The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 13, 1891, Image 2

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Figures Domonatrato tlio Fopu-
Mm. M-IUformcd Sunday school, of
" 17. Lutheran Sunday school, Ui
Aug. 18. KiiRlish Baptist Sunday school,
Mahanoy Uty. I tTa
Aug. 19. SI. B. Sunday school pf Shen
Aue. 20. Trinity Koformod -Sunday
school of Mahanoy City.
Aur. 20. Evangelical Sunday school
Ionic. Dotano.
Aug. 21. Datlghtors of Kobokah, Matin
nov (Jit v.
Aug. 22. V. M. Sunday school, of Oil
Aug. 24. 1. M. Sunday school of Shen
Aur. 25. English .Luthoran, Mahanoy
Aur. 26. EvanRolical Lutheran Sunday
school. Tamntia.
Am?. 27. YouriR Men's Democratic
Club, MahnnoyCily
Ask Your Frlondo About It.
Your distressine couch can bo cured.
"Wo know it because Kemp's Balsan
within ihn DHt few years has cured sc
manv oouehs nnd colds in this;comraunity
1U remarkable salo has beon won entirely
l.v Its ironulne merit. Ask somo friend
who has used it what he thinks of Komp
Balsam. Thoro is no medicine so pure,
none so effective. Largo bottles 60c Bnd $1
at all drURRlsts'.
A Curo
for Constipation
Dr. Silas Lane, whilo in tho Kocky
Mountains, difcovored a root that whn
combined with other herbs, makes an owij
and cortain curo for constipation. It ia ir
the form of dry roots and loaves, and It
Unnwn ns Lane's Family Medicine. It
will curo sick hoadaoho. For tho blood,
livor and kidneys, and for clearing up the
comploxion it does wonders. DruggisU
sell it at 50 cents a package
Had an outinR yet?
To Nervous, Dobllltated Mon.
If you send us your address, wo wll
mail you our illustrated pamphlet explain
tne all about Dr. Dyo's Celebrated Mloctrc
VO1W10 BOH nu appunuwoo, mi" kujm
.h.wninir oftMu unoii tha nervous di
bilitated system, and how they willnuloklj
rostoreycu to vigor, aud manhood. J'amp'i
let tree. Il you are iuub amiovmi, we
tend ou Halt and Apuliancoi on a tria
VOLTAIC Bklt Co . Marsn&n, alien.
Yes It's hot enough.
Romarkablo Facts.
iirt fiiMufw is ii'iitllv sui roicd loLe In-
curable, imt when propeny united alnrge
in onortlon ot cases i an b eurea. -jiiusaws.
lmira Hatch, ol Klklinrt, Ind., aud Mrs.
Kirv 1. Haker. ol Ovid. Mich., weiootlied
alter nilleiliiir 30 e's H. C. Mubnr er.
druggist at Hau Jwe, III., ssjstlml Dr. Mim.'
NeT"IIert Uuie, which cured Iho former,
tr,trkMl wnnrlpra lor Ills wlfo." Levi oscan,
of Buchanan. Mleh., who had heort dlktnse
loraOyuarH, says two bnliles made Iilm "leel
11L-n r. iinw mnn ' llr. "lilies' Nl,W HetirlCUrC I.liamiltlf4l1 hV fl II IiHUehbllCh
the druggist. Book of wonderful testimonial"
Mosquitoes troublesome.
Shiioh's Consumption Ouro.
This is bes'ond mullon tho most suo-
cesslul riniBh Medicine we have evtraold,
a few doses Invariably cure the wnist op sen ol
Cough, Uroup, aud Drunchitls, while lis wou
derlu! iucces In tho cure of consumption 1"
without ft parallel 111 the nistnry oi mtaicme.
Hlnmi 11 I mtdltonverv It bus beeh tola on a
guarantee, u test whleli no other medicine
can slaud. Ii you have o Cough wo eurneetiy
nskjou to try it. l'rlre 10reiit.60ocnts, and
Jl.tO. If your I.urjg8 8re sore. Chest or llaos
lame, ni-e Hlilloh's I'oroiis l'laster. Bold b;
C. II. Uageiibuch, N. K. rorner Main and
Lloyd streets.
August is a long mid sultry month.
A Yankeo Sheriff Frightonod.
A well known fcherilt, living in Maine, wes
given up to die Willi wnat ins pnymciap
railed Consumption, Iriena ntivisea Him 10
trv Puii.'rinn and t '( nsuiorliou Cure.
recovery followed, and tlio doctor now uses It
IOr VJOU. 11", VOlUS HUM l.llllflUIIlllLIUU. Jllltl
bottles ireeut Klrlln's drug store:
Tho watermelon is much bettor this year
than last.
Haui.em. Jni imrv 2H. '890
a ill i'I linen umi imj uiniu. ... ...v.
was nllllct' d with a very bud skin disease, ol
the luce. iyeH and Inside of the hi sh. The
n.,..- tin .1.... ..... .l.ll.l
inen wns omcred with matter in: sores. nd
Ills eyes were swollen shut on account of the
sores on the eyelids, nud bis nose wit d Is
cha'glm! matter, nnd was full Inside of the
sores. I kuvc h.m the Cactus lllood Cure, lor
four weeks, nud to dny my baby 's entirely
WOll. Mill. J.KE.lWl'a,
in roisi latin sireci, jn. i .
