The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 22, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
rrjBi.iBiir.D daily, sunuaykxceptbd
H. C HOY 1711, Iklllvr nnd 1'ttt'lhlfr.
lev. .. h'atkixs, icai v-titor.
IneSVEXIXO niHlALDhtua turner ctr
culation in Dshcnnmtoiih than any other paper
publiahid, Jtnoki npen to all.
I)AII.Y,per year
Weekly, per year,.
Xntcrrd at the Postofflee, at Shenandoah, F
for transmission through the malls
.s oe?ond elaa dirII matter.
A Slotltor Druwns Her Ilnbn and lrnln
Aliollii-r Chilli Willi n Hatchet.
Bawimohk, Auk. 22. A special dis
patch from Alexnmlrlii, W. Va., says!
Mrs. Bnnliowasr, wife of a prosperous
resilient of llelvitia, clurltia a lit tem
porary Insanity, drowned horlU-moutha'-old
butty In a spring near the house,
then returned to the house and braiuod
her 8-yenr-old boy nlth n lmtohot, mutl
latinn the body in a horrible manner.
She then attempted to tako her own
life, but will reouver.
The only reason kIvou by tho mother
tor tho deed Is that she Is tired of living
and did uot want to lBave hor culidreu
behind hor.
A Murdrrs tilstnr frustrated,
Columbus. 0.. Aui. 84. Tho oondltlon
of Miss Laura Bialr, sinter to tho mur
derer executed yesterday, Is indeed sad.
She has been In a comatose state ever
since her removal from the penitentiary.
At waking Intervals she utters tho most
liawalllnt; moans for tho warden to per
mit her to see her brother again. It is
Murderer Aliny Too Weak to
bo Taken to Jail.
F'SiiroB Demonstrate tho Popu
lnrtHr nf t.h 'Rawtnrt.
Aug. 25.-Knr.lUh Lutheran, Alah.noj lwd that when she recovers consoions.
" 11 ' nes and learns of the execution that her
reason m y be permanently dethroned.
Aug. 20 Lutheran Sunday
school, Tsmi.qua.
Auk. 27. Young Men's Democratic
Club, Mahanoy City.
H Ill-comes Godliitlmr fur a Child on
Ills Saratoga Trip.
Sahatocia, N. Y., Aug. !B. Thoro was
llttlo incident of tho Tresidont's (lsh
lng trip hero that escaped the notice of
most of those who accompanied him.
Amont tho guests at Judge McAdaras'
house wero the Rev. Mr. Allou, of Eliza'
KuitHi1 Trust illinium.
TiilLADELrHiA, Aug. 32. Tho story of
the consolidation of tho Sugar Trust and
Cliuw Sprecklos' works is revived again
by reports from New York, and Is posi
tively denied by C. A. Snreckles. Wlien
tho renorts were read to him ho said:
"There is nothing in It; thoy aro merely
rumors which havo boon afloat before
There Is no more In It than the report
that tho man In the moon is coming
Convention ot New York Fanners.
Albany. N. Y.. Aug. 22. The con
both. N. J., nnd Ills wife, and with them volition ot tho Farmers' League will bo
1 . . . . ... . . .1 .1 I. ... .,,.. . c . , rr a .1. to
VAX tholr bnbv. debt months old,
The parents wero unable to solect a
namo for their child, and In their ox
trmnlty they camo to the President and
nskod him to cliooso one from a list of
names. Ho selected JIarguerito, and
JIarguerito AUon was baptized and Presi
dent II rrlson became her godfather.
held in this city September 7. At this
fnnvimtiou it Is oxnected that all the In
dependent organizations in tho Stulo will
unite and adopt n party piauorin.
Now cldpr.
Rocky Mountain Ouro.
Tho drutfgists claim that people cal'1
daily for the now cure for constipation and
sick headache, discovered by Dr. Silst
Lane whilo in the Rocky Mountains. It h
aid to bo Oief?on grapo root' (a
Tho Famolla lliUtlellold Ouldn I)nnd.
Gettybbuuo. Pa.. Aut. 22. William D,
Holtzmorth, superintendent of tho Sol
dlera National Cemetery, ex-dlrootor ol
the Qottvsburc Battlefield Memorial As
sociation, and famous battlefield g uide,
died here from paralysis.
Says That Christie Warden OauMu the
lirtt Shot.
remedy in the far "Woti for those com
plaints) combinod with simplo herbs, and it
rondo for use by P'HiriiiK on boiling water
to draw out tho strenKlh. It soils at CO
cents a packatte nd is callod Lano'e
Family Sledioine.
Morning fogs.
Upturn, to ra.toral "Work.
Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 22. Prof. A.
3. Co its. of tho Rochester Theological
greal Seminary, has roslgned to become pastor
of tho First liaptlst Churoh of Pawtuckot,
R. I. Ho has been professor ot elocution
and sacred oratory hero for ton years.
Hold It to tho Light.
Tho man who tolls you confidentially
ust what will cure your cold is proscribing
Kemp's Balsam this year. In tho prep
aration of this remarkable medicino for
coughs and colds no expense !b spared to
combine only tho best nnd purest ingredi
ents. Hold a bottlo of Kemp's Balsam to
tho light and look through it; notice the
bright, clear look; then compare with
othnr remedies. I'rico EOc. and $1
Peaches cheap.
Comml. .timer llrngg lload.
SrniKO Lake, N. J., Aug. 22. Walter
L, iragg, Interstate Commerce Commis
sioner, died hero yesterday. Ho had been
in Ill-health for some time, but wrote n
fow days ago to Commissioner Morrison
that he felt as well as he had for years.
