DPIOHSJTC! C3-OOHDS -AT TltU- CORNER STORE All kinds of potted moats, fish, canned goods, oysters, lobsters, crabg, ltutslan cnvliir, fresh isplced oysters, flnoot smoked hams, bo logons mid cmoked hett, York stnto full cronui cheege,lmanthul,SwlB8, Edimi, Baisiiiio and Llinburgcr. Klin; ussortment of cukes and bis cuits. O. and II. ptoklos of nil kinds, l'lekles by thudozpn. You will find just what you want. Cor. Centre and White Streets, The Evening Herald. AI.Ij Till: NKWS FOll ONK CENT. Haa n larger olreulal loo In 8henanrtoh than nny other paper published, circu lation book open to nil. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET! Judge lion. D. II. Qreon. Sheriff DenJamln.Smith. Jury Commissioner MaJ. William Clark. Poor Director -George lleffner. Ddogates to the Constitutional Con vention, 30lh District Joseph 11. Pomeroy, John J. Cotla. LOCAL LUNCHEON. "Wo aro now in tlio otolith month. ChowinR gum is not populnr nny moro. AVhen Eomo men dftrclinrgo an obliration you cfin hoar tho roport for nfilos nround, When llio nocturnal katydids bcxin to sing and thoy aro at it now summer is on tho wnno. A crusado URainat tlio ooraot is to bo or ganized by somo of the most prominent society women. Tho nowspapor is Rradually crowding the brass band out of politics. Tho people want to think not listen. You can friRhlen a girl by talking about mice, but you cannot scaro hor by spoaking of tho poison in ica cream. Playing Oardo. Yo'i canjo&'dn a pack of bet quality playlnco'irds bysoiirling fifteen cents in postngo to I'. S.jKustis, Oen'l I'ms. Agl., U., 0. &.Q.B. K. Ghieftgo, 111. tf Height of Cruelty. Nervous women seldom leceivo the sym pathy they deserve. Whl'eolieu tho pictures of health, thoy aro constantly nlling. To withhold sympalhy from t'.cse unfortunate Is tho height of cruelty. They huvouweuk heart. causing shortness of bieath, fluttering, pain lu side, weak und hungry hpells, ami llnlly swelling ofanklefl, oppression, chok ing, smothering and droiisy. l)r Milts' Mew Heart Cure In Just the thing forthem. For their ncrvt usuess. headache, weakness, oic,. Ills IteBt rallve Nervl n is uuqualed. Fine troattseon "Heart and Nervous ulseawo" and marvelous testimonials tree. Bold anil guaranteed by U. 11. Hugenbuch. Bxcollsnt Instrument For Sale. A first class German piano imported by l'rot. Ziitz can bo had cheap for ca?h on account of the profossor's impending do parturo for Germany. Tho instrument may bo seen and information concerning it may bo had upon application to Honry Viederhold, 28 East Contro street. 8-C-lw Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed tho warning? The signal por Imps of tb sure approach of that more ter rible disease, Consumption. Ask yourselves If you cau allord for tho sake of saving 60 renUi, to run tho risk and do nothing for It, We know Irom experience that Million's Cure will Cure your Cough. It nev-f falls. This explains why mure than a Million llotlles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup nud Whopplnu Cough at onco. Mothers do not he without It. For Lama Hack, Hldo or Chest, use Bhtloh's Porous I'laster. Bold by V. II. Haxoubuob, N. E. oorner Main and I.loyrt streets. Buy Keystone flour. lie careful that the namo Lkssio & Co., Ashland, Pa., is printed on overv tack. 3-3-3taw Thoy Aro Splendid. Wo mean those Ohnviot suits you can get at A. T. Jones' "Famous" Clothing store for SC.60. Complotod to Doadwood. Tho Ilurlington Kouto, 0., B. & Q. U. B., from Chicago, l'ooria and St. Louis, is now complotod, and daily pawongor trains aro running through Lincoln, Nob., and Custor, S. D., toDeadwood. Also to New castle, Wyoming. Slooping cars to Dead' wood. tf Mlloa' Nerve nud Llvor Pllla Act on a now principle regulating the liver, stomach and i uowuis uirouoii me nerve. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' lllls speedily euto hlllousnesx, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Unequaled for men, women, children. Hmallest, mllaest.surestl 5)dose, Boots. Hamples Free, at U. II. Hagcnbuch's dnig store. WALL PAPER! A 0AKI)AD JUST AKMVED AT MEL LIE T ' S, Blanks Cc Gilt 8c EmbosKcil 12 l-2c Window Slmdos, spring rollors..25o Curiam Poles 25c MOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Shenandoah CKAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. HUM CITY. Pi A Sociable. Tho Y 1. S. of C. B. of tho Evangeli cal church wilt hold a sociablo and onloi tainmont in the church this evening, at 7 o'clock. All are corJially.invitod. Tho Last Banquot. On tho 13th Inst., tho Thirteen club of town, which has been reduced to a member- frlilp of twolvo by tho recent death of L. 8. Doner, will hold its thirteenth and Inst banquet. $1 00 Por Dozon For cabinets at Boshon's gallory, 29 West Centre street. This is only to spec ially introduce his work. Ho is now very hmy. Tho tamo cabinols will be 53 00 aftor Saturday, August 16lh. Don't miss this bargain. 8 G dtd-lw Handwriting on tho Wall. Tho sloppago of tho Beading collieries is a fororunnorof what wo may expoct. Tho markets aro all glutted with coal and all tho companies, big and littlo, will have to restrict or shut down temporarily. Ex change. And with nil this in view tho people of Shenandoah fee no reason why an oilort should bo made to bring new industries into tho town. Gospel Mootlnga. Open air meetings will bo hold ovorv evening this week in tho premises of Mr. tsaird, at north end of Main street. Tho Methodist Episcopal, Primitive Methodist and Evaimelical churches will unite in holding them. A song servico of a half hour will precede tho preaching. Tho :hoirs of Ibo sovoral churches aro expected o tako part. Servico will begin at 7 o' clock. Ono Sensible Woman "Oharloy, dear" ventured a lady of town to hor husband tho othor ovening, "my birthday is approaching." 'Yos, and I supposo you aro laying wires for a new fall bonnet." "No, ray love, tako mo to the opon-air oistoddfod at Lakoiido on Augdtt 16th and I shall bo satisfied, And "Charley dear" will take hor, for tho railway faro and admission to the eisteddfod will only cost 70 cents for each of them. Smull ryclnno 111 lfiirmio. Buffalo, N. Y Aug. 10. A sudden gust of. wind enmo up at a late hour last night and startled the community, slammed doors, knocked out screens, smashed windows, blow gates oft their binges, snapped branches of trees and, on tho whole, was very oycloulo. Tugs saved several pooplo from drowning who had boon capsized lu small boats. A General Btrlkn Kxpeoted. ToritKA. Knn.. Auk. 10. Tho grlevanca committee of the striking Santa Fo boll- ormakers was closotou during the day with General Mauagor Boblnson, but an adjournment was taken without nny compromise being effected. Neither side is willing to make known its Intentions, but tho Indications point to a general strike ot tho U,UUU employes ot tbe Hauta Fo shops. General Manager Boblnson does not soom Inclined to make any con cession wbntevor to the strikers, wha have the sympathy ot all tho other em ployes. richt With Uosperudnes. Caiu-yxe, 111., Aug, 10. In a free-far-nil fight here last uigln between Thomas M. Laren and Tony Klebor, two local touuhs, and City Marshal Btnostrdth, as sisted by several citizens, who were try ing to arrest them, Klaber hit Anthony Hubor on tho head with a rock, fractur ing his skull. He thou turned and struck A,'E. Ford on the back of the head, cut ting him badly. J. Daly was accidental ly shot by tho marshal, but bis wound Is not serious. A reward has been of' fered for tho two desperadoes, who sub Eequeutly made their oscapo. Itun Over and Killed. Syiucuse, N. Y., Aug. 10. William Quinu, a builder from Utlca, was run over uud killed by a Now York Central freight train laBt ovening at the Iron Pier, one of the pleasure resorts on Onon daga Lake. He had boarded the train at East Syracuse, whero be had been putting un a building for tho railroad company. and in jumping off at the pier his coat got caught ana he was thrown unaer cue cars. His body was frightfully mangled. Will fiend u Uroup of Natives. WABinNoxoN, Aug. 10. Dr. Guutnou, thu chnirmuu of tho Board of Exposition Commissioners for the repuhllo of Guate mala, proposes to scud to Chicago a group l ...,tli.na nf ft, ut. pnimfrv in nlv H,a!v V MIIUIIV- ' ..." " I'.J ' V various vooatlons in the building ou the imposition grounds, auu bou tne various articles of native manufacture there. Hunted Hlin.olf III Ills Stxble. Washington, Aug. 10. Ahner Koehler, proprietor ot a bakery establishment in this city, committed suicide early In the morning by hanging himself In his sta ble with a plooe of clothes line, lie was 70 years old. Business omb irrassmauts are believed to have led to his lash aot, Uuuater lUld far Trlul. Nbw Yobk, Aug, 10. Charles Engster, the insurance collector who was arrested charged with assaulting a number of youug girls, lias been held forjtrlal. Ball was fixed at $12,000. A little less rain and a littlo more sun shine tor a while would be appreciated, AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, BASH BALL. Notes of Amateur Gurries in tho County. Two nines oompoed of tho Shenandoah "Brass Boundors" and thoso of St. Nich olas, mado an attempt at playing base ball at Everett's farm on Saturday. Tho ganio was romatkablo for tho number of errors on both sides and tho indifferent playing of tho outflolds. But onough cannot be said of the hrilliant playing of Blnobold, of tho homo team, and bis frequent strike outs. The battery work of Boose and Trezise was especially lino, and with the general poor playing of tho balance of tho team, with tho exception of McDermott, tended to mako tho gamo long and interesting to thoto who were not up in tho pointB of tho gamo. For St. Nicholas the battery woik of Long and Gallagher was good, also that of Tre zise as pitcher for Shenandoah. Tho gamo was called at tho end of tho flfth Inning to allow tho St, Nicholas and Shenandoah teams timoto bo takon to tho hospitalm tho ambulance which was awaiting at tho galo to receive them. Tho raturu game will be played as soon as the nines aro dismissed from their respective wards at Ashland. Tho f coro whon tho j;ainu closed stood 29 to '22 In lavor of Shenandoah. Tbo following is a summary of the gamo : Earned runs Shenandoah, 18; St. Nich olas, 8. Homo runs, Gibhart. Thioa baso hits, W. Trezise, Bbceo, J. Treziso, Mah aney. Two baso hits, W. Treziso (2), Beeso (2), McDarmolt (2), O'llara (2), Beovcs (2). Stolon bases, W. Trezise (2), Beeso (2), Gallagher (2), J. Trezise. Double pluys, Booso and Trezise. Base on balls, W. Trtzieo (1), J. Trezise (2), Gal l igher (2). Struck out, W. Trezise (7), J. Trezlso(2), Gallagher (2). Bassed balls, Beeso (1), Long (1). Ump'ro, Gately. Timu, 21 hours. A picked nine under tho management of Peter Toulo wont to Ashland Saturday and gave a gamo to tho team of that pluco by a score of 17 to C. Manager Sim Evans took his team to Bcttsylllo on Saturday and suffered a dubbing at the hands of the Y. M. O. A. lo thottmof 10 to fi. Shenandoah baso baihets havo struck a season of karH luck Tho Brnwnsvillo club dcfoaledlho Glr- ardvillo3 at tho trotting park yustorday by a score of 8 to 3. The featur'S wero tho battery woik ot Byan und Truvctina and Fluck's running catch in center field. Tho single and married members of tho Sons ol V.'tjrans played at tho trottit g park Saturday nfiernoon and tho married men won by a score of 27 to 22. Cheap Excursion. Tho St. James Sunday school, of Delano, will picnic at Glen Onoko to-morrow, leaving Delano by special train following tbo train leaving Shonandoah at 9;08 a. m. Tho rato from Dolino will bo 76 cents. Shenandoah pooplo de-iiii,g to go may ob ta'n tickets ut M x Be' sn'. The Soap that Cleans Most Le is nox. CTHAWB show the way the wind blows, but they don't show what hard blows we havo been Ktilklugat strtw hat. prices. Home hats ate dear at any price; these hats are cheap at double the ruouey. If what covers your head Is not becoming to you, all tho pains you tako as to tho rest ol your atllra are simply thrown away. Oomeand sew how you will look In one ot our Wo str.iw hats. There's no use In glvlugsny turther description of them than to say this they are stylish, We cut the prlco down because we want to cut our stock down. Another big bargain lu hats is our Jl black Ellir bats. 13 S. Mala St SOANLAK-Shenandoali KAISER EXPORT REER jX-j ".iLTOIR I!BIE!E.'EV Dark, WANTS. &c. PROPOSALS. - Sealed proposals mlttee until p. m. August 12, lgaf, for mov lug tho twottory frame house uow situated on the corner of Cherry and Jardln etreots. The owners reserve the right to reject nny or all bids. For further particulars oall on iJ KJ.UnKSr, Shenandoah, l'a. S 7&1 w. ANTED For IJreniian's Hteum Lauudry, ngood girl. Apply at once. 7 29-tf FOR REN'T. A dwelllnp house containing six rooms. Apply'to II. O. Knight, 83 Kost Centre sireet. 