Bold at Klrlln's i)rugBtore,Kerttifion House
Block, Bhenandoaii.
Mid-eumtne? travel
high water mark.
has now reached
A National Event.
The holding of the World's Fair lnaclly
soa'eely II ty jb h old will be u remarkable
ovent, but whother it will really benelt this
nation us much ns the discovery ol the
ltentnrattve Nervine by I)r 1'ianklln M les Is
doubtful. This is JiiHt wLat iho Anierlcou
peoile lifted to cure tlulr eeewtivc nervous
nes, dyspepsia, headaehc, dirtiness, sleep
lessness, neuralgia, nervous debility, dullnem,
eonliKlon of mind, etc It acts Ulto a cliarni.
Trial liottles and line book ou "Nervous and
Jluart Di.ei.fes," with unenunl' d testlinoulali,
freesXV II. Hugenbi cb s drugstore Jtu
wtrrnntet to cuiUtiin no vpiwn, moihtneor
liatiyerouii drugs.
Playlns Cards.
You can obtain tiaok of best quality
nlaylog enl by sciding flfteon oonu in
liostago to 1' S. Eustie. Qen'l l'ass. Asst.,
"t . V & Q.U. It Chicago, 111. tf
imy nu, uaioia loiti to tr HiwliliH,
, uat uo Knowing bow to isooeiimu
vnj it, iipioa.imu tun .luKlutotn ..ilf
t.,M iiHa,UMUHUUrAB.fl.lltLril
OUR NEW BOOK. fr... no.l I..I1. KMI I
for . Ilmltrd tlma.P.rlftilul I
i d ffllctloua et tha 1
Orst-Di of Mod, todhow bv
m.thodi txcloilTily oar
own, tat tturnt rnaesof
Lolt or Ffclllog Uaabooa.
O.oirr.1 asd M.rToas Do
bllltr. W " Boa
sad Mind. ESt of Errors
or Exctaitl. Btontod or
Sbmnl.n can Cnrert. '""&
3ciBc,ioui,....n.. - ,,r,,r, nvrr,
n 4 .. . x.
1 -..-f.A
TllO DrCaill 01 a DVlllS UllO
Solves a Mystery.
flnr nioan.r vml Ty.n:innjo.rotl
Mysteriously Two Yoars Ago.
Neighbors I'lnd tho C'orp.o lit tho Tlottom
of li Willi It Whs ISnallr Iclolltllli-, llNo
Hlgii of llecoinpatltloil lining Vlslbln
Hie Cornnar ta Mnka mi Examination.
A Dnublo Vunornl.
New YonK. Auk. 10. Two years ago
William Snort, who worked on tho Long
Island K llrond, suddenly disappeared
from his home In Jnuinlcn, L. I., nnd
since then ho 1ms bcou given up for doud
by tho nclahbors.
Ills wlfo continued to carry on uio
house, nud novor would allow that hep
husband was dead, but repontouly saiu
that often sho had vlslonB of him nnd
that ho would turn up somo day. UU
two children nlso frequently snoko of
their father as being "at tho bottom of;
tho well." n well In the uardou formorly
used by tho railroad company for tholp
Last n u lit Mrs. Short died suddenly.
hut soma of tlio. neighbors sny that pre
vious to her dying sho told them sho had
boon ronoatodlv awakened nt mailt uy n
vision of lier nusliiuu, wno stoou at, not
bedsldo nnd told hor that ho had lanen
flown thn wall.
Two men. John Mayall and William
Aniberman, procured a fifty foot laddor.
nnd descending to tho bottom or tne wet
wero horrliled to discover tbo uouy oi r.ue
mlkslnu William Short.
The bodv was drawn to tue surinco ami
lnld on tho irrouud. whore It wns Imme
diately identified by n nunibor of tho
neighbors. Tho body was lu a good stnio
of preservation, there being no signs
flornninnalflnn. Tllrt (lentil of tho WO
nnd tlio pooullar quality of tho witterf
which ooiitnlned a great quantity oi
lime, had proservod It.
The coroner will mako a tuorougu in
Tho bodies of huaband and wlfo will ue
burled together to-morrow.
Armed CltlroiiH Rcuur the lVondi for tlt9
Kegiu Highwayman.
New York. Aug. 18. Tho constnblos
of Great Neck, Little Nook and Manilas.
not spout another vain day lu scouring
tho woods for John Aininerman, the no-
gro who assaulted aud robbod Mr). Nel
moyer. Thoy wero nrnied with revolvers and it
would havo gono hard with tho nogro
hnd they cuiiKht him. Squlro Morrell
directed tho operations of tho hunting
party from his botiso at Manhasset.
Tho party divided into two sections.
Constable Fred Nelmoyor, tho liUBband of
tho woman who wns nssrtultou, nnd (jon-
stablo Pllchor, of Manhaset, with ono
party went to Hempstead, while Deputy
Sheriff Qeorito Clark nnd Constables Roe
and Hicks searched tho woods In the
direction of Jamaica.
