Evening Herald. IHD DAILY, SUNDAY BXCHITliD runusi II. a IJOYr.U. JMIIor unit ftiMUhrr. ll'jr. .7. lrATKIXN, Loral miliar. ALL THE NEWS FOR ONE CENT it,, KVKXtXn JIKltAT.DlMia larger rlr- culollrm in Shnandonh than triV olhtr paper frubllthrit, Jlnokt "PfjJ" Biitxtp.niDTION RATES! am urvwr.v. VPAT 1 BO I Entered at. t he l'oetoftloe, at Shenandoah, for transmission througn me mi asseooml eUws mail matter. LAKESIDE DATBS. Flguroe Demonstrate the Popu- larlty of the Resort. " 17. Lutheran Sunday Kshool, Gi wdviHe. Aug. 18. English Baptist Sunday school Valmnov CltV. Aug. 19. M. K. Sunday lohool of Shen andoah. Auir. 20. Trinity Reformed Sunday e-linnl of Malianov City. Auk. 20. Bvanjtelloal Sunday school ionic, Delano. Auk. 21. Daughter of llabeknh, Maha noy City. Auk. 22. 1. M. Sunday school, of Gil lini-lnn. Aur. 1. r. M. Sunday school of Shan anuoah. Aug. 25. English ILulhemn, Mahanoy 'auk. 20. Evangelical Lutheran Sunday school, Taint-qua. Auk. 27. Young Men's Club, Mahanoy City. Democratic Ice dealers get out early tbeffl mornings. j St. .A I TtOCKV M.OUHKMU UU1. Thn ilruimists claim that people call daily for tho new cure for constipation and sick hoadacne, uiscovereu ut - J.ano while in the Rocky Mountains, ie .said to be Oregon grape root:.(a great -omedv in the far West for thoso com plaints) combined with simple herbs, and It mdn fnr use bv pouring on boiling water to draw out the strength. It sells at 60 end is called Lauo's Family Medicine. Apricot soda is not a bad flavor and new. Hold It to the Light. Thuman who tells you conndeotiallj u't what will cure your cold is prescribing Renin's Balsam this year. In the prep aration of this remarkable medicine, for ncr,,e und colds no expense is spared U r ..rnbine onlv tho best and purest ingredi- nnia. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam U v,n Hoiit. unit look through it; notice the hriohi nlntr look: thon compare with othir remedies. Price 60c. and $1 Tho rnoiquito crop ibis year is not a fail- uro- To NervouB, Debilitated Men, Tf vcu send us vour address, we will mutl vmi filir Illustrated pamphlet explain1 init all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Mleotro Halt and Annllanoes, and then M,ntYin arwtA unon the nervous do bilitateci system, and how they will quickly resti'M yon to vigor, and manhood- PatnTin-Wtf-w. If you art. thus afflicted, wev.il) send vmi a Bait ana Appliances ua ti Him. VOLTAIC okl-i'lo., aaarsnaii. miuu. A poor man is not troubled about making will. Betnarkable Facts. itQrt ,iiauhu la lunullv sut.rKis(d o he 1U' curatiie,nut when priiieriy treated a large urorortioo ol cases fan b cured, IhnsMrs. i'liiiira Hatch, ol EUnart. Jnd., and Mrs. iiopiri, liaifar til Ovid. Altch.. werecured nitor -ullerlug yeais. S. O. l.lnhur.er. rlrusnlKt al Ban Jote, III., says that Dr. Miles" Kui Heart Cine, wlileh cured the lormer, .,,... rtfj.,1 .tAnilcr. l,r Ills wile.11 1.UV1 I oaau. of lliirlmnan, Mleh.. who had heart dlfcj-ase lor :w years, says two bottles made him "fel like a new men." JJr.MUes' New Heart Cure is hold and uuarai.u-co uy u. 11 eu tlie druggist ISookor wonderful testimonials irec. Fortunately the hot waves don'tlast very long. Shiloh'a Consumption Cure. This 1 beyond question Hie mim siir ceseiul Coiu-li Medicine we have ever sold. n lew dohes Invariably core the woist casei ol Couth, Croup, and llrounhltls, while Its won drrlu! Buocens b the cure of Consumption l without a parallel in me niswiry oi meuicuie. Hlnoe u s nrsi uikcovery n hhs iweu -iu uii a iriinniiitee. a test whlcb no other medlolnt canstand. H you have a rough we earnestly I SBK SOU lO IT, H. I llUC W iwm'-i nu il.w. If vour Lnnus areoi, nn or iihck lame, ii-u, Hhilnh's Hi irons I'lastt-r. Isold by C. II. Haaenbucb, M. K. corner Xalii aud Lloyd streets. AVu'll have more AukuH departs. hot weather before Haui.km. Jamiarv 28. 