DPxo-asric goods AT Tin: COMER STORE AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, All kind of potted meals, HbIi, canned goods, oyster?, lobster, crab9, lUl-slnli rnvlur, freali spired oystern, lltiust smoked limns, bo lognas and e.inokod bof, Yorkstuto full cream clieesi',l!.i)mntliul,HwI?0, Edam, Sa9aiio and Llinbtirger. Fine aitmrtnient of cukua and bis cnltH. O. and 11. pliklos of till klndH. 1'iiskles by lliudoztn. Ynii will find J(it wliat you WMtt. SBVBBIT'S, KAISER EXPORT 'Bill, aaght I , i rii Dark. BISBBSfl Vr Cor. Centre and White Streets, The Evening Herald. all tiik Nnws r.m osk cn.s-T. Has a larger circulation In Shenandoah than Kny other paper pii'iUshed. Clron lillon books open to nil. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY. What Nows Gtithorors Take Moment to Tell About. The eanimieetlug seaHou closes with 1110 month. The auinmer roaort people will soon no on ine way Home. Tomatoes are being almost giveu away lor wanioi buyers. Tlie onion Is bad for a good breath anu gooci lor a nail one. No rain tnuuhlue could be sold In this neighborhood at present. Next week the boys and girls will bo on the way to c cliool again. A elty doctor bays pears are fruit that should never bo eaten uncooked The man who attends to other people's business always neglects his own. An oyster fdiell In tlm tea kettle will prevent the formation of cruat in tbo Inside. A very neat hammork and a cheap one as well can be improvised out of a dozen barrel staves held togctLorby a coupiesoi siraiius 01 ro e. The pretty girl who dresses In moJest taste, goes home early and be haves demurely, be'its the Summer girl all to puces in the fall. riu'uineai companies are now on tbo u.!)V'lllld the life of the baggage imiter is made miserable, bt-auso of the heavy trunks and the unwieldy eeenery. The genoralact of Assembly passed April 1T, 18S9, reads, "That the ilrst Monday lu September of each year, after the passage of this act, shall be a holiday known as 'Libor Holiday.' " Some of our exenauges are making the mistake of announcing September 1st us Li'ibor JJay. Progress. Tt i' very important In this age of vast materi .1 progress that ft remedy bo pleasing lo tho tasto and to tho eyo, endly taken, ac ceptable to tho elomach and healthy in iU i.alure and effects. lwsmg thoso qual ities, Syrjp of Figs is tho ono porloet laxii tivo and most Routle dlurolie known. At tho Same Prlco. All persons holding dupllealo checks for photogr iphs can have tho Eamo promptly Uni'hed at Kenpoy's art studio at tho same price, ltumcmbor wo are on tho first floor. Kkaqky. Fanny Delaware peachoa at Coslelt's. received daily 8-21 -tf Coming Events. Sept. 1. Ico cream and peach festival in HobbliH' opera houo under tho atupices of All Saints Epiioopal Sunday school. Sent 2 Japanese icu croam fostiynl in Jtobbins1 opera homo, under tho auspices of Shenandoah Commandory, No. 11, Sons of America. Sept. 12. Farawull picnic of Columb'a Qleo Club. Waters' 'Weiss beer is tbo bost. Reilly solo agent. John A 6-6-tj Playing Cards. You can obtain a paok of best qualify playing cards by sonding flflcon cents postage to P. S. Kustis, Oen'l l'ass. 1., C. &Q.K.K Chicago, 111. Agt. tf Oo to Coelett's for your proaorving fruit. 