1 f i Presents in the mot elegant form. THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUIOE 1P TMR , f FIGS OF CALIFOHNIA, Combined with the medicinal ' virtues of plants known to he most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to pertna i uentlv cure Habitual Const!- Amtion, and the many ills de- pending on a weak or inactive condition ol the KIDNEYS, LIVER UNO BOWELS. Ilia !hemotoxccllnt remedy Itnowrifo CLEAHSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one it Uihoils or Constipated so THAT PURL JsXOOD, RBFRCSHIrlO ULErP, HEALTH and STRENGTH IIATURALLY FOILOW. Every one is using rt and nil are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOOJST FOR ms'xsie roar1 spxo-sb MAMUFAOTUVtBD ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAU FRANCISCO, CAL, UWISV1UC. KY rVElV YORK. tt. 7. John R. Coye, I Avtorney-at-Law i Real .Estate Agent OKFICB llEDDALI.'B I1UILD1NG, Ccr, Main and Centre Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA, PROPERTY FOR SALE: A two and one-half story double finm dwelling House, vrltb slnn-roem and re laurnm. iocaiea on unsi l eiuie street. -A valuable property located on South Jor um Htreuu -Heven (iwe'llDd bouses at the corner of Oil icrt and JjIoj u streets, uoou investment Terms reasonable, Dr. Grosvenor's 5mz.m i i Deii-cap-sic PLASTER. GOLD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1373. I. Baker & Co.'s from which tho excess ol oil has hoon removed, la Absolutely JPtiro aud it is Soluble. No Chemicals aro used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is tlicroforo far moro economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily dioested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons In health. Sold by Crocoro everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Darchesfer, Mass. i) TREATED FRELSSISSK'iESasffl Have cured fnany thousand r-5-.i--.. Cure patients pronnuii. .1 hopeless oy Hie txu physici.in.. Ti n first dose Symplon -la'dly rtlsnpp--.r1 and in Im ri..yl at k. t two-thirds of !i lyii.ptnms arv-removed. S. , I f r PftER DOOIfof ttslV r. nialsofrnir-TCH flJlVC "'"'' CilW!: by "ad. II aruloy tires. ILli UHlu fm-olauedrUCL you order tltal, send ten cent-, in stamps tu iiuy ttlaie rsssont e.t RIMJIF, Irrauuln itif, 1 frftfttiontlr followinua coiil or -XoAuro, or iroL i.o. iUtuVoual WeakneuMw o peculiar to tlieir , ji Ue DuOHOINt:'& OAlflbrntec, FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Thttyarti Elrenalbftninir tathe eotiitt syalry , apa.'t long, VMor i.nd tritvnr.it u, iota itut!t fntictitjus pn. ndrnind. Bmt 'w.i..H, ffK-uiolyoitld.l. Add' jii Or.Martor b'tit'-!) e.O-5..ST.lOUia. MI- YOUNG MAN, iryou contemplate attendluir Commer- Si clnl Bcbtiol. It will pay jon to visit tne 'iuiuiiuiTiat uubi 1SE8BUNIVE11B1TV before dtcidintr wli'-a, though yru ruuy lle a thousand miles away. It stands at tho bead ol the llstol commer cial Ecnools In Us character as an educational force, as a medium lor supplyluu the bwdnen men of the country with trained and capable assistants, as a mcanx ol placing ambitious young men and women on the hlgli road to niccet.8, nnd In Ihe extent, elegance and coat ot Ita equipment, thorough rOMMHltri AU HH0HT1 1 AN 1) AN I) fltACl'ICAL his fsLIUll C'0l)UHll. The ,Twenty-sevenlh Annual I atalogue will be mailed to any address. 'WILLIAMS & R0GERS,tto: v.,cr' Ohlthfiter'a KnalHIt Diamond II ran A, ENNYROYAL PSLLS Orlslnal enu Only Genuine. A Dra'cUl ler Chtfhuttrm Itmluk io-WVX tnonJJJran4 la Ited tud UnU meuWotV boxiji, tcvia vita biun riDDuu. 'i nuo w itun and inUulMMj. At Urugflils, rseDd4 ajii Bra "lleUut for adlea.'MnM(.r, by relnrtt SI all. ltl.OOU Intlniaol.l'. A a. IMrm Chi. 8eld tf all I-eeal bruulf la. :encaaere.acinictiivtfc,aanuioairMUKrea brugslita. 