CWf. Evening Herald. TUIiMBUKI) DAILY, SUNDAY EXCKPTUD jr. C. JlOYllll, lMltnr unit VuhUnher. ir.lf. ,T. WATKIXH, Local MUor. ALL THE NEWS FOR ONE CENT Jfte KYEX1XO HEUALDhtaa Zm-ferrir- tMUMon in Bhenandonh than any othrr jiajier fwlAUhed, Uonkt cpm to all. subscription mates: DAn.r,per year WKBKiiT, per year,. . I SO Entered l the Postoffio, atBhenaridosih, Pa. tor transmission thwrahtue mans w necnnd olatw mall mattor. L.AKBBIDB PATHS. VliruroB Dwnouutrate the Popu larity of the Reaort. Auft. 11. Welsh Baptist, Congreaa tional and Methodist, Shenandoah. Auk. iS. Lutheran missionary festival is Ttnlioonsl Sunday school ol Mahannr Olty. A.iff. II Kafotmed Sunday school, of Tftmaqtia. Auff. 16. Bisteddfod. " 17. Lutheran Sunday school, Gi rardville. Aur. 18. English Baptist Sunday school, Mahanoy Oitv. Auk. 19. M. K. Sanday tohool of Shen andoah. Auk. 20. Trinity Reformed Sunday school of Mahanoy City. Auir. ao. KvanaeHoal Sunday aehool picnic. Delano. Au. 21. Daughter! of ltebekab, Muba nov City. Auk. 22. 1. It. Sunday Mhool, of Oil berlon. Atm. '21. 1. M. Sunday school of Shen andoah. Auk. 25. English Luthetan, Mahanoy Citv. Aug. 20. Evangelical Lutheran Sunday aehool. Au. 27. Young Jlen'a Democratic Club, Mahanoy Oily. Ask Tour Friends About It, Your distressing cough Can be cured Vie know it because Kemp's Balaam within the nail few yeara has cured o many coughs and colds in thUJcommunily I'-- remarkable sale baa been won entirel) by its genuine merit. Ak some friend wbii has used it what he thinks of Kemp'i Balsam. There is no medicine so pure, none so effective. Large bottles 60o and $1 at all drugKists'. Keen away from trees, open windows aud doorways during a thunder storm. A Cure for Constipation and Headache Dr. Silas Lane, while in the Rooky Mountains, discovered a root that whn combined with other herbs, makes an eaj and certain cure for condlpation. It is in ibo form of dry roots and leaves, and It known as Lane's Family Jtedicinp. 11 will euro sick headache For tho blood, liver and kidncyi, and for clearing up the complexion it does wonders. DruRgisti soil it at 60 cents a package Spring chicken, with last yesr's spring in thorn, are still in tbe market. To Nervous, Debilitated Men. If vou send us vour address, we wil mail vou our illustrated uamnhlet explain Inv all about Dr. Dvo's Celebrated Klectro- Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their rli.irn.inir nitflpu iir,(in the nervous de bilitated system, and how they will quickly nature you to vigor, anu mannooa. mmpt let free. Ifyou are thus afflicted, we wib end you a Belt aiid Appliances on a trial. VOLTAIO DBLT l.o.. Alarenati, Jiicn. Do you notice that the days are growing porcoptlbly shorter. A Mystery Explainod. The papers contain frequent notices or rloli, preiiy ana vuiiuaieu Kirm uiui'mg iiacrmMi- iMmra nmi nniuiiimen. TIib well- known specialist, Dr. Kranklln Miles, says all Much gills ure more or less byslcfloal.neivoiis, very Impi islvo, uubalanoeaj usually subject to lieudaohe, neuralgia, sleeplessunts, liu titml. rtH flrvlni? or .lunulilinr. These show a weak nervous system lor winch there Is no remedy equal to liesioratlve Nervine. Trial hniilpK uml 11 fine book, contalului: lmmy luarvelous onres, free n O. II. lliigenbiich's drug btore, who also sell, und Kuniniileo Dr. Wilis' oelubratod Now Heart Cure, the llnest of heart tonics. Uures fliUterlBir. short breath, ete. There is n lull in tho matrimonial mar ket these summer days. Shlloh's Consumption Cure. Tins Is beyond question the most sue ri'sntul Cough Medicine we have cvtr sold, n lew doses Invariably euro the wortt osfbh ul Cough, Croup, nud Ilrouchltls, while It won derlul siiobere In the cure of Consumption is without a parallel lu the history of medlelne. Hlnoo lt'a liriit dlsonverv it has been sold on a guuruntee, a test which no other medicine can stand. Ii you have n Cough we earnently auk you to try it. Price 10 cents, 80 eenU, and !1.