The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 11, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.--STO. 162.
rnTTTD QTT"DT7,.Qrn "DfiAri IV WT'W A T rPT-T T.Q rVTJ "DrYTTn TT TTDTirn at a -nTr-mrv-nrnr-xr
fl the Republican Electors 0 Pennsylvania:
Aflir consultation and correspondence with
1&?i?lntih'tM.txi of Penniutvanta. bu their dull:
citoien rejtresenlatlves, mil meet tn state von
' vnflon at Harrisburg, Wednesday, August 19,
10ft, HA.Mn.h A r Urn hiivham t nlfii..
f lOlUt III 1UU tWCIV ilt JMi Jul jmij'wio w jaw
1 ing l- nomination candidates for the offices of
State Treasurer and Auditor General, for the
nomination of elahteencandldatesfor Delegates-
al-Large to the Constitutional Convention pro
j vlded for In the Act of Assembly approved June
1 19, 1891, and for the transaction of such other
1 business as may be presented.
i Ko'U a It especially directed to the fact that, in
I acford ince with the provisions of the last men
tioned act, each Senatorial district is entitled to
' a representation of three de'egalcs in said Con
1 stttutlonal Convention, two of whom only canbe
' members of the majority party in said district.
The erectors of cadi district are therefore re
qnest"d to make proper nominations for dele
gates to said contention, the rules governing the
nomination of candidates for SWe Senator to
be applicable.
In this connection the Chairman desires to call
the attention of Republican voters to the recom
mendation of the State Convention of 1882, that
"thru allow the greatest freedom in the general
participation in the primaries consistent with
the preservation of the party organization."
WM. II. ANDREWS, Chairman.
- 2718 members of the Republican County Com
Jm tee elected at the primaries held on Sutur
uy, August 1, 1891, are requested to meet at
Cent nnlal Hall, In the Borough of Pcltsville,
071 Tuesday, August IS, aS 10 a.m., for the pur
pose if electing a County Chairman and trans
actsii' h other business as may be required.
Chairman County Convention.
August 4, 1S91.
The proposition of the Fall River
i weavers to use their eflorts to assist
friendly manufacturers against those
whose aim In businesses to pay the
smallest possible wages, is unusual, but
It Is encouraging. The weavers have
come to learn that because a man Is an
employer, he Is not necessarily an
enemy. Tue labor unions have dono
much injustice in tho past by refusing
to believe that an employer may be
kindly disposed toward his men, but
is compelled by circumstances to insist
on measures that seem hard and unjust
to theemyloyes. On tho other hand,
there has been with the employer a
1 t . 1 ... L I .. 11 C 11.
orient auu ustice ot 111s decision to cut
wages, or to refuse an Increase. It has
been easier to reduce wages in the
aro being received dally nt
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre
Pickling and Preserving Time !
is now atJiantl. Ie iter has
and Unadulterated Soured
eign Acid or Coloring.
Also. WHOLE MIXED SPICES for Fielding. About
IS different kinds. Pest quality, sifted and Mixed in
proper proimvtlons.
rubiest Quality. We keep no common Spices.
Don't run the visit of malting your HORSES SICKby
feeding NEW OATS. Keiter has about 1,500 bushels
bye chop.
I manufacture my own
Elocoivocl 1 33.x 00 times tx woelt
Prosla koi23. tl.o Oi'oaraoi'y same
clvy zxm olxxa.x'aaocaL.
The first of the season.
mackerel of this season's catch.
DAISY FLOUR is made of old
isfaction every time.
factory thnu (o take other measures of
economy, and It has often been that
the weight of retrenchment has fallen
on those least able to bear It. There
is much to say for both sides, and nny
move that may bring the two Into closer
relations Is to welcomed. In every
trade, the man who by hook or crook
secures oheaper labor Is recognized as a
factor In cutting prices. It Is not easy
to see exactly how the weavers propose
to go to work, other than on the old
plan, to rcuoh the class at which their
resolution was aimed, but tho will
counts for much, and the recognition
of the friendly spirit thnr many manu
facturers hold, counts for a great deal,
coming as it does as tho first expression
of tho kind from a labor unlou.
