The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 27, 1891, Image 2

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Evening Herald.
JT. ailOYttn, l'Altnr nml VuMlnhrr.
IIMf. ,T. U'ATKtXS, jAienl IMtor.
27.c m'JSXlXO JlJSllALDhaia larger cir
culation in Shmandoali than unp oilier jmper
publUheit, Honkt t.prn to all.
"subscription rates:
HAiiv.iwr var " "
WKRKi.y. per year 1 "0
Knlerfd at the l'oatofflce, at Shenandoah, r.
for trannmlsston through tb malls
v wwoml nlft mull mf.tWir.
nalllmore " HwpoM'Hs " Call Torth I'm
touts AKHtmt Alled Immigrant.
Washington, Aug. 27. There is every
indication that n crisis U arising in tho
matter of tlie present flood of assisted
Jewish immigration from Russia. It has
been the lieltef of the Trenmiry Depart
ment, ns well as of the now Ilnrenu of
Immigration, that ero lonsi would arise
complication resulting from this sudden
influx of people, men and women, who
are willing to work at almost auy prlco.
A formal complaint was received nt tho
Treasury Department from a labor or
ganization in Haltlmore, which is com
posed of tailors who work for the many
ready-made clothlnrr houses in that city.
In the protest It Is stated that largo
numbers of these Russian iramlKrants re
main in Baltimore, and that they make
up ready-made clothing at such very low
rates that American workmen cannot
compete with them; and an Instance Is
? liven of the results of this competition
n the statement that, whereas one year
turn the Baltimore workmen were paid
$15.78 ft dosen for finishing vests, tho
steady Increase of immigrants has mado
lalor so cheap that now only ?i.o per
lozen is paid for the samo worK, a price,
It Is added, which it is impossible for
Americans to accept.
It Is stated, unollicially, it Is true, but
from excellent authority, that there have
grown up in Baltimore recently "sweat-
pits" which rival the most tiornoio tene
ments in New York, Kochester and Chi
cago. Just what stops the Treasury will
take it Is as vet imnoislble to ioiv
Fuddleton (to hotel clerk) Gimmo
zcr besht room iu zer houshc.
Hotel Clerk (blandly) Sorry, sir, I'm
Fuddleton Zhat so? So'ni I. Good
nltfht. Judge.
A tigtist dnys are going.
Rocky Mountain Ouro.
Tho druftKinU clfiim that people call
dally for tho now euro for constipation and
tick headache, discovered by Dr. Silas
Lano while in tho Kocky Mountains. It if
mid to be Oregon grape root (a great
romody in tho fur "SVoet for thoso com
plaints) combined with simplo horbe, and is
mado for uto by pouring on boiling water
to draw out tho etreneth. It sells at 60
conts a package and is called Lano'f
Family Medicine.
Tlio boys are kite Hying.
Hold It to tho Light.
Tho man who tells you confidentially
ust what will cure your cold is prescribing
Kemp's Balsam this year. In tho prep
aration of this remarkablo mcdicino for
coughs and colds no exponse is spared lo
combine only the bost and purest ingredi
ents. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to
tho light and look through it; notico the
bright, clear look; thon comparo with
othir remedies, l'rico 50c. and f 1
Shot His Mother-in-Law, His
Wife and Himself.
A Dollberately Planned Triple Tragedy
Near New York.
It Is said will sell anything, this fa
tnro In a meusuro; but for vtayiiig
qualities,- merit is tlio test. Extensive
advertising may sell anything whera
It is new or unknown, but after il
comes into general use, it la judged
according to ita worth. The continued
and steady growth of Swift's Specifi
U tlio beet evidence of its excellence
It in most popular where it Is beet
known. Every bottle Bold, sell tea
others. Every ono that takes it be
eomos its friend, and recommend It
to their acquaintances.
Treati&o on Blood ami Skin Dlcuzraa
culled free.
Swut Specific Co., Atlanta, &
skin di
FroniBlmplePimples to olmtlnute KCiUJ.HAi
xtroend for"2IInt for SXIlclicii nntl Sick.
XSoom," a haady book for tho household. rjtr.E.
So anxioai wert tb taelenti for tulwurl men thU j
puny dojii oiria were punoacaia.
Every MAH can ba 8TRUNO I
and VIGOROUS In all reload.
ufir!ng from NERVOUS DE
I11LITT. Loll or Tallinn Man-
hood, rhyikil Ezcenii. Mental
Worry, Stunted Development, or
ut PEKflOHAL WKAEHIB3, can bt
reetorea to PERFECT HEALTH at.1
MEN, tea Prldo and rower of nation..
