Sis' DPIC-3STIO GOODS AT THE CORNERSTORE All kinds of potted meats, HhIi, cnnned goods, oysters, lobate's, cral)9, Ktuslan caviar, freeh spiced oysters, Unost smokfd hums, bo lognas uud cuioked bef, York slnte full cream cheese,Kmautha1,8wl, Edam, Supsiwo and LlinburRir. Kitie nwsortmcnt of cakes and bis cuits. G. and 1). pickles of nil kinds. Pickles by the dozen. You will find just what you want. IP T: ficM sea AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, Light. Dark. Mlill CITY, Pi SEYBBU'S, Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. ALL tjik nkws FOR one cknt. lias a larger circulation In Shenandoah than any other paper puollslied. Clrcu. latloa book open to all, LOCAL LUNCHEON. The migratory birds aro getting roady for their fall flitting. The houtowife ttanso days is busy prosorv- inf? and canning fruit. Ills the mm of sound judgmont who knows when to keep still. Vacation timo is rapidly declining and school days aro nonr at hand. It Is easier to buy n horso than to tell a Rood cantaloupe boforo it is cut. Postage stamps bought from a druggist generally go from pillor to post. With all tho wot weather the tomato cmp is not looking tho least alarmed. Thoso fond of corn frittorscan now onjoy them to their appetites' contont. A religion that dooi stick to a man dur. ing business hours is no good aftor business. THE HOLY COAT ON VIEW. A Ql'imt Multitude In Attnmtnuo to Touch tin- ltello. TnEves, Au& SI. The public cxhlbl- tlon ot the holy cone, Bald to have been worn by tho Saviour, has begun. The exhibition was Inaugurated by a nolomn pontifical servloe, conducted by the bishop. Tho coat Is hi a glnfB case on the high marble staircase behind the high altar. A large cross, Illuminated by ga, hat been erected over the place whero tue relic Is shown. A great multitude was In atteudanoe to seo tho holy coat, nud physicians are overrun with applications tor certificates on the part of the pilgrims who wish to touch the garment with the hope of be ing cured of disease. Neither tho dio cesan authorities uor the gieat and In creasing throng ot pilgrims apparently pay uuy nttentlon to tho chargos affect ing the authenticity of tho holy ooat. Iho railway olllclalaoxpect an enorm ous passenger traluo Sunday, and liuvs made preparations to carry 09,000 pil grims. The burgomaster of Treves thinks that 800,000 pilgrims will visit the city during tho exhibition of the coat. Ho thinks that most ot thorn will bring tbelr own food, so the problem of furnishing provisions for the throng will not bo a serious one. Curo Yourself. Don't riy Ixige doctors' bills. Tho best medical book pmilMifd, one hundred piges, clnn colored pinion, will be seut you on receipt of three 2-cent slumps to pay the postage. Addiees A. 1. Ordway Co,, IIuf I'jd, Man -FOR- SHERIFF, BENJ. J. SMITH, l'KESENT DEPUTY. SELLING OUT. Deslrlnc to al'pw-n ol my entire stock of gooas, in oraer ui vucato me storo-roum ior oilier nuriiises, I will sell the remaining slock Hi grtnxiy reuuuw jrire, iucrh gooas mnn be sold within a ebon tlme.und It will benefit ou 10 inspect uiesame. 6-10-tf T. D. DAVIS, xoo Nortli Jardln St. SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, HO Vast Centre Street, SirU.YA.S'nOAIl. WANTS, &c. TyANTED. A boy to attend a it uur, vppiy to ur msiier, cor. ,iar din nnd Lloyd streets, Bhouaudoob, 8-21-tf FOR 8ALE.-Ai;ood pool table lit tho KxcelsIorClub room. Apply at the loom, or T. A. Evans', 31 Eait Centre St. ll-Jw FOR HE N'T.' containing six Knight, 38 East Oentro street. A ilwollitiB house room. Apply to It, C, 8-Mf QTOCK FOH SALE. Ten Bbnres KJ or lakeside stock for fiftl" at par. Good reasons for selllog, auuoau, ra, Apply to 11. J. Yost.Hiien. o 17 II DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of the most desirable proper lies on West Oak street, Tor sate on reasonable terms. Apply at Kowse's grocery store, cor ner Jardln and Oak street. Shenandoah, Fa. TYPE WRITING. A young lady, a graduate, wxnts work .it type writing. Attention, House Cleaners ! Tho'warm weather Is here, imhI house-cleaning Is the next thing in order. And at Biioh tlinos most everybody needs something to brighten up the home, bo If you need a good carpet of either Veuet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brusse, TWO OR TIIEIEE-FJUY INGRAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! You can find a full assortment at PRICE'S. t, dill at Herald olllee, oncuanuoau, i-n, or address Hkralu, k Ml Lace Curtains, Cartam roles of all Kinds ! 