Tho nejiro Is 58 years of ago nnd of
stout build. Ho sorvod n term In Stato
nrison for assaultiua n irirl some years
iijiu. nu wear eiirrlnus. ,voryboilv
mound Great Neck knows him. Ho
worked In farm houso around tho plaoe.
Ut lato years ho was nut considered
daugorous character.
iat and titlncs llrlvo a niau In Kotv
Joi'soy aXiul.
Elizaijetii, N. J., Aug. 13. Alexander
Gordon, u well-known dry goods furnish
ing dealer on liroad sticct, whoso bus!
noes h is beeu dull, bocamo violently lu
Bano yesterday morning, lis dashed from
his hoiue nt daylight and plunged into a
wire fence, badly lacoratlug hU hulf-nudo
Two officers captured him. Ho was
placed In it cell, where he tore all his
clothing from his body. He was over
powered nnd placed In n strait-jacket.
Ills young wife says hU mental de
rangement Is duo to tho groat, heat aud
Children Fatally Humeri.
Uniontow.v, fa., Aug. 13. Two chil
dron of L. L. Hortou, manager of tho
Somorhot Lumber Co , nonr Ohio 1'ylo,
this county, were fatally burned last
night by the explosion of uti oil can. The
boy was pourlny oil on it torch which ho
was preparing to take to a lilvo of bees
when his llttlo sister throw a lighted
match Into the torch, igniting tho oil lu
tho can.
Btl eot Car Kinjiloye Stonis Sin, 000.
Montreal, Aug. 13. John Callahan.
Btrcet car employe, hns been arrested
charged with robblug tho company of
$15,000 lu cash. It wa part of Calla
han's duty to go to tho vaiious outlying
btntlons of tho company every night and
collect tho deposits made by tho conduc
tors nnd drivers. Ho has turned over to
tho company $15,000 lu cash and an os
tnto. Henntor hijulrn Slay Accept.
Olympu, Wash., Ana. 13. Senator
Squite, It Is reported from Washington,
has beon torlously considering the ac
ceptance of tho Chluoae Mission, which
h b bot'u tendered toJUlra by X'rcsldent
Ilwttli of Kx-iltidftn 1'otter.
SCHKNSOTAUY, X. V., Altf. 13. Ex
Judge 11 it 1 1 l'ottor died hers last evonlug,
uged 01. He was bom lu Galway, Sura
toga County, and was one of the oldest
ex-members of Assembly and ex-judgo
of the Supreme Court In the State.
SInyov Glmpln Callously III,
Brooklyn, Auk. l3. -Mayor Alfred O.
Cliaplu has foiW.Ue past t.oveu days beeu
h ing at the point of death at the resl
denoa of hU father-In law, Mr. S, B.
bchletfellu, at Tairftown, X. Y.
Four I'wvsoiis Urotvur.d.
BowMANViuJii, Out., Aug. 13. A boat
contalutiiK a party of seven persons cap
sUed ou Piee Liiks last uluht, Mr. and
Mrs. U.ivrkuid and MUs May Bee wero
drownuu Th ulnar wtrs rsspileil.
Aiiplu slid ttoqnau fur I'util.
i'a, 4 UM. IB. riKl WAS rQRAlTafi
last uluut with tmriMMidaus .ntl, !.,. .
A Governor's Opinion
S Ancx-Oeneraloihe Vnlon Army, ex-Qov-5
ernor of the State of Maine, cz-lleprctcn-S
tative to Oingrcu, and ex-Attorney Den
j eral, tjxaktor ut.
Z With the exception, possibly, of Hon.
5 James a. Illnlne, thcro Is no man so well
; known to tho people of Maine, as
Who has n grand record n a soldier, who
has been theUoveruorof theState.Kepro-
scntntlve to Con;;:'''.' , r:id -.iho in i.
v i
ci.l the edltoroni propriety-or '.he "New
Age" newnpajx r, p: Intel In Au&ukIi,
General rial sled, formerly rcid "n' of
ISnngor, Mo., know Or. William II. Brown
At ell Druggists I.OO. o
Brawn's Sarsanarillai
DON'T take Something else "Junas good," IT 18 HOT.
'tf Ai:a Waercn & Co., Sole I'roprletorSjBangor. Me. X''
New Youk. Anir. 13. Money on oallloinol
oaiy at Hi aud '4 per cent.
Clo-lug aoslnj
Yesterday. To-dav.
4S, 1801 Hog 100U 100 i
ifa 1801 Coup 100 10U3
4 S, iuu ..(.t"ua ivu'-g
i B, 1007 Coup 117a 110
Clusln Cloiln?
Yesterday, To-day.
Canadian racino 81 W
Central l'aoiflo S 29V
Chicago, Ilur. Sc Qulncy m W
Delaware & Hudson ,130 120
Del., Laok. & WeBtorn I32ij I.ISSj
Erie 17M IS
Krle prof i 40 48
Lake Shore 10M 109
Louis- & Nash 00 07
Michigan Central V7vt M
Jlissourl l'aoiflo O-'iJi M(
Now Jeney Central HOW llOli
Noithwostern IOB'4 105J
Orosou Navigation 06 OA
VaoitloMnil 3811 34i
t. .Inn- IKU 271
ltoeK island 71 Uj 71 Ml
St. lhiul , "UK OilVj
Union l'aoiflo WH 7
Western Cnlou 78JJ
Aug. Bept. Oct.