'WW. llll"rltllln II1NL 111,, I.UIUUUWIMU, was fllieted with a rry bad skin dlaeaw oi lliel.ici-, eyk and Insfde of tho uosj. The im vvhh er,ered with inatterlns: sores.a'.d hts eje. were Bwollen shut on account of the sorchon tne eyeuas, anu ins jiuse wii-nus-rlinnrlmi loatler. and was full Inside, of the nates, I nave linn the Cactus lllood Curo lor four weeks, and today my Iwhy is entirely well. autf. j. ivitr.rj!i, lift Kant 128th street. N. Y. Bold at KIrlin's Drug Btuie.teriiusou House Ulock, -'henauaoiti . A dime now will buy as many peaches ae a half dollar would last year. A National Bvont. The holding- of the World's Fair In a oily toaioeiy flily .ir old will ho u remarkalile unit, but whether It will really bmieflt this nation as initoh as the discovery ol the Itestorstlve Nervine by l)r, FranM InMdealk aountiui. inis is jnn wnai ine American piorle need to cure their exetMlve nervuiw ness. dvsnensla. headache, d It sines, sleep. I It'hsntkK, ueuralslu, uenoundeblllly, dullness, ,iiiifiii.lnii of inlnd. eto. It sots hhe a eharin. Trial bottles and fine twot: on "Nervous and Heart Dlnwnn." with uninusun testir.ioulau, im'ill'. 11. Hsaenbi ch's drucMote. Jt m warranted In ruululn no vpium, moipMm or The conventions over local politics will httvo a rest till cooler weather. nllv. Oulnklv. PArmnnanttv Restored. Weakness, ft'crvouiuen, Jleblllty. and all the train of evils from e&rlr errors orlster oxceuei. thn r lulls of overnork, sickness, worrr, etc full i irength, development, and tuno dlTen to over? crirsn and portion of the bodjr Blmple, nntur&l r ithnds. Immediate Improvement seen. Failure j tpoialble, S.iiui roferenoei. JJook. explanations anuprooram&nuadettieajiroo, aureus CRIB MSOIOAL Oft, DUFFALO, N. V. FORCED W RESIGN Ilayti's Ministry Charged With Corruption. CENSURED BY THK CHAMBER. pIeuAtit UippolVM litWy romlng a New Cabinet, Another OnlureaK round nt rnrt nn I'rlnco Itxrltemmit In the City I!very IlfTovt Itclng Made to Iteatmo Qtilot. Tlio Prculilont of tho Chamber of Depu tics Rays Tbero Will be SnrlmisTroubln, Pohi A tr PhikOB, Haytl, Aug. 15. A noisy and turbulent solution of theChnm- ,jcr ot Deputes wnB 0i0Mti witu aTote of censure against the members of Hippo lyte's Cabinet, and was followed by the Ministers handing their resignations to the President. Such excitement as prevails lms not been experienced since the outbreak ot May 28, and many persons expect that sltnilnr scenes of bloodshed, If not open rebellion, will result from the proceed lngs in the Chamber of Deputies, The debate in the Chamber was atormy one. Members of that body onenlr charaed the Cabinet Ministers with corruption and Incapacity, which oattsed one of the nolseet scenes in tho Chamber that anv one can remember. Tho Minlstersjwere vigorously uerenuoti, their opponents as vigorously deiiounoed, but tho fori:) nl vote ol censure lor inca pacity anil corruption was oarriod amid storms ot cheers. No Ministry oould stand against suoli a vote. Its announcement was followed by the handing of tholr resignations to President lllppoiyte. xne rresiuenr, is now busv with the formation of a new Cabinet. No one ventures to fortell the outcome OI U1U UHV H 0011011. 1 Dbllt bUUI t..f t,k It. U n nnl.r. ,1,,.. iuu tho neoule with alarm because they fear it may be followed by a now political storm like tho bloody ones so frequent on this island. Air. Deetien, President or ino uimrauur of Deputies, says: "lhe situation is difficult one. I fear there is trouble iihoad that will lie hard to overcome." Many consultations are being held and men anxious about tne future are male. lnir every effort to restore quiet and avert an outbreak. WORKING FOR WASHINGTON. Thn Uoiuncratlo Cuiiventlon lluv ba Hutd nt thu National Capital. Vabiiinoton, Auk. 15. William Dick son, the Democratic iNaiionai committee man for the District of Columbia, is using every bit ot influence ho oan com mund to