ipia-ixria goods at titr. COMER STORE AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, All kinds of potted meats, fluli, canned k,0'ri oysters, lobsters, crabs, Kumluu cnvliir, fresh spiced oysters, lluest smok'-d hnms, bo lognas unit pnioketl be'f, York stato full cream oheese,Kiuanllial,8wIH, Edam, Bapauo and Lltuburger. Kino iunortment of cakes and bis cuit. 0. and 11. pickles of nil kinds, l'lokles by the doyion. You will find just what you want. SEYEBIT'S, IC AIS1B 1XP0BT Light. wspss m(BB aspm tBresnasSb emtzsxan. nggBBv graraagH mgratMiii r-mn.ui.iK Hrk 1 BBassEossl s temsa Knioai ansa jsESoiJoaa W ralrmjtmfrrmmiJnvTmy jL Cll'Xs Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. ALT. TUB NKWS Poll ONK CKNT. Jlau a lnricer olroultUkm lu BlienundoHh than any other paper published. Circu lation books open to nil. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY, "What News Gathers-s Tako c Moment to Tell About. Fanners are busy hauling fertilizing nmimiu. Picnics ami outing parties arc still as popular us ever. The tomato crop is largo and the fruit is cheap thlsyear. Fancy i-hoes do not flud favor among women of best taste Somehow It ruins UiIh season with' out the least provocation. The prettiest thing iu iltoss goods urn seas ai in a preity gin. The hotter people feel toward each other the cooler they act. Another delightful break iu the sultry weather of the pist few days, Kuustroke caes have beeu much fewer this summer thau for many years ikhi. Shorten I tig days admon Ish tho people mat mo summer season is speeding With cheun sunar and nlentv of fruit every home cau have preserves this year. When peaches beeomn n "drug" in the market, its a medicine greatly relished by tho moat healthy. Don't keep decaying vegetable matter around your back yard. It is disease breeding and nauseous. The grapes are rlpeulug and al ready have appealed in maiket. They need a frost to make them i ight. Nativefruits apples, pcus, peaches, plums and grapes are abundant and very cheap compared with former years. Whits face -velle, entirely plain or with a lbwcred border, aril largo enough to come well over tho chin, are now among the "must haves" of a watering place wardiobe. Never was theie such ft demand for crocks and glass fruit jars as thoro is the present season. Fruit is plenty and sug-ir is cheap and every advan tage should be taken of securing an abundant supply. As a rule, tho average man and woman clve themselves little concern about the Intect hordes arouud them. If thev can shake oil the mosquitoes, lleas and a few kinds of bugs ttioy are content. But the Insect ti ibes destroy foiiv sr.s.OGO.OOO worth of crops an nually in this couutry for our fai mers and fruit irrowers. They arc not so insignificant as we believe. Progress. It U vary important in this ago of vast malerlil progress that a romody bo pleasing to tho tasto and to tho eye, easily taken, ac ceptable to tho stomach and healthy in its nature and effects. I'oweaeins thojo qual ities, Syrup of Figs is tho ono porfoet laxa tive and most gentle diuretic known. At tho Same Prlco. All porsons holding duplicate chocks for photographs can havo tho Eamo promptly finished at ICengoy's art fctudio at tho same prico. ltemombor wo are on the first floor. Keaoey. Fancy Delaware poachos ut Coslett's. received daily 8-21 -tf doming Events. Sept. 2. Japanese ice cream festival In Itobblns' opera house, under tho auspices of Mhonandoah Oommandory, No. 11, Sons of America. Sept. 1. Ico cream and peach festival in Bobbins' opera bouse under tho auspices of All Saints' Episcopal Sunday school. 8ept 12. Farewell picnic of Columbia Oh e Club. REGION 'ROUND. A Budget of Interesting Articles on All TopicB. TheMnhanoy City 7W- Weekly Jleo ord says : Under the head of "Deaths'' lu to-day's paper will be found the Mineral notice of Ftnma Rebecca, In faut daughter of Georgo and Emma YlengHt. According to the statement ol the father there are some siranee circumstances connected with this death, which hhould be fully Investi gated, Mr. Yiengst says his troublos, which have ruin-hinted in the death of the child, dale from the time that tho Oniia, (the fortune-telling toy), "said" that he had poisoned somodogs belonging to ome people living lu the neighborhood In which he lives, West Centre street. The owners of tho dcKs threatened to get even with Mr. Ylengst. They withdrew thetr trade ft oui his butcher shop, and in many ways Indicated their sense of Injury