(0. If your Lungs are sore, Chest or Hack urne, nw Bhllob's Porous Plaster. Hold by J. II, llaenbuc)i, N. E. corner Main and Lloyd streeU. Parchment is the paper. latest fad In writing A Yankee Sheriff Frightened. A well known slierlit, living In Maine, wes si vou up to die with what his physician ailed Consumption, u Irlend advised him to trv Pau-Tlna Cough and Consurnptlon On re, rc-i'overy followed, and the doctor now uses It jor i iiukus, uoius ana uousumpuon. Trial uouies tree at Klrllu's drug store: The summer bloom. flowers .are now In full 1IAHI.KM. January 28. 1880. Till. M.IIH.B thai .... J.....M , ..... win. afflicted with a nv bad sklu disease ni too laoe, eyes and Inside of the nose. The Xuco was covered with mattering sores, and his eyes were swollen shut on aeeuuut of the sores on tbe eyelids, nud his nose was dls charging matter, and was lull inside of the sores, r gave h1m the Cactus Blood Cure lor lour wee&s, sua to ua, f..,n: baby Is entirely wen. 'l5J.'n!'.'i. 115 KasllSUth street, N.Y. Bold at Klrlln's Druif k)toni.Kamnuu llnimA Jllock, ulieuandoah. Country vacation faces. trips bring sunburned Do you sutler with Oonsuuiutton, Coughs or tioldsf You can be cured Ifyou tab ran i inu toiiifii nnu vonHuuipuou uure. soana tiu cot is. Trial bottles tree at Klrun's drug etuiv. A Plciisuro Boat Capsized in Boston Harbor. SIX PERSONS WERE DROWNED. Tjie Bodlw of the Victims Have All Been Recovered. Four Prominent Milwaukee People Wert lltomioil In I'ottnukao Lhuo Their Hum Cnptlzrd nud Smile Imineillntely A Pllllnilellilan Tlilown Ovoilioard unil Drowned In III" Delaware Illvor. Bobtow. Aug. 10. A and nceident oc curred on Dorchester Bay last ovenlng by which six persona lost their lives. The yncht Mny, owned nun sailed oy Oant. J. M. Burke, started on n cruise about the bay in the afternoon, having on board four men and flvo children. There was but a light brece blowing, but yachtsmen say tho boat was over- nrmrderi. In tacklim the veaael keeled over too far, and tbe entire party was thrown into tun wtr. BK inner nurse, alien iu, wno one of the victims. The otbors who wero 'oat arei Mantiibb, aged 150. Kei.i.ib HurtKE, aged 11. Jameb BtmKB, aged 8. Thomas Cahmody, aged 11. Annis Carmody. aged 13. Vincent burke, aged 14: Porous Cliuichlll. auod 80. and Thomas Dallnril, lined U0. suoceeded In clinging to the overturned boat, from which' thoy were taken by a passing yaclit when they were almost exhausted. The bodies tho victims have all beeu reoovercil of FOUR DROWNED. A f-nlulll Struck the I'lenauro Hunt ami It hunk immediately. Milwaukee. Wis.. Aug. 10. Four young people, children of prijinlnont busl. ness men, were drowned at Lake 1'owniv kco, twenty miles from hero, yesterday at noon. Thoy wore out In a small boat with thrco other young people. A squall struck tho boat, capsizing It. It was hoiivllv balasted nud sunk almost lmtne. dlutely, leaving the seven peoplo strug gling in tho water. The names ot me urowneu are Aiuert and Emma Barth, Mnrth i Kindling and Clura Slegler, their ages ranging from 15 to 80. Their fathers are Louis Kindling, 1'oter Barth and Leopold Sleglor. Tho young people had beeu spending n few days at the lake, which Is a favorlto re sort. Thro llnvti Drowneil. West Hay City. Mich.. Aug. 10. The thousands of peoplo who vlsked Wluoun Beaoh, on Sagiuaw Bay, yesterday were bllUUUUll IJJ u i. .....a, ....... mv...... About U o'clock three boys were out alone on tho bay In a row boat when It capsized, and ns thero was not another boat uenr them