The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 10, 1891, Image 1

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4 4
fit Fit I A -A. A A BU Ell
1 . ', ' " i 1 i ;
To the Republican Electors of Pennsylvania!
After conntltatton and correspondence with
the members of the Republican State Committee,
and by their direction, I hereby give nottce that
the Republicans of Penntylvanla, by their duly
I chosen representatives, will meet in State Con
' vention at Marrtsburg, Wednesday, August 19.
1891, at ID o'clock A. if., for the purpose ofplac
tng in nomination candidates for the offices of
Slate Treasurer and Auditor General, for the
nomlnatlonofctghteencandtdatesfor Delegates-al-Large
to the Constitutional Convention pro
vided foe in the Act of Assetnbly approved June
10, 1891, anil for the transaction of such other
business as may be fyresented.
mtice U specially directed to the fad. that, in
accordance with the provisions of the last men
tioned act, each Senatorial district ( entitled to
a representation of three delegates in said Con
tlitutional Convention, two of whom only eanbe
members of the majority party in said district.
The electors of each district are therefore re
quested to make proper nomination! for dele
... ,! .nnntinn. the rules Governing the
nomination of candidates for Stale Senator to
be applicable.
In this connection the Clialrman detlres to call
- r,r no,thitnntMters ta the recom-
IIIG HC"t' "
mendatton of the State Convention of 1882, that
"they allow the greatest freedom in the general
participation in the primaries consistent with
the preservation or me puny ofyiiMu,wi.
Wil, II. ANDREWS. Chairman.
tj,. ,,;, nf ih nenubllcan County Com
mltlee elected at the prtmart'es held on Satur
day, August i, lo'Ji, are requester iu meet ui
Centennial, an, in uie isorougn or x-uuriue,
on Tuesday, August 13, at 10 a. m.,for the pur
pose of electing a County Chairman and trans
act such o'.her business as may be required.
Chairman County Convention.
August i, 1891.
Strtnrsle With a Snake.
May's Landino, N. J., Aug. 10. War.
ran Wilsoo, aged ton years, of this placo,
had a thrilling encounter with a mam
moth plno snake, which measured 0 feet
and 3 inches in length, yestorday. Tho
snake colled Itself around the lad's
limbs. After dealing the roptilo several
hard blowB across tho back tho boy suc
ceeded in killing it and freeing himself.
Injured 111 a Urowery Fire.
Philadelphia, Aug. 10. Firo last ovon
lng datnigad the Continental brewery
$U,500. Daring the progress of tho flro
Frank Ilarkins was ovorcoma by tho
fumes of ammonia and fell down stairs,
causing conoasslon of tho brain. Ills
condition Is serious.
Shot by a Policeman.
New York, Aug. 10. Mlohael Dulto,
a. Hungarian saloon keeper ut !224 Second
street, was shot and fatally Injured last
iilght by Policeman .fohu Foater while
resisting arrest for violating the excite
Advertisn in the Herald.
are being received dally at.
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre
Pickling and Preserving Time
is now at hand. Keller has
and Unadulterated Soured
eiyn Aeid or Colorlny.
Also, WHOLE MIXED SPICES for Pickling. About
IS different Iclnds. Best quality, sifted land Mixed in
jprojier proportions.
uur txiivujXJJ srj-UES
Jieat Quality. We keep no
v Don't run tho risk of making your HOUSES SICKby
feeding NEW OATS. Ketter has about 1,500 bushels
I manufacture my own
XtcooivodL tlix'oo tiro. et wooli
3F,ioq1x from 13a.o Oroamery same
clzvy as olLurziodL.
The first of the season.
mackerel of this season's catch.
DAISY FLOUR is made of old
isfaction every time.
The next National Encampment of
the Urand Army of the Republic will
be held In Washington, u very good
Had tihenaudoah a few Industries
like the one at Rlngtown many poor
families in town would be greatly
benefitted. But there Is little or no
prospect of securing even one.
Thk Chronicle has Its eyo on the
Herald and evidently reads Us po
litical' comments with much interest,
and some time great disappointment.
In fact the Herald seems to hnve tho
Chronicle on the nuxlous bench.
Meanwhile the Hehald jogs along
complacently, confident of the strength
of tho Republican ticket and with Its
toes at tho line ready to help elect It.
