n?io-isric goods HOW OJST TA -AT T1IK- COMER STORE AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, All kinds of potted meats, fish, canned goods, oysters, lobsters, crabs, Ilutslan cavlnr, fresh spiced oysters, finest smoksd linins, bo lognas und smoked beef, York stato full cream cheesc,lSnianthal,8wlBS, Edam, Sapsairo and Llmburger. Fine assortment of cakes and bis cuits. G. and B. pickles of all kinds. Tickles by the dozen. You will find Just what you want. SEYEEIT'S, KMSE1 liiFoi r m 11 lEIEIEL Dark. Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. all tiik ni:vs for onk ci:nt. Has a larger circulation In Shenandoah than any other paper published. Circu lation books open to all. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET! Judge Hon. D. B. Qreen. Sheriff Jienjamin .Smith. Jur.u Commissioner Mat. William Clark. Poor Director George Heffncr. Delegates to the Constitutional Con ventlon, 30t District Joseph II. Pomeroy, John J. Coyle. LOCAL LUNCHEON. Our job work always givoj satisfaction ; civo us a trial and bo convinced. Men arn gooso, women aro ducks, and birds of a foathor flock tOROthor. Tho eg? pUnt now keeps company with 'ho crb on our market stalls. Sometimos a professional funny man writas best when ho is out of humor. Tho man who likes whisky bettor than boof walks not after tho llosh but aftor tho spirit. Progress. It is very important in this ago of vast matoriil progress that a romody bo pleasing to tho tasto and to tho oyo, easily takon, ac ceptable to the stomach and healthy In its natura and effects. Possessing thoso qual ities, Syrup of Figs is tho ono porfoct laxa tivo and most gontlo diuretic known. A Complaint. Editob, IIeraed : It seems to mo that eomethiiiK should bo dono te curb tho con duct of somo of tho par'ies who aro en gaged in ropairing Ferguson's thoatro build ing. They not only flood tho pavomont with paint and oils, ondangoringthodres'cs of ladios who pass tho placo, but also con duct themsolvos in such a manner as to leavo paseors by opon to insult. I hopo Mr. Ferguson will givo tho matter his atlontion. Indionaht. Shenandoah, Fa., Aug. 11, 1891. Coming Evonts. Aug. 15 and 17. Fan and ico cream fes tival, Primitive ilothodist church. Aug. 18. Ico croam and poach festival, In Robbina' opora house, undor tho auspices of Camo No. 183, P. O. S. of A. Sont. 2 Japanoso ico cream festival in Kobblns' opora house, undor tho auspices of Shenandoah Commandory, No. 14, Sons of Araorica. Mllos' Norvo ana Llvor Pills Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach nod bowels through the nerves. a ji,,.-. nr. Mllcu' Pills Btieedllv cute biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, conBtlpatlon. unequaieu lor meu, ivuiucu, 25ct. Bamples Free, at C. H. Hagenbuch'a drug store. Completed to Doadwood. Tho Burlington Kouto, 0., B. & Q. It. K. from Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, is now (completed, and daily passenger trains aro runnlne throuch Lincoln, Nob., and Custor. S. D.. to Doadwood. Also to New castle. Wyoming. Stooping cars to Dead' wood. To Our Readers. Are you troubled with Consumption or a deep seated Cold, if so take healthy exercixe, live In open air, use run-Tina Cough and Consumption cure, ana u cureu. uu i delay. Trial bottles free at Klrlln'a drug Btoro Best work dono at Brennan's steam laundry. Everything whito and epotloBS. iaco curtains a spocialty. All work guar antoed. Exoellont Work. Tho Sl-a-dozen photos mado at tho lto.hon callorv. 