Catching Mackerel With Khnvcls.
Bakooii, Me., Aug. 22. Thousands of
muckeiel aro boing taking in shallow
coves ot Penobscot Bay by people who
wade into tho water and fairly shovel
tho struggling fish ashore.
Run. of Veteran. Convention.
Boston, Aug. 22. Tho Now England
delegations of the Sons of Voloraus loft
the city labt ulght to attend the annual
oncampmant of the Order at Minneapo
lis, Minn.
Kf.w Yohk, February 28, 1890
Alva's Brazlilau Bpeclllo Co. (.ienl.cmeu:
1 take pleasure In certifying to the cure I ie
e,o through your medicine, the Cactus
Blood Cure. 1 have bien a sutlerer from
ciuptlnns upon the skin eczema, etc., lor
(.evcral years. During that time I was olrlll,rl t.liv Blrlann in thiie
troubles without any tiencflt. Alter taKlng e this city, Wednosday, Sept. 10.
...... 1 ....... T a. .IrnLr MFcll Hull IllUirtltV I 4 '
IHU UUI1IIH 1 I"... C ......
recommend the medicine to any one sulfei
lng torn like tumbles. 11. MoKbON,
8i8Hixtn avHiue
Bold at Klrlln's Drug Btoie,t eruukou ltoute
Jilock, -ihenaudoa. .
Call for a State Convmitlon.
Bosrox, Aug. 22. The Republican Stato
Ccmmitteo has issued a call for tho ijtuto
Couvention to bo lielil in Tremont Tom-
Many bronzed faces are about.
St-crutury Fo.tHi' a.)is Fl,liln.
Washinotom, Aug. 22. Secretary Fos
ter Is Kolng to leave New York about
Sept.Jl on ttj two weeks' flliliig expedi
Shlloh'a Ooneumptlon Cure.
Tins Is beyond question the oiit suo-
Cttilul (.ouiih Medlonie we nave evirsuia,
a lew dciHts Invariably cure the wont ease, ol
Coosh, uiuup, and BiouehlUs, while It won
der u1 -ucce.s In the cure of Consumption is
wit Lout a parallel tn the lilMory of medicine.
8 dw tfs first dlenveiy it has been sold on a
guarantor, a leM, whltu no oilier medicine
.oiisuud. li you hn e a 1 ouli we earnest ly
anc Juii to try it. ITkt 10 cents. 5Ho.ntB. and
If sourLurKSDrci-ore, mm or oc
lump, ihi- .hilnli'k l( riius Putter. Isold liV
c, a. HiiKeiibuoh. N. . coruer Main and
Lloyd streets.
Fall gi'odg aro making their appearance.
How to Succeed.
This is tbe iri eat oniblem of life which lew
satlciactorlly solve. Home lall because ol
poor health, others want ol luck, hut the
malorltyfrom deficient grit wantof nerve.
Tiny are nervous, lrntolute, cliaageable,
easily get the blues and "lake the spirits
dnwfitokeep the (.pints up," ibuiwtullug
money, Hiiih, opportunity and nerve iorce.
llu n- is nothing like the Hestorattve Nervine,
disroveieil by Ihe reat specialist, Dr. Miles,
in cure an uervous uneaMiw, as uwuwiw, mo i
bines, nervous probation, BltoileuoiiB,
Ul tri,,.w ritArm Ufa mill l)Vhlnlu. I
Trial bottlss and fine boon of testimonials
lrce at C. 11. llageubucli's drug sioro.
it U sold will sell anything, this 1c
trae in a measure; but for staying
qttallties,- merit U the test KxtniUTa
ftdvortising may Mil aoyUiiav whom
It Is bow or unknown, but after It
tenet into general tiso, It is judged
fcooordlng to its wortli. The oontinuoA
oad stoady growth of Swift's Specific
A strike is like
coffie, hotter when It is
U the best evidonee ot iu excullraca.
It is mott popular where It is best
known. Uvery bottle sold, scU ta
others. Every one. that takes It bs
comefi Its friend, and reeommendn 11
to their acquintincea.
Treatise on Ulaod said SUn Dlrcwa
Etalled free.
Switt Srscanc Co., AtUnta, Go.
To Tot llrr Out of 3Ilsory IIo I'iroit
Aanlu and Again Ho Intended to Kill
Htm. elf but Rnmotlilng llnstratncd
Illra Mr. Warden Will l'robaliljr Claim
tho Howard tor Ills Capture.
IlANOVEn, N. n., Aug. 22. Frnuk Almy,
tlm murderer of Christie warden, is
still very weak, and has been removed to
nn upper story of tho hotel, whero better
and more commodious nuartors havo
been secured. It Is not likely that ho
will be removed to tho lall in Grafton
for some tlmo, as tho jail Is not conshV
cred safe and lacks necessary accommo
dations for tho wounded murderer.
There is probably no moro Interesting
featuro connected with tho Almy capture
lhun the statements mado by the prison
or himself. His Btory of tho affair, in his
own words, Is as follows!
Almy's Story of the Murdor.
