The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 08, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
It, aXOYJlll, HdUor unit J'uMlnlier.
ll'Jf. ,T. WATlCiyS, ImchI VMlnr.
J7if KVKXIXa 11 ERA LD hat a larger clr
euUMon In Shenamlnah than (my other paper
imUUheil, lloukt vpm to aU.
Daily, per year - - M 00
WehKLT, per year 1 )
Knlercd t the PostoBtoe, nt HhtnaiKloftb, Pa.
tor transmission through the malls
usseontt olass mall nmttet.
Figures Deraonstrute the Popu
larity of tha Roaort.
Aug. 10. M. K. Suwlsv school, Girard
ville, and Union Sunday lohool, L it
Aug. 11. "Welsh Jlaptist, Congrega
tional and Methodlat, Shenandoah.
An. 12. Lutheran missionary festival.
" 18. Kpltoopal Sunday school of
Jlshnnoy Olty.
Aug. 14 Roformod Sunday school, of
Aug. IkEisteddfod.
" 17. Lutheran Sunday school, Ui
rardvllla. Aug. 18. Knglish ItnptWt Sunday tehool,
Jlnhanoy City.
Aug. 19. M. E. Sunday school of Shen
andoah. Aug. 20. Trinity ltefortned Sunday
school of MahaneT 01 tv.
Aug. 20. Kvangolloal Sunday school
picnic, uolano.
Aug. 21. Daughters of Kobflkali, llaha
noy Cily.
Aug. 22. 1. M. Sunday school, of Gil
Aug. 21. I'. It. Sunday school of Shen
Aug. 20. Knglith Lutheran, Mahanoy
Aug. 28. Evangelical Lutheran Sunday
school, -Aug.
27. Young lien's Democratic
Club, Jlahanoy City.
Rocky Mountain Ouro.
The druggists claim that jieople call
daily for the new cure for constipation and
tuk headache, discovered by Dr. Silas
Lane while in the Rocky Mountains. It ie
4aid to be Oregon grape rool'(n great
remedy in the far West for those com
plaints) combined with simple herbs, and ie
made for use by pouring on boiling water
to draw out the strength. It sells at oO
cents a package and is called Lane's
Family Medicine
Corn soup.
Hold It to tlio Light.
The man who tells you confidentially
list what will cure your cold is prescribing
Kemp's Ualsatn this year. In the prep.
aration of this remarkable modicino for
coughs and colds no expense is spared to
combine only the best and purest ingrodl
tints. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to
the light and look through it; notico tlio
bright, clear look; then compare with
othir remedies. Price GOo. and jSl
l'lcnty truit.
To Nervout), Debilitated Men,
If you send us jour address, we will
mail tou our illustrated pamphlet explain-
inn all about Dr. Dve's Celebrated Klectro-
Voltaic Itelt and Appliances, and their
charming efloets upon the norvou& de
bilitated system, and how thuy will quickly
restore you to vigor, and manhood. Pamph
let tree, n you are tnuu auiictea, wo win
send you a celt r.uu Appliances un a trial,
Voltaic Biiv Co. . Marshall, Mich.
Tlio summer birds are colonizing.
A Mystery Explained.
TUo paperB contain frequent noticed of rich
pretty and eduoatc-d girls doping wltl
nogrncs. tramps and coachmen. Tile well-
Known specialist. Dr. Frantclln Mile-, Hiiyx all
Mich girls are moro orbss hysterical, uervous,
vcrylmpi islve, unbalanced ; usually subject
to headache, neuralgia, Biccpifitisucss, im
moderate crying or laughing. Thesoshowa
weak nervous system lor winch there Ik no
remedy cn.unl to Itesiorailvo Ncrviue. Trlnl
bottles and it line book, containing muny
marvelous cures, free n 0. 11. lliigenbuch'H
arug more, woo nn-o f-eu, mm gunrRiiieo ur.
MUos' .-elebrnted New lloart Cute, the finest
of heart tonic, euros fluttering, short
ureatn, etc.
This is tho month for flower cutting.
Bhlloh'a Consumption Ouro.
This Is beyond question the moid, sito
cesslul Cough Medicine we have oversold,
a low doses Invariably cure the worst cases ol
Cough, Croup, and Biouchltlx, while Its won
dcrtul success In the cure of Consumption Is
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
Hlnoe It's Hint discovery it has been sold on a
guarantee, a lest which no other medicine
can Miami, n you n.ivc n rough we earnestly
ask you to try it. Price 10 cents, 60 oriilt, and
II AO. Jf your Lungs aiesorc, Chest or ilack
lame, use Bhlloh's I'orous Plaster. Hold by
C. II. IIaenbuoh, N. 13. corner Main and
a.ioyu uet,l.
Pionics, flies and festivals are common.
A Glorious Record.
