LAKESIDE DATES. Figures DomonBtrnto the Popu larity of tho Rosort. Auk. 16. KlitoJUfod. " 17. Lutlioran Sunday echool, 01 rardvllle. Auk. 18. KtiRllsh Daptitt Sunday ecroo), Mahanoy City. Auk 10. M. K. Sunday school of .Shen andoah. Aur. 20. Trinity Kelormod Sunday school of Mahanoy City. Aur. 20 HvanRelloal Sunday school lenic, Delano. Aur. 21. DauRhters of Kobokali, Maha noy City. Auk. 22. V. M. Sunday echool, of Oil berton. Aur. 24. 1. M. Sunday -ohool of Slion andonh. Aur. 126. English Lutheran, Mahanoy Au. 26. Kvanrelical Lutheran Sunday cfbrwd. Trttiimtlft. Am?. '27. Young Men's Democratic Club. Mahanoy City. Ilookv Mountain Ouro. Tha ilriiuirlt claim that peoplo call daily for the new euro for oont!atlon and eick headache, discovered by Dr. SUsj. Lano while In the Kocky Mountain. It it ..aid to be Oreifon erape root;;(a great ..rr,nio in ilin far "West for thoe com plaint") combined with simple herbs, and is nmrtn fur uie bv twiuriliK on bolllnR watT to draw out the strength. It sells at 60 ., riAian nnd is called Lane'f Family Medicine. Care is required now in eating and drink ing as it is cholora morous nine. Hold It to the Light. Thnman who tells you coufldontiftllj UBt what will cure your cold is proscribing i:..rni.' TUlsam tliis vear. in mo prep oration of this remarkable modicine, foi ami nnlitu no aznenso is f pared tl combine only tho best and purest ingredi hnttlo of IComu's llalenin U. tho light and look through it; notice the t.rlonl ltnh: UlOU COlUParO WlU ........ , - othir nimodies. I'rico 00c. and ft It is no easy matter lor an artist o mako a wator color of a toper s nosu. To Nervous, Debilitated Mon. if -in nrt ns vour address, we wil i - :n..n,A.l ian,,.lilAt Arnlain Ing all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Eloctro- vr.!tui( iiflit ana Aiipitnutwi mm ..u.... niinni a ,r.n fhn lmrvous dl bilitntci system, and how they will quickly reHore yon to vigor, and manhood, Fampu Iot froe. If you are thus afflicted, wc will jondj ru a licit turn Appliances uiiii , VOLTAIC lJKIv v;o.., miuo. WalUing is a hoallhy oxorcise, but you d' nt want much of it this weather. Remarkable Facts. 11 4 in miiallv (sit iiiiniu-rl tn Itn In curable, but wlifii pin pony ri;a u large liroporunn ill warn u vuii. VI'" ilftryli. Halter, nl Ovid, Mich., wcieoured .. u.r. T-n Til tun tni lie Ml.AtV UiUKKIIbUli jurv, -' Nfwllee.rt Cme, which cured Hie Wrrucr. of ISuchnnnn, Mlcb., who had lieHrtdiwaKR jorau years, sye iwo ih.hiu mnuo mm like a new man." Dr. Miles' Nuw Heart due 18 wold and Guaranteed by a H JIageubucb tbo druggist, liookof wouUerfultohtlinouiaN There are fomo bud smolling plscos about town that should ba abatod. Shlloh's Consumption Ouro. This la beyond quest Ion tlio most site ceaEtiil CmiKb Mi-dlcmo we bavo ever sold, a lew dohes Invariably cure the worn ontes ol L'ongh, Croui), Hud lliourhltle, while Its won derlu! fciiccMs In the cure of consumption l without u parallel in the hIMory nf medicine. Htn. 1Ib tlri.1 illkf.Vf.rv It. I.ns bfM'll Mild OU H gunrnnteo, u ltt which mi other medlclue Can SlHUU. 11 yuu I1AU n i'u w ask you to try u. l'rlce 10 cent. 60 cents, and 11.10. J f your 1. nuns nro sore, Chrnt or Hack lunic, use Milloli'a I'orous l'laster. Bold by O. U. IlageuUiu-h. N. K. corner JlHln aud iioyu sireois. It spems liko mockory to tell a man to koep cool in days like thoeo. A Yaukoo Sheriff Frlghtonod. A well known slierlll, living lu Maine, wes driven 1111 111 din with what b'B DhVHlclUP cnlleil Cnnsuniplioii, a irleud ndvlbud him to try l'nu-Thm Cough nnd 1 i.tiBumpllon Cure, recovery louiiwwu, itnii mu wwnn n..., iwrnii for Couzlis. Colds nnd CoDBiimpllou. Trial bottles lreo ut Klrlln's drug store: A cobblor would not bo laying a heavy wai?or if ho staked his awl. 71 Ain.fiif. .Innunrv IStKl. This certifies that my child, II) months old, win lilllldi il with a vtrv bud skin disease ol thefuce, eyes hhiI liihfdo of the nose. Tho face was covered with mattering Mires, and his eyes wero swollen shut ou ucwiuut of the pores nn vim rymun, huu um uusu ,,,i..a rlin.irlnir liintlfr. nnd WAS full llislde of IllO Kores. 