8HOT HIS WIFE DEAD. Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Confectionery! Progress. It is very important in this ago of vast material progress that a romody bo pleasing to tho tasto and to tho eye, ea?ily taken, ac ceptable to tbn stomach and healthy in its natura and offocts. Possessing thoso nual ities, Syrup of Figs is tho ono porfect laxa tive and must gontlo diuretic known. O'MALLEY WANTS A TRIAL. Tho llenuesiy Murder JleoMlleri by the ., Dcteotlvu' Action New OfXEANW, La., Aug. 21. After a long rest the senatlounl scenes based upon tho assassination of Chief HonueBsy ere about to be revived. On tho day ot the lynching of the Italian afsassins the crowd also looked tor Private uotoctlvo TV C. O'Malley, but failed to find him- The Committee ot Sufetv promised to lnolc after him. Durlna O'Maliey's con cealmcut the Brand Jury found several Indictments nituinit him for old sins The only charuu in connection with tho HBnnesBV matter was for aiding his lieu tenant. T J. McChrystal, In attempting to brili" n iuror. (JMitThW surrendered and shrewdly called tho commltteo leaders Into court to testify upon the motion for a changs of venno. Thov all sworo that ho could get a fair trial, and that the conmlttee had decided to let i.istico taiio us rouno. Slnco McChrystnl's confession, upon which tin, O'Mallev Indictment was buned. has been ruled out by tin) court. fVMnllov is now cla.norlnii for a trial He says the district attorney has refused either to Bet the case or nolla prosnul It, nnd he will uo Into court to-morrow and file a motion that (he case be lixed for trial. The dufcuco Is conlldent of an uc nuittal. nud luterestiua dcvelcpmeuls may follow. SAVED JUST IN TIME. The UurnliiL- I'cmiter Set I'lro to tbo Child 111 ller Arms. Providence, It. I., Auk. 21. A most brutal and deliberate murder occurred on Park street, Fawtuckot. Mrs. James Lyons was sitting in her little store with a uahy In her arms when ber husband ontered, and pushing her into tho stroot fired three times in quick succession at her, the burnlna powder setting flro to tho oh lid's clothes and killing tua woman instantly. murderer was arrested. -OF ALL KINDS, IMPORTANT! The An Olllcrr llvnteu by n Drunken Man. NEWDUiian. N. Y.. Aug. 21. Whilo en- deavorlnu to arrest Cornelius O'Rourke, a drunken man, last night, Ofllcer Miles was shot at by the man witn a gun no i had in his hands, Tho charge failed to tako effect and tho infuriated man used the gun as a club and bent O Ulcer Miles over the head with H, inflicting several severe scalp wounds. O'Uourke was ar rested. NEW8 OF THE DAY. Two IIuudlBd l'iuiiiir Itmcuud a Hlulclnir l'lfimirn llout. Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 21. The Bteam er Startled Fawn, a pleasure boat plying on the Mertlmac above the dam, sank shortly after 0 o'clock laft evonlnu close by tho falls abovo the city. Tho boat had about 200 passengers on board nt tho time, but they wero all saved by boats which cuuio to tbo rescue. Tho vessel became unmnnngoable through tho breaking of tho tlllor handle, but Captain Spates, with rnro presence of mind, succeeded In steering her by means of wrenches when In the swift current near tho fallB and ran her upon an obstruction. Intonso excitement prevailed among the nas3encers. and but for several cool beads a p mlo would have occurred among the women and children which would