Since the Introduction of tha Pamnnit Ihni,
Tlua Cough and Oouhiimptlon Cute in this
vicinity, the death rate irom Consumption
li"S dforeusud wonderfully j It never falls to
i-iiwt uuuie, anu is me utjsiuougn meuioine
Try It. Trial bottles free at 1'irllu'a diur
A drinking man will clulob at a straw.
. Haulkm, January 31, 1800.
ThU certifies that my child. 19 montliaoW,
wasatuleteidwltlia wry bad skin disease oi
tnoihoe, eyes and lnsfde oftlMuiMe. The
lace was covered with mattering sores, aad
his of en were wollnn shut on aooounl of the
enresnn the eyelids, and his nose wan dls
charging matter, and was full lnld of the
eure. I gave him the Cactus lllood Cure tor
four weeks, and to day my ha by la entirely
well. stltH. J.KK&KKY,
lis Kast railh street, N. Y.
Hold at Klrllu's Drug fcjtor,Karguson House
Jlloek, dhanaadoau.
A doctor says hot drinks are the best for
Mllos' Norvo and Liver PUla
Act on n now prluc-lple-regiilatlng the
liver, stnmaoh nnd bowels tin outh the nmvi.
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' I'll Is speedily
cute blltousnesa, bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
constipation. Uuequaled lor men, women,
children. Smallest, mlMest,surestI fi'ldosea,
V5cts, Hamplea free, at C. 11. Uagtnbucli'a
they WEREjiisiviftTED
run '.fi iioi.ic riiuiirii tviLi,
rno or tlio .llcOntvnni Mlio Seek n
Divorce 111 New York City It
firings tii Light Some Wine Law
.liny tio Itel'oio the I'ope.
, that the I'orw ol
Home la on licit
lupon to hear Hits
testimony .i n a
divorce oaae. Of
knows that thero
is no such a thing
as absolute di
vorce in the Cath
olic church. A
Ciithoiic hlband
and wife who tind
that thi.-y cannot
iret alonsr ncri-ee to
separate. Then they (rut the aanction
o tlio church which comes only after a
most rigid investigation on the part of
the pnmh priest and bishop of the
tllocebc in which the case arisen. Neither
of tho parties can ever marry niritin.
So even separations tire few in the
Catholic church.
If the bishop docldes adversely to tho
parties they generally try and get along
together nnd often succeed. In very
rare eases is any higher power sought.
When such Is the case nil the parties
get a hearing at Home. Ho few cases
go there that it is impossible to ngure
out the average derisions. In a half
dozen cases that have gone to Home
for hundreds of years, says a Homan
authority, overy one lias been decided
in favor oi tlio bishop who first heard
tlio ovldeuce. It is only after securing
permission to separate that tho parties
begin proceedings in tho Chancery
A Now York paper recently an
nounced that Archbishop Corrigan had
refused to sanction the separation of
Thomas JlcOowan Mid hi wife Sadie,
who woro married last Oatober. Later
information from the metropolis says
that the latter will bring tlio ease to
An insight into the little misfortunes
of this couple is proof of tho wisdom of
n law that forbids divorces.
Only a few mouths ago all tho upper
end of Now York city woro gossiping
in a kindly tone of the luoky cateh
Tom McGowan mado in marrying Sadie
JleCJrane. Sho was young, pretty and
rich. Ho was young, good looking and
with bright prospects, lie had won
her from a hundred buitors, nnd mnuy
a young man still deplores his ill luck
In not cupturing so lovely and wealthy
a prize.
A brief six weekB ended it all. In?
deed, bofore half that time clapbed, the
illusions of urdont lovers were- dis-
f idled, tho roses of conjugal happiness
tad withered and tho ghost of decayed
affection reigned in the honoymoon
Mr. and Jlrs. McOowan are no longer
inmates of tho same household they
are no longer friends. Cold, passion
less, fee-seeking lawyers are now tho
chosen counsellors of each, and the
wretched environs of tho divorco court
loom up liko the hulk of a shipwrecked
bark freighted with tho ashes of hope,
Husbiind and wifo are good Catholics
nnd dread n rot-ort to tho courts, but as
both tiro young they viow with horror
the shackloB which bind them and will
always chain them, unless tho church
which .joined thorn in tho holy sucra
ment of matrimony shall roleaso them
from their vows.
It was for this reason that Mrs. Mo,
Gowan called ,'tit the Archeplscopal
palace, and besought tho paternal ad
vice of His Graco tho Archbishop. Her
lawyer, too, vibited tho reverend prel
ate. Mrs. Sarah McGowun, always called
"Sadlo" by her friends, Is worth over
8800,000 hi her own right, ner grand
father, old Toh n MoGrauc, loft It to
her. lie waa a wealthy contractor.
