The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 08, 1891, Image 1

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To the Republican Midori of Pennsylvania:
. After consultation and correspondence with
A members of the Republican State CommlUee,
yrana oy tneir dlreolion, I hereby give notice tnat
the Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duty
chosen representatives, will meet in Mate Con
vention at llarrlsburg, Wednesday, Auguit 19,
1891, at Wo'cVxk A. it., for the purpose of plac
ing in nomination candidates for the offices of
oiaze Treasurer and A minor Cleneral, for the
nomination of elghteencandidatesfor Delegates-al-tiirge
to the Constitutional Convention pro
vided for (n the Act of Assembly approved June
19, lS'Jl, ami for thi transaction of such other
business as may be presented.
Si'otiee is especially directed to the fact that, (n
ac-ordancc with the provisions of the last men
tioned act, each Senatorial dls'rict is entitled to
a representation of three delegates In said Con
stitutional Convention, two of whom only oanbe
members of the majority parly In said district.
The electors of each dUlrtet are therefore re
quested to make proper nominations for dale
gales to said convention, the rules governing the
nomination of candidates for S'a'e Senator to
In this connection the Chairman desires to call
the attention of R. publican mters to the recom
mendation of the Stale Convention of 1882, that
"they allow the greatest freedom ill the general
participation it the primaries consistent with
the preservation of the party organisation."
Wil. II. ANDREWS, Chairman.
The m-mbers of the Republican Count: Com-
i fiiUee elected at the primaries held on Satur
day. August 1, ISM, are requested to meet tit
ven ennla. ilall, in the llorough of l'i tlsvillc,
on T'l'-ttlaij, Avgusll allOa vi.,for the pur
pose oi electing a dimly Chairman and ran.
artu'i-h other business us may be required.
Chairman County Convention.
Av i ist 1, 1801.
f In tho North American lieview,
Oen. Green li. Ilaum puts our pension
policy and tho figures that go with it
in a light that will be now to most
peop'e who read it. Wearo all so ac
customed to hearing and reading con
demnation of what Congress lias done
in the line of pension laws, that It is a
pleasuro to see what this well-informed
writer lias to say. Wo reprint but a
fragment of it, and we invite special
attention to his showing how our
national expenditures have vastly de
creased since 1805, taking our vastin-
5tfeaSe I10l1,,latlon lnto account.
lW.'At tho close of tho war, when the
country was staggering under a great
weight of debt and taxation, the men
!wuo coniroueu tho legislation of the
country did not decline to provide for
nro being received dally at
a. jd. iFniciisiE's
, Carpet Store, iO South Jardin SL, near Centre
Pickling and Preserving Time !
is now ui nana, jailer has
OLD APPLE VINEGAR, duarantectl Absolutely Pure
and Unadulterated Soured
eiyn Acid or Colorlny.
lo different kinds.
T ...
jvai, u
2roper proportions.
Jiest Quality.
We Jieep no common Spices.
Don't run the risk of maltiny your HOUSES SICKby
tP.MTinn A'T.Tir n ine rrl,.
diny KEW OATS. Keller
f r'.j. jc.twj
I manufacture my own Chop and guarantee it to be
Rocoivod. tlaroo
Fi-oala rom tlx
dny sits o2aiaT-iaoca..
i The first of tho season.
' mnr-ltotvl nf i.f spnenn' '.c rnfci
i DAISY FLOUR is mads of nIH
r.T . ' --
isiacuun nvery tiinv.
the payment of Hie public debt because
It was large. Such action would have
been both cowardly and dishonest,
On the contrary, thoy faced the great
problem with courago and solved it
with wisdom and honor. They
amended the Constitution of tho
United States, nud declared that 'the
validity of the public debt ;of the
United Status, authorized by Jaw, in-
eluding debts for payment of pensions
and bounties for suppressing Insurrec
tion or rebellion, shall not be ciuea
Honed.' This amendment recognizes
auti protects two groat classes of llnan
cial obligations. The one is to those
who held tho securities of tho govern
lueut issued to raise money to carry on
the war, tho other ia to those who
took the personal risks of war and
saved the Union. The heroism of the
men in arms made the groat cause tri
umphant, and by their success con
verted tho delimitated oblliratloiiR
held by public creditors Into glittering
cold; and now when this mlirhtv obli-
gation of the old soldiers has matured,
because of their infirmities and their
weight of years, shall It be denied
them because the sum is large? Iu
I&Gj the interest charge unou the
public debt was nearly $151,500,000,
aud the pensions were $8,500,(100, au
aggiegatoof $100,000,000. Thepopula.
