s A 1 Presets In the moil elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTniTIOUS JUIOE OP THK FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the mcdiciu.il virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti 1, .......... :ii A pW, pfliUUl UU cl WCHK. Ul 1I1.11.UVC condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER UNU BOWELS. It it the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE WE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Hiliou. or Constipated so THAT PURL, BLOOD, REFRESHING SLCfP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATUDALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR ORUQQIST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. iDuisviuc. xr New vorx. n. r. John R. Coye, ' . Attorney-at-Law Real Estate Agent, OFFICE IIBDDAU.'8 llUIMttttQ, Cor. Main and Centre Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA. PROPERTY FOR SALE: 1 A two nnd one-half story double frame uweiimg uouse, win store-room ana res taurant. Located on Bast Centre street. A valuable property located on Houth Jar din street. 3 Heven dwelling Iioihps at the corner of Oil tiert and Lloyd streets. Guod Investment. Xernu rcasoualu. Dr. Erosvenor's r 1 1 -uiu-sii; a'yrZ';l';tif PLASTER. Ithenmlf m. na-mraTrrfa nlrmnenr unfl InnilnimH qua tjvA ovun , r uirw lortwiio uy ait xn'.RRibie. i QOLD 112DAL, PARIS, 1873. I. Baker fifth's from which the excess of oil has beon removed, is Absolutely JPttre and it is Soluble. No Chemicals Bare used In Its preparation. It lias more ton three times the strengtli of f Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot S or Sugar, and is thereforo far moro economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & 00., Dorchester, Mass. A "' S THESTE5 Ff'f.t. Have cwd Atony iboi n.d h , ty the i .ji'- t f nuirllv diWapiJefti, m t' fit tH'TIKlxU . 'uU s.rti. t. i . Mfrs ..( tyroyynn are temi'veiij -..iii , i LsSO( oi l..t fccutou? (.airs. trtil, nd tr-n ren' V i,ir , i " r n twwifirt I IFFERINGWOMEOr! 'j tr.mhlftd with ru nnonyinir Irrttsuln.itift c tC'Mitlv foUowina cult! (.rtxpouie, or (rob Con '(1 ' " ' hi llb J r-O tViC m r (O (DUir ULMHi" Una DR. DuCrOilvK'b CMabra tetj CTJf REGULATING PILLS. h hi- t , mititv fcjiftrf , nTpi ii forrfli til fnnetiOtiiioC 1 YOUNG MAN, sss ray yon to visit the 'RucHLfeTER Bimi- uivKiti'iif Derorea.oldtng -wtieie, though you may live a thou-unrt miles away. It stands at the head of the Ilstot commer r ul EenoolH In Its chaj-fiLr ns an ndnosl innul force, as n medium lor nipplyln the liuslness uiru i niouuuuiry witn traix.ea ana capme i a iucuiiH oi placing a-miuiiouii oui giuen and women on the highroad to Miccetg, i nd In the t-ztcnt, elauce and cost ' '." y..'f". " .orougUt.UMMKlM'IAI., MltmTHAM) AND 1'KAfrririAl. kni.thit k 'iuwsji-1, mob i wenty-aeventh Annual It nalogiw will be mailed to any address. WILLIAMS &R0GEnS,RoW.ter' & Uilrhf.tfr'. KilHk nlcixonj Kra.4. ENNYROYAL PSLLS DruitN-iKt fur 9M4ifBr8 rmiith Pia-i norui tt a.J Id lted UDd fcoJ DwlttUaV buxM, KfttM w.U blus rlltUiu. Tako nootheis Rttvt Jatuiraui tubttuv tiont inl imitations. iiDrugijUilria14ti la atktnpl for jwlIouUi. li.lriuolila lUilf for TjMllr." inlttt, by rf4am am it. jwivv" 4"wutviiitw. warn raper H TOMKBOY, iTTnDurf.ir.f jsv Gee BeddiU'o building corner Main a4 Oentri Breakfast OOOOB ii mtm.. ran. HI. KM GREAT GRAIN SCARE No Failures Reported from tho Flurry in Wheat. TjAEQE MARGINS CALLED FOR. Light Trading the Halo To-day on all tho Big Exohaoges. Itnmensn Fortunes MAd mid Lost Tes toiilny Thoro Was Wild Kxctteraent In atlnlieupolls Frisco Doaler. 