at tho supposed wrong lie had done them. He is willing to take an oath, however, that he did not polton the dogs. Four week ago last Friday a valuable cow owned by Mr. Ylengst took sick and died within three days, the indications nil pointing to the poisoning of the animal. His infant daughter, aged 0 months, was fed from the milk of tho cow. On the day the cow was taken sb'k, Mr. Yieugt milked It ns usual and the milk was given to tho child. The child was taken violently ill. Dr. P. H. Her miny was summoned, who pro uouueed the child sutlering from some poison taken in the milk. The ciiiui lecovereu, apparently, ivuiu me ellectsof the poisoning, if such it was, but was Immediately after attacked with whooping cough, and n combina tion of diseaBes, culminating iu brain congestion. Its death occurred bun day. The bereaved parents have our sincere sympathy in their sad itilllc- tion. George Hope, of Butler valley, has a curious fowl that has a head like u rooster and a body like a hen. It crows, and yet layu eggs dally. Hungarians are leaving Hazletou fur British Columbia. The P. O. S. of A. campof Fieeland l building a three-story brick hall, 27x75 feet. Tho coroner's lurv selected to in vestigate the circumstances surround ing tlie main ot Aiiiuouy uougueny, who was found dead oil tho Lehigh Valley lalhoad about ten days ago, lias decided mat ijawience ueir. Hit man suspected of being Implicated In Dougherty's murder, is inuoceut uud mat uougneiiy met aeam uy lying down on the track iu au intoxicated condition uud being ruu over by a freight train. Port Carbon Points. The public schools will reopen nest week. Tho Huuald meets with a ready pale here. The streets were badly torn up by the recent rains, hut tho Supervisor lina hurt them repaired. Mra. . ti in li. isover wno lias ueeu visiting her parents here, returned to Rheii-iiHloah this wees. The new drums lor tlie urant uom- mnnilcrv. 1 (1. K. ClI A.. 11RV0 UeeU received and are pronounced excel lent. A number of city people are sojourn Inir linrn thin summer. When the electric cars run 10 un place thty will bs largely patron- Mahlou Keith has removed to 1'aio Alrn. lTnrrv Walsh who was 111 ureu IU June, is able to go to woik again. Playing Cards. You can obtain a pack of best quality lavinir cards bv Bonding fifteen cents In Doftaze to 1. S. Euetis, Gen'l Pass. Agt. B.. O. & Q.R. R. Chicago, 111. tf SHERIFF, BEN1 J. S SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, SO ltoit Centro Street, MIJIXJ-XVOAU. Bread, Cukes, Ice Cream and Confectionery I Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where he will ha p'oa.edto meet the wants oi nts irienuB ana me puuuc la Everything iu the Drinking Lino. PROPOSALS I Will be received up loll o'clock, noon, on FRIDAY, AUG. 28, 1891, lor exavatlnz the ground about the Nev Uourt Hou-e. 1'lan-nud pecllloittlons can ho Baen at tho Com nils loner ' olllce. HAJ1UKJ. U UEXIJHK, JA IBiS .1 IIOWKU, EtIAa E. ItUKD, (3onimlssloner Attest-JoiiN a. Sn ydkb. Clerk. 8.S1 td HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Oream ! BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL, Go to Coslett's for your preserving fruit, 8-22-tf If ynu want to drive away Dyspeiwia. llilloukuwa. Coustloatton. l'our Annetlie and all evils arlln from a dlordred IJver use Ut. Lee's Liver Itezulator. Trial bottles free at Klrlln'a drug more. SCHOOL BOOKS. Tbe place to buy your school books cheap is Also Hcholar'a Companloua, Hook Htraps, and anything required In ftobool. ttlatuo, penotN, etc, sold ro talfnnd wholesale. Books Suitable for East and WestMalianoyTwp, Don't forget the place If yon wish to isave money. HVE. MBLLBT: CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STANO. 22 East Centre St., Shenanaoak An Bxcollont Production. IM&nquette's charming opera, "Tb ChimoB of Normandy," was produced by tho Milllkon Opera Company at the Palace theatre, Girardvlllo, lastovonlng to a fair- sized audience. Col. Millikon, proprietor and manager of tho combination, has epsrfd neither pains nor money in placing a nrst-cla8 opera company before luo pub lie, as was evinced by last night's nroduo tion. Tho Colonel himself, a model gen tlomen, is a veteran showman, although nover having played in this section of tho country before. Jlay this bo a prosperous season for him I POLITICAL. -FOK- CpOK SALE Old bottles, suitable for at J. A. Ilellly's liquor eto e. 8 EO-tf I'llESlSNT DEPUTY. WANTED. A boy to attend a horse. Apply to Dr. Klstler, cor. Jar u ana Lloya streets, Hliouandoub, 8-21-tf FOR 8 ALE.