 4.11
nnd 8.06 p. m.
Trains leave Bbamokln lor Shenandoah,
7.55 11.55 a. in., 2.10, 4.30 and 80 p. m arrlvlDt
at Bheuandoah, 0.05 a. m., 12.32. 8.10, 6.28 aud
11.15 p. m,
For Lost Creek, Glrardvllle and Ashland,
6,50, 8.10 11.85 B. m., 2.45 P. lu.
For Darkwater. Bt. Clair and Foltsville,
5.50, 8.00, 00 b.m., 2.45 p. iu.
For YHletivliIc, MabRUoy City and Delano,
4.1X1, 11.35 a. ni 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
For Lofty, Audeurled and Uazleton, 8.01
a- m., 1.40 p. rn:
ForlJauch Chunk. Lehliihton, HlatlDttou,
Calasauqua, Allcntown, llethlebem, Kaatot
and New York, 8,00 a. m., 1.40 p. m;
For Vhlladelphla, 1.40 p. in.
Uen'l Fa&s, Ant., liethlchera.
Mauch (
JL ruiiwylkili, urviEiorr,
uiiuerion, rntoKvuie, xtotv
and way points, b'.W, DJD
On and after Nov. 24, 1890, trulnt will leav
anenanuoan us fotiows:
For WlEgan. Gllberton. Fraokvllle. Now
uaniie, at. uiair,
a la and 1.16 p m
Bundays, wv, v.iu a m ana wiipm.
For Fottsville, 8.00, 0.10 a m and 1.15p niv
Bundays, COO, 8.40 am and 3.10 u m,
For Heading, 6.00, 0.10a m and 1.15 pm,
Bundays, CJ0, 9.40 a. m. and 3.10 p rru
For 1'oltstowu, Fhoenlxvllle, Nonlstown
andFhiladelphla (Broad street station!. e.CO.
,10 a m, and 4,15 p m week days
uncaayB, wv, v.w a m oau p m
Trains leave Frackvllle lor Bhenandoan fiV
10.40 am aud 12.14, 7.42, 10,00 p in. Sundays,
11.18 a in and 6.10 p m.
Lfave Foltsville lorBhenanccah, 10.15 and
11.48, a in 7.15, 9.42 p in. bundays, 10,10 a ra
5.1.1 p m.
jueave jrniUAueiliuia ixirouu buret hihiioui..
for Foiisvuiu ua oncKanuoan, u.o;,i
i7.10.25 SeWV
2.10, 1.10 nnd 7.00 p mweeic days. Bundayt,
Ul IU1U V. "i. y
For w York, 3.20, 4,06, 1.40, 5.85, 6.50, 7.80T
8.208.30, r).50, 11.00 aiidU.15nm,12.00noon, (11m1
tted express, 1,06 and 4.50 y in.) 12.44, 1.40, 2.30,
3.21), 1, 6, 6,.8.80, 6.50 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p m, 12.01
Oil Bundays, 3.20, 1.05, 4,40, 6.35, 8.12, 8.30, 9.50,
3 m. and 12.19,3.20 (limited 4,60), 6.28, 6,30, 6,50
7.13 8,12 p m and 12.01 night.
For Be Ulrt, Bpnug Lake, Belmar,
Ocean Grove, Asbury l'vik, ondLong Branori
j.20, 11,15, ft, ra. l.oo p. m. wtefe davr ior
Freehold, 5.0 , p. m. week aays.
Halllmor" and Washington, 8.50, 7.20, 8.31
9.10, 10.20, H.13a m, (rimltea express) 3.49
4.41 6.07 am ,7.40 p. m., and 1X03 night. Fot
Baltimore, my 2.02, 4.1 1, 6 OS and H.30 p. m.
On Bundays, 8.50. 7.20. 9.1lana 11.1S a. m. 1.41
3.67,7.40 p m. 12.03 night. BalUaaoni only
;.08and ll.SOiiiii.
For tttchmondand the Bouth 7.2011.18a. m
.Limited Kxprtts 12.35 p. m..)12.03 nlgUt.weot
tuys. Hunday b, 7.20 a. in., 12.03 night.
Trains leave HarrlBbum lor PltuDnrir anii
be west every day at 12.25 and 3.10 a m ana
l.oo iiimitec) anu a.iu p m. way lor Aitoona, a ui ana p in every cay.
Fcr Flttsburg only, 11.20 a ni dally and 10.2O
m week days.