1IU son, Sadie's father, died when she
was a rueit) ohllil, and her mother fol
lows! not very long afterwards. Then
Sadie went to live with her punt.
When ouly 10 yoars old she was grad
uated from the convent, and then tho
yonng men bogan to circle around the
bright young heiress.
Miss Sadie was gay, but sho was not
frivolous. Nor would any ono say.with
truth, that she was a ill rt. She had u
lot of good sense and know just hovr
attractive her wealth was. Tho big
and little houses she owned In West
Thirty-eighth nnd West Thirty-ninth
streets were briugluf 1 fl a handsome
d-rand Midsummer Excursion!
To Atantic Gity, Cope May,
Sea Isle Cityt Ocean City,
' , Anglesea, Wild Wood
Or Holly Beach.
Tuesday, August Hth, 1891.
Iteturn tickets valid until nnd including following Monday. Special
(rain for PliilfdeipblR vlll have H'tnin Mn 7 46 a. in., Ml. Canned 8 08, Ceu
tralla 8.20, IUvun Hun 8 80, HiMirnidc till (L. V. B. R. station) 8.46, Mahanoy
Cily !).0o, Delano 9.20 a. m., arriving at l hilurleli bta at 1 00 . rn.
l'os'-eiigtrM umy take any nfiermi n Irain of that (lay fiom Philadelphia
(Market street wharf ) to tho tuDshoie, uiutiiiug on any regular truiu wltlilu
the limit.
Next to blood, kidney nnd liver nnilc-
Hons, nervousness nnd nerro lrregularl-
flew lire tho most common.
S Within tho last twenty-flvo yonrs tho
number of nervous dlseni-efi has In-
; croesed lnrgely, and tho medical frnter-
" nlty hnvo given them a groat deal of
5 attention.
As to tho onuses of nervous nffcctlons,
their name is legion ; high living, diss!
Z pntlon, Irrogularltlos of diet, late hours,
overwork, great grief, tho high-pressure
S moilo of life, with Its coaecless round of
S activity nnd oxertiou, calling for con-
slant e-xnendllureof nervo forco, nil tend
S to depress and oxhaust tho nervous sys
S teni. ThomcroliBntsbondforhoursover
; their books, or are whirled nt lightning
Use the Best Tonio
; 3pood over a country unknown to thplr
2 lnllu'r.s; the student burns freely the
S "midnight oil," while the housewife, In
I iior efforts to keep pnee with tho requlro
S ments of modern society, calls Intono
jj live play every flbreof the nerve system.
S the result? All over the land
" medical men uro batlilngwith nervous
dyiepsia, nervous headache, nervous
; wivl:uess and In many cases withgene
S nil nervous prostration, oftentlinus de
S voloiing into paralysis,
t- To regain health you must eorreotnll
S th it Is wrong In the nerve centres, and
S ti- j;i .V inn various troubles arising from
! ihjh d: cms.-d condition will dlsapposr.
S In Dio.rn'a BitrsaparlUa you have a
S nerve toalo fln'l nerve food which sltp-
pile- the waste ttwuos. Keiuemberthat
A' ill Diujr;ift5 I.CO.
DOI'.'T ti! i Li-jiCiiug c'be
.Aha V. .-.r.i i.N ftCo., Solel'
revenuo, nnd the fair MissSadio did not
care to lose tho control of it too soon.
Years went on, nnd as Sadie irrew
older nud her wealth inorensed her
beauty enhanced. Devoted youths
wero as thick around her us bees about
tholr hives. Gossip had her engaged
to this ono and to that ono. At tho
Union Uoat Club balls she was the
belle, and at the church fairs the
booth over which she presided was the
Mecca of all tho beaux. At ono time
it wns reported sho was engnged to
young McAlcenan, and tho next month
ThomnsO'Callaghau, the lawyer, was
said to be the favored one. Then the
name of tho rising politiciun, now Now
York's mayor, was In the mouth of
rumor ns the prospective husband of
Miss MeGrune.
All this talk ended with the wedding
of Tom McGowun to the heiress last
October. They went on a short bridal
tour and returned to tako up quarters
at the Gerlaoh hotel.
Mr.McGowun soon discovered that his
fair young wife had a will of her ;own,
liickeriugs took the place of coolugs,
and visions of reciprocal bliss vanished
in tho reality of incoiupatability. They
learned that tho bright spots they had
seen on the horizon wero mirages nnd
thoy had mistaken tho path. They
separated. Sho went to somo friends
up town and ho to tho homo of his
This unexpected denouement last
December was astounding to tho
friends and acquaintances of tho
couple. Mr. McOowan's connections,
nil of whom nro wealthy, pleaded with
him, nnd tho relatives of the wife, the
sister, who had educated hor, reasoned
with hor. It was useless the lawyers
woro the only persons whoso advice was
Who was to binmo? Sho saya ho
wns; ho asserts she was. Thoro tho
matter stands to-day. If It woro only
n domestic quarrel all might be well.
