rpia-jsria goods AT TIIH CORNER STORE ! OTOW COT T-AuE3 I: AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURAHTS, All kinds of potted meals, flub, cnuucd goods, oysters, lobste-s, crabs, Kuniun cavlnr, fresh spiced oysters, finest smoked liams, In loguiih mid smoked beef, York stnle full o renin cliejo,lCinaiitlml,8wl.s?, Edam, Baiwaso mid t.litilmrper. Kine tissorttneiit of cukes and bis eultH. O. and li. pickles of all kinds. Pickles by the do.rn. You will Dud Just what you WHiit. Light. h C3tUDUniV BX0WVC2 BBPjGKCIHPSk Dark. kxcxeeeoJ uafon uran ttx. EXPOBT 111, Ma All 1 I n, Cor. Centro and White Streets. LATE HONOLULU NEWS. The Evening Herald. ALL THE NI3WS FOB ONK CKXT. I lus n larger circulation In Shenandoah than i uny other piper published. Circu lation books open to nil. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET! Judge lion. D. U. Green. Sheriff llenjamln.Smlth. Jury CommtmrioncrATal . William Claris. J'oor Director George lleffner. Delogates to the Constitutional Con vention, 30lh District Joseph 11. Pomeroy, John J. Coylc. LOCAL. LUNCHEON. Annexnllon tu tlio Unltoi! Btutus Is Heine; Aull.rrn. Ban Fiuscwoo, Aur. 10. Tho steamer Zenlaudla, just arrived, brings the follow lug advices: Complete census returns show the population of the Hawaiian Islands to ba 00,030. The Queen Is maklna u tour of the Capitol Island. Sho is Iwlnit cordially rooolvod and royally entertained every where. If. A. Wldomann. Minister of Finance. has resigned owing to lll-hcalth and has been succeeded by J. Mott Smith, an old resident, who was Minister of Finance in the regime of Kamehameha V.. 1809, and Minister of tho Interior lu the late King's regime. Annexation to tho United States is be ing agitated. The Queen Dowager has boen strloken with paralysis. Clftv. Ilulkeli-y Tltruwil from Ills lfnrse. Niantio, Conn., Aug. 19. Gov. Bulko- ley, while inspecting troops nt Camp Watson, was thrown from his horse, be ing tossed completely over the animal's hcud. He was not seriously Injured, and said he wus all right. WANTS, &C. FOR BALE. A good pool table lo the KxeeUlorCIuh room. Annlv nt. Hip room, or T. A. Evans', 31 lfem Centre Bt. Uflw T70R RENT. A JL coiitfllnlng six room. Apply dwelling hnui-e t. Annlv In It. n. Knight, 38 Kast Centre s reel. 8 I If May b it Defaulter. New Brunswick, N. J., Aug. 10. City Clerk II. 11. Cook Is having his accounts as city clerk Investigated an expert on the presumption that he has defaulted a large sum of the oity's revenues. STOCK FOIt PALE.-Ten Htmrts of Lakeside stock for sal nt par. Good September 3d is the h.st day fur registra' tiuri. Tho moiqultoo3 are very bothcreomo theio nights. Don't kcop decaying vegotablo matter around your back yard. It is dUeaso breeding and nauseous. Peoplo who aro iDd'Be'ont to sanitary regulations should bo Inn-lit oloWness Vy the law. No one has a right to imperil tho lives ot otbors. YVbon a young man first meets nn o; per onced coriuolto ho Is apt to think how artless sho Is j bsfo'O she gets through with him ho i3 proUy euro to thinghow uca.Uess pluj is, Tlio IMUor's Weak l'olnt. Future Grcolcy Ilnvo you any cnneles on vour editorial staff? llnsv Editor No, sir; no, sir. Good tin. Future Greeley I'm sorry you haven't, because It's my only clianoe to tret u position in this town. Editor (suspiciously) Eh! Have you been working on tho Rally Illower across tho way? Old you come to me after being discharged from that miser able bheut? "Oh, no, sir; I never worked on that moor." "Oh, you didn't? Then. 1 r.upposo you -nnllorl fnr :l nosition on its editorial ..ri . gtaff, and" "Editorial staff?" "Yes." "E.lltirlnl stuff! lile&s you, nol I .n.in'f mmmM