1 gave him tho Cactus lilood Cure lor rour weeas, nuo 10 ouy my imuy ' uiunoiy well. JiHM. J.KK.NNKY. 1 i.r, Kust V2Blh street. N. V. Hold at Klrlln's UrugHture.Kcrgiisou House jitocK, aueunnaoau. Don't let anything oxclto you this warm wcathor. A National Evont. Tim i.ohiinL- of tho World's Kalr Inacllv Bcnicely ility jo. ra old will be aiemarkable event, uui wnemur it win imnj utucunma nnllnn MB nilllh IIS the tllfifllVerV Ot tlltt Ilest'iratlve Nervine by Dr Franklin Miles Is doubtful. This is jun wnat 1110 Aiiirnuiu ncot 10 neeu to cuto mrir bucwjivo jiorvuuw nr1.11. flmnnnsln. headache, dizziness, sleen. lcssiu'Bs, uturuliilu, nervous debility, dullness, ronliiloii of mind, etc Jt nets I'ko 11 charm. Trial bottles and nuo bcok on "Nervous nnd Heart DUesses." with uneqnnb d testlmonlHlsi, ivsnto. JI. Hagenbi ous drugstore. Jtu warranted to oontum no oi'ium, morphine or uanyerona aruys. Playing Oards. Yon can obtain a pack of best quality playing cards by sending Dfleen cents in v )ftag to I. 8. Kusllt, Oen'l Pass. A, IJ., O. & O.K. It. Ohicago, 111. tf Oh, What a Oough. Will von heed the warulna? The flunul ner. hnns of the sure Rptronch of that more tei'- I lUlt) UlnvitVtl, vmiiiriiiiiijl.wm. .n. jiiiiiMtYr, If you oan allord for the sako of saving GO cuts, U run the risk nnd do nothing for It. We know from experleuce that Mullein's Cure wllU'nre your Cough. It never falls. 'J Ills explains why more limn n Million Hollies were sold the past year. It rollevcs Croup nnd Whopping Cough at once. Mothers do not be without It. For l.mne Hack, Side or UUeSI, U88 BllllOirS 1-OFOllS nmwr. wnu uy O. JI. Ilagenbucb, N. K. comer Main and uoyu stroeu. Buy Keystone flour. He careful that the name Lkssiq Ss Co., Ashland, I'd., is prlntod on ovory sack. 8-8-8taw Advertise In tho Herald. THEY EXPECT RIOTS Gormans Excited Over the High I'rico of Bread, THE SOCIALISTS VERY ACTIVE. Workingmen Clamoring for tho Eopeal o the Com Duties. The Government Illttnrlinil by thi Slltii- tlnii-IntmiaA Suff.rliiB In Sfnnr niitrlulii DoHlliK llHitonsit br tlio Scnroltr ! roiirt-SnlitU'ri anil l'ollon Oioliljr Syin. pathlm With the Allllctoit l'ople. nntiN. Aim 14. TI10 excitement U lnoroaglng In the mnnufacttirliiK dis tricts over tho high price ol bread, una wnflctntymon are olnmorlniz for the re peal of tho corn duties. The Social Democratic party Is proclaiming every where that otico In power It would sweep away nil dutlos on food. Tn Tjilnnln olnlis nro bolntr organized wlin nhfpnt tn to Hecure the roneal of eorn dutlm, nnd multitudes of workln- mn are being enrolled. Thn iovBrnment is evldentlv dlsturbocl by the situation, as It la feared that rlote may brenk out in aoine of tho dis tricts where tho Buffering is uroatest, and there is no doubt 01 vno sympntny of the soldiers, nnd even of many of the police, with 1110 nearly smrving noupio. In Grels n. family of four persons lias v,n fnmwl tlmt. lmrl nnlv one small loaf of rye broad iu three days to live on. They were out or worK, owing 10 ma in dustrial depression, nnd were ashamed to atk tho authorities for relief. Among tlioue who do seek rollel paln- ..1 nrtDAa n y Tim flnntlinf n hnbo eauscd by tbo mother having hud noth ing to ent ror many nours, ami iub unatua of many grown up persons hnvo undoubt edly been hastened by tho soarcity of food. Tho government, moantlme, ro- malns obstinate as to maiuiaiuius duty ou Imported grain. WOLFE DROPS DEAD. Tho l'eliiuylvnnln Itrfurmsr Illcs Sudden ly In Hiti-rUburg. ITAnhtRiinnii. Pn.. Autr. 14. The Hon. Plinrles finvker Wolfe, of Lowlsburg. fell dead ou tho pavomcnt suriounuiug too enpltol giounds hero last evening fix, 0 o'clock from an attack ol heart allure. Mr. Wolfe oaino hero to attend n meet ing ol tho Pennsylvania World's flair Commission, of which he was a member, lliirtnt tlin afternoon session he was chosen active commissioner, defeating three othor canuirtates ior me place. Mr. Wolfe, after loavlng tbo oupitol, went to the Grand Hotel with ex-Senntov Lewis Emory, Jr., nnd there tho two gon- tlemen ale a hourly uinner. jur. ivouo ..lnvnlni. tn lh f.nlfnl itnBpnnm. panted, when he fell upon tho pavement m ... . ,,r...