ipia-nsria goods AT THK CORNER STORE i All kinds of potted meaU,'flafij canned goods-, oysters, lobsters, crabs, Umslnu cuvlar, fresh spiced oysters, llueat smoked hams, bo loguns wild Kinoked bef, York stuto full croatn eheeKO.temauthal.SwlM, Edam, Snpsano and Llmburr'er. Fine assortment of oaken and bis cuits. G. and B. plrklos of nil kinds, l'lokles by the dozen. You will find Just what you Wunt. CN"0"W" OUT I AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, -is i 'I nr. Pi Lin mi an im&ia BssransbxaraM s ectn Rsiaxa maim MsntUi W trJnsnnr' I I -A..-j t-JL. Vf -fi-X C4 JL XlLg Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. ALL Till. NHWS VOll ONI5 CBXT. lias a larger circulation in Shennndmh than any other piper published. 01rcu latlon hooks open to nil. BEGION 'ROUND. AFFAIRS OATJGHT HASTILY. What News Gathoro-s Take- a Moment to Toll About. September 3d Is the last day lor reg istration. After this mouth business will begin to pick up. 1'eaches, watermelons and canta loupes have the call. Labor Day, September 7th, will be the next holiday. Tie your horse In a bhady place ou a liot sunshiny day. It's a bli; fruit year but prices too low to suit the growers. Borne people know too much about their neighbors' business. Worry kills more people than work, so work on and don't worry. The young man, like the mosquito, Is often mashed on a pretty face. Brlnp; ymir printing to the Herald olllce if you want it ueatl done. Remember that September 3d is the last day for reflstrauon to vote ou November. Peaches aro improving in quality, und what Is Just as good they uro not increasing in price. Some men get acquainted with their wives before marriage : others after they aro married. The funeral of the infant son of William M-trtin took place this ufter noou. Funeral left on the 12:52 Ij. V, train for Mahanoy City, where inter nent was mudo. Keputillcun voters snouitt seo. thj they are properly nstwstd consult me registry list, unu ....... mim is .iis-ess'ir at ouce. not there spy 41ln Progress, tt li vnrv important in this auo of vast materi il process that a remedy bo ploasinK to tho taste and to iho eye, easily taken, ac ceptable to tho stomach and healthy in its naturi and effects. Possessing the'O qual ities. Syrup of Figs is tho ono perfect laxa tlvo and most gonla diuretic known. Vancy 15-irtlctt poars, 75 conts per basket, atCoslott'B. 8-22-tf Tho Rlngtown Fair. Tbo twolith annual fair will bo beld at Itinutown on Wodnosday, l nursaay ana Friday, August 20, 27 and 28. On Wod nosday thoro will bo a trotting raco for 3:30 horses. On Thursday thoro will bo trotting and running horso races, and bicycle and sack races. Tho colebratod Grant Cornot Hani will give two grand concerts on tho same day Qi Friday thoro will bo n trot Unu race for 2: 10 horses. 8-22-3t At tho Samo Price. All persons holding duplicate checks for photographs can have tho eamo promptly finished at Koapey's art studio at tho samo price, ltomombor wo aro on tbo first floor. Kkaqey. A Budget of Interesting Articles on All Topics. The Wadfsvllle shaft, which has been idle since 1881, will likely re Mimn operations ngaln. The water In the flooded mine is to be pumped out and a fhaft sunk to Skidmore and Buck Slountaiu veins, neither of which have been worked. Should they prove valuable, and there Is everv reivon to believo that they will, the find of coal will lust for at least twenty years. When In operation this mine cave employment to 500 men and boyi, and a resumption of work will prove a greui ueneni to Wadesville, St. Clair and Pottsvlllo. The Mine Inspectors Kxamlulug IJ'iard aro to recommend Governor Pattlou