VOL. VI.--NO. 170. SHENANDOAH, PA.. THURSDAY. AUGUST 20. 11801. ONE CENT. THE STJBE BO AD TO OPULENCE LIES .KNEE-DEEP THBOTTftH PRINTERS W Aumioit aiis'URAr,! GEN. DAVID MoMURTlUE GHKGG STATU TM3ASVUEH: CAI'T. JOHN W. MOIUUSON. J)eteyatcaat-T,urit to the Conalitnttonal tanventtfHli A. S. L. SHIELDS, AVJt. I. SCHAFFUU, j,out9 w. HAr.r,, FRANK IlECDKIt, II. C. M'COIUIICK, J. II. l'OMEKOY, JOHN CESSNA, WJI. B. 1100 ECS, I8ATAII C. WEAR. IIEHMAN KllEAMEK St. Ii. KAUPFJIAN, II. M. EDWAUDS, OEO. S. SCHMIDT, CYRUS ELDER, JOHNS. IiAJIRIE, jasies ii. nnoWN, TERRENCE V. l'OWDEMiY. County Ticket. Judge Hon. D. Ii. Qreen. Sheriff Benjamln'.Smlth. Jury Commissioner Ma j. William Clark. Poor Director George lleffiier. Delegates to the Constitutional Con vention, 30th District Joseph II. Pomeroy, John J. Coyle. It is n good ticket. Greco, Morrison ami viotory. It will all come out now. goes flshlug, but Is no sucker. ilreu, evtu in summertime, risea nbovo I one-balf tho whole mortality. The Domi nation of Joseph H. Poroeioy, Esq., iwoneof Hie delegates- m-iarge to tho Constitutional Conven tion, was a most excellent move. TOWNTALKKR' ITEMS GLEANED IN THE EDI TOR'S SANCTUM. the nomination of Joseph H, l'omeroy, Esq., for delegate-.u-largo to the Conntltutloaal Convention, nieels with a hesrty approval of the volers of bolh parlies in thiscouuty. Mr. Pomeroy will poll a very large voto and his presence in the Convention is now a certainty. He will be a valuable member of that important body. THE TATTLES OF THE TATTLER, Gossip That is Dished Up to the Newspaper Man In His Sanc tum Mingled With Scraps Caught by Himself. Reed Clerk Snyder eats Ice cream wllh a spoon. It will all come out now. Commissioner Bowes fliUs with the girls. Jt will all come out now. CoMMissfONER DeTosk speaks the Pennsylvania Dutch dialect. It, will all come out now. With two suoh gallant soldiers as Gregg aud Morrison on the ticket, it ought to sweep the btate, and it wII. It will all come out now, that (ho ticket nominated yesterday will be triumphantly elected, aud by a rousing majority, too. Milwaukee children suffered to a remarkabieextent from thehot wave of last week. The deaths in the city during the week numbering M9, and of theso victims 103 (or two-thirds) were children under five years of age. It is seldom tlmtthepropotiion of cbtl- Pkesident Page, of the Farmers' Alllaaceof Virginia, inais an other- wite well considered speech ftom the farrae.V standpoint by the exaggerated statement that iu tills couutry "there are ton millions people who never have enough to eat from one year's end to the other." That would mean nearly one-sixth of the entire population BUfleiedforjood! ItlsevldeuUv ugios3 .! ... .1 ,,tl,l ... . ..jjscuuiuu iu say lun. i wouid " ."uieu ing oi streots up to a com not be true even of creat ckie-i. wIip.b l"u,y "cent date has bean a matter niM.rV.n.l..,in.rtn.. 1 1 L "r" ' ""'"V "' tua h' of the " uousenomera, it may ba imerestiog to note aroconcoutrated. a few of tho dfferout inntnmU by some of the rniiNi..iM v Tll. M .. ..I.!