A MUVATU TOOTKIU -Harper's Ilazar. Don't bo Docolvocl by doalors who "cut" price'. "Cultini?' tiricoi lmds to "cutting" goods. For thU rcaton and to protect tho public, tho genu ine modicinos of Dr. R. V. Piorco are now 6old only through regularly nuthorized naonU, who can oll only Kt tho following long-eftnblUhcd prices: Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery (for tho Liver, UUol and Lunge), ?1 00 por bottlo. Dr. Pierco'a Knvorlto Pro cription (fnr womun's weaknesses and dflrangomonts), $1 00 per bottle. Dr. Vierco's I'loosaut 1'ollols (for tho liver) 25 cents per vial, Tho genuine modicinos, which can bo bad only at thoo pricos, are tho choapost remedies you can uo, for they're guaran ieed. It's "valuo received or no pay." In over? caso wbero Dr. l'iorco's medicines fail to give satisfaction, tho makers will ro- turn tho monoy. Hut, they want to bo suro that you get their medieinet, and not thoir bottlos reflllod or tamporod with, or spurious imitations. Kofuso overything offerod as Dr. Piorco's modicinos at loss than tho abovo prices. Thoy aro generally spurious. Tho August moon la in Its last quarter to day. Ask Your FriondB About It. Your distressing cough can be cured, AVe know it becauso Kemp's Balsam within-tho past few years has cured so many coughs and colds in thisjcomrounlty. Its romarkablo sale has been won entirely by its genuine merit. Ask some friend who has usod it what ho tbinkB of Kemp's Balsam. Thcro is no medicine so puro, none so effective. Largo bottles 50c and $1 at all druggists'. Oysters are coming. A Curo for Constipation and Hoadaoho. Dr. Silas Lane, whilo in tho Kocky Mountains, discovered a root that whim combined with other herbs, makes an easj and certain cure for constipation. It is tho form of dry roots and leaves, and is known as Lano's Family Medicine. It will curo sick headache For tho blood, liver and kidneys, and for clearing up tho complexion it does wonders. Druggists sell it at 60 cents a packago Light bills are on the increase. New Yohk, February 28, 1800 Alva's Brazilian Hptdltc Co. Gentlemen: I take pleasure in ctrtl ylng to ilio cure Ire reived through your medicine, lie Carttm 111. joil Cure. 1 have In en n Miflerer from eruptions upon the skin eczema, etc., lor several years. During that time 1 was treated by several Miilltd plnslclousln those troubles wltluiit any bcueot. Alter tnklni: two bottleB I u m eithely well, and heartily recommend tho mcdtclue to any out MitTcr Ing Irom line truubles. II. JlcKEON, 8.8blxth uveuue Bold at Klrlln's Drug Ktore.Keruueou House Block, Bhenaudom . Autumn flowers are ready to bloom. Shlloh's Consumption Curo. This la beyond question the roost sue ceeHlul Coogli Medicino we have ever sold, u Jew doses Invariably cure the woiH esses ol Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its won- Genu: success in me cure oi Lonsutnpuon is without n parallel lu the history of medicine. Since It's first dHcoyery it l;nB been lold on u guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand, li you have a Cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Price 10 rents, 60 cents, and tl.10. If your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back lnme, use Hhlloh's I'orous Plaster. Hold by O. 11. llageubuch, N. K. corner Alain nud Lloyd streets. The dog days are over, but dog day weather lingers with us. How to Succeed. This Is the great problem of life which few satisfactorily solve, home tall because ol poor health, others want ot luck, but the majority from deficient grit want of nerve, Tney nre nervoui. Irresolute, changeable, easily get the blues nnd "bike the spirits down to keep tho spirits up," thus wasting mouey. time, opportunity and nerve lorce. There Is nothing like thultestorutlveNervlne, discovered by the treat specialist, Dr. Miles, to cure all nervous dueases, as headache, the blues, nervous piostiatlon, sleeplessness, neuralgia. Bt. Vitus dunce, ttts.und hyitoila. Trial bottles and tine bonk of testimonials tree at C. li. llagenbuch's drug sture. The fly and the mosquito family tire numerous this season. A Fatal Mistake. Physicians make no moro fatal mistake thau when they Inform patients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little rnufeqnenco. IJr. Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana specialist, bus proven the contrnry In his new book on "Heart Disease," , which may lie liml free at l II, Il igenbuch's dru store whoKUHrautees nud reooiuinendi Ir, Allies tiucqualtd Now Heart Cure, which hu the largest sale ol nny heart remedy In the world. 11 cures nervous "ml orgnnlo heart disease, short breath, fliitterlug, puln or tenderness In the side, nrm or shoulder, Irregular jiulse fainting, smother lng, dropsy, etc. Ills Kestorotlve Nervine cures headache, fits, etc. Peaelios these days npiienr to be In everybody's mouth. Mlloa' Norvo una Llvor Pills Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowels tlitounhthcncrret A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, oonstlpattou, Uuequaled lor men, women, children. Hmallest, mildest, Burestt 61 dimes, S-Vsts. Samples free, at C. II. llagcnbucu's drug store. Complotod to Doadwood. Tho Burlington ltouto, O., B. &Q. B. K., from Chicago, Poorla and St. Louis, is now completed, and daily passenger trains are running through Lincoln, Nob., and Custer, S. D to Doadwood. Also to New. castle, Wyoming. Sleeping, can to Doad. wood. ' tf (110,000 for a wire She nrcfcrrcil a "hnmUomcr man," did Kdna Patterson, the pretty young wife of Ili-nry Ward Patterson, n uu cngo lmnlior. And that his wounded licnrt may bo honied, Mr. Pnttcrfcon has sued Marcus H. Stolnman, nil linfrusiimnn n gooa family, nnd roputcd to bo w6althy, for 810,000. Some six months ago the Pat tersons arrived In Chlcugo from Indiana. Tho lnlshand tliouirlit It well to locnto In Chicago and opened a bank. About that time Ills who was mirouuccu xo ytcinmnn, who was in this country on a business trip. Then tlio trouulo negan. mo nus band says Stolnman robbed him of Mrs. Patterson's affections nnd Induced her to leave him. Thoy have not been liv ing together for somo time although Mrs. l ntiur&uu i um u uu n zin..igw. Stclnhinn represents a Liverpool hoMsO. Ho is expected to reach Chicago In a few days nnd the husband hopes tlier. to servo htmnvlth notice of, the suit. A coroner's jury nt Loulsvillo, Jfy , has found that Mrs. Kezeoh Outhrlo, who died a few days ago, came to uer death from poison partaken of at o wedding. Judgement should be displayed In buying mextl tlno above all things. In soleotlng a remedy for any disease, you should b positive that it contains nothing inj rious to the health. Many remedies on tho market leave the patient in a much worse condition, than boiora taking them. s. s. s. U purely vegetable, and perfectly harmless; tho most delicate child can take it with absolute safety. It contains no mercury or minerals of any kind, and yet it never falls to oure tho dis eases it is recommended for. Book on Blood and Skin disease fre. Swift Specific. Co., Atlanta, Q A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgnges nnd Bonds written. Ainrriage licenses ana legal claims promptly attended to. Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. General Fire Insurance Business, Represents tue JNormwesiern i.ne insurance co. Office Mulrtoon's building, corner Centre nnu west Bis., nuenanaoan, ra.. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. 1. A two story double frame dwelling house sloronnd restaurant, on East Oenlre St 2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre street. 3. Desirable property on corner Centre ond Jardln streets, suitable for business pup poses, 4. A two story double frame dwelling, on west l.lovd street. 