-A good pool table in the fxoellnrC!llt, rnom. Annlv nt. Iho room, or T. A. Evans', 31 Hast Centre Wt. 1 l-3w jUK ItlfiN T. A dwelling house l-n iflllnlncr .It fnAnn Innlv n H r Knight, 88 Hast Centre s rt'et. 8-1-tf ' -OP AM, KINOS.- E3IBABLE PBOPERTY FOR i J sals. One of the most dealrable oroneh tii on west Oak Ntreet, for sale on reasonable Ivrms. Apply at Rowse'n arooery store, oor- ur Jardln and Osa sireetA. Mbeuandoab, Pa TrPE WRITING. A young lady, a graduate, wmu worfe at type ivrlllng. . all at llBKALl) olllce. or address llEUAI.o. Hhenandoali, 1'u, 8 III TTiARMS FOR BALE. Aroyou look V Inzforararm? If so call ou or write to 1. J. Kchler. Frackvllle. l'a.. ns to where they are looted and for term". &2!-tf DESIRARLE PROPERTY FOR sale cheap, It being on corner of Coal and Emorlck streolt. It la nulldble for many purpose?. Apply to So. 23 S Jardln BU 8 3tl STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The ctockholders of the Mahanov Cltv. Hhenandoah, Olrnrdvllle nnd Ashlai d Street Itillwnyare hereby notlfiel to meet In too nlllce of 'ho coinanny, lleildnll's bulldlns, Blie'iandonh, l'a., on Saturday, September 8, 1891, at 10 a. in., for tho purposo of electlug a president and five Urectora. ay oraer htockuoldeks. PROPOSALS Will be received for Inrnlshlnir nnd dellverluir to the different xciioolbulldlUK'int the i;orougn of Shenandoah 2flotonof egg coil, 3d tons nr ntovecnnl, 10 tons of pea coal nd 10 tons of chestnut coal. All Dias looe feUDiniuea ny pivniucr x, isuu mu eomuilttoe reserves the right to rrject any or nil bid". The coal to bo famished must bo from the r. s a. or Kcniey liuu collieries. jn. J. uwrjwn. WlliblAM TIlEZtSK, WILLIAM BACUMAN, JAMKSO'IIEAHN, A. J. OALLGHEil, 8-H-Ht Committee. Orders promptly attended to. Particular at- tenllou ald to Bull, Picnics, Festivals, etc. IF1. ZEITHZ-Isr NORTH MAIN STREET, Nf ar Corner of Llcyd. S IIEKANCOAH. PENMA IAR0 DAI The Leatiing Photograplier, 0. 14 W. WHITE ST. The work dono it this gallery is Hilly ranal to llintdone t the lure tf.ille lf of Xavt VorSaud PhUuteltlit.. Oomparlmn Is In vlied between the specimens of his two nnd iuri'0 uomir uuuineiH 6iu vn in mi viuuuw and the beiti of work done elsewhere iv. five aijd six dnllarH. cat-Da not climb long QlKhts ol stairs to P&tiomze hu eiiteroilHit ran by oir ol town iarthM wbeu better w.irk may bu had of your own lowovinen. -J-TTST OUT- The"8EW BBOADWAY" BAUGE HbPats every thlug In the market, and the IB JV prlco 1 iihi runt to suit the times. yon ui i Bto IU It will pay yon to come ua 1 am prepared to do tho following at the rtrltws nuoted: Tin roonnK He per foot nnd up Tin root panning.... 'vc Tin couaunor rzu Tin hnnirtnir irntlnr 12a Galvanized chimney stack 20o per pound ucpairs tor an sioven nspjciuiiy. WM. B. PRATT, 763m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. i CTUAWSshow the way the wind blows, but they don't show what hard blows we have been strlklngat straw liat prices. Borne hats are dear at any price; thee? hats are cheap at double the money. If what covers your head Is not becoming to yon, all the pains you take as to tho r3t ol your attire areslmply thrown away. Come and see how yon will loos: In one of our 60c straw bale. There's no uee In glvlugany Jurther description of them than to Bay this they are idylWh. We cut the prlco down beoauBe wo want to cut our nock down. Another big bargain In hats In our f 1 black Miff bata. 19 S. Main St. SOANLAN ShenaniJoah WANTS, &o. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store. (Mnstoller's old stand,) Corner Coal and Jnrtllu Bis. Mr. Snyder will alwavx keen In stock a One nneoi uoota auu snoes. Custom "WovU and Kcpnirlng: done In tho best style. He guarantees to sell cheaper th.n competitors on Main street who nave nig renxs to pay, ana guarantees a geuu ne uargaiu on every purcnase. Attention, Honse Cleaners ! The warm weather U here, nnd house-cleaning Is the next thing in order. And at Mich times most everybody needs something to brighten up the home, no If you need u good carpet of either Veuet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brusse, TWfj OSt TZXRGBPIV INGRAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! You on find a full assortment at PKICE'S. Lace Curtains Curtain Poles of all Kinds ! Window Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when quality Is considered. No misrepresentation