"In tho beginning Christie Warden
and I were the best of frieuds. I loved
her, and, although sho never told mo sho
rooiprooatou tne leeung, i uavo niwaj.
felt that sho did. After I had been on
tho Warden farm n month or six woek B
we began to visit various places together,
aud, though she nppearod shocked at
somo of the stories 1 told hor of my past
lifo, she, nevertheless, talked to me in
friendly manner rogardiug tho future,
nnd told mo I could make of it what I
"There was familiarity between us, tho
familiarity of nccepted lovers, and I
shall always stick to this part of my
story. It Is true that sho nover prom
ised to bo my wife, but sho gavo mo oc
casion to bulleve that tho day was not
far distant when she would. Then hor
family interfered. I was practically re
jected and wont away to forgot her, if
I could, ainoug ollior scones, is was a
hard thing to do, but the only thing that
"I left tho Wnrdon farm and drifted
nbout hero and there, always thinking of
her and longing to bo near hor. I could
not rest unless I cam., back, nud so I re
turned. Whcu tho night of tho killing
camo I saw hr mother nnd Fantiio do-
part and I waited for thorn by tho brook,
guessing at tuc lime tuey wouiu icililu,
When thev camo back from the grange
m-etinu I was in readiness, and whon
the tmrtv reached my hilling place
stenned out. announced who 1 was und
told ilrs. warden thai i wanieu io t,peui.
with Christie.
Tho Scono In tho ltoitd.
"Mrs. Warden nt once flow at mo, called
me everything that alio could think of,
aud l'aunle aud tho lady wun mem
loiued in. Christie alouo remained silent.
buen a riiKing over as i gor, lor a imv
moments from thoso two fenialos was
onough to make a man completely lose
his head. 1 could Btaud it no longer, so
pulled out my revolver oud told thorn to
niovo on. Then uurisiia uogau iu goi.
fiiuhtened nnd to struggle.
"Iu tho excitement which followed my
onlv thouuht was to keen Fanny away.
Contrary to my expectations this had no
oirect on Ulirl-tlo uuu suo siruggieu io
free herself. Tuo weapon was a W51I
cooking one, and tho pressure was great
enough to discharge It. Hie girl leu.
aud when 1 saw tho blood pouring from
her abdomen, an insane horror camo
ovor mo and I believed that aba was
"Then tho thought that perhaps sho
was not dead but mortally wounded, nud
rather than have her know in her mo
ments of seml-consolousness that I had
shot hor. I llreil at her again and then
anain. Then I thought I would end m
own oxistence, but something, I know
not what, restrained me, and so 1 hur
rlod from the scene and secreted mysel
in the barn."
Sirs. Warden Will Claim tho toward.
Since Almy's ariest much discussion
has been caused as to who will get tho
reward. Governor Tuttle on August 4
issued a proclamation calling for all citi
zens to assist In the c.ipturo ot vno mur-dorer.
He also stated In tho proclamation that
ho would recommend the passage of a
bill at the next hesalou ot tho legisla
ture, giving to the person making tho
arrest $2,500. The town of Iluuovur also
offered $1,500 rewaul, making in all
$4,000 for the arrest ot tile murderer.
Borne peoplo tninK that rror. wucueu
and H. O. Brown are entitled to it, for
they watched him iu the gurden on tho
ulght before his capture.
It is stuted on good authority now that
Mrs. Warden herself will claim tho re
ward, she being first to Und trnco or his
presence in the b ,ru. Others of the party
who went into tho barn nud made the
arrest are likely to claim tho money.
Th Captain of the Htenmer Obdnm KIUd
n Coal Stoker.
New Yorut, Aug. 22. Tho story was
told in shipping circles to-day of how
Capt. Bakker, of the stoamship Ubdam,
which loft this port on July 18 for Rot
terdam, shot and killed one ot tho coal
stokers two days later.
Ou his previous trip Cnpt. Bakker
shipped nbout 20 ooal stokers in Rotter
dam. On tho way over hero there was
some dissatisfaction among tho stokers,
but thoy wero afraid to mutiny.
when the ship left this port, however,
to return to Rotterdam, tho men grew
sullen and thera was good grounds to
fear a mutiny.
Uapt. Bakker was told that such amove
was rife, and tho captain went down into
the coal hole and warned tho men.
Oao ot the stokors picked up a fire
man's comb, a heavy iron instrument,
nnd mado at the captain. Tho latter
drew bis revolver and shot tho mnn dead.
The namo of the man killed was Duzor.
In Rotterdam Capt. Bakker was placed
under $10,000 bail. When ho returns
from his prosent trip to this port ho will
bo tried.
What the Druggists scy
of HoiskfiH'sOintment:
' When wenrerisrieii to rwommerid a urevanv.
tlon for skin tltn'iwe, u u hand out Ukisxrll's
Ointment, wlih every coutlucnce of lusu ices
ful treatment of the disease."
J. o. KKUica, n aiam nt., miuer, ra.
"T have been sclltnz liEisKri.t.'s Oiitmkt
ir eleven rears. It Uvea universal satlsftuttio'
u. w. hackb-NSKhqbr, luun&nage, i
Wo lisve evidence of the punitive nroperUc
reliable olutment.
Of HBISKKLL'S OtHlMKNT lieie. It is O gOCM?
Fleuiko & Ehled, Tarentum, Pa.
"In all skin diseases I Invariably recomnied
J. J. Keil, Bbnrpsturg, To.
"TfKlSKFT.r.s Ointmknt cures when alt els
falls." SWuxus A. KiKl, Treoport, Pa.
"IlKlSKKLL'S OlNTMKNT sells o'l Its own
merit " H. it. IIzi.roN, K.Uuaaln..', Tu.
Purific3 the blood, tones up
the system, gives an appetite.