Hut there Is a darker cloud, The rich
young wife alleges that she waa not
Iiorsolf when sho married, Sho says
she was insane. And now she la seek
ing an annulment of tho marriage on
the ground that because of that In
sanity she onnnot be held to It, as she
was inoapnble of giving consent.
Height of Cruelty.
Nirvcus wVnnen seldom receive thosyio
ra'hy th-y di-M-rve. WM eoltculbeiilctiuiis
of health, I hoy are constantly ailing. To
withhold syinputhy from these unfortunates
Is the holnht ol cruelty. They havonweiik
heart, causing shorttifwi oi breath, llutierlrg,
ruin In side, weak and IniLgry spells, a id
lliiRlly swelling of ankles, i imrrsslim, chok
Ing. smntherliiit nnd rtroiv. l)r Miles' N..w
lli-art Cure is Just the ihlng furthmi. Kor
thtlr nervi ngnet. heartache, weekiiess, etc.,
his ltt-st- rstlvo Noivl Is unnunlcd. Fine
treat se on "Hi art mid Nervous blsfiife" and
marvelouk tt-silmoi iuU tree. Held una
gunruuieea ny v. it. Jiugouuuch,
Should Ihe tolpphono irl wear "yollor"
shoes in summer?
It Is n well known jnct that I'nn-Tlna
Couth and ('onsmnnllnn f'urn liu r-meri r-.,n.
sumption, Coughs and Colds when all else
Jlet., and 60 cents. Trial bottles iree at
the blood, taking up the sound materiel
from tho henlthy stomach, feeds evuj
nerve and fibre or the human body, nud i
In no other way can reconstruction and I
Improvements In the systom go on. !
Hi own'tjSarsaparllla will deliver the food I
pure and healthy Into the blood. j
Mas. UoncAS Stoku, m lfe of the well-
known railroad contractor, who has op- I
crated all over New England, becnuie
afflicted with that disease so very com- !
mon among women. She snys : "Yes, I ;
do know what nervousness means. I 1
hnvo hadltln Its worst forms. Icou.d
not sleep, could not follow any line of
work ; the cry of my babe struck harshly
upon my enr,theshuttlngof a door quick
or the fall of a bookor any unusual noise
upon the street would give mo a start.
It scorns to me, now that I look back to 5
It, as though I lived for years as some !
hunted anlmul might live. I mistrusted
every one and was possessed of a con-
stant nnd Homeless fear. Physicians S
told mo the nerve centre wns nffeoted ;
and when my food would not digest; S
when it. soured on my stomach ; when 5
my appetite became capricious, they ;
said I had nervous dyspepsln. I tried t
several physlolans nnd adopted overy I
thing suggested by friends, yet my nights
were wakeful ones, nud my days those :
of torture. One day Urown's Barsapa-
rllla fell under my -notice; I began the ;
use of It, and as a result the nervos were S
returned to their normal condition, as i
woro also thedlgestlveorgnns,Hnd a per-
feet and permanent ours was the result."
a boltioi for U.OO. -'il,i
,ii gf ml, ' IT IS MOT. i
oi.rieLOrs.biiiiiror, Me. v
SiDorting Event.
Columbia Park, Shenandoah,
Under tho nusvlces of
Phoenix Hose Coy
3sro. s
llulf-ilile Race, Purse $25 ; Lnfrante Fee, $2.
The l. Uowlrg hnre nhfndy rnlerrd for tho
""-Jiiiriin r-uney, j nemos Jinllciit,
Gcoreo Hlunheitt-r, (ieoige 1'roet,
Anthnny Hynn, Joe, ioify,
Chiirlcs ltlm helrir, (it ergo
Gienwiight and cthei s.
First-class Orchcttra has been engngf d.
O it
is nnd will ever bo tho
Horaody for
Gout, Influonaa, Baokaoho,"
Pains in the Uiio. Oliest andl
Joints, Neuralgia, SprainQ, &o I
Beforo sou acal to lay, ottala
i Vbs valnHlile h uki "(mil's to Hca!th,"wltlii!
enuort-t. jeuia ot p uhucb ;myioiaiij,
OIO Oroatiway,
KW Y U N 14 . .
Prize Medal', Awarded 1
ViDuuit, j.rKgiio, jimiuruaiu, viwat
llnrcmborf. ontelii Leloilo.
50 Cents a bottle, lor Sale by!
j.. i. r. ir-iitiTTv.
xx. llAGUNIH'ClI,.
Your dado Is wlint vo
Tills Is Low we jirojioee
to get It.