from tho looks of tho eiipct Unit It had anv." "Vmmir man. vour hand! Sit downl Have n cigar! I'll ee what I can do for you." Good News. A Hhirero Woll IVIslicr. r.lnra Tell me Inst what Rort of a mnn vnur HnnOB is. Laura Oh, ho is everything that Is snifr! Plnrn I'm so elad! You know I liavo always Bald that people should marry their opposltes. Munsey's "Weekly. Half :t -Hn. She I)o vou over see Mr. and Mrs. r.Vinnlov sltico their marriage? HeOh, yos; It is a case of two souls Swlth but ono singlo thought. KVin How lovolvl Ho Yos. she married n dude. fluf ialo Evening News. Morlal Aspirations. . Jinks That fellow Winkers is trying to get into the Four Hundred, isn't he? Dinks I don't know. Why do you think so? Jinks Ho has given up business, and Is beginning to live on ills wile's money N. Y. Weekly. AFTER THK MILLIONS. Timothy Hnpktnn to Contost Ills IToiier Motlior'a Will. Boston, Aug. 10. A dispatch from San Francisco says that Mr. John A. Bolt, the attorney who will act Id con junction with Mr. Russell J. Wilson in contesting tho will of the late Mrs. Hop- klns-Searles, mis left for the East. The will will be presented for probate at Salem, Mass., Sept. & Just what ac tion Mr. Timothy Hopkins may take re garding tlio will of his adopted mother is not definitely known. It Is reported that ho will allow tho will to ba probated, and then outer his appeal, which of course mcaus ono of Mo most Interesting will contests of ro- '.out years. An Old Tostiuustor Dead. Newburoii, N. Y Aug. 19. B. K. Johnson, for 40 years postmaster at East Coldenhnm, died at his homo there last night, aged 73. NEWS OF THE DAY. Coming Events. Anir. 21. Evaneolicftl Sunday school nicnle. Delano. Sent. 2. Japanese ieo croam festival in Kobbins' opora house, undor tho auspices of Shenandoah Commandory, No. 11, bona ol America. Hnst work dono at Uronnan's steam luundry. Everything whito and spotless. Laca curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. FromlTholNatlon's Capitol. liMr.A. N. llazen. Washington, D. C.says: The J'amous Hwl Flag Oil, Is a perfect iuinlly medicine, ana lias ne equal lor uihuiiibiwiu, Kieuraigin. cspraius, wiu, bodily pulu. i'rlce i oeuu. store. Another uprising of Chlncso fanatics is feared. Tho excitement In the foreign grain markets hus abated. Mrs. Mario Keinhart, who sued Edward Malloy, of New Haven, Conn., for breach of promise, has disappeared, and her trionds fear that harm has benllon her. William A. Brlcklil of New York has brought suit against tlio city of Balti more for 3100,000 damages for tho alleged infringement ot a patout for feed water boaters for steam lire, engines invented by hi in. William Turner, tho English si.llor,who klllod little Barbara Watorhouso and lefc her mutilated body in a sack iu the streot, was hanged at Leeds, England. during tho morning. Ho protosted his iunoconco. An association for mutual protection against tenants who try to ovude rents is about to be formed by tue owners ot tenement housos in Boston. A meeting will bo called about September 1, whon It is expected bUU owuoiu will loin tue association. Patrick Finuerty was shot and killed during the night on a farm near Ablng ton, Mass. Ho quarreled with Felix Stewart, by whom ho was employed. Tho lattor shot him lu the neck and breast. Flnnerty had Urod twico at Stewart be fore tho lutter retaliated. Stewart sur ronderod himself. Governor THImau of South Carolina has commuted tho death sentences of David Jacobs and Mrs. Mary Johnson, who poisoned tho woman's husbund, to llfo lmprltoumont in the penitentiary. Ha reprieved them last Saturday after they had been placed upou tho scaffold and tho ropes adjusted about tholrnecks. Wcnlhnr XmUoutluug. Wasiiinoton, Aug. 10, For Now Kngtandi Gcnorolly fair: warmer and fair wcuthor Thursday; variable winds. For Eastorn Now Vork: Warmer and gen erally fulr except light local showers In tho uigbt In tho southern portion; variable winds. For Now JcHcyi Gonerally fair, slightly warmer weatner, vanuuio wmis; warmer Thursday. For Western Now York and western I'onn. fylvunlai Continued warmer and fair weather) wurmor and generally fair Thursday. roisoiisforsclllue. audonti, Pa, Apply to B. J, Y03l.Hlieu. 