The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 07, 1891, Image 2

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    Flguros DomonBtmto tho Popu
larity of tho Rosort.
Aug. 8. M. K. Sunday scliol, Ollbor
ton. Aug. 10. M. B. Sunday school, Glrard
villa, nnd Union Sunday school, Lost
Auk. 11. "Welsh llsplist, OonreRa
llonal and Methodist, Hlienitndoah.
Aug. 11 Lutheran mMlonary festival.
" 18. Kpicopl Sunday ichool ol
Mahanoy Oity.
Aur. 11 Keformod Sunday school, of
Auk. 16.-Blsteddfod.
" 17. Lutheran Sumlfty school, 01
rardvllle. Aug. 18 English Baptist Sunday tohool,
Mahanoy City.
Auk. 19. M. B; 8 infoy school of Shcn
aniloah. Auk. 20. Trinity Helormod Sundny
school of Mahanoy Oity.
Auk. 20 Evangelical Sunday school
Vicni", Delano.
Auk. 21. Daughters of lteuekalf, Maha
noy City.
Auk. 22.-1'. M. Sunday school, of Oil
Auk. 24. 1. M. Sunday school of Shen
Aug. 26. English Lutheran, Mahanoy
Aug. 20 Evangelical Lutheran Sunday
school, Tamoqua.
Auk. 27. Young Meu's Democratic
Cluh, Mahanoy Oity.
Ask Tour Mends About It,
Your distressing congh can ha ourod
"VVe know it because Kemp's BfOsam
within the past few yoers has cured so
many roughs and colds in thisoommunity.
IIk remarkable sale baa been won entirely
by its aenuine merit. Ask somo friend
who has used it what he thinks of Kemp'
Balsam. There is no medicine so pure,
none so effective. Largo bottles 60o and $1
at all druggists'.
rienty of rain.
A Oure for Constipation
Dr. Silas Lane, while in the Kooky
Mountains, discovered a root that whn
combined with other herbs, makes an eaj
and certain cure for constipation. It is in
the foim of dry roots and leaves, and
known as Latin's Family Medicine.
will cure sick headache. For the blood,
liver and kidneys, and for clearing up the
complexion it does wonders. Druggists
sell it at 60 cents a package.
Great growing weather.
To Nervous, Detallltatod Men.
If i ou Bond ua your adurees, we will
iJ mn our illustrated namtmlet exDlain
In? all about Dr. Dvo's Celebrated Electro'
Voiuic Belt and Appliances, and their
aharming- etlects upon the nervous ilo
bUii'ttod system, and how they will quickly
rcti rn vou to viiror. and manhood. 1'iimnh-
letfioo. If you are thus afflicted, we will
tend i .'U u Holt ana Appliances on a trial,
voltaic imrv uo.. Msrsnau. aiou,
Cantaloupes are plenty.
A Mystery Bxplalnod.
The minors contain frenueut notloeaof rich,
pr Uy and educated girls eloping Willi
nrjroes. trailing nnd auaolimell. The well-
linown specialist, Dr. Franklin .Mile, shj-hhU
kucI) Rills are initio or Usa hysterical, nervous,
vi ly impi wive, unbalanced: usually subject
t in auarne, neuralgia, sioepiesnuow, mi
mow rale cryinn or lauguinK. iiiesesnowi
wi'itli nervous s. stem lor vhlrh there Is n
reinedv muul to Ku oral lve Nor vine. Trial
hollies nnd u line hook, containing many
n nrvi'loua cures, nee n' C. 11. liagenbueh'a
dinu toio. who also sell. Midk-imrhntee Dr.
Alili -.' .elebrated New Heart Cure, the flnost
of heart tonics, dues Muttering, short
urcuui, elo.
llunnots no longor hoeosearily match tlio
Shiloh's Consumption Ouro.
This Is beyond question the most nno-
ccbhIih Cough Medicine wo havo ever Bold,
n tew doses Invariably euro the worst oh of
uoafcu, uroup, ana iiroucuuis, wiuie us won
uenui succb in uie euro ui iousuiupiion
without h parallel In the history or medicine.
Hince li s iirai uisoovery u una oeen kom on a
guarantee, a test which no other medicine
can eland. Ii you have a Cough wo earnestly
ask you to try it. Price 10 cents. GOceiits, nnd
fl.10. If your 1. ungs aie sore, Chest or Hack
lame, use Hhlloh's J'orous Planter. Bold by
V. U. Ilageubuch, N. 12. corner Main and
Liloyd streets.
Peach pie nnd pencil durnplincs are now
in season
A Glorious Record.
Blnco tho Introduction of tho Famous Pan
Tlna Cough nnd Consumption Cure In this
vicinity, the death rnto Horn Consumption
line dicieosed wonderfully; It never lulls to
effect a oure, nnd Is tho htst Cough medicine.