5 Two 2-story frame dwellings on Wes t Cen tre sireoi, 6. Two 2 story dwellings on the corner of Coal and Chestnut streets (Store room In one. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut Kirect wiin a large wareuousQ ai iiib rear. 8. Three twrsfltory double frame buildings corner of Lloyd and Gilbert streets. First National Bank TIIEATHK IIVILDIMO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $ioo,ooo.oo. A. W. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenring, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT, INTEREST Filial on HnvluuH DepoHilN. Genuine is and will over ho tho best Bomody for rtnnf TTifliT0n7.f1. nnnknoho. TJnlna in (tin RMn. nhnRt nnd' JointB, Neuralgia, Sprains, &o Before you aeei to xmj, ootala n-csrc nc nslARCEJ tla TaloaWs dmVi "Qulde to Heilth," withj euttgriBIUCuM 01 promiuou. uujwuiuus, ADDKKSi: Fi ADs RIGHTEn uD 310 Broadway, Q8 Prl7e Medals Awarded! nropeanIIoueilKndoltidt,Londoo Vhaaa, Fragaa, Uotterdara, Olten, 50 Oent3 a bottle, For Sale by X". .IJ. Ji-XitXTIV. 11. iiA.oioNyucir, antNANUUAIl, pa.. ana cxacr arugsuu. OVER FORTY KILLED tt mj T111 a rassencor iruiii juuis jnuiuy Fcot Iuto a Creek. CAUSED BY SPREADING UA1LS. It Was the New York limited 'Express Bound for Aahvillo, N. 0. Very Few Northern I'eoplo on tho Train. Tho AVrerltcd Cars rnrtly Submerged In a Strcnm-OIott of the russcngers AVcre Asleep AVlten tho Dinastcr Occurred, The l)end nnd Injured Quickly lletiioveit. Ralkioh, N. 0., Aug. 28. Ijiter news of tho railway disaster near Stntesvlllo yesterday shows It to havo been tho most illsnstrou that over occurred on nny rail road In North Carolina. A west-bound passenger train on tho Western North Carolina Itnllrond jumped a trestle near Statosvillo about 3 a. m. The trnln pltlngcd In tho darkness Into a ravlno 00 feet in depth, dnshing tho cars into splinters. Tho train was filled with people, ninny of thorn Tcnnossenns returning from const resorts. Forty-two passengers wcro killed nnd ten injured, according to tho lntcst nc counts. Eighty-flvo passengers wcro on board the trnin. Tho rails nt tho ontrnnce to tho viaduct hnd been misplaced, and tho entire trnin went down eighty feet to tho smnll creek below. Tliero had Tjccn no washout, as has been reported, and tho bridge was not broken down. Threo I'ullmnn sleepers and two private cars of railway ofllclnls aro in the wreck. Up to 11 o'clock thirty-six bodies hnd been taken out of tho wreck, and later tho number wns stated to bo forty-two. Five were seriously Injured and five others sllcrlith" hurts Tho disaster camo without warning, and escape by jumping wns impossible, consequently tho engineer, tha fireman, tho baggage-master, tho conductor and tho porter 6f tho sleeping car wero killed. Been nt the "Wreck. An eye witness to the disaster says thnt after tho fearful crash, when tho trnin wont over, all was quiet for sevoral mo ments; then from tho dark abyss below shriek after shriek arose. Ho ran down to tho river bank and could see the care pnrtly lying on ono side, and from tho windows of tho two conches ono or two persons wero crawling. He did all in his power to rescue a woman who was caught under a side of a car, but before he cculd do much the relief sum moned from Stntesville had arrived. When they came a dozen men nnd women were seated on tho upper sides of tho cars. Some were screaming whilo others wero lnughing it was tho laughter of Insanity. The night was dark, and to add to tho horror of the situntion tho water in tho creek was up. It was only through the most heroic efforts of those who hurried to tho scene of the wreck that tho injured wero not drowned. Mr. ond Mrs. Link of Lexington, who werd nmong tho Injured, wero married only tho previous night and had just be gun their wedding trip. Tho wrecked train left the Jersey City depot of tho Pennsylvania Ilailrond at 12:80 