probably hava resulted in tbo loss of Ufa. Tbomns Eddlngton & Co., iron founders of Glasgow, have failed for 25O,UU0. The Chief of Police of Jersey City. N.J. In answer to tolegrams from tho West states that tho Mutual Land nnd Bnlld' ing Syndicate bad no financial standing. Iieniomiu Tnppln. who was arrested at Nyaok. N. Y., for assaulting his 13- vear-old daughter, nas neen commuioa to the county Jail to await tbo action ot the grand Jury. A fair onion cron is assured In Now Ennlnnd. Oranco County, Now York, and Now Jereey, but the crop Is short In Western New York, Ohio nnd Illinois, according to elaborate reports from tho entire onion-growing regions of tho country. Tho followlnn aro tho 'officers elected at the session of tho Federation of Labor bold nt Lancaster. Pa.i l'-esldent. Charles A. Miller, of Harrisburgj VIco- Presidents, John II. Driver, of Philadel phia; Ueorgo li. Uiricu, oi rniinaoipnin; W. A. Johnson, of Puuxsutawney; Seo- rotary and Treasurer, J. S. Johnson, of Alloohenv. Chester was seleoted ob tho next meeting place. The Federation de clared' themselves opposed to affiliating with n political party as a body and de- elded not to recognize the Socialist's Labor party or the Farmer's Alllanca. In ordT to make room for our fall goods we urufccumg oui our eniiru H'-ci oi ijaaies, FOOTWEAR. Alfomlnlug nnd rubber boots. These goods win uesoiaat A.rAuitir iuj. jorea sunnble oiler lor ibe same will be refused. Hemember, we 1st Dispose of the Entire Stock and vou will be nstonHbed at the prices we oilertne puonc. uii' gooas are an new ana or me nuest quality, ijoq i iiiihs the selllnK out of tho entire stock. Remember, this Is no hnmtiug, but a fact. Come oily wblle our stock Is complete. Kemember tho place, Boston Boot ond Shoe Store ! Next door to postolrlce, Sign of Star. Z.. GL,I)9IA, Jllllir. No Combine Beer ! I DE3IHAHLT3 PROPERTY FOR sale cheap, It being on 'orner of Coal mid Kmarlck streets. It is suitable for many I purposes. Apply to No. 2 S Jardln BU 8 3 tf FOR SALE. A party who in about to m jve from town will sell a first-class Uhlckerlog plann for a reasonable price. Ap ply at the U KAI.D odlco. 8 17-3t "OROPO-ALS. Sealed proposals JL will bo recoivca uj tue unaersigneu o im iTilitpeunill fin. m. Aucut2l. I8D1. for build ing the foundation for St. George's Lithuanian church, corner Jardln and Cherry streets, Shenandoah, I'a. I'lans nud specifications for the same can bo seen at the store of A. Melusky, No. 1(8 Kust Centre street. The commltteo reservo tho right to reject any or all bids. A. tlKLU"KY, j.un.itixuLiaivAQ, Commltteo. Shenandoah, August 11, 1891. PROPOSALS Will bo received for furnishing and delivering to the different school bulldlngsol the borough of Shenandoah 2(15 lousof egg coal, 30 tons of stove coal, 10 Ions of pea coal nd 10 tons of chestnut coal, All uius tone suuimueu dj- epieraDer i, io-ji. x ue committee reterves the right to reject any or nil bids. The coal to be furnished must be ironi the 1. &H. or Kchley Huu collieries. H. J. owlis, WILLIAM TltEZWK, WILLIAM 11AOHMAN, JAMKSO'IIKAHN, A. J. UALLA.GHEH, 8-14-14t Committee. Whitlow Sliadea, Floor and Table Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. i'ricea cannot ue ueaien wnen quality is consiaereu. No mlsreprcBentatiou one price to all. 113 North Main Stre9t, Shenandoali, Pa. KZSXv escccoa JgEEMil Hf it We mean it In every sense of the word. We ofler you good all-wool suits for les3 than their value. Our light goods must go, regardless of cost; so If you want to purchase a Men's All-wool Cheviot Suit for $0.50 call on us. Furnishing goods also to be had at lower prlce3 thau you will llnd them elsewhere. We make no boasts merely for advertisement, but what we advertise we will do. Calland examine our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret It. POLITICAL. -JJlOB SHERIFF, josepu won, OF POTTSVH.I.E. Subject to Democratic) rules. lOlt CONSTITUTIONAL. CONVENTION