1'hlliadata. i'n. T II POMEBOr, ' A T1 OR HEY-A T'LAW. Offlce-BetJosU'i bnlldlrg comer Mln ul Centte IGlttt quick rtllef Jrum paint I IlhoamAt kti, tienrnlR-Ia, pu-nriay unit InmbagOiM Breakfast OOGQ tm J AH m HI r Mm 1 instf 1- THE NEW BALLOT LAW. FULL THXT OF PENNSYLVANIA'S NEW ELECTION LAW. (CbnffntfftM Sec. 23. On receipt of his ballot tho voter shall forthwith mid Without leaving the spaeo Inclosed by the guardrail retire to one of the voting shelves or compartments ittul chull prepare his ballot by marking In the ppioprlate inaruin or nine a cnmj opposite the party name or political deslguatlou of a group of caiidnlau-s or oppunito the name of tho caiidldatu ot I1IB CtlOlCO tor taoil Ollioe w uo uue'ii or bv Inserting In tho ulauk space pro vlded therefor any name not .ilretHly on the ballot, and in eiteeof u (iliestiou Biibmllted to the volo of the people l.y marking in Hie appropriate inurgtu or place a cross (x) agHlnst the nuiwer which ho desires to iffve. Before leaving the veHn shelf or eomi art linTit the voter hliull f 'Id his ballot without dlsplHyiug the nmrka thereon in the wue wh,v it was romeii wueu received bv him, anil he rlmll keep the same to folded until he but voted. After lenvlmi ihe voting shelf ur.il before leavinir tho inelontd'space he shall give htH ballot to the eiectlou ( ltleer In ohnrge of the ballot, box, who shall without unfolding the ballot mini ber as is renulrf u by tue ooustitution of this oomiuonwealth, jilitoiiiK the said number in the right hand upper corner of tbe back or tue us not im IDedlutely to the hit of the folding line printed thereon and uowuero else and flmll then at once fold the corner :t the foldlntf lino and fuelen it to.-ine jy clown Witu tne aunesivo paste so aa to oover the number on tho ballot so that it cannot bo seen without uiifant tuiug or cuttiug ojien the part so fn-t-cuttl down, and shall then dupOHit the ballot In the box. The voter t-lntll mark and deliver his bnllol without undue delay, and shall quit the inclosed sniice ns soon as his ballot has been deposited. Provided, that If at any time the constitution of this commonwealth shall cease to require ballots to be numbered no numlornliall be marked on the ballot, and it shall bo deposited in tho ballot box by the voter himself. ABSOLUTE 8E0I1KCY HEQUI11ED. Sec. 2-1. No voter shall be allowed to occupy a voting shelf or compartment aheady occupied bv another except when giving the help allowed by sec tion 127 of this act, nor to remain with in said compartment more than three minutes in case all suob compartment are In use and other voters are waiting to occupy the same. No voter not an election oilicer Bhall be allowed to re enter the inclosed space after he has once left It, except togivehelpas here inafter described. Each votei's name shall bo cheeked on the voting check list by the officer having charge there of as soon us he 1ih east his vote ill tht manner now provided by law. It shall be the duty ol tho judge of election to tecure the observance ot the provisions of this section to kt-ep order in the room in which the voting Is held, and to see that no more persons are admitted within the inclosed space than are al lowed by this act. Each party which has by Itc primary meeting, chucuh, convention or board sent to the proper cilice a certificate of nomination, and each group of citizens which has sent to the prjper office a nomination paper, us provided In sections 2 and 3 of this act, shall be allowed to api oint three electors to act as watchers at each vot ing place without expense to the county, oneof whomshall be allowed to remain In the r om outside the inclosed spud. Each watcner shall be l r.wided with u certificate lrom the lOimty conimls sioneis, or If the election to held in a a township or borough,from the audit ors of the Eame, stating his name, names of the persons who have ap pointed him ami the party or policy he renresents. and no party or policy shall be lepreseuled by more than one watctierin inesamo voting room ut. uuy one time. Watchers shall bo required to show lhelrCertlneates when ic- tiuested to do so. Until the polls are nioseu no nerrsons miu uu uuowcu in - . .....ii ... n , i.. the room outside of the said inclosed space except theso watchers, voters not excceuiug ten at any miti uiuu wuo me uwultlng tneir turn to prepare meir ballots and peace