It is vory important in this ago of vast
material progross that a remedy be pleasing
to tho tasto and to the eyo, easily taken, ac
ceptable to the stomach and healthy in its
natura and effocts. Possessing thoso qual
ities, Sjrupof Figs is tho one porfoct laxa
tlvo and most gentle diuretic known.
Coming Events.
Aug. 15 and 17. Fan and ico cream fes
tival, Primitive Methodist church.
Aug. 18. Ice cream and peach festival,
In Itobbins' opera houso, under tho auspices
bf Camp No. 183, P. 0. S. of A.
Sept. 2. Japanese ico croam festival In
Bobbins' opera house, under tho auspices of
Shenandoah Oommandery, No. 14, Sons of
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning? The signal per
haps of tbn sure approach of that more ter
rible disease. Consumption. Asic yourselves
If you can afford for the sake of saving 50
rents, to run the risk aud do nothing for It,
Wo know from experience that fcShlloh's Curs
will Cure your Cough. It cover falls. This
explains why more than a Million Hottles
were sold the past year. It relieves Croup
and Whopping Cough at once. Mothers do
not be without It. For t,atn Baol, Side or
Chest, use Bhlloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by
C. II. Hagenbuch, X. IS. corner Jlaln and
Lloyd streets.
Excellent Instrument For Sale.
A first class German piano imported by
Prot. Zeitz can bo had cheap for cash on
account of tho professor's impending de
parture for Germany. Tho instrument
may be seen and information concerning it
may bo had upon application to Jlonry
Wioderhold, S8 East Centro street. 8-0-lw
Properties For Sale.
A good property on South Main street
and a good property on North Jardin
street may be purchased cheap upon ap-
plication to A. J, Gallagher, Muldoon
building, corner of Centre and West
streets. " 8-8-lw
Best work done at Bronnan'e stoam
'aundry. Everything whito and spotless,
Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar
anteed. Advertise in the Herald.
just received a lot of FINE
guaranteed Absolutely Pure
by age Free from any for-
are strictly Pure and of the
old not mixed with new.
conn chop.
Chop and guarantee it to be
Will open this week, the first new
Minnesota Wheat and gives Sat
Gossip That la Dlshod Up to the
Nowapaper Man In His Sanc
tum Mlnglod With Scraps
Caught by Himsolf.
Another businoss place -in town has gono
under. This time it ir tho Greek Catholic
co-oporativo storo on Wost Centro street,
which has been controlled by members of
tho Greek Catholic church. Tho voune
man who filled the position of drivor and
hostler for the storo, and who claims to
hold shares in tho business, wantod f2.G2
due him and as the cash was not forthcom
ing, ho put an attachment on tho place.
Constablo Tosh will sell what remains in
tho storo on tho 17th Inst, at public sale.
Window wire screens are one of tho
greatest conveniences of bouieholds. On
warm days and ovonings they are invalu
able. They throw tiles litid like insects In
to despair and allow tho windows to bo
thrown opon without subjecting tho
occupants of tho houses to public gazo,
But it should not bo forgotten thut tho
screens are not EufBciontly strong to keep
out burglars. The town polico say that
window Ecreon3 aro a source of great an
noyanco to them. People loave thom in
first story windows over night and such
places roquiro almost tho entire watch of
an officer, as it would be the easiest thing
for a midnight marauder to remove a
screon and jump into a houso when a
policeman'6 back is lurnod for a few min
utes. People using window screens should
take tho hint and try lo struggle along
during tho hot nights with tho supply of
air the screens in tho upper windows may
But little respect was ehown for tho Sab
bath last Sunday. While tho congrega
tions of several churchos wore holding a
meeting in Thomas Baird's garden a num
ber of less devout townsmen wore holding
a clam bako on the mountain a few hun
dred yards above thom, and at tho same
tirno a base ball game between out-of-town
clubs was in progross at tho trotting park,
while a grand stand lull of young men and
their oscorts applauded vociferously. I
am not a crank on the law and order ques
tion, neither can I countenanco such a state
of affairs, It is running things into the
ground, Tho last two Sundays tho scenes
on tho streets hayo beon most disgraceful
and if the parties who aro roiponsibie for
them do not chango soon I, for ono, will
feel compelled to become a crank so
called and urge that steps be taken to on-
force tho rights of thoso who aro Inclined to
respect the Sabbath,
John Bock, ono of the letter carriers, has
beon bitten again. Poor John I He seems
to bo a bone of contention for all tho dogs
and if there aro any sparo bitoi he gener
ally gets them. But sumo fine day John
will draw it bead on eomo valuable canine,
and when he does tho hair will fly. But a
less dangorous and more effective means for
dealing with neglectful owners of vicious
dogs is at the disposal of the carriors, and it
is surprising to mo that they have not al
ready availed themselves ot it. A letter
carrier is not bound to leave mail where
such a dog is kept. Uo may notify tho
owner that ho mutt oall at the post ofiice
fur his mall until be disposes of the ani
mal, or takes other steps to prevent inter
ference with the carrier, This action would
bring many to terms.
