The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 24, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
IT, C HOWIl. Hilllor anil I'uhllther.
V .If. J. VTATKIiiS, leal Mlfni-.
J'; KVysiva JfKRAT.Dhata laraerrir
t 'aon ui ,s, i iitmOtMih than any oilier paper
pub'ii ' . Jlf'ft' tprn to all.
subscription rates:
VK i.v, t year,.
Weekly1, per year 1 SO
Eat 1 i 1 d at ( h Pnitomco, al Bhonatdonb, P,
for transmission through tb mall
an levond alow niflll matter.
P'lurcs Demonstrate the Popu
ltuiiy oftlia Rosort.
t I..
C u-i.
Evangelical Lutheran Suiday
i" nu.
'. -Young ilea's Demoi ralie
Ob. What n. dough.
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i.U' .-canon. io en e
Ask Your Friends About It.
Your d'-lreisinn cough can bo cured
"VVo know it tiMHuee Kemp's 15lwirc
within the part few yeitrs has cured so
yr ny coughs and colds in tbKeomnuuiity,
1H ica' irksble sale has been won entirely
bv its i.nnuino merit. Ask some friend
who has u-od it what Iib thinks of Kemp'F
Bate m. Tbeieis no medicine so pure
nonc-o effective. Large bottles COc andll
at alt diuv-oU'.
A Cure
lor Constipation
Dr Kiln Lane, while in tho lloctry
Moiniii m dUcovereti r root .hat wlvm
com- cd wi'.U other herb', make- f.n ei.
and c i 'i cute for (ot'i ' tut'on. It if iu
the ii ii oi" dry root" anl lesvcn, and in
will c '
livor t '
r 'tnti "
sell u iii
Line's J J n)y Jlodicirc. It
n . k headscii '. I'or tho blooit,
i i i'ikj", m d for clearing up the
on it dVtT ;wondori. lJrugui us
' i cunts a pai'kago
. inimn'igt.t.
jir.w York, rein e-iy rs, isw
. zliin.i hi 1 1 no l.'ii, (Jen einiit:
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itli yoi auiii c if, iiu en -n
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j i'h ConmimptlOTi Cure.
I ! enl i I. It. lllOUt StlC-
.mi I'll i t.avt evt-rsold.
ii' 'oi- 1 1 1 wo m c; - ol
tfirv it. woii.
. i UAiiriijiiiou i-.
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How to Suoceocl.
J i i.tiegieitl problem or Ills which lew
lj folvc. mine lull neeuiibe oi
ii- 1 li, others wuni ol lutk, hu' tue
'viiuiu dfli leut Bitt waiitol neiv ,
,' nervous, lirttolute, cUaugeuui
i tie bh en snd ' lake the kplms
Ooiwii li - the uptrliK up," limn warn iiik
'I., i ' linn', oppoituu'ty uuu uen e Km...
'1 1 - nuiliiiig like llielleslOriiveNi'Vliii .
i .in (I ny i lie uiest ii)lslin, Dr. ... il. -,
. aiiieivuiw di i .isc. hh liouiluilie, i lie
iil luiMiua luo-iiHtuiii, Klceplekmii-H,
ii. i in. si. Vriis d ti ce, tlt, iidiI liyne:lB.
i1 i", mi , mil flue of te tnnoiilals
at t . 11. IIugeubtlch'K di UK stole.
' 'i
lii I
1 .'till.
A Fatal Mistake.
. t' .iiis make no more latal mistake
til. en iliey Inform patients t lint iiervoim
ii i.iiiiles oowe fioin Hie slinnacn Hint
ol liiile ion equence. Dr. Franklin
tu noleil Indiana i-iicmllH., liim
. i im coutraiy m Ills new UkiK on
l' - e." wulch nmy be had lies at
i nidi's di iw m oi t who mi' raniten
i ii oil Dr. M Its u squalid New
i .-, ubub lm . i lie lurgeki sale ol any
n yi 'i tue vroild. llcurei neivnus
1 e hi ' 1. disease, kbniL IjichiIi
n. i n or lendrrut sa In the side, arm
. mi J. i la i' inline .Jlutlil t.i'liiDuii i
' ), .ic. His Htm iraint) Kenjim
ma. lie, fits, CUJ.
in ns.
A' I
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f u In 1 1 Hit I lie
i ;h .lu It ; r
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lli'i'ii. i
.uivtasti, ml. i v
I free, st (j
'i- v I b ' rii. en.
H il. UU.K11
Completed to Deadwood.
