rVOIi. VI.--XO. 17S. SHENANDOAH. PA.. SATURDAY. AUGUST 29. 1891. ONE OENT. HE SUEE EOAD TO OPULENCE LIES KNEE-DEEP TELKOUGH PRINTER'S INK II I V r IT WHAT NEXT ? V The New York Prcs3 says nest to Jfcvliat tho Republican party bus no cojnpllahed tbe moat satisfactory fea in Its history la what it has pro 'Ssed. From 1854, when tho party in scribed on Its banner "Free soil, free speech nnd free men," until now, no principle enunciated by the party haa Wer been'expuuged uutll It has been vindicated; nnd from 1854 until now Vlipm In nnt a declaration In party platforms to which n Republican need turn hack with regret 'or shame. Secession has been crushed, chattel slavery abolished, tho financial credit of the nation established and the pro. tectum of .American Industry main tained. 1 he Republican party is not a party of promise, but of perform1 ance. With tho Democracy, on the other liand,it has been a curiosity of politics to watch the changes of alleged principle from time to time, since the ge when it held aloft tho ilagof ayery and passed laws which per- Led the hunting down of fugitives the free cities of the North, and. tlnce the later period when Its orgaus howled for peace at any price, even at the sacrifice of national existence. 13y force of circumstances the Demo- cratio party has had to repudiate the principles which It formerly pio claimed inviolable, and apparently it has at length resolved, with much hesitation and reluctance, to nail tolls mast the flag of freo trado. On that rthe Republican party has accepted the challeuge, and la willing to light out i the campaign of 1802. Meantime it is evident that the Democracy does not think the platform sufficiently elabor ate. It must have another beam to Innnort It. What will it ba ? All appearances indicate that it w'll be .debased currency In which to pay tho Jvorkiugniun for his labor. "S?$ fok after the voting list, Repub- Rn Committee-men. Thursday, Sep tember 3d, is the last day. OIESlSPaFS PER YD. fora GOOD HOME MADE RAO STAIR CARPET, taken out of Uthe loom to-day. I f i -1 -m -r- r i t-j- t . j 1 Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin SL, near Centre Carpets and Our stock of 1LOOR OIL CLOILL JoriJie all trade p is noiv complete. 80 DIFFERENT PATTERNS ' to select from In all widths, n LINOLEUM. Two yards ivlde. from GAJRPETS. WEW FALL STILUS in , VELVET, BODY and INGRAIN AND RAG CARPETS, A large Assortment New Styles All Prices. 2 Don't forget our five year old pure Apple Vinegar, and Mixed Spices for Pickling. NEW MACKEREL. Just received JbANCY V - -..7. .1 AT KEITER'S. DON'T LIKE FREE TRADE. Tho Canadian Manufacturer has the following scathing language in the denunciation of the free trade policy of tho mother country : "Uuder Its wretched system of free trade the working classes of Groat Britain aro constantly going from bad to worse in the social scale. All of the great Industries of that country by which tho working classes nro sup posed to live are belug destroyed, and the unfortunate peoplenre sinking Into despondency, poverty, crime and wretchedness, from which it Is Impos sible under the present fiscal system to rescue them." And yet this is just the condition that free traders would bring tho work lug classes of this country to if they had their own sweet will, and the strongest part of it is, that so large a portion of tho working peoplo nro bo partlsanly hidebound, that they vote regularly with tho free trado party that brings this state of nOairs about. Why do not working people get tin ir eyes open V Wilmington (Del.) Re publican. September 3d is the last .day for the registration of voters. That was a pretty drastic way of meeting an emergency that was adopted by Captain Bakker of the steamship Obdam, but then it was so ell'ective that tho man who had the courage to adopt It will probably find himself fully sustained by publio sen timent. The shooting at sea of a man who was at the head of a crowd of mutineers is an adventure about as exciting as even Cooper or Scott or Clark Rueaell could imagine or write. Yet this promptness and courage of the captain In taking a course