Hon was then 35,000,000, aud tills
annual charge of interest aud pension
was $4.67 per capita. Tlio debt is now
almost paid. It is no longer a burden
The bondholders havo received $?,G00,'
170,000 in Interest and premiums since
July 1, 1801. The pensioners have
received 51,231,710,000. The present
Interest charge for 1891 is 530,408,000,
aud the pensions for this year will cost
5110,000,1100, or an annual aggregate of
Interest and pensions of $I52,10S,000.
Wo now havo a population of G3,0U(V
000, so that this annual expense of
Interest and peu&Ion Is 52.44 per capita.
Tlio gratitude of this nation to de
fenders should bo measured by the
vnluo of the service rendered and the
financial ability of this people to
respond to thedemands of just peusion
Tjiurg will bo no color Imo In the
Urand Army of the Republic. It
should never havo been entertained
for one moment. A bravo man,
whether black, white or red, is a brave
man for all that.
niNQTOWX KNITTINO jiir,& has
more orders for work than it can ill),
and has had for over two years past.
a nut lor Shenandoah capitalists to
Uuy Keystone flour. 13o careful that the
namo Lisssia & Co., Ashland, Pa., Is
printed on every sack. 8-3-3taw
just received a lotoj EJ2TE
by aye Free from any for
SPICES tor Piclilina. About
I,,., -tut...,. - - .
uunry, mriea , ana ALiXCd in
are strictly Pure and of
t.,. - ,
lias about 1,500 bin
una ctuirci. J..OUU UUSIieiS
- not mixed with new.
tlnaojs tx xxtooTzl-
Ore zxm. o x y tatxxxxo
Will open tus week, the first new
Mmnamln Wlmni n,i , o-
' . ' IILMl UIIU rCO UU I"
Tho Gymnasium Olub Raidod and
Flvo Young Men Placed Under
Ball-Tho Taxes Now Com
ing In.
For somo time past complaint have beon
mado to tho polieo regarding tbo conduct of
young men who have made themselves
obnoxious to tho reidents in the vicinitv
of Gotleil. Smith' old skating ring build-
lni!8 at the lower end of Main stro t. Tho
parties complained of havo assembled in
ono of tho building under tho tianie o( the
gymnasium olub and, by drinking; beorand
PK K' hRV0 relnt)s made nights
"luei,U!- leslorday warrants were sworn
out and the ulaeo was raided. Five young
rnon, named Thomas McAllister. .Iith.
Mnrphy, Patrick O'Hrien, Kdward Grif.
fitha and Patrick Donavan, wero arretted
and each were placed under $300 bail Tor
trial at the next term ot court,
Tho Tax Collector and Police Ac
tively Engaged.
Yesterday Collector of Taxes Schmidt
started out his deputy, llonry Knobol, .to
collect taxes from Pules a' d Hunimrians
who havo been avoiding payment. M;
ICnebel was accompanied by Policeman
Conners, who was appointed for the work
by Chief Amour, by authority of council.
and Anthony Alex, tho First ward special
officer. As a result of tho day's work tho
deputy and officers succeeded in makhic
collections from ten delinquents and two
wore placod in tho lookup.
llus morning tho deputy and officers
started out again and visited tho Polish and
Ilungauan settlement at tho oast enjl of
Cherry street. In ono of tho home were
two rnon tho Tax Collector had been try
ing to catch tho past two weeks. Connors
and Alex wont to tho roar of the home.
rVs Knobol entorod tho front door ono of
the mon sought j inn pod out of the second
story window and escaped. Tho olhor
dashed nut tho roar door and down the em-
oanutnont ot tlio Lebigh Valloy railroad
with Conner aud AIox in hot pursuit.
Tlio fugitive was found hiding noar Hit
Shenandoah City colliery. A Polish gro
cer subsequently socured tho man's rolease
by paying tho amount of his taxes.
Licensed to Shoot.