Leave Bnnbury lor 'WlUlamiport, .Elmlra,.
onandalcua. BocheBter.Buflaloaud Nlnemnt
falls, 5.10 a in dally, and 1.43 pm week days.
Voi watklns, 5.30 p m week days.
ror j&riB ana lniermeaiam ptunis, D,iuuuij,
lallv. For Lock Haven. 5.10. and 9.53 a in.
dally, 1.34 and 6.30 p. m. week days. For
Renova 5.10 a in 1,43 and 6,SS p in week days.
A newly dlfccovered MINl'.BAL WATEIl,
the Ufceof width will supply important ele
nitiits Derimary lo liinlth. It will cure the
Kidneys, Liver, Btoniach, and all Bowel aud
Bladder Uln-utt-s. It will dltinlve calculi and
remove them. t removes the urle acid from
the blood and thus destroys Malaria and
Chills. It cures Brlght'a disease, and Is es
pecially recommended for people advanced In
lire, nnd for ueneral debility. For undoubted
proofs of this tend lor pamphlet giving full I'KlUlY, Water ot Lite
Co., 34 Bouth Main Bt.. WIUes-Barre l'a.
All persons are hereby warned
Belonging to the
Shenandoah Water Company,
and all parties caught violating this notice
win ut
Prosecuted us Trespassers.
By order of
THE 003VI3?A3Sr-2'.
I.lan. m riauriavi
in MRti'i"
f,n, FflBS. As-t.
JI7tlC(UU(C hi ru t-t-l JCi IV, iOJl.
Trams leave iteaainc u ii. siaiioni tci'v
Gibraltar, Beyfert, Blratboro, Joanna, Bpr,K
Held, Waynisburg Junction, CoaUsviUo,TiiJ3 I
Chester.Chadstord Junction, B. .t O. JuuctloCr1
Wilmington and Intermediate stations. dully
except Bunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 8.15
p. in. miijutij- tmiy ut o.oo p. iu.
For Warwick, Ht.Felers and Intermediate
statlons,dally except Hunday, at 9.20 a.m., and
o.iu p. m. nuuuuy ouiy a. m.
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations.
Baturd ay only, at 12 m . w '
ior iiauimore ana wasningion m. s u. xv
R.l dally excect Bunday at 6.25 and 8.S0 a. m.
and 3.15 p. m. Bunday only at 3.05 p. m.
iTains arriveni iteuuiui; ij. ot i. suitiuni
Irom Wilmington, U. & O. Junction, Mont
chanln, Chaddslord Junction, West Chester,
Lenape, Coatesville, Waynekburg Junction,
Bprlngneld,Jonnna,Birdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey
fen nod Intermediate Matlonn, dally except
Bunday nt 10.20 a, m. 5.62 and 8.17 p. m. bun.
day only at 11 24 a. m.
From Bt. I'eterB, Warwick and Intermediate
stations, dally except Sunday, at 8.23 a. m.
and 2.25 p.m. Sunday only at 6 p.m.
From Blidsboroiind Intermediate stations,
Saturday only at 1.40 p. m.
From Washington und Baltimore, dally ex
cept Sunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p.m.
Bunday only at 11.24 a. m.
130WNKKH D1UGUS, Gen'l Pass. Agt
We, the underklgned,
are entirely cured ol
ltllntuia bv Dr. J. li.
MAYEIt, 831 Arch Bt I'hlln. 'Thomas U.
Hartung, New Hiuggold, l'a., I.Pandt, Bouth
Iimton. l'u., L. 1'. i- C. A. Deturck, Oley, Fa
It. G, Btanley, 424 Spruce St., Lebanon, l'a., A.
Schneider, Lorui-t liale, l'a., D, B. Noll, Lime
kiln, l'a., Wm, E. Hartenstlne, fhoenlxvllle.
Fa., W. M. Lelnbacb, 624 Wathlugton St.,
Heading, Fa., J. O. Lyme. 1310 W. Howard Bt.J
Harris bun;, l'a,, O. Keehn, Douglaesvllle, l'a.
Dr. MAYEIt is at Hotel Fenn, Beading, Fa.,
on the 2nd Saturday or each month. Call to
see htm.
jq" B. BRIOKER, M. JD., 0
Ho'. 9 East Centre Btreet; Mahanoy City, P
Bkln and all special disease a specially, . ,