15y selling you n flrst
clacsnrllole; by Mlllngyoii
fur le?a tlinu ollicra; by
Eclllrg you furniture, an
orgnn, a iilnno, n sewing
liiBcliIuo or anything ulse
In Ibe lino of liomehold
Wo Lrvo iv largo and va
rlfrt Ktock to olect from.
No ti oiiblo to sbow goods.
Cull, oxamlno and bo
J. P. Williams dBfo,.
SouJIi JIFaln St.,
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10, 1891.-
Passcnger trains will leave Bheuandoah for
Mnuch Chunk, Lchlehton, HlMtugton, Cot
nauqus, Allonlown, Hethlehtui, Kaston, t'hll
sdclphla and Hew York at 6. 17, 7,40, 8.08 a.m..
1232,8.10,6.2(1 p.m.
For llelvldere, Delaware Wstei Gap and
BlrmulBburc t6.7, a. ni and 5.20 p. m.
For Ijimbertvllle niul Trcuto. , 0.08 a, in
For White Haven. Wllkes-Barro and l'ltts
ion Ml, 11.08, 10.41 a. m 3.10 nnd 6.2 p. m.
ForTunkhenuock, 10,41 a, ni 8.10 and 5.26
P. Ill
For Auburn, Itlmcn; Geneva nnd and Lyons
10.11 a, m and 6.20 p. m.
ForLaeejvlHe, Towanda, Bajre, Waverl?,
Eliulrs, ltiichesier, Buttalo, M agar a FhIIs
Ch Icano and ull points West at 10.11 a, m., nnd
t.2p. ni.
For J-Imlru and tho West via Halsmanca at
3.10 p.m.
For Audenrled, Haelelon, Blockton, Luin
tier Yard, Wcatherly and l'enu Iinven Juno
lion t 6.47, 7.40, D,08u. in. and 12.62, 3.10 and
5,36 p.m.
For Jennesvllle, Lovlston and Beavci
Meadow. 7.10. 9.08 a.m. and 6.26 n. m.
For tscrauton t 6.47 11.08, 10.41a, m. 8,10 and
p. Ui.
For liable nmok. Joddn, Urlllon and Frto
land at S.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. in., 12M 3.10 and
5.2B d. m.
For Quakahe at 6.47 and 8,08 a. m and
a.iu p. m.
For W lgirans, Ullberlon and Fraokville at
3.60 and D.08 a m,, and 4.10 p. in.
For Yntesvllle, Mahanoy City nnd Deiano
6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10,68 a. m., 12.03,8.10,5.28, 8,08,
9Ji Pi.dl0.27 ii. m.
For Lost Creek. 3lmrdvllle and Ashland,
I. 27, 7.46,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.C0, 1.40, 4.10, 6.85,
IU0and9.ll). m.
For Uarkwnter, Ht. Clclr and Pottsvllle,
7.40, .08, 10.58 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 4.10, 6.28 nncl 8.08
For llnck Mountain, New Hoston ard
Morei. 7.40, 0.08, 11.58 a. m., 12J2, 8.10, 6.26 nnd
8.03 p.m.
For Haven Kim, Ccntralla, Mt. Carmel and
Bhnraokln, 8.52, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.4C
snd 8.WI p. m.
Trains leave Hhnnrioklu lor Hhenandonh,
7.56 11.55 n. m., 2.10, 4.80 and 9.30 p. in., arriving
at BheuRiidoah, 9.05 a.m., 12.52. 3.10, 6.24 and
II. 15 p.m.
For lost Creek, Uirardvllto and Ashland,
6.50, 9,10 11.36 a. m., 2.45 p. in.
For Uarkwater. Ht. Olalr and PottsvllU,
5.60, 8.00, 9.30 h . m.. 2.45 p. m. '
For Yatesvllle, Aluhanoy City nnd Delano,
U.00, 11.35 a. ni 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p, m.
For Lofty, Andenrled and llazleton, S.(X
a1 m., 1.40 p. m:
For Alauch Chunk. Lchlghton. Blatluston.
Catawmqua, Allentown, llethleliem, Eastor
and Mew York, 8.00 a. m., 1,40 p. m;
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
Uen'l I'ass. Agt., Bethlehem.
llEIxa AT UAX1),
Coiumltteemen pliould bear in
mind that tlio Hkkald olllce
Is prepared to do all hinds, of
Poster Work!
at tbe ruoet rcseonablo rates.
Give us a full and obtuiu our
prices. All work dene when
proniised.'aud In a satisfactory
A newly discovered MINFltAL WATEH,
the use oi which will supply In.portant ele
ments nccttSHry to health, it will cure the
jviuueju, j,iver, Biomacn, uoweioud
Bhidderdliieiises. It will dissolve calculi and
removethem. 11 rt moves tbe uilcauid from
the blOOd and thus dfi&1rnK MnlnrlR urA
Chills. IteiiKsBrlgbt's dlsnse, nnd Is es.