We claim by years of practice by
our pxclualra method a uniform
uonoroLY or success" in treai-
Affllctlone of Men. Testimonial
' f rf m CO Btatos and Territories.
iimiii m r icitlbr ient tret.. sealed. Dost-
UUU ntW DUUftpaid.foro, limited time: Oet
It while yon can. Full EipUnatlone for HOME TBEAT
UEMT. You can be FULLY BE8TORED ae Thooeandl
bare been by ne. Head oar teetlmonlale. Addreeeatonca
I li-4 1
Uesncrato StrnBglo With nn Infurlnted
llustianil-IIo lrlred Four Shots at Tils
Wire, Knocked Her Down and Ulclied
IIcr-nelondloB Ills llovoKcr He Tried
to Commit Rttlclde, nut Failed,
NEW YonK, Aug. 27. Henry Miller la
dying at Great Neck, L. I. j his wife Is in
a critical condition, with four bullets in
her head, and his mother-in-law is suf
fering from n dnngerous acnlp wound in
flicted by a bullet. This is tho result of
a desporato attempt nt double murder
and suicide, mado by Sillier.
Miller married Christino Nelson,
daughter of Mrs. Lilllo Nelson, four
years ago. They did not llvo happily,
and the wlfo went to live with her
Yesterday nfternoon Miller bought n
83-callber revolver and went to seo his
wife. It was after 10 o'clock at night
when ho arrived at tho Nelson house,
lie pounded on tho door. Mrs. Miller
came to nn upper window. Miller osked
her to como down. She refused and
closed tho window. Miller found an axo
and battered down tho door. Ho then
rushed up to the Becond floor and de
manded that hla wifo should return to
his home. Sho refused nnd Miller seized
her by the arm and dragged her toward
the Btalrwuy.
' Mrs. Nelson came to tho rescue and
Miller drew his revolver and fired. Tho
bullet took effect In her head, inflicting n
painful but not necessarily fatnl wound,
and rendering her unconscious.
Miller seized his wife by the throat with
his left hand, while with his right he
leveled tho revolver at his head and fired
four shots. Allot the bullets took effect.
Tho woman fell to tho landing nnd stag
gered into the hall. Her husband over
took her, knocked her down and kicked
her until sho fainted.
Believing her dead, - Miller left the
house. After walking about n mile, ho
reloaded hla revolver and fired four shots,
two In his tcinnle and two In his mouth.
Ilo remained unconscious, according to
hla statement, for about four hours.
On recovering consciousness he got up
nnd walked four miles to tho house of his
mother at Great Neck.
In the meantime Mrs. Miller baa re
vived and started to a neighbor's some
distance away. She fninted twico on the
road, but finally reached the house and
nave tho alarm. Mrs. Nolson was found
just returning to consciousness.
Mrs. McKrf inn! "Irs. lli.rrlf on Sail.
Liverpool, Aug. '-7. Mrs. McKee and
Mrs. Kti'iell Harri-.m. tlm daughter aud
daughter-in-law of Pi evident llarrUon,
sailed for New York on the Whlto Star
steamer Majestic.
A VounB l4Mly Drowned While llnthtna;.
Nyack, N. Y Aug. 87. Miss Hoc
Cooke, a highly respected young lady of
Upper Nynck, was seized with cramps
while bathing In the Hudson Hiver during
the afternoon and was drowned.
Accnsed nf Murder.
HklvitjERB, N. J., Aug. 27. A negro
named Alfred Johnson has been arrested
at Stanhope. He U believed to be one of
the men who murdered Theodore Frezo
at IIoie a month ago.
Philadelphia and Beading JRailroad
Timt Table in e&cet July JO, 18V 1
Por New Ynr Tin 1h!liirtp,lrihlft. tveelr rtitvii.
2.i0 5.23, 7,20 a. m. aud 12 83 2.60 and 5.58
m. oonaay z.iu ana 7.M a. m. For Heir
.cm, !).,, a. m., 12.35 3.W) and 5.86 p;m,
r m. uunimy z.iu ana a. m, or neir
Voik, via Manch Chunk, week days, 5.2S,
7.20, a. m. and 15.04 and 2.60 1. m.
'or neaaing ana l'niladelnhla weeK dfty,
Tho tlog star relgna uo longer.
New York, February 28, 1890
Alva's Hrazillan Hjiecino Co. (lentieinen:
1 take ulnafcure In certlivmtr to lliecure 1 le-
ceivcd through your medicine, ihe tnotns
lll iod Cure. 1 Have icn a sunerer iroin
eruptions upon the bfcin eczema, etc., inr
evernt yfnrs. During ilint ilinu I vus
treated bv everBl Khllltd nln slclaus in tliote
trouble without any uemnt. Aller taklnic
two bottles 1 am ei ilrely well, and heartily
rccoinmeud the medicine to any onp suOer-
log lrom iiRetrouuie. u. jmckh.u.m,
8 8 HUtU avenue
Bold at Kirlln's DrugStore.berisuBon House
Jlloolc, ahenaudoa .
Elderberries plenty aud cheap.
Shiloh's Consumption Ouro.