Try It. Trial bottled free nt Klrlln's drug
Somo peoplo try to livo seven days on
ono day's praying., January 38, 18D0.
Thl certifies that my child, ( months old,
was nilllilert with n very bad sKlu disease ol
the nice, eyes xnil lnsfde of tho lime. The
luce was entered with mattering sores, and
Mi eyes were swollen shut ou iiuoount of tho
ore-on the eyelids, and his nose wai ills
cha King matter, and was full Insklo of Hie
mut. 1 gave lum the Cactus Hloixl Cure lor
four weeks, mid. to day my baby ta entirely
well, JllH. J.KUNNKY.
lift Kast 12(illi street, N. V.
Hold at Klrlln's Drug Htore,l'"crgusou llouso
Jlloi k, Muuandoah,
Mtloa' Nerve ana Liver Pills
Art on a new principle regulating the
llvi r, Munition nnd bowels Uttouuh tfwiwrwt.
A in discovery. Dr. Miles' lllls speedily
cuic hliloiunei', bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
const iiuilou. Uutqualed tor men, women,
children. Smallest, intldMl, surest 1 aldoses,
Hk-ik. Mum iles Kres, at C. II. Jtageubuoh's
ln,g Mole.
Playing Cards.
You can obtain a pack of bast quality
playing card by wading fifttwn cent in
postulate 1'. 8. ICuttis, Uon'l Pass. Agt.,
11., C. & (J. It. It. Chicago, III. tf
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the warnlngt The signal per
linns hi iho sure approach of that more ter
rihlo dleae. Consumption. Ask yourselves
If you cjiu attord iir the sake of saving SO
reuts, to run the risk and do nothlug for It,
We know from experience that Hblloh'nCure
will Cure our Cough. It never tails. This
explains why more than a Million ltotilea
were sold the past year. It relieves Croup
and Whopping Cough at once. Mothers do
not be without It. For Lame Hack, Hide or
Chest, use Mhlloh's Porous l'laster. Hold by
C. II. Ilageubuch, N. K. corner Main and
Uoyd streeU. '
Trip to IlX'tlov. '. IVnlerninn'a
Hnneli X ItoMOn jdliriiiillut Who
Will tlcrcnrter Macnril tle Lmiiit
nml Cllnjt to n 'rrmty lilile.
man of Callforujft
owns a (fold mine
In Cnyftina Vul
ley called the
Stonewall. It Is,
a handsome piece
of property -and
it operation has
brought ii; num
ber St amall. in
dustries into the.
valley, audi aa
ranching, b e e
kteping, fnrden
uig, etc.
The Puyainaca.
Valley and tho
mountains surrontidingr it are infested
with benrn, iiotti irrnsziics nna ctnnu-
mons, nnd their rnvacrea on the email
herila of cattle and swino in the retrion
arc by no means the least of the small
rancher s troubles.
In a little canyon branching off from
tho trail which lead-i up to (lov. Water
man's mine lives a little rancher named
Greenwood. Une nlfrut in Aiurust
wreemrood wns nwnkened by a WO'
iiiemloiis cornniotioD in the pur-corral.
The rancher ate e and got down hia
riue. ins wiic got up una pcercit out
oi ine wmaow of ne cabin, lo tneir
horror there tttoixl an enormous grizzly,
lie had a squealing porker under his
left arm, and in anticipation of the
coming feast his face wore a joyous
expression, ihe two hastily retired
indoors nnd the huiro bear leisurely
walked off n 1th his pri?.o.
fcoxt morning the rannhmttn irave
the alarm. 1 hat afternoon nve
miners nrmed to the tooth
with AVlnchosters and SHweA
off shot (runs loaded si ogs went down
to the ttroenwood ranch, and thus ua-
foro the moon rose took up positions in
some oak trees in tho phr-corral. About
2 o'clock the watchers, with bated
breath and tremblintr with excitement,
heard on ominous rustling in tho low
ohappural. Xvcry man cocked his rifle,
but to mako sure work detormined not
to Are until tiie bear hud gotten into
thecorrnl. In a moment ahugo. lumber
ing form come llounderlng out of the
brush,, una, horrors! another one,
Then a. third! "Now bnys." Crock
Crack! responded every rifle again.
When dawn broke they niailo an hv
veiitory of tho slnin. To their deep
chagrin, and to liancher Greenwood's
doc-pur disgust, they found nino dead
lios RtrctCncd out and not one bear.
This was too much for Mr. Greenwood;
with tears in his eyes he besought the
amateur riflemen to leave him nlone
with his bears in future. "I would
much rather have the bean around," ho
said, "than such hunters hs yon.