no doubt saved the lives of many per sons. Tho course of Captain Bakker has already been passed upon, it seems, and tho conclusion readied that he was Justified in what he did, and certainly, if all the facts aro as stated, he deserves credit for his action. Tim attention of our reuders is called to the, fact that Thursday, Sep tember 3d, is tho last day for registra tion. It is very Important that every Republican voter In this county should be registered or assessed on or before the dato named. Oil GLotlis. qualities and prices. $1.00 per yard up. TAPES1RT BRUSSELS; HANDSOME PATTERNS, BLOATER MACKEREL, cx TOWNTALKER. THOUGHTS ON THIS AND THAT THREADED TOGETHER. HEMES TERSELY TABULATED. ho Tattle- of tho Tattlers Timely Taken and Told Typograplcally in a Tasteful and Tompting Tone. Tbo feoling of Post 140. G. A It., of town, towards tho Pottsvillo G A. B, mem bers is not of a character that warrants tho belief thht tho boys In blue will bo well ropreanted as a body in Poitsvillu on October 1st, when tho monument is to bo imveilod. There must bu a change of feel ing soon, elso tho Post will only ba repre sented by individuals, if at nil. The causu of this feeling took its root threoj oirs ago, whon tho Pottsvillo G. A. It. men behaved in a most discourteous mannor towards Post 146. At that time Shenandoah was the placo lor celebrating Grand Army Day and, although tho Potts- illo Post had a year's nolico, it mado an engagement lo go to Beading and gave Shenandoah the go bye. An attempt was made to cover the act of discourtesy by nn xplanalion that tbe i'otUvulo 1 ost was not satisfied with tho hotel arrangements, but niombors of tbe Post subsequently ad milted that tho trip to Bending was thu real causo for thoir non-appearance horo. No secret of 140's Post room is betrayed when it is said that tho members are in clined to pay tho Pottsvllle peopla in their own coin. It is argued, on tho streets and ither places, that not only the G. A. B. men, but tho Pottsvdla people as a whole, at o most selfish, discourteous and ungrate ful. They clamor for overything and it is like pulling teeth to got them to potronizo anything oulsido of tho county seat. ... But there aro so mo who tako a more conservative view of the situation, and it is hopod their arguments will provuil. The unvolling of the foldior's monument inter ests all the old soldiers of tbe county. Shonandcah is interested in it by virtue of tho aesistanco some of its veterans rendered in accomplishing tho doeds of valor tho monumoits is intended to perpetuato, and she should ba properly represented at the unveiling. Now, lot Post 140 return good for ovll. Let them kill the Pottsvillo mrguls with kindness. It may tiavo tbo ctfect of bringing them down from the roost and impressing upon their minds that it is far mora graceful to bo courteous than arrogant. Speaking of killing ono with kindness reminds mo of a story told of a man who was formerly a resident of this vicinity. Ha had always believed his wifo temperate, but it gradually leaked out that tho was a heavy drinkor. Tho husband persuaded, but the habit hal secured too strong a hold, so ho nt last, to use hia wuids, concluded lu kill her with'Jdndnoee, Ho . purchased c barrel of liquor and told bcr to imbibe as often and frooly as sho mlghf wish, Tho wifo accepted tho generous odor with pro fuse thanks fur what appeared to be so much kindness. In a few months tho man was a wl lower. V Tho arton of the School Boird in np pointing a committee to atoertaln if thre has been any ducrimWtion against Shen andoah in tho appropriati ns for publio schools by iba ftato dupir.ment is com- mendable. As tbo matter stands now the peopla of our town have every reason to complain. Perhaps an investigation will show that tho figures publishod are correct, but tho poople should have an Inside view of tho situation at all ovents. Tho official census shows that Shenan doah has a population qf 15,014, Pottsvillo, 14,117, Mahanoy City, 11,480. Shonan- doah's population exoeeds that of Pottsvillo by 1,827 and that of Mahanoy City by l.OsS Tho appropriations for public schools gives