Tho letter carriors havo beon.groatlv an
noyed during tho summor by vicious dois
and in several Instances thoy havo narrowly
escaped serious inlury. Letter Carrier
John Hock has beon attackod so often that
Ms lower limds present the appearance of a
picco of hido that ha beon filled with holes
by an ico pick, The carrier has become
so used to tbo punishment that he looks
upon a day's work as a oomplote failure if
it is not accompanied by a bito or two.
Carrier Boycr ha aho been victimized
several times. Tho other day a doi? on
Uno street jumped at his throat, hover
jumped aside and the canino fastened ils
teeth in his letter pouch. This weok th
carnois decidod to tnko docis vo action
.Mr. Holman appealed to tho borou'eli
council, but the mombere said to pay for
capturing dogs at large wa a waste of
mo"y- own "y experience in years
past, ti'ist n
IIHSt. Ljl?t nipht fhn nnrrlapo in
Clilor Jlurgoss Lesslg, who gavo them
authority to shoot any dog that gives thorn
any trouble while they are on tholr routes.
Pierco IIoQ'man, ono of the popular Lt
high Valloy passongor engineers reidingHt
Delano, witneued tho ball game at the
trotting park yesterday and spont last even
ing In town.
Joe Goldstein, formerly of this place, but
uw o. iow 10rK uuy, spent last mxut m
I ro f. hhrhart and family are visitine
air. and Mrs. Albert, at Duskore, Sullivan
Tho Misses Soofleld are visiting at P. V
I). Korlln's.
Hon. Ellas Davis dined at tho Korguson
Ilnuso yesterday,
Major John V. Plnnoy is spending a fow
days at Atlantlo City.
Frank Schmidt is at the seashore
O. P. Derrick, lato of Mahanoy City and
Hingtown, has removod lo Heading.
Messrs, O. liow nati and A. J. Luburg,
wboworoat Detroit during the O. A, Ii.
encampment, returned homo to-day, hav
ing had u good lime.
ProporMoB For Salo.
A good property on South Alain street
and a good property on North Jardin
stroot may be purchased cheap upon ap
plication to A. J. Gallagher, Multloon
building, cornor of Centre and "West
stroots. 8-8-lw
They Are Splendid,
We moan thoso Cheviot suit yu can
get at A. T. Jones' "Famous" Clothing
ttoro for $0. 60.
l 1 i
Unoquallod Display of Eutorprlso
Among Our People.
The B.iard of Trade meets. The chair
man, a venerable looking gentleman wear
ing a pair of spectacles, which he points to
with pride as having been made In England
In 1713, takes the chair and, with n gave! in
mo lorm oi a pio:e of kindMng wood,
tiken from tho old-fashioned open flrn
place ai the opposite ond of tho room, rap
"ffiiiitlemen," ho exclaims, ' we are hero
a a Hoard of Trade. We are hero to see if
solnothlng cannot be done to bring indus
tries into tho town. Wo aro here to seo
what can bs done for our pooplo when tho
colllerie are idle two days a week."
"Mr. Chairman," shout a gentleman
standing in a pair of cheap-John sock near
the window whose panoj rojoico that they
havo escaped tho disgusting Iufluonce of
soap. "Mr. Chairman," hu repeat, "be
fore we can havo new Industrie here the
town counoil must make a rebate in
Mr. itender: For information of th
gcuiniuuii, jii:, an exemption
.esolulion was adopied by the town council
o ght month ago,
Chairman i I gue Mr. Lato doesn't ron
the town papen.
M. Lute: O, yes sir; but fomelMiiej
ui iudui, wuen wy ueiguoor uoten t ge
.-I.. .....
"Mr. Oliairma"!," shout a man in
uoston-matlo pair ot pantaloons, "if we
exempt any company from payment ot
taxe who will havo to stand tbo loss 7"
Mr. Header: "I think, Mr. Chairman,
wo can seen, e an industry that will trive
employment lo 31.0 young men and boys at
wages averaging f 1 a day for each one so
amplo.ved we could att'ord to let S-itO worth
ol tn;es annually co lor a lew Tears.
Mr. loroiKii: (wearing u free trade, all
wool coat) Jlr. Chairman, why, blow me,
what can the gentleman bu drivi
wi.y, it is down-right nonsense for tbeto
gutlonien to contend that wo can compot
wi.ii tee oulsido world. Tho idea of re
dicing homo taxes for such upu'i.o.o
propo'.lo-oiif. if wo do uot keep up ou
axes we shall never bo ublo to meat tb
borough expenses.
