CN"0"W ON" T'JP I s- ipics-nsria goods AT T11K CORNERSTORE I All kinds of potted meats, fish, canned goods, oyslerB, lobste:s, crHbs, Ku hIiiii caviar, fresh spiced oysters, 11 tie t smoked hums, bo lognas and smoked bi-if, York state full crDntii,l)eesc,12!iinnthal,8wIf'8I Edam, BupBueo und Llmbnrger. Fine assortinent of cakes and bis cults. G. and 1$. pUkles of all kinds. l,lckliby You will 11 iid Just what you want. Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. AM. THi: Nl'.WB I'Oll ON13 CUNT. Has a larger circulation In Shenandoah than auy other piper puhllhed. Ulrou latton hook open to nil. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET Judge Hon. D.-il. Qrcen. Sheriff Denjumin .Smith. Jury Commissioner Maj . William Clark. Poor Director George lioffner. Delegates to the Constitutional Con ventlon, 30f7 District Joseph 11. JPomeroy, John J. Coyle. LOOLAL UNOHEON. Cantaloupes uro bettor. Over half of August Rirao. Time now to plant a full iidvertifoment. Silk undorwour is growing in popular favor. This is tho month to go to soashoro mountains. Varnished woodwork can b.i cleaned with cold tea. Tho tree is known by its fruits, but you can't toll a whiflla troo that way. Tho volume of summor travel developed by vacation trips is not on tho wane yet. Tho delightful breaks in the hot woalher are greatly appreciated by evorybody. THE GLASS IN USE. AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, MMAM CUT, Fi Lisrlit. )wasn maBuanBDiai rrtam im&aa mama xxr mAna W ibji jHMpgiv imwiEUiBua miiwukpg CTyaaOfc tftlnBTTfllT lfTlTTf tffnFfltttVn Wtwifttl EFfl Dark. An Knorinou Showing for That Industry In tho Unitod States. What a lot of glass tlicro Is In the -world when ono comes to think about 'It. Somo slight idea of tho vastness of tho amount of class used for windows and mirrors may ho oh talncd, 'says tho lluffalo Com' mcrcial, when It Is stated that for sev eral years past tho sum of money an nually paid in premiums for insurance has reached close upon $700,000, a sum representing; class to tho actual valuo K)f $23,000,000. ' Nor does this hy any moans Include 'tho wliolo of tho glass thus used, for as suredly there are many people who do not Insuro at all, and soruo who only do iso partially. In a largo hotel now hulld Ing In Now York city thcro will ho '3,000 sashes, each about four feet square, without counting tho largo wlu- Idows on tho ground floor. ' A still better Idea of tho quantity of Iglass used throughout tho United Btates may bo obtained from tho estl matcs that during tho coming year ,thero will ho manufactured and im ported somo 89,500,000 square feet of plate, mirror and sheet glass. In detail 13,000,000 square feet of plato.40,000,000 (square feet of window or bheet glass, 4,000,000 squaro feet of mirrors and vD.000,000 squaro foot of colored, celling, llloor and roofing glass. , This Is -all to bo manufactured in tho (Unitcd States. Then thcro aro orders 'In hand abroad for Importation Into .America amounting to 3,o00,0u0 square feet of mirror glass, 25,000,000 squaro foot of window glass, and 600,000 squaro Ifeet of colored, celling and roollng glass. Coming Evonts. Aug. 18. loo croam and poach festival, in Hob-bins' opera house, mdor tho auspices of Camp No. 183, P. O. S. of A. Aug. 21. Evangelical Sunday school picnic, Delano. Sept 2. Japanoso ico cream festival in Bobbins' opora home, under tho auspices of tihonandoah Cominandory, No. 11, Sons of America. Waters' Weiss beor is tho bast. John A Boilly eolo agont. 