to appoint Edward Roderick, of Stockton, an inspector of the new district, and Patrick Blewitt. of Scran ton. an Inspector of tlie oiu uisirict. They are the only applicants who nu- swend 00 per cent, or tlie questions and the anno ntmentu will uuuouut' edlv be made. The new lstrlet was cieated by the Mine 1iitw Commbsiou. John Welsh, of Lost Creek, hos hum nnnointed L. V. R. R. telenraph r.nerntor at Mt. Carmel. to succeed Howard Grovcr, who goes to Laury's station. The Slmmokln Dlsnntnh hai Tax Collector Schmidt, of town, lu the sporting column as a spriuter. Mrs. Catherlue Kline and her two daughters aud two graud-chlldren weie poisoned by dried shipped beef, bat they are out of dnuger. NO LONGEft A MYSTERY. ThoTliroo Ohio Children Were Put In tUo Chest Wlillu 1'lrtjtlig Jull. Iiwnton, 0., Aug. 2o. The mystery surrounding tho tragedy, In which threo children of Mr. and Mrs. George Hamil ton woro found smothered to death In a chost lu which they had been fastened, 1ms been cjohled up. Y.iTber W'nrnlck", ft playmnto of the n.ninTi children, admitted to his mother that Kirfce Eurllcho and a boy .,nm,.,l Pnmberton. tocether with him self, while playing "jail" locked the mi t...tnin oiilhlrwi in tho chost, nnd, be ing called to supper shortly after, neglect- . . .1 . itTl. Unit. vnp nick had confessed, the other boys told tho samo story. Tho mothers of tho children aro crazed with grief, but it Is hardly likely that anything will bo dono in tho matter, as all tho boys are under eight years of ago. POLITICAL. pOU CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION James .J. Fran cy. OF SHENANDOAH. Bublect to Democratic rule?. SHERIFF, BENJ, J. I'JIESENT DEPUTY. PROPOSALS Will ho recolved up to U o'cloctr, noon, on FRIDAY, AUG. 28. 1891, lor excnvntlng tho ground about tho New court iiou-o. i'ian uuu pccincaiious can tie been at the commis-ioner-' onice. HAMUEIj G. DeTUIUC, .IA.M1M J 110 WK8, ELI A3 E. HEKD, Commissioner1! Attest-JoiIN B. SNYDElt, Clerk. 8-21 Id 3NTOW WANTS. &o. TXTANTED. A boy to attend T T horsB. Apply to Dr. Klsller, cor. Jar din and Lloyd streets, HUenuudoiili, 8-21.tr FOR BALE. A good pool table In tho ExcelslorClub room. APDly at the room, or T, A. Evans', 81 Eat Centre "it. 11-3 tv TfOTl 11EXT. L? co ilalnlng six -A dwell I lie house rooms. Anoly'to It. C. Knlglit,8jKaslCentroHirpet. Sill DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of the most desirable proper ties oc West Onk street, for pale on reasonable terms. Apply ntKoweo's grooery store, cor ner Jardln and Oak streets, Hhonundoah, I'a TYPE WRITING. A young lady, aRrnduaU, vrmts work .it type writing i nllnt IIekalp nlllee, or address Hhi-u.o, tjuenandoah, I'a, K 141 FARMS FOR SALE. Are you look ing tor a rarm? It so call on or write to J.J. Kehler, Frackvllle, Pa., as to where Ihpy are located aud for terms. 8-2J-II .EIKABLE PROPERTY' FOR sale ohenn. It belnir on corner of Coal and Emerlck Bireets. It is miltable for mny purposes. Apply to no. 'in s jaratn hi. u We are selling out our entire stoo of Ladles.', Misses' uuu unuaren's FINE FOOTWEAR, to make iroom for our full Roods, already or dered, in lapi, we aie uBLBriumeu iu clear ovcrythlui; out, Including a large lot of Men's Mining and Rubber Boots. Theso goods must bo sold, and no roisonable oiler will be refused for them. This Is no humbug, as wnai wo anveriisw we mean. The people will now have an opportunity to Secure Genuine Bargains. Come early bclore tho sizes are broksn. Boston Bool and Shoe Store Bobbins IUock, - . i Cor. Main and Oak Slr.ets, Shenanaiian, I.. GOLUU Mlljrr. "OROPOSALS Will be received for JL furnishing nnd delivering to the different school bulldlngiol t be borough of Uheuandoah 2i!3toniofeggooal,88lonsof stoveooal. lOtonk or nun cni una iu tons oi one diuut coai. vvn Dius tooe suomuieu oy pepiemoer isai. ice committee rocerves the r ght to reject any or all bids. The cool to be furnished mitn be from the 1'. & li. or Kehiey nun collieries. r. J.OWENH. WILUAMTREZISE, WILLIAM HACIIMAN, JAMES O'lIEAUN, A. J. GALLQHEU. 