Cures dyspepsia, constipa
tion, sick headache. Regulates
tho liver nnd kidneys, and bo-
sides cures all blood and skin
diseases, whether manifested
only by common pimples, or
eczema, or by ulcers, abscesses.
and the more violent effects ol
scrofula and blood poison.
Is perfectly harmless and
never fails.
So!d at Klrlln's Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block. Shcnnndoah, Pa.
hiladelpbia and Heading EaiJroad
Tlmo Table in ejject July 10, 1801
sr New York via Philadelphia, week days.
I..0 5.23, 7.3M a. m. and 12 85 S.M and 6.65
. m. Huuday 2.10 and 7.4a a. m. For Now
ark, via Maneh Chunk, week days, 6.55.
, a.m. nud 12.35and2.E0p.ta.
For Beading nnd I'lUladefphla week days,
U0, 6.S5, 7.20, a. m., 12.8S and 5.55 p: m,
onday. 2.10 and 7.18 a. m , 4.80 p. m.
For Harrlsburg, week aay, 5.10,7.20 a. m,t
. 0 5.58 p. iu.
I or Alleatown, week days, 7.20 1, m. 12.38
0 p.m.
for l'ottsvllle, week dsys, 2.10. 7.V0,. m.,
2.31 8.f n and 6.55 p. m. Bunday, 2,10 and 7.8
Rick neaaacho ana rellsvarill tho troubles lnef
rlcnt to a bilious state of tho system, suoh aa
Dizziness, Kausea, Drowsiness, Distress after;
citing, I'alu la the WUe, 4o. While their mosl
remarkable success has boon shown la cuilng A
Eeaflacho. yet Oartcr'B Llttla JAmr VSOa tufl
cnnally valuablo In Constipation, curing and pro
venting this annoying complalnt.whllo theyalsa
correct all disorders ol thostouui cb jstlmulato tho
liver and rsgulato tho bowels. Even if they onl 3
rAcfcalhGy woulabonlmostprloelesstothoaowha
tuffer from tals dla trussing complaint; but f orta
ratolylhelrgoodness does notondhero,and those
who once try them will nnd tiicoelUtloplllavala.
'nolo In so many ways that thoy will not bo wit
ilinE to do without them. Sut after ollslct hcaa
(islhehaneof comanyllvos that heroiawhera
wo make our groat boast. Oui pills cure it whllo
, ethers donot. ...
i Carter's Little Liver Tills are very small ana
very easy to taho. Ono or two pills molte a dose.
They are strictly vegetable snil do not cripo or
purge, but by Uioir gentle action please all who
use them. In vials nt US cents live for $1. BolA
by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail.
Your trade la what wo
This is how we propose
to get It.
By selling you n flrst
clabs article; by fcellingyou
for lees than others; by
celling you furniture, an
organ, a jiinno, a Bowing
machine or anything else
in the line' of household
We have a large and va
ried stock to select from.
No trouble to show goods.
Call, examine and be
m . 4 30 n.m
For lamautta
.una ana MOhannv
lays, 2.10, 6.45, 7.20, a in., 12 35 2.60 and 6.55-
City, week
itAi, n iu., uaj .cu aim D.D0
Bundav. 2.IUand 7.43 k. in.. 4 an n. m.
AddlUnna) ni Mahanoy City, week days 7.09
For lAncaslor aud Columbia, week clays.
.) a. m.,2.60 p.m.
For Wllllamsport, Hunburynnd LewisburK,
"eek days, 3.25, 7.20 And it 30 a. m.. 1.85, 7.54
.. m. Sunday 8:2-3 a. m., 3.06 p. iu.
For Mahanoy Wane, weea days, 2.10 8.23,
M. 70 and 11.3'J a. m.. V2.f. 1.36. i.6u. 5.6B.
7.00 an va. Buuday, 2 10. 3.25 and 7.4S
a. m. .n6, c. m.
For (llmruvllle (Kappsbannoek Btatlon)
"wk days, 3.111, 3.25, 5.2t, 7.20 and 11.39 a. m
I2J6, 1 35, V.60, 6,65, 7.00 ai d a.M. p. m. Hunday,
2-10, 2 , "48 . m., S.1'5, 4.30 p. m.
i-or Ashland and bnanjosiin, weelt days,
1,25, 5J6, 7.20, 11.311 a. m., i.B5, 7.00 and ,2t
m. aundny i.2 '8 82 , nt., 8.05 p. tn.
lieave Mew York via Philadelphia, week
ayi,7.45 a. in., 1.S0, i.W, 7M p. m 12.13
tlchl. Huuduy, ti.00 p. m., 12.15 night.
Leave Now York via Manoh Chunk, week
lays, 4.30, ts.4b a. m 1.00 and 4.03 p. m.
Leave Phlisdeiphla, week days, 4.10, And.
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p.m., from Broad
uid Oallowhill and 8.35 u. m.and 11.80 p. m.
rram Dthano ureeii ueeu. Sunday H.06 a.
ai. 11.S0 p. m. from tn nac iiu.
i-cve HcadlnK, week days, 131. 7.10. 10.CB
inrt 11.60 11. in., 6.55, 7.57 p, m. Huuday 1.33 and
l.48a. m.
Leave l'ottsvllle, week days, 7.40, 7.40 a. m..
' OH, 0 11 p. ra. Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m. ana
2.t5 r. 01.
Leave Tamaqna. week days, 8.70, 8.48 and
" ' 1 a. in., 1.21, i.ia, ana p. m. aunuay
7 43 1. m. anaioO p. m.
isavo Alahauoy City, week days, 8.40. 9.18
and 11.17a. m 1.61, 7.42 and B.41 p.m. bun.
lay, 8.40,8.17 a. ra., 3.) p. m.
