Evening Herald. rUllMSHKD DAILY, SUNDAY EXCIU'TIU) MI. C. llOYlUt, Wllor unit JhiMlaficr. JIMf. ,T. WATK1XS, Local lMtor. ALL TH E NEWS FOR ONE CENT ITieJiriiXIXa IMltALD hai a larocr civ dilation in Slienamtoah than any other Jirtper tnibllthett, JUmki ipcn to nil. SUBSCRIPTION rates: UAirv.nor mr -. - 3 Wkkki.7. ncr year 1 GO Enteroa at tbe lVitoffico, lit Shenandoah, Pa. for transmission through the mnlls as soeond clftfw mntl matter. LAKESIDE DATES. Flguroa Dotnonstruto tho Popu larity of tho Rosort. Auk. i!2. Lutheran missionary festivnl " 18. Kpieoobftl Sunday school o Hnhnnoy City. Anir. 11 lUfomieil Sunday school, of Tamnnun. Auk. 15. Biltoddfod. " 17. Lutheran Sunday school, Oi ranlvllle. Aug. 18. English Uaptilt Sunday school Mahanoy City. Aur. 19. M. E. Sanday school of Slion ftnilnnh. Aug. SO. Trinity Keloimod Sunday school of Mnhanov CitV. Auk. 20 Evangelical Sunday school ninnii Hnlftno. Auk. 21. DnURhters of llebekab, Maha nov Cilv. Auk. 22.-1'. M. Sunday school, of Oil berlon. Auc 21. P. M. Sunday school of Shon nmlnnh. Aug. 25. English iLuthoran, JIahanoy Citv. Auk. 20. KvanROlical Lutheran Sunday school. Tamnrma. Auk. 27. Young Men's Democratic Club, Mahanoy City. Ask Your Frlonds About It, Your distressing cough can bo cured, "Wo know it becsuso Kemp's Balsam within tho past few years has curod so many ooughs and colds in thie.comraunity, Its remarkablo salo 1ms been won entirely by its gonuino merit. Ask some friend who has used it what ho thinks of liomp' Balsam. There is no medlcino so pure, nonoso effectlvo. Largo bottles COc andjl at all druggists'. Tomatoes of homo growth aro Rellin plentiful. A Ouro for Constipation and Hoadacho. Dr. Silas Lane, whllo in tho Kocky Mountains, dlscoyored a root that hnn combined with other herbs, makes an and cortatu cure iur i.uumiiiniKm. it i i tbo form of dry roots and leaves, and known as Lane's Family Medicine. It will euro sick heudaeho. For the blood, liver and kidneys, and for clearing up tho complexion it does wondors. Druggists soil it at CO cents a package The dog days end in two weeks, but tho dogs will stay. To Norvous, Debilitated Mon If you Eond us your address, wo ,vill mail you our illustrated pamphlet oiplain' inR all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro, Voltnio Belt and Appliance, and 1 then ckamiintr ollocts unon tho norvous de bilitated system, and how thoy will quickly restore you to vigor, ana mannoou. jrainpti let froe. If you are thus afflicted, we will tone vou a Beit anu appliances on a trial, Voltaiu liiiLT Co.. .Marshall. Mien, Tho fcrainino mind will soon bo turned to autumn stylo rtomarknblo Faots. Heart dliease Is uiuallr susix)tied to be In, curable, but when properly ueated a large proportion or cases fAn te curM, inariMi, Jlmtrn Hatch, oi ElUbart. Ind,. and Mrs, MaryL. Hatter, ol Ovid, Mich., warocured niter sunertng 20 years. B. tj. l.inbur er, drutiilst at Ban Joic. III., says that Dr. Mllt New Heart Cure, which cured Hie former, "worked wonder lor Ills wllo." Levi I ogan, of Bttchnnnu, Mich., who had heart disease lor 30 years, says two bottles made him "feel like a new man." I)r, Miles' New Heurt Cure la Hold and guaranteed by U. It. llagenbuch tli druggist. Hook or wonderful testiwonlnls free. Indications all point to a big chestnut crop this fall. Shlloh's Oonaumptlon Ouro. This Is beyond question tho most suo ceBlul Collar) Medicine we have ever sold, a lew doses Invariably cure the wotst cases ol Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its won derful success In tho euro of Consumption is without n parallel In the history of medicine. HlncB It's Jlrst discovery it has been Mild on n