RfiitANTON ia boomluc thlntrs. Itu
people are aggressively enterprlsln
and thev have a board of trade that
means business. It Is now about to
start a nail plant with a capital of
$100,000. Of this amount $25,000, has
already been subscribed. The plant
will have a capacity of three hundred
kegs per day of ten hours and the
nverncre nroflt cer day will $108. The
Arcade File Works of Sing Slug, N
Y., cau be secured by any town that
will offer inducements. Shenandoah
could oiler them, it has men ot capital
millions of tonB of cheap fuel, plenty
water, excellent railway facilities and
plenty of idle labor, but it has no
Imard of trade to make known the
It is very important in this ago of vast
matorUI progress that a remedy be pleasing
to the taste and to tho eye, easily taken, ac
coptablo to tho stomach and healthy in its
naturo and effects. Possessing thoso qua!
Ities, Syrup of Figs is tho one perfect laxa-
live and most gontlo diurotio known.
Coming Events.
Aug. 15 and 17. Fan and ice cream fes
tival, Primitive Mothodist church.
Aug. 18. Ico croam and poach festival,
in Robbins' opora house, under the auspices
of Camp No. 183, P. O. S. of A.
Sept. 2. Japanoso ico cream festival in
Bobbins' opora house, undor tho auspices of
Shonandoah Commandory, No. 14, Sons of
Best work dono at Brcnnan's stoam
aundry. Everything white and spotless.
Laco curtains a specialty. All work guar
Waters' "W elss boor is tho best. John A
Roilly solo agont. fi-5-tf
just received a lot of FINE
fuaranteed Absolutely Pare
by aye Free from any for
are strictly Pure and of the
common Spices.
old not mixed with new.
Chop and guarantee it to be
Will open this week, the first new
Minnesota Wheat and gives Sat
Tho First Fruits of tho Rovlval
MootltigB Hold. Last Winter.
An Exoollont Sermon by tho
Pastor, Rov. Powlolr.
At tho Methodist Episcopal church yes
terday twenty-two probationers were ro
ceivod into full membership In tho churoh
Those arotho firit fruits of last wintor's ro
vival. Soveral othors will bo recoivod a
few wooks later. Thoy occupied tho front
seatwhilo llstonlng to an appropriate dis
course on tho obligations of membership In
tho church, lu which tho rules of tho
church wore explained and onforced, after
which tho right hand of fellowship was ex
tended hy tho pastor. At the evening sor
vice after receiving ono member by cor
'ficale the ninth sermon of tho series on
tho "Voyage of Life" was doliverod. The
subject was "Tho Siorms." A description
of a storm at sea was given and used as an
llustration of the siorms that beset tho
raarmer upon the sea of lito. Ibo sailor
grades tho force of tho wind according to
tho following scale: 0, doad calm; 1, high
breeze; 2, gontlo breeze; 3, froih breeze;
1, fresh wind; C, strong wind; 0, gale; -7,
strong gale; 8, storm; 9, 10, 11, hurricanes.
But evon if his ship woro to ro down in.a
fuilous storm no iruo seaman would exhaust
tho scalo In describing it. Uo reatons that
Ibo wind never blows so hard but it might
b'ow hardor. So with tho siorms of life.
Our trials ara never to sovoro but tlitty
micht be worso. A ftor tho worst comos wo
still have God as our refuga and strength
Then lito tho siorms of tho sen they novor
coino by chanco. Thoy are within the
domain of law. God is faithful who will
not suffer us to bo tried abovo that wo aro
ablo to bear. Again storms are not th
worst things that either tho sailor or tho
christian has to oucountr. Glvo tho sailo
a staunch ship and a cloar sky and he wi
defy any storm and thank his lucky stars
ho is far enough away from the dangor of
falling chimneys and flying bricks. Care
lessness icebergs, and abovo all, fogs are
tho greatest perils. So neglected dalle
an unopened blblo and unfrequented closet,
an unattended proyor mooting combine to
form a chilling tido of worldlinos which
rolls In upon tho soul and 'gives rho to
spiritual fogs that obscure tho sun of right
eousness. Thoso nro tho greatest perils. It
is then that collisions with tho will of God
and tho rights of man occur. Skeptios
grumble at God because of tho storms of
sorrow that fall, But while thoy are ofion
regarded as tho greatest evils of life the
fact is that for ono soul which Is lost In a
storm hundreds go down in a calm. It is
not adversity but prosperity that ruins men
and onds in everlasting; shipwreck. Tho
closing sermon of the series will bo de
livered next Sunday night on "Tho Ar
rival." Properties For Sale.