they wore nil drowned. The bay Is beingdragged for their bodies. The boys, whose ages wore 10, 18 and 12 years respectively, uvou in oagiiinw. Two of their names wero Frank Flnter- buller and Charles Wlodomoyer. Full Ovrboiml und Drowned. Fmi.AUKi.rniA, Aug. 10. John Kirk fell or was pushed from u boat lu the Dela ware Itlver last evening nud was drowned, lie wan out with a fishing party, and It is claimed by tho others of tho party that ho was Intoxicated ana quarrelsome Charles Hoyt, one of tho party, tried to quiet hltu, and In tho struggle that ensued Kirk fell overboard and was drowned. Hoyt surrendered himself to the police nud was hold pending an Investigation. THE LEWISTON MYSTERY. A Torn Poitnl Curd Pound ?fear the Glrl'e KIT. cts un tho llimk. LocKronT, N. Y., Aug. 10. Mystery still shrouds tho identity of tho beautiful dark-haired girl found In tho Niagara River at Lowlston. Physicians have inndo an nutopiy and found that she was drowned. They do not think any assault was mado and no bruises were found. A torn postul earn was found near tho girl's effects on tho b ulk. It road as fol lows: Jlflss Jfninlr Conlet, 174 St. James slew, .Von. trenL vara Tt. llathM-ll. Dmau Mamie; How long do you Intend to stay at Miigarar writo imnieuiutoiy. l raulc nmi I limy coUHi. J. M, This, It is thought, may bo tho girl's nnme, but another thoory Is that Bho Is a Buffalo girl, as hor shoes bear the mark of a dry goods firm there. I'ltrlier Ilurr Sold to tlioOlnnti. BurFAi-o, N. Y., Aug. 10, Bob Barr, tho populnr pltolior of the Buffalo Base. ball Club, has boon sold to rsew iorlc for ?1,000. Karr arrived In the city last night to in nit o nrrangomonts for tho transfer. Ha says tho contract has been signed, and that ho will report at Now York to-morrow. Barr's plnco will be filled by some good pitcher next year, and Uinlllmn and Uermau will carry them through tne season. Died Suddenly of Ileiu-t DUeate. New York, Aug. 10. Erastus Vv". Ketchum, 0a yeurs old, a prominent wholesale grocery dealer of this citv died suddenly of heart dlsoase at his homo iu the Chelsea apartment house on Twenty-third street. lie has boon af flicted with heart trouble for tho past four years. He oompl dned of not feel ing well yestrrdny, and In tho morning whan his wife entered his room sho found htm dead. No!. Kx-CIot. I.lojd'i lion. IIaI.tiuohe, Aug, 10. Tlie New Yorl; papers yesterday published a story about the oonvlotlou ot an alleged son of ex Governor Henry Lloyd ot Maryland as a swindler, with the further statement that Governor Lloyd died In 1883. Governor Lloyd presided over the Democratic State Convention ton days ugo and Is very ! muoli alive, He is not yet 40 years of ni?B w not iinirrti.d until IHSfl nmi --. .-..-."... u ... ohlldren, if any, are, therefore, nt u very I tender age. The swindler Is not known to Governor Lloyd Kdttor J01104' Condltlun, Lbwimtoh, Me., Aug. 10. The condition ot Gtwrgo Jones, editor of the New York Times, remnlus ttnobanged. Ills nbysi- olana seam to have lost conQdenoe la his tsoovery. Grand Midsummer Excursion I To Atantic Gty, Cope May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Anglesea, Wild Wood Or Holly Beach. CHOICES REPORT OF THE NEW JEIISET COAST via PENNSYLVANIA AND LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROADS EXCURSION TICKETS. $3.50 llettirn ticketH valid until and train fnr l'liiledelpliln will Itnve BliniiK kin 7.45 a. m., Ml. Carmol 8 08, Cen tral!!! 8.20, Unveil Hun 8 30, Klienandcnh (L. V. R. H. elation) 8.45, Malmnoy uu v u.un. i;eiHiio u.xu a. in., arriving hi Possfngfrs may takenny aflerncou (Marxta nutei wnari ) to tne ecssmoic, the limit. ORBSSONA ORUMBLET3. C. F. Huituuel. our poj.ulnr younp; furniture dealer, is the happy