817 tf The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. TYESIRABLE JLS sale. PROPERTY FOR One of tlis niewt desirable tirmier. lies on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at Ilowse's grocery More, cor ner Jaralu ana Oak streets, Hbeuandonb, Pa rpYPE WRITING. A young lady, I JL a gindnati, wnts work .it typo wrltine uuiiai. iKiiAj,Tomce, or aoaress ukkald Mhonandosh, Pa, 8 1-tl DESIRABIYE PROPERTY" FOR snle cheap, It being on forner of Coal mid Emerlck streets. It is ultalile for mmiy purposes. Apply to No. 3 a. Jardln ttu 8 a tf FOR SALE. A parly who Ih about to movo from town will sell a Orat-clas Ap 8 17-31 I UhlckfrluB piano for a rca-onable price, piy aitne iishald omee. T3ROIWALS. Sealed prosposols JL will be received bj the noderslgned com- uiiiiee umu e p. m, A.ugui'i, lbvi. lor outtu rns the fouudllon first. George's Llthnaulau church, corner Jardln and Cherry streets, Hbenandoih, l'a. Plans and specifications lor me same can no seen uie store or a. Melnskv. No. H 8 East Centre street. The I enmmllteo reserve the right lo reject any or lauuius, Ai&uuivi , I T dLMMTnrruL-Aa Committee. Bhenandoah, August 11,1691. Attention, House Cleaners I The warm weather ia herp, aud house-oleanlng Is the next thing lu order Aud nt such tlinei mo.st everybody needs somethiug to brighten up the home, mo If you need a gjod cirpet of either euet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brussel. TWO OR THKEE-PU' INGRAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! You can find a full assortment at PRICE'S. m (Miis, Curtail Poles of all Kinds ! Window Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. Prices eaunot bo beaten when quality Is considered. No misrepresentation one price to all. 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pfc. -JFOIt- SHERIFF, BENJ. J. "OROPOSALS Will be received for JL furnishing and delivering to the different school bulldlugsot me borough onsusmindoah 205 tonsof nggooal.Sfl tons or stove coal, 10 tout, of pea coal nd 10 tons of heatnot eoal. All I bids tobe submitted by September 1, 1801. Tfce commtltoe reterves the r ght to reject any or all bids. N.J. OWENS. WIIitHM TIIEZWE, WILLIAM IIAOHMAN, JAMESO'IIKAltN, A. J. OALLAGllElt. I S I 1-1 It Committee. PRESENT DEPUTY. POIiITICAL. SELLING OUT. Delrlmr to dispose of my entire stock of gooas, in ortter to vacaro uie store-ioara ior other purp'ises, I will sell the remaining stock it grpauy reauceu ptiees. litese goons mti& do sold wlthtn a Mion time, a id It will benefit you to Inspect the Mime. X. KB. BAVIS, 6-io-tf ioo 3Wortl jHrrtln St. piOlt aHEUIFF, JosepU Woll, Off POTTS VI LLK. Subject to Beraocratlo ruloi. SOHEIDEE'S BAKERY, TnOIl CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION Jnincs J. Fraucy. OF SUENANDOAll. Subject to Democratlq rules. 40 East Centre filrccl. Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream mi Coafeclioncry ! OP ALL XINHS.- No Combme Beer! NEW YOItlC MA1IKIST9, lltirtis. and all At Klrlln's drun WALL PAPER ! k, . A.,.. 1U IFnnnu .11 loamnit ttt i!i uuu - pur emiv. liONDS. Closlnij Yostorday. 4)49, 1B01 lleg 10OM iiK 1801 Coup iOOii i ? 