- ....n, Uulu, -uc ,to,iu h Bioiy me ptoanerity tumparea with our modern Vn or one nation Is often 'inked wi:h the r , ' . h,s liul tbo property bitter, grinding needs of another. tnT ' DyT,traan '"w'cqulre wi.il .i , . ' ,um ,n 80mBcas(,s tho whole wniietne people of tho United States of the Paved s, aroplanningtosendabroadnsurplusof r)olra'33oisnotlooK'eHtand tho area of UO.000,000 bushels of one cern.ol lon " . """""ensive, ido task is not ""so aruuous as m rht i.. t the people of Bu.ia are-even now SaTnd StrX?, 1 'Ej netorea harvest which must destroy nearly every hope of life starving upon gross boiledin water, and parents nro auverti3ing their children "for sale," In order not to see theni die be- -NEW- MB Al OIL CLOTDS ! are being reoelved dnlly at O. D. PRICKB'S Carpet Slore, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre i t . , --... iui uisiiiiice, mo Bousenoldera arn nnt n..M,.j ---- wuipDiioa bu uarry womwro c mn nvtha c .1.. e . t . " coo-;. Hum 1110 frout of tho dwalling out lo tbo eootre of vuu tuorouguiaro. A coriain part varyini; from four to oiiht m.i. s 1.1. 1. , mu wiu.iis iuu al lotted portion of each householder. fore their eves. Wlm Is rMnniw ,u,!' B ""P l8 tho center of wl.af fi, n.i ...... x, . . --"'"u "iiiuu mutt oe takoa caro 0 " Dl"lu "i nuagsr uo- dj tno municipal autboritias viously there is mlsgovernmeut of the worai, Kind, willlo many millions xu turao '"opoau cilios it is a common are anuually wasted unon iiif.rrilnn. cust.om for authorhios 10 look after tho mlllr.- rnnw MMworitreeti, from curb to curb. j i.cauv i"u laruo aa wnue too hoiunlin r .L - 1.... v. o ui mo increase mac nears correannml nrlw aewalK. This 0Hm nlni,, fi-ji..:.;.. hard upon the peasants and other poor ?f 'Hb,or' but 119 tho k"8'ingof thosldewalk tu uuiy niga BCiiooi or unwniien law, by nil fair-minclod people, , . . j,. j.w, , uioiiuci; 1 1 w jwuiv iu uon among students: keeps the neonle " " , '"" opportunity to do In ignorance, retards theimnrnvInt. ZZ . wh0. ttro I11!'8 1 j viinwfio Buon-comiDf in llio of tho country abounding in natural street committee, who aro unmindful of the .......... . . .. . limDOrtanrn nf h.m'n,. n.r. ' fcuoir UWIl uoor stops ana Eidowalkj swept cloaa. uouar 0111 out of him on a 'pair.' Bho 'or Jors him up' to build flros. L!ko a 'knave ho joins tho clubs, where ho often Ket- nign, which is 'low' too. If ho keop 'slrainht' ho is oi'ten.Imos aush.' II,. rows old and 'b'uft-.' sees a 'deal' of troublo when at last ho 'shuflle,' off tho mortsl coll and 'pwei in his chocks.' As bo i' 'rakod in' bv a 'sniHn.' lir. . - . v.i niiiu 1, -ndod. and ho Waits tho summon, nf f5.. briel's 'irump,' which ,bH 'ordcrhim up.'" 1 - ii It Knows Them. . The leaning CAronicle is aulhoiitv for uie stn od'en. , bat Im.ipnw.. r..i... of A,hlt..u! sieill of Sbeo'Dilont-, a,m Gay, of IVjsrMio, he!d their r.,l.. weekly rovelinz at tbo ) nr ni.tr ... .. da". Ihe Imv, Bre in iba h.hlt of around and liavng con abi, and tho staYe- ...miiwouiunotsi mo: und'u.l atteutlod woro it rot fur tun .nt ii... ih.. tbo bl-Hw muchlTios is given m t'o sit'Jeo. under difcussion., "Too maeoin it nofo betakoniao tlin nmo." .,.,.!....... ...u U-ll,,M,.CI -i(JtJ Lhfoni le. "itlomal-is -n .Im n.li..n ,..u mine in-peolor. Th:. o2Ici:.l Bathed the kus uy moans-ot rubber bijs, which hve a pumpine annarstin ii'tohUfi a...i. .... UlTll UUIJ1K vuUrase, wo oon't wonder the Inmootors met and talked it orer. Tho Back Dia mond know, tiia-o fjeuJemea very well. J-ueyaroall ihrea drout. broad .bouldoied, noble-hcattod nun. rn.,.i,in r 11 .. baby with inflniB teudoiness or resontins HU lllSUIt Wl.n lOroClOllS SflJBI-ltp. 1m, it comes to carrviui? Ihib nt n. .mn.,j k. country tho subject certR;reql,;ros c.,ro. ful coosidorat.o-i on thoir pan. Ohlfo- nnninor oxcurjion I 0110 of tho features cf wmcn shall bo a nroeesinn n ,ni- ; ,. spectyrs. each with a well-fl.lad pas Lit Ohl forae imuso of tbn atiinutu t speoior Oay's faco whan he brines homo h.s first charco. lilnel: Diamond. BOLD BADBENDEB HELD ON A SERIES OP SERIOUS CHARGES. INSULT HEAPED UPON INJURY. After Deceiving