This Is beyond o,uetlon the inon suc
ceulul CoiiKh Medicine we have evtr sold,
a lew doea invariably cure the worn cvmwoI
Cough, Crimp, and llioiiclillln, while lis won
derlul bucoets In the cure of Consumption l
without, a paiallel In Hie hlMory of nitdlclue,
Hlnoe It's ilrat dlacovery it lias been told on n
guarantee, a teat which no other medicine
can stand. Il you lwve a rough we earnestly
asfc you to try it. l'rlce 10 renu, 50 ctnls, and
U0. IS your I.uugs ore tore, Chest or Hack
lame, use Blillob's l'orous l'lakttr. KoHl by
C. 11. llagenbuch, N. E. comer Main and
Lloyd streets.
The moffiiiltotB
jmilciit this Beasou.
First National Bank,
Capital, $100,000.00.
ure ilecidely itu-
How to Succeed.
This is tbo great problem of lllo which lew
satisfactorily solve, fome lall because 01
poor htulth, others wunt ol luck, but tbe
majority from deficient grit want ot nerve,
They are uervouti, Involute, changeable,
easily get the blues nnd "take the splrtl
dowu to keeji tbe spirits up," thus wasting
money, time, oppoituulty and nerve lorce.
There Is nothing like IhelteslorattveNervlue,
discovered by the great specialist. Dr. Miles,
to euro alt nervous ditcafcea, as headache, the
blues, nervous proatrutlon, kleepleaaneris,
nvuralglu, St. Vitus dance, tits, and hytteila.
Trial botllfs and line book of tettlmonlala
free nt C. 11. llagenbuch's drug btoie.
A. W. Leisennng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennng, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
I'nlil 011 UnvtiiKH DepoHltH.
To roaeli the earn of corn this your it
almost require a step ludder.
A Fatal Mistake.
I'hysloians make no mure fatal mistake
than when they inform patients mat nervous
heart troubles oome from tho siomaoUand
are of Utile conequence. Dr. J-'ranklin
Miles, tbe noted Indiana t.tclhltn has
t)rnvn th eonLrarv In his uew book on
Hart Disease," which nitiy be had tree at
t . It. Hagenbuch s drutc store who MUHrAtitri-s
and reoommendi Ir. Miles ui.t mulrd New
Heart Cure, which haa 1b largest stile o any
heart remedy lu the world, il curea nervnua
nd organic heart dlseaae, abort breath,
tlutterlng, pain or lemlcrnckH lu tbe side, arm
or shoulasr, Irregular pulse, falutiug.sniouur
lng, dropiy, et. Ufa lteslorallve Nervine
cures headache, flu, etc.
It take) 11 pretty uond man nowadays
to bo us good nn "wheat. "
Miloa' nerve and Llvor PUla
Act on a new principle regulating tbe
liver, atomach and bowels Uaouah the iien tt.
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Illls speedily
CUID UlllUllBUn, i.UU IH'ltj lAJ.JIlM 11, VI, I11B,
constipation. Unequaled lor men, women,
children. Smallest, mildest, surest I 5,
Stcts, Samples Vie, at C. II. ilagenbuch's
arng store.
Oomplotod to Deadwood.
The BurlinRton Kouto, O., D. & Q. II. It.,
from Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, U now
completed, and daily passenger trains Are
running through Lincoln, Neb,, and
Custer, S, D., to Deadwood. Also to New-
castle, "Wyoming. Sloeping cara to Dead'
wood, tf
is nnd will ever bo tho
Bemody for
rrjniit. Tnfliiftnrn. Saakaoho."
f-Poina in thn Rido. Chest and!
f JolntB, Neuralgia, Sprain3, &o
Bsfore yon aeed to Inyi oitala
km;rfp OP CHARCEtC
tto yalusUe hooki "Guide to Health." with
310 Broadway,
Prize Medals Awarded!
EnropeanllotiioailtudolBtidt, London!
Vlfnna, Srsgnei Botterdaii, Olten,
HnrsmberirT KottStein, Lelpslo,
50 Cents a bottle, For Sale by
x. r. x. iciitLiiv,
ana otccr aragxuu-
Mrs. Uelnbort Withdraws Iter Chorses ol
nreach of rrouilso.
New IUVEN, Conn., Aug. 27. It is
announcod that tho suit brought by
Mrs. Mario Eienhnrt, of Now York,
against Edward Mulloy of this city for
breach of promise of marringo, laying
rtamases at S25.UUU. has been settled,
Tho terms are kent a strict secret.
It Is also allcceu that Mrs. itelnhart
was within reach of her most intlmato
friends at tho time of her alleged mys
terious disappearance from flew York.
and that her legal adviser was awaro 0:
hex whereabouts.
Mr. Hamilton, counsel for Mrs. Iteln'
hart, is now absent on his vncatlon In
Nova Scotia. Ho will not return for two
or three weeks. It is hinted by somo who
know tho parties In tho case that Mrs.
Eeinhnrt bus accepted a sum considerably
less than ono-llfth ol her original claim.
It will bo remembered that sho was em
ployed as a governess in tho family of Mr.
llalley for nDOUV two years, duo aneges
that Malley betrayed her under promise
of murringe. Her child, a boy, was named
Edward Mallcy. It died in February of
this year.