8ny Whout I. Too HlEll-Short Crops Re ported from Franco. New Yokk, Aug. 18. Tho whont market opened steady this morning, but all are watching Chicago trad foreign quotations nnd there may bo another spurt in prices before the dny Is over. Yestcrd.iy's trading in wheat on tho Produco Exchange was the largest in years. The transactions amounted to ia),500,000 bushels. It was somewhat remarkablo that no failures vrero announced. Tho nbsenco of them showed that tho trudars wero in good financial condition. The whe,.t speculators discovered that the foreigners thoroughly understood the cro; situation on both sides of the water. Tho prolltB on tho cable orders wore hoAvy, and they came out of tho pockets of tho men who were so anxious to buy at the outset. Wheat ought to sell lower on account of the excMsIvo yield. Iu the hands of speculators entirely great, howover, it may be advanced, which will bo a good thing for tho producers. Rye, which has had tho largest ad vance of any cereal, had an abrupt de cline of 7 cents on the news that the Germnn Government had given orders to accept wheat in lieu of ryo on army contracts. Not only is there a short crop of whoat in Europe, hut also of ryo, whloh is an Important article of food with tho peas antry. Tho wheat to make up tho de ficiency in ryo will como from America. NO FAILURES IN CHICAGO. Brokers Itefus to Do lltislocss Except on Largo Slnralns. Chicago, Aug. 18. Brokers refused to do business to-day except on extraor dinary margins, and principals wora not numerous in the pits. Tho result wus a light business. Nobody was anxious to do anything. Everybody foared such u sonsational turn In prices as would re sult in general ruin. There Is no talk of a corner now. Tho so.irclty of broadstutls in Europe, not manipulation, is held responsible for the phenomenal advance in prices. The strain of tho Intense excitement was too severe to bo borne for any pro tracted period. With transactions oov orlng many million bushels per day, an advance of 24 cents per bushel In one week is ouough to give pauso oven to the wildest plungrr. It wns a rather remarkable Instance of tho solidity of this market that during the phenomenal fluctuations in prices the past three or four days, in which im mense fortunes have been made and lost, there has thus far not been s single failure, and even rumor has not been busy with the nnmo of any member of the Board as in financial trouble. Whoat Too Hlch lu 'FrI.oo. Saw Francisco, Aug. 18. Business on the Board of Trade hero has bean stimu lated by tha excitement prevailing in the Eastern markets for tho past fow days. Wheat quotations have beon consider ably higher. It is stated by dealers, however, that as far as this market Is concerned tho freight is against any fur ther advance in wheat, and prices are considered too high now. Tho crops aro large and hetweon one and two million tons will be available for shlpmont. Wild itlnrkat la 3Iluoapolls. ItoNEAPOua, Minn., Aug. 18. There was a lively sceaa on 'Change here when, wheat started at $1.04, swung gradually up to $1.(18 and then bagan a downward whirl that at noon landed at an even dollar. Speculators wero greatly ex alted and bidding was without any basis us to value. It was a wild market. Ttnport on tile Krnuch Wheat Crop. Washington, Aug. 18. Tho Consul at Paris cables that the wheat crop of France is estimated at 00,009,000 hecto litres, leaving a' deficiency of 33,000,000 hectolitres. Owing to this fact the cus toms surtax on wheat will be suspended for one year. Iter In's Grnlu Slaiksc Feverish. Bbmjn, Aug, 18. The corn market lu this city continues excited. August rye opened at 209 mrks; September and October 253 marks, August wheat was quoted at 251 marks, nnd September and October at 246. FORCE MAY BE USED. lt.parntlon Must be Mad. by Cutua for the Slob Uulimges. London, Aug. 18. A Shanghai dis patch says the foreign Ministers havo notlll.ed the Chinese government that a joint naval demonstration of an affective nature, in whioh the French, American, British and German squadrons will take part, will lie ordered in tho near future unless spewdy reparation Is