-..t a.....l on xuiru street', uuur umuuu wionh persons hurrlrdlto his assistance, but It wns a heart attack, and ho died almost Instantly. The eonimlltoe was reconvened, and after remarks by the Governor and othors upuronrlttte insolations woro adopted. A committee was appointed to represent the commission at tho funeral. Hnv Pnt.lnn qnitl. Mm. Wnlfo a tele gram oxpresjlng sympathy in her loss. Mr. Wolfo'a body wns tnkeu to nn un dertaker's ostabllsbment nnd preparod for conveyance to his Into homo ut Lew Isburg. DRIVEN TO SUICIDE. A Somnton llootor Aceilsnl of IU-Trout-lug Ills Wife. Eon.NTON, Pa., Aug. 14. Dr. Arthur Jones killed himself at his homo horo about midnight, shooting throe bullets into bis left breast. Ho had grown mel ancholy and dospondont over the talk ot neighbors connecting him with tho death of his wlfo, sevoral weeks ago, the charge being made that whllo sho was confined be enme borne drunk and dragged bor down st .Irs by the hulr, tho injuries sho received resulting In her doath. Ho denied those charges but tho neigh bors persisted In them nnd ho hid him self until the funeral was over to nvold meeting some of the women who throat' ened him barm. The talk did not coaso however, and ho finally said ho would take his own Ufa 1 He enmo hero sis years ago, after graduating nt Jefferson Modical college, Philadelphia. Ilunod for Wire Murdo-. St. L0C19, Mo,, Aug., 11. Honry nea son. for the murder of his wlfo. was banged in the jail yard hero, the drop falling at 7tU n. m. Henson wns a giant la stature nnd weighed ill 0 pounds. II 0 retusod religious consolation until with in an uour uerore tuo execution. 1110 trap was sprung whllo 110 was making a rambling and Incoherent speech, nnd ns tho body shot down through tho trap a snapping sound wns plainly heurd as tho C . I TT .11..., I . verieurao purtcu. uu uiou luauiuuy. Orulsa nf Our Navnt Students. , Loisdon, Aug. 14. Upon tho nrrlvnl nt Devenport of tho U. S. trnlnlng-sblps Jamestown mid i'ortsmoutn, their com- 'founders pnld tholr respects to the Duke ot Edinburgh, Admiral Commanding nt that station. Yesterday His Jloyal Illglin.s returm-1 tho visits, ba ling recelvod aboard tils' ships with tho salutes nnd ceremonies due his rank, Ho expressed bis gratification nt the fine showing made by the nnvnl apprentices Meld for AbUnctlug 11 Olrl. Mkdina, N. Y., Aug. 14. Alfred White, ,who was arrested a week imo for abduct ing Id Blll, nged 11 ysars. i.nd who esoapeil from Uie cllloers nt that tlinol was rearrested lu Plllmora tind brought back to Medina. He will bo held for tho graud Jury, White Is 73 years old. n)llev lie Saw Alniv. Manohestkh, N. H., Aug. 1-1. Intorost in the murder ot Christie Warden has been revived here by tbo positive assur- auoe ot a Hanover man, 11. K. Swazy, who knew Almy well, that he saw the murderer here the present week. Dytinuille In a Jorssy Jail, Rm.fF.uvir.' N. J.. Allff. 14 A nrla. oner named Walker, tn tho county jail l,Yt. rAfiilvnfl A nsnknirs nf dvtinmlta mi Wptlnnaduv. Tfc is stinhnaed Iib Intandoil to blow his cell door oil its binges aud escape. A Oovernos Opinion "s An cx-Ocneral of the Union Army, cx-Oov-crnor of the Mate of Maine, cx-lleprccn-tatlve to Oongreit, and ex-AUorney Gen eral, tpeakt for ut. With tho oxceptlon, possibly, of Hon. James O. Iilalnc, thero Is no man so well known to tho peoplo of Maine, as CEH. HARRIS Nt. PLAI8TED, Who has a grand record as a soldier, who Ii.ih been thtOovernor of theHtate,Repro soiitat(veiTi,cinf-r'",PTi'l,"hc l.:r' tho edltornrwlpronriel'irorthe"New Age" newspat or. fr!"' fllnAugu t..,:;3. General Platslti'., formerly aresldentof Mnngor, Me., knew Or. Wllllum H. Brown At all Druggists 1 ,00. r I 0 sffifc