Shenandoah $5 207 ; Mahanoy City, $5,240 19 j Pottsvillo, ?5,789.21. The question now arises, why s1 ou'd Shenandoah, with a population exceeding the county seat by 1,827 roceivo a shool appropriation amoming 10 9002," loss man that awarded tho latter town, nnd lo-s than that awarded to the third town in tho county. MAHANOY PLANE. Items of Intorost From Our Reg- ular Correspondent. Tho P. & B. men rocoivod their July pay on Tuesday. Hear Bidgo colliery paid on Fridny. Miss 1). Lecklo, of Shenandoah, was tho guest of Mfos Holon Maurer during tho week. Mrs,Bobort Basbrido is visiting her parents at Wllllamsport. Bichard Bevan, ono of tho btiiiost mon of this town, lolt on Tuesday for a week of recreation at Atlantio City and other seasido resorts. Thomas Walsh has secured tho position of llroman on tho "ram" at tho foot of tho plane. Tom tins a garao leg, but he gets there all tho same. The now coal wnshery at Maizevillo is woll under way now, and will probably bo in operation by the timotbo loavos box in to fall. Our popular tailor, Wm. Neior. has re turnod from a trip to Now York and At lantic 0 ty. Mrs. Andrew Ooleman, of Beading, has romrnod to that city aftor a week's visit to her parents, iir. and Mrs. N. 0. Lytlo, of town. Tho exceptionally heavy raln9 on Sun day and Monday last did very littlo dam ago in this section, tho worst being the flooding of a fow collars and the washing down of a largo quantity of coal dirt from tho banks along tho road between this placo and Miuzoville. This coal dirt was piled upon the road in hoaps sufficiently high to impede travel somowhat until re moved. Tho road to Fracl.villo was con siderably washed out, but has teen re paired. Mahanoy crook did not riso high enough to causo any uneasiness. Aside from tho damages mentionod above, tbo rains did a great deal of good in giving our streets a much noedod cloansing. Tho Misses Ktsbridgo, of uordon, aro vUiting their brother, Bobert Busbridgo, Tho Democratic primary election hold on Saturday last was, as usual, tho occa sion for several lively factional flgltts, and atone timo a pitchod batllo was imminent botweon tho supporters of tha several can didntos for delegation honors. Tho caudi dates olected wero: For county delegates Michael Wayno and John J. Powere; for constitutional delogatos, John J. Conty and Daniel J. Beardon. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the po?t office, at Mahanoy Plane, Pa Aug. 20, 1801. Mr. Thos. Murphy, Eng'r, Sir. Wm. Thomas, Mrs. Annio Sigenfuse, A. Drumhellor, Esq., Mr. Frank Casper, Washington Otto, Mr. Eno Davidson, Maizevillo. POLITICAL POT-POURRI. Pithy. Pungent. Pleasing Points Pointedly Paragraphed. Good feeling parvades In tho Bepubll can rankt. Judge Greon will eupoccd himself. "Hon" Smith is not disturbed by the re- cont Democratic nomination. Ho is ono of the best known gentlemen in the county and when tbo votos are counted thcro will bo a surprise all around. Tho Chronicle Is greatly rattlod. It i all coining out now. Major Finney must bs a thorn in tho side of tho Chronicle editor. Wo would adviso our south of the moun tain Democrats not to bet much on Shea andoah at tho noxt election. Tho New Photograph Gallery. Wa are still with you, and intend to stay, greater inducements boing olio rod every day. Call and got prices and see work. Wo do copying, onlarginK in cravon. on ana water colors, iiavo oeen oxtromoly busy with an increaso in trade. Bemember the placo, Bjahon's galU-ry tfb. 29 W. Centre street. (IMTman's old staud.j 8-21:0i, FOR THE SCHOOLS. Second Hand Books at Half Price, Have just purchased a large invoice of second hand school books, almost new, which I will sell at halt price. A spocially nlilgh school books. AIo, 6,000 tablets, formerly sold at 16 oenu, now 6 coots. Come earl; bfore all gone. Max Hebsk, Agent, Last Plonlo. Columbia park will bo abandoned noxt September, as tho sito will thereafter be used as a dumping ground for the Ivoblay Bun colliery. Tho art event to ba hold i tho park is a picnic of tho Columbia Glee Club, to bo hold on Saturday, Beptembo li!ih. 8 20-lw Festival. Tho Salvation Army of