11 V
Purifies tho blood, tones up
tlio system, gives an appetite,
Cures dyspepsia, constipa
tion, sick headache. Regulates
11 1: 1 1 ; i -il aays, z.iu, a.zs, e.a, 7.iu ana iumb. m.
the liver and Kidneys, and be- 12.85, iss, w,6.,j'.()and! Sunday
. . , , 2'i0, 2 1, 7.48 a. m., 8.PC, 4.30 p, m.
vaiii, ivcea uhjii
1 35, 7.00 and
-junaay. 2.10 and 7.48 n. m . j so n
,Fnnr iiarrlSburK wect oaja, 2.10,7.20 a. m,
i,i 0, 5.96 p. m.
m Afloatown, wee days, 7,20 . m., 12.38
a. 0 P. 111.
For ' FotUvlLt, week days, 2.1().7.V0,a. to.,
12.35 2.M i at.dB.rfp.jn. Hunday, 2Ms.nA1.ii
. in , 4 30 p.m.
For 'raniHqua and Mahanoy City, week
days, 2.10, S.J5, 7.20, a. in., 12.31 2.W and 6.5S
p.m. Sunday, 2.10 and 7.4S a. m., 4.80 p, m.
Additional tor Mahanoy City, week days 7.00
p. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days.
7.30 a.m., 2.60 p. in.
For Wllllanuport, Kunbury and Lewlsburs,
week days, 8.25, 7.20 and 11 S3 a. m., 1.S3, 7,00
p. si. Hnnday 8:2S a. m., 3.05 p. m.
for Mahanoy Piano, days, 2.10 8.29,
'Mt, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m., 12.W, 1.85, 2.50, 5.5.5,
7.00 ano .2f. n. m. Sunday, 2.10, 8.25 aad 7.43
a, m. 1.f'B, 4.30 n.tu.
ror oiraravino (itnppanannock station!
kdays,2.iu. 3.25, e.25, 7.20 and m
SlCleS CUreS all blOOd and Skin L0J"uia.nd.??d SbampKin, week days.
J.2 , 5.25, 7.20, 11.30 a.
i ! I.ave New York via Phlladelp
only by common pimples, or aays.7.45 a. m.,, 4.00, p.
J J . , 1 , 1 ' night. p.m.. 12.15 nlgu
eczema, or by ulcers, abscesses, ftSjft
nnd the more violent effects of
scrofula and blood poison.
Is perfectly harmless and
never fails.
Sold at Kirlln's Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Bloch, Shenandoah, Pa.
IcopYHicirr leoi
A ringing noise
in tho care, headache, deafness, eyes
weak : obstruction ol nose, dis
charges falling into throat, somc-j
times profuse, watery and acrid, at
others, thick, tenacious, bloody and
putrid ; offonsivo broath ; smel and
tasto impaired, and general debility.
Not all of theso symptoms at once.
Probably only a low ot them.
That's Uatarrli.
A mcdicino that by its mild,
soothing, cleansing and healing
. t .1 it. l.
properties una uuiuu niu mum iiujio
less cases. One that will euro you,
no matter how bad your case or.of
how long standing. A mcdicino
that doesn't simply palliato for a
time, but produces perfect and per
manent cures.
That's Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy.
A cash payment of 8500, not S.y
you, as yon might expect, but lo
you, if you can't bo cured. It's an
offer that's mado in good faith, to
prove their medicine, by responsible
men, tho proprietors of Dr. Sage's
That's the kind of mcdicino to try.
Doesn't it seem so ?
The Williams' Grovo Gathering.
Wiluaiis' Grove, Pru, Aug. 27.-
V lliLUAAia UllUVH, xtu. niijj, mb
attendance at the third day's assembly ol
tho Parons of Husbandry Is estimated at
10.000, Ex-Lleutenant-Uovernor lllack
spoke in favor ot n constitutional conven
tion, l'ennsyivama not, navniB nao, no
nsscrted, nn honest election in twenty-five
years. Congressman Beltshoovcr opposed
silver coinase. In the afternoon tho now
Grange Hall was dedicated, on which oo
casion Generals Gregg and Gobin and Mr.
Southworth spoko, tho latter advocating
silver coinage
Odd rcllowa to Erect a Grand Temple.
CmoAQO, Aug. 27. Tho Odd Fellows'
Teinulo. to bo crvcted soon in this city.
will not only bo the tallest structure in
tho world, but it will also bo tho biggest
In other rosnects. It Is to be a building
that will ecllpso anything evor before at
tempted in cither the classical or modern
niia In tho architectural lino. It is said that
over $1,000,000 will bo expended In tha
undertaking lor we purcnase oi real
estate and tho construction.
Your trade is what wo
This Is how we propose
to get it.
By selling you a flrst
class article; byeelliugyou
for less than others; by
selling you furniture, an
organ, a piano, a sewing
machine or anything else
in tho line of household
We have a largo and va
ried stock to select from.
No trouble to show goods.