Tho 11 1 i nifton Boute, o., B. &Q. R. it,,
, o n ( i '"i', l'eoria nil St. I.ouln, in now
i ii ni ! uil daily pmrnt'iiKer tisint sre
i.i ' h oujiii Jiiucuin, Nelt., mid
( -i. I)., to ldw.Kl. AltotoNew
(i " V yomltij. Bion' ait canto Dead
wo '. tl
I ' ".'ite Harvest BxcxubIo'is
. uri Fiw li" lUiiwaV hm! 1 on
A .. ltm'.iifi ! tun s i-"!' I- ow
rs " '" 't Kx-'.' 'i hi o :-'i mh '.c
M ... , Iinii' A'kn -t , T - tii'd nil
pi . iinl M iIWi-', Aux1'"' -j.n,
Bev ii'. " JthaadUHh. Tick-l good r
th i i'i; irifurni'h KMover pr.v
lp - ' i . nun of nnd. Kurt 'ef
i .i .i .nil liy any o'' the cora
1 - , : II C. T w c .1, Oeneml
P k' t -J l'k't Al ut, St LouI,
M. 8 : :t
A AVoinim Killed liy Her Brother During
a Ilrunlun llrtiwl.
Chicago, Aug. 24. A drtinknn lirnwl
nt a christening party last night remitted
In the murder of Mm. Amelia Dtinvnld by
her brother, Albert Kinkl, a laborer.
The evening wan Hiient in card plnylng,
Ringing, anil beer drinking, and at mid
night the beer began to effect the crowd.
An hour later a numberof tho party were
greatly Intoxicated, and a dispute aroMs
between Klnki and one or the guests
named Kralich. Words led to blows, and
Kinkl drew a revolver, which he flour
ished in the air.
Mrs. Darwald attempted to wrest the
revolver from her brother. He pulled
the trigger twice and sent two bullets
into his sister's bruast, killing her almost
An officer was called and arrested the
murderer, who was stupidly drunk.
A U'lilli) AVoninn llrtitally Murdered
Her Jealous J'aralliiitir.
TwtNTOX, N. J., Aug. M. Mary Lyons,
n white woman lielonging to Uristol, Pa.,
was beaten to death In the uionilng by
her colored paramour, William Scruby,
Soruby and the woman had recently
separated. Late last night he heard that
she was here in company with a colored
man named lTiiyne. lie went to the
Wagner House and bent I'rayne and an
other man named Uaynrd until they ran
away. He then struck the woman with
a chair and continued to boat her until
her head was crushed in. Scruby was
found on the farm where ho was employed
and arrustbd.
A I"iirmer' Son Dies from tho UiTrcts ol
mi UicrdoHO of Morphine.
SyhacusK, X. Y., Aug. 24. Charles
Buck, the son of n well-to-do farmer, died
here last night from tho cflccUj of a dose
of morphine.
Jlo had been living with a woman
named Ella Hisley, who said that Uuck
committed suicide because of Jealousy.
Uuck had been on n spreo for a week and
both ho and his mistress wero drunk last
The woman has been arrested. Her
statements are contradictory and it is
suspected that It is sho who administered
tho drug. There is another woman in tho
case, of whom Mrs. Hisley is believed to
havo been jealous.
Shot and Killed Hit IIuhIkiihI.
Nicollet, lliun., Aug. 84. Mrs. John
D. Miller shot and Instantly killed her
husband yesterday. They had been
divorced for some weeks, but Mrs. Miller
had continued to live in her husband's
home. She was Jealous of his attentions
to a young woman named Schee, and on
meeting them together, drew a revolver
and killed her husband. Upon seeing
Mrs. Miller with a revolver, Miss Schee
ran for the door. Mrs. Miller fired nt her
twice, one ball making it llesh wound in
tho shoulder and another cutting away n
part of her hair. Iloth women were ar
rested. Vuliio of Argentine Crops.
Wasiiinoton, Aug. 21. The Bureau of
American Uepubllca has information in
dicating that the estimated value of Ar-
...... Hi, ,.vn.,u rlilu uiiinn will lm if.l) 1(1(1 .
000, of which $:)0,O00,b0O will bo available
for export. The probable yield of wheat
will be miU.OUU tons, of which .iUU.UOU will
bo available for export, and tho yield of
maize will lie 1,000,000 tons, of which ono
lialf can be sont abroad.
A Fraudulent Concern AsHlgn.
VheeUNo, W. Vn., Aug. 21. The Fra
ternity financial Co-operation made nn
assignment, to 0. H. Edmunds, of Phila
delphia. Tho victims numbered 14,000
and lived mostly In New England, Now
York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Tho gang
of operators are believed to have obtained
upwards of $1100,000 from members before
they were compelled to close up.
ihould be displayed In bnytnfr raeW
due aboro nil tilings. In selecting a
remedy for any dleecuo, you aliouldbo
positive that It contains nothing Inju
rious to tlio health. Many remedies
on the market leave the patient In ft
much worse condition, than boiom
taking them.
s. s.
U purely vegetable, and perfectly
hut-micas; the most delicato child caa
take It with absolute safety. It contains
no mercury or minerals of any kind,
and yet It never fails to cure tli dis
eases It Is recommondod for.
Hock on Blood and Skin diseases frca.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Oft
a Genuine Xn,
13 anJ will over bo tho
Betnedy for
rLnnf Tviflnfitip. "nnukaolio.