town will ho'i an ico ortam and peach festival in Frany' hall, Saturday evening, 29th Inst. Tickets 10 cents, entitling holder to plato of cream 8-27-3t Fancy Bartlott pears, 75 coots per basket, at Coslett'e. 8-22-tf It don t do to ueyU'Ct nature's warning aches through tho kj-tteui, caaiie lUioimiu- lism. N(uraljla tuna uhchucuo. Try loa Klu j un's aruic store. BORODCHBDDGET GLEANINGS BY THE LOCAL CORPS OP REPORTERS. HAT THE SCRIBES SEE AND HEAR Where Thoso Who aro so Dispos ed May Attond Dlvlno Wor ship To-Morrow Mattors of a Local Oharaoter. Ebenozor Evangelical church. Bev, , n. at Gllck, pastor. Sorvices Sunday a. m. In Gorman, and 0:30 p. m, in ngllsn. Sunday school at 1:30 p in. All aro heartily invited to attend. P. M. church, corner of Jardin and Oak streets. Sorvices Sunday at .10:30 a. m nd 0:30 p. m. Sabbath scho il at 2 p. m. Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor at ti m. every Sabbath. Classes moot Tues day and Wednesday ovonings at 7 o'clock and Sunday at 9:30 a. m. General prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. II. G. Bussoll, paitor. Preaching in tho Trinity Boformod church to-morrow morning and evening by ihe pastor, Eav. Bobert O'Boylo. Every body welcome. Wolsh lUptist church, cornr Wort and Oak streets. Bev. D. I. Evans, pastor. Sorvices Sunday at 10 n. m. in Welsh and 0 p. m. in English. Sunday school at p. m. Prayer meeting on Monday ovon- g, at 7 o'clock. Class meeting on Thurs day ovoning, nt 7 o'clock. All Saint-1 Episcopal church, O ik street, near .Main, Bev. Floyd E. Wost, rector. ervices as follows : Morning prayer and litany with reading and sermon, 10.30. vening prayer and sormon, 0:30. Sunday school at 2 p. ra. Tho rector officiates and preaches at the morning sorvico on tho second and fourth Sundays of each month and at tho ovoning service on tho first and third, a lay reader officiating in his absence, M. E. church, Bev. Win. Powick, pas tor. Servicos to-morrow at tho uual ours. Morning subject: "In His Name, or tho boundary of faith: evening, "Sea Shoro Meditations." Sunday school at m., to bo followod by tlia dovotional meeting of tho Epworth Leaguo. English Baptist church, South Jardin treot, Bev. II. G. Jamoi, pastor. Tho pastor will proach at 10:30 a. 10. and 0:30 . m. Morning subject: "Disputing About hrist.'J Evening subject: "Tho Hypo- crito and tho Christian as they Ap pear to Christ." Sabnath school at 2 m. Dsacon John Bonn, euperinten dent. On Monday ovoning at 7:30 "Tho Young People's Christian Union" will meet. On Wednesday ovoning at 7o'clock a general prayer meeting. Wol-h Congregational church. Sorvices on Sunday at 10 , m in English and at 0 m. In Welh by Bv. D D , fri Davis, Bfgular eervioas in tho Presbyterian church to-morrow morning and ovoning Sunday sohool at 2 p. m. To-morrow will bo Quarterly Conference in the Evangelical church. Bev. D. A Medlar P. E, will preach at 10 a m. in German and at 0:30 p. m. in English Sacrament of Lord's Supper will be cole- bra'ed in the evening. All aro hoartily invited. PERSONAL. A. P. Blaksleo, of Delano, was in town this morning. Mrs. T. II. Van Duson spont to-day at Mahanoy City. M. M. MoMillan, Esq.,of Mahanoy City, was in town to-day. Joseph Lohmler spont yosterday after noon in Mahanoy City. Frank Wooloy, of Philadelphia, was a visitor to town yesterday. Oonstablo Toeh wont to Yorkvillo to-day lo attend to legal busineta. Mino 1 nspocvor Stein wont to Girardvlllo ye.Urday to attend an inquest. Charles L. Shaw and wife, of Pitteton, aro tbo guosts of II. E Dangler. Mr. Ilut'er, of Towmda, Pol., is visiting bis sou, Charlos Butler, of Park l'laco. Tho Misses Cope, of Mt. Carmel, who were the guests of town friouds, left for their homo yesterday afternoon. Frank Irish, of Philado'phia, traveling pasenger agent for the Chicago and North wrstorn B. It., was in town to-day. Station agent Mlllor, of Park Placo, has returned from a visit t friends in Middle- port, Pa. Mrs. Newton Wonders, of Lebanon, lias joined her husband hero, who is operating the Bcsbon gallery. Misses Emily and Bessie Schwartz, of Park Place, attended a straw-rido and