a Young Girl and Jumped His Bail ho Entices Her Younger Sister Prom Homo. resources, aud rquanders everything upon a landed aristocracy and dreams of conquest CHOICE GOODS. Oil APPLE VlNBGAll-for PlcJtUnn. strength oj ordinary Vinegar and strictly pure. WHOLE MIXED SPICES for IHcIcllng. Supervisor Llowell collont policy some weeks ago by volunteer ing to remove all dirt from tho stroats if swept into heaps bv thn and tenants. Clean Etroots raanltnH ltiorawnile, but tho non-oleaners wero XlVtce the q numerous an" the sjstam was not as succesjful as hopod for. It would ha n , lAr... If .1.- .!., . iucii 11 iuo CIUZ9nS and Sllnaru inr M aRreo upon some plan bv which thau rnul.l co-operato In a goneral street eleanini? uiuvuuioni once a week. It would nav. Obituary. Bartbn Slay S arr died Ht n ...u 1 Ibis morninjr at tbo icidence of hr parenU, John Z. and Susan Starr. 121 Kast Coal street, aired 19 van. 1 mnmi .... in aaya. She had baen uilin .. i...i year from an illness starred by an attack of grip, ihuluueial will tako p'.aco at 1 n m. on Sunday. Serriooi will hn the Trinity llef.irmod chu.oh and tho re mains will be in. erred iu tho Odd Fellows' cainetery. Airs. Radford, of St. Clair, ilin.l t J,- homo in thst p.aoo this morning after a lingering-illess. Punernl Will tilL-n tvlntn on Sunday, two o'clock, at St. Clair. Tbo ueeosseu was tan mother of Mr. Beos, of West Coal street, this town, and was well known here. OUR EAJYCY SYItUr Al lOo The ways in which tho ehiMrrn rxf i fin I poor add to tho fkmilv rotnnrn, iu is a strictly pure sugar syrup, and egual in color, flavor yZSj& eiw uuuy 10 any ingil-prlcea Slirun. ' -inn omor uay, tno reporter HEW NO. 1 MACKEREL, this season's catch, tvhlte and fat. days our first invoice of JVew Fancy BLOATEIt MACK EREL, extra large and fine. Fresh Creamery and Dairy Butter. Imported Maccarom and Gelatine. Fine Old Government Java Coffee. 1 CTTJSli RECEIVED. One Car of MXDLXNQS. One Car of OLD TIMOZLZl UA1'. FOR SALE. 0E PAIR OF GOOD MULES a good team for farbi ivorc. AT KEITER'S. watched a small bov about in Vih pa rl n who wont from saloon to saloon Bioroto cigar store, begijing for empty cigar ooxna. TTn linrl nnlln a ..IT.,;.. l ... . .,H..v m wi.cutiuii wuuii tno re porter ran across him and asked what he did with thorn. "Sell 'cm, of courso,'' was tho reply, "losoo," he continued, in confidence. "There's a lot of blokes that makes all sorts of things out of them with a scroll saw. Thev makn Inline i-w0 things for holdine stationary, mot-. t..r anu an tnem Kind ot things. Soo ? fcurthor inmi rv showed thnt ihnnn boxes sold for a nlokol atiinna .ml n,,. 1. lively demand, but wore hard to cot. "for it j ; . . . . 1 iuvy unyo us out or one calf tho saloons, and half tho rest never p.m in h.n empty box," adled tho bay, "an' Its the same witn tno c'Br stores," A drllmmAr nKn ttI.1,.) . r ,7 . . MW n.ku .uwu n lew oventllga ago dUDlaved a card tW nvniiH some interest and will bosr publication, It was Headed "L.ife, a Oamo of Osrds" and ran as follows : "Alan's life Is a game of cards. First It is a 'crib-age;' next ho trios to 'go it alone' at a sort of 'cut. ilmffl n ami doal paco:' then he crambols on thn Vrnnn-' then ho 'raises the deuce,' when his mother talces a "hacd In, and contrary to rule 'beats the little ioker' with iW -fln " ii,nn with his 'diamond' ho wins the 'queen of hearts.' Tired of 'olavlnc a lnnn hanri he desires to 'assist' hii fair ' tlartnnr' 'thrnn. out bis card,' and a clergyman takes a ton-, Notice. A special meeting of the stockholders of tno umzons' Electric Li?bt Co., of