pupa of n Iinunclug eon, which was bom on Friday evening of Inst week. Both uiotlier and child are doing well. Daniel 0euwnld, who prides him self on belli; U10 owner of the oldest houso In town, litis begun Hie work of razing tne old structure nnu will put u us place u ntio new one. Ed. Soi l man, who has been auflur- ing from a sliglit attack of typhoid fe ver, was out of (he house for the 1) it t lima Just aiiuday. The aaine of ball nlaved nt the Cres- uona Driving 1 ark, on Saturday last, between liiuiiinuir anu Uiefhoiin, was no blooiiiiiig sut'ueHi). The ecoiebtord 0 to 8 lu favor of Hamburg, ami tbtu the gauie broke tip In 11 disagreement. rue ( ressona oltib did well at tho be- ginniug of the seasoiij but somehow things navoirt been going rigntwiin Hie boys for uevcral weeks past. Johu Newlnn, whose lisiieiils reside nt Llewellyn and who had been sul- leilng 110111 me dreed (iHfase. I vol old fever, died on Satuidny night. His remains were tagen 10 111s. parents' home Mr, Newton was employed on the Heading railioad, and was eugnged to marry Miss Jtate uoyer. The CitizenV l'.nildiiiir nntl Loan Association is pns.Uing woik with all rapiuuy. Tinee new nousea ate being liuiilieu inline, a fouil 1 13 sliced v ueaiing (he fame fclale, und Hie foiiu dtitious for two mole ate completed. veiny, in is absooiation is uomg us paitlo Loom our lowu. Typhoid fever still ragesln our town. hut not to t tich n ffioat extent us many are led to bellleve. Considering the number of cases slnco the disease be gan last November, wo have golton off luckily so fur, there having only ueeu inree cieatns. xno uoaru or health and the doctors are doing all iu their power to alleviate tho bullerinsa of the people and to prevent further spreading of Uiu epidemic. The ordi nance coiiiiiellmir the people lo disin fect their premises uuder u ))enalty of live uoiiars is ueing euiuicetl. 'mere 1h number thing which fdioultl be pio hibited, mid that is this : There are m-uiy peieons, wiio are neilher close friends nor relatives, who make a practice of running in loseo the sick, and while thoy only Injure tho pa tient by their annoyance, (hey no doubtspread llieditcuse. This should ue stopped at once. True, the set must be looked nfter, hut that does not require the assistance of the whole town, jno one but tho nurse should bo allowed In the sick room. It is hard, very hard, lo be nek aud not have friends visit you when you tiTllll 111... In II...... . fvuuiu DlMlllllura i I ltJ IU DUO UlCllI , but when it Is for tho good of not only the relative, but the whole com. is time to call a halt. Iu reading up tho matter and speaking wuii a number 01 piiy&iclaris, we camo to the conclusion that tho (lis. ease was contaginus.and that even if it might not bo, it would be advisable to take these precautious to as to run no risi;s. (lABBiftUflBW is and will ever be tho -best Beniedy for Omit,, influenssa. TJaokaohe. PaitiH in the Side. Chest and 'Joints, "Neuralgia, Sprains, &o Before yoa aesd to bay, obtain er-FREI- OF CHARCE" tbe valosble boolst "Quids to Health." wWs enaorseraenw ox prtmiweui iujfuuMw. i F. RIGHTES & CO, J 310 Broadway, NEW YOKrt.. Prize Medals Awarded I 50 OentS a bottlo, For Salo by x. x. it. icutriN. Hc. ii. iiA.oii:ivjtiioii,4j onennnuunn, rA., SvW anaouieronES"''. ri August lltli, (391 toMY RESOET NAMED Including followlutc Mondny, Sneelal i niiimeii'iuu at l uti n. in. train of Hint day from Philadelphia returning on any regular tinin within EI8KELU8 EVERY FORM OF mm DISEASE From Simple dimples to ntiatlnate SCXUBIAi UlUO SXCISITUG I'lLI'S, W S-riicl fnr "KIlMtR for Kite Tien nntl SI ok. liooai," u liauJy book for tho household. I"KKB. GRAND PICNIC -AND- Sporting Event. Columbia