,-i-..,uujr cvumiiitriiueu mr peoi'ie eavnncea in
life, and for uencra! ocblhty. For nndoubted
proofs ot this tend lor pniphlct riving full
puitlculnis. toJ.K. I'KItllY, Water ot Lbe
w., o iruuiii muiu m,t yv iists-isurre, ra,
Or Hie Lliiuur llnlill, lo!titily l'ui-cu
"j uuiiiiiitMot-inur sr. iiulue'
Iilt'll Nlu-oIlK-.
It Is manufactured as a powder.wbloh oan be riven
JS.'i.S.'V.l0! bMr( 0UP "otfoe or leu, or in food,
without the knowladie ot ,he patient. It it aluolutel?
narmloM, and will offeot a permanent and apoedy
cure, whether the patleut 1 a moderate drinker or
an aloohollo wreck It haa been given In thotuande
of oasea, and la every ineiaiioe a porfeet ouro has fol
ij'k 'tf'. t ""t The ayatem once lmprogna
f4 with the beoomoe an utter lmpoaalbllity
lor the liquor appetite to ezUt.
48 pace book or partiouiara (res. To be bad o
C. H. HAGENBUCH, Drucglsi, Shenandoah
All persons are hereby warned
Belonging to the
Slionaudoah Water Company,
and all peitus caught violating this notice
will be
Prosecuted ns TrcspnsHera.
By order of
Philadelphia and Reading Eailrond"
Time Table In eOeet July 10, 1H01
or Now York via Philadelphia, week rtays,
2..0 5.25, 7.! . m. and 12 35 iEO and 6.b6
V t:' "uu"y z.iu aun 7.4 ft. m. For JNew
JTOTk, via Maueh Chunk, week days, a-33,
r.av. u. m. And icjiinmi'inih '
in?li9,1?!2lf u,a 1'hlladerphU Weekdays,
2-10, 5.36, 7.30, a. m., 12.35 'iW and 5.55 p. m.
vsrl , "i m., p. m.
IO, 5.S6D. ra" (Myi" Zlu,,"iu m"
i. o'". rl"mt0W11' rtays, 7.20 v in. !?.S8
i5ro0LV?X,i1t week la5"'j 21", 7,(i m,
12.3 V.SO nnd fi.sfi n. m. Rn.e o m. '-ij
s. ni . 4 80 n.m.
. For i aiuaiiiut and Uahsnor city, weot
days, 20, 6.36, 7.20 a. in., 12 af 2.t,0 'nd 6.M
'.J?.. and 7.48 a. m 4.30 p. raT
Additional iui .nabonoy City, week dyg 7,00
jot uicHm ana Columbia, week .layj.
'.W a. in., 2.10 p. in. '
For Wllliunisport, Hunbury and Iwlsnuru.
week days. 8.25, 7.20 and 113) a. m 1 ,3-3, 7.0O
j. Bl. Hlllldnv !M . m . S ftS ti m
Vor Mahanoy Flaue, weeis auys, 2 10 8.21.
j M, 7.20 and 11.3'J a. in., U.", 1.35, 2.61.., 6.55.
7.00 auc :i - ra. Sunday, 2 10, 6X1 and i.d
n. .... ... v, 1.0-1 ,-, lu.
For (llruruvllle (Itavpnhannock Btatior.
W""K days, 2.III. 83, 5.M, 7.20 snd 11.30 a. m.,
12.85. 1 BO t.iO. 5.66. 7.011 anil U.25. i. In. Hmirloo
2'10, .2 , 7.48 a. in., 8.('6. 4.30 p. m.
-or Ashland and Hiiauoitin, week days.
J.2 1,5.25,7.20, 11.30 a m 185, 7.00 nud i.Jt
... jo. nontiKv n.ii, u. nt., p, m.
l'HAlNB FOK iiiiKA1iOAHi
Iioave Hew York via Fhlladelphla, week
lays. 7.45 a. m l.SO, j 00, 7.30 p. to,, 12.15
alght. Bunday, H.00 p. ru., 12.16 nignt.
Ihvs Ns York vt Mnnrh chunk, week
days, 4JW. 8.46 a. m 1.00 and 1.0J p. m.
.n'S1" hllsdelphla, wees days, 4.10, ana
10-00 n. m. 4.00 and H.00 p. ni., ln-m Broart
.uid Callowhill and 8.85 a. 111. and 11. so p. m.
from Hthane -.reeii utraeui. unnrinv eiw u
m. H.10 p. m. from Itn mu: - tu.
tjeave jruwaing. week days, 1 3,, 7.10, lo.i S
lad 11.50 a. m,, 6.HS, 77 p, m. bunduy 1,85 ana
ie.48 a. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, ?.40, 7.40 a. ra..