Mr. Heador: Why, Mr. Chairman, the
gentleman who has just spoken has always
ueen a most bitter opponent of the Mn.
Ivmloy bill. I would like to havo him re
concile tbo statemont lust mado wkh his
views on that bill.
Jlr. fcnip: Ueiitlemon, to bring thi
matter to a point, I ofl'ur to slart a clothing
manumciory, providing
l. r. in. . rr. ... ... ...
mi. uuuuui; v y, siionti"moa, it is om
rageous. Doro vould bo no money in
I can go to New Yoi k and get all der gooU
l vaut and tell them heio at 15 per shent,
Dolow cost, and mate an allowance fo
i'eigbt. Now, Bheiitlomon, yust look
Vat show vould a homo mnnufanturor
have vid me?
ni... : . ,...., t . . . ,
vubii uuu , i oohuig at a waicn no pur
cliBbed ntan auction in Ph'ladolphla) Very
true, very truo, gontlemon. Mr. Goodh't is
a gentloman of txporionco.
Mr. Iloldhack: Mr. Chu', I presen
tno lollowmg :
Wiiekeas, Our morchants are enabled
to purchase goods in New York. Chlimon
uu utriiur uioi.uii, cities anu sen tuem ne'e,
in our midst, at uricos far halnw H.a ,-;..,.
at which thoy could ho turned out at home
lactones; ana
Wukkkas, Cbinaware, c.-ocko' v, glass
ware and other h usohold goods may be
secureu m mis acivanceu age as premiums
whu uiMii-o, loaiana imKing powaer, ana
n iiKKKAu, xiriuaKos no omereuco to us
where the goods coiuo from, what tho
quality- is, or how they nro secured, a long
as we aro
therefore be It
uiiauiuu to ouy mom cuenu:
Jtesolved, That we continue to live in the
hope tnat the operators of tho mini ' will
oine uuy uccme to work their place on
full limn and abolish the si idini7 soal.t
Uesolved, That wo can see no advantage
in iiuiiiu uiuuKtry.
Signed : I. I,. Holdback, Agt.,
1. M. Si.ow, Agt.,
M. V. Shup, Ant.,
S. 1C. Iwkmk, Agt.,
Theohairnian than declared tho meeting
it is very important in this ago of vast
material progress that a remedy bo pleasing
lo the taste and lo tho eye, easily taken, sc.
oeplable to the rtomaeh and healthy In it
nature and effects. Possessing these qual
ities, Syrup of Figs is tho one perfect laxa-
live and most gentle dlurotic known.
Olay Pigeon Shooting.
Yesterday afternoon N. W. lieddall and
K, Anstook arranged arid won a clay
pUeon shooting match against Juuioi Ilil
belt undO. W. lieddall, tho stake bolnc a
chicken and walHd tupixtr. Tho follovtine
was the score :
N. W. lletldall 1 1 1 1 II 0 U 0 1 1 1 1 u 1 11 1 o
K. Anslyck 0 I 11 1) 001 11 110 1 UilliKII-
n41r iVHYm J!1???11 10 01 1 Ull 000-15
.. . i. v..vtvwvAWVUAlUlUl UU HI
$1.00 Per Dozen
For cabinets at Hoshon's gallery, 20
Woat Contro street This Is only to spec-
illy introduce his work He Is now vorv
busy. Tho same cabinet will bo ?).00
alter Saturday, August 13th. Don t mli,s
tin bargain. 8 0 3id-lw
Advertise In the Herald,
Two Railroad Disasters Engineer.
Fireman and Two TrnrnptJ
Killed-A Priest Tarred and
London, Aug. 8. Tho "Whltechapel
district has been ugalu tlnown into a
furment of oxcitemoiit by tho coin-
...I.I . o . .
iiuBiioii oi a oiiino tho character of
ot which HiiKSi-sts its having been pel
pell tiled by "Jaok, tho Ilinocr.1'
Early hi the iiioiiiiuif an unknown
ntau attacked a womau named Woolfc,
70 yems of age, and a reeideut or Wliliu
oli:iiol. When aid reached the mortally
wounded woman it was seeu that her
tlnoat had been cm and that she had
boen utabbud In tho body andoiiBarni.