Park, Shenandoah, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1891 Under the auspices of Phoenix Hose Coy 2STO. S Hfir-iTHe Hace, Purso $25; Eudancc Fee, $2, The inllowlre have nhesdy enlcird for the mre-.Minim i' aney, -i nomas Maileol, Gtorge Itlnsheuu-, Geoige Frost, Anthony Klynn, Jos. (Jarvey, Chillies KliiLheit-er, George Glenwrjght aud othcis. I'll st-class Orchesl ra has been engegt d. ADM1SS1QII TB DAHCIEG PLATFORM. - 35 CENTS, BE SURE TO GO. M. S. SCEEIDER'S -NI5W- reiiiKiiiEiiR-rsri CONFECTIONERY, 3So. 27 SoutU Mnln St.fSliciiniidoaU Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies Git AH Ail BUEAD A SPECIALTY. 3- A flno line of Confectionery. Cream Parlors attached. line Tee IIF1 YOU ARE GOING TO .uiHHOtirl, ICiuiHnH. Aiknusns rexns, IScbrnMwi, X.ouiHlHmi' Colorado, Ulali, Cnlllornln Oregon, WiiHliliiKtoit, Mexico ew Jiicxlco or Arizona, and will tetid me n postal oard or letter staling Where you are going, When you are going, Whero you will start from, How many there are in your party, What freight aud baggagoyou have, I will write you or call nt your houreund jurnisiiyou with Hie fullest Information rrgaraing routes, lowest rates of all cinwes, wndcs roars, descriptive and It muruioci larm pamphlets, resort books. jioi Hprtngs guides, etc Cheap Fat mine : Lauds In Wlssourl, Arkan J. P. McCANN. Eastern Trav. Ant, W. E. HOYT. G. E. I. Agt., 801 Broad way.New-York Iron Mountain Route, MISSOURI AND PACIFIC RAILWAY SELLING OUT. jjrBinug to aisposo of my entire stock nr goods, in order toacate the storioom fSr T. . DAVIS, xoo North Jardln St. WE'RE AFTER YOU Your Irndo is what wo want. ' This Is how we prppoee to get it, By selling you n flrst classartiole; byselllngyou for Jess than others; by sellliig you furniture, an organ, a piano, a pewlng muclilne or anything else In tho lino of homehold goods. Wo haven large and va ried stock (o select from. No trouble to show goods. Call, examine and be convinced. i4 H P D El H P ft THE OLD RELIABLE, J. P. Willia South Itrhiat St., SHE 2STTTX) O-KC. Lehigh Valley Railroad. AlinANOKMENT OP PAS8EKGKK TKA1NB. MAY 10, 1891 Ffissencer trains will leave Bhennndcnh fr 1 Mnuch tihunbrLehlghtnn, Blatlngton, Cats lauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kaaton, Phi. idelnlilH and Mew York at 6.47. 7.40. B.0B a. m. 1Z52, 3.10, 6.20 p. m, or ueiviuere, ueiaware wnier unp ana stroudfburg at 6.47, a. m and 6.M p. m. r or iauioenviueauu -lTenio., a, m For White Hnv6n, Wllken-Barro and Pitt on 5.47, 11.08, 10.41 a.m., 3.10 and CiO p, m. ForTuuRhunuocK, iu,4l ft. m 3.10 and B.a For Auburn. Itlmai; Geneva and and Lvoni 10.41 n, m anu 6.20 p. m. tor tJicejviue, -iowauoB. inyrc, wnvcriy tlrolra. Hochtsler. BuUalo. Aloanra Fallb C hicago and all points West at 10.41 a. maisr) 6.28 p. in. For I'lmlrnand the West via Halamanca at .iu p. m. Jt'or Auuenneu, jiazieion, aiocEion, J.uzn her Yard. Weatherlv and l'enn Haven June tlon at a. m. and 12.62. 3.10 and 5,28 p.m. f or jeHuesviiie, xieviRion ana weaver Meadow. 7.40. 0.08 a. m. and&S6n. m. Hip. Ul. For llazlo Brook. Jeddo. llrillon and Free land at 5.47, 7.40, U.0B, 10.41 a. in., 1232 S.10 and 6.26 p. Dl. rxir viuaixwttw m u.ii uuu v.uo u. xu., euiu 4.10 p. m. ror lYigKanB, uuuerion ami rracvuie ai S.50 and u.OSn m and 4.10 p. m. ror LHltwviiJe, .iiHimuuf iiy iil-.u jjhihiiu 15.47. 7.40. 0.08. 10.41. 10.58 a. m.,12.52, 8.03, auaiu.w p. m. i. or IjOsl creeK. lraravuie ana ABmana .27. 10.15 a. US.. 66 H.mniidfi.H i. m. For Darltwater, Bt. tTlnlr and Fotlsville. 7.40, .(tf, 10.68 a. m., 12.5, 3.10, 4.10, and . n. m. for xiock Ainuuuiiu, wpw liogiou ana Moree. 7.40. D.08. 11.53 a.m.. 12.62, 8.10. 