Wednesday morning with bIx sleepers. HELPING THE DISTRESSED. Jttllnf for tho Families Who Lost Rela tives In tho Turk l'laco Dtsustor. New Yohk, Aug, 28. There is a gen eral movement throughout the city to help tho living relatives of thoso who per ished in tho terrible disaster in Park place. It is known that there aro many who aro totally unfitted to bear tho responsibilities which the position of breadwinner makes it necessary for them to assumo. At such times ready monoy is the only thing that will, in a smnll degree, tend to lighten tho burden of grief. Already tho sum realized from tho gen erosity of tho many who invariably come forward at such times has reached a con siderable amount, and tho several com mittees which have been appointed to look after tho interests of thoso who need help report that tha subscription lists aro swelling hourly. Tho Kellef Committeo appointed by Mayor Grant reported at noon $5,043 on hand, It was decided to allow each family $50 at once. Tho Lithographers' Union has already raised a good sum for tho" families of thoso lithographers who lost tht-lr lives. No more bodies have been found in tho Fark place ruins. Tha search for them has practically been abandoned. All interest in tho disaster now centers in tho placing of the responsibility. The coroner's jury was empanelled and viewed the ruins. The Inquest proper will bo begun on Tuesday, WILL FIGHT CORBETT. Charllo Mitchell Takes Up the Challenge. for W35.000 H Side. London, Aug. 28. Charlie Mitchell formally takes up Corbett's challenge to fight for $25,000 a side. Ho is ready to deposit tho money furnished by his father-in-law "Pony" Hoore as soon as Corbott by cable announces his accept ance. In addition, Mitchell says ho has an English friend willing to back him for glUU.UUU against Uorhctt. It must bo a light to a finish. Corhett can decide whethor the fight is to be in America or in England, It in America Mitchell wants to oamo tho exact location; if in England Corbctt can name tho location. Appeals to the Spalsli Minister, CUre May, N. J., Aug.28. Secretary Monue Seono of the Spanisli Legation hns appealed to the Spanish Minister from a flue of 4.20 imposed for fast driving. The mayor says tho arrest wns illegal and that tho alderman who issued tho warrant is liable to State prison. Caught Setting FJre tu a Stablo, Altooa, Pa., Aug. 28. Jim Itieley, a notorious character, was caught last night In tho act ot setting flro to a stablo, and locked up. IIo has for some tlmo been inspected of causing many of tho fires that have occurred here of lato. A Vlltag on Fire. Toronto, Ont, Aug. 28. The town of Omemce is threatened with complete do ttruotion by fire Th Wiudsor Hotel was the first building to go. The tl graph office Is gone and further purtlcvk. Urs arc unobtainable. will cunc rUPBV rrrara nt? Tho Kticmirngpmcnt of Culture. "May I venturo to hope. Miss lloncon wealth?" asked Mr. Wabash, with n world of wostcru wtstfuiness In his volco. . ' ' "IIopcl" replied Miss Ucacomvcalth, "Is n happy attribute of the human race, and" "Then I may hope," the youth re peated eagerly. "1 was about to add whon you bifur cated my utterance, Mr, Wabash," she continued. In cold, elcari-eut Ibsen tones, "that tho samo sanguine temper ament which induces you to hopo will enable you to sustain the eventual cer tain disappointment. "-2J. Y. Tclefjratn. Nothing can be said in favor of tlio best medicino in tho world that may not bo said of tho most worthless. In ono case, it's true; in tho other, it isn't; hut how can you distinguish ? Judgo by what is done. Thero's only one blood-purifier that's guar anteid. It's Dr. Piorco's Golden Medical Discovery and this is what is done with it ; if it doesn't benefit or cure, in every caso, you get your money hack. Isn't it likely to bo thq best? All tho year round, as well at one time as another, it cleanses and pur ifies tho system. All blood-poisons must go. For Dyspepsia, Bilious ness, Scrofula, Salt-rhcum, Totter, Erysipelas, or any blood-taint or dis order, it is an unequalcd remedy. It's tho cheapest, too. With this, you pay only for tho good you get. And nothing else is "just as good." It may bo better for tho dealer. But ho isn't tho ono that's 'to bo helped. Bank Counters, Tyler 3 y stem, Port aniOi uncquniod in styios. Cost ond Finish. 