guarantee, n test which no other medicine can slnnd. Ii you havo n Cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Price 10 cent. 60 cents, and 11.00. If your bungs are lore, lliest or Back lame, use Mhlloh'B Porous plaster. Hold bv U. It. llagenbuch, N. E. corner Main and Lloyd streets. Have you noticod that tho evenings aro growinR longor ? A Yankoo Shorlff Frightonod. A well known sherllt, living In Maine, was Riven up to dlo with wbni Ins physician called Consumption, a lrlond advised htm lo try Fnn-TInn Cough and Consumption Cure, recovery followed, aud the doctor now utos It for (Souths, Colds and Consumption, 'irlal bottles tree at Klrlln's drug store: Only about throe months until tho sttdo election. . . .... Hahlem, Jnpnary 28. 1890. , This certlfle that my child, lliiuontiiHold. was nflllcted with n vtry bad Bkln dlBeatooi the face, eyes and Inside of the nose. The luce was covered with iiinllcrlnn Bore,nd his oyes were Bwolleu shut on account of the sores on the eyelids, nud hla no.e was dis charging matter, nnd was full luslda of ihe Bores. 1 gnve him the Cactus illood Cure lor four weeks, nnd to day my bnby is entirely well. MIW. J.KKNNKY. 115 East 12tilh street, N. V. Bold at Klrlln's JJrue Btoreersusou House Jllockr. Mheuuudouu. Bewaroofthe unripe poach. Asadii orgnnlw of tho department of tho interior, it has no equal. Bo yon sutler with Consumption, Cousin or 'o!ds? 'ion can be cured If you lake l'an. linaConyh and Consumption Cure. HQ and vneiu. Trial boltlos lrte at Klrlln's dute ore. ANOTHER HOT DAY Many Deaths and Prostrations in tho Largo Cities. TERRIBLE HEAT IN NEW YORK. Tho Ambulances of the Different Hoapi- tah Kept Busy. A Sickening Keport from Chlcnrjo-Iipnd Bodies round Among- Lumber Heap l'hllndoipiilnns Buirur from the Hot AVnvo Crupi Hunting Up In Connecticut Mills Iitln on Account of tho Drouth New YniiK. Ann. 11. To-dny was the liottost 11th of August thnt Now York has known iu twonty yonrs. At 8 o'clock thin mornlnu tuo thor- mometor at tho Sltfual Servloo Station re- corded 09 dogrcos. At noon it was 03 decrees. Tho humidity was 83 per cont. at 8 o'clock this morning, and at that high tlguro it stood all tho morning and niter boon. A largo lncrcaso In tho death rnto was noted, whloh is attributed directly to the Intense, bent. Thirty cases of prostrations from hnnt wore roportcd to tho police, nud tho nmlmlnnces of the different hos pitals were kept busy carrying persona of nil nset nnd sexes to thoso institutions. Several persons wore driven insnno ny tho heat, nnd one ol them, Charles Wiol, of Bridgeport, Conn., tried to shoot n train haud onntrnln coming to tins cuy. Three persons died onj-ho streets boforo assistance could roach them, but mis is only n smnll fraction of thoso who died from the eltects of tbo beat. It Is estimated thnt nt least fifty per sons who woro sick and wenlc had tholr dentha linstonoil by tho hot wavo. All tho country oast of tho Mississippi Is In tho hot wave. Terrtblo Drouth 111 Cnunrctlcnt. Plainfieli), Conn., Aug. 11. This has been ono of tho hottest divys In yours. Tho drouth is somethinc; startling nnd nil lato crops aro burning up in tho ground. Enrly orops hnvo rlponed so quloltly that thoy uro badly dwnrfed. Tho rlvom, ponds nnd nil other mill streams nre lower than for yonrs nud many mills In this section have beou compelled to stop for want of water. All through tho vnlloys of tho Yantlc, Qulnnob itigh nnd Shotnckob rivers mills nro Idle. I'achnug Lake, that covers 14,000 ncros, is nearly dry. Unless rnln comoi quickly both farmers nnd Inborors will suiter grent loss. rbllndnlpblnns rel tho Meat. ' Philadelphia, Aug. 11. Tho thor