6-6-tf liest work dono at Bronnan'6 Uundry. Everything whlto and spotless, liaco curUlns a specialty. All work guar anteed. From Tho Nation's Capitol. Mr. A. N. Hazcn, Waxliluuton, D, C, nays i The Famous lted Hag Oil, Is a perjoct Jamlly medicine, and has lis ooual lor Rheumatism, .Neuralgia, Bprulns, Cuts, Hums, and all bodily paid. 1'rlce 23 ceuU. At Itlrlln's drug eiore. ANOTHER RAILWAY HORROR. TuiilTe lur.nns Klllutl und Ravoml In Jurcd In 8vrltrirlntid. London, Auk. 19. The pcoplo of Swit zerland have hardly recovered from tho scare canned by the accident at Mooni cbensteln, by which 130 persona on n railroad excursion lost their lives, when they are again startled by another dis aster. A special train, which was convoying hundreds of villagers from tho surrounding country to witness tho fetes in connection with tho seven hundroth anniversary of tho foundation of the cltj cl tierno, was stopped at a siding a short distance from Hi domination, In order to allow tho rogular Paris oxprosa to pas. Tho onglncor of tho express, a? nearly as can now be ascertained, had not bosn notified of tho fact that tho oxcurston train wa3 on the traok alioad of him, and a torrlbte collision reiultod. The rear coach happened to bo an empty oue, which was Intended for pas sengers to be taken on at another1 station. Tho guards In charge (if It wcro killed, but the pros onco of this car doubtless saved the lives of many occupants of tho other coachos. As It was, tho passengers In the Beeond coach woro nearly all klllod or injured. 1 The trainmen, assisted by the passon gers who had oscaped Injury, Bet to work immediately to rescue tho unfortunates who woro imprisoned In tho wrock. Heartrending orlea of ngour norved them to almost superhuman efforts, but hi spite of their exertions they were forced to witness the death boforo their eyes of several who had not been killed outright, but were crushed by broken timbers or exposed to t ho escaping steam from tho locomotive. Twelvo corpses were taken out of tho debris, and tho lu Jurod were finally oxtrlcated and cared for. Most of the victims of tho disaster woro residents of towns in tho vicinity of Heme, and tho news of tho calamity has caused excitement and mournlug all through tho region. Ilipy Sustnln Tliolr Pastor. JlocnESTEU, Pa., Aug. 18. The congre gation of tho Rov. J. H. Bausman met last night and by a vote of 87 to IS ro fused to accept his resignation. Tho resignation was tendered by Mr. Bails man, who Is traveling In Europe, at tho nf t.lin Pniiril nf TUdors. Who ob jected to declarations of Mr. Bausmau favorable to tho stad taken hy Prof. Brians of Now York. Tho congregation, In indorsing Dr. Bnusrnuu, practically uphold Prof. Briggs. -fok.- Dsilrlmr to dispose of mv entire stock or goods, tn order tiaoite the storo-ioora for other purposes, I will sell the remnlnlr g stock m greatly reiuu'eu pnceH, lueHe koous muM. he sold within a short time, and It will benefit you to Inspect the name. T. I. DAVIS, 1 . o-NMf zoo lvoxtn jfirani st. SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, XO East Centre Street, SlTEXslXDOAU. NEWS OF THE DAY. President Illppolyto has formed a now Cabinet, Eighty II.iytlanB woro drowned by tho fall of the St. Mure stono brldgo near Port-au-1'rlnco. Tho American Association for tho Ad vancement of Science meet in conven tion at Washington to-day. Tho works of tho Newark Tanbark Compauy at Kearny, N, J , woro burnod last ovoning. Loss $20,000. Tho Treasury Department has postponod tho opening of bids for the Government bulldlugs at tho World's Fair uutU August 24. Thoro is great distress among tho people of Labrador and the Northwest Coast of Nowfouudlaud on account of grip, diphtheria and starvation. Tho grave of Nathaniel Hawthorns at Coucord. Mass., has rocontly been so mutilated uy rcuo nuniers mat has boon found necessary to encircle It by a high fence. Tho champion ten-hour walker of Connecticut, John J. Ilampson, has been arrested on a charge of olgamy pro forred by wife No, 1, who llvos In South Norwalk. Conn, ills other wife is sain to bo tho daughter of ono of the city of ficials In Philadelphia. WALL PAPER ! A OAHIiOAIJ JUST A1UUVKD AT MELLBT'S. Blanks Go Gilt 8o Embossed 12 l-2e Window Shades, spring rollcrs..25c Curtain Poles 25 o MOVED TO 22 East Centra St., Shenanooah CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. SHERIFF, J. SMITH, I'HESUNT DEPUTY. SELLING OUT. Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Confectionery -OP ALT, KINDS.- No Combine Beer I has fcccurcd tho agency for tbo BUUWE1SES and EXPORT BEERS RICHARDS & CO. OF WILICm-BAItltE.-. These brewers aro NOT IN ANY U11U4T and ate selllne ho!r excellent hpers at tbo people's prices. Saloonkeepers Supplied at $7 Per Barrel. Private Parties " " $8 " OUDEILS CAN HE LEFT WITH , 11AAK, 120 S. MAIN ST., who will promptly till all orders for SUenandotth and vicinity. WANTS, &o. FORHALE.''-Aroo(1 pool tublo In the KxcellorClub room. Apply at (ho room, or T. A. Evans', 31 East Centre 8t. lMir Attention, House Cleaners ! T7011 JtEJJT. A dwelllnu house JL coelHlnlug six rooms. Apply to It. O. Knight, SSKost Centre s.reot. 8-1 -If STOCK FOU SALE. Ten Shares of Lakeside stock for sain at par. Good reasons for selling. anaoau, ra, Apply to B. J. Yost, 80en- s i7 tr D ABLE PROPERTY FOR sole. Ono of tlie most desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at Ilowse's grocery Btore. cor ner Jardln and Oak streets, ijbenandoau, l'a. aYPE WRITING. A younp Indy, . type writing. ail at llKHAi.i) olllce, or address llEHAr.D, Bheuando-ib, l'a, 8 Ml The warm weather la hero, and house-cleaning Is the next thins in order. And at such times most everybody needs something to brighten up tho home, so If you need a good carpet of either Veuet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brusse, TWO OR THREE-PLV INGMAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! You can find a full assortment at PRICE'S, ESIKABLE PROPERTY FOR J snle cheap, It being on rorncr of Coal d Kmerlck streets. Ills KUttable for many purposes. Apply to No. 23 8 Jardln 8U 8 3 tf Lace Curtails, Curtain roles of all Kinds ! I7OR SALE. A party who Is nbout . to move from town will sell a flrsUclass Chlckerlug plnno for a rpn-onnble price. An ply nt the 11 khali) office. 817-3t Window Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. I'rices cannot do oeaten wnen quality is cousiuerea. No misrepresentation one price to all. "OROPOALS. Sealed prosposals JL. will bo rccoived D3 tne nnoersigneu com- ... ..H.IIAn ... icm rn.linllrt. lug tho loumlatlon fir 8t. George's Lithuanian cliulcli, corner Jardln and Cherry streets, Rhonaudmh, l'a. 1'lnns and speciflcatlons fitr thn KnmecAn bo seen fit the Btore of A. Jlelusky, No 1(8 Eust Centre street. The committee reservo tho right to reject any or J.BKUITUI-SKA8, Committee. Shenandoah, August 11, 1891. PRICE' 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. PROPOSAL6? Will he received for furnishing and delivering to the different school bulldtugsot t ho tiorougti of Hbeuundoah 2G5tousof egg cofll,30 tons of stove coal. 10 tons Of nea coal Hill 10 tons of chestnut coal. All bids tobe submitted by September 1, 1891. Tho committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. N. J. OWENS, WILLI M TKEZISE, WILLIAM I1A01IMAN, JAMES O'llKAllN, A. J. GALL AG 111511, 8-1 1-1 It Committee. -PIOU CONSTITUTIONAL Jaiiicn J. Francy. OF SHENANDOAH, Subject to Uomocratlo rules, IIF "STOTJ Wvitther Iudloatluns. WAsniNQTOW, Aug. 18. For Now Engloudi Generally fair; continued warm wcutherj southwesterly winds. For Eastern New York and Now Jersoyi Generally fair, oxoept light local showers probably In tho ovenlng; continued warm weather, Southerly winds; wtinn (weather and looal showora aro likely Wednesday. Tor Western Now York and Wostoni Venn. sylvanla: Scattered showors; contlnuol warm wcuthur; southerly winds. NKW YOUIC SIAUICGT8. QTUAWS thnw Iho way 'he wind blows, but they dou't show what hard blows wo have been striking at stnw hat prices. Bomohals aio dear at any price; lhee huts aro cheap at double the Toiiey. If what covers your head Is not bi comlug toyoa, nil the pains you tako as to tho rest oi your attire aresiiuply thrown away. Comonnd see how yon will look: In oue of our .Via straw lints. There's no use In giving any turther description oftheratban to say this they aro stylish. Wo cut the prlco down because wo want to cut our stock down. Auotber big bargain In hats is our tl black ellfThats. 