insure the bringing of the next national convention to this city. lie ban nlready secured the written approval of three of his fellow-tonimiiieeroen, aiesars. Barbour, ot Virginia; Ptttioo. of Florida, and loinsom, ol iNortn uaronua, nnu ne feels justified in putting down Uormau, of Maryland, and Kennn, ot West Vir ginia, as on his sldo for local considera tions. With those seven votee rs good s secured nt the outset of his campaign, he is very sanguine of tho result. Relentd lroiu Triton nnd Ilourreited. Joijki, 111., Aug. 15. J. Kinloy Hoke, the notoiious Peoria forger, who got away with $180,000 belonging to the Merchants' National Bank of that place, where he was employed as hookkeeeper, was reloas.d from the penitentiary dur ing the afternoon. His sentence having expired. Ho was Immediately rearrested by Sheriff Berry oi jreoria, nnu win oe taken to Peoria to be tried on another indictment. There are 19 indlotments agulust Hoke. New llnvnn and I'rovlilenoe Dropped. Albany. N. V., Aug. 15. At a meotlng of the board ot directors of tho Eastern Association, at tho Konmore Hotel, the New Haven and Providence clubs were offlolally dropped from the League. Tho sobedule committeo immodl tely went Into session aud are now working on a pChedule. the Association to con- . .. . . , h TlQ .., ot attached property ot the Association at Providence was not brought up. The Seised Fulling IlaatS. Eastpout, Me.. Aug. 15. Tho six fish ing boats reoently seized by the Dominion cruiser Dream are at Indian Island, N. 13. Captain Pratt of tho Dream oilers to give them uptotueowners providing thoy sign a paper waiving an indemnity. Ono owner signed, and tho others refused. The opinion is provalent thnt the Dream will deliver all tho boats at the wharves here. Arrested far Wire Tapplus. Montiucai,, Que., Aug. 1G. Deteotlvea have arrested John MoGlnuis on a charge ot wire tapping. McQiunls had equipped a room adjoining a pool room wicn tele graph apparatus and tapped the loop running from the main wire into the pool room. He had everything all prepured for a grand ooup when he was captured. MoUlunls aauie here Irom aid .uy, ft. 1. Found Iisad la lid. Bcps-alo, N, Y Aug 15. A sneolal telegram fro llay City, Mica., states that Charles B. Collius of Little Falls. N. Y., was found dead in lied at the residence ot his oousln, Mrs. Uandall, during the morning. He came to Michigan to at tend the Grand Army Encampment, and thsu oauie tojBay City to visit relatives. He was a prominent Odd Fellow, Affairs In Samoa. Washihutojc, Aug, 15. The State De partment has received a dUpatoh from Cousul-Ueneral Sewell, at sain as, lu ref erence to affairs on the Bamoan Islands. The dispatch states tbat Chief MaUafa has been slightly restless, but no serious trouble It anticipated. Menagerie Admitted Free. Washington, Aug. 13 ---Actiua Seore tary Nettleion has directed that one aye aye, two non-venomous siiak s, ten fruit bats uud two laud turtlen, imported for the National Zooloiical i'atk at Wash ington, be admitted tt of duty. Uurd to ' I let. Halifax, Aug. 15. Oliver Hurd, the New Vol ker uriealud for pausing counter feit LauruU. n and Ai.iericau notes, lias bceu loiiiuiitivd tor tnal tu the Supremo i Mil ItttlBIIBIKIOllllltlSllllllllllllllllllliiltiiiiiingiiiiiiiiiigiiniimiia f A Governor's Opinion " Ancz-QencratothelMionArmi,rx-Qov-; ernor othe State oifatne, cx-Ilepreteti- 1 af(ee fo CbnjrreM, and extAUomtv Ctn ; crat, tpeatu or tu. S With the exception, possibly, of Hon, James O. Blaine, there Is Bo man so well- 2 known to the people of Maine, as CSN. HARRI8 M. PLAI8TED, W ho has a grand record as a soldier, who bus been thcQovernorof the Statfi.ltiv.v, sciiiatlvetoOnnirrnsp, nnd who i'a! p-es-f t tho odltorand proprietnrof the"Kew Aire" newspaper . pr'n'i-dlii .Viynirt.'i, fie. 