A few days later Gov. Waterman
visited his mine, and was told about
ltnncher Greenwood's unwelcome
quests. The governor is something of
ti wng and resolved to havo some fun,
lie wrote to ritate FiBh Commissioner
Joe Ituddiug, Dr. .1. do Ilnrth Short, of
Los Angeles and his private secretary,
Slnruus D. lloruck, telling them of the
find in the mountains, and asking them
to get up a hunting party. Gov. Watur-
miin s secretary hail not lost any griz
zlies nnd did not cure to go in pursuit of
one. lie declined to join the party and
turned over his Invitation to Charley
Yale, secretary of tho San Francisco
Yacht club. Yale is great on u flying'
The party thus organized set out for
tjov. waterman 8 mine early in Sep-
tembor. The hours had not been
visible for several days and Itaneher
Greenwood reported that he hud not
lost a hog in a woelc. It was thoroforo
roported that there should bo a recon
noisnnce of tho neitrhborhood bv dnv.
light. As a guide und ono posted in
wooacralt the party hail engaged
long, lank Texan named Tip Ferguson,
Tho party walked several miles up tho
canyon from tho Greonwood cabin, and
wore nlHiut to return when their ears
caught tho sound of squealing as from
a Jitter ot very young pigs.
"Look sharp, boys," exclaimed Tip
Ferguson. "There's a grizzly not far
off. Tliis is a bear's cache. Ho killed
that sow not more thnn an hour ago,
and lins gone after his mate. Lot us
cover it up, pigs and all, just as ho left
it, and wait till night. Meantime wo
will go back to the cabin for supper.'1
Tho evening shndows were falling
anil tho tho party started lor tho cabin,
About mo icct from tho cacho was
marshy swale several fect wldo which
It was necessary to cross to rot to tho
cabin. Tho party crossed this in tingle
file, led by Tip Ferguson, and woro
soon at the cabin. While suppor wns
preparing the nrms were got out nnd
examined. A uan being fastened to
the end of a long pole and lighted, was
to bo burue nloft to illuminate the for
ost. Tho doctor had also provided
somo leaden slugs two Inches long to
be fired from his shotgun, and this,
with a braco of 'revolvers nnd a long,
black bottlo, with which to cheer tho
night watches completed his outfit.
Commissioner lteddlng dopendod
upon his Winchester and a great hunt-ing-kuifo,
as did also Commodore Yule,
but Jlr. Kcoly of lloston was confident
that ho needed no other weapon than
his trusty lariat.
Tho party rccrosscd tho swale In
safety, and moved with tho utmost
To Atantic Gity, Cape
Sea isle City, Ocean City,
Angesea, Wild Wood
. Or Holly Beach.
Toes'day, Augyst llth, 1891.
llettim tlokrls valid until nnd
train for l'liilBtldlnhia will iiave Bhan
tralla 8.20, Itaven ltuu 8.80, Hliennndi nil (L. V. It. II. bIrUod) 8.-16 Mahanov
City 0.06, IJHlano 0.80 a. in., urrlviep at Philadelphia nt 1 do p. m.
j. BBiigtifl iimy iHKeuuy nnernirn irain oi mat (lay rrom J'liiladcliiiilH
(Market street wharf ) to tho sessboie, lelnriiiiig on nny ngulitr train wllhin
the limit.
caution ana in Jweathloss silence.
Their hearts 'beat violently, and for the
first time little Mr. Keely began tc
wish he had .a gun. It was by this
lime nearly 9 o'clock, and in the first
darkness of a September night. While
Tip Ferguson slowly reconnoitored
and 'peered into the darkness the pro
cession halted and the doctor lighted
the kerosene torch. Under its light
the party found tho trco which in the
afternoon they had prepared as a
blind, and in a few moments nil were
in Its branches. The encho beneath it
had not been disturbed. "He'll
come soon ' if we keep quiet," they
said. Hut ho didn't como for a long
time. The party "doused' the burning
kerosene and sat in darkness for two
hours or more. Tho hard seats in tho
branches, the long, tedious vigil, tho
quiet of tho night, and natural drowsi
ness soon relieved tho party of its
spirits, and tho proposition then wns
mado to go home. Just then, however,
a commotion in the bushes was heard.
It grew louder and louder, "Then
there was a roar, and pretty soon a
rustle in another direction. It wns
ovident that there was not only ono
boar approaching, hut two. Tho
discovery Was quite enough to keep
every hunter in ills perch. Hut the
grizzlies did come near tho tree. They
seemed to meet in the bushes about
twenty yards away, nnd to bo bent on
having a good time until the breakfast
hour. They growled nnd yowled and
skylarked about for nonrly two
hours. The hulf-frozen hunters in tho
tree could seo as the early dawn np
proached the chapparral move llko
waves in tho sea, but thoy could seo
nothing to shoot nt. An hour later
daylight came ami tho bears began to
think of breakfast. Slowly ono of tho
monsters emerged from tho brush. Ho
was a tremendous animal, weighing a
good deal more than a half a ton. Ho
etimo nlong with that lazy and
peculiar shufilo so characteris
tic of tho grizzly. His
companion, evidently n female, was
Bmallcr but none the less formidable
looking. ' Tho hunters proposed to
open lire, but Mr. Keely pleaded for
just ono more chanco with his lariat.