6.28 and 8.03 p.m. f or JtAven mm, i;eut.rRiia, aiu uarmei ana 'snainosin, bju, ana iu.i.i a. m., i.iu, . and S.Oti n. m. Trains lenve Bhamohln for Bbenandoab, 7.0D lij3 a. m., 'j.ou auu v.mj p. m.f arnviuv at Shenandoah, B.05 a.m., 12.52, 3.10, 6.29 and p. m. BuniiAi xuAin. For Lost Creek. Glrardvllle and Ashland. 3.50, 9.10 11J5 u. m., 2.45 p. m. For Darkwater, Ht. Clair and Foltsvllle, -xeu, S.1AI, vju a. iu., z.-io p. in. For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Dolanc 3tW ilHMM. IU., ..IU, 1.W, V.IM J., .11. tor Jjony, ivuaenriea ana iinzieton, cm m., i.wj p. m: For llauoh Chunk. Lehlzhton. Blntlnston. Catasauqua, AUentown, Bethlehem, Kastoi anu new lorif, e.uua. m., twup. m; jf or L'niiaaeipuia, i.w p. m. IS. B. HYINGTON, Uen'l Pass. Agt., Bethlehem. TIIJJ SEASON FOR PIC-NICS ltr.lXO AT ITAA'D, Committeemen should bear in mind that the Herald office la prepared to do all kinds of Poster Workl at the most reasonable rates. Give us a call and obtalu our prices. All work dene when promised.and In a satisfactory manner. WATER OF LIFE. A newly discovered MINERAL WATER, the use of which will supply Important ele ments necessary to health. It will cure the Kidneys, Liver, (Stomach, and nil Bowel and Illadder diseases. It will dissolve (nlcullnnd remove them. It removes the uric acid from tbe blood and thus destroys Malaria snd Chills. It cures Bright's disease, and Is es. neclally recommended for neonle advanced In lie, nud for general deblllly. For undoubted proofs or this send lor paniphl particulars, FFHRY, Co., 84 Bouth Main Ht Wilkes- is send lor pamphlet elvlng full FURY, Water ol Lite wiiKes-jiarre, pa. Or tlie Idijuor Habit, INmlilielr C'urcu "J ....u.ii.iicriil; l,r. 11U1I1CS It U manufaotured aa a powder, whioh can be dven n BlMB of beer.a cup of cofleo or lea, or In rood, without tbe knowledge ol the pattern, it u absolutely u- win uuec. u permanent and speedy cure, whether the paileut le a moderate drinker or an aloohollo wrsek. It haa beeu dven in thousand i i. Iu ;.vr. peiieot oure has rol. SSRSm. ,V."a,p.J"!K Woeayatem onoe linprena. f witn,5n' beoomes an utter impossibUlty for tha liquor appetite to oiUt. -u vase ow4 oi paruouiara rrte. xo be haa or C. H. HAGENBUCH, Drusolst, Ehcnar.doiib IMPORTANT NOTICE ! All persons ore hereby warned NOT TO FISO IN THE BASIS ! Belonging to the Shenandoah Water Company, and all parties caught violating thio notloe will be Prosecuted ns Trespassers. By order of TUB OOMPANV. is (I Bro Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad?1 7H6Ie in tOeci Jtity 10 1801 RAIKS LEAVE SDENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS f' or fjew Ylirk- Vl VhlliUlr,l.,n w.Av. 2. 0 5.S5, 7.2U a! m. and lio5 2.F.0 and tH , rn. Htmday 2.IU and 7.4a a. in, For New vork, via Mauch Chunk, weok days. 6.2S m. n, m. nnu iMb and 2.0O t. m. For Reading and Fliiladefphla week days, ,10, 3.26, 7.W, a. m., 12.35 iSo and 5.66 p. m! unday, 2.10 and 7.48 a. m , 4.30 p. m. r.-r linrrisuurg, weeK UBJS, HI0.7.20 a, m,l 0, 6. p. IU. eor Allealown, week dayil, 7.20 . m. 12.BQ 0 p. Ul. S'llT f'ntlftVltlA. n.-Mtr Ann 0 1ft V (m . 2.35 2.W and 5.55 p.m. Buid'av. 2 II) S'll m , 4 30 p.m. " For twinuiua and M,nm,v nn.. leys, 2.10, 6.35, 7.2f), a m., 1235 2.60 and 6J '.m. Hlllldav. 2.10 and 7.14 c m im m Additional iui Alubanoy city, woek u'aya '7.00 riir uancBRwr nnu uoiumbla, week days. a. in., 2.50 p.m. ' For wlUhuunnnrt. Hiinhnrv orirt reek days, 8.35, 7.26 and it m a. m,. 1.35. 7.5i5 . m. Hnndny 8:25 1. m , 8.05 p. m. For Mahanoy Plane, weea nays, 2.10 8.25. ?i. 7.20 and 11.30 a. m., 12.86, 1,35, 2,60, 6.56. .00 and i'F-. . m. H 11 nil a v. 2 in. !', nun 7 ii n. m. v o, u. m. P. Ol. llle (llappahannoclc Btation) , 3.25, .2o, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m.: ror uuaravilie vik dars. 2.h'. 12.36. 1 86. 2.60. 6.66. 