'General Plalstcd, fcr'- .orlr .iresidsu. of lltiniror, Me., uni-w Dr. Wllliata li'. Uro n At all Druggists I.OO. ( Emm's SaaBari!ia! DON'T take Homethlng nlsc "ti.vt irood," IT tS HOT, t) An Waskik A Co., Pole Pri prleton.Ilangor, Mc f WILL CURE every cnim Au Aged Farmer Ilanffs lflmaolf. Perrt, N. Y., Aug. 15. niram H. Oweu, aged 64 years, a farmer living t short distance from Perry, ooramltted suicide during the morning by hanging. Mr, Owen had been In poor health for tho past ye r, and had not been quite right In his mind at times. His body watt found hanging from a tree At 8:45 o'clock this, morning. It is supposed he left the house about 2 o'clock. llmilanger Talklne Once More. Pahis, Aug. lb'. Gen. Boulanger, in an interview with an Austrian journal 1st, Is represented as having asserted that an offensive anil defensive alliance be- tween Fr.inoe uud Itussla has been actu ally signed. He declnrud, it 1b reported, that he Himself inteuus suortiy to re turn to the Held of active politlos. Iron BtatUtiu. Cleveland, O., Ang. 15. Statistics published here by the Iron Tfade llevlew show that up to August 1 1,998,131 gross tons of Iron ore had been laid dowu at Lake Erie points. This points to a total ot about 8,000,000 or 5,500,000 tons for tbo season, against 0,074,00 tons last year. Dr. Falkunr to Investigate. Philadelphia, Aug. 15. Dr. Roland H. Falkner of the Uuiversity of Penn sylvania has been asked by the Senate Committee on Finance to assume the di rection of its coming important investi gation Into the effeot of the McKialey tariff upon wages and the cost ot living. Congroasmun Fltoli III. .101, A .7 1, 1. . J . U . UUUai'.BIUnM Asbbell P, Fltoh H seriously 111 at Fire Island from a dangerous fever, aud for tlio f.w 1 ,vi 1,1b nnnrlltinn hu Kwin such that nobody outside ot his family 1 U ulln.Uu.1 In uu. l.lr.i No itall Tor Alidors'in, PouoHKKEP3iE. N. Y., Aug. 15. Judge Barnard has denied tho application to ndmlt Anderson, who did thu Oroton Landing shooting, to ball. Baker is not yet out ot danger. llaillan nnd O'Connor to How. Touokto, 0nt Aug- 15. Haul u and O'Connor will row at New Westminster, li. C, on beptember -3. Un September 11 they will leave Toronto. CURE tilck Headache and relieve sit the troubles IhoI dent to a buioos state of tho system, suoli aa Dizziness, Nausea. DrowslnaMS. Distress a ft or Citing. Fain in the Bide, &o. While their meet remarkable mieceae has been shown lu cutuig . SICK Sesdsehe, yet Carter's Little Liver PUIS WJ Ciaslly vslusblo In OonsttpnUcn, curing and p?e venting ttusannoyuiaoomplidutvwlilUi tlinyalsa correct slldlsoraors of thestomschitlmulaietai ;iver and regulate tho bonols. Svenlftheyocl? M HEAD f Aehalhey would be almostprloeloss to theso who Buffer from this distressing complaint; but for ra Sfttely their pooduobsdocs noteiid hore,ond those who ooee try them will find these Uttlo pllla va'u ablo In eo many ways that tbey will cot ba wll lUBg to do without them. IiutafteraUslckbcsdl Is the btme of so many liven that hero Is wharo Vremskoonr great Boose uurpuucureitweua others do not. Carter's LitUe liver H1U re very email and very easy to take. One or two puts inako a dose. They are ttriofly vegetable and do not gripe oe puree, hut by their geutleacuon pleaao all who ueothem. In vials at 29 cents) fivefortl. StM by arueglsts everywhere, or sent by m&U. . CARTER MEDIOIHE CO., New York; SMALLPILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Intimately, nnd did not hesitate, when he found himself out of condition, to use Urown'a BarsaparHla. 