8-22-tf ltllloiisuewi, Cous'ipatlou. Poor Appetllo and nl evtls arltlng iroin a disordered Ltver use Dr. Lee's Liver ltojalator. Trial bottles Irue at Klrlln's drug store. Host work done at Hronnan's sto&m laundry. Gvarytbing white and spotluw. Laca curtains a speaialty. All work guar anteed. The jilace to buy your school books cheap is TVTEjT iiT iHiTJ'gt. Also Bcholar's Companions, Hook Ktraps, Uchoot Hani, Tablets, eto. Everything and anything riulred In school, alaten, penolU. -etc., o:d re tail uud wholtiale. lljoks Su'lablo for Hast and Wist Moliaao) Twp. Don't (orget the place If you wish to save money. ILv. MBLLET; CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St., Shenandoah. y SCHOOL BOOKS. I 1 REGION 'ROUND. A Budget of Interesting Articles on All Topics. Since tho organization of tho Shu mokln dilvlng park UHsoclatlon, many Hticc'sful 'airs have been held but th- past will not equal the future one at thediiv'ng park opening September 8 and closing on the 11th. Many horse men will be pieseut from dillerent pnrtH of the country, and the exhibi tion by tho noted equtstrie ine, Miss Myrtle l'eek, will ecllpso all pruvlou exblbltlonsever given by uny horsu woman. Counterfeit ten dollar bills aro being ottered for drinks lu Sliamolcin Polish ealoons. Look out for them. Tlie iilcnlc held at Lakeside Yester day under the suspire of tho Young Men's Democratic Club, of Mahanoy City, was a success In every respect and all who attended It enjoyed them selves thoroughly. Sbnmokin's citizens have organized an association to be known as the Sbiiniokin Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Limited, to do bti-dness in Rbamokin borough and Coal town ship. The object is to get cheaper In surance. The people aro belt g Imposed upon by too high ruling. They have paid enormous sums of money for lire iiisuiance for n numboi of years and with the facilities for extinguishing llres real estate and personal properties are safer than In many other towns whole the ra'ing Is munh lees. It will b necessaty-to have $2 0,000 in bona fide subscriptions before a charter can be obtained. Tho Insurance to be taken In each block will be limited to $j,000 to begin with, so as to mako it perfectly snfe, and to guard against tho pnsdbillty of a large fire and a heavy lossnn'lt the organization has grown sulTlnlent to warrant a greater or an Additional amount or risK to be taken in each block. Burglars attempted to cflct tip entrance to the residence of Frank Ondsehalk at Ashland. Mrs. God cchalk, who was alone in the house at tho time, was awakened in the night by a slight noise, nud arising secured a revolver, and went to a stcoud story window and in the dim light she saw a man trying to effect an eutranro by b.-eaklnc throutih a window Miutter. she at once nreil sunt at mm, mil missed the mttu, nud he made oil. Goorgo Mtllon died at his home at Glrardvillo Tuesday afternoon, his death being tho result of injuries ho sustained at Glrard colliery ouo week ago. It was part of Mcllou's dutv on each day at tho noon hour, to climb I he slope when Hoisting nan ceasu ioi the pnrpi t-o of examining tho rails, tlmbeis, etc. While engaged In this lieriloiiB task a niece of timber that had become dlslodgtd from a point up tlie slope came whirling down the incline with the velocity of the wind and tlriiol; JHeilou. A irentleman eamo Into our office and asked for an Ashland, (Pa.) paper. We found one lor him among our ex changes. He ( erused it Intently, but at laHtsaid he could not discover what be was looking for, that he wanted lo sre tho list of hotels in the town. He thought it very queor, he paid that the hotels did not advertise. Sxnbury Dally. Gas Wi ll I'lre llxtlngulslled. PnTStiuno, Aug. 29. The flro at tho Cook well nt McDonald, Pa., which has been burning steadily since last Thurs day night, was extinguished to-day. Tho well was tho proporty of tho Wheeling Gas Company, who have suffered a loss of about $23,000 by the blur.o. To Look After lenniylvauta's Interest. IlAnjusmmQ, Va., Aug. 28. A sub committee of tho World's Fair Executive Commltteo will