J Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE OF TUB FIQ3 OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative tj nermn- li .tinn. and the inanv ills do- ri'r 1 i 1 - . : gtfCiidmg on a weak or inactive fmc'ition ol the mm, LIVER ftHD BOWELS. It i ten. most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one Is Biliom or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and OTSEMGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Everv one is usintr it and all are j; delighted with it. ASK YOUF1 DRUGGIST FOR MANUPAOTUHEO ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 1 SAN FRAKCISCO, CAL. I UWISV1UE. K1 NSW YORK. N. t. John R. Coyle, TAtto ney-at-Law Real Estate Agent, I- OFFICE llEDnALL'S BUILDING, -iCor Main end Centre Streets. SHENANDOAH. PA. aweiung uoufce, witn sure-room nna roe laiirnnt. Located on ist Centre street. hi A valuable property located on South Jar- ju uin street. i3-HeTcn dweMlng bouses at the corner of Gil- Lertnnn Liioya streets, uuoa investment. Terms reasonable. Dr. Grcsvsnor' Bell-cap-sic 1 lcl"?"r'"f PLASTER. imwimonca. utn nn inr tnuo oy tui jjra(rRiais.? GOLD M3DAL, PA3I3, 1S73, Baker & Co.'s a! from which tho excess ol oil lins been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals ..!11. Cl . I. A JL -t- c i ; ii c r f- T t "I1t!.,e. . !.? .nil n mii.n .t n. A,,in. fA. .....TM. well as for persons iii health. Sold by Grocers everywhoro. Iff. . BAKER & CO., Dorch8sfers Mass. r ,1 il - t ift tir ' I . . M.O i.ii i, 1 ! i ' 1, t yuu uiJtfl '"ioof'- ( trrf,rultttlef ! , !,. . ... fcUL' iltlE , Aifli. c If you eonteioplate at! H'H.ik Com in er- I cial Hcnool. lt will ' tne -ill ictl&Bl l.K JJUHI . 1T belore d eldlotr wheie, hv li i a thouLuna u lies away, e lend nt the Hit of eomw ii !i .raottr as au eduealtonal ciuji y i. . r.i ica i t i'e, ihhu i ' n. tnrtinpplylc! HiebuslneRi ii i.v with trailed arid capiijle a Dir anu ot ilaelDie ambflioiw idntjnfd on the blab roid to ' 'he ixtent, elegance and coat i ue i i nurtiugULUJUatlSllt tAli, .Ml VR AOTICA1. KN HLISfl Treutyventh Annual i i " nut tnnny Bddret. )ar:OGERSlrto?i!"1?.,er' ..1 flsil . , , nnlHA. i 111' . i ICS Mk .-(.- j -k ma-. in Had i . eUUla' i hm.1 Liw i ii Tote lib i ig corner Malmad Oen'i 0 ThT (fast Cocoa lie. 1 5; n .i i ft! 'ft iTflw TEH PEOPLE KILLED Two Itailrontl Trains Collido nt Full Speed. AWPtTIi SCENES AT THE WRECK. Soma of the Injured Burned to Death Whilo Being Eetctiod. Forty Prsonn Drownu.l by a Cloudbuiat A. Mountain Stream Cunvertod Into a Torrent allien of Hallway Ueitroyod Tlifilllu Labor Cunernss nt ltrusaoli An American Socialist 1'resldes. BkblIn, Aug. 19. A torrlblo collision occurred shortly nftor noon at a point aettvoen Ostrowo and Loawltz, lu Prus slnn Poland. Two passenger trains col lided at full speed. The trulns were terribly wrecked, and ten persons killed and many Injured. Coals from tho locomotive set flro to tho wreck, and somo of tho lnjurod burned to death while men were striving to rescue them. A TOWN DESTROYED. Forty Feraons IJroiriu.il by u Cloudburst In Austria. Vienna, Aug. 10. A dispatch from Botzen, an Austrian town at the conflu ence of the Talfor and tho Etonch, nn nounceH the partial destruction of tho village of Koll man through a cloudburst. Tho cloud, lt appears, burst over tho mountains, near Botzen, which Is pro tected against inundations by a strong dyke two miles in length. The fall of water flooded the lowlands and converted a mountain ntreum into a torrent whloh swept through tho villago ot Kollman, carrying away men and cat tle and destroying half tho housoa of that place. The cloudburst occurred at midnight. The water loosened an avalanche. Forty persons were drowned. The railway was destroyed for many miles THE LABOR CONGRESS. An American Goelallst Presides and lie livers an Address. Brussels, Aug. 10. Luclen Baniol, n Ocrman-Amorlcan Socialist, presided all day at tho Intornatlounl