12.30. 611 1). m. Hmirtnv. 71D11 n. J
2.05 1.. to.
1 eavo Titmatius, week days, 8.20, 8.4b and
: 21 a. m.. 1.21. 7.18. and H.18 n. rn. Hnnrlnv a tn
7.43 t. m. and 20 p. m.
icavf, -vittimnoy ijuy, weea days, 3.w,
.uiall.47. m 1,61, 7.42 and 0.41 p.m. 8un
day, 8.40,8.17 a. m 8.20 p, m,
Leave a.ahanoy l'lane, week days, 2-4 1,4,10
M0, 8,35, 11.C0 a. m.,1.05, Uti. 5-20, 6 28, 7.57, and
"i.min. ro. Hnndnv 2.J11. J.nii- nrt m
3 37, 5.01, p. a.
ivb uirainvlllo (Rappahannock Htalton)
week days, 2.47, 4.07, 8.3S, and 0.41 a. m 12.0,
2' o-"2-8-03 oncl 1U.W p. m. aiuiday, 2,47,
(.0., 8 33 i,m. 8.41, 5.1-7 p. m.
Lm.-,v SVilIlanwnort, wees daya, 3.00,9.45 aurt
11JW a. tn, 8.35 and 11.15 p. m. bnnday 11.15
For Baltimore, WaBhlnEton and the west, thiough Iralns leave Ulrard
A.veune staliou, Fhlladelphla, (f.sV K. R. K.)
at 4.13, 801 and 11.27 a. m 1.31, 4.21, 5.55 am
,'.28 p. in. Bunday, 4.18 8.02 11.27 a. m., 4.24
.55and7.Slp. m.
Ijeave Fhlladelphla, Chestnut Street Wharl
snd Month Utreet Wharf.
Vor AUautlcCltt.
W'eek-dRysExpresB, 5.15, 8 00.0:00,10.45 a.
m. nals. (Rftturday only', 1.30), 2.10, 8 00,
8.80, i.i , 5 00, 0.00 p. iu. iojoninioialion, 7 10
a. 111., 4.15, 0 SO p. m,
sunn ..-. rlxpress, 615, 7.00,7.30 8.00, 8 30i
0.00, 9.30 a, m, and 4 30 p. m. acio:nnn. a.ioa
8.00 a. m.and 1 45 . tu.
lteturnlng, leave Atlantic City, depot comer
Ul-intloand Arkansas venueB, weck-on.-s
Espress, 7 00, 7.30, 8 00, 0.00, 10.00 a. m. and 8 15,
4.W, 5.30. 6.3-1, 7.80, 0 30 p. in. Accommodation
0.00, 8.10 n. m. and 4..'0p m. Sunday s - Kx
prens, 3 30, 4.00, 6 00, 0 00, 0-30 7-00, 7.30 8 00, 0.SO
p. m. Accommodation, 7.30 n. m., 5.0j p. m.
tv. U. a ASS COCK, U011 uu.l AgU
a. A. MuUWl). ftB. 4 Oen'l Mauaur.
Oh and after Jvor. 21, 1890, (rofnj ul teats
HtttnundMdi at follmei:
For Wlggnu, ailberlon, Frackvllle. New
Caetlo, Ul. Clolr, and way polnte, B.W, 9.1J
-t m and 4.1E p in,
Sundays, (100, 0.40 a 111 and 8.1 0 p m.
For Pottsvllle. 6.00, H.lo a m and 4. 15 p m,
Buudaye. 000, 8.40 a m and 3,10 n m,
For Heading, 6.00, D.10 a m and 4.15 pm.
Uimdays, 600, B.40 a. m. and 8.10 pm,
For Pottstown, l'hoenixville, JNorrlstcnj
snd Philadelphia (llroad street station), H,oo.
9,10 a m. and 4.15 p m week days
Bundays, bW, .40 a m 8.10 p m
Trains leave Frarkvltie for Bhenandoab at
10.40 am and 12.14, 7.42,10,09pm. Sundays,
11.18 a maud 5.40 pm. '
.'.fave Foitsvllie lor Hhenandoah, 10.15 ana
11.48, u m 7.15, 0.42 p m. Sundays, 10.40 a ra
5.15 p m.
L-tave Fhlladelphla (llroad streel station),
for Pottevllle ana Bheuandoah, 5.57,10.25 a in
2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Bunday 9.2S
am and 1.10 p.m.
For w York. 8.20, 4.03, 1.49, 6.85, 6.50, 7.30,
8.208.80, J.60. .00aEdlI.laam,12.00noon,(Um,'
tied txprese, 1.06 and 4.50 n m.) 12.44, 1,40, 2.S0,
4, 5, ti,.b.Z0, 6.50 7.18 8.12 and 10.00 p m, 12.03
On Hnndays, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.35, 8.12, 8.89, 9.60,
a m. and 12.49, 3.20 IllinlWl 4,60), 6.2b, b,d0. 6,C0
MS 8.12 I) m and 12.01 nlgul.