hop at Lakeside last ovoning. Prof. Ehrhart and family are homo again, having spout a dolightful timo in Sullivan county. Repairing the Truck. Tho truck of tho Bescue Hook & Ladder Company is undergoing repairs and will not bo usod in case of an alarm of fire for tbo next few days. Buy Keys torn flour. Bo caroful that thi aamo Lkssici & Co., Ashland, Pa., it printod on every sack. 8-3-3taw OUR POPULATION. Interesting Facts and Flguros for Our Readors. Tiie Census Olllca has Ueuad a bulletin which gives tho population in detail by oi unties, townships, cities, wards of cities, oormnhs, wards of boroughs, and villages. according to tho official count of tho re- urns mado under tho oloventh consus taken of June 1, 1890. Tho population of tha amo divisions according to tha oensua of 1889 is also givon for purposes ofoum- purison. Tho population of the state in 1830 ww 282,891, and in 1890 the pjpulation of tho statowas 5,288,011, an incrsafe of 976,1.3 or2&77 per cent, during tho deoado. Ihoro are sixty-seven eountiw in tho statu, of which only twelve show decrease. In no case is tho deoroasa greater than U per cent. The counties showing docreasoi aro as follows : Armstrong, Clarion. Craw ford, Fulton, Juniata, Merosr, Monroo. Perry, Piko, Snyder, Susquehanna and Wayne. Tha counties showing increases of moro than 50 per cent, aro as follows: All- ghony, Oloarfield, E k, Forest, Jefferson, Lackawanna, Luzerno and Potter. Philadelphia and Allogheny oountieg show the largest numerical increases. Phil adelphia county shows an increaso.of 19),- uior:w.G3 per cent., whilo Allogheny county shows an incre i;e ol 196;090 or 65 10 percent. Ihe largest percentage of In crease is fmnd in Forest oountv. whoro there has boon an incroaso of 93 43 per coal, since 18S0. Tho official pjpulation of tho First Legislative district of this countv is as follows: Frackvillo, 23J0; Gilborton 3,037; .-UttUanoy Uity, 11,280; Morea, 823; Now Iloston, 013; St. Nicholas, 823: Yatesvillo. 50; Shenandoah, 15,911; West Mahanoy township, 4743. A PLEASANT TIME. Members of tho Wolsh Lodge En tertain Friends. Lla'norch Yr Ewig Lodge, No. 41, Truo Ivoritos of America, last night ontortalnod a number of their friends in their lodao room in Bobbins' bull ting. Bev. D. I. Evans, of tho Wolsh iiiptist church, mado tho opening address, after which Miss Bob -rts gavo a vocal selection. Upon tho oonclusion of a pleasing recitation by Miss iiillio h. IJ ivan an intermission w is de clared and ice oream and other refresh ments woro sorvod. Mr. Evan Bevan gave an Interesting talk on tho aims and objects of tho society and after singing by Mu Koberts, Mr. John Phillips .'spoko on tho institution of tho order in this town by tho lato William Thomas. Miss Anpie Griffiths gavo a roiitatlon, Mr. John E. Davis a song, Mr. John II. Boeso an ad dress, and the programme closoi with an addrobs by Mr. John II. Evans on thocolo 'iration of tho lodge's annivorsary noxt Christm.is. Japanese Festival. On next Wednesday ovoning Shonan doah Oomraandery No. 11, S. of A., will hold their Japanese festival in Bobbins,' opera hqust. The bail will h rionrfl m fine Japanese style, nd tho arranging of the tables will be out of the usual run, and thoy will bo presidedover by a large co terie of ladios drol a la Japanese. In tho centre of tho floor will bo placed a J 'panoso bazar, from which you can pur chase Japanoso novollios novor boforo shown in this city, and thoy will bo sold at. a very low cost. Tho tickets aro goinc rapidly, and tho indications aro that it will bo tho largoit gathering of any this season. Admission, 10 cants, Including a plate of ico cream. Fall of Ooal. Stanis Mazinkavicz, a Hungarian resid ing on East Lloyd street, had bis hoad severely cut by a fall of top coal in a cbuto of tbe Ellungowan colliery to-day. Feature of the Day. Tho concert of tha Grant Oorqot Bind was the feature of the Bingtown fair yes terday. Tho band was onlhmiaslienlly ro-cei-d and selections wero playod botwoori the racos by nquott. Fancy Dataware peaohet reeived daily at Ooslott's. 8-2l-tf JARS AT GRAF'S TO-IDIA.-Z' No. 122 North Jardin Straet