Labor Congress and delivered an address. Ho said that Americnn worklnguien Insisted that the raising of a surplus by a high tariff should cease, and that the country was too much over-ridden by monopoly supported by the surplus rais ing system. Sanlel was very advanced in his views. Other Americans nt tho Congress say that nt one period Sanlel was a high tar itl man and edited a newspaper iu that interest, but that he has slnco become converted. Herr Bebol delivered a long discourse onthewisdom ot nn nllinnce between small tradesmou and worklngmen in their common intsreat. That tho inter ests of the two classes were identical, and that both were equally downtrod den by monopoly, which they should join lu attempting to abolish. Herr Ba bel was greatly applauded throughout. A number of other delegates, more or loss prominent, spoko In the course ot the day. The resolutions recommending worklngmen to support for office candi dates only who would pledge them selves to ndvocata measures in the In terest of worklngmen met with great favor, and delegates from all countries expressed their hearty endorsement. LIKE THE DAYS OF '49. Excitement In Utah Over Ilxtsustvo 311 n erul Discoveries. Oqden, Utah, Au-f. 10. This wholo region of country is ablaze with excite ment over extensive mineral discoveries about 2o miles northeast ot hore ut the head of Paradise Canyon. Au uninterrupted stream ot prospec tors and miners from all parts of the territory passed through hero yesterday. Tho hills are covered with miners and tho town of La Plata is olroady laid out. Experts report that the camp will be a second Leadville. Au Kx-BhiiU C.ishlur Arrrstcd. Atlantic Crrr, if. J., Aug. 19. About a year ago the Merchants' bank, of this city, which had branches iu I'leasantville, Elmer aud Kgg Harbor City, closed its doors with liabilities to tae amount ot $100,000. At that time Cashier Dunklo was charged with causing the bank's downfall by embezzling it3 funds. Ho disappeared but bus just been arrested at Fort Payne, Aln., aud Sheriff Charles S. Lacy ot this county has gone to bring him back. l'rof, Iloouey Talks Flebt. St Louis, Aug. 10. Prof. Hike Jlooney of this city Is ready to accept the offer of Andy Bowen of New Orleans for a match. Iloouey says: "1 will light Bowen for $1,0UU a side und the best purse that can be obtained, and I will light him at his borne in New Orleans, or anywhere else. I will not only meet Bowen, but will tight any man iu the world for $1,000 a side aud a purse at 133 pounds, give or take two pounds." The UumUi. Suicide. Buffalo, N. V., Aug. 19. A brother ot L. D. Smith, of Avoca, who committed suicide at the Carlton House yesterday, arrived here and identified the remains. He said his brother iiad started from home to go tn a Western oolloge, whore u professorship- awaited him. Mr. Smith aslgu no reason tor his brother's rash act. The deceased was unmarried and a graduate ot Cornell University. Wast 10,000 llniniCM Oreat Barrinoton, Mass., Aug. 19. The administrator of Wells V. Itoyuolds, who was killed while riding ou a hand car an the Boston Railroad last October, has brought suit against the company for $10,000. The handcar on which Reynolds was riding was run into by a train and he was killed, Slavlit nna Blitoht.il Comlii2. New Yobic, Aug. 19. A London cable gram says that Slavin and Mltohell will sail tor America on Sept. Sit, If Slavin sees on his arrival that there is no oppor tunity tor a match with Sullivan he will arruugo a matob with James Corbett. Arrested for I'Msslnp; Bosui Checks. New Yonic, Aug. 10. William JT. Mar. tine, n lawyer, ot No. 11 Broadway, said to be a brother of Judge Randolph B. Martins, has been arrested, charged with passing bogus obooks. lETighest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUT EOT TORE The Householder's Frlde. Site had just moved Into her own house on Forest uremia nnrt a friend was oalMng on her. "This Is n very plemsmit locality," said tho Visitor. "Oh, yes; I like it very much. That's Tfhy wo bought tho hoiiae." . "What kind of neighbors have you?" "Really, I don't know." "Haven't you got acquainted with nny of thom? "Oh, no," with somo pride; "thoy all live in rented houses, you know." Detroit Free Press. llrondly DlstlnffuUhcd. A famous Russian writer had an orig inal way of expressing his opinions in regard to peoplo and things. 