made for the injuries, outrages nud abuses complained of by the Ministers by the powers. The foreign residents have been much relieved by this action. The tension re sulting from the Chlnesa government's refusal to offer nay redress for the out rages upon tho foreigners has caused great anxiety. Virginia Fnrm.ra Mt To-day, Richmond, Vn., Aug. 18. The State convention of the Farmers' Alliance is in session here to-day. The leaders say that no radios! measures will be (adopt ed. Tho OcrtU platform will be en dorsed and free coinage urged. Senator Daniels will be recommended for re-eleo- tlon. 'the White Uouse Ludlo. lu London, London, Aug. 18. Mrs. UciKee and Mrs. Kussell Harrison have returned to Kuglaud lu xosllent health. They will remain quietly here for a fow days, rest ing from tha fatigues of tho round of social pleasures inaugurated in their honor at the French capital. Chloaaft Seonrs Another Beslcry. CuiairK), Aug. 18. - Pitcher Vlck and Catcher Kc.hrlvr, the crack battery of the Milwaukee Club, liavs been signed by tte Oblciiuo Club. flighest of all in Leavening Power. AESOLUTEL PURE DENNINQTON CROWDED. Kvnrr Train iLrrlvltta Tii-dHV Itronoht lCxaurslonlsts from Distant Cttlnii. Bennington, Vt. Aug. 18. Tho littla town of Bennington Is already for tho celebration of tho 100th anutversary of Vermont's Stntehood and tho dedication of tho monument to commemorate the battle of Bennlug'on. Tho Vermont State troops aro cmnped at tho Soldier's Homo, whoro thoy havo been joined by two batteries ot Rhodo Island artillery and several companies of New Hamp shire infantry. Gov. Page has his headquarters at the Soldier's Home, Ho has been busy all day with the mombors of the different committees preparing tho progrnmmo in detail ior tho exorcises to-morrow. The Prosldont will reach North Bon nlngton this evening, but will not como to Bennington until to-morrow forenoon. Ho will be cntertalnod at North Ben nington to-night by Gen. J. G. McCul lougb, who has tendered tho hospitality of his homo to tho Presidential party. North Bennington is only five miles from Bennington, and tho President will drive over to-morrow morning in a four horso carriage The Governor will prob bably be his escort, although this point of etiquette has not boon determined Anally. Evory train that came Into Bennington to-day brought many exaurslonlsts and the town is crowded. THE PRESIDENT STARTS. n Leavos Cnpe Miiy This Morulog on Ills lirunlngton Trip. Oapb Wat, N. J., Aug. 18. The Presi dent left on his Bennington trip this morning at 8:30 by special train In n Pullman car. Accompanying him wero Private Secretary Halford, Russell B. Harrison, Howard Gulo, ot Indianapolis, a guest of the Prosldcnt; K. B. Tibhott, stenographer, and the. President's valet. Miss Sanger will remain at Cape May and tako chargo of the official mall, com municating with the head ot the govern ment if necessary. Tho family of tho President will stay nt the Cape May suminor capltol during his 10 days' absence. THE MURDERER ARRESTED. Voung Brunor Captured hy n Personal Frloml in Pittsburg. PirrBBniio, Aug. 18. Elmer Bruner, who muidcrcd old man Recso at Ebens burg lost Thursday, was arrested hero last evening by Stephen Acor, a member of Company A, 14th Regiment, N. G. P. Aoor was n poisonal friend of Brunor's since boyhcod. They met on tho street near Acor's homo. Acor told Bruner It was I1I3 du$y to arrest him, knowing Bruner was wnntod for murder, which ho did, and took him to the central sta tion, where ho was locked up. Brunor claims that ha went into old mnu Reese's house for a drink, when the old man pulled a guu ou him, and ho shot Ruesa In self-defense. Thero Is no doubt, however, but Bruner's intention was to rob the house, nnd when Reeso surprised him with his gun Brunor shot and killed tho old man. The Window Glass Trouble. PrrrsBUBO, Aug. 18. There Is no change