8-H-llt Commltlee. Has removed to Bill Jones 'old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where ho will be pleased to meet thewt of his friends and the public la Everything in the Drinking Line Attention, House Cleaners 1 rhewarm weather Is here, and house-cleanlnir Is the next thine In order. Aud at such titties most everybody needs Boinethlue to brighten up the home, so If you need a good carpet of either Velvet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brussely TWO OR. YMIIKE-SMVY INGKAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG OAR PETS ! You can find a full assortment at PBICE'S. Lace VJUi. tJUJUU 11 Gurta Poles of all Kinds Window Shades, Floor aud Table Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when quality is considered.. No misrepresentation one price-to all. PRICE'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Fa. GUT of a I l-"Vt & HI I h W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Mastoller's old stand,) corner conl aud Jnrclln St8. If you And you have fallen down Into a hole, Give attention to what we shall say : Our prices and bargains such people coniole, Bringing help In a practical wuy: People get into financial holes and they are the worst kind by paying more for things than they are worth. To get out, buy only what Is worth all It costs. The poet in our establishment puts It lu versa as above. But that Is not definite enough. See the follow ing oflerings with figures: Black Cheviot Suits for men, $S to 10. Boys' all-wool Cheviot Suits, $5. Nesktles worth 50o for 25c. ATT S "FA1 JL a 0" ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER IE 11 JV. Main Street, Slienandoali. Fancy Dalowaro poaebos at Coalett's. receivod daily 8-21-tf OomlnR Events. Sept. 2. Japanese ico cream featiyal in Itobbins' oporahouso, under tho auspices of Shenandoah Oommandery, No. 14, Sons of America. Sent. 1, Ico cream and poach festival in Itobbins' opora homo under tho auspices of All Saints' Episcopal Sunday school. Go to Coslott's for your prosorving fruit. 8-22-tf Playlnp; Oarda. You can obtain a pack of best quality playinR cards by sending fifteen cents In nostaKO to 1. S. Kustls, Gen'l Pass. At., 11., 0. & Q.H. K. ObioaRO, 111. tf If you want to drive away Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation. Foor Appetite and all evils arising from a disordered Liver uso lr. Ie's t.lver Hegulutor. Trial bottles free at Klrllu's druK store. Thrco Prominent Cltliens Dead. Osweoo, N. Y., Aug. 23. Oswego has lust lost three prominent citizens ljy death. Treasurer C. Gilchrist, for many years a puccessful merchant; John 1). Kayette, a mnimfnrtnrpr here for moro than fifty rpnrs. nml L. W. Peckham, an under taker, who died at Salamanca whilo visit ing there. Jlrs. Warden to Oct tho Howard. CoNConu, N. II., Aug. 23. Tho opinion is expressed by Governor Tuttlo that Mrs. Vn,,lr.n. the mother of Cbristio Warden, v.