Leave Mahanoy I'luue, week days, 2-4), 4.11)
1.S0, 05, ll.(j a. m.,1.05, 2.00. 6 20, K 28, 7.57, and
i.rfvin ra. Hunday 2.4i, 4.00, and 8.i7, a.m.
3 37, 5.01, p. m.
m days, 2.47, 1.07, 0.86, and U.ll a. in., 12.05,
i, .m mo iu.uo p. m. sunaay ,.,;,
0 . 0.33 a. m. 3.41, 6.1,7 p. m.
i.wtvu Wllliamsuort. week davs. and,
il.55a. xu. 8.35 aud 11.15 p. m. Bunday 11.16
lor Baltlmoie, Washliigton nnd the west
via B. . O. K. It., throuKh trains leave Ulrard
Avenue ownon, jriiiiaueipma, tr, x 11. lb. n.i
0.00 8.10 a.m. '
PlU'lT P T press, 3 SO, 4.00,
I 1 I ilL I.J.D. DUX ttUU 11,11 U ill, X.O-. U.cKJ tltl
hi '.23 p. ui. Bundny, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a, m 4.24
fJ j.55 and 7.23 p.m.
L I A VI .i MTIrl PTTV mvTHiriM.
L keave Philssdelphia, Chestnut Street. Whari
1.1.1 ana wuui "iireet wnari.
Wooklavs Einrfs. 5.15. 8 00 9.00. 10.45 o.
m. and 1 tin Maturdava onlv. L301. 2.1,0. 3.00.
3.30, 1.1 1 , 6.00, 0.00 1. mi. Acuomiuudation, 7 40
a, in., 4.10, u cj p. iu.
-tanoto. axpress, 6 15, 7.00, 7.30. 8.00, 8 30,
9.W, v.i a. m. nun 4 ou p. m. acco;uoiu .uuua
8.00 u. in. and 4 45 ,1. iu.
lieiurning, leave Auanuo iny, ceyoi comer
tiflnttnnnd Arkansas avenue.-weph'1avo
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 8 00, 0.00, 10.00 n. m. and 3.15,
4 00, 5.S0, 0.Si', 7.30, 0 SO p. m. Accoinmooatlou
11. ihi. n. 111 n. m. a a irup 111. nuuuavs
OU, O Oil, O W, U OU. I W, O W, V.OV
Accommodation, 7.30 a. in. ,6.05 p. in.
(J. G. H AJSCOCii.. bea 1 Jru r Atl
MuLKUD, ITp'.. & Qen'l Manaser.
1 ,
Soutli Maiu St.,
A Fatal Mistake.
riivsmlaus make no inure fatal mistake
tlnin when they Inform patient that nervous
heart troubles oume from the stomacuaiul
iro or little wintequeuce. Dr. Franklin
Mil"f, tlm uotd ludtatia speolallsi, has
proven the ooulraiy In his new book on
'"I art Disease," which umy behadlioeat
I . II. 11 igcnliuoh'i druk: store wlio xuaranttes
IIIUI riiriiailliruui nr. Wlicn uiiniiwiuu won
lii .ut t'ure. whteh has tu largest mile 01 anv
)u art tt-tnedy Iu tbe world. It cure nervous
unit fnuuikin hMrt dlMase. short bieatn.
llutteruiK, pain or tendrrness In the side, arm I
t,r Htunildar.lrniffulur itultfu ntllltluv.smother- I
Iuk. dropsy, etc. Ills IteaUimlive Nervine I
ru us headache, nts, etc
To Genuine Jn,
ro (tjei
This is a bad year for the on alters every.
HHefl' Nerve ana llver Pills
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, "tomach and bowels through tht nerve:
A ii'-w discovery. Pr. Miles' Mils speedily
ruie tilllousneHS, tiaa taste, torpid liver, piles
connliuatiou. Uuequaletl lor men, women,
rhlldren. ttuialU-t, mildest, surest I ldwes,
Vus. Hauiples Free, at C. 11. llagsnbueh's
rinuj xtor.
; Can a man Intoxicated
mul to be air tight ?
with music be I
Completed to Deedwood.
Tim IturliriKton lloute, 0., II. & Q. It. It., ChicaKo, Peoria and St. Louis, it now
rnmplnte.l, and dally passenjtar trains are
run.iin through Lincoln, Neb., and
( UFtor, 8. D., to Doadwood. AIo to Now
castlo, Wyoming. SlocpInK cure to Dead
wood, tf
is and will ever be tho
Eemody for
rriAiif Tnffiinniui. TlQOkaohO.
reins in t.ha Ririn. Cheat and!
f Jolnta, Neuralgia, Sprains, fco
Beforo yoa acsd to trey, obtain
i tho valosble booki "&olde to Health," witllJ
310 Broadwav,
Prize Medals Awarded!
?BoroptanHonseisi Ruaolstadt,Tjondoryl
Nnninbdri. ouoteia, Lslpiia,
50 Oonts3 & bottle, For Solo by!
1. j. itntinv.
II. II A.tjriONJsUeil,,
nd other drcegKU.
Pure Ice Cream 1
Orders prcmptlv attended to. Particular at
tention 1'nlil to Balis, Picnics,
Kesttvals, via:
Jfar Corner of Lloyd. SPEADCAH. PENNfi
Auxtoti to I'ravent a War.