iu tho window glass situation, and tho prospects for another couteroncu ou the scale are no brighter than they wero when the last one adjou uod. The manufacturer!) seem indiffereut as to when tbey como to au understanding, and the men are apparently enjoying their prolonged vocation. The workmen, however, say they have, little fear as to the result. When the manufacturers r.ro pushed for stock they say they will etiirt regardless of tho scale. Speakers fur Uuamployd Labor. Nkw York, Aug. 18. A meeting at Union square last night in the interost ot tho unemployed labor ot the city wus addressed by L. B. Heller, of Newark, N. J., who spoke In favor of oo-operattvo labor, and Prof. Daniel De Leon, Social istic candidate for Goveruor of Now York. George Frauds Train was iu the audience, but did not make u spoech. To a few Intimate frleuds ho solemnly stated that a revolution would occur within 00 days. Jesse 1'omoroy Tries toUscape. Boston, Aug. 18. Jesse Pomoroy, who Is serving a solitary life sentence for murder, attempted to escape from his solitary oouliuumunt yesterday. He had lu his possession a oase-kalfo which had been notched so as to make a rude saw. He wus discovered at work on the bars of the windows of his oell. This is his seoond uttem it to escape. Senator Utmdrleks Out ofPolltlos. Sthacusk, N. Y., Aug. 18. Senator Frauds Hendrioks has set at rest the rutnorB that he would bo a candidate for Senator again. To a reporter he said that he was out of politics for good, "I nm uot a eandidute for renomination," he said, "and I would not aocept tha of fice under any clroumstttncos." Founder Ilindlny's Xtntd. Asbory Park, N. J., Aug. 18, Drug gist Uenry E. Williams was again ar rested ou tha oharge of selling liquor at au up-towu store. The charge was pre ferred by Founder Bradley. Mr. Brad ley says ha will have every drug store proprietor who sells liquor arrested be fore the season closes. Auollier Cbulleugo tu DIxoa. New York, Aug. 18. A special from Deuver says the backer ot Dau'uy Daly ol that city has Issued a challenge in behalf of Daly for a fight with George Dixon for $9,900 a side and the featherweight cham pionship of the world. Aftr all, tho best way to know the real merit ,f Hood's Sartaparilla, ia to try it youis.ili. Ba sure to got Hood's. U. S Gov't Report, Aug. 17, i83r. Attached the Ilnml. Watbrburt, Conn., Aug. 18. A Judg ment having Iweu rcoovered iu New York for about 0,000 agalust tho estate ot tho lato Mr. Slater, the Zsorwloh millionaire, nud tho amount not having been pntd be cause ot a pending appeal, Samuel II. Lcumnn hns attached the Warren House of Wntertown. This hotel Is owned by Samuel McLean, who was on the late Mr. Slater's bond, and who is himself n Brooklyn, N. Y., millionaire. The Desert Lnko Is rArniaoent. San Francisco, Aug. 18. The latest report from Salton is that tho water la the ilosert hike Is slowly but surely rising at 'the rata of about three-fourths of an inch per day, This makes the amount ot water now In the Salton basin 1,400,514,000 cublo feet. It is forty-eight 1 days since the lloou was llrst noticed, That the lako will bo permanent, there Is no longer any doubt. Cln.o on ik Murdorcr's Trail. Bklvidkre, N. J., Aug. 18. Tho de tectives here now have a positive oluo to the murderer of Freeze, whose body wns found on the Hope road on Aug. 0. Freeza was last seen alive near Danvillo, His homo was uear Port Murray. Tho ofllcorsare on the alert and will effcotau arrost very soon. An Old Man Commits Suicide. New York, Aug. 18. Mathlas Wagner, a tailor 72 years old, committed sulcldo at noon by severing an artery iu his wrist and bleeding to death, Troublo with his wife was tho causa ot tha net. Nominated for 3fayor of Newport. Newport, R L, Aug. 18. Col. S. A. Handy has been uomluated for mayor by the Democrats. The Foot Whlltlor lu Good Health. Newbcrtport, Mass., Aug. 