Shon andoah, will bo hold August 20ih, 1801, rckwnuii luuuours 01 two ana tour p. ru., at tno omco ot said comniny. Nn .t m Ja'din streot, for tbo uumoso nf vntlnn tbo question of iuci easing tbo capital stock ot said company. By order of tho board. JOU.V frl'.lTllMtn Rno' C2j.Thur-8w Polish Sooietios Parade. i no bt. John. St. Mir.hu,, at fatephon Polish societlos of town, together mm tno ot. Josenh toniatr. nf TruUir, tvuu si, oiainsiaus society, of Audonreid, uauaparauo mis morning from tho Le high Valley depot to the Tolish Catholh enmen, wnero a Hag was formally placed in tho church by tho St. John society. This afternoon all tho sociotios participated iu n picnic at uoiumbla 1'ark. Oh, What a Cough. Will vnn .... . n n.. .. .. . " S! ,nere approach of that more W If you canaOord for tha sake of saving h cenu, to run the rlBk and do nothing for It. --- rfw... aw lulls., XU1V -,.,..,,.,,,,,, ,uio iunu a .Minion uotuea wtro sold tho past year. It relieves Croup and Whopplne Oouuh at once. Mother do Uhojt. nseShlloh's Porous Master, Bold by 1 , ... ii. a. corner jiain ana ,Just Ono Week Mora. U7 request WO will mnkn nnr linnnllf,,! cabinets at ?1.00 per dozen for one week more. Tositlvoly not one day aftor Aug. 21th, but will romam in your city making pictures at better ericas. Coma anrlw nn j avoid tho rush, rain or shine. Itemombor tho place, Koshon's gallery, 29 West Oen tre slreat. Hoffman's old stind. 8-lT.nt Pionio' on Dunn's Hill. The members of tho Turkay ltim Run day schaol will picnic on Dunn's Hill on oaiuraay, me nd Inst. There will bo an abundant supply of fruit. Ice cream. .fcr. on tho ground. All are Invitod. Success. : Baby day was a g-aod success at Kca- goy's. Our prices are nway down, and it will ba to your iolerest to call and p Wejare on tho first floor, remember. Kba- AEY. Oolllorles to Suspend. The collieries operated bv tho I. .fc 7! 0. & I. Co. will suspend operations to-morrow nlgbt and remain ldlo until MnmUo morning. Playinar Cards. You can obtain a nack nf hnnt mmliio playing cards by sending fifteen cents in postage to P. S. Eustln. nni v., a . B 0. & Q.R. R. Chicago, 111. ' if AVHItam Bander, n PlUh r-m.n,- m.n r ... V. i.ns town, was ilced in tho county Jail mis morning to ulaud dial on a HriM nf charges and, In view of tho avldenco al) ready in position of tha nolhnrlLin. Im solids a good chance far becoming a guot 01 tno county Tor a number of months. Baihder is ftbollt Qii vnnr. nt uoa la feti-ly good looking follow, and has good coromanu ot tuo Jingllsb language bonio timo 10 Bander wns arrested fur batraving Susan, the daugblor of Stophen H-i-its, of Emerick Btrat. Bendor fur nished $1 000 bail to stand trial at cnuit, but when the ca.o was called ho failed lo appear. Ho had skipped, and tho bond he had tiven proved to hn wnrthiot. i Uinks then ciused tho arrest of tho Polish man who furnished tho hnml .mil Im n, under bail for trial. About two weeks airo l!a secret visit to town and managed to nrrango an Interview with Patience HinL-s. a !tinr of tho girl he betrayed aud who Is under iu years ot age. A few days later Pationcn nrl Unmlnr disappeared and Mrs. Uinks sworo out a warrant kr tho lattor's arrest, charging him with enticing an infant fomulo nhilii away for tho purpose of marriage. iho warrant was placed in tho hands of Chief of Police Amour on Alonday even ing, who arretted Bandar nr. Rho.mn1.-ln Ho was given a hearin haforn ' Sntilrn Williams last night. During tho hearing it was learned that Siwiro Davidson, of Kb.umni.