9 West Centre street (Hoffman's old stand), aro a triumph of tho jihotographlo art. Boforo sitting, oiamino some of tho work dono for parties in town. It Is excellent. Festival. Tho Primitivo Mothodists of town will hold thoir ice cream aud poach fostival this ovaning. It will also bo continued on Monday ovonlng. Advortisa In tho Herald. Q. A. R. Notes. Mt. Carmol vetorans aro not meeting with tho success they oxpectod In raising money to do tho handsom-j thing to the visitors on Grand Army Day. Nevertheless the boys will manage to get enough to oH and drink. All that tho vo'.erans of tho Army of ttio Potomac want to know, in order to make them flock to Washington next yoar, is that tho provost guard has been abolished, and the old central guard-houso has been torn down. rV committee, with Davy Morgan as chairman, has been appointed by Post 140 to mako arrangonn-nts for transportation, etc., to ilt. Carmol on Grand Army Day. It was a big time for Gen. Alger. Ho planned wisely, worked hard and spont his own monoy lavishly to mako tho National Encampment tho grand success that it was. Tho comrados all understood and appre ciated this, and tho measuro of their grali tudo to him was overflowing. Ills appear ance any whoro was tho signal for enthu siastic cheering. Moro than any other man in tho order ho hai taken tho placo of the lamented Logan in thoir affections. Thoro is considerable talk among tho voterans about abolishing Grnnd Army Day. To somo posts it hs become a bur den, but as long as it is colobrated tbo "boys who wore tho blue" will mako it their duty to colebrato it. In a year or two it will bo a bard matter to get any of tho towns in tho district to accopt tho honor on account of tho expense connected with tho day. From The Nation's Capitol. Mr. A. H.Hazou. Washington, D. C.says: he Fatuous Red Flair Oil. Is a rcrlect family medicine, and 1ms ne equal Jor Hheumatlsm, Neuralnla. Sprains. Cms, Hums, aud nil boaily pain. 1'rice 23 cents. At Jvirilu'a drug wre. WANTS, &o. Almshouse Report. The regular monthly meeting of the Directors of Hie Poor of Schtiy Mil U. T?OR fc? A L.E.-A cood pool table In was held at the Almshouse, Aug. 11, UL' the Exccllor Club mom. Apply at the 1891. Present Win. Leulncerrhomas room, or T. A. Evans', 31 East Centre St. ll-3w J. Tracy, Charles U. Kane. Census of QR (UvelllB hnt.-e 4, "u"""' V , , J ' containing six rooms. Apply to H. C. JS'Ji: iNUinuer oi inmates in tuo nuiou Kuitrul.oSEastCentres-ruot. 84-tf July l. loin. 437: uumiier oi inmates in ttio uouso Ainr. i. ibsii. 4ii3 uecrenBe ur. ustweeu mo iieiiicn vuuey (luring last month, -1; number of III- J-J rallroau and .tho. Cambridge, colliery, a mutes in houte Aug. 1 1800, 410; num ber to same time this year, 433; in crease during last year. 14. Of the above 81 are Insane and Idiotic: 143 under medical treutmeut, 10 children. Atimltted during the month, 28; dis colliery time book. The flndnr will Dleao re turn the samo to the Herald ofllce and re celvo reward, 8-12 3t DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One or the most desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable ivuiiiiLLc-u uuiji mu luiuibu, -u, v., i wjriiiB. jppiy ai twwse s grocery siore, cor charged and absconded, 27; bound out nor Jardln and Oak street. Bhenandoah, I'a, 0: bom. l: died, u: lodging auu meais were furnished to 7U tramiT. uui- door relief was granted to 420 families, amountluc to $3,140.11: bills wers read aud orders were drawn Aug. 11,1891, ntnounting to $3,234.01; previous issue, $47,355.95. Total In 1891, ?50,6S9.98. J. J. O'Connoh, Clerk, TYPE WRITING. A young lady, a gradual, wints work at type writing, t all at HeratjO olUce, or address UitiiAi.n, Shenandoah, I'a, 8 1-tf ESI K ABLE PROPERTY FOR sale cheaD. It beinir on corner of Coal and Emerlck streets. Itla suitable for many purposes. Apply to No. 23 8 Jardln BU 8 3 tf oap CITIES OF THE UNION. Interesting Cnnipnrlnunii rublishod to. tho Cciitiu Otllcv. Washington, Auk. !5. Tho Census Ofllce has just issued 8, bulletin on the social statistics of citios of tho Uulted Stntcs. The roturns are yot Incomplete, but tho Btnlement comprising CO of the cities is ulvon. lrom the tables it appenrs that the an nual cost of each gas lamp In ctttea varies from $50 in Now Orlouus to $17.C0 in Hoboken, whito the annual cost ol each cloctrlo lump varies from $4-10.07 in San Francisco to 63 in