1 "How do you llko her voice?" ho was 1 aslted, relative to a prima donna who produced an enormous quantity of husky tono when she sang. 1 "Voieel" repeated tho writer, with great scorn. "That's not a voice. It's a draught of airl" Youth's Companion. An Enjoyable Arrangement, ne They put off their bridal trip un til two months after they wero mar ried. j She Where did thoy go then? ' He lie went to the Yosemlto valley 'and sho to tho Whlto mountains. Judge. Her Hero. Hiss Garrison (to tho lieutenant) DIdvou ever kill an Indian? Tho Lieutenant Yes; once. Hiss Garrison (breathlessly) Do tell mo about itl Tho Lieutenant I gavo one some medlcino onco when ho was sick. Puck. The Great Cramp Itcllevcrs. ' Kind Lady (in dressmaking estab lishment) Do you not becomo very tired sitting hero sewing all day? I should think you d bo all cramped up. Sewing Girl Yes, ma'am, but I got rested standing in the ears' going homo. 1 N. Y. Weekly. Female Sympathy. 1 "Do you know, Miss Smith, that young Jones has been sentenced to ninety-nine years' imprisonment?" "Poor fellow," sighed the young lady, "ho will havo to wait so long beforo ho can marry. Texas Sutings. , An Iqual Adjustment. Young Nicely Yes, I know I'm a great flirt; I suppose, Miss Smilax, that you think I'm a hard-hearted wretch? Miss Smilax Yes, but your head brings the average out all right. Bos ton Courier; A Friend lu Need. First Westerner I'm dead brokot haven't a cent left. Second Westerner Well, here's u nickel for enr-fare. Go out into tho suburbs and start an annex. N. Y. Weekly. Asked by a Small Hoy. "Papa, do they have a fencing master at the Fencers' club?" "Yes, my boy." "And is thero a writing teacher at U10 Authors' elub?" Puck. rnnvAiiiiNn sTn.ns. ron toe rnisojr. ron TUB SEASIDE. Life. The Proper Thing to Do. Tom Highfly I'm going to stop run ning around so much. To tell tho truth, I'm tired of having a good time. Arthur nenpeck Then, why in the namo of sense don't you marry? Jury. Will Try a Flat. Misa Roddy (sentimentally) Lovo In a cottage that is all I ask. Shippon Clarke (glumly) Yes; lovo in a cottage is all right; but how about the railroad commutation? Puek. Not Much ou It. Fred How do you llko tho table at your new boarding-house? Is thero any thing to object to? Arthur Precious littlo, old fellow. Jury. The Great Trouble. "How do you get on with your bicy cling?" "Oh, easy enough. It s tho staying What the Dru&git$ say of Heiskell'sOlntment: " When we ere uslcd to recommend a prepara tion tor Bkm dlaeiuo, we uiuid uut UulKU'a Oiniuknt, with every roniWetioe of tt iucchw. fut trt.tmcnt of the dfneasi!." J. a Bm. k. c .Vuln St., Jluller, Pa. "I have been leUiiiK Ibim u.'s oi.ntmknt foreleven yean. 11 b'li l l''" eraa! surlifiwtloiv lt will cure Tsttbk. ' O. W, lUcKKSHEituttn, Balntrt'KO. r HVehttveeviden''. of tin .urau, ii -ii itiei Of IlKlSKKLL'S OlNI I.IM llt-li II ,1 a utf reliable olutmenL" Klkuinq t Tli.u, Tbfaulum, Fa, "In all akin ritaeafces 1 Invurlai ly r?c tamed nKISKkLL'sOlNT'Jt.NT. ' i. J. Kk.li, li.trj sbiirs. Pa. "nKlSKrt.L'fl OlVTMFVT fil" .U , M H" ' fiillS." Mt-t'LM L 0. HKI I r, 'I, ,rl I'.u "ItKISKEI-L'P f's.rr . r t- in H , a morn" IX b Him m,i i' i iv TJ. SL. Gov't Report, Aug. 7, 1889, The Latent rml. Mrs, Forundrc.l Marie, I see by tho Society Weekly that the latest fad among fashionable people la to be do rneitlc, and appear on tho avenue in matronly garb, behind baby carriages. i.Iald Yes'm. Mrs. Forundred Go at onee at Pink ferns and order me a costume suitable for that purpose. Then stop at Spoke shave's and order me tho most expen sive baby carriage thoy have. Nexi stop at Madame Makeuppe's and tell her to send me an appropriate com plexion and suitable hair. Maid YeH'm, but the b.