-in ....tiM a marriage liconso lo Bonder and l'Atiannn upon the former swearing ho was 2o years ot age and tho latter swearing sho wa3 'over ago." Thov wore miluenn r'od by the oriost of thn 1'nlUh ri.,iimi!n church of Shamokln. The marriaeo document wn nrndi.i.mi and it was found to bo a certificnto of tho marrlagoof "William Bonder aud "Alary." liinks. llonder then oxplained that tho Polish priest rofused to pgi form tho core mony unlcs Pa.ienco would change hfr christian name, as tho church could not recognize tho namo "Pationce." Tho girl then consented to adopt the namo "Alary" and undor that namo sho was marriad. Aftor tho hearing Bondor was placed In tne lockup. This morning he was taken to the county jail on tho C o'clock Pennsylva nia train and placed securely bobind tho bars. Chief Amour thon wont to Shamo kln to arrest tho girl on a warrant swo -n out by Stephen Hinks, tho father, charging her with having become so incorrigibloand morally denruved Unit ilm im. rn,,H,r,i her control beyond the power of her father. Bonder is in a bad fix. Ho must answor to tho court on tho old botmval nh nro-n. must account for his rashness in jumping his bail and must suffer for ontirini? tho younger girl from her home. When ho gets through with this list of cases Tax Collector Schmidt will domand his body In saiisiacilon ot taxes duo for two years. NSPECTED BY ROYALTY. Untan Tlalnrln Mull,,, Tour or lh Frnnoli Vmrli To-.lir. Loxnox, Aug. SO. Tho cordial recep tion extended to tho olllcersof tho French fleet Fhowa that Kngland Is going to steer clear of the Frnnco-Oorman quarrel. .!!?. lxo Quee". nccorapnuiod by the Duko of ICdluburgh and tho Duko of ConnauRht, iuspectod tho Frouoh vea aala in Osborno liny, and In the even ing Ailmlrnl Qcrvala nnd n numbor ot the officers of tho squadron will dine with her Slajcsty at Osborno. Portsmouth la thronged with visitors, and both tho autboritias nnd tho peoplo of tho town, who lmvo pleasant recollec tions of tho last visit of tho Frouoh fleet to tho town, In 1805, are anxious to make the visitors happy. No effort is spared hj tho Alayor to show tho thoroughness of bis walnnmn n1 . .. , ...... ...nuJ uimi itru uiii- ployod in preparations for tho civic eu- ...w.1Uuiii, vim xown uouncll having VOtod A liimn ntim in no.lat !.. r ... meeting the oxponscs. While tho reception of tho Frenoh float Is likoly to bo a oordlal nnd hospltablo ono. there will Im nn,tinn 111. ... .. , most frantic enthusiasm of tho Russian visit, bo th.it Admiral Qorvnts will, It is oxpectod, havo no embarrassing explan ations to make for tho bonollt of tha Czar. Tho Russian pross has already de clared that thn vl-ilf. u-ni ,!.,. .11m .... - ..... .i.u iiu uiuur- ence In thn rnlntln,,. 1.... ...... r- 1 ' wj.HBUIllTHUBInmu Russia. SUICIDES IN JAIL, TwoWomon U. Their Clothing to Hnnc neniiolTPs. BnirwATi. NT. V An oo ...t. -, ... -. , . h- iuuro 1TRS great oxcitemont nt tho county jail in vuo uiurning wuan it was found that-two women Inmates had oommlttod .ilrl,l Auna QoSOWOmkn. whn Trn. 1 " wuiuiimou to the jail on August 17, and sup. posed to be Insnne, was found hanging by A rono matin frnt .r. in,i.in. 1 was deod when removed. Fifteen minutes ntterward Mrs. Cath erine Smith, committed on August 4, for attempting to murder hor deformed son. was also found dead hanging by hor skirt which sho had twisted into a rope. Homo Industries. EDITOR JlEr.AtD : I obsarvn in rni,r paper of this eveninir that tho slraot mm. mittoeof tho Boroush Council hm mh all tho way to Taman.ua to buy screens for ino siono crusner when we havo a screen factory in town. This is not tinlrnniTlncf homo industry by any means, and I think it is a very poor example for our borough officials to 6at. They should buy all thev can in the town. AIkrciiaxt. Shenandoah, Aug. 19, 1891. Died. TAYLOR. On tho lSih Inst., at shnn. andoah, Pa., Annlo, daughter of Thomas I y, ana jiary Taylor, agod 10 years. Funeral will tako ulaco from tho of tho parents, No. 512 East Coal streot, on r-riaay. sit mt., at i:Eu o'clock. Sorvicos in the Pioleslant Episcopal church. In. lerment In tho OJd Fellows' cemelerv. Frionds and relatives invited to attend. 