Tills was reluctantly granted, for all
wero in great hasto to end tho busi
ness. This story might have had a differ
ent ending had Mr. Keely been refused
permission to try his lariat. It was
due to a most untoward oireumstance
connected with the lassoing of griz
zlies, with which Mr. Keely was un
familiar, that the tale ends as it does.
In order to facilitate his use of tlia
lariat Mr. Keely wrs given the Upmost
perch in the somewhat fragile treo,
nnd to better secure his prey when
caught ho had made the "home end"
of tho rope securely fast about its
trunk. Tho accompanying illustration
tails tho rwit.
Complotod to Doadwood.
The llurlinjtton Itouto, C, H. & Q. It. It.,
from Chicago, Pooria and St. Louis, is now
completed, and daily passonger trains ere
running through Lincoln, Neb., and
Custer, B. I)., to Doadwood. Alto to Now
cajtle, Wyoming. Sleeping cars to Dead
Wood. tf
Including folIoM'Ing Monday, Btieoiai
ckin 7.45 a. m.. ml flarm! s rs f?Bi..
A Mnclilno (Jlovo Itlemlcr.
It is quite a difficult matter to repair
one's gloves so neatly and perfectly
that it cannot lie detected as an nn
professional's work, but a little inven
tion covered by Auatro-IIungarian
patents, facilitates this work to such a
degree (hat even untrained hands can
do it with neatness and dispatch. Tho
apparatus is made of nickel, nnd con
sists of two parts whluh press against
each other by means of a spring. Part
of the top edge is provided with small
teeth in close range to each other. Tho
seam of the glove to bo mended is care
fully prossed between these teeth nnd
tho needle parsed in nnd out nt every
opening. Repairing done in this man
ner is so perfect that it cannot bo
Height of Cruelty.
Nervous women seldom reeelvn thesyi"
pa'hy thfy deserve. "WM'eplien thepleturcs
of heoliii, they are constantly oiling. To
withhold sympathy from ti ese nnfortunalef
Is the height of cruelty. They l-aenwerli
heart, causing shortness of brealb, fluttering,
pain In aide, weak and hungry spells, and
finally swelling of ankles, prreIon, ehok
Ing, smotherlnp and riroi sy. Dr Miles' New
Heart Cure Is Just the thing forthem. I'nr
ineir nervousness, neaoacne, weaitnes, etc.,
his Ileslf ratlve Nervlee Is ucqualed. Fine
Ireat'se on "Hrart Dd Nervous lllBeaee" ar d
marvelous tcstlinon'nls tree. Sold nna
guaranteed by C. II. IIgenbuch. ij. ,
It Is a well known tact that ran Tina
t ough nnd Consumption Cine has cuied Ton
mnipllrn. Coup hs nnd Colds when all elfe
failed. 25 and 60 ccuts. Trial bottles tree lit
Klrlln's drug store. f r t
is and will ever bo tho
Komody for
nnvt Tnflnimmi. Unnknohe.
'Pninii in Sirin. Chost and'
Joints, neuralgia, Sprains, &o
Before ytra aeed to tray, ottaln
jopithep OP CHARGE'S
tfin iridimlila liooii "CVoifo to Hpalth."wltlll
k ondorsemoats of pmmtnont phyeiclai
310 Broadwayi
Prize Medals Awarded!
European HonsooiEiidostadt,Ii(in4on?'
VnMmhaprr. KntlStflill. I.SiriRla.
50 (
uenta a nottio, i or aato nyi
T TV TrTRT.lltf.
Sporting Event.
Columbia Park, Shenandoah,
Under tho auspices of
Phoenix Hose Coy
Ealf-Jlile Race, Farce 525; Enirance Fee, $2.
The (nllowlrjg have already entend for tlie
nit'e iiiriiu raney, jnoirias iianani,
Oiorge ltlnghelter, Geirgo Trost,
Anthony Ilynn, Jos. Harvey,
Charles ltinehelser, Oeorge
Qlenu right and others.
I'lrst-class Orcheitra has been engcgi d.
Pure Ice Oream !
promptly attended to. Particular at
tention paid to nans, 1'lcnlcs,
Festivals, etc.
Near Corner of Uoyd, SHENANDOAH, PENNA
Your trndo is wlint wo
wnnK 1
Tills la how we profile
to get It.