Call, os a ml no and be
via Philadelphia, weelt
yj p. m.i jz.i
nuns, weec
d, a.uw. utii n. au.i a.w nuu i.uj y. ill.
I leave Phllsdeltihln. wme dnm. 4.111. anil
10.00 a. rn. a.00 and 6.00 p. in., from Bread
itnd Oallowhill and 8.S5 a. m. and 11.30 p. m.
from 9th and urean strecw. hunday 9.03 a. p. m. from Otn n inwu.
ioave Heading, week days, 1 3i. 7.M II).' 5
jr.d 11.50 u. m., 6M, 137 p, m. Huuday 1.35 and.
ui.48 a. m.
ijbave 1'ottovUle, week days, 2.40, 7.4t) a. m.,
I-3.K0. 11 r. m. Hundav. iAO. 7.00 a. ai. and
2.C5 p. m.
J-ve Tamaqua, weec days, B.V0, 8.3 and
21 a. m 1.21. 7.13. and 'J.1S 11. 111. Sunday u.i.0
7.43 H.m. and 2.50 p. m.
ueavo Aiananoy uny, wcex days, v.ia
nod 11.47 a. m.. 1.51. 7A2 anf B.41 r. m. uun.
day, 3.40,8.17 a. m 8,ao p, m.
Leave Mahanov Plane, week davs. 21i .4.(0
s.80, VS5. 11.09 n. m.,l.t 5, 2.C0. t W, ao, 7,57, and
inivir. rn. Knndav 2.4.. 4.00. and 8.. 7. a. rn.
3 37,5.01, p.m.
Xivmv uixuruviiio ixuippauanuoca. ouiliune
ffeeic days. Z47. 4.07. 6.3(1. and 0.41 a. m.. 12.0."
J '2, 5.WI, 0.82, 8.03 and 10.00 n. m. Hnnday, 2,47,
i u , b oua. m. i,.4J, p. m.
. ! 1.6S i
Lieave Wllllatiibport, wees days. 3.00,9.45 anc
,.oo n. m. ana v. m. aunaay li.ia
pot ijaiumore, wnsningion ana me wesi
via li. & O. K. It., through trains leave Uirard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & It. H, K.)
id, cui ana n.j a. m,, i.-i, an
d. m. Hundav. 4.10 8.02 11.27 a. m.. 4.24
i,55 and 7.21 p. m.
Axuutiiuua i xiivitsiuri,
iave Phlladelnhla. Chestnut Utre'jt Wharf
autt aouth Btrect Wharf. -C
For AllHiitlcCllT. f l)
Week-days Exnrens. 5.15. 8 00. 9.00. 10.45 a.
m. andliKi (Saturday, only. L30). 2.(0. 3.00.
3.30, l.i , 5 00, 0.00 p. ki. Accomuioilailon, 7 40
m., 4.10, u du p. m
onni tixoress. 5 15. 7.00. 7.30. 8.00. 8 30.
9.00, 0.30 a. in. and 4 30 p. m. accooiuu uuon,
8.00 a. w. and 4 45 p. iu.
rtdtnrnlng, leave Atlantlo city, depot corner
'. t lantlc nnd Arkansas avennes. Weeb-navg
Express. 7.00. 7.30. 8 00. 9.00. 10.00 a. m. and 3.15
4 00, 5.30, b.3t, 7.30, U 80 p. m. Accommodation
8.00, 8.10a. m. and J-tOp m. Sundays-Express,
3 30, 4.00, 6 00, 8 00, 0'30, 7'00, 7.30. 8 00, 0.8O
p, m. Accommodation, 7.30 a. in. ,5.05 p. m.
u. u. lui,u, udu irab&rAKii
A. A. MCLEOD. PreB.aGrn'l Uanaser,
J. P.WilliaisdEro.,
Soutli Main St.,
Bank Counters, Tyler Systom, Po
able, unequaled in atyioa,
find- nnrl Plnlsh.
ISOr&TO CtUloffue or Counlrrt, Deaka lc. Uloilrli In
Colon, llool. Fire ToktB J5 Cnta.
Also 'iyicr-o
nffirii ItpkkB nnd Type
writer CablnetM. SOO
Htyles. Best and cheap
est on earth, with great
redaction in prices.
ISO pate euicpu Fe.
Poktac utt r
DekLt, lhlri, TuMot, llooh
(r, CalilntU, 1KI Rlank
CublnrU. tlr( twij lo ttork.
HnorUI wArk tiiitls to order
TILKIt J1E8K CO., St.I,ouU,Mo.tU.SaA.
Lehigli Valley Railroad.
-rAY 10, 1891.'
nrth Fourth tit..