1B07 lte loulS b, iuu7 coup..,, uty faTOCK MAltKBT. Closing Yostenhur. Canadian rnolflo Mf4 Central Paelllo.,,.., 3011 Chicago, Ilur. &Quinoy op Delaware ic Hudson 17 Del., Lack. & Wolru,..,....137 Brio...... Erie prer Lake Shore 'I'l Louis. &-Nosh I'M Allohlgan Central 01 Missouri Puclno (WM Now Jersey Contrtd. ll3!$ N orthAvustei-n lOllti Orwon Navigation,..,,,..,.... U0U l'aullle Man UeotlriK ao Hock Island Bt. Paul 07$ union rnoino , ii Webtern Union 81 CHAIN JfAKKET. has secured tho agency for tho BUDWEISES and LXPOBT BEEBS MAUB J1V RICHARDS & CO. OP WILKEJ-UAKUE. Thest brewers are NO'l' IN ANY THUST and aie olllnK (heir excellent Peers ut the peop'e'8 prices. Saloonkoepers Supplied at $7 Pur Barrel. Private Parties " " $8 " OUDEIta CAN EE LEFT WITH AUE OOINQ TO nitsRotirl, KansaH, Arkannas Texns, Xebrahlcu, I.otiiHlauii Colomrto, Ulali, CUIorit! Orexoii.'WriStiltiiitoii.SloxIco Hew .Mexico or Arizona, and will send me a postal oard or letter htatlng Where you are going, When you are going, Where you will start from, How many there are in your party, What freight aud baggngoyou have, I will write you or call at your home and furnish you with the fullest (information regardlnu route), lowest rates of all class-is, besides maps, descriptive and Il lustrated land pamphlets, re3ort books, Hot Bprlngs guides, eto. Cheap Farming La ads In Missouri, Arian- J. P. McCMJH, Eastern Trav. Agt., W. E. HOYT, Q.E. P. Agt., 391 Broad way ,NewYorU 1 1 exhoaaJ Baxa tafaa iEja W ranicl astnea tmbaiaesan ax&zn il ? KaaB3 t We mean It in every cense of the word. Wo ofler you good all-wool suits for low than their value. Our light goods must go, regardless of cost; so If you want to purchase a Men's All-wool Cheviot Suit for' 156.50 call on us. Furnishing goods also to be had at lower prices than you will find them elsuwhere. Wo make no boasts merely for advertisement, but what we advertise we will do. Call 'and examine our bargains before purchailng and you will not regret It, Tffl J. 11JU i 1SATTP ONE PRICE 1.1 JV. Main Street, Shenandoah. n A. J. GALLAGHEK, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written. Marriage licenses nnu legal claims promptly attended to. Real Estate, Collection aad Insurance Agency. General Eire Insurance nuslness. Represents tho Northwestern Life Insurance Co. OFncE-Muldoou' building, corner Centn and WestSts., Bhenandoah, Pa. New Saloon and Restaurant Good Properties ol All Kinds For Sale. A two story douhle frame dwelling house stOi'oand restaurant, on East Centre St. A dwelling aud restaurant on East Ceutro street. 3. Desirable property on corner Centre and Jurain streets, suitable ror business pur notes. , A two story double Irama dwelling, on wet x.ioya street. Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen tra street. . Two 2 story dwellings on the corner ot uoai ana unesmm streets more room in one. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut su-eei wttn a nirtre warenouse hi lue rear. 8. Thr ee two-story double frame buildings corner or Lioya ana Miioert streets. Iron Mountain Route, SOL. I1AAK, 120 S. MAIS ST., Missouri ahd pacific railway who will promptly fill all orders for ttheuundodh and vicinity. A CAIILOAD JUST All RIVED AT KBLLBT'S Blanks 6c Gilt 80 T7mlinsooi1 19. 1 .On J.l.U-.-.Jv. VI , , M Jrt , Window ShiUlOS, Spring rollorS..25o tho mornluir hour. A mllr took lkic and tlis ' 1 . raarkot closed Urm. No, s Uol winter, lllltft liiirtnln Pnlns 2!inl hi.ntninlnr.lllU: December. 113M. vAiruopeiieu wean, uuv buiiii uuruuuuu iiuu Closed sirouff. nu. 11. UVIUUUl, l'. Oats iiulet, put steady Scptomber. a:t4. Ilyo dun, mil urm. Jlarley quiet and uuohangod. Pork fairly active. Mees ll.B0al3.00. PUODUCE llnnEn Creamery, State & Penn., extras. BU5aa53 o. Cceainery, nwjter.ii, nruts.. 