TJoina ,n ili.-lRlrln. CI hi? tit anil I
Hdu'.a yon need to o7i 0i..ala
he vain iblo book! Urn's - ir";0i wlWi
endorsQtaents of prctutr.iiai poyuiuaae,
SIU Brondway,
WfcW TMBIt.,
Medals Awarded 1
' leani, Pregne, Uotteidam, Olteo,
1 50 Cents a bottle, For Balo by
X'. X'. J. Jtlltl.IIN,
ana ouer orasuii.
Obarrod Bodies Tnkon from
tlio Ruins in Now York.
Men Work All Night Trying to Oloar Vy
the Wreck,
Derricks Will Have to bo Uned to Be
move tli Machinery-Crowds Visit Hie
Krone of the JUsastrrSiul SIrIiU nt (lie
Hospital nnd ItlorgncTrjing to ldtttt
lfy tho Dniid.
New York, Aug. 24. When tho bodies
of nil tho unfortunate men nnd woin-ii
hurled Into eternity by tho collupse of the
buildings Nos. 08, 70, 72 and 74 Ptrk
place on Saturday have been recovered, it
will bo found that tho fearful list will
contain 110 names.
But sixteen of tho mangled and burnt
bodies were taken out up to lastmldniglt.
Eight were tnken out up to Saturday mkl-
night and eight moro wero recovered :u
tho next twenty-four hours.
At 11:00 o'clock last night tho Italians
wero put to work again at removing tlo
debris, nnd half an hour later two bodl
were found near a mass of machinery.
The bodies wero lying at about tho foot
of tho stairway of No. 72 Park place. Both
were bodies of men, and one of them wote
a blue jumper and lean overalls. Tie
other wore striped trousers.
Doth bodies wero terribly crushed and
burned. Deputy Coroner Collin, who
viewed them, said that ho believed theie
were fifteen more bodies within a few fett
of them.
Theo two discovered could not be re
moved, as tho whole mass would come
down u!on tho workmen nnd crush them
Tho missing list na.v numbers eighty.
There is little hopo that any of the
escaped, as they would have notified the
nnxlous relatives who gave their numes to
tho police.
Alivtons Watchers.
Around the scene of the disaster nnxiouj
persons stood watching the men at work,
peering into tho ruins on tho lookout for
missing friends. Tho cordon of police
detailed to guard tho lire lines were kept
busy throughout tho night and day keep
ing the people back.
Among tho anxious watchers all last
night wero threo young women nnd
young man. Thoy weie looking for somo
missing friend, but they did not say who
it wns. Finally tho escort of the ladles
told a policeman that one of them was
the fiance of A. B. Peterson, son of tho
proprietor of tho restaurant, who is
among tho missing. Peterson was 21
years of age. In the morning a body win
found nnswering his description nnd it
was Immediately recognized by his friends
when brought outside tho lines. The
body was badly burned, but tho Identifi
cation was made positive by Jewelry found
on the body.
Tho firemen and laborers worked dili
gently this forenoon, but they made poor
progress owing to tho heavy machinery
being In tho ruins. It will probably be
necessary for tho men to use derricks to
get the machinery and Iron girders out of
tho way.
Iilcntlfylnff the lloiltin.
John Low, of Brooklyn, called at tho
morgue, and after carefully examining
tho bodies identified ono as that; of his son
George, 15 years old. Tho old man's grief
at sight of the charred remains of his boy
was unspeakable.
Two other bodies were recognized later
on as Qustave Zickler, of 810 Washington
street, Hoboken, and Leonard Cole, of
Bedford avenue, Brooklyn.
"Women AVltli Tc:ir-Stalnecl I-'iice Keep
Tlielr lyes on the Ui'hciii!1-h.
New Yohk, Aug. 24. Uy 8 o'clock nt
least 3,000 people tvere ussemhled ut tho
ends of tho block ut Cottage place and
Greenwich street, anil us the day wore on
their ntimlier increased rapidly. Finally
the pressure became so great that tho
police found themselves unitblo to keep the
throng in check, and by order of Inspector
Williams ropes were stretched ncioss tho
street. Even this expedient failed in its
purposo, for ono of t he ropes was cut, and
utter uwlilie tuey were replaced ny stout
telegraph wires, against which the crowds
surged in vnln. It wus noticeable that
the throng was composed of In the main
of morbidly curious persons. They could
tee literally nothing except the great gap
on tho south side of tho street nnd an oc
casional figure of a fireman looming up
through the smoke, yet hour after hour
they stood patiently in tlio boiling sun
light, bound by n fearful fascination.
Ilere and there in the front ranks might
bo picked out nn anxious fnco thut gazed
fixedly nt tho wreck, knowing full well
that some loved ono lay beneath it, but
these wero few. A number of vendors of
lemonade, fruit nnd ioo water took ad
vantage of the opportunity to erect stands
ou tho shady side of Park plate, above Col
lego place, and they were liberally putron
ired. Within tho pollco lines a still more
singular crowd wus assomblod. All who
were fortunate enough to own an estab
lishment or be employed upon tho block
wero there to see tho fearful show. Many
of them brought their sister and wives
and provided them with Boats beneath
uwnlngslnnd at windows where they could
huvo the bust possible view of the Bceno of
death and not full to witness every horri
ble detail attendant upon tho removal of
the bodies.