James J. Frnney. OF SIIENANDOA". Subject to Democratlo rules. H ffATTP i "Ml in m RE CLOTHIER 11 jV. Main Street, Shenandoah. I3J1 YOU has secured the ajency for the BUUVE1SES and EXPORT BEERS RICHARDS & CO. OF WILKES-UAIIRK.1 Coming Events. Auc. 22. Picnic of tho Fowlor's M. E Handay school at Delano. Sept 2. Japanese ico croara feEtlyal in Hobbins' opera house, undor tho auspices of Bbonandoab Oommandery, No. 11, Sons of Amerioa. Best work dono at Ilrennan's etoam laundry. Evorythinu white and spotless. sce ourtains a spocialty. All work guar-Knteed. WALL PAPER ! A CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED AT MELLBT'S, Blanks Ec Gilt , 8o Embossed: ,....12 l-2c Whitlow Similes, spring rollers..25c Curtain Polos 25c A WANDERER FOUND. Couna Untile Conrad Id the Woods for Seven Weeks. New Haven, Conn., Aug. 21. Hattle Conrad, a 12-year-old daughter of Albert Conrad, a well-to-do contractor for JJayer, Btrous & Co., has been mission from borne for seven woeka until she was found in West Haven yesterday by ofll eors ot tho orcanlzed charities. The atrl had a mania for running away, and no fears wero expressed for ber safety until recently, A neuron was instituted for her and sho was located in West Haven, where she had boon frequently seen. Duriuu uer sovon wees- wanuer ln tho girl has slept In Orango Woods lu a rudely constructed hut and subsisted on berries and such other food as was thrown to her from houses whoro she bepged. Her clothing hardly concealed her person. She was sent to a roiorma tory in Ulddletown. These bowers nre NOT IN ANY '1 RU-T and are felling rhelr excellent beds at the peop'o's prices. Saloonkeepers Supplied at $7 Per Barrel. Private Parties " " $8 " ORDERS CAN HE LEFT WITH ARE GOINO TO MlKHOtirl, ICaiiHns, ArlinnsaH, Tcxiis, NvIirnKlcn, Louisiana, Colorado, Utali, cmilornln, Oregon, WaHlilnirton, 31 ctxlco, Sew Mexico or Arlzoiiu, and will send me a postal oard or letter stating Where you are going, When you are going, Where you will start from, How many there are In your party, What freight and baggagoyou have, I will write you or call at your house and rurulsh you with the fullest Information regarding routes, lowest rates of all classes, besides maps, descriptive and Il lustrated land pamphlets, resort books, Hot Springs guides, etc. Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arian- bus, ivuutms uuu lUAtm, J. P. McCNN. Eastern Trav. Ant., W. E. HOYT. G.E. P. Agt., 301 Broadway ,New York Iron Mountain Route, A. J.GALLAGHEE, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leas os, Mortgages and Bonds written. juurriage licenses ana legal claims promptly attended to. Heal Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. General Fire Insurance Business, Represents the Northwestern i,ue insuranceco. Office Muldoon's building, corner Centre and West Sts Shenandoah, I'a. New Saloon and Restaurant ! Good Hroperties of All Kinds For Sale. 1, A two story double frame dwelling house sioreana restaurani. on n;ast centre at. -A dwelling and restaurant on Kast Centre street. a. Dofclrable property on coruer Centre and jurain sireets, suiiaoie ior uusinesi pur roses. i. A two story west woya street. two story double lrame dwelling, on S. Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen tre street. 6. Two 2 story dwellings on tho corner ol uoai ana uuesmui streets more room in one. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut street witn a large warcuouse at tuo rear, 8, Three two-siory double frame buildings corner oi ljioyuauu uutieri streets. I SOL. UAAK, 120 S, MAIN ST,, Missouri and pacific railway who will promptly All all orders for Shenandoah and vicinity. MOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Shenanaoah CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. Will Not Moat In llaltlmuru. New YonK, Aug. 21. Irish clrclos aro surprised over the news that the conven tion ot tho National League of America will bo held in Chicago next month, In stead of in Baltimore, as the National Council of tho organization agreod upon at its meeting lu Cincinnati in April laU The change was decided upon owing to complaints of members ot the League in the Northwest, they claiming they could not go so far away from home as Baltimore. rvffar mid SllUion $iHk. Mt, QiutTNA, I'a., Aug. St. It is esti mated that at letst ;3,U0i) people visited the Farmers' Euoampment to-day. The encampment wu addresssd by United States Senator William A. lMIor aud Congressman Stmpsen ot Khukui. Tho latter in the course ot bis remarks, re ferring to the question ot whether or not he worn socks, said: "I beg to assure you that I um a member of Congress. I not only got the socles of tbo other fellow, but bis shoes alto." first National Bank, TIIE.VTltl? DUILniNO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. The Leaclinrj Photographer, NO. 14 N, WHITE ST. The work done at this gallery Is fully eoual to that done at the IiU'rfO galleries of New VorltanU Philadelphia. Cuuipnrlson Is in vited between the specimens of his two nnd three dollar cabinets shown In his window aud the best of work done eltewhere at live and six dollars. tnruo not ciimn long nights oi stairs to ratronlzoau enterp.'ts) run by out of town parties when better work may be had of your own luwuuincu. Capital, $100,000.00. Lambert, The Hatter, No, 115 EAST CENTRE STRGET, Tbcee doors nbovo Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Haskev would Inform his many friends and the publlo thai be will cater to their wnnts in me same nrsi-cioos style mat ue lias acme In the past. None but the best brands of for. , elgn and domestlo wines, liquors and cigars will be kept In stock. Choice temperance drinks, Fine old Block ale The eatlne ba- H supplied with everything lntueeitlm: line served In the best style. Meals served at all hours. Fine nrlvate rooms attached. -TTJST OTJT- The"SEW BROADWAY" BAHGE It beats everything In the market, and the pricuiBjustrigntuj suit tne times. It will pay you to come and see It. I am prepared to do the following at the nrlces ouoted- Tin roofing (la per foot and up Tin rojf painting Jfeo " " Tin conductor , 12o " " Tin hanging gutter 12o " " uaivamzea cmraney eisck aw per pound - Repairs for all stoves a specially. M. E. PRATT, 7.6 3m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoali LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS OTHAWB thnw lh way the wind blows, hut they don't show whal hard blows we have been striking at lrw hat prices. Borne hats are dear at any price; these hnts are cheap at double iho money, If what covers your head Is not becoming toyou, all tbe pains you take as to tbe ret ot your atllre nreslmply thrown i way. Come aud see how yon will look In one of our 50o straw bals. There's no use In glvlugauy lurther description of them than to say this they nre stylish. Wo cut the price down because we want to cut our Uock A. W. Leisenrng, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisennnq, Cashier, S.W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally Prom 9 to 3. Carries an extraordinary line ot Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty ot Nellie Bly and Mary Anderson Caps. 8 HAST CJBKTTIRia ST. TO HUCKSTERS L. Gardner, agent for the New Jersey l'taeu uroweru association, will be at tbo LEHIGH VALLEY DEPOT every uiornlnpr with choice Jersey reaches, Uauteloupos, Tomatoes, liart- lett Pears, dso., which will be sold at down. Another big bargain In hauls our SI q ppp fjpMT1 TMrngpporri l Philadelphia prices. rr'r.. x,. GiTtiDisnniix. ralitou Bavluicw Deposit. 8-lMw Dealer In all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA. The Cheapest Place ! -TO BUY- Gents' FuroisMng Goods, Hosiery, Etc, IS AT CHARLES : YAROWSKY'S, 23 West Centre Bt,, Shenandoah. Q M. HAMILTON, M, D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. oraoe- Zt West Lloyd Street, Bhenandoan