cflhers when neces- Biirv lor tno nreservanou oi tue peace. No person when within the voting room shall electioneer or solicit votes for auy party or candidate, nor shall any written or printed matter be posted up Wltniu tno sam room, except, us it) tiuired bv law. Bee. 15. No list or memorandum of the names of voters, except such lists us aio exnressly authorized by law, shall bo made within the voting room bv auv nersonor onicer. nor suau any liat or memorandum of tho numbers marked upon the ballots be made or kent. excent such lists as are .expressly authorized by law. Provided, that any voter may mako niemoranduiu of tne numoer 01 uis own uauot uuu tuu watchers may keep their poll books aud challenge lists. After the closing of the polls und beforo the ballot boxes aio onened. all the lists of voters upon which the uumbeis of the ballots are recorded, as now required by law. shall be placed in beperate sealed covers, properly marked, uud the stubs of all the ballots used together with all ir,ted ballots and the ballot checklist, shall also be inclosed In u sealed paCUUBC, o o - votlnn place, which package shall be tent to the proper office as required by law In the cuse of the bullots cast, and neither the sain pucuagt) nor mo miu nf-riti.rHHltull thereafter be opened. except by the return Judges, or 111 the euse of a contest or upon the order of a court of a competent jurisdiction. Bee. 20. No pereon other than the eleellon officers shall take or remove any ballot from the votlug place. If auv voter Inadvertently spoils u ballot he may obtain another upon returuiug tho spoiled one. The ballots thus re turned shall be immediately canceled, and at tho close of the polls shall be secured in an envelope, sealed aud sent to the proper office, required by l...,. I., naoa nt linllrtlu PUSt. Beo. 27. If any voter declares to the ludgeor election mat oy reutuuui nlil hv lindpalrefl assistance lu tlieprei)' nrnllnn nf bin ballot he shall be per mitted by the judge of election to select a qualified voterof the election district to aid him In the preparation of his ballot, such preparation belngtnado In the voting compartment. Ken. 28. If a voter marks more names than there are persons to bo elected to an office, or If for any reason it is im flighest of all in Leavening Power. ASOiliTESLSf PURE poasiblp t" iletermlneMie voter's olmlee forKiiy olllceto be lilltd, his ballot shall Hot be rruu'.t'd forueh fft.'e. No Imllot without the 'dtlcitil InUois meut shttll, t xcept an lievpln othprwlse provided, e allowed to bedenoaiUsU in tue ballot ox, ami nt ne but ballots provided in arcordaueo with the provisions of thin net shall be counted. Iimlots not marked or improperly or defectively marked shall be indorse,! as detective. but shall be preserved with the other ballot. If sny bal'ot ap pears to have been obtained other wise than as provided in this net, the judge of elections hIu.'I transmit sucn ballot to tue ummei at torney without delay together wuh whatever information lie may nuve tending to thtt detection of the person wno depoBit.d the same. Heo. 29. After the polls are c1ok) the election olncers only Bhall lemala in the vollnir room, within the ijuard- rail, and shall there at on e proceed to oouut the votes. Huch counting shall not be adjourned or postixuitd until It shall have been lully completed. A record shall first be made of tho num ber of the last baliot cast. The officers In uharoo of the voting checklist shall In tho presence of tho other of- fleets aud watcheis count, in a distinct and audible voice tho names checked on the said IUt. aud announce the whole number theieof, and the lists of voters, the stubs of ballots used and all unused bullets shall then be sealed up as required by section S!6 of this act. the ballot box shall then be opened by the Judge, tne ballots shall btMuken tnereirom by tne inspector uesiguaieu by the judge and audibly counted tan bv one by the ludire, and whtu the count is completed the whole number f ballots cast shall be announced, ami the counliuir of the number of votes