go to Chicago next week to confor with the national managers re garding the allotment of space and othor matters concerning Pennsylvania's ex hibit. Killed Ills llrothor With n Shovel. aEOnoETOWif, Del., Aug. 28. William and Goorgo Walker, brothers, who llvod at lleynolds Mills, a few miles from hero, quarrelled about some borso feud, when Goorgo picked up a shovol and Btruck I William on tho head with It, killing him OU 111U put. Death of u Newspaper Manager. AiisTr.uDAM, N. Y., Aug. 28. Horninn W. Gunther, business manager of tbo Ilallston News of Hnllston, N. Y., died in that village last night. Mr. Gunther was well known throughout Ea&tern and Northern Now York as a newspaper man. Ho wns uumarriod. An Old Insurance 31 an Dead. ItociiESTKii, N. Y., Aug. 88, Samuel I). ltaymond, the pioneer Are Insurance man of this ulty, died last night aged 08 years, iio leaves a widow and ono son. and a brother, Henry J. Raymond, of tho few lorn, iimoa. -Li l'arnell Lose the Prconmn's Journal. BirauN, Aug. 88. Tho Freeman's Journal of this city will oomo out to-day as an antl-iJarnorite journal. Tho office in AiroUcti.l by tint uUw. Oh, What a OouRh, Will you heed the wai uu.g? iue clgnal per naps or the sure api'rrwcb o that more tr rlblo dlieako. Oontumptloa Ask y, urselvet If you can aflord for tb- kc c saving Gc ceuU, to rim tho risk and do nothing loi 11 We know fron experience thai KhtluTr Cur will Cure our Cough. Ii tov,r falls. Thl Bxf'alns why more iliau a Million liotiles were sold the past year. It relieves Croui and WlioppliiK Con.h at u.-e Jiolhers d uot be without It Kor Lamo Hack, Hide oi Chest, useBliuoh's Porous P.ukiei. Sold by U. II. llagenbuoh, N. K, corner Main .and Lloyd streets. Alt.UUAv t liAl'KIl. 11 0 lard, leMnd to He Mb owl jwr ; thou Unit done enough for the rich and healthy, and the happy do not new! thee.'' The healthy do lint need Cactus Dlood Cure, but those who ore suffering from rheumatism, (rout, bolls, carbuncles, ulcere, and the thousand Ills or sc rcT'ila and siiecillc disease, need the kindness of Providence to help them bear their troubles, and Cactus Blood Cure to euro their discuses. POLITICAL. -roit- SHERIFF, BENJ. J. SMITH, MIESKNT DEPUTY. SQHEIDSR'S BAKERY, SO E-ist Centre Street, SIZUX.IXDOAII. Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Co .feclioncry I OF AM. KINDS, HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Oream ! BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Orders promptly Btlendt-d lo. Paitlcular at tention paid to Balls, Picnics, Festivals, etc. NOKTII MAIN STREET, Niar Corner of Lloyd, SHENANDOAH, PENNA -JUST OUT- Tlie "ffl BROADWAY" HUGE Ithmts every thins t' thn market and the price ii jusr, fkni. to sun, ine iiuiett. It Will pay you to come una aso it. I era prepared to dn the roll jwlng at tho nrloa-i fiUo,ed: Tin roofing .(leper foot and up Tin ro it pal nt tys " " Tin eondu lor 13 j " " Tin hauglng tuiter lga " " viuiviini.tu ruiiii iv Bluett ju per pounu uepuirs jur an siuves nup -cuny. WM. 17. PRATT, 7 0 3m 331 S. Jut-din St., Sltcnlniloah FORTIETH ANNUAL -OK THE- Sstojll Co' j iW Soeisl; WILL EE HELD AT ORWiaSBXJBGI- SEPTEMBER 1, 2, 3 & 4. An excellent nrotrrammo hasb?en nrranired. Prof. Van Norman, of Hagluaw. Michigan, will ue present wnnn's siriue or morousu- bred horses and give son, oof lus daring per- lorrnunces. wm 11 uave never UEeu given any, wh, re In Ihlinar' of the countrr. The troUtng progmuime Is excellent and enlrlos aro numerous, us the nurses of the Ceulial PeinihyKanla Clicull, ui irhlch the above soMety i nnicmbo-, amruuttu (6,350. i ou win min a ileal 11 you uo uol biiudu. 