3 ' n In duo season Gen. Flalstcd found him- ; self a perfectly well mnn, and one day, 5 while nt his desk In his editorial room, S wrote an nrttoIoonMnlno's famous rem- ; ody The article was Issued July 16th, 1887, S and, while our spneo w 111 forbid the print- g ing of the whole, wo feel warranted In S taking from it tho following: S Gen. riatstecl soys i Our confidence in Brown's BarssiparlllA Is based upon per sonal knowledge of Its curative proper ties In eases of Malaria, nnd upon our long acquaintance with thnt eminent physician, Or. William II. Drown, late of Bangor, who perfected the formula by which the rhodloine Is prepared. of Malaria Is a prevalent disease nowa days. It tint only fastens Itself upon the systems 6f the old Veterans, who fought for years In tho Southern swamps and low-lands, but it takes hold of those who. live In tbs atmospheres of the cities and tainrtownst 6toes from swamps, sing ei : i-ivers, sowers, lhestrcel!i,andrQany other 111 kept places, pop on the system, making the entrance of some other dis ease eocy. You can avoid all danger, can keep disease at. a distance, and have a. systom teeming with Hch blood and vi ta, it?, by imp)v using Brown's Barsa p.'irli'a, which pnrldes Uie blood when others fall. It i the bat in the world. bottle,', for H. DO. C LI EISKELL'S a EWf SKIM DISEASE ntr ETroni Simple Plinplen to obstinate KCSKDSAt uisio aircHtnc in.v.s. raend for niutn for Kitchen anil Olck. Montn," u haDdy book for the household. I-KEB5. -AND- Sporting Event. Columbia Park, Shenandoah, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1891, Under the auspices of Phcenix Hose Coy axro. s nslf-AIile Race, Purse $25; Entrance Fco, $2. The fallowing have already entered for the race .nanin raney, 'j nomas nuueni, George Itinabeber, Qeuige Frost, Anthony Klynn, Jot. Harvey, Charles Itlnheler, Qeoige lenwrlght and others. First-class Orchestra has been engaged. ADMiSSlON TO DANCING PLATFORM, - BE SURE TO GO. 35 CENTS. m & go. Tie famous Ann of OCULISTS snu 0ITICIASS Of PIIILADISLPHIA Ilavo arraneed to send one of their Sawvlalltts ou the EVE TO SXIHKANDOAXI, Saturday, August 15, 1891, He will be nt the Irom S 30 A. M.toSI. M. Thoso whone eyts aic causing discomfort should call won our Specialist, nnd they will receive intelligent and skillful attention. 04 i hettimf M., VMlmUlpMu. Za Oenuine .1W is and will ever uo im Remedy for rDUElllnHTCSil nn- Tnfliiony.ft. nnokttO'hO. 'Toino in tlia Rtrln. OhflSt Qlld Joints, neuralgia, Sproins, &o Before yon seed to tray, ootala the vfJnable booki "Golfle to Hpslth" with. endorsdmeata ox preuiacaa ujwuoi 'sAD.RIGHTER&CO., a 10 Broadwav, HEW TOUt'.. 28 Prim MprtMs Avariiedl knropeanHoMesiKndolstsdt,Losilosi HKUUM 1, 1 WnvamY? Kanatelll IlSlDSlO. 50 Oonta a bottlo, JFor Salo by 3?. I. J. ICIItXTIM, IX. IIA.01SlVt70I SHENANDOAH, PA., ana ouier ornss'tti. QUE USA WE'RE AFTER YOU ! Your trndo la tvlirtt wo wnut. This Is how wo proposo to get It, Uy Fell lug you n, flrBt claBsurticle; by eellingj'ou for lw tlmu olliers; by Bolllrg you furniture, mi orgnu, a plauo, n BewliiK niuclilno or anything else In tho lino of household goods. AVo have a Inrge and va ried stock to select from. Ko trouble to show gootla. Call, examine and ho convinced. H h: q THE OLD RELIABLE, I. P.WIams&Bro.. Souin MnJn St., SHE 3Srs.3STJ3 Lehigli Valley Railroad. AHKANOBMSNT UP FASeKOIB TKAIKP. -UtAY 10, 1801.- PRSwnger trains will leave Hhenandcah fci Mnuch (jnunk. Lehlehton. Bllillnaton. Cats- tauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kaston, l'hll gdelphlaand Wew York tit 6.17,7.10, 9.06 a.m. VAJf. Q.iv, o.icm 11. in. For Tielvldere. Delaware VVpter Gau and HUtiudsburg at 6.17, a. m and 5.2G p. m. ior ijamuertviiie anu ireuun, v.va a. m For While Haven. Wllkes-Barre and yitt ton 5.47, U.08, 10.41 a. m., 8.10 and 526 p. ra. f or lunEnannocK, iu,ii a. ni o.iu ana o.a . lu Fur Auburn. Itbnca. Geneva and and Lvoni 10.11 n. til., and 5.20 p. 111. f or ioe vine, rowp.uoa, tsayre, waveriy rlmlra. Rochester, liullalo. Nlaaara Falls Chicago aud all points W est at 10.11 a. m.,enC 5.2ti p. m. For ) Imlra and the West via Halamanca at 8.10 p. m. r-or Auuenneu, -lasieion, cuicaion, um lion at h.t, 7.40, 9,0e a. m. and 12.62, 8.10 aid p, m. for Joanosvllle, Levlston and Beavei Meadow. 7.40. 