There wero other women there, too
women with tear-stained faces and quiver
ing lips, who kept their ejus llxed on tho
rescuers and burst Into frantic weeping as
body after body was brought out In the
awful dread that It might be that of somo
dearly loved one. Mothers watched thus
for sons and wives for husbauds, and side
by side with them there smiled women
who were drawn to tho spot by no more
worthy motive than that ot curiosity.
AVIiut CaiiBcil the Accident.
The Fire Marshal Is making a rigid ex
amination in the matter and It is not at
all unlikely that somo ono may be called
to a strict account lor tuoawiui calumny,
Tlio Hie chief is of tho opinion that
there was an explosion of gas or chemicals
and this together with heavy machinery
in the building pulled the structure down,
It is really a miracle that any ono in
tho building escnped allvo, for within ten
minutes from the time of tho collupse
the whole ruin was a roaring moss
of flames, the fire In Itself beliicc
flcrco and stubborn, nnd tho drenien wore
kept busy In their cllort to keep the
flames from spreading to adjoining prop
Two Killed by I.l;htliiK.
pFrr.KSBuno. Vn., Aug. 24. James
Wells, a well-known ritlzen of Nottawny
County, and his sou sougit sholter in n
bam during a thunderstorm yesterday
afternoon. They had been there but a
short tlmo before lightning struck tho
bnni nnd both wero killed.
nood Outlook for Crops in Ireland.
LoNliON, Aug. 24. The County Down,
Ireland, which usually exports in consid
erable quantities to Great Britain, reports
crops this season above tho average, and
the crop of llnx the best in many years.
The returns from various parts of Eng
land, on the other hand, nro not favorable.
Two Illicit Illstlllers Klllod.
New Orleans, Aug. 24. A special from
Shubula, Miss., says that during a fight
between a United States Marshal and his
deputies and a gang of illicit distillers at
Balden Springs, James and Ualley Sims,
brothers, wero killed and two of tho
officers wounded.
Tatlier nnd Child Drowned.
ScunNECTADV, N. Y., Aug. 21. As John
Glbney, his wife and little child worn
crossing a canal bridge last night the
child fell through nn opening. Tba
folher jumped into tho canal to rescuq
the child and both wero drowned.
New PeiifllonorH.
Washington, Aug. 24. Tlio Pension
Offlco during the week ended August 1.1
issued !5,207 pension certificates, calling
for a total first payment of $501,817, and
on uverago first payment of $100.04.
The smallest is the best
in pills, other tilings being equal.
But, with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets, nothing else is equal. They're
tho best, not only becanso they're
tho smallest, and the easiest to take
but becauso they do moro good.
Thoy cleanse and regulato the liver,
stomach and bowels iu a way tho
huge, old-fashioned pill doesn't
dream of. Think of trying to regu
late tho system with tho ordinary pill.
It's only good for upsetting it.
These arc mild and gentle but
thorough and effective, no pain no
griping. One little pellet for a laxa
tive three for a cathartic. Tho
best Liver Pill known. Sick Head
ache, Bilious Headache, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks
and all derangements of tho liver,
stomach and bowels are provented,
relieved and cured. '
Put up in sealed vials a perfect
vest-pocket remedy, always conven
ient, fresh and reliable.
They're tho cheapest pill you can
buy for thcy'ro guaranteed to givo
satisfaction, or your money is re
turned. It's a plan peculiar to Dr.
Pierce's medicines.
You pay only for tho good yon
get. can you asii moro r
Pure Ice Cream
Orders promptly stienclid to. rnttlcularal-
leuuub phici in iiaus, l'icuxs,
Kemltuls, etc.
Near Corner of Lloyd, f liENAf.COAH. PFNNt
538 SPSS
Fourth at.,
nlr onnnloe OeriBAQ AtDCrlOU
tbl to can BlOOd POlaorti
Nervous Debility "8pb-
1nl Dlnnnflon f both ex,
fckja Dlw&iM, Kod Hpoti Pftlot In tit
BlntohM, Pimple. ImpUooi, aoH or
fctrj Uloen, BirtrlUoai. JrrluUoo,
Iniuatuatlona and Bunoimi,
airiotuits, Weikmn to4 Emly
doeM. loll memory wa tiuk oentl mlttT. KMmj
HiftiKnr iiiHwi ui ill umuei rviumun n ;
IoAUcr Uon i Omwor. Kcf ol euei oared la 4 to 10 a .
rUef i once. Do not 'oe hope, n nwtw bt M"'' n...iA. Hnaitk P.mlW nr HninllBl PhVHtfikQ bU UtlW,
Ur. THRLL curei positively d ulibool deuntloa (rem
t,H.n.a Ain. vnttM. umnl.l iilfn AMD THOU I COTVHPLATIIt
miiui. ri n or pour im;. Sc itAinp for book
'TnilTH ep"lnK Qoaalu anli-r iworn UttlmoDUU,
Uvm, dall? from 9 to 8, Kt'i I , M. n
Br et to 19. Sut1r till 1. Wrtto or eu mna m htm.