A Sufficient Boason.
"Has that young man proposed yet?"
asked tho fond fultior,
"Y98, pa," sho answered.
"Did you accept him?"
"Yes; you soe, he has promised to take
mo to tho Lakeside eisteddfod next Satur
For 900
You can got one dozn cabinet photos and
a lino frame. lUmcmber wo are on tho
first floor : no steps to climb. Kkaqky, tho
loading artist. 8 5-3m
Thoy Are Splendid.
"We mean thoso Cheviot suits you can
get at A. T, Jonoa' "Famous" Clothing
stire for ?0.50.
. County Ticket Placed In the
Field Yesterday.
Tho Prohibition county convention was
held in Potlsville yost'Tday, in tho office of
A. J. Pilgram, Esq., twenty-flvo delegates
being presont. A platform with a plank
condemning tho calling of a constitutional
convention was adopted and tho following
ticket was nominRtod :
Judge S. O. M. llollopstor, of Shenan
doah. .
Shorifi William Naglo, of Auburn.
Poor Director W. Y. Payne, of Girard-
Jury Commissioner Jacob H. Koichert,
of Pottsvillo.
The county organization was perfected
as follows :
Chairman J. II. Kurtz, of Shenandoah.
Secretary J. II. Koichert. of Pottsvillo.
Treasurer S G SI. Hollopotor, of Shen
Tho following were chosen as delegates
to tho Btate Convention :
Shenandoah Rev. William Powick,
Rev. Mr. Russel, J. U. Kurtz, S. G. M.
Hollopeter, 0. Yost.
Mnhauoy City Rev. I. Zimmerman,
Charles Benslnger, Martin Millor, Key. B.
U. Miller, J. II. Eisenhower.
Pottsville A. J. Pilgram, Rev. Mr.
Lynn, Rov. Mr. Proudo, J. H. Roichort.
Tamaqua W. J. Oliver.
Auburn W. Naglo.
Pinegrove J. J. Kimmol.
Tower Cily Benjamin Rlckert.
Donaldson J. L. Gaskins.
Barnosville Rov. Mr. Heffnor.
The platform adopted also condemns "all
political parties and public officials who
provide intoxicants at their great banquets
and ststo dinnors, or on tho funeral
junkets;" and favors tho election of tho
President, Vice Prosidont and United
Statos Senators by diroctvotoof tho people.
The Hot Weather Increases
rioatli. necorcl.
Tho infant child of District Superinten
dent .). J. Bradigan died this morning.
Ma'lin J. Dalton, who had been a resv
dent of this town for about twenty-threo
years, and who was engaged in tho boot
and shoo business on East Centre Elroet lor
some time, died yosterday at his rosideneo
on West Cherry street. He was 33 years of
ago His funeral will tuko place to-morrow
Dominick Farrell died at his residonce
on East Centro street yesterday. Ho was
07 years of age and had boen a resident of
the town for a number of years. Thomas
Parrell, tho telegraph operator in tho 1'
& R. passcngor station, is his son. Tho
funeral will tuko place at 8 o'clock to-morrow
Dr. J. S. Gallon and wifo mourn tho
death of their infant child, Harry B., afced
G months. Tho funeral will take placo on
Thursday, at 2 p. m.