9 08 a. m. and 50 n. m. For 6.ci anion al 6.47 9.08, 10.41a. m. 8,10 and M p. m. For ltazte Brook. Jeddn. Drlflon and Free land at 6.17, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 122 S.10 and R.siln. m. l''ov Qnakako nt 5.47 and 9.08 a. in., and j.tu p. in. For Wlggans, Gllberton and Fraekvllle nt 6.50 and tf.OBa m., and 4.10 p. ra. S.47, 7.40, 9.0H, 10.41, 10,58 a. m.,lio2,3.l0,0.i, 8,08, .s. ana xu.ni p. in. For Lobt Creek, 3ltardvllle and Ashland 1.27, 7.48,8-62, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, OM 3.10 and 9.14 p.m. For DnrKwater. Hi. Clair and PottavlUS. 1.40, 9.0S, 10.M a. m., 12.62,8.10, 1.10, 5.'. 6 and S.Ot n.Tn. For Buck Mountain, New Boston and Moreo, 7.10, 9.03, 10.58 a. m., 120, 8.10, 5.28 and 8.08 p. m. For Raven Ilnu. Centra la. MU Carmel and Bharaokln, 8.52, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.4C and 8.0ti p. m. Trains leave Hbamokln tor Hbenandoah, 7ie 11.00 a. m., a.iu, itvj anu esip. m., arri7ibt at Hbenandoah, 9.06 a. in., 12.52, 3.10, 6.26 and uao p. IU. SUNDAY TKAINB. For Dost. Creek, Glrardvllle and Ashland B.W. 0.10 11.85 a. m.. 2.4.i n. m. For Darkwater. Ht., Clair and PotUvllle, 50, 8.IJU, 9.30 . ra., 2.45 p. m. For Ystesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano, S.00, 11.85 1. m.. 1.40, 4.40, 6.08 p. ra. For Iofty, Andonrled and Hasleton, tu a- m 1.40 p. m: For Maueh Chunk. Lehlebtoii, Slatluttou. Catasauqua,, Allentown, Bethlehem, Uuston and Mew York, 8 .CO a. m., 1.40 p. mi For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. ra. K. B. BYINttTON, Uen'l Pass. Agt., Bethlehem. THIS SKA SO IV FOX PIC-NICS JIMXa AT ITAXlt, Committtemen should oosrin mind that the Herald office 1 1h prepared to do all kinds. of Poster Workl at tho most reasonable ratep. Give ua a call and obtain our prices. All work dene when promised aud in a satisfactory manner. WATER OF LIFE. A newly discovered SUNJsKAL WATKB, the use ol M bli b will supply lniportant ele ments necessxiy to health. It will cure the Kidneys, Liver, Htomaeh, and all Bowel and Bladder diseases. It v 111 dissolve ralcull and rrmovelhem. It r moves the n'le actd from the blood nnd thus destroys Malaria acd I'hllla. It euns Urtirhl's dlstase, and Is es. peclally re.'ommended lor people advanced lu life, and lor genera) debility. For undoubted proofs of this m nd lor punnihlet giving Aill paitteulais. to 3.V. 1'ICHllY, Water ol Llie Co.. 84 South Main BU Wllkea-Barre 1'a. Or tbo l.liimir Jliilill, iosltUc-ly t'ureu uy Ullmltuhlerlntf nr. Ilalue' UolUeii KMMllle. It li mannfaotured as a tiowder. which ean ba elvn tn a eloaa OX beer, a oup of uofTee or tea, or In food, without the kuowlodft e ot the patient. It is abaoluuly harmleos. and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the paileut is a moderate drinker o an aloohollo wraok It haa been clven tu thoueaada of oaaea, and in every inetanoe a purfaet eare has fol lowed. ltneerFnll The ayatem onoe Impregnat ed with the Speoiflo.lt beoomes an utter Impcalbillty for the liquor appetite to exl.t. C. H. HACENDUCH, DrugC!8t, Ehenardoch IMPORTANT NOTICE J All persons are hereby warned NOT TO FISH IN TDK DAMS ! Belonging to the Shenandoah Water Company, and all parlies canght violating this notice win oe Prosecuted as Trespassers. liy order of Philadolphiaaud Reading Railroad Jiiinf iiiixs in etttet July 10, intil mm LEAVE SUBNANLOAII AS FOLLOWS , "JjSew .York via Plillsdelphis, weekdays. !..0 5,2j, 7.80 a, jn. and 12 85 2.E0 and &M (Sunday 2.10 and 7.4 a. m. For New 'ork, yht ajauch Chunk, week days, 5.2S. i a. m. ttnd 12,85 and 2.C0B. m. nn i-tt .JS unu rniiaueipnia week days in. "r. Ji"lsburg,' week u .!0, 5,Mn. m. s.aij v. ra. uuys, lo,L2Q a, m,i o'p ,""'owni Beek days, 7.20 , m. 2M 1 tr rottsvllle, week days. 2.1a in. m 13ni fc?'Jdm" P' M' ha . 210 aid i .. Al , 4 30 p. m. FOI iHUUHitia and Mahanov rn. lays, 2.10, 0.45, 7.1U. a, rn., 12 S? UO VndSM tin. rinndav. 