,tl. Oreen, Philckumi.
the onlT genuine Gennn Anieneea
Siw'eleuil la i
thn rnlud buu-e ba II
able w care Dlooa r"Olsone
Hsrvous Debility aaaopk.
elal Diseases
Sklo DUt mi. fted Srle Fain lo tbe
tont.e,soreThroat& Mouth
Elotihue, Hmrlri, FropUoni, eofl or
hard Uri, SwelUnsl, IrritetloDi,
liinacimetloue an! Kuaolnge,
buicturte, Wcakoul aod Kerly
leeir. Ion memorjr. week back, mcotal aniltlT, Kianrj
llla.Hn DUeaiee and all Dlereiee rciolUul trera
lalUaNtlonorOTenrort. Roent eeieeeurM n',lB..V
rellr et onee. no not loie hope, no malKr wbl ear.
tlelo Ooelor, IJovli, Femlly or Iloiplul ThjeitUa u
nr. TBCKL or positively a"1 ""boot itunlton ttca
bnilneil. old, toduo, midblb oa i THoea eowmriiTiM
yiaauni. ritb or pot'. eAnd H. Ilamp for DOOK
"TRUTH" epoln QoaoH nnd'r eworn teedmaalau.
lio?",rilllr t,,m 9 to 1, tViit to , Wed. and Sal.
Ir'ia lo 10. Sunder 0 tin IS. Write or eU end l
Tor BehrenoeeeeeWedo, "d Setnrdey Ptlla, dall Tlmea
A Protest Inspired by Monopolists.
Wasiiinoton, Aug. 27. A dispatch
from Madrid says tho Chamber ol
Commerce at Barcelona has determined
to send a formal protest to the Govern
ment and Cortes against the now treaty
with tho Uuitod States. Tho Chamber
holds that tho treaty inflicts soiious in
jury on the trade of Spain with the
Spanish West Indies. The Catnlonian
monopolists mainly inspired tho protest.
Favor tlitf ftun-'i'roaaury cneine.
Tertle SriuNQs, Mo., Aug. 27. In the
vote In the Alliance Convention the Sub
Treasury people carried the day by a voto
of 8U to 2D. Leverett Leonard was elected
Cunoda's Ceuaus lluturns.
Ottawa, Aug. S7. The census returns,
which were submitted to-day, indicate a
population ot 6,000,000 for tho entire Doe
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning? The signal per
haps or thn sure approach ol that more ter
rible dlseabe. Conanmptlon. Ask yourselves
If you can atlord for the take ol saving 50
cents, to run the rlslc and do nothluE lor It,
Wb know Iron experience that Hhlloh's Cure
will Cure your Cough. It never fulls. This
explains why more than a Million Ilottles
were sold the pabt year. It relieves Croup
and Whopplnu Cough at once. Mothers do
not be without It. For Lame Back, Bide or
Chest, use Bnlloh's 1'orous 1'laster. Bold by
C. II. llagenbuch, N. K. corner Main and
Lloyd streets. ttv
Or the litriiior Jltitjli, I'oalilicl? Cureu
ujmitiiuiiMtvrliiff ir. uuiuca'
dolilfii Sliee'llli'.
It la manufactured aa a nowder. whlah can ba dven
tn a clasa ot baor, a cup of cotiaa or tea. or In food,
without the knowledge of .he uutiout. ltlaabsolutoly
hormloas, and will elfcot a peruianeut and epeedy
eure. whether tho patient la a moderate drinker or
an alftoholiowraok It haa been given In tbouaanda
of caaea, and In o err Inatanoo a perfect oura haa tol
owed, it never all, xneayitem onoaimpreirnaD.
d with the 8peolno,lt beoomoa an utter ImpoeelbiUty
(or the liquor appetite to exlet.
48 page book of partioulara free. To be had o
C. H., HAGENBUCH, Dncrjlst, Eben&ndoah
Passenger trains will leave Bbenandoah for
jlaucn i;nnuK, l.euiKUion, eiaungxcn, ui.
saunua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, I'bll
HdelphlaandNew York at 5.47, 7.40,,
if'. a.iu. D.ti d. m.
For Uelvldere. Delaware Water Gan and
Biroua5Durgai o.ti, a m., ana o.op. ui.
rur LLllUUClbllllUUUU iicniuu, o-.uo a, 111,
For White Hoven. Wilkes-Iiarre and Pitts-
. n.. TL IT IW 1,1 A1 n w QUI nn.l K Oil n vn
LUll Wtl, W.W, n. u., .uu .u.
1 or Tunknannocic, 10,41 a. m., o.m ana o.n
p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca; Geneva and and Lyons
ju.41 n. m., anu o j.. m.
Forlvaceyviue.Towanaa, tiayre, waveriy
,..1 , 1,.1 nM ll..l,nln K.tnnrM. V.
Laiuutt, JHJiutcioi, liooniu, ,'inknn, -jia,
Chicago and all points West at 10.41a. m.,and
5.20 p.m.
For Imira nnd the West vlaBalamanca at
3.10 p.m.
ror Auucuneu. xiuzietuu. muuiiiuu. .iiuj'
hf-r Yard. Weatherlv nnd Penn Haven Juno
tlon nt 6.41, 7.40, 8,08 a. m. and 12.53, 3.10 and
tor Jeanesvlllo, Levlston and Beaver
Mpndnw. 7.40. 0.03 a. m. and 5.29 n. m.