Cnr of Mexico. Auk. 22. It is stated
by El Tiempo that Qonerai Ezeta, Presi
dent of Salvador, hastelotiraphedtolKna
cio Marisoai, Secretary ot Foreign Affairs
of this itepublic, asking him to use his
good offices in preventing a new war oe
twoen S.ilv ulor nud Quatemala. The
aine paper also states that MarUcal liaa
teiet;rapi.ed to General Alatore, the Jlexl
cau Minister, to prevent a war 11 possible.
rinlisrton Iletretlvas uu Guard,
rorraviixn;, Pa., Aug. 88. Savora!
Plukertoii detectives have been brought
here by the Pottsville Iron nnd Steel
Company to assist in guarding the com
pany's property and to protect tho non
union men nt work. Tho strikers are
orderly and no trouble is feared.
cod North Fourth St.,
thu .tI fimulo 0rwu AmnloM
Ppmlnllil In tlx Vaitoi Bin H
able la cure BlOOd POlSOn,
Nervous DoSlllty"i Spe
cial Dlseasea
Sklu DImmm. Knl Sfwf rata, lo tht
bu,8oroThront Mouth,
Slotalifti. lSmplea. Frnpdcnt. Mft or
liar Vtoem, SwelUnu, Irrtiatloni,
lutltttiiiuatloni and auonl&s.
Btrltilur, WcakueM and Fart;
dar, loat mmorj , wok fcMk. mMiltl iiiWI. "?..,.
Bladdi-r Dla and all Dtoaua reiuHloi! n-0 ,
IndlMrvUon or Overwork. R(oeat oai corod la 4 to m aaytl
rrtlor at ono. Do not low, hope, no roa'trr what aim.
tl.U Doctor, gnack, Famllr or lloiillal Phr.lMan ha, railed.
Dr. TKKKI. curt, positively d-tentlcn from
bsatneaa olo vol-,., MiunLa aobd asn ti" cmrTtMP'lTiM rl.h or poor. .nd 2c eianip tor JbQOlf
"TROTH" fxoo ln OnaoW. mlr .worn teillmenlal,.
II,. rtlllv II.! Kr. 6 tn . Wed. and Sal.
It-ih 3 lo 10. Sunday till 11 Write or rail and he J-
Far Benu.noM ee Wtdu. Satorday I'tlla. dall Tlm
lli Ileiitlien Chines Tiilua Torgsr.
Sam Fbakoisoo, Aug. 88. Yong Gee
Ong, a Christianized Chinee, baa con
fessed to forging Bevanus Agent Thomas'
signature to thousands ot labuls, plaoad
ou unmauufaotured opium.
Jtldse (Ireshsm Iu Colinetleut.
rcTNAM, Conu., Aug. 82. Judge W.
Q. Qresbam ot Indiana nnd Major-Qeneral
Sohofield are liia guests of Hon. John
V. Doauo of Chloago, at his country
seat "The Ledgts," at Thompon.
Foe mm mu
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
MAY 10, 1891.
I'acsenRef trains will leave Bhennndcah fci
Mnnch t.nunK, ieuiguion, rMaungTon, unta
SSUQUa, AlieuillrvlJ, xioiuicuviii, UUMun, x ill,
adelpnlaandNew York at 6.17, 7.40, 9.0Stt.m.,
1 JJ-, i5.W, 0.01 P. HI.
i'or Belvldere, Delnwaro Water Gap and
Stroudsburg at, a. m., nnd S.20p. m.
For Lambeitvlllennd IVentO", t).US a, m
For Wnlto Haven, WIUcen-Barre and Pitta
ion 5.47, 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. 3.1U and 6G p. m.
ForTunkiianuock, 10,41a, m 3.10 and G.ZC
p. in
For Auburn, Ithaca; Geneva and and Lyose
1U.41 a. in., ana o;j p. m.
For Ijtoeyvllle, Xowanda
Klralra, ilochteler, Uuffa
''liloano and ail points
iMn Tn .
For xlmira and the West via Salamanca at
3.10 p.m.
Iur auuvarieu, lia&iotuu, iwnuiu, uuiu
tier Yaztl, Weatherly and Penu Haven Juno
tlonat5.1f.7.40, 9.08a. m.and 12.62. 3.10 and
'.!' - .... , ,
r or j en. Liu vi ue( ukvibwu uuu ucoyoj
i,urtscrautou'ut5.47 ttU8, ll).4la. in. 8,10 and
&;JB p. m.
v..r Hnnifi Brook. Jwltln. ntiftou and Frw
liuid at 5.47. 7.40, 9.06, 10.41 a. hj., 3.10 and
r or Tt iK'nau., uiiuvi iuu nou i-1 uu , iu t. .
tt.SU and d.Osa m., and 4.10 p. va.
ifor VoimvIIIa. Mahamiv Ottv and Iteiano
5.47, 7.40, 8J8, 10. 11, 10,58 a. m.,12.52,3.10.28,
HJi !,UIU.?' It. "I.
For Lost ween, jim.ovine ana Bniana
1.27. 7.46,8.52, 10.15 a. at., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35
8.10 and 0.11 p. m.
Knr UnrKtjater. Bt. Clair and Pottsville
7.40, 0.08, 1 0.58 a. m V2JX, 3.10, 4.10, 6.23 a nd 8.0c
yi. m.
For lines: Mountain, New Boston and
Morea, 7.40, 9.08, 10.53 a. m., 12X2, 8.10, 6.28 and
bum ii. ra.