Wheat CKJVjl fB MM
Cor Tfifi 08 001
Oats yaJJ 35 t
KEWtYoiiK, Aug. 18.-Butter market wui
ftrmer to-day, otiused prlnoipally by thesiuiUl
arrival: State and Venn, ci-oamo. y, steady at
2ec; lilgln, fancy, nlfo sold at SCo. Other
Quotations: Cieumery State, so onus to ttrets,
Kltfi to 17o.; craimery, r.lnlu, o.TtraB,)o.: r-tate
dairy, h. f. tubs extras, IBa.alU.: Stato dairy,
h. t. tubs seeonils, ISo.alUe.: Stito dulry,
Welsh tubs extras. 17oX.al8e.: iStutc dairy,
Welch tubs seconds, luo.ald. ; western Iiulta
tion oroamory, llrsts, ir.aal'H.: western iuii.
tatlon orcainory, thirds. 13o.tU'-',ic.
EgKS-Miket burelr s wuly lloooiiits not
oxuusstve, but fairly libeitii. Tra ledull a id
of u suloctivo elmniet.!: ltiv Vord State, new
laid, por diMon, 11v.a7yiu ; i'oninilvanla,
new laid, ire.airto. wostei n go,id to prime,
lieoe Sot liiuoli dnlu;r, but tlio market,
nevertheless, Man ting up m-ich litte.
than was anticipate ! Statj fuotory, lu 1
creiim, coluro 1, 1 incy, t:4C : State
liiotory, full uii'jm, wh'to, mil -y, f.54o-: -tut i
factory, full oruum, fair to gool, 7ilojt7i4u.i
State factoiy, coin'an i to f.ilr, li'v uTUo.;
Statu faotory. part skim , f llr f good, o jo,;
Stato tuctory, part oitinis, co'inuun, lo,;
state factor) , lull skims, -''.' c.
lloavy viinri'i" hi ttiui.i- Appi h.
SrittNOFiKLD, llitss., Au. 1H. Tho New
England Honiestead predlcis a heavy
Rhortuiie In winter apples. This pre.
diction Is based ou 1,00J special reports
received from the commercial orohard
regions of tho United Statos and Canada:
A heavy crop of fall apples Is admitted.
fjlck Headache, and relieve all tbo tronblea I nsf
dent to a bilious etato of tho system, suoh ad
PIzzlnoss, Nsn&ea. Drowsiness, Distress aftei;
catlnR. l'alu in the Bide, to. Whilo their nice J
ycmwUible nuccess has boon shown la curing ,
HcaSscho, yet Cterfor'a Llttlo Ltver Pflla ar3
dually valiutblo In OoDsttpatlon, earing and pre
iBntlna thtsftnnovlnneoninlaint.i'htla tlievalaJ
I irer and regulate the bowels.
Byenlf theyonlj
taller from tMs distressing complaint; but fortu
nately their goodness does noteud hero,and thosa
Trho oaoe try them will find these llttlo pills valo
Able In so many ways that thoy will not bo vrP
Ilex to do without them. Butaftorallslckhoij
Is tho bano of so many Uvea that horetswhsra
vetnakeonr great uoast. vur puis euro iiv una
others do not.
Carter's Llttlo liver Fills aro very small an!
very eaay to talie. Ono or two pills ro. oadoso.
Thoy are strictly vegetable and do not gripo or
purge, but by ttiehrgentlo action ploasoall whoi
tue them. In vials at 25 cents nvaforU. Sold
by druggists everywhere, or Boat by mod.
t tm fe
lntlmately, and did not hesitate, when
he found himself nut of condition, to use
Brown's SttrsaparHla.
In duo season Ocn. rialstcd found him
rolf n perfectly welt man, and ono day,
while nt his desk In his editorial room,
wrote on nrtlclo on Maine's famous rem
edy Tho article wns Issued July 15th, 1887,
and, whilo bur space will forbid the print
ing of tho whole, wo feel warranted In
taking from it tho following:
Ocn. IMalstcd snys : Our confldenco In
Brown's Bnrsapnrllla Is based upon per
sonal knowledge of its curatlvo proper
ties in cases of Malaria, nnd npon our
long acquaintance with that eminent
physician, Dr. William II. Brown, Into
of Bangor, who perfected tho formula by
which tho mtdlcino is prepared.
Malaria Is a prevalent disease now-n-duys.
It not only fastens lteelf upon tho
systems of tho old veterans, who fought
for yenrs in the Southern Swnmps and
low-lands, but It takes hold of those who
live in theatmospheros of the cltlos and
laij-ir towns. Quses from swamps, slug
gish livers, sewers, the streets, nnd many
other ill kept places, poison tho system,
making the entrance of somo other dis
ease easy. You can avoid all danger, can
keep disease, at a distance, nnd havo a ;
syitoni toemiiig with rioh blood nnd vi
tality, by simply using Brown's Sarsa
pnrllla, which purifies tho blood when
others fall, It U the leal in the world.
bollles for B.on.