7.00 a 13d 0.25. t. i,S6, 7.00 and0.26. p. m. Hun day. u. . z 7.4s a. in.. K.115. n. m. ?or Ashland and Ktuirunftlli. wenlr rlava. I .25,5.38,7.30, 11.81 a. 111., 135, 7.00 and O.M m. Dunuay n.zn, a .t.- a. m., .t.J p. n, 1 XKA1J.B MjhtuiKNANDOAH: I Leave New York via Philadelphia, weet J.i 1. a. UX.. 1,(V, V.W, I.OV 11. IU, U.IB tM t HlhU p.m.. 12.15 night, T Lenve New York via Mancb Chunk, week ays, 4.80. 8.45 a m 1.00 and 4.0-J p. ru. fiave Phlb delnliiA. wm.z tl&vn. 4. in. and 10,00 a. nt. 4.00 and 6.00 p. in., from Broad nil (Tallow-lull ana K.SH n. m.miit 11 an iv m from 9th ana 1 iwu btreets. Banday 0.06 6r m. ll.m p. m. from Plb 101C ' .vieii. ieave iMaaimt. trees: aavs. iai. i .ud 11.60 a. m., 5S5, 77 p.m. Bnnday J.S5 aua u.n h. in. Leave Pollsvllle. week il.ivn. 2.40. 7.4(1 n. m.. IU, 6 11 p. m. Bundsy, 2,40, 7,00 a. in. and u'o p. m. ijOryo xamaqua. week days, s.vo, 8.48 ana 21 a. m.. 1.21. 7.13. Andu.18 v. m. HtiniHv itn 7 48 1, m. and 60 p. in. .eave Mahanov CUV. week davs. 8.40. S.1R md 11.47n. m.. 1.61. 7.12 and 0.41 n. in. Hnn. lay, 3.46,8.17 a. m., 3.20 p, m. neavo A.uiianoy i-iane, weeK oays,iS'4j,i.iu .30, 9.83, 1U0 a. ra.,1.05, 2.C0. 6 20, 0 26 7.87, ana "ilOn. m. Bandav2.1.l. 4.00. anil K.i7. n. m. 3 37, 5.01, p.m. uutve uiraraviue (ttappanannocrc ntattoni veet days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.36, and 0.41 a. m 12.0.5, a, n.Tti,, ana lu.ue p. m, Sunday , 2,47. 0 , h S3 a. m. &4J, 5.'7 p. m. L.ea-.t, WllllamMiHjrt. week dave. 3.00.U.4,1; nnit .1.65 a.m. 8.35 and 11.15 p, m. Banday 1. la. For lialtlmore. Washington and tho went la 11. O. R. K.. Uiroueh trains loave Hlrnril Wnas station, Philadelphia. (P. dt U. R. It.) t 4.10, 801 und 11.27 a. m., 1 .31, 4.24, 6.55 unci ,s p. m. esunaay, 1.10 t.iu u,ct n, m 1.2s ,55 and 7.23 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Lmvo Philadelphia. Chestnut Street Wharl ind South Street Wharf. For AtlimtJn :itv, Weeklsya Kxnreee. 5.15. 8 00. 9:00. 10.4.5 n. m. and 1 (Saturdays only. 1.30). 2.10. 8.00. 8.30, t.u , 5.00, 0.00 p. ui. Aooomuiodatlon, 7 49 . 111., 1.10, uwp. m, tav Ulli. .,s. diztireSfl. 5 15. 7.00. 7. 3U. 8.00. 8 SO- -. 4.00, 9.80 j.. iu, and 4 30 p. in. Aocoinmu .auou d.OU a. m. and 1 45 p. iu. uelurnlug'. leave AtlanUo City, depot corner t,tqntloand Arkanas avenum Week-rtavH Express. 7 (10. 7.30. 8 00. 0.00. 10.00 n. m. and 3.15. 4.00, 6.S0, e.30, 7.S0, H 30 p. m. Accommodnlioa 0.00, 8.10a. 111. and 4.f0p m. Bundoys-Ka:- prcss, a av, i.uu, o w, 0 nu, u-;su 7-uo,, 8 uw, p. 111. Accommodation, 7.30 a. m., 5.05 p. in. c. u. iLAJNCUUit., tien i Jfbsu r .4. MuLhiOU. Pres. A Gen'l Manager. NNEYLVAhIA RalLROAD. BUIIUTIJIILI. DIVISION. Oil and after iVov. 2-1, 1890,- (rains uill leav snenanaoun as follows: For Wljean, Ullberlon, Frackvlllo, Neva lastle, HI. Clair, and way points, 6.00, O.ia m and 4.15 pm, Bundays,600,V.40amand3.10p m. For Fottsvllle, 11.00, li.lo n m and 4. 16 p m, Bnndays, bOO, il.40n m and 3.10 0 m, For Roadlne, 6'.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 pin. Bnndays, bdo, 9.10 a. m. and S.10 pm. For Pottstown, Phoenlicville, NorristowQ and Philadelphia (Broad street station), 0,00, 1.10 a m. and 4.15 p in week days wuuday 0, 600, .4(J a m 3.10 p m Trains leave Frackvlhe ior BhenandosJi ni W.40 am and 12.14, 7.12,10,09pm, Sundays. 11.18 a m and 5.40 p m. ive&ve rottsviue lornnenanaoan, tu.ibanc; 11.48, a m 7.15, 9.42 p m, bundays, 10.(0 a m 5.15 p m. Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station), (or Fottsvllle anu Bbenandoab. a in 2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days, Bunday 9,m am and 1.10 p.m. For w York, 8.20, 4,06, 4.40, 6.35, 6.50, 7.S0. .5.208.3(1, i).50, ll.00andll.15am, 12.00 noon, 0!m' iea express, i.uo anu i.ou p in.), utv, 2.30. . ,. 