For Koven Knn, Centralla, Stt. Carmel and
wiiHlnoKlll,, ana a. m., . i.iu, i.h
nnrl .fW T. m.
Trains leave Bharookln for Bhenandoab,
7.56 11X5 a. in., 2.10. 4.30 and d30 p. m., arriving
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. iu., 12.52. 3.10, 6.28 and
11.15 p. m.
For lost Creek, airnrdvllle and Ashland,
8.50, 9.10 11.36 a. m., 2. p. m.
For Uarkwater. HI. Clair and Pottsville,
s ui. k .tin. n :!0 i. in.. 2.45 ti. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano,
3.i,v, li.ii a, m i.iu, d.ui p. ui.
For Lofty, Andenrled and Uazleton, S.(X
a- ni.. 1.10 a. in:
VijT Mauch Chunk, Lehlghton, Slcttnjlor.,
uatOMtuqua, AlienwffB, iieiuier.era, cjutoi
ana xew xoik, b.iu a. in., i.w j. in.
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
k. I). 11YINGTON,
tien'l Pass. Ant., Bethlehem
On utiut after Nov. 21, 1890, li-nlnj will lean
Hhenandmui at follow:
For Vlgtmn, Gliberton, Frackvllle, How
Castle, bt. Clair, and way points, (UU, 9.10
a, ra and 4.15 p va,
bundays, wo, 9.40 a m nnd Al o v m.
For Pottsville, (1.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 p m.
rtandays, boo, 9.40 tt m and 3.10 n m,
Por Heading, 6.00. 9.10 a in and 4.15 pm,
Handaye, too, 9.40 a. m, and 8.10 pm.
For Poltslown, Phoenixville, JNonlslovra
nd FhlladelnhU (liroad street slatloa), 0.00,
1,10 a in. ami 4.15 p m week days
HUEdays, 600, 9.40 a m U.1U p m
jxatns leave i' ra4:aviue lur ouuoaiiuuau as
10.40 a 111 and 12.14, 7.12, 10,00 p m. Htmdaya, in anu o.w p m.
j.H7e a'otisvuie ior Dueuanuouu, lu.ioamii
t.8. a .3 7.15. 9.42 o id. Sunday!,, 10.40 a la
J-lopm- m , JSi.v
Jueave miianoirma turtiu strcei k.huoiu. P
t DA,..nl11...,J t...aHe.h R tT VI IK v '
i,r ruiiaiu.neuuouu-.uiivau, w.u.,,v..n . ie
i.10, 4.U and 7.CO p id we eft: daya, buuUiy f.2y
A ol ana A.iu y. in-
For w tOTu..atMtMOj a.w, u.w, o, .uu,
uu in mucin or the itsruu ur imwi.
r male terolo eCorti to Im tnemielTti,
hot nan kno.lar how to IsocaillUllV
Wj giro up IB aNMir svni iinft mwiDtwiy
.... .... . nold. lacakdl
I. rallmlled tlma.aplaln.
?ft?,r,8aiTr!!rati?iX' i.308.'1. "). n.o6andll.lfiam.l2.00noon, Um'
&'Fm?iZh Wed express, 1.08 and 4.50 p m.l 12.44, 1.40, 2.80,
W ot.t at 10.41 a. m.,and , t H fa e m - lg 8il5 10.00 p ra, 12.01
KM me
rib .1 I .
tka nLlloaoobT Ot Dlatll
.. MT.A AMlctlona of tbs
Oman ot Has. adhby
tr mathodi txcluilvalj osr
Lo,t or railing Manlool.
Oasirsl sal mrtoas Dao
bltltr, Waalmtll ot Body
sad Mine, ESactiot Errors
Br,ror.a.s can hf Ctirjd. ''"iVJiYA
0B0AM3 di PABTB otBODVioada plal J to iU '""'J:
ll.n U.Urr ftoi. W Sial.l, Torrllorlra and Mil'
Voo o.o -rltr Ib.m. ror BooI.MIoiplaouloS'oJy4
l'allurofif a Hardware Merchant.
Altooha, Pa., Auk. 22. John Hr
Hlvan, hardware murchaut, has (ailed,
lnvolvluii many local Arms lu the smash.
Tho liabilities are not given, but ure
thought to he larue. ..
Or the Liquor lluuil, I'olll ly Cureu
uy aumliilMerliiii: tir. jlulues'
Uulilru Nm rlllit.
It la manafaot ured a4apofd.r,whlob esn be sivea
In s glsaa ol bear, oup of Lolled or tea, or tn food,
without til. knowledge ot .hopitient It iwabaolutciy
hmrmlua, and will effect a pcriua it'it and uo.edy
sure.wtietber tbe put'o'it tn s tnoaeiaie drlDltcr or
an sloobollawrsck It tiai been gnott In tbouaandt
ot esaea, ana in everv uiatanou n plviooc cure nae ioi
lowed. It nerrr Full, a'b.eyetem onoo impreeaat.
Jd with the beoomea an utter linpcaalblllty
or tbe liquor Appetite lo extnt.
9 paise book of pjmlouUre tr .e. To be had o
C. H. HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Slienandosb
All persons are hereby warned
Belonging to tho
Shenandoah Water Company,
and all parties caught violating this notice
Will uu
Prosecuted us Trespassers.