received by each person voted for shall then proceed. All ballots after being removed from the box shall be Kept within the unobstructed view of those present lu the voting room, but out of llitir reach until they iireplaccdin the ballot box, as reqtiliod by luw. A full elurn snail bo made lu me manner oiv provided by law of all votes cunt, and the total veto as soon as counted hall be publicly announced. it suau bo tne duty or police officers, constables and deputy consta tes, now reiuitreu ov law to be pres ent at the polls, to remain within the otlue room, but outside the miaid- &il, while the votes are beinii counted ami to preserve order therein. No eie,oii except the said peace officers. when necensury for the preservation of ne peace, or persons acting by their .authority for the same cud, shall enter tue space within the guardrail or oom muutcate with any election officer In any way after the polls ore closed and mini tno counting or tne votes uas been completed. Hec. 3U. whenever lu any contested elecliou the tilbunul tryint: the case shall decide that the ballots used In one or more election districts weie by re.-Bon of the omhslon. addition, WsplaclnB. mlspelliui' or misstate ment ot one or more titles or otuces or names or residences of candidates or puiths or LOlicits represented by them, bo defective as to the olflco in contest as to bo calculated to mislead the voters In retard to any of the candi dates nominated for the said office. and that the defective condition of the said ballots may have affected the re sult of the entire election for tho said office, the said tribunal shall declare the election to be invalid as regards the said office, 11 ml shall report their decision to the governor or the com monwealth. The covernor on recelvlnc the report ot trie said decision suau wituouiuoiay cauBe n writ or writs or election ror tne NOTHING LIKE IT1 Blood Is thicker than water, lad must bo kept pure to Insure good health. Swift's Si-ecifio Is natures reannSy for this purposo. It norsr to fails ellmnate the lmptxj ties and build up the general health. There Is only one Swift's Spocifta, and there Is nothing like It. Be sure and get tho genuine. Treatlso on Blood and Sldn Dleoaaaa mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, 0a M. S, SCHEIDER'S SEW- -ANIJ- CONFECTIONERY, No, S7 South Main St.', SlieuandoaU Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies QRA1IAM BREAD A SPECIALTY. nr- a tine line of Confectionery. Flue Ice I Cream l'arlors attached. U. 5. Gov't Rcpott, Aug. 17, 1889. office In content to Ibkiip and appoint it duy within four weeks from the date of the writ for the holdtmt of a new election, to tie held according to the provisions ot tuts act mr trie omce in sou test. PBNAl.TtlM FOR VIOLATING THIS LAW. Hen. 31. A vott;i who shall, except i licreln otlierwIsH provided, allow his ballot to be seen by any person with au apparent intention of letting It be known how be U about to vote orsliall cost or attempt to cast any other ballot than 'ho omeiai uauot wnicti nasueeu given to him by the proper election iHoer or shall wntuiiy violate any other provision oftlilsuct or any person wiio Miall luleittie Willi auy votei when iusidesaidiiie.oxf dspace.orwheu liitukiug his ballot, or who biinu en deavor to Induce any voter belore de-po'-ltlng Tils ballot to show how he marks or has marked his ballot, or who, except when lawfully cominuud ed by a return judge or a competent oou't, shall loosen, cut or unfustou the corner pasted down ever the number on any ballot, shall be guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction shall besentonced to pay a flue not exceeding 5100, or to uudeigo an imprleoment for not more than three mouths, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 32. Auy peisou who shall, prior to uu election wilfully deface or tleslroy auy list of candidates posted 111 accord ance with the provisions of this act, or who, during an election, shall willtliiy deface, tear down, lemovo or destroy any Otira 01 liiKtruction or specimen ballot