D0l-"T tnko Something rlre "Just .11 Htir.d,'' IT IS NOT. Aha AMir.N & Co., S-ole Pninrlet'.r'.lli'i'cor, lie taiiCBr.riiEtiiiiBsaic9iaicisB ,Sl-B' vjill cunc EVEflY FOHM From Simple AN ANCIENT WRECK. Discovery of u Su.iUen Ship of tho Tlmo or Ilrury the KigUtli. A most interobting discovory has, nc- conllnjr to tbo Interior, been mado nt tbo old Clnqno Port of Sandwich. The Stour, a river which has, perhaps, more frequently changed its course than any other English river, has lately entered an old channel near its confluence with Pogwcll bay, lny ing bare ti wreck which has probably oocuplod its present posi tion for several centuries. Tbo vossol Is ono of foreign build, and tho wood is in a fair state of preservation, owing to tho fact that it has for many years been entirely embedded in the sand. On In spection it would appear that, from tlmo to time, various attempts had begn mado to cut down tho wreck, but tlio hull of tho vessel is aa yet pretty noarly intact. It is a matter of local history that a little over three hundred years ago, in tho reign of Henry VIII., an Italian vessel, belonging to one of the popes, sank at the entrance of tho thoD flourishing port of Sandwich. The sand silted round it, forming a great bank, and blocking up tlio entrance to the haven, and it is recorded that, from this date, the prosperity of Sandwich as a seaport greatly declined. It is believed, with some show of reason, that tho ancient wreck now discovered is identic al with tho papal Carykc, or Carrick, which Bank at this spot in tbo reign of Honry VIII. Dllslcd by Shakespeare. Tho late Maj. llarttelot, who was i icuieti in Alnca, was educated at ltug- uy, whore ho is still remembered as tho horo of a funny schoolboy blunder. What Is the meaning of tho word 'adago?' " was tho question which was being asked by the master. Various shots wero made of tho UBual wild de scription, when it camo to young llarttelot, who, without hesitation, re plied: "A plnco to put cats iuto." Everyono laughed, and tho master, who was as much mystified ns tho rest, called him up at tho end of the lesson and asked 'him what had put such an Idea Into his hoad. "Well, sir," said itarttolot, looking very much injured, "doesn't It say in Shakespoaro: 'Like tho poor cat in tho julago?' " Fntnl J.niihtor. An Alabama girl actually laughed horself to decth. After tho laughing, which was provoked by a funny hap pening to hr brother, had lusted for some time, tho parents advised her to btop, but sho couldn't. They thun throw cold water on her, but n this h:nl no effoet they sent for a physician. He arrived to ilnd the girl uncnif.-loiis, and in a few minutos tjie dii-d from ex haustion. .tu Ollf - In Dixon. Nkw York, uii. I-i. A oablo dls patoh from Ioi:dnn says Clio iSatiomil Sporting Club hn decided to hani; up a $U,50U puise for n flaut botwo-.i Quo. Dixon, the colored u.m,a;r.o.l, iia I I'l'J d Johlison, tlif (eatiierwoiKUt c inuiplo i of Ed1uuiI. Dixon will ba allowed $o:d for expenses. BE A MA sFOltO WAS A PERFECT MAH. FE8FICT IN raOMl-MATCHtESS IN WAH! SoauKieui vtm ibu anaUin. furMajwkrlmea tbU iiuaT liof.ftl lirttlWKieiUliaat .la. Er.ry MAU cn it STBOHO anil VIOOKOUS Is all riipacti. YDUfJQ MEfJ OR OLD, mtrrln from NERVOUS IIB EIllTr, toil or ratlins Mis hood, flirilcal Ezccitl. Mental Worry, stnnttd nvlepmDt, or any FEF.30SIAL WIA1CNI83. can ba niton! to rzRrror urAtni ud tbo N02LS T1TALXT7 ot STE090 MEN, tho rrtdo and rovtrot Hatlou. We claim by years ot practice by HOMOrOLY OF BUCOESS" IB treat- Zl AUUetlon of Man. Testimonials 1 f rr m JSO Kt&tea and Tprrltorle& OUR NEW BSOKitKffffiftaViSl tshUaronoas. rull EzpUnatlonKorSOME TKEAT MEMT. Ion can bo FULLY BESIOEED ai Tbomandl tiavtbosnbyaa. Road tar tiitlinoolaU. Addroti atones BRIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. M.Y. Bffl OBMTIWSERST J&ffl Intimately, nnd did not hcsltnio, when ho found hlmso'f out of condition, to use Brown's SarsnparHla. In duo season Gen. Plalsted found him self n perfectly well