2t Progress. It Is very important In this rn nf t-tf matorUI progress thut a remedy ha i,luln,v to tho tasto and to tho eye, easily taken, ac ceptable to tha stomach and healthy in its nalura and effects. Possaafdntr thnan nii.1. ities, Sjrupof Figs is tho one perfect laxa- vivo anu most goatlo dlurotlo known. Tho Druggists Won. A rather inteiostini? irfllnn nf ho.n 1d1I took place in the trotting park yesterday afternoon between two teams representing tho tailors and drugsists of town. The latter club won by the closo score of 25 to 21. Four tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb's. tf Advertise iu the Hkrals. NEWS OF THE DAY. Louis Paulsen, tho noted choBB player of London, is doad. Presidont Harrison left Bennington, Vt., this morning for Alount AfcGrogor. Tho vessels of tho Whlto Squadron ox pect to sail for tho navnl station at Klt tery, Mo., to-day. The Boston Board of Aldormen voted against making tho foe for tho theaters and other places of amusomont 31.000 Aunt, ' Bella Mchol, aged 0, and Willie NlchoL aged 0, wore drownod at Brockville, Ont during tho morning while bathing In the river. Tho Jersoy City Board of Finance has ordered Mayor Cleveland to acoount for tho sinking fund. Ho intimates that he will not. Tho wholesale furniture warehouse of a Gray Ss Son at Hudson, N. Y wns damaged $15,000 by Are during tho night. Tho drugstore of Van Tassel Ss Tobey adjoining wns damaged by water to a largo amount. Tho total Joss will probably roach $23,000, partly insured. The foroman iu tho briok yard of Wiggln & Clark, at Exeter, N. H,, had an altercation with four Italian laborers during tho morning and they drew knives on Mm. Offlcor Thurston who was unarmed attempted to arrest one of tho four when they attacked him with clubs and Infllntml lnn. in ...(.. t turlng his skull. Tho Italians fled' to a piece or woods which was quickly aur raunded by cltlznns nmi nniin. a , 1 -- " ..IWl UeSnoratO Adit. KAVnrnl nmi.t. - r ' - . . . v -j trj ngig ma da A Costly Visit. Georgo and Stonhon Tnd l.inilmr. nt Audonried, who came to town this mnrnlnw to participate in tho Poh-h parade, worear rosled by Policeman Connors. and High Conslablo Stanton shoitly after arrival hero for fast horseback riding on tho streots. Tbey were reloasod upon Alichaol Pribula, tho gvocer. giving socutlty for tho payment of 8 73, fine and costs, by each man. Postponed. Tho picnic of the Evann-elieal SmiriW school and congregation, to Ddlauo, which was to ba held on Thursday, has been postponed until tho All aro earnestly invited to attond. 8 8-2t Buy Keystone flour. Ro careful that thn name Lussio & Co., Ashland, Pa., Is printed on every sack a-S-'Uaw Wators' Wolss boer is the best. John A Roilly solo agont. 6-5-tf All Hands Come I And got iv knifo for nothing. Tho only conditions aro that you buy twonty ton cent plugs of "Filly" tobacco. As good a plug as you ever put a tooth to. Tho knifo is a beautiful 4-blado, inlaid celluloid han- dlo, good material and good workmanship. Can bo soon at GKRAFS, No. J22 North Jardin Street