one price to all. i, J. PRICE S Old1 Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. CBJT of a WLE It you find you have fallen down Into a hole, Give attention to what we shall say : Our prices and bargains such pooplo console. Bringing help In a practical wiay; People get into financial holes and they are tho worst Ulnd by paying more for thiutjs than they are worth. To got out, buy only what Is worth all it costs. The poet In our establishment puts It in verae as abovo. But that Is not definite enough. See the follow ing offerings with figures: Black Cheviot Suits for men, $8 to 10. BoyB' all-wool Cheviot Suits, $5. Neckties worth 60o for 2oc. At, EIa- tf- II "FAMOUS" ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, 1.1 If. Main Street, filtenandoah. No 001111)1116 Beer ! has secured tho agency for tho BUDWBSES and EXFOBT BEEBS MADE BV RICHARDS & CO. OP WILKES-BAUHK.l SHORTHAND SCHOOL, ROBBING OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, NORTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, Fall Term Begins Monday, Auqust 31st, 1891. W. J. SOLLY, President. These hrewers are NOT IN ANY 1HUST aud are selling (heir excellent beers at the people's prices. Saloonkeepers Supplied at $7 Par Barrel. Private Parties " " $8 " ORDERS CAN BE LEFT WITH SOL. HAAK, 120 S. MAIN ST., who will promptly fill all orders for Shenandoah and vicinity. nsrow OR BARGAIN! We are selling out our entii e slock of Ladle', blisses' and Uhlldreu a FINE FOOTWEAR, to make .room for our fall cnods, already or- uvreu. iu ihci, wo are ueierinmeu uj clear every i httiK out. Including a large lot of Men' Mining and Rubber Boots. These goods must be sold, and no reasonable oner win oe reiusea lor mem, mis is no humbug, us what we advertise wo moan. The poonle will now have an opportunity to Secure Genuine Bargains. Oome early beloro the sizes are broken. Boston Boot and Shoo Store Bobbins' Block, Cok Mala and Oak Streets, Shenandoah! hon andoah Business C mm Q -AND- A. J. GALLAGHER Justice of tlie Peace, Deed?, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written. aiarriage licenses ana legal claims promptly attended to. Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. General Fire Insurance Business. Represents the Northwestern Lire insurance ix. and Weot tjts., Hhenandoah, l'a. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. 1. A two story double Irame dwelling house sioreaud restaurant, on ICast i.'cntre Ht. 2. A dwelling and rebiaurdnl ou East Centre street. 3. Danirablo property on corner Centre and juru.u mreeis, snitauie tor onsmess purposes. 1. A two story double Irame dwelling, on Weat Lloyd street. 5. Two 2-story frame dwellings on Weat Cen tre street. 6, Two 2 story dwellings on the corner ot uoai ana uiiotnui streets More room in one. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut street, with a largo warehouse st the rear. 8. Three two-story double frame buildings corner oi iioya ana unuen. streets. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary lino ot Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty ol Nellie Bly and Mary Anderson Cans. G BAST OHHSTTHia ST. New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Painted, Papered and Renovated. No. lis EAST CI3NTRB STREET, Three doors above Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Ilaskey would inform hta many friends and the publio that he will cator to their wants lutbesamo first-class stylo that ho has done In the past. None but the best brands of for. eign nnd domestlo wines, liquors and cigars will bo kept lu stock. Choice tempetance drinks. Vino old stock ale Tho eating bar Is supplied with everything in the eating line served lu the best style. Meals set ved at all hours. Fine private rooms attached. LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS TO HUCKSTERS! L. Gatdner, agent for the New Jersey Peach Grower's Association, will be at tho LEHIGH VALLEY DEPOT every tnornlup wjth choice Jersey Peaches, Cauteloupes. Tomatoes, Bart, lett Pears, &o., which will be sold at Philadelphia prices. HWw Dealer in all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and first .class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA. The Cheapest Place ! -to uur- Gents' FuraisMng Goods, llosiery, Etc, IS AT CHARLES ; TAROWSKY'S, 23 West Centre BU, Shenandoah. Q M. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUR0E0N. Office fa. -29 West Lloyd Street, Shenandoah X.. GOLDMAN, Jlllgr.