150 Pim CiUIogu of Connltr. Dnkt cte liloitf ita la Colon, Hooki ire PocUza l&OnU.- Office 3eka and Type ivrlttsi Culilnrli. KOO Style, llcst nnd cheap est on earth, with great reduction in prices. ISO dim eiuloirna lYti. roblage la eti. lull llae or lkll, Cblln, TblM, Hook !, CalrlatUi Xrgftl Blank t aciaeii dr. aiwajaio aioca. Bnwltl work mad (a ordrr. DR. THEEL, kqq North Fourth St., DUO bet. Ur0, rHlLibBLTMIA, th oftlr fpoulaa German American BpcclalUl n United Statu wbo it abn w coio Blood Poison, Nervous Deblltyd Spe cial Diseases Bklo Diaeuwi. Rwd SpcU Fat&i Id tha bonu.SoreThroat Mouth, Blotehea, Flinplca', EropUona, toft or hard Uloera, HwelUnft, Irrttattona, Itflainmationi nnd RqqdIoki, btrlcturei. Weak net and ariy decay, loil memory, waft hack, menial aniiely. KtSney nd Bta-ller Ulaeaiei and all Dluea maltini from Riceaaea. Jn'llKrrUon or Omwork. Beocnt caaea cured In 4 to 15 raller at anoa. Do not low fcope, to matler htt J tliloir n.rtor. Quack, Family or IlPpltl Phjatclan lia IiUed. Dr. THEEL curea positively "wlttiut deWnUon from tviiaeaa. oio. rovxa, mipolr did DTUoia WKyritm uiKRiini, rich or poor, acrid to, namp ff.r OOOK "TRUTH" xpoMn Quacki nnAn iworn Uitlmonlala, lIo"w, diilj hw 9 to I, (TM 6 to 9, Wed. and Bat. Bri6to 10.8uuIartlU13. Wrtto or call and ta w. For Refertnot aa Weda. i"d Saturday rUU. daily Time Or tlio A.Iquor llaiill, lonl(li-ly Curcu uuuiiiiiiirliiff iir. llitliips' Uuhlon Skm I He. It li mannfaotured at a powder, which can ba Elyen In a class of beer, a cup of oofloe or tea, or In food, without the knowledge ol tho patient. It Is absolutel y barznleu, and will effect a permanent and apeedy cure, whether the patient ia a moderate drinker or an aloohollowreok It has been given in thousands of caseg, and In very inatanoe a perfect oure baa fol lowed, ltueier Fall. Theayetem onoe Impregnate ed with the apeoiflo.lt becomes an utter Impossibility Cor the liquor appetite to exist. 8 pase book of particulars fr,s. To be had o C. H. IMGENEUCH, Druggist, Shenar.do&h WATER OF LIFE. Anowly (llBcoerert MINHIAI. WATER, the use of wlilrli will Mipply luiporlnnl ele menls neonwry io liroltli. It will enre tbn Kidneys, Liver, fctomnclj, anitsll Ilowcland jHHuucr nifetiEes. iivmaiwoive faicuuana rtmuve Iht-m. ItrmnvfB thAiiTlnnnri from tlio blood and tl us destroys Malaria kud Chills. It curcHllilplit's disease, and la es. peclally recommended for prople advanced In life, and for genera) debility. For undoubted Proofs of this tend lor rnmnblet elvlnir full partlculars.toJ.lt. 1'EIIKY, Water ol Lite L.O.. Bi nouin Alain mu wilKes-liarre fa. PIEE INSUEA1TCE 1 liiiit ill Oldest Rtlltlle F(il Cul tia;u!ii Uepresented by nAln CAIIOTJMO B, JsrdlnBtrwt UniW I MUO I l bIIKN ANDOAII.I'A 0 "rfe) i 1 a vjkvx H EISKELL'S 6o- SKm DBSEASE FromHlmpior-lttiplcn to olmtlimte UCZKTtl At nlUfi lTnf in -wmww w.u -8end fir , "Stints for Kltclicn ana BIcIc. Itoom.'r a handy book for tho household. I'llEU, CACTUS BLOOD CURE. UOK TO SARSAPARILLA. Purifies tho blood, tones up tlio system, gives an appetite. Cures dyspepsia, constipa tion, sick headache. Regulates the liver and kidneys, and be sides cures all blood and skin diseases, whether manifested only by common pimples, or eczema, or by ulcers, abscesses, and tlio more violent effects of scrofula and blood poison. Is perfectly harmless and never fails. Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa. Your trade is wbat we waut. This is Low we propose to get it. By selling you a first class article by selling you for less than otbcrsj by selling you furniture, an organ, a piano, a sewing machine or anything else in the lino of household goods. We have a large and va ried stock to select from. No trouble to show goods. Call, examine nnd be convinced. ' 11 H H THE OLD PELABLE, J. P. Williams fe Bro., Soutli Main St. SHE JSTJJSriDCDJtt:. Lehigh. Valley Railroad. ABKANOEMENT OF FASSEKaKR TEAIKe. -MAY 10, 1891.- I'assenger trains will leave Bneuandoah for juaucn ;nunK, ienignion, eiatingion, uaia BaUljUN, miuuiunu. 11C1U1CUCU1, xvnebuu, full adelphlaandKew York at 5.47, 7.40, 9.03 a.m., 122.ai0.5.2n.m. For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap and ciruuubuurt; ub o.it, a. iu., uiiu o.up. m For Lambertville and Trenton, 9.08 a. m For While Haven, Wlltce-Darro and Pltu ion 0.11, v.w, iu.11 a, m., a.iu ana 00 p. m. F'or Tunkhannock, 10,41a. m., 8.10 and 6.26 p. in For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyont 10.41 a. in., and 5.211 p. m. For Lacey vllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly, Elmlra, Itocheeier, Dutlaio. Magara Falls, Chicago and all polntu Weat at 10.41 a. m.,aiid 5.20 p. in. For Mmlra and the V est viaBalamanca at j.iup, m. For Audenrlcd. Ilazleton. Stockton. Lnm her Yard. Weatherli and Penn Haven Juno tlon at5.4;,7.40, 9,08a. m.and 12.62, aio and lo p. 111. For Jeanesvllle, Xievlston and Beavei Meadow. 7.40. 9.08 a. m. and 6.28 n. m. For Bcranton at 6.47 9.08, 10.41a. m. 8,10 and 5:20 p. m. For Ilazle Brook. Jeddo, Drlfton and Free land at 5.47, 7.40, 9.US, 10.41 a, mi, 1Z62 8.10 and 6.26 p.m. For uuakako at, 6.47 and 9.08 a. m., nnd 8.10 p. m. For WlgganB, Gllberton and Frackvllle at o.tu auu tf.uo am., una t.iu P. in. Vn.Vnt.DIln .11 f V I . I 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10,68 a. m.,122,3.10,5.20, 8,03, V.4t. HUU1UU1 1'. U. For Lost Creek. Slrardvllle and Aehland 1.27. 7.46,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.10,4.10, 635, 8.10 and 9.14 p. m. For Uarkwater, Bt. Clair and I'ottavllle. 7.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. m., 122,3.10,4.10, 6.26 and 8.01 p.m. For Buck Mountain. New Itostnn and Aloreu, 7.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. ir, 12.62, 8.10, 6.26 and 8.03 p.m. For Haven Run, Centralla, ML Carmel and suamo&in, bju, ana iv.io a. m., 1.4U, 1.41 and 8.06 n. in. Trains leave Bbamoktn for Bhenandoab, 75 11X5 a. m., 2.10, 4J30 and 9.30 p. m arriving at Bhenandoab, 9.06 a. m., 1242. 3.10, 6.26 and 11.10 p. Ill, BON DAY TKAINB. For Lost Creek, Glrardvllle and Ashland 6.50. 0.10 11.35 a. m.. 2.45 n. m. For Darkwater, Bt, Clair and PottsvDle, J.U.., o.w, it lu., t.io y. ui. For Yateavllle, Mahanoy City and Delano, O.W, IIJMJ M. Ui,, D,lUp, Ul, For Lofty, Audenrlcd and Ilazleton, 8.01 Catawmqua. Allentown, Uethlehem, Kaator auu i.ew lui., o.w u. Ul., p. lUi For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. in. k. U. HYINGTON, Uen'l Pass. AeU, Bethlehem. IMPORTANT NOTICE ! All persons are hereby warned NOT TO FISH IN TEE DAMS! Belonging to tbo Shenandoah Water Company, and all parties caught violating this notloe mil ua Prosecuted an Trespassers, By order or WE RE AFTER YOU Philadelpliiaana Beading Bailroau HIAIKS LEAVE SDENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS or New York via Philadelphia, week dayn. ZtO 5.SB, 7JU B. m. and ll85 2.60 and 64 DTK, via jhrucd unnnit, week days. 6 2i 30. a. m. and 12.S5 and 2.fa n. m. " ' " Korlteadlnir and Phllndefnhla wook dan. 2.10, 6.20, 7.20, a. m., 12.35 and 5.65 p.m. innday. 2.10 and 7.48a. ru., 4.30 p.m. .lrr. """"""rui ween aa, a.10,7.20 ft, in., to, o.oo p. rrr. 1-or Allentown, week day, 7,20 I, m. 12.3S .o p. ro. ITn. I... . IT. . L . . . 2.3. J.M i and 6.65 p. m. Bnncfay, 2.10 and L4? in, 4 iAi p.m. For 'iBmaaua and tiahnnnv mtv .w lays, 2.10, 6.28, 7.20, a. m., 12.35 20 nnd 6.46 mi, Simdav. 