8-IM-lt 735 snuiti .Smviia OTIIA.W8 fhow lh" way tha wind blows, but they don't show what hard blows we have been strllclngat straw hat prices, dome hats are dtar at uny price; these hats are cheap at double the money. If what covers your head Is not bsoomlng loyon. all the pains you take is to the rest 01 your attire aroslmply thrown away, dome and Mr how you will looxln lneofom-GOo striw hats. There's no use In living any lurther desnrlntlnu of then) than to ssy this they aro stylish. Wo cut the price dow.l because we want lo cut our Hoclc down. Another big baigaUl In hats Is our II Mack stitr hats. 13 S Jala St. SOANLAN Skeoudoib WANTS, &c. J?01l SAIiK Old bottles, (suitable for - bottling ajtsnp, o can be had very cheap FOR BATjE. A good pool tnblo In the Kzcel'lorCIuh room. Apply at tho room, or T, A. Evans', 31 Ua Ov-ntre St. 11.3v WANTKD A reliable servant girl. Good wagos paid. Apply at Qoldcn's clothiiigstotc, U South Main street. 8-28-lt 17On RKV T. A dwellliie houfe X co ilalnlng six room). Apply'to It C. Kn!ght,83 Knst Centre a r, et. 8 -t-tf DESTRAWiE PHOP.ERTY FOXt sals. One of the most desirable proper ties on AVest Oak street, for sale on reasonab'e terms. Apply at Kowse's grooery store, cor uer Jardlu and Oak streets. Shenandoah, Pa. TYPE WRITING. A yottug lady, a gradnat, , vr mts work at typo wrillng. alt at ItKitALD olUcc. or address HfitM.D, Hhenandoah, Pa, n I'll FARMS FOR SALE. Are you look lug lor a farm? If so cnll on or write to' J. J. Kehler, Fruclcvllle, Pa., as to whero th-y are located and for terra. S23-tf DESIKAHLE PROPERTY FOR sale cheap, It bidng on corner of Coat and Kmerlck sticeU. It Is suitable formally purposes. Apply lo No. 2 8 Jardln 8t. 8 3tf PROPOSAIiS Will be recelvedTor furnishing and delivering to the different fiehoolbulldlnglnt the borough of Hhenandoah -tlo tons of egg coal, SO iouh of sUivocoal. 10 tons of pea coal and 10 tons of (hestnut eoal. All bids lobe submitted by September 1. 1801. The committee roiervcs the r ght to reject any or all bids The coal to bo furnished mast be from tho P. A It. or Kehlevlluu collieries. N. J. OWENS WILLI M TIlKZfH, WILLIAM JCICMAN, JAMIiSOUIKAKN', A. J. UALLlOUKIt, 81i-14t Comm'ttee. Eleotion 3aTotioo. STOOKHOLrI2R8 MEETING. The stockholders of the Mahanoy City, BDeiiaodoih, Qlrardvllle and Ashlai d Htrcet liilliray ore hereby notlflel to meet In the office of tho comoany, Jicddali's building, Hlietiandoab, Pa , on Saturday, Keptemberfi, 1M1, at 10 a. m.. for the purpose or electing a presldeutand five 1 1 rectors. My order Stockiioldep.s, W. S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller'a old stnud,) Corner Coal and Janllii !ttw. Mr. Bnvder will always keeiVIn stock a'.llne Hue of boots and shoes. Custom Worlc and RepairlMji done In the best style. Re guarantees to sell cheaper thnn compe'ltors on Main street who uave uig rents u pay. u'lu guara uiees a geuu jne bargain on every purchase. No Combine Beer ! has secured the agency for tho BUUWE1SES and EXPORT BEERS RICHARDS & CO. OF WILKi:-i-UAUKE.l These lirrwers aro NOT IN AKY THUrtT aurt aro selling their excellent beers at the people's prices. Saloonkeepers Supplied at $7 Per Barrel. Private Parties " " S3 " OnDEIlS OA.N UC LEFT W1TU SOL. DAM, 120 S. MAIN ST., who will promptly fill all orders for KheuauHo.li and vlclulty. 