-l,n whb murdcreil bv Almy or Abbott, Is nntitlml to tho S2.B00 reward offered by tho Governor iu tho name of tho State for the murderer's apprehension, she having givou tho information leading to his arrest. Concressman Hoar's Wlfo Dies Suddenly. Uns-rns. Autr. 25. Caroline I'rescott Wnivi wl f n nf iontrressman-elect Sherman Ttnnr. of Waltham. riled suddenly yestor- ,1nv of heart trouble. She bad been seri- n.lu 111 for a week or more, but imme- rtintn dniiL-er was not considered possible. Tfpr nco was 80 years. She leavos two children. A Snloon-neoiier Sues for T.lbel, Fali. Riveb, Mass., Atlg. 23. Thomas Heady, a saloon-keeper here, has sued the fiinl.n for libel, nlaclnc damages at 5,000. Ready claims that the paper on December u, lb'JO, puhllsueil nn arneie biutiutj iuui ho (Itoady) was iutorcsted In a "grave yard" business. The Leadintj Photographer, Mr. Snvder will always keep In stock a One line of boots and shoes. Custom Worlc and Repairing done In the best style. H guarantees to sell cheaper thin competitors on .Main street who Inave Dig rents to pay, jiuu kuiuii;cji bcuu ine bargain on every purchase. no. w n. white st. No Combme Beer! henandoah Business College ti, ujrvrlr dnnn nt this tallorr Is fully eoual to that done at the large g.illeiles ofipw Vnrtr o, I'll, lun Alnlllll. 1 l,IIIIViri(IIl 1H IU vltodbetm-euthe spe.-imens of his iwoaud thrie dollar cauiuets suowu in nii -iuuuy and tho ben of work done elsewhere a Ave ar A ulr rlnl laro. JttjTUtt 1101 Climo long lllguiH Ul nui.rn w nntmnifiitiii nt f, nrn , rim bv oil' of ton patties when better work may be hid of your own townsmen. has secured the agency for the BUUWE1SES and EXPORT BEERS -CTXJST OUT- AND r SHORTHAND SCHOOL, ROBBING OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, NORTH MAIN STEBET, SHENANDOAH, Fall Term Begins Monday, August 31st, 1891. W. J. SOLLY, President. y SCHOOL BOOKS. rK Struck With a Jlaseball Hat. Mount Carmkl, Pa., Aug. 25. Felix Wnsnlskl was struck over the head with a baseball bat last evening by OttoSchultz during a quarrel and tatauy injured. Schultz is iu jail. llostmi Defeats llullfax. HALIFAX. Aug. 25. The international rrlnket match between tho Lsnawoods of lloston nnd the Halifax Wanderers was won bv the Longwoods by a tcoro of 88 to 58. SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, JO East Centre Street, SUENJ.XDOA11, The "HEW BRnADWAV" RANGE It boats everything in the market, and the price is juu- rjgut o sun ine iiiues. Xt will pay you to oome undse It. I am prepared to do the following at the nrlcuH Quoted: Tin roofing do per foot and up Tin roor painting Tin conductor 129 " Tin liati.rinor miner 1a uaivamzea cniraney hlhuk .wu per jiuuuu liepalrs for an etovos a specialty. M. R. PBATT, 7 fl 3m 331 S. Jardin St., Shenannoan RICHARDS & CO. OP WILKES-BARHE.J These brewers aro HOT IN AN inUST and aro selling helr excellent beers at the people's prices, Saloonkeepers Supplied at $7 Per Barrel, Private Parties " " 55 " OUDEI19 CAN HE LEFT WITH SOL. HAAK, 120 S. MAIN ST., who will promptly til' all orders for ' tShenandoh and Tlclully. Bread, Cakes, Ice Crwia and Co fecliunery I -OF AM, KINDS. The place to buy your school books cheap is Also Scholar's Companions, nook Htraps, Bchool llagi. Tablets, etc. Everything and anything required In cbool. Hlates, pencils, etc., sold re tail nao wuoiesaie. Books Sui'.alile for East and West JIahanoyTwp. Don't forget the place if you w IsU to save money. CHAS, T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St, Sfienanaoafi. HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Cream 1 BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Orders promptly atleDdf d to, Particular at tention paid to nails, l')cmc, Festivals, etc. IF. rECZEITH-AJSr NOKTII MAJN HTllliET, tftar Corner of. Lloyd, SHENANDOAH, PENNA "Z"OTJ 'Mr iniK CTBA.WH show lu way the wind blows, but they don't show what hard blows we have been striking at atraw bat prices. BomohaU are dear at any price; these hats aro cheap at double the money. If what covers your head Is not beoomlus toyou. all the pains you take as to the rest ol your attire areslmply thrown away, (lomeand see how you will look in one of our 60a straw hats. There's no use In giving any lurther description of themtbati to say this they are stylish. We cut tho price down becausn wo want to cut our stock down. Another big bargain In hats Is our tl black slllrbats. 