I$y selling you n llrat
cla8 article; by Belling you
for less thnn otliera; by
eelllPK yott furniture, an
organ, a pluno, n sewing
mnchtno or anything else
In the. lino of homehold
Wo have n large anil va
ried stock fo Select from.-
No (rouble to show goods.
Call, examine and be
I P.HanisdBiu,
Soufli Brain St.,
Leliigh Valley Railroad.
MAY 10. 1091.
rassenccr trains will leave Phenandeah ft r
Mnneh Chunk. Lehlchtcm. Hlntlncrtnn. (tnti,.
fauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, East on, 1'hli
adelphla and New York at 6.47, 7.40, D.OS a. m.,
v&xsa,, u.iu p. in.
For Ilclvldere. Delaware Water Qan and
MtroucUtmig at S.47, a. m-i and 5.20 p. in.
For Lambertvllle and Tieuton, U.0S a, m
for wuive jinveii, yi liKee-uarre ana xnw
ton 6.47, M, 10.41 a. m., 8.10 and S2d p. in.
ForTunkhannock, 10,41 a, m 3.10 und 5.20
p. m
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and nnd Lyoni
10.41 a. in., and 6. p, m.
ror Ljaccjvuie, -lowanrtft. twyre, waveny
Elnilra. Itoehi(ir. linflalo. ivlec.ira Falls
Cbietwo and all I'olnt West at 10.41 a. m.,and
5.2a p. m.
For liulru and the West viaHalsinanca at
3,10 p.m. f.
I'tir Aunennea, iiaKiemn, nrocswa, i,uiS'
her Yard, Weatherly and 1'eun Haven Junn
tiou at 5.47. 7.40. O.OB a. in. and 12.62. 3.10 and
126 p. m.
ror jeaneevme, ievision ana iieavei
Meadow, 7.40, 0.08 a.m. and 6.26 p. m.
For Hers ulon at 5.47 V.OX. 10.11 a. m. 8.10 and
1:2(1 p. m.
For uroorc. jooan. liniion and tret
land at 6.47. 7.40. 0.08. 10.41 a. in.. 12L&2 3.10 and
5.2(1 p.m.
For (iunlralie at 6.47 and 9.08 a, m nnd
y.iup. m.
rer H inaiDp,uiiDmon una f racKvine ai
5.50 and D.OS a m., and 4.10 p. in.
5.47. 7.10. B.OS. 10.41. 10.68 a. m..l2.52.3.1Br5.28. 8.03.
Jf. ' ftiiu ivm p. iu.
For IjosI Creek, atrardvllle nnd Aahlanrt
17, 7.46,8.52, 10.15 a. in., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 6.85
8.KJ and 0.14 n. in.
For Unrkwater, Bt. ClPlr and PottsvlUn,
7.40, 0.Dti, 10.68 a. in., 12.62,3.10,4.10, 6.'J8 and 8.03
p. m.
ror j-uuuuuiiu. now notion huq
Moicn. 7.40. 0.08. 1C.B3 a. n... 12.62. 3.10. 5.20 and
8.03 p. in.
For Haven Hnn, Centialla, Mt. Carmel and
Uhamokln, 8.52, and 10,15 a. m., 1.40, 4XC
and 8.00 p. rn.
Trains leave Bhamokln for Hhennndoab.
7.06 11.6-5 a.m., 2.10, 4.3(1 and 0.80 p. ni., arriving
a& ueuannuuu, u.iaj u. in., iz.. d.xu, ana
ua? p. in.
aunwfli xiwiirira.
For Lost Creek. Qlrardvlllo and Ashland.
0.50, 0.10 11.35a. m., 2.1.5 p. in.
For Uarkwnter. Ht. Olalr and l'ottiivllle,
6J0, 8.0i), ,30 . in., 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Alahauoy Oily and Delano,
5.iu, ii.i a. m., l.w, 4,i, p. m.
For Lofty, Audenrled and Uazleton, 8.0!
w hi., i.w p. in;
ror maucn ununs. ijeuignKiu, Hiaiington,
Cuinsnuqua, Allmtown, Bethlehem, Bloi
and New York, 8.00 a. ni., 1.40 p. m:
r ur i-iiiiaueipuin, r.iu p. iu.
Oen'l Pais, AKt., Hethlehem.
Conimitteemeu eliould bear In
mind that tho Herald ofllce
is prepared to do all hinds.of
Poster Work!
at the moat reaeonablo rates.