13 S, Main St, S0ANLAN Shenandoah New Yohk. Aua. 17. Money on call loaaod easy at ljo aaiX'J per cent. 110ND3. Closing Hoaln? Saturday. To-day. 4U, 1801 lies 100 Mi, ISfll Coup 1003. 4 is UK)7 Ilea iyu t u, iuu7 coup uv bTOCK MA UK llx. Closing Saturday Canadian Paclflo. 81 Central I'aolHo -T Chicago. Ilur.&Qulncy 8ii jieiuwuro a iiuusua iu Del., Lack. & Wostern Krlo , 1 Ilrlo pref 48 Ijiko Shore 100 Louis. & Kasn uyw Mlohlgan Central., 01 MiSbOurllVlIlo.,., SOW COU Now Jersey Central 11CJ-S li:iU Northwestern. 105 10h.)I OrHon Navigation 05 U01 VaellloMall 33 UH lUivling 3711 SO llook Island 7111 7hjl Ht. l'uul , 03J U7U Union Paclflo 37 A7U Wostern Union 78JJ 81 OltAIN MAHKET. Whfut market excited durln? oarlv hnura but the mlvunco sooa followed by docllne lu CARTER'S September, 113; October, No, 8 Mixed 82; crluus and closed: Ited winter, 115; Corn wus actlvo and olosodi Bopt.73U! Oot. 71. OaU dull; No. S Mixed 40. September 38. 1'nOPUCB llCTTEa- Creamory, State rcan., extra.S0Ho.a?l o. uwuaArt. wasrura. hmh , in ,o.Aiy Blck ncaflache and relievo all tio troubles tnel dent to a Mile as state cf tbo e; item, such 03 SlzzlnecB. Nsusu. )rowslai.. Dlsti'eM aftei! cstlcg. Fain in tho fll'to, WTjilo their moo5 rctasitnmo success cls djcu aaou -i is conag iTMSaslio. vtl Carffr'a Ltttlj Mvap PflM MO equally valtmblo In Constipation, curing and pro Veatlug this annoying coniUalat.wId!o theyalaii corroci&Udlfiordorsorthobtomachtlmulalotho liver and regulato tho bowels. UroaUthoyoahj carta (AcVo Ihoy wonld boalmcatprlMlesa to tiiofio who ealfer from this distressing complaint; but fortu nately tbelrgoodnoss docs notend hero.and thosa irno onco iry uiem wiu uuu uieeu muu piuq vaiu. illftfnnninr)VVSTsthatthBV Will not bo Wit. ling to do without them, IlutafteraUslckhesJ. (is the bane of so many lives that harolawhsra MomiVaourgrcat boaat. Ourpillscuxeltwhllo others do not. Cuter'a Uttle liver mis aro very small and very easy to ttio. Ono or two fills mako a doso. Ifaer are strictly vcgeUbla and do not gtlpo or nurffA. tmtliv Ihotr nentlaaetlnn nlaaaaall who uaetham. In vials at M cents t avofdrlli 014 vj urugguu OYorywuert or scat oy joau. filRTERinrniftiun f.n.. MuVnki SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE, SMAILPRICE. POLITICAIi. tOIt rJUEItlKT, JoscpU Woll, Of 1'OTTSVII.I.K. Subject to Democratic rules. CONVENTION We mean It In every sense of the word. We ofler you good all-wool BUlts for less tuati their value. Our light goods must go, regardless of coat; bo If you want to purchase a Men's All-wool Cheviot Suit for $0.50 call ou us. Furnishing goods also to be had at lower prices than you will find them elsewhere. We make no boasts merely for advertisement, but what wo advertise we will do. CalKand examine our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret it. Tl "FAMOUS" ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, XI JY. Main Street, Shenandoah. Ann GOING TO ItllHHnurl, Iannnn, ArlcniiHnu, Texan, IMeliriihltn, LouiHiaua, Colornclo, Utnli, C"llIoriiln, OreKO,WnHlilut:ton,Me3tlco, New Mexico or Arizona, and will send mo a postal card or letter stating Where you ure going, When you are going, Where you will start from, How many there are in your party, What freight nud baggage you have, I will write you or call at your liouo and furnish you with tho fullest Information regarding routes, lowest rates of all classes, besides maps, descriptive and Il lustrated laud pamphlets, resort books, Hot Springs guides, etc. Cheap Fanning Lands In Missouri, Arkan- 1LUUHUH UUU A CAM. J. P. MoCANN. Eastern Trav. Apt., W. E. HOYT, G.E. P. Agt., 301 Broad way ,New York Iron Mountain Route, MISSOURI AND PACIFIC RAILWAY A. J.GALLAGHEE, Justice of the Peace, Deeds; Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written. Marriage licenses ana legal claims promptly attended to. Real Estale, Collection and Insurance Agency. General Fire Insurance Business, Represents the jNortuwesicru i.ire insuranoe co. Office Muldoon's bulldlnc. corner Centre and West Bis., Bhenandoah, l'a. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. 1. A two story double frame dwelling house storoand restaurant, on lout i;entro Ht. 2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre street. 8. l'etirable property on corner Centre and Jardln streets, suitable (or business pur-noses. i. A two story double lrame dwelling, on West Lloyd street. 5. Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen- tr streets 8. Two 2 story dwelllnes on the corner ol uoai ana unebiuut streets rstore room in one. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut street, with a lame warehouse at the rear. 8. Three two-si ory double frame buildings corner or Lloyd and Gilbert streets. New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Paieted, Papered and Renovated. No. lis EAST CKNTKK STREET, Three doors above Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Mr. Haskey would Inform his many friend1 and tbo nubile that be will cater tn their wants In the same' first-class style that he has don In tlie past. None but the best brands of for. ll(m T.rl ,1 n... out , n ...... tn.n will bo ltept in stock. Choice temperance drlnlis. Fine old slock ale Theeatlnsba' Is supplied with everything In the ettlnir lino served in tho best style. Meals served at all hours. Fine private rooms attached. -J"TJST OUT- First National Bank 'riiE.vritw nuicniNO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. The Leading Photographer, NO. 14 ft WHITE ST. The work dono at this gallery Is fully equal to that done nt tho largo galleiles of New York and rmiaaelobl j. Comparison is in vited between the spo.-lmeus of bis two and thrto dollar cabinets shown la bis window and the best of work douo elsewhere at Ave and six; dollars. srf-.jj not cninn long nignts oi stairs to canonize an enterprise run uyouioftown purtles when better work may be had of your own townsmen. Capital, $IOO,OOO.oo, Lambert, The Hatter, The "HEW BROADWAY" BAHGE It beats everything In the market, and tho prlco is Just right to suit tho times. It will pay you to come and see It. I am prepared to do the following at the prices quoted: Tin roollng .........6o per footand up Tin roof painting i,o " " Tin conductor ...,.....12e " " Tin hanging cutter 12o ' " Galvanized chimney stack 20o per pound Kepalrs for all stoves a spjclalty. WM. P. PBATT, 7 6 3m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah A. W. Leisenrinq, Pi6s., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenrinq, Cashier, S. IV. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Carries an extraordinary line ot I lata, Caps and Cents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty ot Nellie Bly and Mary Anderson Caps. e 33A9T asisrarpiB st. Open Daily From 9toj3. 3. PER OENT. INTEREST! INilct ou HuvlnsB Deposlta. TO HUCKSTERS I L, Gardner, agent for the New Jersey 1'encu grower's Association, will be at the LEHIGH VALLEY DEPOT every raorniup with cnoice jersey Peaches, Canteloupes. Tomatoes, Bart- tett Poars, &o., which will be sold at I'lilladelpliia pricea. 8-ll-lw LEATHER mi SHOE FlilDIHGt; 3?- CT. CLEABY, f Dealer In all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Largo and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 V. OENTBE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA. The Cheapest Place ! TO BUY Gents' FnrcisMng Goods, Hosiery, Ele , CHARLES : YAROWSKY'S, 23 West Centra Ht., Shenandoah. Q M. HAMILTON, M.Dn PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office-fa. 23 West Lloyd Street, Shenandoah