momotor lu this city to-day reached the highest point of tho summor, hnvlng struck nn nvorago of 07 degrees. Not only hns tho we a thor boon hot but there has been n great amount ot moisture In tho nlr, whloh linn caused n largo num ber of Buustroltes, Everyone who was nble to get out of town has gone nnd tho xtrcotH nro prnctloally deserted. Sorgt, IHv promises that this Is ouly tho begin ning ot the August not wavo. Budden Deaths In Chtcaso. CniCAao, Aug, 11. Woman dropping rlend while washlug, dead bodies found among lumber heaps, men falling from Ice wagons nnd drays woro the thermom eters that registered tbe day's heat. A number of deaths occurrod on the streets nnd half u dozen mora In tho hospitals where tho overcome patients had been, tnken. Ninety-two at I'rovldcmce. PnoviDESCE, It. I., Aug. 11. At 8 p. m. the thermometer wns at 02 degrees In the shade at tho city engineer's oIUco. At noon it was 80 degreos. ritUbcirK RrnlllnK. t PrrTsncno, Aug. 11. Ten prostrations and one death from heat w.ro reported during tho day. NEW FOREIGN MINISTER. lllohntd Cotts Sherman to Go to Costa lllciu WAsmNtrroN, Aug. 11. A dispatch from Capo May, N. J., says tho Presi dent has appointed Richard Cotts Shan non of Now York, to be MlDUterto Costn Rica, San Salvador nnd Nicaragua, Cen tral America. Mr. Shannon wns nt ono time Secrotnry of Legation at Brazil. Ha Is a native of Mnlno and Is snld to ho n thorough Span ish scholar. (Ivor tho Cliff to Ilia Dontlu LocKPortT, N. Y., Aug. 11, Chnrles Vnn Wlke, aged 11 years, son of James Van U'lko, an old drlvor for tho Miller Ss Brundago Coach Company nt Niagara Sails, full over the high bank ot tho lagnrn River near the mills nnd wns dashed to death on tbo rocks, ICO feet be low. The boy was playing about the bank whero garbage Is dnmpod over, nnd missed his footing, taking tho fatnl plunge. trill I'nj 81,000,000 for thn Nile Philadelphia, Aug. 11. President Mo Leod, ot tbe Philadelphia & Heading Rail road Company, hns satisfactorily con cluded tho negotiations whloh hnvo boon In progress for somo ttmo for n settle ment with the Mnrkct compnulos, nt Twelfth nnd Market stroeta, and will pay $1,000,000 for the site. The Deiporaclo Ilrjond ftencli. Colcmbdb Grove, O., Aug. 11. Tho lo cal authorities have praotlonlly nban ponsd the chnso after t,',;o bank robber and murdororot M. Vandotnnrk, as It la believed he Is beyond reaoh. Tho pur suit, however, bns been taken up by professional detectives. Anxiety for tlia WlieMt Crop. St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 11. Great anxiety Is expressed tor the.wbcat crop of North Dakota which at the beginning of the hot wave on Tuesday wns In tho milk, and under ordtnnry oomlltlons would have required from fourteen to sixteen days to ripeu. ltynn nud Bli Cr4Mm. Atlanta, Aug. 11. The creditors bavo beou offered 30 oents ou the dollar by Stephen A. RyQ, tba dr, goods merchant, who failed for $800,000 recently. Kclluir Jonea Improving. Poland Sprixo, Me., Aug. It Gtorqo Joces pded a comfortable night Ho kto takau more nonrlsliuKut and hi jnmily ui-e wore hopetuL Grand Midsummer Excursion To Atantic Gity, Cope Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Anglesea, Wild Wood Or Holly Beach. CnOIOEST RESORT OP THE NEW JERSEY COAST via PENNSYLVANIA AND LEHIGH MLLEY RAILROADS, Tuesday, August Hih, 1891. EXCURSION TICKETS $3.50 Ilelnrn tickets vnlltl until nud train for Plilltdolpliiu will It live Blmn'oklu 7.45 a. in., Mt. Cormel 8 08, Cen tral In 8.20. Itnvei) liun 8.30, KliemiiiUonli (L. V. n. H. station) 8.45, Wahauoy City 0,0-5, Belnuo 0.20 iv iu., nrrlvlup; st riiiludc)ilila at 1 00 p. m, rossciigira may lakeaiiy afleriKon