For BifernoUiW4n. 4 BtMdj PtU. dfcllj Itme
Or (lie Llqiuur Jtlubii, aoltltvly Curvu
uj-auwiuimrrjiiff ir. iiuinc'
It f i manufaoturAd &a & rjawdnr. whfnh nnn Vi iritrn
In Klaaa or boor, a cup of colfet or tea, or In food,
without the kaoTTfodfro ot the patient. It ii absolutely
uiuuiica, uuu wm eu&ct ii permanent ana Gpecuy
are. whether the oaiient 1 a moderate drinker or
aaalaohollowMok It has been given In thousands
vi vmoo, miu iu vvvry (uituua a ten cot cure dm ioi
lOWSa. It niT(r Pall. Thenvittm nnAAlmnTMnnb
ed with tho becomes on utter Impossibility
C. H. HACENCUtH, DtUBCist. Elnnundcah
A newly (llimiHKl MINIUAIj WATKH
ilieiibeul Willi li li im ply IniporUut rlo
meuiu nmi-S' ly 10 jirpun. 11 miii cure inn
Kidneys. l ivei.HKiinhi ti, nnd all lioweland
HlHddir OikeuM". i will dlwolvtt calculi and
remove tlirm. It rtinovm Hie iv 10 RCld from
the blood and tlnm rtPh'roy Malaria and
Cli I lis. It cure h Bniilil'H difccane, and U ea-
pecially rerommended for people advanced In
lite, and for general debllny. For undoubted
proofs ot tlili tend for runvphltt giving mil j u. i'khhy, water ot u;
Co., 81 Houtb Main Kt WllSes-Biure fa.
' i yy
From Simple JPlmplcs to ohstlunfe ECZEMAi
f"8cm1 for."nintn for Kltctten ncitl QtcSc
Itoom," a handy book for tlio household. JFIIEE.
Purifies the blood, tones up
the system, gives an appetite.
Cures dyspepsia, constipa
tion, sick headache. Regulates
tho liver and kidneys, and be
sides cures all blood and skin
diseases, whether manifested
only by common pimples, or
eczema, or by ulcers, abscesses,
and the more violent effects of
scrofula and blood poison.
Is perfectly harmless and
never fails.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hold Block, Shenandoah, Fa,
'Pi?n vi
iWli all
Your trade is what we
This ia how we propose
to get it.
By selling you n flrst
clnss article; by eellingyou
for less than others; by
eellh'g you furniture, an
orrjau, a pinno, a hewing
machine or anything else
iu the line of household
We have a Inrge and va
ried Ftock In select from.
No tioulile to show goods.
Cnll, t'sainlue and be
' n.30 a m. and 4.15
Soutli Main St.,
Leliigh Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10, 1891.-
1'af sender tialos will !Rve Klif usuclcah li -auch
Cfiunk, Lclilclil'iu. t-latluctou. Cata-
nauqua, Allenlown, lJclhleUcni, atou, Phil
adelpii.aand'ew Vors nt 8.47, 7.10, 9.08 a. in
izjr, 3.iu, o.'t, p. m. f
For ueivideie. iieinwaie wmet wan and
etroudbbur2at5.47, u. ni., aud 5.1:8 p. 111.
For LamueitMile and 'f teuton, a, m
For 'Willie Haven. Willi et-Bune aud Pltu
ton 5.17. 9.18, 10.41 a m.. 8.10 nnd 5.20 p.m.
por'iuuKuauuccK, lu.ii a. m., fi.111 ana
p. iu
For Aubntn, Itliarn, Geueva and and Lyoin
ju.ii e zn un .in p. m
rur iact-j vine, jowano". eay:e, waveny,
IClruua. Rorhttioi. Dutlalo. r.'iEara Fall.
Cbicaau aud alljioinU Went at 10.4 la. m.,and
5.2np. ui.
For Imlia aud the Wett vlatJalsmanra at
3.10 p.m.
rur Aiiaennea, uazieion, aiocaion, j.uni'
t,er Yaid, Weal l:irly and I'onu Haven Jure
Honat5.4,7.40, 9,0aa. m.aud 12.62. 8.10 ai d
5.26 p.m.
i'or jranesviiie, Levimon and tseavc
Meadow, 7.10, 9.03 a. m. r id 6.' p. in.
For Bcrautonnt 5.47 9 0S. 10.41a. m. 8.10 and
5:S) p. iu.
i'or Jiazie uroos, jenoo, uiirion ana r ree
Iiuid at 5.47. 7.40. 9.0S. 10.11 a. ra.. 1U2 3.10 and
5.26 p.m.
r oriiaiiniie hi. 0.41 anu n.uo a. ui., anu
3.10 p. m.
For Wigaaun, Gilbeiton and Frnckvllle at
6.50B3dtf.03a iu., ami 1.10 p. in.