For licramon nt 5.47 9, OS, 10.41a. m. 8,10 and
5:26 p. m.
Vnr Hnzle Brook. Jeddo. Urlflon and Free
land at 5.47, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m 1Z52 3.10 and
5.26 p.m.
KorQuaknie at 5.47 and 9.08 a.m., nnd
3.10 p. m.
For WIpKans, QUberton and Frackvlllo at
5.50 and tf.OS a m., and 4.10 p. m.
For Yatesvllle. Mahanov City and Delano.
5.47, 7.40, 9.18, 10.41, 10,68 a. m.,12.62,3.10,5.26, 8,03,
v.i acaiu. ii.ui.
For Lost Creek. 31rardvllle and Ashland
4.27, 7.46, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.85,
g.iu ana u.u p. m.
For Darkwnter. Bt. Clulr and Pottsvllle.
7.40, 9.08, 10.58 a. m., 12.52,8.10,4.10, 5.25 and 8.03
For Bnck Mountain, Now Boston and
Morea, 7.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 5.26 and
8.03 p.m.
For ltaven Hun, Centralla, itt. Carmel and
Shamokln, 8.52, and 10.15. a. in., 1.10, 4.4C
and 8.06 n. in.
Trains leave Bhamokln lor Bbenandoah,
7.55 11.65 a. m., 2.10. 4J50 and 9.S0 p. m., arriving
at Hhenandoab, 9.05 a. m., 12.52, 8.10, 6.26 and
li.ia p. m.
nuniiAi i
For Lost Creek. Glrardvllle and Ashland,
8.50, 9.10 11.36 a. in., 2.4.5 p. m.
ror uarawaier, nt. ciuir nuu ruiusviue,
5.50, 8.00, 9.80 a.m., 2.45 p. m.
r or x aiesvuie, Aiuuuuuy uuy uuu xoiuuu,
On antl aer Nov. 21, 1890, fralnj ttl tao
Bur.unaoai as cii'out:
Il'ur n igKuu, unuciiuii, mi:a.V41iei .,0,7
Castle, Bt. Clair, and way points, 0.00, 9.19
it m and 4.15 pm.
Huuaays,ouo,v.4uamanas.iop m.
r ut r uiusviiiu. u.w, o.iv iu nuu i,ivu lu.
bnndays, 6U0, 9.40 a m and 8.10 r m,
For Beading, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 pm.
Sundays, tjO0,9.40a.m. and 3.10 pm,
For Pottstown. FhoenixvlUe. Norrletown
mil Philadelphia (Broad street Btatloni, S.CO.
J.10 a m. and 4,15 V m week days
rinnaayn, oou, v.u a m a.iu p m
liralns leave Frackvlhe lor Hhenandoab. ab
10.40 am and 12.14. 7.42. 10.09 n m. Bundavs.
11.18 am and 5.40 pm.
wave roiitrvuio ior oncnanaoan, xu.ia and
11. IS. a m 7.15. 9.42 p m. Bundays, 10.40 a EC
3.15 p m.
JjO&vo I'nuaueipnia turoaa Bueet suttionj,
for rott8Vllle nnd Bhenandosi. a nu.
2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Bunday IS'-mt
I am anai.Jup. m. v
For w York, 3.20, 4,06, 4.40, 5.S5, 6.50, 7.30'
8.208.30, i.60, ll.00andll.15am. 12.00 noon. (llm?
ilea express, i,w ana .cu p m.i i.w, i.w
4, 5, 06,S0, 6.60 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p m, 12.oi
un unaays, 3.2U, 4.uo, i.w, uaa, b.12, b.bu, v.&o,
a m. and 12.49, 3.20 lllmited 4,510, 5.26, u,y). 8,60
7,13 8.ia p m and 12.01 night.
For ata uirt, upring ivftite, Beimar
Ocean Grove. Abbnrv Perk, and Lone lirancla
8.20, 11,15, a. m. 4.00 p. to. week dayr For
X retiuoiu, o.v i v. ui. weea- tiuytu
Baltlmor" and WasninKVon. 3.60. 7.20. 8.31
9.10, li.20, 11.18 a m, 12.'" (ltmlted express) 3.4t
t.u ti.1T ani'i.iu p. m., ana iz.u3mgm. ro-
Baltljjior my, uti. J.ii.sosaad n.du p. m.
On Sundays, 8.50, 7.20, 0.lllmd 11.18 a. ta. 4.43
8.57.J.40n ni. 12.03 nlzhL Baltimore only
5.08 and 11.80 p m.
tor tticnmond ana tnetiomn 7.20 11.18 a. m
Limited Kxpress 12.35 p. m.12.03 night, week-
Hcnaays, p.. m., n.w nigni.