For Se airt, Hpnng Lake, Bclmnr.
1 icoan (Jrove, Asbury Faik, and Long trancli
S.20, 11,15, a. ra, 4.00 p. n. week davs For
Ifreehold, 6.0 , p. m. week days.
baltlmor'- and Washington, 8.50, 7 20, 8.SJ
9 in,, )l,l8a m, 12.'5 (limited eirress) 8.40
1,41 S-Wani .7.40 p. m., pnd 12.03 nlghU For
aaltlinorei nly.2.02, 4.1 t,608Bnd li.a0 p. ra.
jtr Bandays, 8.60. r.29, 9.10nnd 11.18 a. m. 4.41
9.67, 7.40 n m. 12.03 night, lalt'more only
5.08 and 11.80 pm.
For ttlchmond and the Honth 7.2011.18 a. ra,.
Oilmlted llipiess 12.35 p. m.,)12.03 night,wcek.
days. Bandays, 7.20 a. in., 12.03 night
Trains leave llarrisburg for l'iustmrg anas
tr.e west every day at)2.25aud 3.10 a m and
l.oOdlmlted) and8.40 pm. Wey for Altoona,
1.15 a in and 4.10 p m every day.
For PltUbnrg only, 11.20 a m dally and 10.2O
m week days.
leeve Bunbury for "Villlamsport, Kimlra,
. anandalgna, ltocbester,Buaatoand Niagara
r'allao.10 a m dally, and 1.43 pm week days.
For vatklns, 5.80 p m week days.
For Krle and Intermediate points, 5.10 am:,
dally. For tock tlaven, 6.10, and 8.63 a m.
dally, 1.34 and 5.S0 p. m. week days. For
Itenova 6.19 u m 1.43 and 6,30 p m week days.
1.10 a. m Hundaya.
ln. MenT Hen. Pass, Ast.
Time table n effect May. 10, 1891.
Trains leave Heading (F. di It. slation) for
Gibraltar, Beyfcrt, lllratboro, Joanna, Bprlng.
Held, T iiynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle.West
Chcter,t hudi,rord Junction, B. i O. Junction.
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, daily
except Bunday, at 6.25 nnd 8.30 a.m. andS.iSi
p. in. Bunday only at 8.03 p. m.
For Warwick, BLFetom and lnlermediato
statlons.dnlly except Bunday, at 9.20 a.m., and
6,19 p. m. Bunday only 8.15 a m.
For liirdhboro and Intermediate stations,
Saturday only, at 12 m.
For Baltimore and Washington (B. A O. It.
It.) dally eicept Sunday nt 0.25 nnd 8.80 a. m.
and 8.15 p. in, Bundaj'only at 3.05 p, m.
Trains arrive at Beading (F. & it. station)
Irom Wilmington, B. & O. Junction, Slont
rhauln, Chadds'ord Junction, Wist CheMer,
Lcmipe, Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction,
Bprlugneld.Joannn, Blrdsboro, Ulbialtar, Bey.
fm end Intermedlule stations, dally except
Bunday tit 10.20 u. in. 6.62 and 6.17 p. m. Bun.
day only at 11.24 a. m.
lirom Bt. Peters, Warwick nnd Intermediate
stations, dally except Bunday, at 8.23 a. m.
and 2.25 n.m. Bunday only at 6 p, m.
From iilrdhboro and Intcmudiate stations.
Saturday only at 1.40 p. m.
From yashlnEtou und Baltimore, dally ex.
ccpt Bunday, 10 20 n. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m.
Bunduy only nt 11.24 a. m.
. UJtlOOS, Oen'l Pass. Agu
MAYER. 831 Arch Bt'rVhila. .nmi u. !
llartnug. New ltlnggold, I'n., I.Pnndt, Bouth
rrSffil 1 1" Jj- r- A- I'eturck, Oley, I-a 1
It, U. Btnnley, 421 Spruce Bt , Lebanon, fa., a"
Bchuelder. l;Ocust bale. Pa.! 1), II. Noll, Lime
t. In' K?; $Y"l- E- Hnrtcnstlno, l'hoenixville.
M. I.elnbaoh, 621 Wnthlngtou Bt.
Reading, Pa., J. O. Lyme. 1310 W. Howard Bt ! i'
llarrlsburg. l'a O. ICtehn, Boulassvllle, Fu! I
Dr. MAYKH Is nt Hotel Penn, Beading, Pa ',
on the 2ua tiaturday or each month, Call to
f B. BRIOKER, M. J).,
No; 9 East Centre Htreeti Mahenoy City, Pa
Hkln and all special diseases a specialty.
At i