man, nnd one day, whllo at his desk In his editorial room, wrote pn article on Mnlne's famous rem edy Tho article was Issued July 16th, 1887, nnd, wblloour spneo will forbid tho print ing of the wholo, wo feol warranted In taking from it tho following: Gen. Pluls ted says s Our confidence iu Brown's Bnrsnpnrllln is based upon per sonal kuowlcdgo of Us curntivo proper ties lit ease of Malaria, and Upon our long noqualnUinco with that eminent phyjlclnn, Dr. William II. llrown, late of Bangor, who perfected tho formula by which the inedlclno is prepared. Malaria Is n prevalent dlsenro now-o-days. It not only fastens Itself upon the systems of tho old veterans, who fought for years in the Southern swamps and low-lends, but It takes hold of thosewho ll'c in the atmospheres of tho cities and K "r towns. Gaeos from swamps, slug I. rivers, sewers, thnstreets, and many othor ill kopt places, poison the system, making the entranco of some other dis ease easy. Yon can avoid all danger, can keep disease at a dlcutaco, and have a systoni teomlng wltn rich blood nnd vl tn.Ity, by slmp)- u.-lng Brown's Sarsa narllla, which purifies the blood when others fall. JI it lite belt (n the world. bottles fr.r 0 . no. tJSI!t.8pn:'liW.l'UO3JWB3BSc4tSa OF Pimples to olnstlnate EcaUMAj mm DISEASE tti-BtiicJ fur"milntn for Ifltcticta anil Olclt Jiootri,' a lianUy bock for tho housohold. FICEE. tRAND picnic SxDorting Event. Columbia Park, Shenandoah, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1891, Under the nuiplccs of Phosnix Hose Coy -NO. 3- Hulf-ililo Race, Poise $25; Entrance Fee, $2. The following bae nlresdy entered for the race jinrnn ranty, i nomas nauent, Ofomo Hlnghcbtr, George Frost, Anthony Flynu, Jos. mirvey, Charles Rluthtlsir, Gcorgo Glcuwrlght and otheis. I'li8t.claBS Orchestra has been engaged. ADBS1SSIDH TO DAKC1K& PLATFORM. - 35 CENTS. BE SURE TO GO. The famous firm or OCULISTS end OITICUSS Of PIIIIiADKI.PIHA Ilavo nrranged to (.end one of tholr Bpcclnllsu on the EVE TO SHENANDOAH, Saturday, August 15, 1891, He will be nt the Forgusou Houao, lrom 8 30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Those whose eyi-s are raiislng discomfort should rail upon our Specialist, and they will receive intelligent ana fku'jui aiiention. QUBEIS" S CO. Oil-i ClteitiiutlSt., riiitadetpMa. 19 j Vtl Is and will over bo tlio .best Romody for nnnt. Tniluensa. Baokaolio. Pnlna in tho Si(l0. ChOSt aildl ' JointB, Nouralgia, fJprains, &o Before you aeoi to tray, ootaia ira-irnris OP CHARGED tbo vahaWe booki "Guide to i Hfslth," wltBi k eulursomentii of proiuiaeat phywoiins. cobhi em F.AD.RSCHTER&GOe, SIP Broaav.ay, HUVV TOKU. 38 Prize Medals Awarded! 50 Cents a Iwttlo, For Halo by! P. X. X. ItlltlTTV. c. ii. iiAGJi:3viiT.roii,j SHENANDOAH, PA., a-ndemeroreejuu. WE'RE AFTER 11! Your Irndo Is wlint wo wutit. Tills is liow we projioee to get It. Hy Belling you a first class nrllule; by sellliigyou for less than others; by Belling you furniture, an orgnu, a plnno, a sowing machine or anything else in tho line of household goods. We have a large and va ried dtock to eelect from. No trouble to show goods. Call, examine aud be convinced. 4 H D H '- i THE OLD RELIABLE, .P.WamsdBro,, Soutli Main St., v Lehigh Valley Railroad. ARRANGEMENT OF rAMjENOEIt TRAINS. MAY 10. 1891. FsEPfnger trains will leave Bbenandcah fu '.much ( until;. Leium unh, Lehlebton, Blatlngton, Cats uui)un, luiruiunii. uviuiriit'lii, IiKlluu. X nil artulphlRnudNew York at 5.47, 7M, .08n.m., auqim, Allentown, liethlebem, Kaston, I'hll 0.1U, O. p. 1U, For Helvldere, Delaware Water Gap and stroudsburg at b.fl, a.m., and 6.20 p. m. For Lnmbertvllle and Tienloi., W.08 a, m For White Haven, Wllbesdiarrc and FUW ton M7.,9.l'8, 1.4I a. m.. 8.10 and 6.28p.m. ForTunkhannock, 10,41a. m., 3.10 and 5.2t n. m. For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and nnd Lyoct n. m nnn 0.20 p. m. For Lacey vllle, Towauda, fiayre, Waverly. K'mlrn. Kochesler. Btttlalo. fviacnru Falls Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and 5.2B p. m. For r Imlra and the Wett vlaHalnmanca at 3.10 p.m. For Audenried, nuzleton, Stockton, Lum her Yard. Wentherlv and Fenn Hnven Juno lion nt 6.47, 7.40, 0,08 n. m. and 12.62, 3.10 and VJi p.m. 1-or Jennesvllle, Levlston and Beavel 51 endow. 