She is now dying. IIer Hailant c
capod, and eo fur the police are without
any knowledge as to his whereabouts.
Of his Identity nothing is known,
more thuu tlmt the circumstances aud
nature of the crime point to the "Hip-'
per" as the murderer.
It has been ascertained that the worn
an Is a Uerinan, who dues not unde--staud
the ISnglish language.
By the aid of a translator and with
great uilllculty it was ga'Uered from
her that Hie man Bpr.tng upon and at
tacked her without a word of warning
bheauddeuly eaw the glitter of a knllu!
and michuiilcally raised her arm to
ward oil the impending blow.
Then site fell lo tho doorstep, where
alio was subsequently discovered,
She was unable to maUe the passing
people lindi rtillill her iillirlir. m,,l .
indued where she fell uutil thoofllcers
uiiuiiy came 10 uor assislauce.
fl. ,1 .'Al. . ..
iiiouiiiHH ,n me punc-j a razor
.iin-uicu tutu uiuimi was iouuu near
me wounueu woman.
une arrest has been mado but it is
uunsiuereu us llllimportuut.
l'lttsbursr, I'a, Aug. 8. Tho New
York & (Chicago east-bound limited on
the Pittsburg, i-'ort Wayne & Chicago
ittMiroaii clue heroat 7 a. in., ran iuto
au open switch near East Palestine, O
A freight train was standing on the
siding, and a'smashup occurred.
Will. Curiiev. Ulli'lllpm. nml Tuiftn
iticuuy, iireman oi tho limited, were
Carney belonired at Enst PnlnaMnn
and lliche.v at Allegheny.
j no ougiiio was totally wrecked.
The combination car and nni ul,...n,.i
were thrown from the track, but no
paMr.eugera wore injured.
xivu ireignt cars were demolished.
An unknown man was killfil wlill,,
working ou the wreck.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, August 8.
AVord was received hero that the city
of Comanche, Chiton county, was
burning up. Oi ist and saw mills, dry
goods and business houses wero all
swept out by lire.
It Is not known how tbn lira nluilol
Help was sent for to Lvnn nud minimi.
and two engines and two hook ladder
irucKs weio lorwnrdeu on a special
tralu, but as tho town hag no water
works they could do but little to oheuk
the Jlauies.
NotlKllroS Oil tllO !( mi llimrniin,,
aru ouiuuiunie.
Bad Wrook in Illinois.
St. IjOUls, A lilt. H. A bad wreck rm.
curied on tho Wabash Railroad, noar
Homer, III., at an earlv hour. !',iiian.
ger train No. 12 from Chicago ran Into
we rear end oi a ireight train, which
was using somo of the time of
Will No. 12. EllLlnoei- (llnrlr n,w1
Ilreinun Onpcl of train No. 42
and two mail olerks were seriously
Injured. None of tho passengers are
uun. i. tramp iiiinied uanlel Feeley
who was stealing u ride on the mall oar,
was killed. The paasenger tialn was
behind time.
Tarred and Feathered.
Seattle. NVaah..AiiL. 8. Fntlmr
the Cathollo niiest of Snohomlali. wa
tarred and feathered hy a mob shortly
lifter midnight. The citizens ellectod
au ontruiice to his residence, dragged
him from Ills bed, and applied a com-
iieie covering oi uir una rentiers.
Ihe priest fought do-iperately against
nls tormentors, hut was llnallv over-
come, lie is nccused of Immoral prac
tlcfcs. It is stated ho was rwunvpii
from ids chariro at St. 'Pi
for similar reasons, ' '
Doming Events.
Aug. 15 and 17 Fan and ice croara fe-
tlval, Primitive MotUodist church.
Aug, 18. -Ice cream and poach fo6tlval.
Id Hobbies' opora houno, u-idor the auspice
of Camp No 183, P. O. S. of A.
Sept 2 Japanese ico cream festiyn! In
Kobbius' upera homo, under tho auspice ol
Shonandoah Commandory, No, M, Son of
Sunday SDeoials.
Kheni'Eor Kvangollcal church. Hev,
Uliok, pa.tor. Services SnmUtf
Iin i.. n. .
iing,,h. S ,Z ?Z?
m. In
r, ,t
-vii are Heartily invited to attend.