F'or Yatekville. llabauoy City and Delano
5.17, 7.10, 9.08, 10.41, 10.68 a. m.,12.52,3.10,5.26, 8,03,
9.2 aud 10.27 p. 111.
For Loit Cicek, 31rardvl!la and Ashland
4.27. 7.40. 8.52. 10.15 a. m.. 6.85
8.10 and 9.14 p.m.
For DniKwater, Ht. tleir and Pnttvllle,
7.40, 9.0b, 10.68 a. in., 12.5,3.10,4.10, S.'.tl and tJX
ior uuck mountain, new notion ana
Moieu. 7.40. 9.08. lvM a. u... 122. 3.10. 6.26 and
6.01 p. 111.
For Haven ltiin,Cent'a'ia, Mt. Carmel an
Bbamokln, 8.52, aud 10,16 a. m., 1.40, 4.4C
anu B.uo p. m.
TiaiiiH leave Bbamokln for Shenandoah,
7.55 11.55 a. m 2.10, 4J0 and 9.S0 p. m., arriving
ut Sheuanaoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.32, 3.10, 6.28 and
11,1a p. m.
ouniiA 1 xitAin,
For LoKt Cieek. (Ilraidvll'o and Ahhlanil.
61O, 9.10 I.3f a. 111., 2.45 p. 111.
For Uaikwaler, ht. yialr and I'ottsvlllo,
5.60, 8.011, 9.30 1 . m., 2.45 p. ra.
For Vaiesvllli , Mahauoy City and Delano.
h.iki, 11.85 a. ru., 1.40, 4.40, 6,03 p. in.
rur iii ly, Auaeurieu anu uacieion, b.u
a- m 1.10 p. m:
ForMauch Chunk. I.ehlghton, Blatlnston,
Cataauqua, Allmtown, lTethlebem, ator
and New York, 6.00 a. ro., 1.10 p.m.
for muaueipnia, i.4u p. in.
Ueu'l Pate. Act., lietlileliem.
Alt renoDK aie hereby warned
Belonging to the
Shenandoah Water Company,
and all parties caught violating this notice
will be
Prosecuted as Trespassers.
By order of
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad
Time Table in efieet Juty JO, 1S91
NowYor via Philadelphia, weekdays,
0 7ia) h- nd 12 8S 2.C0 and oM
tX via Mauoh Chunk, week dy, 5.S6,
.20. ft. m. Anrt 19 Qt n in .7 - J ""
lng ana flilKuleipbia wetk dn8,
2.10. 6.2j. 7.
uuiiny, z.iu
0 &M p. in. ' lu',!' mi'
Op. ni. olwn' week 7-K
o'' Pottdvllli, -wrelr dpy. 2.1H,r.9na ,a .
Fci ininuun nnd Mabsnor city, vrtut
ii.j-a.2J0, 6.25,7.20, r m., 12 8! o Vnd "ss
i-J5...s,n,?day 2,10 ud 7,18 B-m- P. m.
Additional lor Mabanoy Oily, wees uayi 7,00
Kor lAncater aud Colnmbla, week daye.
'.iwr, m.,2.0p. m.
For WllllaiiiKport, Hunbury and Ijewimjnru.
week days. 8.25, 7.30 nnrt il 81 a. m., 1,85,7.54
:i. m. Sunday 8:25 . m , 8.05 p. m,
Kor Mauanoy Plane, ween Qyi, 2.10 8.25.
VS,7J and 11.39 a.m., 12.35, l.n W.', 6.85.
7.00 n .. n in. Bundoy, 2 10. a.2i and 7.J
h. iu. ua'o, i). ni.
m. u,cd, i,iiu n. m.
or Glmruvllle (Rappatumnocx Stutloni
days, 2.10, 8.25, 6.25, 7.20 end J 1.80 a. m..
S, 1 8S, i.oO, 6,6 , 7.00 nrt 9.25 v. m. hunday.
i 0 . 1 jti 4 o iC a on . '
12.33. 1
z-iu, -i i, 7.48 a.m.,, 4.8U p, m.
'or Aabland and Biwiuuwiu, week diy.
J.25, 5.26, 7.20, 11.3(1 a. m., 1.85. 7.i'1 and hi
m. Bundsy u.23, 8 32 n, & ., n i "i n. m.
XHA1NH KOlt hHKNji NuOvU t
Leave New Yorft via Po I' lei.u a, week
lay. 7. a. m.. 1.80, 1.W, 7. '0 ... in.. I2.1S
nrlit. 8undi.y,p.00p. m., is l ,nl-.'(ii
lave Ne Yuri: vn jiri ( jo jit. w)s
ir, .SU, 8.4S a. n.. 1.00 end 1.0.1 p. m.
Leave PbtHdeiflna, teit uav., mil
10.00 n. ni. .00 hdO ,.W ,,.m. A ,ri Jjroad
nd Callowbill and 8A3a. m.a ni i"i) . m,
from 9:buc , irM'ik biuci-'? v.os a.
m. 1!.) p. m.i oia Otii ..( i-
lve 1. diuj, wteK O.'.n, 18'.. 7.10, KI.CS
iUd l'.u.). io., 7.H p. ai. 8m dw I.Mi.nil
i'I.'Ssi. m.