A good proporty on South Main street
and a good property on North Jardin
street may bo purchased cheap upon ap;
plication to A. J. Gallagher, Muldoon
building, corner of Ceutro and "West
streets. 8-8-lw
A. O. K. OF M. O.
A Oastle Organized at Fraokvillo
Saturday Night.
A new castlo of tho Ancient Order
Knights of tho Mystic Chain, to ba known
as Crystal Stream Castle, was instituted at
Frackvillp on Satnrday night by Fred. J.
Skerrctt, of Philadelphia, select recording
and corresponding scribe of Pennsylvania,
assisted by members of tho order from
Beading. A full dressed and equipped
company of th? military degroo of the
ordor from Beading was present, also dole
gations from I'ottivillo and Shenandoah,
mero was a uno display oi ine order m a
parade In tho early part of tho evening and
after tho castlo closed its sessions all were
invited to tho skating rink, where
sumptuous meal wai spread. A good time
was had and all returned to their respective
homos happier and wiser. The new castle
starts out with ono hundrod and ton charter
For 90o
You can get one dozen cabinet photos and
a fltfo frame. Bemember wo are on tho
first floor; no steps to climb. Khauey, tbo
leading artist. 8 -5-3 in
Killed In a Runaway.
John Weldeusaul, one of tbo host known
and most popular rosidents of Mt. Carmol,
was instantly killed at that placo last night.
Woidonsaul and one of his brothers, "Wil
liam, wont out driving and the horeo ran
away. John was thrown out of tho car
riage and his skull was crushed against a
rook at the sldo of the road, causing instant
death. His brother romalncd in tho car
riage and escaped Injury. The decoasod
was a brother of Harry Woidensaul, the
famous base ball player of Mt. Carmol
William, the other brother, is a hotel pro-
I prietor at that place.
Proparing for tho Groat Elatoddfod
Noxt Saturday.
Somo people, oithor through ignorancoor
malloiousness, have circulated a roport that
tho Shonandoah peoplo will have to pay
$1 CO lor railway faro and admission to tho
Lakesida eisteddfod next Saturday. As
already stated by tho IIsair.D tho railway
faro to Lakosldo and return and admission
to tho oisleddtod will bo but 70 conti.
Prof. "William Aomadoo, of Chicago,
III., who will adjudicate at tho oistoddfod,
will arrive hero next Friday.
In mentioning that Samuel T. Davit,
formorly of VVm. Ponn, will havo a choir
from Contrail at Likesido noxt Saturday,
the Ashland Telegram says :
Mr. JXiris is ovldontly an old hand at
tho business, for in forming his socioty ho
tok tho choirs of all the obu.'chos in town,
and soloctodtho best talent from thorn, thus
having tho advantago of s.arting in with a
body of singers already partially trained.
Tho socioty moots regularly for practice,
olid has already roachod a high degroo of
proficiency, which is ta a groat oxtont duo
to tho eff.irta of their patient and ablo
leader. AVo predict that tho Centralia
Choral Society will couao homo from Liko-
.sido with first honors."
If any of tho choirs succeed In wrostling
tho prizos from tho Shenandoah Choral
Union thoy will do so only after a hard
battle, for Prof. Philip T. Evans has tho
latter organization in oxcollont ttim.
Tho competitions on tho solos, duotU,
trios and quartettes, will bo exciting. The
entries are lilto tho present peach crop.
Col. Ed. Gibbons, tho hustling bill poster
of town, spent a part of last wcok putting
up largo posters in Nortumberlsnd, Col
umbia, Carbon and Luzorno counties for
the eistoddlod coramittoo and is now bill
ing Schuylkill.
Olivor Eisenhower, of "Wilkos-Burre,
spont Sunday in town with relatives.
Misses Jonnie Ooorabo and Kate Kroigor,
of Shamokin, aro visiting relatives in town.