train of that day fioin Plilladelpbla (iMiii Ket siieei vt uan i to me eensuoie, tnu limit, WILL CURE EVERY FORK! NEWS OF THE DAY. Phyloxorn hnvc np,:cnrod In tho ohnm. pngno district ot Franco. Tho chnlnrankors' striko ntFlndlny, O., hns been settled by tho strikers surrnn dcrlng. Tho First National Bank of Omaha hns lost $3,000 In gold. A young olerk, rocontly resigned, Is nccusod of the theft. Notlgang Tcschnor, manufacturer ot lndlos' underwenr, Canal street, Now Yurk, has assigned without preferences, Mrs. McICeo nnd Mrs. Russell Harrison are In Paris, whotico thoy will proceed in n few daju to London, on their way homo. Ton Italians woro Injured in n railroad wreck near Now Hnvon, Conn., nnd near ly 800 of their countrymon sought to tnke tho life ot tho ouglneor of tho trnln in ravengo. A Madrid dispatch says thnt TJnitod States Minister to Spain, General K. Burd Grubb, hns gone to Pi,rls, nnd thonco will stnrt for Amorion nt the end of this month; nnd it is probable that, hnvlng completed bis treaty mission he will return to Spain to present letters ot recall. Th. U.rul..o blook nt North Uxbrldge, Mass., was destroyed by nre yester day. Tho building wns ocouplod by cloven families, most of whom lost nil tholr effects. Hector Thalen, grocer, on tho first floor loses (3,000, inBurnnoo $3,000; his mothor lost $1,000 in money which she hnd sowed into the bed oorer Inc. Tho loss on the building was $5,000. The building wns owned by Slater & Barns. A smnll building owned by B. J, Blnnchnrd wns ulso burned. NEW YOItlt MAIIKUTS, New Yoiik, Aug. 10. Jfonoyon coll lounod cany nt lHi and y per cent. 110ND3. Closing Closlnji Vestonl.iy. To-day. 4Ms, ISO! nerf 100J4 100M 49, 1R01 Coup 100M 100U 4 s, 1007 ItCB 100W 100U 4 s, 1007 Coup U7l STOCK JIAltKr.T. Cioslnij Closing lesterdny, To-day. Cnnadlan rnclflo 80M WW Control raclHo,...., 0 oii Chicago, Ilur. i Oulncy 8ZU 8)H Delawuro & Hudson 120 125 Del., Lack. & Western ia3S 133U Krlo I8J4 in llrlopref 47 45 LnlcotJhoni.. 108M 108W LouH. & Nash CO 08JJ Michigan Central H7yi bi t Missouri I'aclllo OJ)i 04W Now Jorsoy Contnd 110M 110 Northwestern 101 Jl 1U3 Orertou Navigation oni 05 PaclfloMnll fM S3 Ilea ling a7U 27M Rock Island 71 H 71M St. Paul WXl 03)3 Union I'acino 381J 87 Western Union "r4l 78? OltAIN MAUKBT. Ausr. HopU Oot. Wheat 03M 03W tww Cor 701: CS 0Uj Oats 33$ : UJ tllck Honascheand rcUoyeAll tho troubles incf dent to a bilious Btato of tho ayatem, snob aa Dizziness, Nausea, Drowslneas. Slatroas afteff eating, rain In the 81de, io, Whllo their most remarkablo success has been uhown lu curjng , tloiaieho, yet Carter's Little Llvor rilU lira equally valaable In Constipation, curing and pro venting this annoying complaint, whtla theyalJO correct all dlsordcrsofthestoinachtlmulatetliQ flrcr and regulate the bowels. Evonlf thoyonlj f Ache they would bo rdmostprlcelees to thoso who ' tutor from tills dlstreaalng complaint! but fort a xiaibly thel r goodnoaa doea notond hero,and thoso who once try thom will llnd thoso Uttlo pills valu nble In ao many ways that they will not ho wlt illog to do without them. But after alUick hetu) (Is the bane ef so many lives that hem la whero Iweinaltoourgroatboast. Our pUli euro It whllo ictheradonot. 