Taken to the Asylum.
Balto Garnesse, tho Hungarian of tho
First ward who utterapted to commit sui
cido on Sunday by cutting his throat with
a razor, yestorday developed symptoms of
violent insanity. Lsst night his frionds ap
plied to 'Squire Monaghan to have him
carou tor ana tms morning the man was
takon to tho Schuylkill county imftno
asylum, which is connectod with tho alms
houso. While the man was being taken to
tho 9:08 Lehigh Valley train ho fought so
desperately that It required the united ef
forts of Constablo Toomoy and four citi
zons to curry him to tho depot and put him
ontbecar, although he was handcUUed,
'i"lia Ilethlehem Colnpauy to b Awnrdedl
Iho Coatrttou
Washington, Aug. 11. Tho Board of
Ordnance and Fortifications recommend,
thnt a contract be entered luto with tha
Bethlehem Company of Bethlehem, Pa.,
for the manufacture ot 100 breech
loading, siuglo obargo, built-up forged
steel rifled guns as follows 25 8-luoh at
$17,210.53 caob, Including ten rounds ot
ammunition complete, the first gun
manufactured to bo a typo gun, which
shall bo subject to sueh tests as tho
Board of Ordnance and Fortification shall
prescribe; SO 10-luch guns, eaoli for $8(i,
817.58, Including ten rounds of ammuni
tion complete, the typo gun to bo sub
ject to tests which the Board may pre
scribe; aud 25 12-inch guns each for $31,
478.22, Including ten rounds ot ammuni
tion complete, the first gun (tho type), to
bo subject to tests prescribed by the
Board. Under this bid guns will be de
livered as follows:
Tho 8-inoh typo gun two years from
the date of signing the contract and the
24 service guus ot this typo six years and
eight mouths aftot- the test ot the typo
gun; the 10 Inch type gun to bo delivered
two jours and flvo months from the day
of the contract; tho 40 servico guns of
thl-i typo nlue years aud three months
after lh test of thq typo gun; tbo IB
tuck typo gun to bo delivered tor Us test
two years and nine months from the
date of tho contraot; the 24 service guns
of this typo to bo completed In eight
yenra and nine months thereafter. The
guns wilt cost $3,580,873.50 and tho ap
propriation for them was about
It Is u well Isuowu lite that fan Tina
Coiifch and tXinsiimptlon Cure has cuicd ''on
sumption, Coughs and Colds when ail else
failed. 2iaud50 rents. Trial bottles free at
Ulrllu's drug store.
The Difficulty Experienced by
Schmidt's Deputy and tho
Polico in Making Collections.
Other Local Nows.
Deputy Tax Colloctor Knobol and Po
liceman Conners are-meeting with flattor
ing success in making collections from de
linquents, but at times thoy experience no
small amount of troubln in Iho work.
Ycstorday they called on Andrus Wal
antlltonls, a Polish resident of East Centro
street who has heretofore boasted of tho
ownotship of citizen papers and has
boastrd to his countrymen ot his good for
tuno in never having had any personal
doallngs with tho Tax Collector. When
tho officers slated their business Walan
tikunis declared that ho would not pay
taxes, adding "You lookin in book. My
name thoro I pay." Ho showed bis citi
zen papers, but declared ho would not pay
unless his names could bo shown in tho
Pax Collector's book. Tho officers said
thoy would arrest him if ho did not pay,
but ho only answered, "You no can ar
rest." Conners and Knobol then at
tempted to take hold of him,
but ho jumped behind tables and
chairs lo oscapo. A tusslo followed
and when Conners was trying to handcuff
tho ohdumto nun Mrs. Walantiknonis
punched him three or four times on tho
hi ad. Connors ond Knobels finally got
tho man before 'Squire Monaghan and
after the taxes were paid tho husband and
wifo wero put under bail for trial on a
charge of interfering with officers and
atsault and battery.
Letter Box Destroyed.