18. John G. Whlttier, tae poet, is st tying at Cart lands Garden. lie is at present in bet ter health tbnu nt any timo during tha past six months and is lmprovlug.dnlly. Chloroform Uiidnd Ills Life. Buffalo, N.Y., Aug. 18. L. W. Smith, aged about 29 years, hut evening lu a room iu the Carleton House, committed sulcldo by taking chloroform. His re mains are in charge of tho coroner. Dinner to Sucrotnvy Tracy. Bar Harbor, Me., Aug. 18. Mr. H. L. Slator ot Wobsler, Mass., gave a dinner to Secretary Truoy last night at the Mal vern, covers belug laid for 10. Chlnutowu Guurdnd. San Francisco, Aug. 18. Chinatown is being guarded by Custom House in spectors and reveuuo agents to proven t the transfer ot opium. C"0PYRIG)fT..I88l Stamped out hlood-poisons of every nnme and naturo, hy Dr. Pierce's dioldon Med ical Discovery. It's a medicine that starts from tho beginning. It rouses evei-y or gan into healthy action, purilios and enriches tho blood, and through it clcansos and renews the whole sys tem. All Blood, Skin, and Soalp Diseases, from a common blotch or eruption to tho worst Scrofula, aro curod by it. For Tetter, Salt rheum, Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Soro Eyes, Goitro or Thick Nock, and Enlarged Glands, Tumors, and Swellings, it's an une qualed remedy. Don't think it's like the sarsapa rillas. They claim to be good for the blood in March, April, and May. "Golden Medical Discovery" works equally well at all seasons. And it not only olaims to do good it guarantees it. If it doesn't benefit or oure, in overy oaae, you liave your money back. You pay only for tha good you get. BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. rmicT in roraii-MATCiuu n wtti & SQIJoas W.I . tb. MI.I.UU fbr.UMrlLi.ulhsl PUD? DOJ. .1 Willi V. , Ut 10 l.ktlU Ev.rr UAH ssn I STE0H3 mlvIGOEOOSln,.!! n.psets. YOUfJQ MEN UK OLD, inffartng from Nf'VOOS SB- eilitx. iOi i or run tax b- i hood, Ffcyilcal Ei -.. Mtinta! i Worry, filaatsd Duvet, i moot, or any PERSONAL WEAKMHb. eaa be ' reitorad to VERT EOT faLALTH a&d tbi MOBtS VITALITY ef BTEOK1 MBK, thsrrldsaad fowsrof riatloas. ' wo claim by years of pai i"-e by 'UOKOPOLY OF eUC08B" in trt-aO nirftli vltuiei, weakaiis is and AOicuoniorwa. it iiimonlaia U tn itat11 antl 'i . rr tirlea. OUR NEW iaOK&''r.tSi Hwbllsyooesn. Fall EiplanatlonsforH '-14 k IBCiT UBMT. Toa cD b FULLY UErJTGKED t . - mntiiat tbsvsbsinbyni Btbvdstirtitlmoatii Am ? stones CRIEMCDICAI.CO.BUFFALU.M.Y. I 8414 y st PATTISOI, TESTIFIES Tito Governor Boforo tho Pliil ndclphia Committee. EXPLAINING HIS BANK AFFAIRS. He Ssid He Never Paid Bardsley Intonn on State Money, Another Chapter In the QunkAr city Dank 8cnndnls The Ofltcor nf the Defnuot Gordon City Institution I'lead Oullty lrsldnt Konnody nnd Ills llrothor to bo fenntriiced This vftoruoon, PHiLAPKLrHlA, Aug. 18. The councils sub-committee to luvestlgato the affairs of ex-City Treasurer Bardsley and the Keystouo Bank hold another session, Gov, 1'attlson appeared und expressed a willingness to tostlfy as to the nlleged payment of Interest to Bardsley by tho Chestnut Street National Bank, ot whioh Mr. Paulson was president prior to his olection as Governor. After being sworn he ssldi "I was elected president of the Chest nut Street bank in 1887 and served uutll tho seoond weok la January, 1801. The city opened an account with tho bauk when it was made a dty depository. Bardsley at that timo was treasurer, I think. No Interest was paid to Bardsley on the noaount. "I nover mot Mr. Bardsley as president wlce, and I novor know him socially. At no timo as president of tho bank did I have any conversation with Bardsley on tho question of deposit, or directly or indirectly on tho payment ot Interest, No interest was ever paid on Stnto money. "The first intimation wo hod th-it somo of tho money deposited by Bards ley w.is State money was whon wo were