-jjty Mrs. Forundred Order one. N. Y; "Weekly. HE HAD HIS DODUTS. Farmer Fishing? Fair Fisher Cannot you soo that 1 am? Fanne-r I moight cf I seed enny fish.' N. Y. Hcraki Ills Appetite Unimpaired. Boy (with basket) Please, mum, givo mo some dinner for my poor, sick father. Kind Lady Look here, I've been giv ing you dinner for your sick father for two weeks, and I saw him yesterday in tho street, and he is no more sick than I am. Hoy Yes, mum, he isn't sick nny more but ho cats just the same as ever. Texas Sittings. A Yllo Slntuler. Two Texas ladles meet. Says num ber one: "Why, do you know what I hoard about you?" "I've no idea." "I heard that when your husband was sick and not expected to live, you went to a picnic." "It's a vile slander; it was only an excursion, and I didn't stay away moro than a week or ten days after the fu neral." Texas Sittings. Knew Their Tralta. Old Gentleman (in the park) What nro you doing, my littlo dear? Little Girl (with doll) 1 am giving Dolly a drink. "Giving Dolly a drink, eh? Rut the water is running down all over her pretty dress." "Yes, sho slobbers a good deal. All babies do. " N. Y. Weekly. . Lofty Thoughts. Mrs. Rondo Ah, so you have stopped writing. Mr. Rondo My thoughts have run up a trco. Mrs. Rondo That's too bad. What will you do? Mr. Rondo (filling his pipe) I am go- ntr in amrdm tliAm nut Plli-k. MbtT 1331 As site enters womanhood", every young girl needs tho wisest oaro. Troublos beginning then may make her wbolo life mis erable. Uut tho troublos that aro to bo feared havo a positive remedy. Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription builds up and strengthens the system, and regulates and promotes every proper funotion. It's a generous, support ing tonic, and a quieting, soothing nervine a legitimate medicine, not a beverage, freo from alcohol and injurious drugs. It corrects and cures, safely and surely, all those dolicato derangements, weaknesses, and discasos peculiar to tho sex. A roinedy that does euro is one that can bo guaranteed. That's what the proprietors of " Favorite Prescription " think. If it doesn't givo satisfaction, in ovory oaso for which it's reoomtnondod, they'll re fund the money. No other modicino for women U sold on such terms. Decide for yourself whothor some thinir elso Fold by tho dealer, is liU-ly to bo "just na good" for jou to bny. i ami rMv. com IS HE THE MURDERER A Woman and Ilor Son Chnsod by a Man Resembling Almy. HE FIRED TWO SHOTS AMD PLED Hiding in an Old Gypy Damping Ground Near Mud way. Mass. The Third Wnmnn Whom Ho Has Shot nt Itecently llepnty Sheriffs nud a l'o of Cltlr.otn Heareblns for Him New York Police Dlseroillt the Itepurt that He Has lleen 111 that City. MiLFoan, .Mass., Aug. 10. Tho doputy sheriffs, with a large posso ot citizens, nro searching for a man supposed to bo Frank Almy. This man, who Is thought to be Insane, murderously assailed Mrs. Lizzie Corcoran, a stone-cutter's wife. Mrs. Corcoran g vo the following no count of tho attack: "About 6 o'clock In tho morning, ac companied by my sou John, 12 years old, I went to gather elderberries. We wont to the old Gypsy camping ground on tho lledway road. Wo bad beon thero scare ly half an hour when I was startled by tho crackling of bushes olosaby me. "I turuod around und saw n man ly ing down and looking Intently nt me. I bud read the nocouut ot tho Now Hamp shire murder, and tho man before ma answered tho description of Almy ex actly. "Hy boy was quite a distanco from mo when I first notioed the man. I pre tended not to seo him aud trlod to got towards my boy. Ho watchod my move ments like a cat. "John shouted to mo, asking whero I was. I answered, tolling