The letter box at Ellengowan was brokon
opon and destroyed by unknown parties
last night. Tho staple of tho drop door
was forced with some powerful instrument
and a picco' of tho side plato was broken
off, leaving the box worthless for further
uso. It tho panics who tampered with tho
box are caught tho United States court at
Philadelphia will give them a lesson they
will not forgot.
Tho Glolulon Company's Liabilities ISstl
nmtad at 8200,000.
Boston, Aug. 11. The Glendon Com
pany, which has beou engaged In the lum-
bor trade and In tho manufacture ot sash,
blinds and Interior furnishings, have
failed. The liabilities of tho firm to tho
trade nio estimated at $200,000.
Tho firm baa been eugnged In specula
tive bulldina operations aud several
bulldluira have been left on their hands.
ThU and sove al othor minor causes lod
to tho failure.
It Is not believed that other firms In
the trado will become Involved.
Died from an Overdosa of Qledlolno.
Boston, Aug. 11. A dispatch from
Amherst, N, II., says that Mrs. lella
EoblnBon Sawtelle, an authoress and n
member of the Massachusetts bar, died
durluir tho morning from, It Is supposed,
an overdose of modlclno taken Inadver
tently. She was tho first woman In
Massachusetts to be admitted to the Bar.
She graduated In 1881 from tho Uulvors
Itv Law School. Sho was the author of
tbo books "Law Made Easy," and "Law
ot Husband and Wifo." She was a
vigorous speaker and writer,
A Chance for I'uulllit Mitchell.
New YonK, Aug. 11. Pugilist Jim
Corbett will start out with bis show to
morrow. He says ho is willing to meet
Slavln or Mitchell for $1,000 ft side. Ho
was particularly anxious he said to meet
Mitchell aud t iko soma of tho conceit
out of him. "I will meet him," ho said,
"any placo in Amorica, and will offer
him inducements which he cannot refuse.
I will fight him nny way ho wants from
ono round to n finish."
Tho Vorli Farm Colliery Dlsastor.
POTTSVIM.E, Pa., Aug. 11. Tho mine
disaster which occurred at the York
Farm Colliery on Saturday afternoon was
far more sorlous thau was roported. Six
teen minors were burned, soveral of
whom are lu a precarious condition. John
Corby expired in terrlblo agony nine
hours after tho oxploslou. Ho was a
Ingle man, and bis home was at Oxford,
N. J.
Cbsrcod With Grnml Lnronny.
New YonK, Aug. 11. Moses S. Lovy,
of the firm of Levy Bros. & Co., which
recently failed for several hundred thous
and dollar-", haB been arrested charged
with grand lnrceny. Uuttoruelil s: uo.
and the Ass ibet Manufacturing Com
pany, both of this city, are the uccusorp.
Work to Stop on tho Milp Uullwiiy.
Halifax, Aug. U. Orders havo boon
.received irom London to stop all work
on the ship railway nt the eud of this
weok. The suspension is duo to tho
present rate ot tue mouoy market, tha
company not being uhle to Uaat tnelr ro
mnlulug securities without a sacrifice,
Qiiai-rymi-n Mrlk,
MiLFORD. Mass.. Aug. 11. Alltbe quar-
rytnen employed by D.trling Bros,, about
100 in number, struck because the firm
refused to dlso arga several men who
had been exnelled from thoir union.
KticT Ilrruk Out or tho Sninenit Jnlt an
SInlio for tho Wootlft.
SoJinnsCT, Pa., Aug. 11. Flvo prisoners
escaped from Somerset's now county jail
at noon. Tho sixth ono was lntcrcspted
ob he was descending the rope by which
bis comrades esaaped, and was returned
to tbo prison.
Tho holo In tbo wall from which tho
Nicely brothers escaped last March bnd
been bricked up In n loose maunor, and
when tho prisoners had gnlnod an en
trance to tbo nttlo It was tho work of but
a fow moments to ptiuch tho brick out,
mid with n ropo mndo from tho coll ham
mock slide to tho ground, a distance of
forty foot. Thoy at onco broko for a. strip
ot woods about a quarter ot a mile dis
tant from tho town.
Deputy Sheriff Uasson has organized n
posso nnu gono In pursuit of tho run
aways, several of whom are desporata
l-'xcelloiit Tiult In (Jrent Abundance
. WoHlorn Now York.