19 OJilUWo. Woslnj is - 'm jr atv Cloflnqi io-aa 0 1KU IB 48 100 C79i 88 um HOW 10S as 33 71W 37 78i First National Bank. TIIBA.TUIR nmCDINC, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,006.00. moveo to 22 Cast Centra St., Shenanooah CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. mixed, 8J; K-ptembor, No. SS mixed. 38; QTHAW8 f how the way the wind blowe.but tliey dou't show what hard blows we have beeu striking at straw hat price. Home bats are dear at any price; these bale are cheap at double the money. If what covers your head Is not beoomlng to you, oil the pains you take ss to the rent 01 your attire areslmply thrown away Comeaud see howyouwlll lookln ope of oar Geo straw hats. There's no use In ilvlngany lurther description of them than 10 ssy this tbey are stylish. We cut the price down because we want to cut our stook down. Another big bargain In hats Is our II black stiff hats. ,13 S,MalnSl, SOANLAN- A. IV. Leisennng, Pits., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisennng, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Daily From 9'toj3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST Paid 011 HavlUKS Deposits. The Leading Photographer, 14 it HITE ST. The work done ut this sallerv Is fully enutl to that done nt the large galleiles of New Vork and Philadelphia, Comparison Is In vited between the specimens of his two nnd three dollar cabinets shown In his window nnd the best of work done cl"ewhere 0'. five and six dollars. jfifDo not climb long nights 01 stairs to palronlzean euterp lu run by 0111 of town parties when better work may be had of your uwn townsmen. Newly Faibted, Papered and HenovatotL No. 115 EAST CKNTIIE HTKEF,' Three doors abovo Kendrlck House, x BENJAMIN HASKEY, Propriqto 1 . Mr. Haskev would lu'orm his manv frier ind the nuhlie that ho will cater to their wn In the same tlrsuelass style that ho has dc InthepHst. None but the best brands of 1 ilgu and domcstlo wines, liquors and clg will be kept In slock. Choice lemperai drinks, Klne old slock ale The eatlner bar lssunnlled with evervthl Inthee&tln line cervod In the bestBlj Meals served at all hours. Flno private rou nttuched. -JXJST OUT- The "tiEW BROADWAY" BAH! It beats everything lu the market, and 1 price Is Just right to suit the times. It will pay you to come and Bee lu I am prepared to do the following attb nrlces ouoted: Tin rooting .60 per foot and xiu rooi paiuuog h.ms Tin conductor ..........l'io " " Tin hanging gutter uzea cutmaey 1 Itepairs for all stoves nspjclalty, 12a " " stack 20c per pot TOI. P. PRATT, 7 a 3m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenarv. LEATHER and SHOE FIIIBi Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ot Hats. Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods nnd makes a specialty ot Nellie Ely and Mary Anderson Capa. G BABX CBNTRB ST. TO HUCKSTERS ! L, Gardner, agent for tho New Jersey rcaeu urowers sociaiiou, will be at the LEHIGH VALLEY DEPOT every mornlup with choice Jersey Peaches, Cauteloupea. Tomatoes, Bare- lett Pears, &o which will be sold at riillauelplila prices. 8-ll-lw ZP. J. CLBAR-Y, Dealer In all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplie Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supp, 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson Hottso building, SHENANDOAH, The Cheapest Plac TO BUY Gents' FuruisMng Goods, Hosiery, Etc IS AT CHARLES : YAROWSKTS 23 West Centre Ht,, Shenandoah. Q M. HAMILTON, M.D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofnoe- Vs. 2a West Lloyd Btreet, Bhen&3