Sand 3.10 a m anil
drains leave iiarruDnr;
the west ovory day at 1
Anely dhcovered MINtRAL WATER,
the ute ol which will aurinlv lmnortant ele
ments Dccctsiiry lo health. It will euro the
KIOEpys, Liver, Stomach, and all Howe! and
muuaer ciFeases. il v. ill aisuive cmcun uuu
rtmovethtm. Itremoves the uric acidtVom
the blood and thus debtroys Malaria bed
Chills, ltcurisllrlaht's dlbease, ann is es
pecially recommended for people advanced In
life, and for general debility. For undoubted
proolsor this (end lor pamphlet giving full VEKRY, Woter ol Lhe
Co., 31 Bouth Main Bt.. WiUrw-Harre Pa.
Uijut ul Oldest foWt Pinlj Cuk tBfiilu
Represented by
mrg for lltuDurs ana
day at 12.25 and 3.10 a m anil
j.oo (limited) and 3.4) p m. Way for Altoona.
.15 a iu and 4.10 l m every day.
a or ruisourfe; onty, u.w a m aauy tmu iu:
(, m week days,
ijeave Banbnrv lor Wllllamsnort. E.rnlra.
Canandalgna, Rochester, BnQalo and H lagam
a aus, a m aauy, ana 1.45 pm weec auys.
e or vaiKins, p m wees nays.
For Erie and intermediate pelnts, 6.10 a,
dally. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.53 a m.
dally, 1.31 and 6.80 p. m. week days. For
ttenova 6.10 a m 1,43 and 6,S3 p m week days,
MP a, m Hundaya.
1-ifiU. KW ' liflO. pats. ACT,
jime laoie in rneci jwy, iv, loyi. "
Trains leave Readlne (P. & R. station) fof
uiuraiiar, eeyieri, mrabooro, Joanna, opnn
field. Wavne sburir Junction. Contesvllle.Wc'
i.uetit;r,v.iiHUMuiu juuuiiuu. u, a kj. juuuiioLrrry
Wllmlnetonand lulermedlale stations, dally Y
except bunday, at 6.25 and 8.S0 a.m. and IMS'
p. m, Hnnday only at 8.05 p. m.
rur warwii'ik, cuniein uuu luteruitruiuio
stations, dully except Hnnday, at 9,20 a.m., and p. m. nunaay only n, m.
For Blrdbboro and Intermediate stations,
Saturday only, at 12 m. W3'
f or iiaitimore uuu wutfuiiipiuuiu. o. u. i.
R.) dallv eicent Bunday at 6.25 aud 8.30 a. in.
and 8.16 p. m. Hnnday only at 8.05 p, m.
lrom Wilmington, B. & O. Junction, Monty
chanin, cnaaasiora junction, vt esr unesier,
Lenape, Coatesvllle, Wnynesbnrp Junction,
ttpringueiu,juuuiitt, xirueuuru, ummuur, cey
rnnnnd intermediate stations, dallv excenl
nunuay ui, io.u u. m. u.ud uuu o.ti p. ut.
8.00, HJ6a. m.,l-.4p.4.40,8:08p.-m. . . 3Sv on'lvatll 91a. ra. "-" '
For Lofty, Auaennea ana iiasieton, w From Bt. Peters, Warwick and intermediate
. , . ana -'-a, u. ui. otinuuv oniv fit n n. m.
Kllillinm. KAJ1U1V i . In . . i I . - r . .
Cahasanaua. Allentown
and Mew York, 8.00 a.m., 1.40 p. m;
tor rnuoaeipnia, i.u p. m,
Grn'l Pass. Agt., Bethlehem,
n. i
From Blrdsboro and IntermeOlntK clatlnns.
Baturday only at 1.40 p. m.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex
cept Bunday, 1020 a, m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m.
Bunday only at 11.21 a. m.
uutvkjshs uiuuus, Gen'lPass. Agt.
A, G. McCA UBLAfS D, Bnpt,
120 B, Jardln Btrvet
All persons are hereby warned
Belonging to the
Shenandoah Water Company,
and all parties caught violating this notice
win ue
Prosecuted as Trespassers.
By order of
We, the undersigned,
are entirely cured oi
Runture by Dr. J. B.
MAYER, 831 Arch St., l'hlla. Thomas B.
Hartung, New Ringgold, Pa., I.Pandt, bomb
i.v. .. . . .. li., r , , .. n . .t.,..b in 1 1.. i vj ii , x ut, . i. v., .'i-iiiii n, uirr, ra
R. G. Btanlev. 424 Bnrnce BL. Lebanon. I'a.. A.
Bchnelder. Locuat Iiale, Pa.. D, B. Noll, Lime-
Klin, pa., win. i;. lianensune, t'noenixvliie.
Pa.. W. M. Lelnbach. 624 Washlnirtan St.:
Reading, Pa., J. O. Lyme, 1810 W. Howard Bt.,
iiarrisDure, pa., u. iveenn, uontiiassviiie, l a.
Dr. MAYER is at Hotel Penn. Readlne. Pa..
on the 2nd Baturday of each month. Call to
see mm.
Not 8 East Centre Btreett Mahanoy City, Fa
tajuu uuu uii specuii uiseuaw a speciauy.