CS 2
Proiu Simple Plntplen to otiHtlnnte SCSEMAi
X9Bcnd for " EIIntf4 for Kitclien nnd BleU.
Elooiii," a handy book for tho bousohold. PKE5S,
Sporting Event.
Columbia Park, Shenandoah,
Uuder tho auspices of
Pno3iiix Hose Coy
Hslf-jlilc Hue, I'orsc $25; Enlrance Fee, $2.
The following have already entered for tlo
race Martin Fuhey, Obomas Knllcnt,
George Itinnhciitr, Geoige Frost,
Anthony Klynn, Jos. narvcy,
Chalks ltlotbelscr, George
Glenwrlght and otheis.
Flrbt-clnfcb Orchcelra has been engaged.
Tho famons firm of OCULISTS nnil OPTICIANS
of pmi,..rKT.piiiA
Havo nrrnnned to send one of their
tipeclallsls on the EYE
Saturday, August 15, 1891,
lie will be at the
STorgusoxL Houso,
lrom8 30A. M. to 6 P.M.
Tbose wliose evrs are causlrir discomroii
ihould call upon our t-peclalist, and they will
receive intelligent aua ekuuui aiicntiou.
Qn5I" 0
0114 Cltritiiut St., rhtlaitelplila,
to (sficniasaiiffaiiijM it?'
la and tv'll ever bo tho
Homody for
rtMf Tifl. r,na TlnftlrnoTia.
IUUU,, 1UUW", ' " -
Ti.i.n in v,n Rtrin nhnt(: nntll
Joints, neuralgia, opiauus, -
Esfors yon aced to tray, oitaln
rcrtr nc nUARCE SS
the valnable lookt "Guide to Health," wlthj
ldOrsemSuvS OI proiuiuuu. i'uj wwwiii
310 Broadway,
Prize Medils Awarded!
Vienna, Prague, Botierdam, Oltflfli
1 60 Cents a bottle, For Salo by
fiMPNAhinnAH. PA..
icr drugeuts.
Your trndo In wtint wo
This la how -wo propoeo
to get It.
By Belling you a flrst
cluss nrtlclo; by selllilgyoti
for less than others; by
eelllrg you furniture, nu
organ, a piano, a sewing
muchlneor anything else
In tho line of houtchold
Wo havo a large nnd va
ried stock to select from.
No t rouble, to show goods.
Call, examine nnd . bo
Soutli mnlu St.
Lehigli Valley Railroad.
MAY 10. 1891.
Passenger trains will leave Hhenandcah fci
Mauch Chunk, Lehlehton, Blatlngton, Catc-
tauqua, Allentown, uetnit ntm, liaston, mil
aaeipniaananew xorKato.i, i.vj, v.tna.m.,
1'. H.IU. D-ZU 1). 111.
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
sirouu&Diirg at o.i, a. in., aua o.p. ra.
rvi UHUiucJVYiiiDituu Aicuiun, a.vo tx. ju
For White Haven, Wilkes-Barre and FltU
'AJW n.1, , p.vd. lu.ii a. ui.i o..u nuu uut .
ForTunkhannock, 10.41a. m 3.10 and fi.2t
p. m
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyons a. in., ana o;as p. ra.
ForLacejvlile, Towanda. Bayre, Waverly
r.lmlm. Itochester. llullalo. .laeara Falls
Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and
5.211 n. ni.
For J Imlra nnd the West vlaMalsmanca at
8.10 p. m.
For Audenrled. Bozleton. Stockton, Lum Yard. Weatherlv and 1'enn Hnven Juno
tlon at 6.11,7.40, 9,08 2.and 12.62, 8.10 and
ta p. ni.
For Jeanesv'lle, Leviston nnd Beavel
Meadow. 7.40. 0 03 a. ra. and 6.2B n. m.
For Bcranlon at 6.17 9 .OH, 10.41a. m. 8,10 ed
i:'JUp. in.
For Hazle Brook. Jeddo, Drlfton nnd Free
land nt 6J7, 7.40, tMAJ, 10.41 a. m., 122 3.10 and
526 p. in.
For uuakako at 6.4) and 9.03 a. m and
3.10 p.m.
or tvigcanD, uuuertaii una rrucKviiie ai
5.60atidv.03a m., and 4.10 p. m.
For Yatesville, Mahanoy City and Delano
6.47. 7.10. 9.08. 10.11. 10.58 a. in..l2.52, 8,03,
9.2 and 10.27 p.m.
For i.ost urees, iiraraviiie ana Asiuaca
Or fill D IIIIR a m I 111 1 Id J in NUI
8.10 and 9.14 p. ra.
or jjarawnter, oi. uieir una i-otuiviiio,
7.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. in., 12.62, 3.10, 4 JO, 6.2S and
P-- .. . .
ror xiuck aiminuiiu, jxkw jjwhujii uuu
Morea. 7.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. ... 12X2, 8.10. 5.23 and
8.08 p. m.
For Haven Hun, Centralia, Mt Carmcl and
Shumokln, 3.62, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.4C
and 8.08 p.m.