Give ua a call und obtain our
prices. All work done when
prouiiscdand in a satisfactory
Ane-wlv dlscoverert MINIlRAIi WATER
tho use or which wilt supply Important eJc-
inenin Df riMjury iu uhuii. n win cure me
ICldneys, Iivcr, Kloniftch, and all Bowel and
liladdcr disease. It will dlSrOlvo calculi and
remove them. It removes lho uric acid from
the blood and thus dc-btroya Malaria b&d
cuniH. ii cures urieiu s aifase, ana is es
pecially recommended for people advanced In
life, and lorceneru) cebllltv. For undoubted
proofs or this tend Jor pamphlet giving full
particulars, to J. R. PKHKY, Water ot Llie
to., at aouin Aiam ni w uses-isarre, I'a.
Or Ibo JLhiuor JIubit, 1ohU1i1 t'urcu
iul(l?n &iiuI(1p.
It la mannfaotured am a nonder. which nan oiwrt
la a class of beer, oup of ooffeo or tea, or In tooiL
withoutthekuowltxltieot ilie patient. It ia absolutely
banuleaa. and will elfeot a permanent and speedy
uomcr tut) uuuvui ta a iaguiraia arm iter ox
lOllawrsak It lim ban rrl ar.r In t)ioiinflB
vi rinjoi, nu in every lDtinutw a periec4iura nas lol
lovf d It nTep FhIIh. The y item onoo lmpreffna&
edwltb the Sped beoomei an utter lmpoaslbult
C. II. KACENBUCH, Druggist, Eliennr.doalt
All persons ara hereby warned
llelonglns to llio
Sliouandoah Water Company,
and all parties cauglit violating this notlco
Prosecuted as Trespassers.
order ol
Philadolphiaand Beading Eailroadf
m Table in etfee July 10, 1891
Tor New York vlaVhlladelphin. week days,
2. 0 5.25, 7.1W a. m. and 12 33 2.F0 and &.Si
v,a anch Chunk, week days, 5.25.
h !Ui!a"nB aml I'hllnoefn'hlft Week rtoys,
2.10, 5.,, a. m 12 86 lh nnd j.M p.m.
. jyr. HarrlSburg, week oays, 2 1U.7.J0 a. m,i
AS5l. ni.
Alien towai week da,i. 7.30 i.
for Pnl.fntflllB jt
I2.3i9'-n 8nd(w54n.rD.
days, 2.10, 7.w,. mi,
Kom(a, 2 10rud7.4S
. i, . 4 an n. ,n '
aaYs, 2.1076.267 S a n.T, 12 'ST rSS5
Jit!., ounuay, ui and 7.48 a. in , 4 80 p. m.
Additional r imahanov cut. euV du. i ,m
n. tti
For ljeltMtr nnd rviiiimi.ia k
Mwa. m..a.60n. m. ' '
For wniluoaporL Nunbury and bewlaburc
reck days. S.25, 7.20 aud ti 8) a.m.. J. 33 7.51
,' MWiaaioj- Plane,' weea'dnvn, 3. 10 8.25,
yfi. T.Qn anil 1 1 ftl (l yv, iuua i ., c. r ,il
7.00 inC h ji m. Huniay, 2'l0, i.2', and 7.4il
, ro. n,io, p. m.
For Gliwiuvllle I Ka npahannoek MiationJ
.oo, i co, ai, o.oo, i.w aiin .;. p. m. Hunday.
u, z ,.m a. in., H.i5, j.iio p. m.
i'lSna, 2n1 haiuoaln, week days.
.5.2S,7 20. 11.81 a m.. 185. 7 m ,m ifnl
n htmrfap J a uo n .. o tie
IMPt Nav Vs-tflr via Plilic..1ini,1.
my.. 7.45" i" m., L30; 4.0.1," roT. "iSTis
iieni, rrunahy, B.oo p. m,, 12.16 nlenu
IIAVM Nm t.rh .la U.n.1, , , , . -
Ss, 4.80, 8.45 a. U) 1.00 and 1.0J p. n,.'
t,aaVfi PhllAllnlnhla. vo-r .v. a in
10.00 . D. 4.00 and p. iuT, Aroad
tnd Cftllowhill and 8.35 a. m. and 11.30 p. m.
from Ottauuo i,-reeu Btreets. Sunday 0,06 a.
to, u.10 p. m. from iiih. enc i.. J;.
iwve neaaituj, weeK day 1 8. 7.10. 10.(6
and 11.50 a. m., 6.66, 7J7 p, m. buuday 1.85 anu
l-oave PotUivllle, week days, v.4, 7.40 a. m
IZ.HGi.fl 11 n. m Hnnrlav. 'j An 7 m , nA
2.06 ism.
lave xamaqua, week days, aso, 8.48 and
'21a. in., 1.21, 7.13, nnd 0.18 p. ni. Hunday 3.20
48 .. m. and 2.60 p. in.