called upon to file a bond of $100,000. This Mr. SIngorly subsequently did. Bardsley came to tho bauk in 1889, and received certillcutes of deposit. Those certificates ware obtained by Bardsley from time to timo, and It was upon these that Interest was paid about $000 at one time and $500 at another. "The first intimation I had that tho bank was paying Bardsley interest was when tha cashier camo to mo and said Bardsley wontod threo per ceut, on his money. Tho bank oould not nfford to pay this, the certificates wero surrendered and the account withdrawn, "Certlfioatos ot deposit are issued by all banks and Interest paid on thorn. Tho account for which wo gave Bardsley tho certificates was not a oheck account, and tho money merely remained in tha bank. We nover paid Bardsley any lu torest on tho account of the city." According to tho testimony of oxperts, Bardsley, lu addition to his various ille gal sources of profit to himself, appears to havo had the use of $033,833.38 for two mouths. Tho money belonged to tho sinking fund and was tho proceeds of tho sitlo of loans to pay tho city's debts. Instead of at onco paying tho monoy into the troasury, Burdsloy loaned it out at interest for tho period men tioned. ALL PLEAD GUILTY. Philadelphia's Spring Garden Il.mk Orfl cors to bo Bnntenced Tills Afternoon. Philadelphia, Aug. 18. Judge Butlei will pass sentence upon Francis W. Ken nedy, president, nud Henry H. Kennedy, cashier ot tho defunct Spring Garden, this afternoon. Both pleaded guilty to tho bills of lu. dlctment found against them by tho grand jury and both asked for a month's grace, Henry Kennedy's counsel plead ing that hiB wifo was about to become a mother aud that ho could ussUt tho receiver in unravelling tho accounts much better out of jail than If ha wero in it. Charles Lawrence, assistant cashier ot the Keystone Bank, pleaded guilty to charges of nsslstlng to wreck the Institu tion and also mitdo an appeal tor delay, but it was refused. Many teases of Vellow Fevor In Vera Cruz. Washington, Aug 18. Lute advloes frr.it. mils nurl Ititvanii ,iv lliul. yellow fever Is prevalent to an alarm ing extent at vera uruz, ami tuougu tuo health authorities were striving to ahetk the spread of the disease, their effort were apparently unavailing. Unny deaths have occurred during tho last six weeks, and it is a common sight to seo a string of funerals half n mile long, stretching from tho g.ites ot tha city to the oemetery, such funeral party waiting patiently for a chuueo to bury its doad. ISscanetl from u Itrutnl Father L ah nam villi:, N. J., Aug. 18. Joseph Curtis is charged by his 17-yoar-oIi' daughter with having chloroformed aud assaulted her six weeks ago. lie Is said to havo repeated the olfenco sevoral times after that. Finally tho girl mado her escnj e and told her friends the story, Curtis has fled. Ills wlfa died two years ago. Chargftl With the Laroony of SlOO,00O. LiTtLS Rock, Ark., Aug. 18. A great Musatlou has been oreatod hero by tha arrest of J. L Bay ou a warrant sworn out by State Treasurer Harrow oharging him with the laroany of $100,000. Bay was a olerk employed by the bondsmen ot ex-6taie Treasurer Woodruff to ex amine the books of the defaulting Statu trsuwuror. ' Choked hi Ilurgrlar.. LANOAirraa, Pa., Aug. 18. The boos of Frederick Urotwold, ou the ontskfrte of the towu, was eutered by four men early iu the morning who bound and almost choked Mrs. Urotwold to death. Neighbors oarne to her .issUtHuoe nnd Uioliael Davis of Philadelphia, one ot the assailants, was arrested. Mrs, Grot wold's oondltlou is serious. Ivxeltlng Wnnl Caucus. Oswboo, N. Y., Aug. 18. A ward cau cus Lhere last night resulted in a row be. tweeu the Cleveland aud Hill men, in which Chairman Halleran used abuslva lauguage toward Mayor Kolioe nnd wuj knooked down. The ballot box was kicked over und three men arrested for riot. An