1 Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills ore very small and vory easy to bike, Ono or two pills make a doao. Thoy aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purfte, but by tholr gentle action ploasooU who uaothem. latiilaat S3 cental ilveforfl. Sold by dragglsts everywhere, or sont by mall. CARTER MCDICINU CO., New York! SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE H OBMTMEMT CARTER'S! May, toM Y RESORT NAMED lncltidlne followinp; Monday. Special returning on any regular train Wltliln OF SKIN DISEASE Croin Simple Z'lmnleo lo obtttluate IXCilXiMAi also ITCIIX1SG IH,I9. aBnrt for"ISIntH for Kltct'cii null Side Kooui," u hanu; book for tbo household. JFUEtS. GRAND PICNIC AND Sporting Event. Columbia 'Park, Shenandoah, SATURDAY, "AUGUST 15, 1891 Under the auspices of Phcenix Hose Coy NO. s M-AIilc llacc, Parse $25 ; Entraoce Fee, 82. The (ollowlrg hnre nlrcsdy fnlerrd for the rare jinrun ranty, -i nomas I'nueut, Giorge Itluehehfr, Oculge Frost, Anthony Klyun, Jos, Harvey, Charles ItlngbelFpr, George Glen wrlght nndotheisr First-class Orchestra has been eugngtd. ADMISSION TO DAKCIHG PLATFORM, - 99 CENTS, BE SURE TO GO. SELLING OUT. Desiring to dlepcto ol my entire stock of B"oui i uruer uiMicme ine siorc-iooni ror other rorpeses, Iwlll sell the remalulr g stork ul grently reduced pilces. Tbfse goods must be told within n short time, and It will beutllt Jim IU JUhptCL IJIOEHme. T. 1. DAVIS, C-io.tf too Nortli Jnrdiii St. I1 YOU AHE GOING TO ftllKHourl, Kansas, ArlimiHns Texas, Nehrntilca, I.ouiHlnua Colnrncto, Ulnli, Cllloriiln OrcKOii.WnNliliiKtnitiMcxlco New Sltxlco or Arlzuiin, and will tend me a prstal cord or letter stating Wli ere you are Roiug, When you are going, Where you will slurt from, How niuny there nre In your party, What freight and baggage jou have, I will write you or call at your houreund fmnlshyeu with the fullest Information itgsrdltg loutes, lowest rates of nil clotsts, bfsIcesiDHjs, descriptive nndll, lustrated laud prmihlets, retoit books, Hot Hprlngs guides, etc. Cheap FarmlnpLards In Missouri, Arfcan J. P. McCANN, Eastern Trav. Ant., W. E. HOYT, Q. E. P. Agt., 3B1 Uroadway.New York Iron Mountain Route, MISSOURI AND PACIFIC RAILWAY m gGcnuinoy is and will over bo tho best Semedy for Clout. Inlluen&n. Baokaoho. Falna in tbo Side). Oi?ost and" Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, &o Jlefore you necl to bay, oltala J03-FREE OF CHARCE-CB the valuable bookr uaiat to iieaitn," wit eaaoriements ox promiarat rJuaiciaas, .AD.RIOTER&eO. a 10 Broadway, NEW TOIilV. Prize Medals Awarded! European nousesilladoltadtlouloni Karomberf. Konstela, LmksIo. 50 Oents o bottlo, For Salo bj ' X. 1'. Ii. ICIRrTN, C. II. II Ad 1JIVUIJCII SHENANDOAH, PA., ana otner crugguti. WE'RE AFTER YOU Your trade Is what v-o wnut. Tliis is how wo proposo to get it. By selling you a first class article; by selllugyou for less than others; by soiling you furniture, an organ, a piano, n sewing machine or anything else In tho line of houtchold goods. We have a large and va ried sleek to select from. No trouble to bIiow goods. Call, examine aud be convinced. p rH H I H Cj B p ft THE OLD RELIABLE, J. P.Williams &Bro., South Iflnln St., Lebigli Valley Railroad. AIU1ANGEMENT OF I'ASSKISGKK TKA1N6. -MAY 10, 1891.- Fasscnger trains will leave Bhcnandcah for mnucu I'linnrc. ieuiErnton. iannetoii. iitx, saurina, Allentown, fiethlphein, Huston, 1'hll adelphlaaudNew York at 6.47, 7.40, tf.oaa.m. liiz. n.ii. oit i. I u. For Belvldere, Delaware Wnter Gap atd irouusuurs Hta.K, a. iu., uuu o.up. ui. For Lambertvllle and Trenton, U.08 a, m For White Haven, Wllkes-Barre and fitt ton 6.47. .U8. 10.41 n. m.. 3.10 nnd 628 ti. m. ForTunhhnnuock, 10,41 n. m., 3.11) and 6.2 n. m For Auburn, Ilhncn; Geneva and and Lyoci ju.u n. iu., anu o.o p. m. Chlcngu and all points West at 10,41 a. m.,and 6.2 ti. m. For J-lmlrn and tho West via Halsmnnca at 3.iu p.m. For Audenrled. Ilazleton. Stockton. Lum her Yard. Weatberlv and Penn Haven .lnne tlon at 5.47,7.40,8,08 a. m. and 12.52, 8.10 nnd 90 p. IU. For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beaver Meadow. 