1.204, 5, 6,i8.30, 6.50 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p hi, 12.02 it 1 on Sunday a, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 5.35, 8.12. 8.S0, 9.50, V 1 m. and, 3.20 (limited 4.60), 6.2S, ,S0, H.50 JU 0,1 II II. UUU JJlUUVt For Sea Ulrt. Sonne Lake, Bolmar, .icean (3 rove, Asbury Park, and Long Branch ong nniucu davr For i20, 11,15, a. in. 4.00 p. Da. week freehold. 6.0 1 p. ra. week days. HaUimor. and Wnihlngton, 3.60, 7.20, 8,81 9 10, lt.20, ) 1.18 a rr , 12.5 (limited express) 3.40 i.ti o.ui uui'i.iu y. in., anu iusuignt. r oz Baltlmorei nly. 2.02, 4.1 1, 6 08 and ll.SO p, ra. )n Hundays,3.50, 7.20, IMOand 11.1$ a. m. 4.4J s57,7.40 p m. li.03 night. Ball "more only j.miiiio pm. V'or ttloninund and the Bouth 7.2U 11.18 a.m., Limited impress 12,8! p. m.,)12.03 nlght,weok Jays. Bnndays. 7.20 a.m., 12.03 night. Trains leave Harrlsburg for 1'litsnarg ana - ha west every day at 12.25 and 8.10 a m and 4.00 (Uniltod) and 3.40 p m. Way for Altoona, a 111 and 4.10 p m every day. For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a m dally and 10.20 m week days. Leave aunbury for Wllllamsport, Elmlra, .'ansndalgua, Rochester, BaKaloand Niagara i allfl 5.10 am dally, and 1.43 pm weekdays. For Vatklcs, 5.80 p m weei days. For Krle and Intermediate pointa, 6.10 a m:, dally. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and B.Wi a m. daity, j,8i and 5.S0 p. m. week days. For nenovnoau a m ana e,B0 p la wcck days. L10 a. in bnndays. 1HAB.F PCaH. Ron. Man'r J-R-WOOU, Hen. Pas.Ai2t. nrT-ILMINGTON 4 NORTHERN R. R. THine table in tffeel May, 10, 1691. Trains leave Reading (P. ii II. station) fo Gibraltar, Beyfert, lllratboro, Joanna, Bprlug Beld, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle.Weat Chesler.t hadnfoid Junction, B. A O. Junction, Wilmington and Inlermcdlalestations.dally except Sunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 aan. and 3.13 p. m. Sunday only at 3.05 p.m. f For Wanvlck, HU Peters and Intermediate X statIons,dally except Sunday, at 9.20 a.m., and -6.19 p. m. Sunday only 8.15 a. m. For Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations, Saturday only, at 12 m. For Baltimore and Washington (B. A O. R. R.) dally except Bunday at 8.25 and 8.S0 a. m, and 8.16 p. in, Bunday only ai 8.05 p. m. Trains arrive at Reading (P. & 11. station) from Wilmington, li. & o. Junction, Mont, rhanln, Chaddsiord Junction, West Chester, Lcnape, Coatesville, Waynesburg Junction, 8prtugfleld,Joanna,Eirdkboro, Gibi altar. Bey. fen and luieimedlato stations, dally except Bunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. in. Sun day only at 11.21 a. in. rom St. Peters, Warwick and intermediate stations, daily except bunday, at 8.23 a, m. ttuu mui i. ui, ouiiuuy uuiy at o p. m. From jJUUDUuru una 11 i intermediate stations. Saturday only at 1.40 n. m. From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex. cept Sunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m. Bunday only at 11.21 a. m. BOWNKBS BltlGGB, Gen'l Fass. Act. A.G.MCOAUSLANU.Bupt. RUPTURE, We, tbe undersigned, pre entirely cured ol MAYER, ait Arch St., Phlln. Thomas 111 llartung. New Ringgold, Pn I.Pandt, South: itarnsuurg, ra., c. Ktelin, uonglassvllle, i Dr. MAYER Is at lintel Penn, lleadlng. V on the 2nd Saturday of each rooulli. Cull see him. JJ R. BRIOKER, M. D PIIY&IOIAN AND SlfBOEON, N2t?Ei?f !; c?,alle Wfeet: Mahanoy City, rn Bklnanaau succlui CiBoaees a epeclidfy, i. ii ot i;. jv. ueiurcs. uiev. iJn.. it. O. Stanley, 421 Spruce St., Lebanon, Pa., A. Schneider, lictul Bale, Fa..L B. Noll, Lime. kiln, Pa., Wm, K. llanenstlne, Phoenixvlile. Fa., W. M. Lelubach, (124 Washington Bt ' Heading, ra., J. O. Lyme. 1810 W. Howard Hu!