Australian Hank Palls. llLUiouitNU, Aug. 18. The suspension ot the UiltlsU Bank ot Australia it an nounced. The liabilities are 8U0W0, halt of whloh is owing to creditors iu England. I4JI ARE WE Right or IV rong? A Shoe Dressing mutt restore the bril liancy of a worn shoe, and at the same thnc frtttrve I lit softness of the leather. LADIES will the Dressing you arc using do both ? Try it I Pour a dessert spoonful of your Dressing into a saucer or butter plate, set it aside for a few days, and it will dry to a substance os hard and brittle as crushed gkss. Can such a Dressing be good for leather? Wolff's A01ME Blacking will stand this test and dry as a thin, oily film which is as flexible as rubber. 25 Dollars worth ot Now Furniture for 25 Cents. HOW? By painting 25 square feet of Old rurniture with Jr ASA,ei.Tif&ss:W runr. WOLFF A RANDOLPH, 997 North Front Street PHILADELPHIA. m id 3 FLY U g CHEAP ATI J TfcOMC. 1W other styles P-A '". p-lra lo su;tafl WH.Ari.rJ) VS' Nrt, l'i " Ai LLr-KI. Sole, r v Hi! ! "lets. . A Ic mr nireiili for V. I Douglas Slmm. If not for Mill in our plticu iisk sour denier lu hcih! for cntnloiriie, nvcuru tho UKiinuy, mid get llieui lor sou. UTTAKE M Mt'ISSTITUTK.-aS - L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a arati'lesti shoe, with no lock or wax thread to hurt tho IVrt; inutli- of 11m Urnt lluo calf, ttylloh und easy, nnd beau9t vr make more thorw of tht vrade than any nthrr maniifiioturer. It efiualsnniKl Ruwwl M.nes eiwtlnn from $4jW to&YUO. Ug 00 Grutiliio Ilnml-novvcil, the finet calf shoo vet offered for $JUXt equal- French Imported -dines whloh cost from $9.(Mto $Vi.Wt HKj OU MiiiH.-HtmcMl Welt Shoe, line calf. 8tj ltnht eomfurtidjlo nml durable. The best Bhon ever offered ut tulu prlet ; nnmo tirade as cus tom mttilL' Rlith-Hf o'stliiK from tti.iiu to$WW. ffiO 30 lfillf.'f) Short 'nrmtm, Kail mail Men tj aud IjCtU'rCurrifMoll wearthem, 11 uo calf, BfjiniU'BS, smooth J und le. hetivy throe soles, exten sion pilge. One i.ilr will wear n year. 4S5 OO Huron If) no iK'ttcr shoe over offered at Pt thin prleej one trial win couvlnoe those who want a shoe for comfort and service. tfift VS.? and $.00 U'lirnintiuimt'H sbnea iSfmm are very strong aud durable. Those who havo given them a trial will wear no other mako, DavcI S'-isOl) ami 81. ?3 school shoes aro KmvJJ 9 worn by the boysevery wheret they Mil on their merits, nt the Increasing sales show, I kHliAs Q'I00 lltimt-fwt'l shoe, bent wCiWi BCtZ9 Dongola, ery stylish; equals Frenctt Imported shoes costing from t$4.U to tfl.iw. Imdlca' !j.AO, &2.00 mid $1.75 shoe for Mlbses are the best flue Dongola. St llsh and durable. ('nutloii. See that V. L. Douglas' name and price are stamped ou the bottom of each shoe. W. I.. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Moss. tTtoiKoipaa. lO-fitti!,: Nmv 11 mi. Naw Stock. Green Truck, Fine Groceries, FRUITS, fa., Delaware rne ennd and o'hrr fresli fish right frum the Louis on I rkleyn. Krash Greens from the bouth. Evan's Building', E. Centre St. U.S. WMtainS old Hand) Kverythlng new snd 'r?su. Goods delivered tu any putt ot town. R. C. KNIGHT fe SOZf. W, S, SNYDER'S Eoot and Shoe Store, (Hosteller's old stand,) . Corner Coal mid Jaiillu Ht. Mr. Snyder will always keep In stock a fine line of boots and shoes. Custom WorJc and K.eitlrliijr done In the best style. He guarantees to sell olieaper ttu.ii oompeiltors of Dalu street who nave oig i euie lo Fay ana giiaraiiie a ivsiu jne barRatii on every purcbasa. FIRE INSURANCE I Ittfit! ill lliul letlailt Psrchj hn CwfMt, Kepresented hy DAVi- FAUSTi HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Cream t BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Orders promptly atteodrd In. Itortloular at tention paid to llnlls, Picnics, Teetlvals, etc. NOHT1I MAIN 8THEET, Near Corner of Lloyd, SHENANDOAH, PEKKA 4J sfe i & WHY IS THE w