Leave Tuiuvi ie, week oy. v.W.ISJt a. m.,
12.80,8.11p.m. Sunday, 1. 10, 7 00 r . m. anrt
2.(5 ,. en.
Leave Tamaqua, weeit mil, 8 8.(8 and
2a.ui.,1.2l, 7.18, and a.lsji. ni, y i ..iW 3 !0
7 41 .. in. aud i.u'j ji. m.
i.eav J)ii''Uoy City, aeslt dv. 8.40. 9,!8
ind 11.47b. to., 1.81, 7.4 ioiid 8.11 p.ui. 14 no.
day, 8 48,8.17 a. m., S." i :.
LiAitt juabanuv l'laue. ..ielc davn.
(.), 8.S-5, 11.19 a. iU.,I.t5, ij .8. 5 2J, 8 J8, 7.67, and
iiuiOo. m. Hunday 1W., 4.00, and S. 7,n, m,
ooi, u.ui, p.m.
iMa Ulrnrdvlllo (lUpyabunuuctt motion)
weex days, i.47, 4.07, b.86, and 9.11 a. in., 18.0J,
i 2, 6.2P, 8.82, 8.03 and lll.u8p.iu, uuday,2,47,
0;, 8 S3 a. ru. 8.41, 0.('7 p. m.
uea.e Wllllamiii'ort, wwedays, 3.00,9.43 and
11.64 a. m. 3.95 and 11.15 p. m, anudny 11.15
p. in.
For Baltimore, Waohlngton and the weet
via Ii. A O. K. It., through trains leave Olrara
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & B. H. K.)
at 4.18, 801 and 11.27 a. m.,i:., 4.24 , 6.55 and
7.23 p. m. Sunday, 4.1S 8.02 11.27 a, iu 4.34.
j.05 and 7.28 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut au-eet "Wharf
ana rionth Htreet Wharf.
2-or A.lautlc CIS.
We-duys Kxprew, 5.15, SCO. 9.00, 10.4.5 a.
m. aud 1 (i (Saturdsyn only, L30), 2.10, 3 00,
3.30, 1.1 1 , 5 00, 8.00 j . ui. Aooonmio Jftlloa, 7 40
tv.111., 4.15, 0 30 p. ui.
innn.j ,. jijcprens, 5 15, 7.00, 7.31, S.CO, 8 30,
9.V), 9.30 a. 111, nnd 4 SO p. 111. vb..uaia.u -uiiiuii
8.00 a. in.and4 45 j.-1-.
i.e'urn'ng.le&ui! Atlantic C'ltv, (Biotcorner
vi antlonnd Artanaii avpnufn. Vk.i
Kxprew, 7 00. 7.r,0. 8 00, 9.00, 10.00 a. m. aud 3 15,
4 00, 5.30, 0.30, 7.I-0, 0 SO p. in. Accomniodutiuu
0.00, 8.10a. 111. mid 4.0). 111. Kiinctnys -Ex-prcm,
3 30, 4.00, 5 0), 0 00, CS0, 7-00, 7.30 8 009.80)
p. m. Accomuiodatlun, 7.30 a. 111., 0.03 p, m.
A. A. WCLKOD. Pres. ftUea'l Manae.
On and after Nov. 24, 1880, ro(it uilt lean
Mitnamlvoh ai follows:
For Wlggou, Gllberton, Frackville, New
Castle, Ht. Clulr, Knd vay polntu, 6.00, U.liS
k la and 4.15 p m.
auaaeys, mil, 8.40 am and 3.10 p m.
Kor Pottsvr le, 8.00, 9.10 a ni and 4. 15 p ra.
t.uu. w.iunni aim 1.15pm,
,1UHiJI1i UUU Tl m.
Phoenix ville, oi!lown
(Broad Ktreet etatlnm. mxi-
n Ttl week davs
nucaays, tuu, u.iu a m d.iu p m
Tralna leave Frtctv'Ue lor bhenandcah at
10.40 am and 12.11, 7.42,10,09 pm. Sundays,.
11.13 am and B.40pm.
Leavo Poitsvlllo torGhenandoah, 10.16 anG
11.18, a in 7.15, 8.42 p m. bundays, 10.40 a in
5,15 p ru.
Leave Philadelphia (liroad street station),
for PotUvllltinrtBucnandoah, 6.57,10.25 a m
-.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week dayi.
am and 1,).' p.m.
"r w t '.l'K, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.35, 8.50, 7.'S0
d.Alo.SO, il.5 :i,UOaDdll,15ani,rjOJaoou (Um'
Ilul av.vca 1 flf.Dt..4 J m 1
il. c0. 4, i, U,tb.M, t'.Ki 7.18 8.12 and 10,00 p m, 12.0 j
( )n Hunoya, 3.20, 4.05, 4,40, 6.3s b.12, 8.80, 9.50.