2. In unA t jbh ... . o., . . Additional ,iu Matianoy Cltv. week riavil '7 ori ror uwoasier ana coiamhia, week days, .ana. to., 2.50 p.m. ' For WHltamsport, Hunbury and Lewisbnra. veek days. 8.25, 7.20 snrt 11 JO a. m 1.85. 7.00 ra. nnday 8:25 , m., 3.06 p. in. W Mahanoy Plane, weeaaaji. 2..0 3.2J. W. 7.80 and 11.80 a.m.. l'2.:ifi. l.lv 1. n 7.00 and '..', m. Hunday, 2 10, ,25 and 7.rf a. m. .!, 4.80 m. TO HlraruvlUe (Hanpahannoek Htatlon) 12.85. 1 35 if). KM. 7.00 and O.K. iv m. Hntirtn' J'lO. - 2 ,. 7.48 a. m.. 8 05. 4.80 P. m. or Ashland and Htuuuoatn, week days, .21,5.26,7.20, 11.3U a. m., 1.86, 7.00 and vM in. nundny a.25, 8 82 a.m., 3.05 p. m. TKAIJlS FOB cUENAWLOAhl i lave f)ew York via Philadelphia, wee ays, 7.45 a. 111., 1.80, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.11 lauu nnnoay, e.uu p. m.. is.15 night. Leave Wear Kork v-ia Manor, i.nunk, vi week mjm, MV. O.W a. ill,, i.uu n IHl 1.1AI p. teave Philadelphia, vixk dais. 4.10, and 10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 8.00 p.m.. fr. m Broad ,nd OkllowhtU and 8.85 a. m. and ll.su p. m. irom 9th ano uoouotreeui. Mnnday 9.06 a. m. U."W p. m. from ltn ntic w. loave Koadlm,, week days. 1 3",. 7.10, ltl.t 5 ta U.60 a. m., 6.55, iff! p, in. Hunday 1.85 and ii.48ft. m. Leave Poturvllle, week days, ?.(i, 7.40 a. m., AW, 611 p, in. Hunday, 2.4K, 7,00 a, m. and i re v, m. teaveXamaqus, weok days, H.V0, 8.43 and 2i a. iq.. 1.2). 7.18. and y.18 n. m. K,irdv a ifl 743 .m. and 20 p.m. .eave Mahanoy City, week days, 8,0, 9.18 nd 1L47 a. m 1.61, 7.42 and 9.44 p. m. Bun. lay, 8.40,8.17 a. m., 3.20 p, ra. Leave a.ahanoy Piano, week days, 2-4!), 4.(0 J.80, bJSa. ll.i. 0 a. in. ,1.15, 2.1 0. h 20, 26 7.67, ana 01 mm. m. Htmday2.4i, 4.00, and ts..7,. m. 3 37, 5.01, p. m. umti Glrardvllle (Itappahannock Klatlon) ek days, 2.47, 4.07, ., and 9.41 a. ra., 12.0J, : '2, 6.S8, 6.82, 8.03 and 10.06 p. m. Mindny,2,47i 0 ', t 33 as m. 8.U, 5.t'7 p. m. ueno Wllllami.i on, week days, 3.00,9.45 and a.56 a. m. 3.35 'and 11.15 p. m. banday 11.15 p. m. for Baltimore, Washington and the wesS via B. A O. R. K., throne h trains leave Glrard Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & K. K. It.) at.16,b01 and il.27 a. m 1.34, 4.24, 5.56 an ',28 p. m. Hunday, 4.1S 8.02 U.27 a, Ol., 4.24 -,56 and 7.21 p. m, ATlATltl CITY DIVIblOM. luve Philadelphia, Chestnut autetWbarf 4tid ttontb Street Wharf. J For Atlauttc CI it . 'TeV Week-days Kspress, 5.15,8 00.9.00,10.45 a. m.sndli"' (Saturdays only, 1.30), 2.to, 8 Oft, 3.80, i,i , 5 00, (1.00 i.. hi. Aooomauudauon, 7 10 a. 10., 4.15, 080 .ta, wi'a-express. 5 15, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 8 30, 9.00,0.80 4. in. and 4 80 p. ra. accouiuk. .nllou 8.00 a. m. and 1 45 jj. iu. x.etnrnlng,leave Atlantic City, dej 01 corner 'antle and Arkansas svonnnn.-M e-):-rt8"e Kxpresa, 7.00, 7.80, 8 00, 0.00, 10.00 n. m. and 3 15. 4 00, 6.80, e.,Ki, 7.80, 0 30 p. m. Accommodation 0.00,8.10a.m. nnd 4JH)p ra. Bnndnys-Ks-piehs, S 80, 4.00, 5 00, 6 00, 0 80, 7-00, 7.80 8 CO, 9.30 p, m. Accommodation, 7.30 a, m., 5.05 p. m. I. (4. ilAJNUUUik, ueu ijtbsu, V. a,. McLF.OD. Pres. V en'l Manager. PGNNSTLVaMA RAILROAD. UUBnYI.KII.1. Dmsiov, Ok and after Xov. 24, 1690, traint nill Uvea HhenandQuh at follows: For WIggan, Gllberton, Fraekvllle, New Oswtle, bit. Clair, and way points, 6.00, UJO n in and 4.1C p ru, Hnndays, 600, 9,40 a ru ftnd HlOpm, For Fottsville, .0J, tf.lo a m and 4. 15 p m Bunduys, 600, 6.40 u ni and 3.10 p m, For Heading, 6.00, 9,10 a in and 4.16 pm. Bandays, tiw, 0.40 a. m. and 3.10 pm, For Potutown, J?hoenlxvillo, KorrlstowB and Philadelphia (Hruad street station), 6,00, j,10 a in. and 4.15 11 m week days f ur-dayu, 600, 9.40 ft m 3.10 p m Tralnb leave Frsckvlbe for Bhenandnsh nt 10.40 am and 12.11, 7.42, 10,09 p m. bnndrtjs. u,u a m ant e.40 p m. 1 ive Fottsville lor BUenacdoali, 10.15 ana IMS. a 11 Mb. 9.42 n zu. Knndi.yn. 10.40 a m. 5,15 p m. jve jrmiueipaia (.eroafwe-rp-i siaiior), for Pottsvillc aud BhenandSeTi. 