Chicago. The bulletin bIiowb that gas lamps compilso moro than 00 percent, of or classes used for street lighting, but an. rarely used exclusively for that purpose. in cities of less than 1UU.UUU inmiuu ants thero is an averaze of U. 75 patrol man to tho square mile and 4.03 miles of Btroot to eauh patrolman who manes nn nually un avorage of 51 arrests. The cost of the force to each head of population is $0.78, varying from $1.20 In Now Ha ven to JO.flO In Nashville. The average death rate lu tho police force of all the cities is 05 Der l.UUU, va rying from 197 per 1,000 in Lowell, and 183 per 1,000 la Hobokon to 12 per 1,000 in Now York city, 15 per 1,000 In Ulune spoils nud'182 per 1.000 in Hartford. In twenty-two cities of over 100,000 in habitants each tho averaue annual cost of the lire department to each head of population is $0.81, varying from $1.78 in lioston and $1.00 in Now York city to S0.C4 in Chicaao. 0.00 in Philadelphia, SO. 70 In Drooklvn. S0.02 in St. Louis, $0.35 in Baltimore, $1.16 in San Francisco and J 0.1)2 in Cincinnati. In tnontv-oue cities of ovor 100,000 In habitants each the total loss by Are dur ing 1839 was $2.20 to eaoh head ol popu lation, ranalna from SU.27 in Jjuuaio, $3.32 In St. Louis and $8.11 in Brooklyn to $1.11 in Baltimore, $1.02 In Newark and $0.50 in Washington. No Combine Beer WALL PAPER ! A OAHLOAD JUST AltRIVUO AT MBLLBT'S Tilanka Go Gilt 8o Embossed 12 l-2o "Window Shades, spring rollors..25o Curtain Poles j 25o MOVED TO 22 Bast Centre St., Shenandoah CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. IRON WORKERS STARVING. Thousands of Men Thrown Out of Worb In Knirland. London, Aug. 15. Owing to the de pression in tbo iron trade operations at many of tho principal Iron workB In the Cumberland district have been suspended (or Borne time past, and the Inability of tho workmen to procure employment ia causing the most acute distress. Six thousand men have bean thrown out of employment, and a largo number havo earned nothing for a year. Many families have struggled along, bopin for better times, but hope of the works acaln starting un haB been abandoned now, and the outlook for the coming winter is one of the gloomiest nature, The families of the iron workers men, women anil children ahow traces of tho privations they have suffered, and it is an absolute fact that hundreds of them are on the verge of starvation. So serious has the situation become that the authorities have decided to start public works to give employment to tha many idle men la the district and tbns avert the famine which Is threatened. The S that Cleans Most is Lenox. TTAN I'En-An nctlvo reliable man VV salarv &ia to 3R monthly, with In crease, to rpreent In his own section a re sponsible New Yont House, Itelereuces. I iYlAIMUirAOTUItEIl, JjOCK uoz iwo, iwew lora. E STRAYED Oil STOLEN An old. vellow nnd white cow. with lone horns. Left last Friday. Party returulns camo will he rewarded by ih" owner. ANTHONY KOIUTAS, 8-11-lw lit) N. Plum Alley. PROPOSALS. Sealed prosposals will be received bj the undersigned com mittee until Op, m. Augut21, 1891, for build ing the foundation fir St. George's Lithuanian church, corner Jardln nud Cherry streets. Shenandoah, Pa. Plans and specifications ior me same can De seen ai me Biore oi a. Melusky, Ho. 1(8 East Centre street. The committee reserve the right to reject any or J.BKK1TUL9KAB, Committee. Shenandoah, August It, 1801. all bids. "OROPOSALH Will be received for JL furnishing and delivering to the different school bulldlng-iol the borough of Shenandoah 265 tons of egg coal. 30 tons nf stove coal. 10 tons oi pea coal hnu iu ions oi -noBium com. bids lobe submitted by September 1, 1891. Tho committee reserves tho r'ght to reject any or all bids. N. J. OWENS WlhUaU THEZIHE, WILLIAM BAOHMAN, JAMES O'HEAltN, A. J. GALLAGHER. 