Joseph Uollopoter, of Watsonlown, is
tho guest of his son, S. G. M. Hollopcter,
John and Miss Mamo McGreardy, of
Ashland, spent yostorday afternoon in
Artie Hollopcter, who is now located at
Philadelphia, is spending a vacation with
his parents In town.
Miss Edith Miners left towrLon Saturday
to spend several days with friends in Mt
Carmol and Shamokin.
B, F, Laudig, who spent tho past week
with friends in Luzerne and Carbon
counties, returned to town yesterday.
Charles N. Beddall loft town this morn
ing for Ashland, he having accepted a p si-
tloa on S. M. Riley's ongineor corps.
Mrs. Evan J. Davis, who spent tho past
week in Pottsvillo, tho guest of hor sistor,
relumed homo to-day.
"William Delcamp and wife, of Frack-
villo, spent yoetsrday in town, and loft this
morning for Atlantic City to spend a wook,
Wash. Or me, district president of tho P
O. S. of A., central district, spont Sunday
in town tbo guest of his nephew, S. L
Miss Lizzie Lossig roturnod homo soc
lorday after sponding a month's vacation
with friends at Mill Grove, Columbia
Thomas Wren, Howard Brown, Harry
Scligman, and Thomas Davidson, wcie
among tho Mahanoy City peoplo in town
Missos Annlo L. "Williams and Emmji
Eisenhower, who woto mombors of the
last High School graduating class, loft town
.hi morning for tho JCutztown Stato Nor
mal Suhool,
Off to Stato Camp.
Assistant Postmaster 11. E. Dengler, S.
L. Brown and Harry Aregood, ot Wash
ington Camp No. 112, and Daniel G.
Richards and John H. Kurtz, qf 183, left
town this morning to attend tho stato camp
of tho P. O. S. of A. at Gettysburg. The
cunention promisos to bo ono of tho live
liest over hold by tho ordor. Many reso
lutions will be presented and among the
chief ones will bo ono instructing the dele
gates to tho national camp to havo the
word "Wnlto" stricken from tho provis
ions for qualifications of members. This
will place the blank man on .equality with
the white man. The resolution will be
presented by tho delegates of 112, in ao
cordnuoe with Instructions of the oamp at
its last meeting.
Tho Stato Firotnon.
Tho State. Firemen' b Association will
meet in Look Haven on the 15tL, ilth, 17th
and 18th of Septoinber, noxt, aud iivo hun
drod dollars In prizos will bo offered for the
grand tournament, which will be open to
all companies in tho stato except tho homo
company. The contests will bo: Steamer
contest, $100 first prize; f 00 socond. Uoso
races, f50 first; $25 second. Hook and
laddor races, S2S first; SIS second. Hub
racos, $50 first; S25 second. Drill prize,
$50 first; $25 second. Largest uniformed
company in lino, $50. Finest uniformed
company in line, $25,
It Is a well known fact that ran Tina
Couth and Consumption Oure hus cured rem
sumption, CotiKbs and Colds when all else
faileil. 25 and off cents. Trial bottles free at
mriiu's orug store.
borough budget.
A First "Ward Hungarian, Dls
couragod by Lack of Work,
Makes an Unsuccessful At
tempt at Sulcldo.
Maihias Sm'elskovicz, a Hungarian resid
ing at the oast end of Centre street, caused
some excitement in that section of tho town
yesterday afternoon by attempting to com
mit suicide.
Ho left a party of his countrymen with
whom ho had hoen conversing, saying ho
wa3 going to his bedroom to hayo a sleep.
A few mlnutos litter tho noiso occasioned
by his body falling heavily to tho floor
startlod his friends, who wont to tho bod-
room and found tho man lying near his
trunk, moaning. Blood wa flowing freely
from a gash in his throat and in his right
hand ho graspod a gory razor. Tho man
Bppeurcdlobe dying, but an examination
shewed tint the gash was not a deep one
and no vital organs had been injured.
Tho man is now walking about with a
rag wrapped around his throat. Ho said
he committed tho rash act to secure admis
sion to the Almshouse, as ho was unablo to
secure work.
U rutiMieil McMillan Terribly nntl
Unooluil lllnl Out lu theThlnl Iluuml.