7.40. 9.03 a.m. nnd 5.26 n. m. For Bcrnnton nt 6.47 D.tW, 10.11 a. m. 8,10 and o:2op. in. For liable Brook. Jeddo. Drlfton nnd Free land at 5.47, 7.40, 8.08, 10.41 a. IE., 12,52 3.10 and For'uuaknke at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m., and d.io p. ru. For Wlgsans, Gllberton nnd Fraokvllle at o.iiij anu tf.ua a in., ana l.iu p. m. iui laiL'nvnic, iuuuuuuj, bum ucihuu 6.47, 7.40, 9.IW, 10.41, 10,68 a. m.,12.52,3.10,0.26, 8,03, HLlllVf Jl. m. For Lost Creek. 31rnrdvllle nnd Ashland 1.27, 7.40, 8.62, 10.15 a. in., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.36 9.1U UDU p. m. For Darkwatcr. 8t. ClPlr and Pottsville, 7.40, 9.08, 10.53 a. in., 12.52,3.10,4.10, 5.23 and 8.0c D.m. For Buck Mountain, New Boston and Morea, 7.10, 9.08, 1U.3S a. uu., 12.C2, 3.10, 5.20 nud 8.03 p.m. For Haven Kun.Centralla, Mt. Carmel and 8hamokln, 8.62, and 10.16 a. m., 1.40, 1.4f UUU O.W J. IU. Trains leave- Hhnmokln for Shenandoah 7.55 11 r) a. ni., 2.10, 4.30 and f.SO p. m., aitlvlrif Kfc DUQUHUUUUU, U.UO U. IU., l&J, O.IV. O.0 RX1Q 11.10 V. Ui. HUNDAY TKAINB. For Lost Creek, Ulrnrdvllle nnd Ashland 6.50, 9.10 11.35 a. m., 2.45 p. m. For Darkwater. Ht. Clair and PoltsvlUt u.w, a i. u... r, u.. For Yatesvlllc, Mahanoy City and Delano, 8.00. 11.85 a . nl.. 1.40. 4.40. 6.03 D. m. For Lofty, Audenrled and Unrloton, 8.0f a' iu,, i.u p. in: ForManch Chnnk. Lehlchtnn. fllatlnrtin Cataeauqun, Allentown, Bethlehem, Eos to huu rtw lunr, e.w h. ra., i.iu p. m: For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m. fc. B. BYINQTON, Oeu'l Posts. Agt., Bethlehem. THIS SEASON FOR PIC-NICS HJSIXO AT IIAXD, Committeemen should bear in mind that the Hebald ollico is prepared lo do all kinds.of Poster Work! at the most reasonable rates. Give us n call and obtain our prices. All work dene when promlsed.and in a satisfactory manner. WATER OF LIFE. A newlv rilKfHWprpri "NfTNliTrAf. UMTVlt the use of which will tupply Important ele- iiieuia ntcoBdry o neaiui. ii will core tbe Kidneys, Liver, Stomach, andaU Bowel and Bladder diseases. It will dlu-olve calculi and remove Ibem. It removes the urlo acid from the blood nnd thus destroys Malaria and Chills. It cures Brlcht's disease, nnd Is es. ix-umij icvuiiuucijuvu jur people aavanoea in life, nnd for eencrn) debility. For undoubted proofs or this tend for pamphlet giving full particulars, toj.lt. i'EItlliv Water ot LUe Co., 81 Boutb Main Bt Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Or tba Liquor tlnlill, iuIUclr Curca ... .."ivniis jr. lUUIlVlt' otdi"ii Niioflflc. ,'!,?I1"."..0lbMrfB.ou.orcn' op tea, op InTooi Kl5Sih?i10w.!?'J?0t,11Pllent. IttaabaoluteH cure. wtTethep ih."pJSS, WSdVr.U"rln,Srl5 an Bfoohollowpaolc. It baa been (tlreo Tin thouiandi toiSSi;.8 to.v;nM refect oop.s.a?ob vi yarnouiarg ireo. To be nod o C. H. HAGFNBUCH, Drucglst, Ehcnar.tloah IMPORTANT NOTICE I All persons are hereby warned NOT TO FISO IN TOE DAMS ! Belonging to tbe Slionandoali Water Company. and all paitles caught violating this notice Prosecuted at) Trespassers. By order of TUB OOMPANV.i 9 'hiladolphia and Reading Eailroad," lime Tnblt in tSeel Julu 10, 1891 mm LEAYE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS 2. 0 5.25, 7.20 a. m. nnd 12 85 4.60 and 6.55 m. iu. ouauay i.iu ana 7.48 n. m. For New Vork, vln Munch Chunk, weok day, 6.25. n.m. and 12.35 and 2.60 p.ni. , .nuiirBi?ln anu rnnadeiphla week daye, "''oj'SlOnnd 7.48a.m., 4.30 p.m.' , n yarrlhurg, week oaya, IJ.10,7.20 a. m,i t. o, o.o5 p. m. O p j"t'alown week dnyn, 7.20 t, m,, 12.33 9lr9ijf,i,521i,ft week 2-l.7.M, i ?"m 4 30 p ni P' Hun"fty 2W Ba 7-" iX? on"1??,?, 5,na Mahanoy City, week Additional lor Mahanov Cltv. wrpIt 7 nn p.m. .... ror ijanoasier anu Columbia, weok dayi. i, 'JO a.m., 2.10 p.m. ' ror wiiuamaran, snnrjuryand Lewlaburu. iveek days. 8.25. 