him to run for !; the railroad truck, which I attempted to ; do also. "Then tho mnn jumped from tho grouad, and muttering Homethlug stnrt ed to cut me oil from tho railroad cross ing, Whilo trying to got on the track I caught my boy and clasped him in my arms. "We looked out through tho bushes and saw tho man lookiug up and down the track. Not seeing any one, ho return ed to the spot whero bo was first observed, At last 1 thought he was far enough away for us to escape, and we ran to tho track as 'net ns wo could. "I had scarcely got to the railroad when two shots wero flrod, but neither of thom bit cither ot us. I cannot tell you how I got home, but, I thank God, I have not met the fato of tho poor Now Hampshire girl." Mrs. Corcoran describes her assailant as tali, weight about 100 pounds, wore a black suit, soft hat nud u whlto oollar; had a light mustache aud ltht brown, wavy hair. Olllcer Mooro found two ompty cart ridges on tho path described by Mrs. Corcoran where the shots wero fired. This is the third woman iu this locality who has been tired at recently und who says Almy is around, Did Not Visit Now York. New York, Aug. 19. A report that Frank Almy, thu murderer of Christlo C. Wardon, of Hanover, N. H., was in New York recently, Is dUcrodlted at Police llendquartors. A MILLION LOST BY FIRE. Blare Than Sixty Jlulldlncs lluruod in Jnclfsonvllle, Flu. Jacksonville, Flo., Aug. 10. A flro broke out In this city shortly utter mid night. At 7 o'clock over S3 business houses nro burnod and over -10 dwellings. The loss is fully $1,000,000. The insur ance is believed to cover about half tho total lost. Six blocks long, extending from Bay street to IWver street and ouu block on each side, were destryed. The Are caught lu It. D. Knight & Co.'s grocery adjoining tho large Hubbard building, and In a very short tlmo the block was a mnfts of flames. Thence thoy wore carried diagonally across to the Tremont Hotel, thence to Colonel Burbrhlgu's large block, iu which tho Seminole Club is domiciled. The fire spread ou all sides, being fan ned by n Stiff breeze that rose. The firo- men worked horolcally throughout, but nothing could stay the flumes until ex- hausted for waut of materlnl. ' Thoy were (.topped at Beaver street on j tho north, at Laura street on tho west and at Ocean street on the east. JITorley ICefutos Phi-hoII' Statement. London, Aug. 19. John Morley has thought it necessary to answer tho charges of Parnell, He has written ft letter denying the ex-lender's statement ot his double dealing. He says that fur from knowing that tho 0'Sb.ea divorce suit was sure to go agntuot Mrs. O'Shoa, he believed that the verdiot would vin dicate Parnell, und therefore thero was no reason for him to implore Parnell not to give up the leadership us allegod. Ktzhl Veiira fur is Hunk Wreokar, Philadelphia, Aug. 19. Charles Law rence, ex -assistant cashier of the Keystono Bank, who pleaded guilty to tho Indict ments found against him of complicity In wrecklug the bank, was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment. Tho sentences of Francis W. Kennody, president, and Henry H, Kennedy, oasbler of the sus pended Spriug Garden Bank, wore sus pended until Sept. 8. tVuut Fareligu Lubor Tiixad. Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 10. Tho State Federation of Labor adopted resolutions endorsing the course ot tho Barbers' Union lu abolishing Sunday shaving; favoring a per capita tax on foreign la bor; endorsing the constitutional re vision movement and urtftug workmen to labor tor it. TaTukuTllttlr Filial Trial Trip. Warrington, Aug, 19. Orders have been issued from the Navy Department for tbo Bennington and Conoord to go on their final trial trip. The Benulugton will start to-day from Touipkinavile, N. Y., aud remain at sen 4S hours. On her return the Concord will prooeod to ssu. Left S 1,000 tn the Solvation Army, Younostown, O., Aug. 19. The will of