' By order of
A newly discovered MINHRAI, WATEK,
the use of which will supply Important ele
ments rjcetgHry to health. It will cure the
Kidneys, Liver, Mtomaeh, and all Dowel aud
llladder diseases It will dlsol o calculi and
remove them, ltremove-s the urlo acid from
the blood and thus destroys Malaria and
Chills, It cures Brltrht's disease, and is es
pecially recommended for people advanced in
life, aud for eeneral nebllttv. For undoubted
proofs ol this tend lor pamphlet giving full
particulars, to j, it. i.iutr, water oi me
ivO., oi douiu xauiu otu wiiaes-xiarro I'a.
i o
UU cunaaye, o.av, .tu, a.w, u.oii, n.xt n,ov, t'.cw.
i u" and 1Z.4H, inn::iea 'i.auj, t. w, o,w
7,18 H.12 p m and 12.01 iilTul.
For tie utrx, spnna ABe, lieunar.
iceau tirove. Asbnry Park, and i.oi g Prannr
1.20, 11,15, a. m. 4.00 p. w. ween darn l'"V
Freehold, l,.t p.m. "tos days.
ltaiiimor" ana wat.iiini.uin. 3.311.
9 10, 1I.20, iL18u m, 12.L (limited express) 8.46
I 41 e.irr HU i.w V. m, auu U.U, iukuu i u.
naltimorei my i.ia, 4.1 1, 5 1 aud p. m.
Ju nanaays, s.;w, , tr.i.suiu 11.1s a u. n
1.57,7.40 p ra. 12.08 night. Baltinort only
and 11.90 p m.
For tuonmonu ana tnenoDtn m
Limited .Express 12.85 p. m.,12.08 night,week
lays. Wandaj K, 7.20 m., 12.08 ulght.
iT41Iuo iwtva xiarrjsuurx iiosriiua. utaa
Ue west every day at 12.25 and 8.10 a m and
;. IHtimitec.) nau o,tu iu. way tor liuuut,
.mam ana s.iu p m every aey.
For t-ULsbiug Italy, 11.20 a at dally and 10.20
m oet days.
1 aav Hiuibrtrv tor Wllllamsriort,. iGlmlra.
'aaaudataa, Eoeheater, Bnttnlcand Ivlagsre
.aIU 5.10 a m daiiv. and 1.18 11m weeVGvs.
for atlilna, 5.30 p m week days-
Dor ana lniermeaiate iioinm, 0.111 a 1111,
dally. Fur IxmiK Haven, 6.10, and 8.53 a ra.
laiiy, Oliu p. iu. wee uaye. rut
i.onova b.10 n la 1.48 und 6,31! p xo weelt duyt.
pen VMi r ras'i. a..Tt.
lime incite mtueci iuoy, iu, towi.
Trains leave Reading: (P. & 11. station) for
Gibraltar, Beyfert, Mrdoboro, Joanna, Bprlng
fleld, WaynesburK Junction, Coatesvllle.WesS ,
uuesier,t uaasiora j unci ion, u. a u. j uiiciiou, 1
WllvYtltiirt ,.rt iirtrt InlfrTntllaln Rtfttlnnu. fi&tlv
except Sunday, at 6.25 and 8.80 a.m. andS.l& 7
p. m. riundny only ai 8.05 p. m.
For Warwick, Ht. Peters and Intermediate
statIons,dally f-xccpl Huuday, at 9.20 a.m., and
o.iu p. 111. Minuay oniy e.ia a. m.
For BirdslHiro und Intermediate stations.
Saturday only, at 12 m. HSU
r-or iiaitimore una waEtiingiou us. u. iw
II.) dally except Huuday at 0.25 and 8.80 a. m.
anil 8.16 p. m. Bunduy only ut 3.05 p. tn.
i rains arrive at iteaiuitit; i . at jv. nuiiuu;
from WilinlDgtou. B. & O. Junction, Mont
clianin, unaaosiora junction, wesi inesier,
lveuape. Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction,
y lirluglleld, Joanna, lllrdf bore, Oibralutr, Bey
fert and lnteimedlale stations, dally excop
Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 5.52 and 8.17 p. m. Sua-
aay omy aiun a. in.
Prom Ht. Peters. Warwick and intermedlatu
stations, daily except Bunday, ut 8.28 u. m.
and 2.25 p. tn. Sunday only at 0 p. m.
irom HiraBiioroiiiJU luiermeaiale stations.
Saturday only at 1.40 p. 111.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex
cent Bunday. 10 20 a. m. 5.52 and 8.17 11. m.
Sunday only nt 11.21 a. in.
.uu v. iiM imiuun, tjen'i 1'oss. Agt.
n 1 1 n T 1 1 n r We the undersigned,
ll 1 1 r I 1 1 H I" . nre entirely cured ol
(I U I I U II Ut Itupture by Ur. J. B. 1
MAYER, 881 Arch St., Phlla. Tlomas it.
Hartung, New BltigBold, Pa I. Fandt, South 1
Kaston, Pu., L. I'. AC. A. Ueturck, Oley, l"a
It. U. Htanlev. 421 Bniuce St . Ibunon. Pu.. A.
Schneider. ljnut Xiale, Pa.. I), B. Noll.Llmt (
Kim, ra., wm. iiancnsiine, ruoenixviue.
Pa., W. M. l.flnLucli, 0S4 Washington St
Heading, Pa., J. 0. i.yine. 1810 w. Howard St., K
llarrisburs'. l'a.. 0. ICeehn, Botutlsssvllle, I'a. '
Dr, MAYHU is at Hotel Pcun, Beading, Pa., 1
on tiie 2nd Saturday of tncli month. Cull to
ste him. Is
No! 9 East Centre Street; Mahanoy City, Pa
Skin and all special diseases a (specialty,