0.08 a. ra. and 6.26 n. m. JTor Hcranton at 5.47 b.US, 10.41a. m. 8,10 and p. m. For Hazle Brook. Jeddo. Drlfton and Free lend at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. ra.. 12.61: 3.10 nnd 5.20 d. m. foriuuKuae ai. 0.41 una v.vo a. m.t kuu 3.10 p.m. For Wlgfrans, GUbeiton and Frackville at 5.6Uano n.osa m,,ana4.iup.m. i.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41. 10.58 s. ra..l2. 8.03. ior 1.051 L.1C6K. iraravnte ana suiano ,27. 7.46. 8.62. 10.15 a. m., 1.00. 1.40. 4.10. 6.33 8.10 and 9.14 p. m. For Uarkwater, Bt. Clplr and Fottsville, 7.40, 11.08, 10.58 a. m ., 122, 3.10, 4.10, 6.26 and 8.08 i. in. for jivca Ainuiiiniu, iew uonuiu huu Moren. 7.40, 0.08. 10.58 a. n... 12.62, 8.10, 6.28 and S.Ulp.m. For Haven Ituu, Ccntralla, Mt. Carmcl and Hlminokln, 8.62, and 10.16 a. m., 1.40, 4.4C anil p. in. Trains leave Hbamokln for BhennndoHh. 7.56 11.55 a. in.. 2.10, 4JSC and 9S0 p. m., arriving nt Bheunndoah, 0.05 a. in., 12.32. 3.10, 5.28 and p. ni. nuiiAi 4.ivxisn. For lost Creek. Glrardvllle and Ashland. 6.50, 9.10 11.35 a. m., 2.45 p. m. For Daikwater. St. Clair and Pottsvllle, 5.60, 8.00, 9.30 . . in., 2.45 p. ni. For Vatcsvllle, Mabnuriy city nnd Delano, 3.O0, 11.35 a. id., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m. r or ixiiiy, Auuennea ana iiasieion, dm 111., 1.40 p. in: For Munch Chunk. Lehlchton. Blatlneton. Catnxanqua, Allentown, liethlehera, Kastut and New York, 8.0U a, m., 1.40 p. m; r or rmiaaeipma, i.w p. in. k 11. BYINGTOH, Gen'l Frsb. Act., Bethlehem. 'I'SIli SEASON FOR. PIC-NICS jtisjya at HAxn, Conmiittecruun sbouUl benr In rnlnd that the Heiiald ofllce is prepared to do ull kinds.of Poster Workl at the most icacoualile rates. Give us a call aud obtain our prices. AH work done when promised, und in a satisfactory manner. WATER OF LIFE. A newly discovered MINERAL WATER. the use of which will supply Important ele ments necessary to bealth. It will cure the Kidneys, I.lver.Btomach, and all Iloweland Illedder diseases. It will dissolve calculi and remove them. It removes Hie uric acid from the blood nnd thus destroys Malaria and Chills. It cures llrlelit's disease, and la ts- peclally recommended for people advanced In life, and for general debility. For undoubted proofs 01 this stud for pamphlet clvlng full artlculais. to J. It, iMtUHi, water 01 ine 81 Houtb Main Bt., Wllkes-llarre, Pa. Or the IJunor lEabii, loliUrl C'ureu MuuuiiiiiHicrinir ir. iiuiac" It la manufactured ai a powder, which oan ba riven in elass of beer, a oup of coifoe or tea. or In for-x without the knowledge ot the patient. It la absolutely bermlesa. and will effeat a nerm&nent and aneedtf cure, whether the p&ilent la a moderate drinker or an aleoholio wreck It ha been civ en tn thouaonda w wwtii, uiu iu every lunituoo n pen cot outb nan ioi lowed. It hotcf Ktll. Thesyatem onoa lmpreanati d with the beootuea an utter lmpoaalouit Cor Uia liauor annetita ta uxiht:. 48 pftg book of partlouura free. To bo bad of C. H. HACENBUCH, Orutjglef, Skcnandofih IMPORTANT NOTICE ! All persons are hereby warned NOT TO F1SI1 IN TDK DAMS I Belonging to the Shenandoah Wafer Company, and all parties caught violating this notloe will ba Prosecuted ns Trespassers. By order of THE OOMFANT.3 Philadelpliiaanil Eoading Hailroarl,' lime Zi6 fit eijeef July 10, 1S91 TRAINS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS, VorNnw Vnrk- via Hl,(ln,ti.i w M Z..0 5.25, 7,20 s. m. and 12 So 2.E0 nnd 5.5! ft Sunday 2.10 and 7.1S a. m. For New iprt, Via Alauch Chunk, wnnlr ilnvo s .-. , n. m.itnd I2.a3i,ud2.f0n.m. 21n c. ...iwivii'iiii. vrpHd uiu b. .10, 5.25. 7.20. a. m.. 12..-H S0 nnil KM r: im ""y,f2-WnJ7.48.m, 4.30 p.m. ' VO, 5.56p.m. ' ' " 0 p.m. WD' Wcck ,ln5',,, 7,20 v M 12lM "or Pottsvllle. on..,.,. . .2.31 5 M , Rttd 6.85 p. m. Hnnrfay. 