Mrs. Mary Stanley, who died recently at her home near here, has been admitted to probate. Among the bequests U one of 1,000 to the Salvation Army, Tho money la to be Bent to Ueu. Booth. The Sulul.le Still UillaentlQ.il. AsButnr Paiuc, N. J., Aa 10 The body of the 17-yenr-old boj wiu uoiu mltted suicide by hanging i u l.euuti atLong Branch Sunday mu' i t,u aet yet been identified. ARE WE Right - or Wrongs A Shoe Dreising must restore the bril liancy of a worn shoe, and at the sime time frttervt the loltitts of the leather, LADIES will the Dressing you no using do both ? Try it I Pour a dessert spoonful of your Dressing into n saucer or butter plate, set it aside for a few days, and it will dry to a substance as hard and brittle as crushed glass. Con such a Dressing be good for leather? Wolff's ACME BMS will stand this test and dry as a thin, oily film which is as flexible as rubber. 25 Dollars worth of New Furniture (or 25 Cents. HOW? By painting 25 squaro feet of Old Furniture with WOLrr 4. RANDOLPH, 0B7 North Tront Street PHILADELPHIA. FLY H FYS cheap AE.i? errt'owe. SOothcr style 5-. p'irw to wt ail WM.AMILH fri.?., ,i fcWIUA. A Mi my ttcrntN for W. Ij Douclns Hhocm. If not fur snlc in jour iIne iihk jnitr ilrnliM to wt-iut for cntiiloffiK'f h ecu re tho agency, ami get tlicm fur juu, CarTAKC NO SUUST1TUTE. FOR CEN-rL.trr.nrM rHE BEST SHOE Itl THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It IS a SeailllL'Sd bliot. with nntnflranr wnr tlirt.n.1 to but tins feet, mado of tlio best nn cair, Btylhli and ensy, and bi cause ice muke more shoes of th Ut grade than an if atlur manufactuter. It equals band sewed glWs eosttu from 84.U) to 83.UO. fMiiJfe ww wi'iimiit' iiiiiiH-HMtciJ me iiiicRt caic Bhou evor offered for d5.0uj enuaU FiencU Imported bhoe which eobt from $3 on to 812.00. 00 llniiil-hrwi-ii Welt hliop, flno calf, iJ utT" stylish, comfortable aud durable. The bt sC shoe ecr offered nt thin price i samo gratia as cua-tom-mnde aXuwa costing from fifl.W) to t$.W. SC 30 Police Mine i Farmers, Railroad Men FiJ and letterCirriernnIl wear them; flue calf, seamless, smooth iuslde. heavy three soles, exten sion etle. ujie pair will wear a year. SO a! flno culfj no better nhoo ever offered aC Aim this price; one trial will couvluco thoao who want a shoe for comfort and service. CO 3 11,1(1 -( WarUlniiittittiVt shoes y aro very stroma and durable. Those who havo given them a trial 111 wear no other make. Si 0..DU auu ;i.7fj scnooi suooa am worn by tho boyseerywherei they sell 8 ffltrS idC? 'J'" Ilfimt-HOWfd shoo, best ttaCdu Dimgola, very stylish; efiuaUFrencli Imported shoes costluKfrom 5 1.11 to a.()U. lndUft '.50, nud ) 1.7.1 shoo for Mhwesarothe hestflueDougola. BtyiUh aud durable. Cililllun. Bet) that W. I.. DoutMas' namo and prko are stampetl on the bottom of each shoo. New Lirm. New Stock. Green Truck'. Fine Gi oceries, FRUITS, &c, Delaware roe fhnd and o'.lier fresh MkIi right Horn tho toaison J'rldaji". Filth Ureeusfiom ihoHoulh. Evan's Buildinf;, E. Centre St. J.S. William' old ttanil) Everythlnj new rnid'retli. Goodidellvered loany pun 01 iqiiu, R. C. KNIOKT Sc SON. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Mastellcr's old stand,) corner Coal nud Jar.lln BIh. Mr. Bnvder will always keen In stock a flue line of boots und shoes. Custom Vs'orlt antl RcpHlrlntr done In the best style. He guarantees tn Fell aheaper tlwn cora)ietltora on Kalu Mreet who have big lenti to ry, Hi.fl goaianties a genu ine bargain on e ery iiuioba.e. FZEE INSURANCE I lupil ul IMnt liliili Puitlj bu Ctifit'u HaprMntd by OAVi. FAUSTf 1 H, Jardln Slrvet HHtfANlKU.H.lJA HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Oream ! BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Ordtra promptly attended tn. I'Httlcular at tenil.m paid to Ualla, llonios, festival, eu-. NOKTH MAIN STREET, .V , . u ,r,f II. yd, SHENANDOAH, PENAiA Cljpi& WHY IS THE ' W, La DOUGLAS S3 shoe