Trains leave Rhomokin for Shenandoah,
7AS 11 .65 a- m., 2.1U, 4.30 and 0.80 p. ra., arriving
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a.m., 12.52. 8.10, 6j and
11.15 p.m.
For Lost Creek, Glrardvllle and Ashlano,
6.50, 9.10 115 u. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Darkwater. St. Clair and FottsvlUe,
5.50, 8.00, 9.S0 . m., 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesville, Mahanoy City nnd Delano,
8.00, 11.85 a. ra., 1.40, 4.10, 6.03 p. m.
For Lofty, Audenrled and Haxleton, 8.0t
a- ra 1.40 p. m:
For Mnuch Chunk. Lehlghton, Slatlngton,
Calnsnuqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kastoi
and Mew York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m;
For Vhlladelphla, 1.40 p. m.
Uen'l Pass. Act., Bethlehem.
jimxa at jrAJt'v,
Comnilttcemeii sltnuld hear Jn
mind that tlio Herald olllce
1m prepared to do all Id litis of
Poster Work!
at the moat reasonable rates.
Give 113 a call and obtain our
prices. AH work dene when
promised and In a satisfactory
A newlv discovered MINEItAL WATEIl.
the use of whkh will tupply important ele-
menis necEFSnry 10 nenuii. it win cure tne
Kidneys, Liver, stomach, and all Dowel aud
madder diseases, it will dlsiolve talcull and
remnvo Ihem. It rt moves tbe uilo acid from
the blood aud thus destroys Malaria and
i nuis. it cures urignt's aiseuse, ana is es
peciaily recommended for people advanced In
life, and for general debility. For undoubted
nronfsnr tbistindtor rinmnhlct elvlmr mil PERRY, Water oi Lite
wo., 01 couiu main nu, w lutes-uarre, ra.
Or fbo Iliiti or flabitt E'osliUrly Cureu
ay nuiiiiniBirrmsr J-i. biuiiicii
It la znanufaotured aa & uowder. which can ba ci van
In m class of bear, a cup of ootfeo or tea, or in food,
without tha know ledge ot the patient. It in absolutely
harmletw, and will eifeet a permanent and speedy
euro, whet lier tha cat lent Is a moderate drinker or
an alooholio wrack It has oaen given la thousand
01 eases, sua in every instance a peneoT cure nas ioi
lowed It nHvt?i- I'utlit. TkBVHtem onca imnreunate
ed with the beoomea an utter Impossibility
tor ma liquor appeiuo 10 exist.
48 pace book of particulars free. To bo had o'
C. II. KAGENDUCH" DriCElst, Shrnantloah
All persons are hereby warned
Belonging to the
Shenandoah Water Company,
and all parties caught violating this notice
win 09
lroecut4:rt vs Trespassers.
By ucder of
T3ri23 002VEX- XT &
iams ffi Bro.
P-Uodelpliia and Beading flailrcad?
" anoie in ei7eei July Ju, J8-w,rW
ror rew xorx via rnnaoeipma, week days.
2. 0 6.2S, 7.20 a. m. and 12 85 160 and 6.3
?i uu miuuuy ana t.o h. ra. ror xvevf
i ork, via Manoh Chunk, week days, 5.25,
20, a, ni. nnd 12.33 and 2.60 p. ni.
For Ite&dlntr and PhllRdefnlilfL w,.elr rifiva.
2.10, 62h, 7.SV, a. m., 12.3.) 2.f.0 and 6.65 pi m.
uuiihv, .iu ana 7.,s a. in , p. u.
For llurrlsbuiT', week dayB, 12.10,7.20 a, m.t
,10, S.65P, m.
hor ALlenlown, week days, 7,20 i. m 12.3S
..o p.m.
'or Potlsvllle, week days, 2.10.7.V0,. m
21 9.P0 and 5,65 p. m. Bnnday, 2.10 and 7.48
m . 4 SO n. m
. "ot ft,ntt9ua Rb Mahanoy City, wook
lays, 2.10, 6.1-,, 7.20, a, m., 12 31 !U0 and 5.65
Additional tor Malianov f 1 1 v. wee'lr rln vs 7.011
pm . -..
,or "nj.ter nnd Columbia, week days,
,20 a. ra., 2.60 p.m.
ForWilllamsport. Hunburyand Lowlsburk, i
vcek days, 3.25, 7.20 and 11.35 a. m.. 1.83. 7.55 i
. ni. Buudar 8.23 t. m.. 3.0T, n. m. I
For Mahanoy Plane, ween days, 2.10 8.23,1
i'&'Wj1 ",3J aim" 12-3', 2.60,6.55
7.00 one 'JK. m. Sunday, 2 10, 8.25 and7.4j
At Ul. Q..U, I.OV 111.
For Olraravllle (llappahannock Btatlon)
k days. 2.10, 3.25. 6.25, 7.20 and 11.80 a. m,,
12.35. 1 85. 2.60. 5.65. 7.00 and H.25. n. m. Hnnrtnv
2'10, . 2, ,7.48 a.m., 3.05, 4J0 p.m.