2 10 and tT IV , 1 fiU p. HI. For iauiHiiua and Mihit.,,. ...... lays, 2.10, 5.25, 7.20, n. m., 12 35 WoVnd 1.68 Additional to. Mahanoy City, woefe u'ays '7.06 i-or AiancaRter and Columbia, week days. For WllUamspor'l, Bunbnry aud Lewleburu. veek days. 3.25, 7.20 and 11 8) a. m 1,35, 7,(K) For Mahanoy Piano, weeK days, 2.10 8.25. m, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m 12.8H, 1,33. 2.50, 5.55! 7.00 am! ' & n. in. Bunday, 2 10, 8.M and 7.4 III., XI. Ul For Glinruvll!e (Ilappahannock Station) . . ,0 "" J '-zi 0,i Buu nJH. m I2..15. 1 35 i.Sfl. fi.55. 7.00 unit H.Z'i. n. ni. Hnniliiv 2-10, 2 ., 7.48 a. m., 8.05, 4.30 p. m. 1.21,5.25,7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00 and ,2S m. nnnany s kj b, ui 8.10 p. tn. TRAINS FOB WHENANPOAIJ : l.eave New Vork via Philadelphia, week lays. 7.45 n. in., 1.30, 4.00. 7.30 p. m 12.10 nlpht. Sunday, 6.00 p. m., 12.16 night. Leave New Vork vIh Maucb .,uunk, week tB.ys,-4.30. 8.46 a. id., 1,00 and 4.0J p. tn. .'Save Phll'delphla, weez days, 4.10, and 10.00 a. m. 4.00 end 8.00 p.m., from Broad And (Jallowhill and 8..1 il. m. anil 11 .so n m. lrom 9th ana ureun streets. Bunday D.06 a. m. ll.SO p. m. from tli anC mvun. tavo jtivaame, woek days, 1 35. 7.10, 10.C6 nd 11.60 a. m., 6.55, 77 p, ta. Bnnday 1.85 and 10.43 a. 111. lave Pottsvllle, week dayB, 2.40, 7.40 a. m 12.80.011 13. m. Hlindnv. 2 40. 7.1)0 X. ni. Anil p. no. 1 vo Tamaqun, week days, 8.S0, 8.43 and 21a. ra.. 1.21. 7.1$. and 8.18 n. ni. Hiindnv 8 7 4.1 in. mid 11. in. iieavo Maranoy Oily, week days, 3.40, 9.18 aud 11.47 a. m 1.61, 7.42 and U.44 p.m. Hun. day, 3.48,8.17 a, ra., 3.20 p, m. ,eave Mnhanoy Plaec, week days, 2-41, 4.10 8.80,9.33, 11.10 a. m.,l.('5, 2.C0. 5 20, 6 28,7.57, and llOiln. m. Sundav 2.4.'. 4.0(1. and k.'.7.k m. 3 37,5.01, p.m. j-mve uimraviiio (luippanannocK utatloni wrec days, 2,47, 4.07, 6.30, and 9.11 a. m., 12.05, 2, 6,!l, 11.82, 8.03 and 10.06 p.m. hunday.2,47, 1 0 , t.83 1A. m. 3.41, 5.07 p. m. j-reave WJlllamsiiort, week dayB, 3,00,9.45 and 11.65 a.m. 3.35 and 11.16 p. m. fcsuucUy 11.15 p. m. or Baltimore, Washington and the west via Ii. & O. It. It., through trains leave Ulrard Avenue statlou. Philadelphia, (P. A K. B. It.) at 4.16, 801 nnd 11.27 a. m 1.34, 4,24 , 5.65 nni I Si p. tn. Bunday, 4.18 8.02 11.27 a, m 4.2( .65 and 7.23 p.m. atjAntiu CITV 1JIVIBION. leftvc pniladelpbln, Chestnut utrevt Wharf ma tkinth Btreet Wharf. Kor Atlniitlo CUT. Week-days Kxprew, 5.15, 8 00, 9.00, 10.45 a. m. and 1 if (Saturdays only, 1.30), 2.10, 3.00. 3.30, ..I' , 5 00, 0.00 t. u. Aooommodaltou, 7 4 a.m., 4.15, 6 30 p. m. !'atmb.ji,xpres. B 15, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 8 S 9.00, 9.30 a. m. and 4 30 p. m. AuconiiiiciUltm 8.0U a. m. and t 45 1- u.. Keturulng. lea e Atlantlo City, depot corner '.!nntlcna Arknnus vennes. Week-iiftva Express, 7 00, 7.30, 8 00, 0.00, 10.00 n. m. and 3 15, 4 00, 5.30, 8.8", 7.80, 9 30 p. ni. Accommodation 0.00, 8.10a. m. and 4.1-0 p m. Suuitays-Ex-prebs, 3 30, 4 00, 5 01), 0 00, 0-30. 7-00, 7.30. 8 00, 0.80 p, 111. Accommodation, 7.30 a. m.,6.05 p. m. .. U. UAWCOUtt, Uen 1 t una 1 a.. A. Mnli&OU. Pres. Gen'l Manager, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAU. BOEUTIJriI.1. DIYIblOS. On and aftrr Nov. 21, lbW, traint wilt lea pftenmtuoun as follows: Castle, tit. Clair, and way points, e.W, D.I9 A m ana 1.1s p in. cunnays, uuc, u.iu a m una 11.10 p in. Vox I'ottsvlUo. 8.W, .lu a m and l.ISp m. Pcndays, WO, SAO u ni and 3.10 p m, For HendlnK, s.oo, U.loa m and 4.15 pm. Handays, A!..tllii. m. and K.10 p ra. vot Ji'ousiown, rnoenisvuie, nomstowrt .nd Philadelphia (Broad street station;, b.CO. 10 n ra. and 4.1a 11 in weos aavs Mondays, wxi, 9.40 a in 8.10 p m Trains leave Fiaotcvllle lor Bhenandoab nl. 10.40 am and 112.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Bimdays, U.1S n 10 and 6.40 p m. i.eavo I'oitavuie ior nucnanaoan, iu.19 ana 11.48. a in 7.15. V.i'i p m. K-audajn. 