1TOW RGAINS We aro Belli up out our entire bLooc of La diet', FINE FOOTWEAR, to make .room for our Cill eoods, alroidy or dsred. In fact. w.e are determluod to cleareviryihtng out, Including alamo lot of AltuV Mining and Rubber Boots. There goods must Ue sold, and no reasonable oner win ne reiuseu lor iticiu. rnis is no humbug, as what we aoverlltewe uieau. Tlie peou'o will now liavo an opportuuliy to Secure Genuine Bargains. Dome early belore the slztsare broken. Boston Boot and Shoe Store Ilobblua' BIook, . Cor. Main and Oak Streets, Shenandoah I,. OOI.D3IA.N, 3Xllr, Reduction A few. patterns of White Embroidery, Flounoings, Plain and Plaid Muslins, Pineapple Cloths, Sattcens, Chiutzes, also remnants of Prints, Ginghams, and Dress Goods of all kinds, which are oflered regardless of cost to clean out. PRICE S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street; Shenandoah, Pa. CUT of a M (lisWiE! THE "FAMOUS" ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, 11 JV. Main Street, Shenandoah. henandoah Business AND SHORTHAND SCHOOL, ROB BINS' OPERA NORTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, Fall Term Beains Monday, August 31st, 1891. W. J. SOIX.Y, The Leading Photographer, NO. 14 N. WHITE ST. The work done at this snllery Is fully, crjifU i ihatdone at the laivu naileries of New Vor and riilladelohla. Oomnarlsou Is ln- vltei between the specimens of his two and thr. e dollar cabinets sio'vn in his window and the best of worli done elsewhere at flvo atd six dollars. . Mtn.l. 1...... m..l.ta A a.nlva n patronlzeau emerp-lsj run by out of town parties when better worls may be had of your own townsmen, Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ol flats. Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty ot Nelllo Bly aud Mary Andersou Caps. O EAST OHNTBH ST. NOTICES. roTTSVlLMe, Va Augntt 20, 1801. Tho new Court souse lu 1'otUvllle will be dedicated with approilate ceremonies on Thursday, September 3, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. m. Tbo publlo are rospcctiully invited to Lo present. Railroad companies will Issue excursion tickets at reduced rates. HAMUKI. a. DkTUIUC, JAMHs J. I10WK3, KUAb E. HEED, 8 27 01 Commissioners. WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Whsrebs will bo plea edto meet the wants of his friends aud the publlo la Everything in the Drinking Lino. If you And you have fallen down Into a hole, C Give attention to what we snail say Our prices mid bargains such peoplo contol", n,l,,nlnrr1, In In n nn.H..! -----ft.-'-,. ... j.ii.K.mM nuj, People get into flnnnolul holes and they are the worst klud by paying more for tblni'i th in tlinv nrn worth. To get out, buy only what la worth all it codts. The poet In our establishment I puts it in verse as above. Itut that is not definite enough. Seethe follow-' lug offerings with figures: Black Cheviot Suits for men, 18 to 10. Boys' all-wool Cheviot Suits, $5. Neckties worth COo for 25c, Co ege ! HOUSE BUILDING, President. New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Pahled, Papered and Renovated. No. 1X5 EAST CRNTRB STREET, Three doors above Kendrlck Iloute, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Ilasltey would Inform his tuny friends nud the publlo that he will cater I o their wants lo tlie same flrsUclass style that he Iras done In the past. None bat the bast brands of for. elgn and domestto wine?, liquors and cigars win ue Hepi in hlock. unoice leinperan uriuati. riimuiu kiuckuio The eattne ba' is supplied with everrth' lolbeo'itlnz line served In the bostslvl. Meals servL-d at all hours. Fine nrlvato rooms . aiuicnea. LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS 3? J". 03L.B-A-E.5T, Uealir In all klads ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Fergnson Ilttqse building, SHENANDOAH, PA. The Cheapest Place ! TO BUY Gents' FarnisMng Goods, Hosiery, Etc , OHARLES : YAROWSKY'S, 23 West Centre fit., Shenandoah. Q. M. HAMILTON, 41. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. omce-28 West Lloyd street, Shenandoal B C L ICS k 9FVS- A