. an ea U ,i i I. .. . ... .,iaw .n ... n
ww.w wun..uj w.v, " . 1 IV uaB. .J.U, D.J O
A-nit 11.47 m. rn.. 1.S1. 7 da an .-. V., Ln..
day, &40.8.17 a. m 8.20 p. ni.
m,v iT.niimiuj iwuc, wcoa V0,ri,lAU
ii in n in. Hunday 2.4, 4.00, aud 8.'.7,a. m.
37, 5.01, p. ra.
iw uiiwuuuw VlwmwillUUWA OUtllOni
eek days, 2.47. 4.07, 8.88, and 8.41 a. m., 12.05,
m, ...w, o.w tuw u. iu, DUUUBy, i.tlm
0 , l 33 a. in. 8.41, 5.1.7 p. ni.
jLiOavo Vi'lliinnikiioit, week days, 3.00,0.45 and. 3.85 and 11.15 p. m. hunday 11.15
' 'For llaltlmore, Washlngtou nnd the west
Tinu, u.v,i,.i luiuuiju ,imu- luuvs uiraru
AVMiue station, l'lilladelphla, if. a K. It. H.)
at 4.10, 801 bnd 11.27 a. m.,1.31, 4.21, 6.56 anrt
( . niuiui i,iu o.v a, iu,i t,4B
..65 and 7.24 p. m.
v u a uiiDuuiuiiiBi uucnuiubptnovii it UUI L
sua Bo".th Street Wharf
ror Aiuinnc cit,
Wftb-,1n V Vvnroeo K 1R s nn o.nn In .in n
m. ana in (B.iturday only. 1.30),, 8,00,
8.80, ,.i , 5 00, 0.00 y. hi. AccjiUHi j'Jii'ion, 7 40
u. m., 4.15. U 80 . in,
uiii'i. t . cixprefw. & 15, 7.00, 7.iW R 00, 8 30,
.00, 0.80 i, m, and 4 80 p, m. aoiuiaiiii ,uuoa
Helurnlug, leavu Atlantic City, depot oirner
HIIUv.llll AIMUmn ri"IWH ' T,.nHI!
Eipress, 7 00, 7.1)0, 8 00, 0.00, 10,00 a. m. and 8 15,
4 00, 5.80, b.30, 7.80, 0 80 p. m. Aeeomnmctation
6.00,8.10a.m. und 4.80p m. Knnmna l,x
preiM, 3 S, 4 00, 5 09, 0 00, 0-30 7-00, 7.30 s 00, 0.30)
in. Aeeuuiinouaiiou, i.ju a. m.,D.u.i p.m.
O. BiftOit-Ht, Oen i r AUtJ
. A. MOLKOD. I'rea. A R'1 Manoicer.
ECHUYI.KII.I. mvrsiof.
0 end aflrr 'Nov: Si, 1890, traint will leao
Shtnandauh at follows:
For Wlgcan, Ollberton, FracarvlUo, New
Castle, Bt. Clair, and way points, U.(w, 9.1
m.nnrt 1,15 pm,
unaays, wu, v.-w a in nna 8.10 p m.
For Pottsvllle, 0.1X1, I'.lo a mand 1.15 pm,
Banctayo. 600, li.tiJ a ni and 8.10 n ni,
ior Iteadtng, 6.00, S.10 a m and 4.15 p m.
Bunaays, 600, 8.J0 a. jn. anil 11.10 pin.
Fflr FottBtown. Phoenixville. NnrrtRtnwn
and Flilladelpbla (Broad street station), b.UO,
r.10 u m. ana 4.15 p m week days
BunaayB, cw, a m o.iu p m
TraliiH lAnVA l,'rili.kvill fnr Hliftnanrtncli aft
10.40 n m and 12.11, '7.42, lo.oa p m. Hrmdayg,
Lave Pottsvllle lor Hhenandoali, 10.16 ana
11.48. a m 7.15. U.42 p ra. tSunday. 10.40 a rn
5.16 p rn.
liDftve Philadelphia (llrond street stations
ror PotMvllln and Bhenandoah, 5.5710.25 a ni
2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p in wcok days. Bundey 9.11
am and 1.10 p.m.
For W Yortc. 3.20, 1.05, 4.40, 6.36, B.60, 7.80,
8.208.30, 4.60, ll.COanail, 16am. 12.(i0iiocid, (lira-
lwtt raprew, ana t,ov p m. mi, 1.40, 2.30.
., 4, 6, 6,.b.iSU, 6.G0 7.13 8.1S and 10.00 pm, 12.01
on Bu&aays, s.w, t.vo, i.iu,, v.u, 8,30, 0.60.
a ni. aud 12.iv, 3.20 (ltmltrd 4.60), 6. a, e SO, dM
r.13 8.12 p in aud 12.01 nltlil.
Kor Ha airt, Bpnue Lnie, liolmnr.
icean Grove. Asbury Park, and JU-.nir Brandi
8.20, 11,15, a. ra. 4.00 p. m. wetiK cavr For
freehold, 5,0 , p. in. Treclr days.