"or Asuiand and Hhamoaln, week days,
1.21,6,23,7.20, 11.8J a. m., 1.85, 7.00 and ,2J
. m. Uunday 3.23, 8 32 n. m 3.05 p. m,
lieave Now York via Philadelphia, week
lays, 7.45 a. m,, 1.30, 4.00, 7.IM p. m 12.16
jighl. Sunday, 0.00 p. m., 12,16 night.
lieave Note lorh via Mauch imunk, wcet
lays, i.3j, e.ia a. ra., i.uo nuu i.uj p. in.
lieave PhllsdelDhla. wees davs. 4.10. 1
IQ.OO a. ui. 4.00 and 6.00 p. in., ftvm Uroa
nd Callowbill and 8.35 a. in. and 11.30 d. m.
from 0th ane ereuu strceu. Sunday D.U5 a.
m, ii.w p. nt. ironi tun anc i.-,ion.
lieave Heading, week days, 1.3 . 7.10, 10.16
uid 11.50 n. m., 6.65, 7J57 p. m. Bnnday 1 ,35 and
:0.48 a. m.
Leave Fottsvllle, week days, 9.40, 7.10 a. in.,
12.30.611 n. m. Hundav. 2.40. 7.U0 a. m. and
2.C5 p, ni.
i-eave xaniaqua, wcett anys, 3.20, 8.48 no
21a. in.. 1.21. 7.13. and W.IK . m. Hnndav s.ld
7 43 .. m. nnd 2.60 p. m.
jjHvve Mananoy city, week days, 8.40, v.) a
ind 11.47s. m 1.51, 7.42 and 9.41 p.m. Hun
lay, 8.48,8.17 a. m., 3.20 p. m.
Leave jtiahanoy Pluue, week days, 2'4), 4.10
I. 30, 03. a. m.,l.( 6, 2.1(1. 5 20, (i 26, 7.67, and
'niHo, m. Hunday2.4 , 4.00, and 8.t7,t. m.
3 37,0.01, p.m.
uxtve Ulrardvllle (llappahannock Btatlon)
xvex. days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.36, and 0.41 a. m 12.05,
( 2, 6,v, 8.82, 8.03 nnd 10.08 p. ni, Hunday.2,47,
0 , l! 83 a.m. 8.41,6.ii7 p. m.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 3.00,9,43 and
II, 65 n. m. 8.35 and 11.15 p. m. Bunday 11.13
P. in.
For Baltimore, Washington and the west
via U. & 0. 11. K., through trains leave Qlrard
Avenue station, Phllaaelphla, (P. & H. It. It.)
at 4.18, 801 aud il.27 a. m., 1.31, 4.21, 6.65 am.
r.23 p. m, Bunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a, ra., 4.21
..65 and 7.23 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Btreel Whan
ted Boulh Street Wharf.
For Atlantic Cliv.
Weeirlayp Express, 6.15, 8 00 9:00,10.45 a.
m.Rndl'K (Saturdays only, 1.30), 2.(0, 3 00.
3.30, be' , 6.00. 0.00 p. u. Accommodation, 7 40
a.m., 4.15, 0 30 (i. m,
"tannHyij. repress. 6 15, 7.00,7.33. 8.00, 8 30,
.uu, u.jj ,. 111, nnn bo p. m. vccoaimo.auon
hi K. m.iLiin . 4.1 11. r Atlantic City, depot con
Express, 7 00, 7.30, 8 00, 9.00, 10.00 n. in. and 3 15,
4.00, 5 30, B.3'1, 7.30, 0 30 p. m. Accommouation.
0.00, 8.10n. m. and 40p m. Sundays-lx-
press, it ;u, .w, o.uu, u nu, UuU ,-uu, 7.30. e w, vk
p, m. Accommcdatlon, 7.30 a. in,, 5.05 p. in.
.. u. iiAKtuut, ucn 1 run et
V. A, MoLEOD. Pres. A Gen'l Manager.
nun u 4 ,in. u y . vi. .
On anl after Nov. 21, 18B0, rntw tcllf taw
aiKsnanaotui tu foiiowst
Vor WlKBnn. Ollberton. rracKvillc. Now '
OivsUo, Ht,, und way points, tf.W, vJ 3
ra and 4.1E p m.
Knnuays, wu, v.w a m ana j.ju p m.
For Pottsvllle, 8.00, a mana 4.15 p"m,
Handays, 000, 9.40a m and o.lU n in,
For lteadluit, .0a, tl.10 c in ana 4.15 p m.
Hnndayt. boo, 8.10 h. ra. and 8.10 pm,
Kor l'oltstown. Pboemxville. Nor -ictown 1
and Philadelphia (Broud street station), C.0C,
,tu ft m. auu .io 11 ui ween auys
Bundnys, U0O,.4OBm 8.10 p m
lluiUKK'nva rmv&viuo lur rjucutuiuut u Hb
10.40 11 m nnd 12.14, 7.42, 10,oa p m. Bnnduys,
Li.ia it in nun uu , xu.
lAave Pottsvllle 101 Dhenandoah, 10.15 ana
11.48. a ra 7.15. V.42 v j. tmidavs. 10.10 a in
3,15 p m.
lieave Philadelphia (Droad street station),
for Pottsvllle nuu Ulienandoah. it m
2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Hunday D.SJ
m BEQi.iu p.m.