printed or potted for tho instruc- ou of voters, or who snail, during an election. Wilfully remove or destroy anv of the supplies or conveniences urnisiietl to enable tne voter to pre pare Ills ballot or suau winuiiy hinder the voting of others, hall be guilty of a misdemeanor, I tud upon conviction shull be sen tenced to pay a Hue nut exceedluit $100, or to uuuergo an Imprisement for not more than three nioiitiis, or notu, at the discretion of the court. Beo S3. Auv person wlioshall falsely make or wilfully delace or destroy any certificate of nomination or nomination aper or auv part theieof or any letter of withdrawal or file any certificate of nomination oruoTniuation paper orlot- ter of withdrawal, knowing thosauio or uv Durt thereof to be falsely made, or wlioshall wKfiillyslgnany nomination papors as a qualified elector, such poison not belnit a quullfled elector, or suppress any certificate of nomination or nomination paper or any part there of which has been duly filed, or forge or false v make theoffic al indorsement on any ballot or wilfully destroy or de face and imliot or winuiiy eieioy tue delivery of auv ballots, shall bo guilty of n misdemeanor, und upon couvlction shall be sentenced to pay a flue not ex ceeding $1,000, or to undergo an im prisonment lor notmore than cub year, or both, ut the discretion of tho court. Bee. 84. Any public olllcer upon whom a duty is imposed by this act who bhall negligently or wilfully fall to pet form surh duty, or wlioshall noir- ligcntly or wilfully perforin It in such away as to itiuder the objects of this act, or who shall negligently or wil- luny violate any ot tho provisions thereof, shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and upon couvlction shall be ssntcnci d'to pay a fine not exceeding $1,000, or to undergo an Imprisonment lor not more uuin one yeor, or uotn, at tne discieiion or tue court, Sec. 35. Any printer employed by the commissioners of any county of auditors or any township or borough to priut any official ballots, or auy persou engaged lu printing the same who shall appropriate to himself, or give or deliver or knowingly permit to bo tatten auv or said ballots by any other person than such commissioners or auditors or their duly authorized agent, or shall wilfully print or cause to be printed any official ballot In auy other form thau that prescribed by sucli commlsslouersoruudltorsor with any other names threou or with the names spelled otherwise than as dl rected bv them or tho names or printing thereon arranged lu any other way than that authorized and directed by this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be sentenced to pay a line not ex ceedlnc si.uuu. or to undergo an im prisonment for not more than live years, or both, at tho discretion of the court. Bee. 80. Any persou othor than an officer chanted by law with euro of bal lots or a persou intrusted by auy such officer with the care of the same for a purpose required by law, wno suau iiave In his possession outsldu tho vot lug room auy ollloial ballot, or auy person wno suau mallear uave 111 pos session any counterfeit of an official ballot, shall be uuilty of a misdemeanor uud upon conviction shull be senteuoid to pay n nue uotexoeeuiiii'ii.uuu, or to underuo uu Imprisonment for notmore than ouo year, or uoiu, ut tne discre tion ot the court. Bee. 37. Soctlou 13 of on act entitled "Au act relating to tho elections of this oomiuonwealth," approved tho 2d What tlie Druggists say of Heiskell'sO.ntment: Wbcn wo tuv uketl to ncommwul a pnira ttonfbr nklii dliM4Ue, wo lmml out Ukiskkll's Ointment, wttli very tootiutP of lie bueceu ful trwitmuut of Uie .liaetirt.1." J, C. Rkuh'k, 8 Main St., But If r, Pa. "I have been wiling Hbiskkll's Oiktuknt forivwii yeara. Itulvw unlvwvalMtlBuictio Jt will otiro Tkttkk. 0, Y. llACKKMHEBOBB, Balnbrtdge, IV We have evidence of the curative propertied Of llMIHKHUP UlNTUJkNT lien, UltU gQOtf reliable olutment. " rtKuiNQ & EitLKR, TArentum, To. In all akin dtsetucf I lavurlahly recomiu3 XlKiaKtiUB OjMlMfcNT." J. J. Keil, Rttarptburg, To. 