8-i-tf DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR enle. One of the most desirable proper- tenns. Apply at Howsa's grocery sUire, oor ner Jardiu and Oali streets. Hhenandoah, l'a AGENTd WANTED. Frco pre llald outfit to euei'Eretln men. Kovurnl nf our s iloMriim have earned from fTOtotlOOa wocKiur yeurs raii. r, u. nox 1371, New York. 8fllw IOR RENT A (rood Rtable In the i'iiMi, waru, suuaoio lor a uvery or oiuer purposes. Apply to J. J, llohblus, No. 130 N. Atalll Kt.reef. HhnnnnHnili BARE CHANCE. Ten (10) shares uf building nud loan assoclailon stoek for tale at a sacrifice. Inquire nt Davis' steam dye works, 110 East Centre street. 1 zy tf TYPJ2 WRITING. A younrr lady, a graduate, wnts work at typo writing, rail at HmiAi.n ofllce. or addret.3 Herald Hhenandoab, l'a, 8 Ml DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale cheap. It being on corner of Coal and Emerlck streets. It In suitable for in.uiy purposes. Apply to No. 33 8 Jardiu t, 8 3 tf TTAN l'EI)-4ii active reliable man t i mi to. i j j m -f vf juiiuiiuij, nitu in crease, to represent In IiIh own Beciion a re sponsible New Yorfc House, References. MAiNUrAUTUllKK, JUOCK. JiOX lOaOt IXQW XOTK. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICIi. Estate ot I aniel Humhel, deceased. l.e'ters or aaministrauon on inetsiatoof Daniel Humhel. late of Union townshln. Bchuyllilll county, l'a., deceased, have been grunted to William II. Uumbel, residing ut. Itlngtown, l'a., to waotn all persons Indebted to said ftshite aro requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will maae kuowu tue same wminut aeiay. WILLI4.JI II. HUM BEL, Or to Administrator. S. Q M. II0I.I.0PETEK, Att'y. JUiy IUIU, iyjl. 7-17-Ut HEALED I'IIOI'OSATjS will bo received at tbe Architect's olllco l'ottsvllle, until 2 p. in., August 15, 1891, lor the erection of a frame church for tho Greek Catholic congregation of ilahanoy City. Plans und speclflcttlons to bn seen at tbe house of C Z Smith, 3( West Centre street, and Architect's otllce. All proposals to be marked on envelope. Tho owners roservo the right to reject any or all bids. W. D. IIlClj, Architect. 8-1.61 l'ottsvllle, Pa. POLITICAL. JJtOIl HIIEHIFF, joscpit won, OF 1'OTMVII.I.K. Subject to Democratlo rule;. JptOB CON3TITOT10NAI, CONVENTION James J. Francy. OF BlinNANDOAII. Subject to Democratic rules. First National Bant, THE4TRB IlUII.r)ING,l SHENANDOAH, PENNA, Capital, $100,000,00. A. W. Leisennng, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leiseiinnq, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. pen Bully Ifrom p tojj. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! Pnltlou HnvliiKS Dcitoslts. For LOST or FAILINO MANHOOD. Otneraland NERVOUS DEBILITY, Weitncts of Body and Hind, Effects ofErrorsorExceisesInOldorTouDg', Ulmiflb.ndlilk IMilKUil EDIIUOiSStl-iKTSofUObK iWlm.lr HUH lKliilItr-lifr(lu Ldr, llnittlirrrtU8UlMMdt.rlfl'iiaBlrlr.. WriUtkraL lle.erlpU,, llotik, cila.tloa ud pnraf. Mfctlrd (.eed)rrtt4 UlitM ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, H. V, 11 JV. Stain Street, Shenandoah. A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written. Aiumage uconsvs ana leai claims promptly attended to. Ileal Estate, Collection and Insurance igency. General Fire Insurance Business, Hepresents tho Northwestern l.lfe insurance Co. Office Muldoon's building, corner Centre and West Hts., Shenandoah, l'a. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. A two story double frame dwelling house store nud restaurant, on East Centre St. -A dwelling and restaurant on Kast Centre street. Desirable property on corner Centre and juruin sireeis, suuaoie lor uustness pur poses. A two story double Iraine dwelling, on West l.lovd street. Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen- ire sircei. Two 2 story dwellings on the corner ol Kjoai ana uuesmui sireeis rnoro room in one. Two-story single house on North Chestnut street wun a large warehouse at tue rear. Three two-story double frame buildings corner of Lloyd and Gilbert streets. The Leading Photographer, HQ. 14 ft WHITE ST. Tho work donn at this gnllery Is fully cquil to Unit done at the lare gulletles of New Vork and Phlladelphlti. Comparison Is In vited between the spolmens of his two and three dollar cabinets shown In his window and tho best of work done elsewhere a', five and six dollars. AWDa not climb long fllgh's n( stairs to Patronize an enterprise run by oat of town partlos when better work may be had of your own townsmen. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ot Hats, Caps and Dents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty ot Nelllo Bly and Mary Anderson Caps. e BABT OHNTRB ST. FOB SAJLIEII A farm, containing nearly 200 acre, situate In Itlngtown. Nine-roomed house, 0 horses and 1 oolt, besides a few head ol cattle, etc Cau be had reasonably. Apply to MItS. RUADLUY, 8-5-lw 545 J3. Centre St. SOHEIDER'S BAKERY, 110 Eatl Centre. Street, SllUX.limOAlI, Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream and Confectionery I OF ALI, KINDS. Light. Attention, Honse Gleaners ! The warm weather Is here, anil hoiise-cleatilnp; Is tho next thing In order Ami at Btioh titnos most everybody needs something to brighten up tho homo, so If you need a good carpet of either Velvet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brusset, TWO It THRHJC.PLY INGRAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! You can find a full assortment at PRICE'S. Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles of all Kinds ! Window Shades, Floor ami Table Oilcloths ami Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when quality is considered. No misrepresentation one prlco to all. id Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Wo mean It In every sense of the word. Wo oflcr you good all-wool Butts for less than their value. Our light goods must go, regardless of coHf so If you want to purchase a Men's All-wool Cheviot Suit for 86.50 call on us. Furnishlug goods also to bo had at lower prices than you will find them elsewhere. Wo make no boasts merely for advertisement, but what wo advertise we will do, Cair.and exumlue our bargaius before purchasing and you will not regret it. TOE "FAMOUS" 0MCE CLOTHIER: New Saloon and Restaurant ! Newly Painted, Papered and Renovated. No, IIS EAST CENTXIHJ STKE Three doors above Kendrlck House, BENJAMIN HASKEY, Proprietor. Sir. Haskey would Inform his many frlondt and the publlo that he will cater to their wantt In tbe tame first-class stylo that ho has don In tho past. None but the best brands of for. itgn and domestlo wines, liquors and clgan will bo kept In stock. Choice tenipernnci drinks, Fine old slock ale Theeattug ba- Is supplied with everything In tbo eitlusr line served in tho beststyle Meals served at all hours. Fine private roomt .ittached. -JXJST OUT- The "HEW BiiWM" RANGE It beats everything in tho market, and the price Is Just right to suit tho times. It will pay you to oome and see It. I am prepared lo do tho following at the prices quoted: Tin roofing eo per foot and up Tin roof painting Vm " , Tin conductor ,12o " " Tin hanging gutter 7. 12o " " Galvanized chimney etaok 20o per pounCi Repairs for all stoves a spsclalty. j AVM. E. PEATT,4 7 0-3m "1 ' hiiilin 'I - i '"iJp LEATHER and SHOE Fill! IP. J". CLEABY, Sealer In all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies Lirge and flrst-class stook. All Demands of the Trade Supphet 18 W. CENTRE ST., Kerguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA J The Cheapest Place ! TO BUY Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hosiery, Etc , , 18 AT ( CHARLES : YARO"VvKY's( 23 West Centra Bt., Shenandoah. Q M. 1IAS1II.TON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlce-26 West Lloyd Btreet, Bhenan!!