10.40 a m 5.15 p in. ieave I'niianeipnia (tirona street station), ftir Vnt.lnvlllii ann R'lpnnnrtnnb. fi.fiTlnyAa m 2.10, 4.10 and 7.C0 v ni week .days, bunday D.2B si m anai.iup. m. Kor wYorS. 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.55, BJSO, 7.80, 8.208.30, d.50. 11.00andll.l5nnl,12.00noonl(llm, lied express, 1.06 and 4.60 p m.) 12.44, 1.40, 2.W, .20, 4, 5, 0, 6.S0, 6.60 7.1S 8.12 and 10.00 pin, 12.01 uitrH. un tjunaay s, u:m,, 4.40,, v.ix, v.w, in. and 12.4U. 3.U) (limited 4.60), 6.S, 6,80, 0,60 r.Vi 8.12 p m and U01 nlg'at. For Bea Ulrt, Hprme I.aie, Dehnar, .icean Grove. Aebnrv 1'artr. andlioni: Drancb 3i0, 11,16, a. ra. 4.00 p. ra. Meet dnvr 1'or p rceuoia, a.v p. m. wees: auyc Baltlmor una Washinaton. 8.60. 7.20. B.81 9,10, le.20, ) 1.18 a m,12."i (limited espresd) 8.43 i.u U.V1 amw.tu p. 111., nua xau nignt. J? 07 Baltimore, nly 2.02, 4.1 1, 6 03 and I1.8O p. m. On Handays, 3.50, 7.20, D.llund 11,18 a. m. 4.41 8.67, v.10 11 ni. 12.03 nighU JBalPmore only 6.08 and 11.80 p ra. For Richmond and tho Booth 7.20 11.18 a. m., Limited Ksprecs 12.S5 p. m.,)12.03 night, weelc lrtys. Succlays, 7.20 a.m., 12.03 night. Trains leave liarrlsburg for Flttsunre ana 1 be west every day at 12.25 and 8.10 u m and t.'.H) (llmltod) and 8.40 p in. 'Vay for Altoona, .15 a in and 4.10 l ru every day. For I'lttsbnre only, 11.20 a in dally and 10.29 ra week days. Leave Kiuibnry for Wlluamsport, Klmlra, . lanandalgua, Hochestor, BtiUaloand Niagara Halbi, ii.10 a 111 dally, and 1.43 pin week days, for WatRlns, 6.S0 p m week days. Kor Krlc nnd Intermediate jioints, 5.10 am:, dally. For Lock Haven, 5.10, and 9.63 a m. dally, and D.U0 p. ra. week days. Fox Kenova 5.10 a m 1.43 and S,S0 p ra week days 1.10 a. m Kamiays. ;UA8. F fOOH, J. II. WOOD, Gen. Man'r en. Pass. Art. "yrrlLMINaTON & NORTUKIIN R. R. IKtiie table in tffect May, 10, 1891. Trains leave Reading (J. t R. station) fox Gibraltar, Beyfert, Ulratboro, Joanna, Spring, field, Wnynesburg Junction, CoaUsvllle.West Chester.Chadsford Junction, II. a O. Juuctton, Wllmluetnn and Intprmrdlntn ntnltiinii. dnllv. except bunday, at 6.25 and 8.80 a.m. and 8.15 p. m. Bunday only at 8.05 p. m. For Warwick, Ht-rctors and Intermediate statlons.dally except Bunday, at 9.20 a.m., ana 6.19 p. m. Bunday only 8.16 a. ra. For lltrd&boro und Intermediate stations, Batnrday only, at 12 m. sn For Baltimore and Washington (B. & O.K. H.) dally except Bunday at 6.25 nnd 8.S0 a. in. and 8.15 p. m, Bunday only nt 8 05 11. m. Trains arrive at Reading (P. 4 R. station) lrom Wilmington, 11. A O. Junction, Mont. rbanln, Chaddslord Junction, West Cliester, Lenape, Coatcsvllle, Wayncbourg Junction, Bprln?neld,Joanua,Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey. fert and Intermediate stations, dally except Bunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. in. Bun day only at 11.21 a. m. From Bt. l'eters, Warwick and Intermediate stations, aany except nunnny, at 8.28 a. m. and 2.25 p.m. Bnnday onlv at 8d. m. From Birdsboro and intermediate stations, Baturday only nt 1,40 p.m. From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex cept Bunday, 10 20 a. m. 6,62 and 8.17 p.m. Bunday only nt 11.21 a. in. 110WMSSB BHICIOP, Gen'l raws. Agt. A. G. A1COA UULAND, Bnpt. RUPTURE, AVe, tho undersigned, are entirely cured ot Itnnt.lll-A hv 1r .1 It MAYER, 831 Arch Bt., I'hlln. Thomas 11. llarlung. New Ringgold, l'a., I.Pamlt, Boulb Easton, l'a., h. V. iSt O. A. Peturck, O.'ey, l'a,. It. O. Btanley, 421 Bpruce St., Ibanon, l'a., A. Bchuelder. Ixioukt Iinle, l'a.,1), It. Noll, Luna kiln, Fa., Wm. 10. JIar.enstlne. I'hoenlxvllle. l'a., W. M. Iiflnbncb, 024 Washington 8L, Reading, l'a., J. O. Lyme. 1310 W. Howard Ht, Ilarrlsiiurg, l'a., O. Keehn, Douglnssvllle, Fa. Dr. MAYER Is at Hotel l'enn, Reading, l'a., on the 2nd Baturday of each mouth, Call to see blm. If R. BRIOKER, M. i)., PJZY&IOIAN AND SbRQEON, No: East Centre Btreet; Mahanoy City, l'a Bkla and all special diseases a specialty,