'IlKISKKLL'S OfNIUKNT CUItft hbZ ftll fttlU,' McCi-KLi-AN it ItEbo, Fret'pttrt, Va, IlEisKELi'H Ointment eel Is on Its own merit ' II. U. Hilton, Klttanalnff, 1 day of July. 1H39: section 20 of tho act en 1 1 tied "A further supplement to au act entitled "An act to Incorporate the city of Philadelphia,' approved tho 2d day of February, 18 4," and oil laws and parts of laws liicontht-nt heie wlth, fhall be and the same hereby are repeal eil. Approved tho 10th day of Juno, A, D. 1801, ItOIlKKT E. Pattison. T AM AQUA TOPIOS. Budget of Interesting A r Moles on all Subjeots. Friday eveuliiK l'"t wltnessid a very rUieoesHful hop given by the Co- lUMrOln t inn at Allen's upera limine. 'PI. ere Were In attendanae atiotit thirty couples; and gueU from Allentovt'11, L-mtPford, Summit Hill,. Hi1etpn, Mahantvv Cttv. fthamokln and Wil- llHinsport honored tiie el uh With their attendance. The graduating elas of 'B! sur i.rixtul Ihvlt- nla,-aiit-tt. Fred. Shparor. last Thuisday uveiiiiiR. They report having had aueiigturui time. 2Irs. Hurry Itond gave a euchre parly Thursday evening, which was attended by fourteen couple. The P. C. band gave a hop, Monday eventual, for the pleoaureof the you liar ladles who so kludly assisted the baud at their reoeul fair. Ross I). Ilond returned from a two weeks' visit to Harthburg. Ih. 11. W. ItttuiBuy, formerly of Ta nutuua. now of Thomas, Alabama, is spending a uoliple of weeks with old friends bere. Tamuqua lost one of her old resi dents 011 Thursday last. After au Ill ness of a few days, Mrs. 15. 8. llouser breathed her last. The funeral 00- cuned Monday afternoon, from the home of her sister. Mrn. McICee, Hroud street. The Rev. Wheeler olfi ciated. The pall bearers were E. J. Fry, J. T. Bond, H. B. Graplf, Wm Beyel, Wm, Calloway uud II. K Auraud. Miss Erdman, of Alleutown, is the guest ot Miss May Boone. A club, recently organized, railing IlKiiiFelves "The Columbia Club," have rented three rocms in the Tama- (ii a Bunkiiur. and Trust bulldiiiK, which they are furnishing in elegant style. Tneir present oinoers are : Pres., E. M. B. Sheppj V. P., Ed. C. Dreher ; Bee, J. C. Fltzpatrlck; Trees., J!. J. c. ill lli-gas. Edward Sliepn has li new Victor hi cycle, which is the envy of all the boys. There are now about ton safe ties in town. MIbs Edith ClorVt, of WllUamsport, Is spending n number of weeks with Miss May Boone. Miss Louisa Freudenberger has be como quite an oxpert on her Victoria Katety. several other indies ot town anticipate getting wheels. Moses Lulz died on Sunday morn ing of apoplexy. He hud beeu under tho doctor's cure for a few weeks, hut nothing serious had been enlettalued. Tamnnua's young people ale quite enthused over blcycllnc. and the early evening witnesses many displays of wueeimanBtup. On Wednesday evening last Miss May Boone gave a delightful hop at her home, East Broad street, in honor of her guests, Misses Clan: and Erd man. Cope's orchestra furnished mu sic which was enioyedby ubout twen ty couples who loftat miduight , hav inir spout a most dcllehtful cvenlnir Miss Boone in ton da giving another dance.thla week which no doubt will be as great a success as the one of last week. SELECT EXCURSION 'O tlio Prominent Jersey Const Resorts. The Porinsylvania ltnilroad and Lehlch Vttlley Kailroad will on Augmt lUli, 191, run sulect excursion to Atlantic City, Cape 31 ay, Sea Isle Ciiy, Oveaa City, rYi'clesen, WiluwooJ, or Iloliy Hcaoli. lixcursion tickots valid for return trip by any rogitinr train until ana inciumnK August 17th, 1801, will bo 6old nt ratas quoted below, and special train for Phil adelphia will Ieuvo at hour Indicnlod: Bncclai leaves. Exc. mto. HlmmoSln 7.45 A. Jl 60 Jit, carmel s.us Ueutrnlla 8 81 " HaveD Uuu 8.80 " hliouaudosh (Li.V.depot). 