A m. and i..i'J, 0.211 ilimlted 4,501, 5 28, II li, 6,50
7.i- f.Vj i in -Jia ulgbt.
For Sea Utrt, dprius Lake, Iielruar,
ocean urovc, Anbury Park, ana Long llraiicb
8.20,11,16,1. m.4.00 p. m. week aavr For
Freehold, 0.0 , p. m. weem day.
Balllmor- and Wnnointlou, 3.60, 7.20, 8,31
910, 10.20, I1.18H m, 12,"S (limited exprei.8) 8.48
4.41 6. ai 7.40 p. in., and 12.03 night. Fo
Baltimore- a,j i02, 4.1 1, 5 08 and li.30 p. in
On Stmdayt. ,1.50, 7.a). o.llund 11.18 a. ra. 4.4
8.57,7.40 11 i.i. 12.03 ulghL Baltimore only
5.08 aud 11.01 nm.
For itiotirf mdand tho Houlh 7.2011.18 o. ra.,
iLimlliid Kxprew 12.35 p. m.,;12.0ll n!ght,week
aaya. aunaaye, tw u. ni,, niguu
.IB, ULIIIIM0! I .-J ... 11,
T rulni leave ilarrlsbun
rg for 1'nisDiirc ana
ihe wet every day at 12:28 aud 3.0 a m anCt
j.oo cllailted) p m. Way for Altoona,
15 a in and 4.10 i m every da v.
For Pltubn- only, 11,20 a in dally and 10.2O
i m week days.
l eave Hunbury lor WUUainaport, Klmlra,
'nuaudaigna, llocliostor, Butlaioand
ana o.iu h m nauy, anu i,u pm vreezaays.
For V.'atkiiiw. 5.80 n m week davit,
For Krle and intermediate polnti, 5.10 a m;,
daily. For Lock Haven, 5.10, and 9.53 n m.
dally, 14 and 630 p. m. week days. For
ruinova aiv n in i.4j ana o,,. p ni vreex aay.
lo n. hi imuue.ya.
'4o. Star r
1JU !'. Act,
Time-table in effect May.10, 1891,
Trains leave Beading (P. & 11. station) fat
Gibraltar, fteyfert, Blraiboro, Joanna, Spring,
field, Wuync sburg Junction, CoatesvllIe.West
Cheiiler.tliadsford Junction, B. A O. Jnuctlou,
Wllmlugtcm and lnieimediale illations, dally
rxcept Hunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. aud 8.15
p. m. Huuday only ai 3.05 p. in.
For Warwick, ht.Peieih and Intermedials
Mattons.dally except Hunday, at 9.20 a.m., and
o,19 p.m. hunday only 8.15 a. m.
For Uirdtboro and Intermediate stations,
Saturday only, at 12 m. gftij
For Baltimore and Washington H. A O.K.
R.) dally except Hunday at0.?6and 8.30 a. iu.
and 8.15 p. Hi. tunday only ai 3 05 p. m.
Trains arrive ai lteadliiK (P. utatlon)
Irom Wilmington, U. fc O. Junction, Alont
i IihuId, tliadanioid J unit Ion, Wst Chester.
Leuape, Coatesville, WejutttmiK Juucllou,
bprlngllcld.Joanna.Blidi'boio, Gifrallai, Bey
feriand Inieimedlai station., daily except
hunday at 10.20 a. m. 5.52 and 8.17 p. m. Bun.
day only at 11.91 a. ra.
From Bt. Peieie, Warwick and Intermediate
stations, daily except hunday, at 8.23 a. m.
and 2.25 il in. Sunday only at 8 p. m.
From liiidiboio and lntcrn-ctuute stations,
Saturday ou ly at 1.10 p. m.
Fium Wa.hinctou and Baltimore, dally ex
cept Hunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.52 and 8.17 p.m.
Sunday only at. 11.21 a. m,
BOWNF.HH ItlilGUH, Gen'l Psss. Agt.
A, t. JtlWA UHUAflU, HUpt.
We, the undersigned,
are entirely cuied ol
ltuntnre Lv Dr. J. II.
MAYF.K, 811 Arch St., Plain. Tl-omuH U.
Hartuug. New Bluggold, l'o., I. i-audt, bouib
Eithtun, I'a., I,. P. A C. A. Deturck,Oiey,Pn
II. G. Hlanley, 421 Hiitiu e Bt , Lebanon, l'a.,A.
Hcliueider. I.oi uki Iiu'e, Ph., D, 1). Koll.l.lmt
klq, Pa., Wm. li. Har eunttne, i'lioenlxvllle.
Pa., W. M. Irflnbuch, 024 Wnnliligton Ht.,
Headlug, Pa., J. C. Lyme. IilloW. Howard Ht.,
Harrisburi!, Ph., C. Ktelin, DuutilaBevllIe, I'a.
Dr. MAYEB la at Hotel l'eun, Beading, Pa.,
on the 2ud Saturday ol tach rnouib. Call to
nee blm.
No1. UKast Centre Btreeti Mnnanoy City, Pa
tikln and all special diseases a specialty.