1 8-11-1 It Committee. POLITICAL. Attention, House Cleaners 1 The warm weather is here, and houso-cleatilng Is the next thing in order. auu ut sucn times moat everybody needs soiuetlilnt; to brighten up tnu iiome, so it you neeu u goou carpet ot eituer Veuet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brussel TWO Oil TMIlE13Pr,Y INGRAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! You can find n full assortment at PRICE'S. of sulKinds ! Lace tola n i in Poles Window Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloths aud Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot bo beaten when quality Is considered. No misrepresentation one price to all. J. PRICE'S Old Reliable 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa, land, haB secured tho agencj- for the BUUWE1SES and LXPOBT BEEBS RICHARDS & CO. OF WILKE-3-UAKUE.i jJlOn SUEIIIFP, joacpii Won, OF POTTSVILLK. Subject to Democratic rales. m mi In piOIt CONSTITUTtONAIi CONVENTION Jnmcs J. Franey. OF SHENANDOAH, Subject to Democratic rules. Tbtse hrewprs are NOT IN AN 'lllUST audarefolllncrhelr excellent hceis at the peop e'u prices. Saloonkeepers Supplied Private Parties " at 57 Par Barrel. $8 " ORDER3 CAN HE LEFT WITH SOL II UK, 120 S. MAIN ST., who will promptly till all orders for Sueuandouh and vicinity. SELLING OUT. Deolrlue to aiepofo of my entire stock of goods, In order to vacate the Btore-room for other purpnses, I will Kt-U the remaining atocic ut. o-rpRt.lv reduced orioes. These coods must bo sold within a 9hort time, and It will benefit you to inspect me same. T. D. DAVIS, wo tf xoo North Jrcrdin St. SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, U9 JSast Centra Street, SHUXM'DOAll. III?1 "3rTOTJ AKE GOINQ TO jillHHourt, iCanMas, Arltnusnti, Xcxiih, Mtlrnnltn, I.oulHluna. Colorado, ITlali, Cnlltoriiln, Ori'KOii,WnBlUni;toii3Icxlco, New Mexico or Arizona, and will Bend me a postal card or letter stating Where you are going, When you are going, Where you will start from, How many there are In your party, What freight and baggage you have, I will write you or call at your houe and furnish you with the fullest information reEardine routes, lowest rates of all cla&ses, besides maps, descriptive and il lustrated land pamphlets, resort books, Hot Springs guides, etc. Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arttan- BUS, IVttUIUUHUU lOAUB. J. P. McGANN, Eastern Trav. Agt., W. E. HOYT, G.E. P. Agt., SOlBroad way ,New York Iron Mountain Route, I MISSOURI AND PACIFIC RAILWAY A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written. carriage licenses auu legal claims promptly attended to. eal Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. Oeneral Fire Insurance Business. Kepresents tne jNorinwestern i,ue insurance jo. Office Muldoon's bnlldlne. corner Centre and West Sts.henandoah, I'a. Cood Properties of All Kinds For Sale. -A two story double frame dwelling house Btoreand restaurant, on East i Centre St. 2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre Bireet. .Desirable property on corner Centre and jaruin streets, suiiaDie tor business pur- Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Confectionery ! -or A1.I. KINDS.- MURDERERS AT LARGE. The Hope l'usttlvos Buld to bo Illdlns In Nw York State. Belvidkrk, N. J., Aug. 15. The coro ner's inquest in the Hope murder oaso hat been adjourned uutll Monday next, when important ovldence is expected. It ia now definitely known that the murder ers are hiding in the mountains in New York State. They have been seen, and no doubt will be captured boforo many days. The negro arrested cannot be identi fied and has been discharged. Some new developments are expected very soon that wilt throw soma light on the identity ot the murdered man. Nat Raul TilKATKF, Iimi.IlINO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. OTHAWB Bhow the way the wind blows, but th"y don't show what hard blows we have beenbtrlklneatBtr-tw hat prices. Home bats are dear at any price; these hats aro cheap at double the money. If what covers your head Is not becoinlnu to you, nil the pains you take as to the rest ol your attire are simply thrown away. Come and ser how you will look in one of our DOc straw bals. There's no use In Giving any further description of them thau to Bay this they are stylish. We cut the price down because we want to cut our stock down. Another big bargain In bats is our tl black slltrhats. .1 S, Hill St, S0ANLAN SheoanrJoah ' Capital, $100,000.00 A. W. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenring, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass 't Cashier. Open Dally From ?to33. 3 PER 0ENT. INTEREST X'altl on Novlujra jaepositH. We mean it In every sense of the word. We offer you good all-wool suits for leas thau their value. Our light goods must go, regardless of cost; so If you want to purchase a Men's All-wool Cheviot Bult for 86.60 call on us. Furnishing goods, also to be had at lower prices than you will find them elsewhere. We make no boasts merely for advertisement, but what we advertise we will do. Call'and examine our bargains before purchasing and you will not regret It. T1 1 TJ i "FA! ATTP ONE PRICE CLOTHIER tl JV. Main Street, Shenandoah. New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Painted, Papered and Renovated. No. lis I5A8T CENTItU BTREETj v Three doors above Kendrlck House, f BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. ' Mr. Haskey would inform his many friends and the publlo that ho will cater to their wants lu the same tlrsuclass style that he has done In the past. None but the best brands of for eign and domestlo wines, liquors and cigars will be kept In stock. Choice tempeiance UllilUB, riunuiU HIUCKUie. Theeattnebar is supplied with everything In the euUix line served In the best stylo. Meals served at all hours. Pine nrivatn rnami attached. two storv double frame dwelling. vvesi ljioyu sireti. on 5. Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen tre sireeu -Two 2 story dwellings on the corner ot Coal and Chestnut streets More room in one. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut street, with a larce warehouse at the rear. 8. Thr ee two-story double frame buildings corner or iiioya ana uimert streets. RICHARD DABB The Leatliiifj Photographer, NO. 14 N, WHITE ST. The work done at this caller? Is fullv enual to that done nt the larjo galleries of New Vorltaud riilladelDhla. Cumnarlson is In vited between the specimens of his two and three dollar cabluets shown In his window and the best of work dono elewhere at nve and six dollarx. af-Do not climb long flights of stairs to patronize an enternrlsn run by out of town parties when better work may be had of your uwu luwuctuieu. -JXTST OTTT- The "HEW BROADWAY" RANGE It beats every thing in the market, and the price is Just right to suit the times. It will pay you to come and see It. I am prepared to do the following at the . prices quoted: Tin roofing 60 per foot and up Tin roof painting ....iao " Tin conductor .12a " Tin hanging gutter 120 " " Galvanized chimney stack 20o per pound Hepalrs for all stoves a specialty. "WM. H. PRATT, 7-0 3m 331 S. Jardln SI., Shenang LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ot fiats, Caps and Dents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty ot Nellie Bly and Mary Anderson Caps, e EAST OHNTKH ST. TO HUCKSTERS I Ii, Gardner, agent for the New Jersey Peach Grower's Association, will be at the LEHIGH VALLEY DEPOT everv mornlnir with choice Jersev Peaches, Cauteloupes. Tomatoes, Bart lett Pears, &o., which will be sold at Phiiadeipma prices. 8-ll-IW DP. J" aLE-AJRTStr, Sealer in all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and flrst-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA. The Cheapest Place ! TO Buy Gents' FarnisMng Goods, Hosiery, Etc, OHARLES : YAROWSKY'S, 23 West Centre fit,, Shenandoah. Q. M. HAMILTON, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OAse-2S West Lloyd Btreet, Bhenant &1