2.1(1 and T in i m im Additional lor Mabanoy Cltr. week davit 7.na p. in. . - VOT Wllllftmsnoft. ek days. 3.25, 7.20 and II 81 a. m 1,83, 7.W ro. (Sunday 8:2.t a. m.. s.ar n. m. For f.fahanor Plane, week days, 2.10 8.23. ' 55, 7.20 nnd 11.30 a.m., 12.3S, 1.85. 2.60, 6.55. 7.00 and 9.26, n. m. tiunday, 2 lOj 8.2 and 7,-u 125. 2-10. .2 1. 7.48 n. m.. 3.0S. 4.30 n. m. for Aohland and BhainoKln, week days, t.2i, 5.25, 7.20, 11.8'J a. m 1.85, 7.00 and B,2i . m UitrtrtaT no: O oo 'arte. . ' Leave Hew York via PhlladelDhla. wfW ' 111., l.ou, .w, .ou p. m.i light. Bunday, 8.00 p.m.. 12.15 nhtnt. .Leave tiew York via Manob Chunk, wei tays, 4.30, 8.45 a. m 1.00 nnd 4.00 p. m. IXMVVe l'hllDOfttnlilti.. TUMr iI.vb i in onA 10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m.. Irom iitot d ind Callowbill and 8.SS n. hi.hbJ 11.91 n m from Otbauo Ureen ttreett. Bunday D.05 a. Leave llendlnK, week days, 135. 7.10. 10.CB ind 11.50 a. m., 5.55, 77 p, m. Bunday 1.85 ana W.48 a. in. Leave I'ottavllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m VXi.ti.ll d. m. Hnndav. ?n ?m. m. anl ICS p. m. ixwe xamnqun, week days, 8.S0, 8.48 and '21a. m.. 1.21. 7.18. and H.IK n. m. Hnrrtnr am 7 43 . m. and 0p,m. iavo Mfthnnoy Ulty, week days, 8.40, 9.18' and 11.47 . m., 1.61, 7.42 and 0.44 p. m. Bun. 1V. l-4ll ft 17 Q. r, a 9)1 m Leave'Mahanov Plane, week dnvs.2.41. 4An J.80, 9.35. 11.60 a, m.,1.05, 2.00. 6-20, 6 28, 7.57, and ''tOOn. m. HnnriQV2.4. d.On. nnil k.'.7 u rt 3 37,6.01, p.m. r uvo uiraraviue (nappanannock Btatlon) ftw uujtb, .it, i.u,, omo, unu v.ii u. 111,, n.vy, V2, 6.fl, 6.82, 8.03 and 10.08 p. m. Bunday, 2,47, Ijeflve Wllllamsnnrt. wnAlr flavft. ftnrt 11.66 a. m. 8.35 and 11,15 p. m. Bunday 11.15 p. in. For Baltimore, Washington and the west 7la B. & O. It. K., through Trains- leave Qlrard 1 .. 1 1 ...... 1 n ui,ii.jr.iui. 1 1 1 . . . 1, . 4t 4.16, 801 and 11.27 s. m l.M, 4.21, 6.55 an t:a p. m. Bunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a, m 4.24 .Do ana imv. m. ATliANTlO CITY DIVISION. Leave Phlladelnhla. Chestnut Hlreet Whan nd South streot Wharf. Xor Atlantic CHt. x Weeklavs Einreso. sir.. Ron 9:00. 10.4.1 n.. m. ana 1 m (Saturday, oniv. 1.301. 2x0. a owl 3.30, U', 6 00, 6.00 p. ai. Aocomuolatlon, 7 ! I a.m., 4.16. (i SO p. m, V l iannyfc jixDress. 6 15. 8.00. 8 3Cl "i 9.00, 0.80 a. m. and 1 30 p. m. AocoinindHUuU 8.00 a. m. and 4.45 u, m. Returning. leave AUantlo City, depot corner tlnntlc nnd Arkansna avenneji. Week-dnv. Einress. 7.00. 7.S0. 8 00. 9.00. 10.00 aim. and 3 is 4 00, 5.30, .3'i, 7.30, 9 80 p. ru. Accommodation 0.00, 8.10 a, m. and 4.f0p m. Bnndays-Kx- press, a ;su, t.w, o uu, u w, '3u, 7'00, 7.so. B.oo, B.a? p. m. Accommodation, 7.30 a. m., 6.05 p. m. u. u. iiaimuuuk, Uen i-au r Attl A, A, MCLKOD. lies, ituen'l Monacer. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. SOUUTuKIuI. DIVISION, On and after Nov. 24, 1890, trains irtll leao Shenandoah at foUows: For Wlggan, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New Castle, Bt. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9.19- I Ul HilU ItlO i Ul, Sundays, 600, 9.40a m and 3.10 p ra. For Pottsvllle, 6.00, u.lo a m and 4.15 p m, Bundays, 000, 9.40 a m and 8,10 p m, For Heading, 6.00, 9.10 am and 4.15 pm, Bundays, 600,9.40 a.m. and 8.10 pm, For Potlstown. Phoenixville. Nnirlstnwn And Philadelphia (Brood street station), 6.00.. t,iv KjUinuuiiUfii ui wBtui uuyis Bundays, 000, 9.40 a m 8.10 p m Trains leave Frackvllle for Bhenandrili at. 10.40 a m and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Bundays. 11.18 a m and 6.40 p m. Leave fousvHie ior anenonaoan, 10.15 ana tl.48..a o 7.16, 9.42 p Ul. Bundays. 10.40 a m 5.15 p m. i.eavo i-iiimueiima (oroaa streei sution), for Pottsvllle ana Bbenandoah. a m 3.