Hainmor" and WasbinKtun, 3.60, 7.20, 8,81
9 10, H.20, 1 1,18 a m, 12.l"i (limited enpresa) S.4U
i.u n.ii aiir p. ni., anu iz.wi menu j?ow
l)altlmor& my, 2.02, 4.1 1, 5 1)8 and liSil p, m.
OnBimdays,ii.60, 7.i"J, IMllmd 11.1? a. in. 4.41
s.67,7.40.p m. 12.03 night. Ilalt'tnoro only
6.08 and 11.30 p m.
1 or lrbmnd and the Bonth 7.20 11.18 n. m
(Llmllf d Expiesa 12.83 p. m.,)12.(ia nlnbt.wcek
iaya. enndays, 7.20 p.. m., 12.03 night
'Xralns leave llarrhibtirg lor l'ltwuure ana
Lie west every day at 12.23 and 3.1U a m and
1.U0 limited) nnd 3.40 pm. "Way for Altoono
S.15 a ru and 4.10 p ni every day.
For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a iu dally and 10.20
m weefc days.
Licave Huubury lur "W llllanieport, Klmlra,
Uonandalgua, Kochestcr, Butlaloand Mlagarn
Kails, 6.1U a m dally, and 1.43 pm week days
Fir VRthlBS, 6.30 p m week dayB.
For Krle and Intermediate points, 6.10 a m:.
dally. For Lock Haven, 5.10, and 0.63 a m.
dally, ISi and 6.30 p. m. week days. Foi
Uenova 6.10 a m 1.43 and 6,30 p m week days.
).10 a, in Bundays.
0UA8. K. PUUH, J. B. WOOD,
(Jen. afan'f (Ion. Pass. AKt!
Time table iniffect May.W.mi.
Trains leave Heading (P. it It, station) foi
Glbrnltnr, Heyftrt, lllratboro, Joanna, Spring
field, Waynesbnrg Junction, Coatesvllle.West
Cbestcr,Cnadsforu Junction. II, a O. Junction,
Wilmington nnd Intermediate stations, dally
except bunday, at 0.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 8.15
p. m. Hunday only at 8.03 p. m.
For Warwick, Ht. Peters and Intermediate
stations.dally except Hnnday, nt 0.20 u.ra., and,
6.19 p. m. bunday only 8.16 a. rn.
For lilrdsboro nnd Intermediate stations,
Saturday only, at 12 m.
For llaltlmore and Washington fIJ. O, It.
It.) daily escept Bunday at 0.25 and 8.30 u. in.
and 8.16 p. m. hunday only ni 3.05 p. m.
Trains arrive at Heading (P. A It. station)
from Wilmington, II. & O. Junction, Mont
ibnuln, Cbaddsiord Junction, West Chester,
Lcnape, Coatesville, Waynosburg Junction,
Bprlngneld.Joanna.lllrdeboro, Ulbrnltar, Hey.
fori snd intermediate stations, dally except
Bunday at 10.20 a. 111. 5.52 and 8.17 p. m. Bun.
day only at 11.24 k. m.
From Bt. Peters, Wnrwlclc and Intermediate
sUitlons, daily except Hunday, at x.2d a. m.
and 2.26 p.m. Bunday only at 0 p. m.
From Hlrdsboro and Intermediate Matlono,
Saturday only nt 1.40 p. m.
From wtuhloRton and llaltlmore, dally ex
cept Hunday, 10 20 a. in, 6.62 and 8.17 p. try
Bundav only nt 11.21 a. m.
110WNESB UKIUUM, Gen'l Pass. Act.
D II DTII D T We' tl,e "nderslgned,
it U r U li L 1 f,ro ."itlrely cured ol
1 u I u I Hupturo by l)r. J. B.
MAYKIt, 831 Arch Bt Vblln. Ttoinai 11.
llartung, New Kluggold, Pa., I.fandt, Houth
Eafcton, pa Ii. P. & O. A. Uetnrck, Oley. Pa..
It. O. Htanley, 121 Bpruce Ht., Lebanon, Pa., a!
Schneider. Locust Ilale, Pa., V, B. Noll, Lime,
klin, l a., Wm. E. llanenstine, Phoenlxvllle.
Pa., W. 11. Lelnbach, C24 WaUilcgton BuT
Heading, Pa.. J. 0. Lyme, 1810 W. Howard Bt.!
11urrlsburr, Pa., 0. Keelin, Douglassvllle, I'a!
Dr. MAYKIt Is at Hotel Penn, Heading, I'a.,
on the 2nd Baturday of each month. Call to
Bee him.
No'. 9 East Centre Btreetf llalianoy City, Pa
Skin and all special diseases a speolalty.