Chicago, Aua. 10. The prizo fight for
$1,000 a sido nud 73 nud 5 per cent, of
tho gato receipts, which amountod to
about $1,000 more, between Tommy Ryan,
of Chicago, and Billy MoMlllau, of Wash
ington, camo off In a grove about alxty
miles from Chloago at U:liU a. m. (jalte
a number of snorts woro In attendance,
having left Chloago on a special train for
the eceno of battle.
The meu nslubed a little less than 144
pounds. Ryan was in flrot-clfias coudl
tlon, but in the opinion of exports at the
ring side McMillan was ovorrtalned. Bet
ting was S to 1 on Ryau.
Ryan's seconds were announced as
Jim Hall and Billy Kuntz, and McMil
lan's ns Joe Rollo and George Slier.
Malachl Hogan was referee.
When tho men faced each other Mo.
Mtllan's stock rosa a little. Ho 'opened
tho round by loading with his loft,whloh
fell shcrt, Ryan retorting with a smart
blow in the face. A quick oxohange fol
lowed. When the round olosed both mon
were fresh, but McMillan's faco was
scarred and the blood was coming.
In tho second round Ryan went in fast
aud hard. Ho cauuht his man on the
oheek once or twice and thon gave him a
short-nrm punch in tho right eyo. Tha
eye closod its doors and hung out crape,
and McMillan looked dazed.
McMillan weut Into tha ring in the
third round with the air of a man who
know he was beaten and wautod to
hasten the killing blow. He ran against
Ryau, who punished him horribly, break
ing ono ot his ribs with n right-arm
swing. The champion knocked him
down, and he got up weakly, only to bo
smnsnou again ana suoc&au out. uo-
MUlan was badly out and brulseu in tae
light, and his noso looked as it it had
been broken. Ryan was perfectly iresh.
A Family Qunrre! Ksults tn a Terrible
CiscrasAii, Aug. 10. Goorgo V. Nle
man, a shoomakor at No. 180 Everett
street, was shot and inBtantly killed by
bis son, Charles F. Nloman, aged 20
years, at their homo, No. 18 Gorman
The shooting resulted from a family
quarrel which has been in progress sev
oral years. About 10 years ago Mrs.
Nioinau procured a divorce from hor hus
band for cruelty, but ho was allowed to
retain a room in the house, which bo
lougs to his wife. Tbo quarreling among
tho membors ot tho family and tho old
man has been frequent, owing to his
violent temper.
Early lu tho morning he began to
abuBo bis wife and two daughters, Anna
and Emma. Tbo son, who was asleep
up fctatrs, hearing tbo noise, camo out
and saw nis ratner wuu a pair or toug
in his hand upraised as It to strike his
mother, who is a cripple. He rushed
back and got a revolver. Just thou tho
old man mads a motion ns It to striko
his mother, when he leveled tho revolver
arils father and fired, the bullet pass
ing through his right lung and heart,
causing death instantly.
Tho young man surrendered himself to
the police nnd was looked up at the
Oliver stroet station. He is assistant
secretary of the Cincinnati Insurance
; A father's Terrible Grlmo.
Prnsiroruj, N. Y., Aug. 10. Tho clti.
zena of this placo wera greatly excited
over tha urrost ot Edward M. Sage, the
village blacksmith, on a vory serious
charge. His wlto and daughter mado
complaint that he had been criminally
intlmato with the latter for over a year.
It Is stated that the mother has beon
awaro of tbo fact tor some time, but un
der tho throat ot death from Sago she
failed to reveal the condition of affairs
until forced to do so from Saga breaking
lu tho door of their sleeping apartment
and brutally treating the mother. The
daughter is a handsome girl ot 18 years.
Sago is held without ball.
lln Wim Clluli-niiiii ot llio Natlnnnt Com
mitted of the Rhigln Tnx League.
Nxw York, Aug. 10. William T.
Cronsdnle, the editor of tho Standard and
chulrmau of the National Committee ot
the Sluglo Tax League, died last oveulns
at Morrlwold, Sullivan county, N. Y., of
peritonitis, after en Illness ot eight
Mr. Croasdalo was 43 years old nud n
bacholor. He was n native of Delawaro
nud a member of tho Delnwure Society.
Ho was the founder of Every Evening, a
dally paper In Wilmington For a tlmo
he conducted n dally paper In Baltimore
nud nftorwnrds was nu editorial writer
on tho Now York Star.