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p ra week days. Bunday 935 am and 1.10 p.m. For w York, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.85, 60, 7.801ah j.208.3( i.m, 11.00andll,15am.lZ00noon,(llmw tiea express, l.ua ana 4.ou p m.) l.u, 3.20, 4, 6, 6,i6.80, 6.50 7.13 8.U and 10.00 p m, 12.oX? alehu on Bundays, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.85, 8.12, 8.80, 9.60. a zo. and 12.49. 3.20 (limited 4.60), 6.28, o.so, 6.00 7.18 H.12 p m and 12.01 night. For Bea um, Bpnng Lake, Belmar. )rean Grove. Asbnrv Park, and Loner Branch iSO, 11,15, a. ra. 4.W p. m,. week dayr For rTcenoia, o.v , p, m. weeK aaya. Ha1tlmor and Wamilneuin. 3.60. 7.50. R.m 9 10, 10.20, 1.18 a m, 12."i (limited ejpross)S.43 4.41 6.M an .7.40 p. m., and 12.03 night. For BaltHnorei uly. '402, 4.u,&08und liSo p, m. On Bundays, 8.60, 720, 9.lland 11.15 a. m. 4.4 9.57, 7.40 p m. 12.03 night, Baltimore only 5.08 and 11.30 pm, For .uicbmond and tho Bonth 70 11.18 a. m .Limited lis press 12.85 p. m.12.03 nlght.week lays. Bnndays, 7.20 a.m., 12.03 night. Trains leave HarriKburg for PltuDurg ana the west every day at 12.25 and 8.10 a m and 1.00 (limited) and 8.40 p m. Way for AJ loons, '.15 a m and 4.10 p m every day. For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a ni dally and 10.2O i m week days. , Leave Bun bury for WUUamsport, JElmlra, Canendnlgna, Itochester, Bnllaloand Mlagnny ''alia, 6.10 a m dally, and 1.43 pm week dnye. Cor V7atklns,60pjn weekdays. For Krle and intermediate points, 6.10 am;,, tally. For Lock Haven, 640. and 9.53 a ni. dally, 11. and 6.S0 p, m. week. days. For tienova 5.10 a m 1,43 and 6,39 p m week days, ).10n. m Sundays. 1HAH. K PUGH. J. M. WOOD, Gnu. Man'r -isn.faiw.Aet. Y"IljalINaT0N KOBTHEUN 11. K. Ttme table (n i ffect May. 10, 1691. Trains leuve Reading- (P. ei It. station) for Gibraltar, Beyfert, Blraiboro, Joanna, Bprlng, Held, Woyncsburg Junction, Coatesvllle,West unesier,!. uausiora j unciion, is. a u. junction. wuuiiugiuu uuu iiiiermeaiaieBiaiionB.aany except ounuay, ai.o.zanna b.so a.m. ana n. m. Hundnv onlv at 8.05 n. m. For Warwick. Bt. Peters and lnlennedlata ftatlons.dally except Bunday, at 9.20 a.m., ana 6.19 p. in. Bunday only 8.16 a. m. For Birdsboro and Intermediate stations, Saturday only, at 12 mr For Baltimore and Washington (B. A O. IU It.) dally except Bunday at 6.25 and 8.80 a. m. and 3.16 p. ra. bunday only ul 8.05 p, m. Trains arrive at Beading (P. & 11. etatlon) from Wilmington, 11. A O. Junction, Jlont chanln, Chaddsford Junction, West Chester. Lenape, Coatesvllle, Waynesbnre Junction, BprlngneldrloannajBlrdeboro, Gibraltar, Bey, fertaud Intermediate stations, dally except Bunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. ra. Bun- da y only at 11.24 a. in. From Bt. Pet 'eUrs. Warwick and Intermediate stations, dally except Bunday, at 8.23 a. in. ana 2.2a p. m. nunaay only at a p. m. From Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations, Saturday only at 1.40 p. m. From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex. cept Bunday, 10 20 a. ra. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m, Bunday only nt 11.24 a. m. BOWNESB BBIGGB, Gen'l Pass. Agt. A. O. MCOA UHLAJSD. Supt, RUPTURE. -reTyW II U I 1 UlILt Kupture by Dr. J. 11. MAYER, 831 Arch Bt., I'M la. TboinoB li. Horlung, Now Ulnggold, Pa., I.Pandt, Boutb Easton, Pu., L. P. di O. A. Deturck, Oley, Pa It. O. Hianley, 424 Bprnce UU, Lebanon, l'u., A, Bchnelder. Locmt Dale, I'a.,1), B. Noll, Lime kiln, Pa., Win. E. llhrienstlne. Phoenixville. PaM W. M. Ltlnbacli, 624 Washington n Heading, Pa,, J. C. Lyme, 1310 W. Howard St., llarrlsburg. Pa., O. ICeehn, Donglassvllle, Pa, Dr. MAYEIl is at lintel Penn, Beading, Pa on the 2nd Saturday of each, month. Call to see blm. rr n. BmoKER, m. d., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Not (East Centre Btreetj Mabanoy City, Pa i Bkluandoll sriuu dlaeasu tpeolUty. 1 g r'