8.1 " 3 mi .1 51) 3 8) s so 3 60 Atnuanoy eiiiy utu -- IJelnno 0.3D 1' lillaaelpbla Arrive l.w i: u. Paseenirors will havo an opportunity to tako dinner at Philadelphia nnd proceed to the sensboro by afternoon trains, from Market street wharf, as follows : For Atlantic City, 2:00, 3;00, 3: 10, -1.10, and 5:20 p. m. For Capo May, Anglesoa, Wlluwood, and Uolly Beach, 2:30, 4:00, and 5:00 p. in., and to Sea Islo City and Ocean City, 2:30 and 4:20 p. m. Transfer through Philadelphia is not in cluded in tho rato, but convoniont connec tion may bo made- by street cars at a faro of 5 cents. Tickets will bo good for return by Kular trains until and Including Monday, AuRUit 17th, 1601. Only cenulne Wood purifier known: It cures titl n diseases, rheumatism, eout. liver nml kidney tioublee, ana romoves all scrofulous and sptolllc blood taints. Mo mineral, no inuurte uuu uu aojui'nvB, Sold at Kirlin's Drug Store, Frruon' Hotel Slock, Shenandoah, Fa, Wolff's Blacking Ueed bj men, wotunn und chilJnMi. ttar 1 huw Attn tami m rd. Of etiurne tTiry will eittr, ttio winaow with boonaMFipft Plntd 1 0o. A MOTTLE 10. WQLCT tUWDOUPB, rbUa4slajallv CHEAP AWL" 3?OfJC, SOother styloo 5-A N 's. Wu.Aitiu!v-t:.- i : Holti f nil ri.. ' k'os lo suit Hit Atk in ntrentn for W. I.. lDaln,rlinfl. If not lor aTe In your plnc k soft ilenler til raetid fat' rnjiiloane, neouro the agency, ami ae pr tliMfti for voa aVTAKK YY, L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE THE BE8T 8HOE IN THC WORLD FOn THE MONEY? It Is a cainlt-a9shuo, with notacksor wax thread to hurt tltofi-i-t; mndy of tin- bust tints calf, styllli and pity, ami bti'ttuse uv make mow aioca of thtt ffnitb- rjflH h;i othi-r nmufartutei It equals baiNl' suwetl HbtH's eoatlntr from St.fj0 tu $5.00. Ci 12? OO -eiinlii i llaml-ticsTetl, tb finest calf fPH9m Mhoo ever ollered for $5.00; entlals French Imported rtli.tot thlch eofit ftom to $l'i.U0. C1 OO lltiitil-Hcwi-tl Welt Shoe, (Inn nnlr. sPHr. st lluti, (-oiiiforttiblo Autl tluruble. lhebear? sunn ever otfeteti nt this prlct) t same Rrttde as our totn-tnudo shoe i-oattutr froit Su.ou to siMiO. ffiO 50 Pollt-t Hboe, farmers, Railroad Men Pta9a and LetterCarriernall weartbem; flnecalf, seninleia, sinootb Intltle, beuvy tlireo Boles, exten sion edtte. one pair wilt wear ayt-rtr. dA SO fliu cilft mi l,i-tti-ralioo over offered aft 3D mm ttil- prk-'-t one trial will oouviuco tboso wl.o want a slioe for eimtfort and Si-rvlue. dss nntt !$-.00 Wftrklilffittnirft shoefl afPsaaa are very strong and durable. Those wlta h.u e (riven them a trial will wear no other make. ESs-tlref tjrttl.OO uutl 1.7.1 school shoes aro DvTB worn bythe lKtyaoverywherei tbsyseU on their merits, as tbe lacreofllnar stiles show. S orl tAO $3.eO HniHl-isevrtMl shoe, Imst aWelU Donitol-t. vervatvtlsh: enuolsFreucb ImiKirtrd shoes costing from l.O) to tsm I.titllp' 'i.Mi, f-t.00 nml AI.79 shoe for Mlasesurotbebt-Htfiut-UoaKola. stylish ami durable. Cnullui).Ht-, that v. I.. DotiKlas' name and price ore stain pi l tin th bottom of etteh shoe. W. L. UOUULAS, llroe-kton, llass. .Tosopla 335i 11, QUEEN & GO. The fsmoiu firm of OfTHSTS nnd OPIICIASS Of PIHI.ADKIil'HIA llavo nrrnnirt d to pond ono of their Siaeclnllsta on the EYE TO SHK1VANBOAII, Saturday, August 15, 1891, If o will be at tho SCoirsiAfBioxi Houso, lrom 8.30 A. SI. to 51'. M. n-brtfo svIionb eves nre rausuia? discomfort shoujil oall tiK)u our rpeolallst, nnd they will receive Intelligent und skillful attention. 0'J-i Chrttnut St., J'hUailtlphla. New lirm. New Sioclc. Green TrucR, Fine Groceries, FRUITS, &c. Delaware roe shad and other fresh fish right lrom the t oats on J 'rldays. Fresh ureeus iroin tue coutu. Evan's Buildinr;, E. Centre St. f J, S. TlWrnru' M itanil) Everythlnf new and-'resh. aoodsdellvered luau jHtaa .i. .nr.... R. C. KNIGHT cfc SON. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (1 in mo to inside. Win ut r- " FLYMETS WHY IS THE (Uas teller's old stand,) Corner coal and jardlnlSlH. Mr. Snyder will always keep lu stock a fine line of boots and shoes. Custom Worlc and Itepitirliiir done In the best style. Ho guarantees t0 su cheaper limn cotopelltors ou Main street who have tile rents to pay, aud guarantees a genu ,no bnri;aln on every purchase. FIEE INSUEAHCEI U,tit li. Ill.ett Bellable Piftrj Cti. Ciijn'!, Kepresented by D.AVID FAUST, VX B, Jardln Hlreet HIIENAND OAH.PA