13 S, Mala St. S0ANLAN Shenanioah AHE COINO TO MlHsnurl, iCniiHUH, AtkaiiBas, Texas, Nc!riitilcu, I.oiiiHtaiiu, Colorado, Utah, Cnlltorulii, Ore)foii,VaHlitiiKtoi, Mexico, Kew Mexico or Arizona, and will sead rae a postal otrd or Utter stating Where you aro polus, When you aro going, Where you will start from, How many there are In your party, What freight aud baggagoyou have, I will write you or oill at your house and furnish you with the fullest tlnformatlon reeardlng routes, lowest rates of all classes, beside maps, descriptive and Il lustrated land pamphlets, resort books, Hot Bprlngs guides, eto. Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arkan- BUS, JltlUBUp UUU lUUfl, J. P. McCANN. Eastern Trav. Aflt., W. E. HOYT, Q. E. P. Agt. , 891 B road way ,Ne w York Iron Mountain Route, MISSOURI AND PACIFIC RAILWAY A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written. Marriage licenses ana leeat claims promptly attended to. Ileal Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. General Fire Insurance Business. Represents tnerorvnwestern laie insurance OFFICE-Muldoon'sbnlldlng, corner Centre and West Bis,, Bhenandoah, I'a. Good Properties ol All Kinds For Sale. 1, A two story double frame dwelling house t.-nrnnml restanraut. on Eat Oentre Bt. 2, A dwelling and restuuraut ou East Centre 8. Desirable property on corner Centre and juidiu streets, snuaoie tor uusiucsi pur-noses. 1. A twostory double frame dwelling, on West Lloyd stret-t. 5, Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen flTun 2ntnrv dwelllncrq on tbe corner of coal ana uueiuut streets nwru room iu Two-story single house on North Chestnut stmpt with a mrifti warehouse ut the rear. g, Three two-siory double frame buildings corner or JLioya ana uiiuert streets. New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Pakted, Papered and Renovate! No. XIS EAST CENTRE STREET, Three doors above Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Haskev would ln'orm his many friends andthepubllo that he will cater to their wants in ine samo nrst-cioss style mat uv nas uuoo In tho past. None but the best brands of for. elen and domestic wines, liquors and cigars will be kept lu slock. Choice temperance drinks. Flue old si ock ale The eatlne bar Is supplied with everything In the eatlns line served In the best style. Meals served at til hours. Flue private rojms attached. LEATHER and SHOE FIIIDIIfe Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ot Hats, Caps and Gentt' furnishing Ooods atd makes a specialty ot Nellie Bly and Mary Auderaou CapB. 6 EAST OHNTIIB ST. TO HUCKSTERS I L. Gardner, agent for the New Jersey Peaoh Grower's Association, will be at tho LEHIGH VALLEY DEPOT every mornlnp with choice Jersey Peaches. Cantelounea. Tomatoes, Harr iett Fears, &a,, which Will be sold at Philadelphia prices, ca-jaL.3Etiisr3E3Xi.. 81UV7 . dp. jr. clearit, Dealer In all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA. The Cheapest Place ! TO BUY J Gents' FurnisMng Goods, Hosiery, Etc , IS AT CHARLES : YAROWSKY'S, ' 2d westuemro nu, ououanuouu. Q M. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUH0E0N. Offlce-29 West Lloyd Street, Hhenando&i ro. "A 9. 9