In 1860 he took an Interest in tha
mayoralty campaign of New York in be
half of Henry Qoorgo and over since that
tlmo ho haa been an active, and, for
most ot tho time, a prominent represen
tative of tho Slnglo Tax, or Henry
George niovomont.
Itcniarkable Cna nf 8lirgery by n New
llHliilitlilro Dootor.
Bethlehem, N. H., Ang. 10. Miss Mary
Gorman, ot New Haven, Conn, who Is at
tho Highland, fainted yosterday mornlnc
and while in tha faint swallowed a. silver
plats with seven tooth attached to It.
The plato lodged about half way from
tha mouth to tho stomach. Dr. Marsh,
after much dlfllculty, locattd the obstruc
tion with a silver "sound," but was un
able to reach it with any forcops at his
Taking a silver sound 13 Inches long
the doctor curved its point nnd inserted
It In tho msophagus. Ho managed to
hook It into the plato and after much ex
ertion he extracted tho teeth.
The laceration of tho throat was com
paratively Blight, aud tho resulting
uemorrhago was oastly stopped. Tho op
eration was porformod by tho doctor un
aided, and no.anrosthcttc was used,
Tho caso is unparnllcd in tho records
of surgery.
A Colnied Woinnn Quurrolnil With Sinn
nntl Thou lltiu.
PniLADELruu, Aug. 10. A whito man
named Frank Hetzelbergor wq$ fatally
stabbed by Ida Howard, a colored wnmnn
Hetzelbergor and two companions were
watching tho Howard woman and tyvo
colored men playing "crap," when tht
woman took offenso at soma remark
dropped by Hotzelborger. Somo words
passed between tho parties. Finally tho
men walkod away, stopplug at tho cor
ner of the next street to talk with soma
While they woro standing thoro the
colored woman ran up and stnbbod Hot
aolbergor in tlio broa.t directly over tho
heart, producing n wound which caused
his donth In twenty minutes. Tho woman
ran away, but was subrcquoutly cap
tured by the police.
Church Dedication at 1.0ns flranoh.l
Asnurtr Pawc, N. J., Aug. 10. St.
Michael's Roman Catholic Church at Long
Branch wa3dodlcatod yesterday by Bishop
O'Farrel, of Trenton. Tho churoh wan
packed with wealthy cottagers. Right
Rev. John J. Keano, D. D., of tho Oathollo
University of tho United States, preached
the dedication Bermon. The building cost
upwards ef $50,000, and a considerable
part ot this amount has been subscribed
by A. J. Droxel, George W. Child, Qon.
Thomas T. Eckert, Daniel Dougherty,
John A. McCall, Col. D. M. Ilildroth and
tho Messrs. Georgo nnd Joromlah Curtis.
A magnificent nltnr has been presented
to tbo church by Banker Drexel as a
memorial to hs brother
Trampled to Death by a Hone.
BnooKLTS, N. Y,, Aug. 10. John Uni
ack, aged 40, a teamster, employod by
the Peoplo's Gas Light Company, and
hU four-year-old son Thomas, wore
trampled to death by a vicious horse In
tho company's Btables lu tho morning.
Unlock bad gone with his little boy to
feed tho horse, which, tor somo unac
countable reason, attneked him nnd the
boy, and before astUtauca could arrive
both had been thrown and their beads
crushed to n jelly.
Aeelilen tally Shot ami Killed.
WATEniowN, N. Y., Aug. 10. Thomas
Tulloy, of Pope's Mills, was accidentally
shot aud killed by Amasn Thornton, a
camper on an island in Black Lake, St.
Lawrence County. Tulley was employed
as n guide and helper. The men were
out on the lako taking photographic
vlows, and had with them a Winchester
rifle, which was accidentally discharged,
the ball passing through Tulloy 'a head,
killiiiB him lustautlv.
All Hands Come i
And got a knife for nothing.
Tho only conditions aro that
you buy twonty ten cent plugs
of "Filly" tobacco. As good
a plug as you over put a tooth
to." Tho knilb is a beautiful
1-blado, inlaid celluloid han
dle, good mated il and good
workmanship. Oan bo soan at
No. 122 N01T1 Jardin Street