6.S7 10.25 a in uwu, 2.10, 4.1': and 5.00 p iu week days, bunda' 0.28 A 111 win i.mp, in. FOX W York, 8.20, 4.05. 4.40, b.86, h.6(J, 7.S0 yatfisn J so ilirianriii K.m So n, 'it . ivliuciwi, i.vq ana e.isi p ra.l xu., uv, i.WI,t, 5, 8,.tl.80, 6.60 7.18 8.13 raid 10.00 p 111, 12.01 uiitni. On Banduys, 3.20, 4.05, 4,40, 6,i5, 8.80, 8.60, i. ni. and 12.4, 3.3ti UlniUnd 4.60), ass, 6,80, 0.50 US MS n ni and 12.01 lUgbl. For Ben Gtrt, Spntii Lake, Belraar, "cean Urote. Ascnrv Fa:k. and tx.,ntr Drancb S.2P, 11,16, a. ra. 4.00 p. n . week ai:r For rreenoia, n.v , p. m. we'.x caye. h'alttmor" and n tuhmkUit,. 3.6u. 7.4). B.m 9. J, lli.vto, J l.IH a. ra, bJ.1 (hmlted esvresk)3.4 MX a.7 an' 7.40 p. m., and 12.03 night. For On 8Hndys,o.60. 7,ao, 9.1lnd 11. IS a. m. 4.4) 11.57, 7 40 p m, 12.08 night, IlaJtViaora only i.08 and ll.KO p ra. (for lUchrnoudand tne ionth 7 Jit' U.16 a. io (Limited Exprtes 12.35 p ni..)12.08 ntgbt.weoX-1-iys. Snndnys, 7.20 n. rs., 12.03 clsht -arams teatve xiarrieuarz ior m -jbourg ana .ae west overy day at 12.35 and 3.1,) r. m and VX (lbnlted) and 4.40 p m. Way for Allnona, .15 r. m and 440 p m every day. Fox rittsbnrg, only, 11 JO a lu dally nd 10.20 Leave hunbnry tor Wllllsmspon, inrolra, auanlaigua, Kochestor,Bnflaloaiid Claguni .''alls. 5.10 ai (tally, and 1 . 13 p in week deys. ITor Ws.tktns, 6.30 p m week days. . For HrSe and Intermediate poinbi, 6.10 am;, daily. For Look Haven, 6.10. and 0.58 a nu iuily, 1.34 and C-.SC.' p. ra. week days. For Henova 5,10 a. m 1.48 and 5,S9 p m week days, .10 a. lu Jn.'irV.ys. ;kab. v potia. j. b. wkd, f30. elan un. Pie. Agt. trT-ILMINGTON dr NOUTllKllN It, It. itntf loitLe m i nea juay.iv, isvi. Trains leave IteadTug (P. A It. station) for Gibraltar, Heyfert, iliraiboro, Joanna, Hprlng field, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesville.West Chester,t liadsford Junction, B, O. Junction, Wllmlncton and Intermediate stations. dullv except Minday. at 6.25 and b.m a.m. and 3.15 p. in. Hunday only at 3.05 p. ru. For Warwick, St. Peter, and Intermediate statlons.dally xrept Hunday, at 9.20 a.m., and 5.19 p.m. tnunday only 8.15 a ra. 1-or Dlrdbhtiro and Intermediate Btatlonsu Saturday only, at 12 m. V i r or imitimuro nnu wa&niupioii iu. a v. xv. 1U dallv excentBundav at 0.26 and SiV) u. m. and 8.16 p. in. Hunday only at 3.06 p. m. ithidb arrive i iieaoing (r. it. nauuu Irom Wilmington. B. & O. Junction, Mont ehanln, Chaddslord Junction, West Chester, Lcnape, Coatesvllle, Wayneeburg Junction, Bprlngneld,Joanna, Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Key. fen ana Interim dlate stations, dally except Hunday at 10.20 a, ra. 6.52 and 8.17 p. ra, Bua day only at 11.21 a. ra. From 8t. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate stations, dally except Hunday. at K.23 a- m. and 2.25 p. m. Bunday only at 6 p, m. From Blrdsboro and intermediate stations, Saturday only at 1.40 p. m. Fiom Wakblngton and Baltimore, daily ex cept Banday, 10 20 a. m, 5.52 and 8.17 p.m. Bunday only at 11.24 a. ra. BOWNESH LHIGGH, Gen'l Pass. Agt, A. G. MCOA UBIiAN D, KupL RUPTURE, We, the undersigned, are entirely curid oi ltlintnra bv llr. .1. II. MAYER, 681 Arch Ht., Vhila. Tl omas If, llartung, New ltluggold, Pa., I.vandt, Boultt Enaton, Pa L. P. & C. A. Deturck, Oley, Pa It. G. Btanley, 424 Bpruce St., Ibunon, Pa., A. Bcbnelder. Locut Dale, Pa.,D, H. Noll, Lime kiln, Pa., Win. E. llaricnstlne, t'hoenlxvllle, Ptt W. M. Lclnbach, 624 Washington BtZ Heading, Pa., J.O. Lyme. 1310W. HowardBt, Ilarrlsbure. 1'u., C. Kteliii. Douelassvllle, Pa. Dr. MAYEH Is at Hotel Pcnn, Heading, Pa, on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Call to see him. R. BIUOKER, M. B., PHYSICIAN AND SlnIt0EON, Sol S East Centre Btreetj Mahanoy City, Pa tikln and aU special diseases a specialty, 4 ;