7.20 and 11 ai a.m..t !H ?.ffl 9. m. Hundny 8 25 q. m.. 8.05 r. m. For Mahanoy Wane, weekdays, 2,i0 8 23. 25, 720 and 11.80 n.m., 12.3T., i;aj. 2.50, 6.65, 7.00 nno ti. m. Bunday, 2 10, 8.25 and 7,48 hot unmuvuio (loippnnannock utatlonl wk days, 2.10, s.2 5.2S, 7.20 and 11.80 a, a., 12.35.la5. V.S0. 5.55. 7.00 n lid 8.25. ti. m. Hnnrinv 2-i0, 2i,7.48a.m,,3.t5, 4.S0p.m. xor am ana ana unainozin. Kpetr av. i. ,. .zi. n. m .. I :n T ill onn u . TltAINH KOR NHKNANl'iDAil i" ljeave Hew York via l'hlladtlphla, weei. iuvh, il. in., i.rai. d-iHi. i-mi ii. n,.. iv n jtou u turn aiaucn tuunir, week wya. i.ou, o.ii a. m i.w ana p. m. l,ave Phlludoinhin. tcpp.x civu. j in. anil 10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m.. A-i m Broad ind Callowbill nnd 8.3."i n. ni.nml n sn n m. from Hth and ..reou streets. Hunday 0.05 a. in. u.so p. m. from stb ne ,K.eu. ieave Keaaing,woek days, 133. 7.10. 10.16 ud 11.60 a. m., 6.55, 77 p, m. Sunday 1.35 ana 10.48 a. ra. Leave rottsville, week days, 2.40, 7.10 a. m V. m. Uundav. 2.40. 7.00 n. nml 2.C6 p. m. JLave Tamaqna, week days, 3.S0, 8.45 nnd i 21 a.m., 1.21, 7.18, nud 8.18 p.m. Bunday 3.10 7 43 .. ni. and 2.50 p. in. inve Mahanoy City, week days, 8.40, 9.i8 and 11.47 n. in., l.tl. 7.42 and 6.44 n.m. Hun. day, 8.46,8.17 a. ra., 3.20 p. ra. Leave Mahanoy I'bn.e, week flays, 2' 1 , 4.(0 6.30, 11.35. 11.! 9 a. ml.t 5, 2,t. 5 20, 6 26, 7.57, and l.im. m. Bundav2.4u 4.00. aud 8..7. &. m. 3 37, 6.01, p. in. ij,HVb uiraruviue (luippauannncs oiationi week days, 2.47. 4.07, 6.38, nnd 9.11 a. rn 12.0J, 2, 6.2d, 6.32, 8.03 and 10.06 p. m. Bunday, 2,47, i 0-, I 33 a. m. 8.41, 6.( 7 p. m. 11.65 a. ra. 8.85 nnd 11.15 p. m. Bunday 11.1& V. ui, For Baltimore, Washington and the west via B. fc O. It. It., through trains leave Olrard Avenue station, Philadelphia, (I'. & It. It. It.) nt 4.16, 801 and 11.27 a. m 1.34, 4.24 , 6.65 an.f 7.23 p. to. Bunday, 4.16 8.03 11.27 a, in., 4.24 ,65and7.23p. m, ATlAWTlO CITV DIVISION. lave Philadelphia, Chestnut Btitiet Whart uid Boutb Htreet Wharr. I'or Atlantic CUT. Wcok-davs EiorcsF. 5.15. 8 00 Ul, HUU 1 i, lillUUIUirv, uujy. O.1 &. in., 4.io, o du p. in. SnTmjio. jfiipresfl, 5 15, 7.00, 7.33, 8.00, 8 30 9.00,0.30 i, in, nud 4 30 p. m. Accooiniv jutlou 6.00 a. m.andl 45 p. iu. Ketnrnlnc, leave Atlantic City, depot corner vtinntlo and ArfcanBa venes. we k-dnva F.jcpres s, 7.00, 7.30, 8 00, 9,00, 10.00 a. m and 3 15, 4 00, 5.80. 6,30, 7.60, 0 30 p. m. Accommodation (1.00,8.10a.m. nnd 4.10p ra. Bundnjs-Ex-prchS, 3 30, 4 00, 5 00, 0 00, 0-30. 7-00, 7.30 8 00, 9.81) p. in. Accommodation, 7.30 n. m ,6.03 p. m. c. U.ilAJNL'OCK,UeniJt-a,,n'iaKt rt. A. MoLKOU. yifH. & (Jen'l Manner. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. SCHUYLKILL DIVISIor. On anil at tr A'oti. 24, 1890, (rcin uill Ljair Shenandoah at allows: For AVlggan. Gllberton, Frockvllle, Now Cofitle. Ht. Clair, and vtiv rtniniH. fl.m u.in J111BIJQ i.tspro, Uundays,600,V.40arannaE.10p m. For Pottsville, 6.00, .lo a m and 4.15 1 m. Bunduys, 600, 8.40 a m and 3.10 u m, r or neauuif, o.uu, .io a in ana 4.16 pm. Sundays, 600, 9.40 a. m. nnd 3.10 pm. For Pottstown. Phoenlxvllle. NnrrlBtwr, nd Philadelphia (Broad street statlonj, 8.00, ,,.u n ui. muu i.ui cciv uftva Sundays. 600. 9.40 a m 3.10 n m rraina leave rracKYirie ior unenandoah at W0m and 12.14 , 7.42, 10,00p m. bundajs, U.13nmand6.40 pm. Leave Pottsville for Qhenar.doah, 10.15 ano 11.48, a ra 7.15, 9.42 p rn, bundays, 1C.4U a nt 5.16 p m. Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station), for Pottovllle nd Shenandoah, G.67,10.5a ra 2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p ra week dayu. Bunday 9.23 For w York. 8.20. 4.05. 4.40. 6.35. 8.60. 5. lted oxpress. 1.06 and 4.50 n ra. 12.44. nn. a. j,. on onncays, sw, 4.05, 4,40. 5.S5, 8.12, 8.80, 0.60. ra. and 12.49, 8.20 (limited 4,60), 6.28, 6 tJ. 6jA 7.18 8.12 p m and 12.01 night. For Bea Blrt, Bprmg Lake, Beuiiar. iP",? Orove, Asbnry Park, nnd Long Branori 8J, 11,15, a. ra. 4.00 p. m. week davr Fov freehold, 5.P1 p. m. week days. baltloior" and Washinstou, 8.50, 7.V0, 8.31 J.10, ll,.20, ) 1.18 a in, 12.5funltcd express) 8 48 1,41 6 ,7 an 7.40 r. m., and 12.03 night. Fo? Haltluior nly 2.02, 4.1 1, 6 08 and li!so p. m. Op BHEdays, 3.50, 7,20, OalHind 11.18 a. m. 4.43 l iS V. j403 n'eut- BaltJinore only 5.08 and ll.L0pm. For Richmond ana tho Bonth 7.2011.18 a. to,. Limited Kipress 12.85 p. m.,)12.03 nlght.week days. Bnndays, 7.20 a.m., 12.03 night. Tra Ins leave iiarrlsburg lor Pittsburg ana ,,he west every day at 12.25 nnrt 8.10 a ra ana J.OO (limited) and 3.40 p m. Way for Altcor.a. 1.16 a ni and 1.10 p m every day. For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a ra dally and 10.2O m wetik days. Leave Banbury for 'Wllllamsporl, Elmlra. anandalgna, Kochetter, Hulialoand Klagam j-alls 6.10 a ia dally, nnd 1.43 pm week days, for Vatklns,5.S0pm week days. . if or Erie and Intermediate points, 5.10 ami, 4a!Jy' ,For UxK JUaven, 6.10, and 9.63 a m, lally, 1.31 and 5.30 p. m. week days. For Renovn 6.10 a m 1.43 and 6,80 p m week days.. .10 a. m Uuudays, UHAB. B PDQH. J. K. WOOD, Oen. Man'r Hen. Pass. Aet. yiLMINQTON & KOIITUEUN It. K. Ttme table in tffeit ASay.Vi, 1891. Trains leave 1 Beadrng (P. A It. siatlon) tot Gibraltar, Beyfert, Blraiboro, Joanna. Bprlnif. held, Wayncsburc Junction, Coatesvllle'wesf-' Chesler.tbadsford" Junction, B. & O. Junction Wilmington and lntermtdlatestallons.dalhlT except bunday. at 6.25 aud 8.80 n.m. and&i' p. m.Huuday only ul 8.05 p.m. "". For Warwick, Bt, Peters and lntermedlato statlons.daily except Hunday, at 9.20 a.m.. ana 6.19 p.m. Sunday only 8.15 a. in. oV.orJKlrabf,oro.Hna Intermediate stations, Saturday only, at 12 m. i J .,!'' laltImore nnd Washington (B. O. It. It-), dally except Sunday at 6.25 and 8.30 a. ni. and 8.16 p. m. Sunday only at 8.05 p. ra. Trnln.anHBaal 1 1 .... . I .. 7 1 , .1 . ' . . lrom Wilmington, II. & 0. Junction. Mont cbanln, Chnddslord Junction, West Chester, Lenape. Cpatesvllle. Wnynesburg Junction, Sprlngneld,Joanna,B!rdsboro, Gibraltar. Bey- Sunday at 10.20 a.m. 6.52 and 8.'l7 p. m. Bun. From Ht. Peiers.'warwlck and lntermedlato stations, dally except Bunday, at 8.23 a. m. From Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations, Saturday only at 1.40 p. ui. cept Sunday, 10 20 n. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p.ral Bunduy only at 11.24 n. m. 1 uun n-m ujtlliUM, uen'I Fats. AEt. A. G. MOOAUSLAM), Bupt. HI I U i II IT luu unaersignea, U r I U R 1 1 f,re en?ly cured ol a i u ii 1.1 Hupture by l)r. J. B. MAYER, 831 Arch Bt., Phlln, Ttomas It. iinriung, new uinggoia, ra i.Kandt, South Easton, I'n L. P. At C. A. Deturck, Oley, Pa It. U. Stanley, 421 Sprnce Bt., Ubanon, 'a., a" Bchnelder. Locut I)ale, Pa., I), B. Moll, Lime, kiln, Pa., Wm. E. Ilartenstlno, 1'hoenlxvllle. Pa., W. M. Lelnbach, 621 Wntliirgton Bt.I Iteadlng, Pa.. J. O. Lymo, 1310 W. Howard St.! Ilarrisburg. Pa., 0. Keebn, Douglassvllle, Pa. Dr. MAYEIl Is at Hotel Penn, Beading, Pa., on the 2nd Saturday of each month, Call to see him. BRIOKER, M. D., PIIYSIOIAN AND StROEON, Not 9 East Centre Btreeti Mahanoy City, Pa Duuwiuau auoiu oisvasea h specialty.