P. II. ohurch, corner of Jardin and Oak
street. Service Sunday at I0i30 a. m.
and 8:80 p. in. Sabbath school at 2 p. m.
Young People' Christian Kndeavor at
p. m every Sabbath. Classes meet Tuos
day and Woduesday evening at 7 o'clock
and Sunday at 9:30 a. m. General prayer
meeting Thurtday at 7:30 p. m. 11. G.
Huisell, pastor.
Preaching in the Trinity Heformed
church to-morrow morning and evening by
the pastor, Heir. Robert OUloyle. Every
body welcome.
ueiiii inpiist onurch, ooruor West, and
O.ik Ktreets. Rev. Di I. Kvant, pastor.
Service Sunday at 10 a. in. In W elsh
and 0 p. m. in Knglish. Sunday school at.
2 p. m. Prayer meeting on Monday even
ing, at 7 o'clock. Claes mooting on Thurs
day evening, at 7 o'clock.
All SainU' Episcopal church, 0k street,
near . Main, Kov. Floyd K. Wort, rector.
Service as follows : Morning prayer and
li'any with reading and germon, 10:3O.
Evening prayor and sermon, 6:80. Sunday
school at 2 p. m. The rector offloiate and
preaches at the morning tervice on tlie
second and fourth Sundays of oach m..ntn
and at the evening servioe on the tirsl ami
third, a lay r-ador ofllciatingin his absence.
Jnrat Methodist Kpiscopal church. Hev.
Wm. Powick. patr. Divine worship at
10:30 a. m. and 8:80 p. m. Mornlnir bu),.
j'd: "Vow," to be followed by tho re
ception of probationers into full member
ship in the church. Kvening subject: "Tho
Storms" being the ninth ernion of tho
cerloa on "The Voyage of Life." Sunday
school at 2 p. m. P'eachmg at Yatesyillo
at 3 p. m. .Monday evoning bible sltulv.
Thursday evening general prayer meeting.
berv ices in the Presbyterian church to
morrow, morning and evoning, at the usual
hours. I'reachinir bv Ituv. William Me.
Nally, of Pittston. Sunday school at 2
l. in.
There will be no preaching in tho Eng
lish Lutheran church to-morrow. Sunday
school at 2 p. in.
Base Bail.
The Shenandoah base bill club defeated
tho Cor.tralia olub, at Centralia, on Thurs
day by a score of 10 to 11. The five win
ning runs were scored in tho tenth inning.
Delano yo-,terday javo the home team a
drubbing at the trotting park, the scorn
being 10 to 5 in favor of tho visitors.
Ilcisor, of Mahanoy City, and Hrill, of
Ashland, formed the battery for Delano
and Mack and Olbson pitched and caught
for the home club.
Miko llefron went to Freeland thi morn
ing to play second baso with tho club of
that place against tho WIlkM-Barro club.
at Wilkes-fUrre, this afternoon.
To-morrow tho Freolands will play tho
Fratikfords, of Philadelphia, at Freeland.
This afternoon tho Shenandoah club
went to Ashland to orosa bats with tho club
of that ptaoe.
Letter .List.
The following letter remain uncalled for
ia the Shenandoah, Solmylkill county, I'a.,
post oliloe, August 8, 1891 :
Orady, Mlehast
Parties calling for advertised letter
should please sa "advertised." One cent
will be charged i all advortUed letters.
II, 0. UOYKR, P. M.
1- Publish Names.
Tax Collector Sohmidt say that lie con
template publlshinic the name of all
townsmen who have failed to pay their
For OOo
You can get one dom oablnet photo and
a flne frame. Hemembor we ar on tha
first floor; no step to climb. Kkaqkv, tho
leading artist. 8-6-3tu
Completed to Deadwood.
The Hurlington Route. 0., 11. & Q. R. K.,
rem Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, is now
ompleted, and daily passenger trains aro
running through Lincoln, Neb., and
L'uster, S. D., to Deadwood. Alo to New
cattle, Wyoming. Sleeping car to Dead-
wood, n
All Hands Come !
Ami got a knife for nothing.
Tho only conditions are that
you buy twonty ton-coat plugs
of "Filly" tobacco. As good
a plug as you cvor put a tooth
to. Tho knifo is a boautifu 1
4-blado, inlaid celluloid han
dle, good material and good
workmanship. Can bo soon at
No. 122 North Jardin Streat,