For w YorK, S., 4.05, 4.10, 5,33, 8.60, 7.S0,
o.2) 8 4.50.,(llm4
ilea express, i.u ana t.DU p zn.i 1.41,, .ijij,
UQ. 4,5,8, 8.30, 8,50 7,13 8.12 and 1U.0O p m, 12.01
(t Hnnilnvu 0 1M J.0 K V B W1 O nt
jcean (J rove. Asbury Park, and lne Brancn,
iSO, 11,15, a. in, 4.00 p. rn. week ctavr h'or
D reeunia, o.v , p, m. weeK aayc
iinltlinon- and Wruitunuion. 8.60. 7.20. 8.81
3 10, ll.ii0, J 1.18 a in, I"i (ltuiltefl ospres j) 8.48
i.ia tsii unr..w p. til., nuu mgni. J o
laltltuoro niy.&tu, 4.U, stWijid lino p. m
an Bundnys, 8.D0, 7.W, (t.ll'jnd 11.1S u. ra. 4.41
1.67, 7 40 ri 10. 12.03 plght. lialt'uiore only
nun p in.
tains leave llarrlsburc lor Pliibbnn; ana
ihe ivost ovcry day at 12.25 and 3.10 u m and
ijOO (limited) and 8.40 p m, Way for Allcona,
.i a. rn and 1.10 p rn every day.
For Pittsburg only, 11.20 it ni dally and 10.20
in v?eek days.
Leave Hnnbnry tor Wllllamsport, Klmlra,
Janandaljiua, Itochester, Kutlaloanrt Niagara
ialls 6.10 a in daily, and 1.43 pin weekdays.
for Vatk ins, 5.30 p rn week days.
For Krio and Intermediate points, 5.10 a mi.
lally. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 0.63 a m.
.tally, 1.81 und 6.S0 p. m. -week days. Fos
Kenova 5.10 a m 1,43 and 6,B0 p m weok days,
'..10 a, m Bundays.
nen. Man'r Hen. Pass, Art.
"y'lLMlNGTOW & NOIlTUSltN It. It.
iimeiaoie mtncci Aiay, iv, jbui.
Trains leave IleadTng (P. tt It. station) for
Gibraltar, Heyfert, lilratboro, Joanna, Bprlng
field, Way neslmre Junction, Coatesvlile,West
(;iiesler,L'uadsfora Junction, H. 1 0. Junction,
Wllmlueton and intermediate stations. dally
except hunday, at 6.25 nnd 8.30 a.m. und 8,15
p. in. runuay oniy ut o.uo p. m.
For Warwick, Ht. Peters and Intermediate
sttlons,d.' ' except Hunday, at 8.20 a.m., up V
6.19 p. 111. Sunday only 8.16 a m.
For lilrdi-biini and Intermediate statloll
Baturday only, at 12 m. j,-
ror nanimure una wasmngton lit. a u, rt.
K.) dnllv excentHundsv aL(L25and 8.30 a. m.
and 3.16 p. in. Hunday only ul 8.05 n. m.
Trains arrive ai iteaine IP. a. siauoni
Irom Wilmington, li. & O. Junction. Wont
rhanln Cbaddslord Junction, West Chester,
Lenar. Coatesvllle, Wnynesburg Junction,
Hprlugneld,Joannn,l31rdeloro, Gibraltar, Bey
feriuud Intermediate nations, daily except
Hunday at 10.20 a. ra. 6.52 and 8.17 p. m. Bun
day only at 1121 a. m.
From Bt. Peters, Warwick nnd intermediate
stations, daily except Hunday, nt 8.23 a. m.
and 2.25 p.m. Bunday only at 6 p. m.
From Blrdsboro and intermediate stations,
Saturday only at 1.40 p. m.
From Washington and Ualtlmore, dally ex
cept Bunday, 10 20 a. in. 5.62 and 8.17 p.m.
Bunday only at 11.24 a, m.
IlOWNESS iiUIGGH, Gen'l Pubs, Agt.
II U I I U II 1 uupturo by l)r J. It.
MAYEC 831 Arch 81., Phlla. Thomas 11.
llartttbg, New itlnggold, Pa., I. Fandt, Bouth
Kaston, Pa., I.. I". & O. A. Delurck, Oley, Pa
It. G. Bianley, 421 Bpruce Ht., Lebanon, Pa , A.
Hchneider, Loru.t Hale, Pn..D, II. Noll, Lime
kiln, Pa., Win. K. liar. ensline, fhoenlxvllle,
Pa W. M. Lrlnbach, 021 Wntlilugtou Ht.,
Heading, Pa., J. 0. Lyme. 1810 W. Howard HU,
Horrlsburtr. Pa., C, ICtehn, Bouplassvllle, Pa.
Dr. MAYER, is at Hotel l'enn, Heading, Pa.,
on the 2nd Baturday ot each month. Call to
see him.
Not B East Centre Blreet; llahanoy City, Pa
dsou una un soeciai aiseases a specially,