IlociiBSTnii, N. Y., Aug. 11. -Three oar-
loads of Crawford peaches, containing la
all 2,100 baskots, wore auctioned off dur
ing tho morning it this city, nud wont
nt prices rnuglng from M to 00 cemts per
bnskot. Tho fruit was in excellont con
dition, but the market has been glutted.
Mot only Is tho poaoh market aluUed,
but mo3t overy vailety of fruit Is In
great abundance. Wotormelons aro
cheaper than ever before, 20 and 20 cents
is all that Is asked for the finest South
fruit. Bananas bavo beou rotatllug by
the thousand dozons at 10 cents a dozen,
and potatoes nro Totalling nt 23 cents per
bushel for tho fincgt variety, with the
prospeot of a reduction boforo fall.
Two Doutht tho I'robnblo Itesult of a
Quarrel Uetwoen Throo Ilrotlinrs.
Ashland, Pa., Aug. 11. Nows of a
serious stabbing affray at Now Modla,
near Centralln, has been received hero.
Three brothers named Earnest bocarao
Involved In a quarrel In which ono ot
them wns benton so badly that be will
During tho fight Bert Cleavar Inter
fered In favor of tho boaton brother, but
bo wns turned upon and stabbed with a
kulfo by one of tbo E.irnests. Clbavor's
nssallant escaped to tho woods and is
still at largo.
Tbo llnnovoi- Murderer Said lo Ilnve
Vok'll for a Counecllcut Tarluor.
WATEnnuny, Conn., Aug. 11. Frank O.
Almy, tho Ilauovor inurdoror, hired
out with a fnrmor in South Ford last
woek, but left suddenly n fow days later.
It was not known until afterward that
bo was tho murderer.
Tho description tallied exactly with
tho ono sent out by tbo Now Hampshlra
authorities. Ho gave his nnino ns Frank,
Anderson and had a largo handled knlfo
mnrked "C ittlo" on tho blado. Ho also
bad a revolver.
A Yfidl-Known Crook Arrpstfid.
Olean, N. V.. Aug. 11. Matt S. Roilly,
a woll-known MoKean County, Pa., crook,
aud son of ex-Commtssloner A. Iiollly, of
Smothport, was arrested In Jamestowu
and brought here charged with forgery.
Ho forged bis father's name to a $20
check, and got it cashed upon the en
dorsement of two Olean men. Ho is also
held oil the charge of highway robbery,
perpetrated near Westons a few nights,
An Inturnutlonal Trlze VJchr.
New Yomc, Aug. 11. Acablo dispatch
from London says that Ted Prltchard, the
champion pugilist of England, has posted
11 forfeit of $500 to bind a match with
nAi i?nnDin...,n,.a rri.o mT.v.r,in mi.
of Now Orleans, has offered a ?10,000
purso for tho fight, and Prltchard has ac
cepted this oiler. The probabilities aro
that a groat international prize fight will
shortly be decided In America.
llatr4ted Over n Water Tamlne.
Mount Veknos, N. Y., Aug. 11. It
looks as If this place will suffer from
water famine. Yestorday tho reservoir
gave out ami hundreds ot families aro
without wator. Hol only is H distress
ing, but also dangorous. In the event ot
a flro there Is uo water for uso. Peopla
aro in dread of such n catustrophe.
Attach. (1 Ills Kent i:atute.
Notith Awnqton, Mass., Aug. 11. Tho
rool estate In Plymouth County owned
by Mos-s N, Arnold hns been attached by
tho creditors of Potter, White & Bayley,
of Boston, for $100,000. Mr. Arnold was.
at ono time a member ot tho firm, but U
at n loss to understand upon what ground
tno suit is urouuut.
All Hands Come !
And get a knifo for nothin
Tho only conditions aro that
you buy twenty ton-cent plugs
of '.'Filly" tobacco. As goo. I
a plug as you cYcr put a tooth
to. Tho knifo is a beautiful
4-blado, inlaid celluloid han
dle, good ma ori vl and good
workmanship. Can bo sooa at
No. 122 Norih Jardh Streot