The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 06, 1891, Image 4

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    AT THE-
All kinds of potted moats, fish,
entitled goods, oysters, lobstera,
crnbs, lUiislmi cavlnr, fresh Bpicetl
oysters, finest smoked lmms, bo
lognas und smoked beef, York uluto
full croam clieeso,Kinnntlia,SwiBf),
Kdntu, Biipsairo aud Llmburger.
Flnu ossortiuent of cukes mid bis
cults. O. nud 15. pickles of nil
kinds. Woldeu by tbe dozen. You
will find Just wlint you wont.
Cor. Centre and Whito Streets.
The Evening Herald.
ALL Till! NllWS l'Oll ONH CUNT.
II fin a larger circulation In Shenandoah than
any other paper published. Circu
lation book open to all.
Judge Han. D. J). Green.
Sheriff Benjamin Smith.
Jury Commissioner Mai. Wittiwn
Poor Direolor George U'effnor.
Delegates to the Comtitutlonal Con
vention, ZOth DUlriet Joseph II.
Pomeroy, John J. Coyle.
Fried poached is a now fad.
Cool mornings and evening.
In Hie modern sandwich no such tiling at
crust muit appear on the bread.
The Miortening of daylight, both in tho
morning and evening, is very perceptible,
The laziest man living can always soo
work that tome otbor person should bo do
ing. Cantaloupes loft out In the grass over
night will be nioely freshened by tho dew
for breakfast.
By the lime Hie sea'on Is ovor it will be
bard to find anyone In Sbenandoab who
hasn't been to n pionlc.
It is painfully evident that good many
minors And out somo way of obtaining
intoxioling liquors.
One ot tho most difficult tasks in the
world is to convince some people that
honesty is tho best policy.
The fashionahlo colors at the present
timo are willow green, honeysuckle yellow
aud a beautiful shade of soft fawn giay.
It is very important in this nge of vast
matoml progress that a remedy be pleasing
to tho tasto and to tho eye, easily taken, ac
ceptable to the stomach and healthy in its
nature and oflecta. Possessing thoso qual
ities, Syrup of Vigs is tho one perfect laxa
tive and most gontlo dlurotic known.
Doming Events.
Aug. 1G and 17. fan and ico cream fes
tival, Primitive .Methodist church.
Aug. 18. Ice cream und peach festival,
in Hobhini' opera house, tnderthonuspicos
of Camp No. 183, 1 0. S. of A.
Sept. 2 Japanese ice cream festiyal in
Kobbins' opera houso, under tho auspices of
(Shenandoah Commandery, No. 1J, Sons of
Amor lea.
It Is a well known fact that Pan-Tina
Cough and Consumption Clue has cured Con
sumption. Coughs and Colds when all else
fulled. 25 aud 60 cenln. Trial bottle tree at
Klrlln's ami; More.
They Are Splendid.
Wo moan those Cheviot suits you can
get at A. T. Jones' "Famous" Clothing
ctoro for J0.60.
Height of Cruelty.
Nervous women seldom receive the sym
pa'hy thsy deserve. Whl'eortcn tho pictures
of health, they are oonstantly ailing. To
withhold sympathy from these unfortunate
Is tho height of cruelty. Thoy havo n weak
heart, causing shortness or breath, fluttering,
-pain lu Mill', weak aud hungry spells, una
lln .lly swelling or ankles, oppression, ohok.
Ing, smothering and dionsy. l)r Miles' New
Il'-iirtCureis Just the thing for them. For
their nervousness, headacho, weakness, etc,
ills ltostiratlve Nervi is unqualed. Fine
treat'seou "Heart aud Nervoui Disease" aud
marvelous testimonial lree. Bold ana
Eiiuruuteod by 0. 11. lljgonbucb.
A I'nrty Starts fur Troves.
New Youk, Aug. 0. About 150 ladies
und gentlemen left hero on the steamer
Priosland for Antwerp. They are bound
for Treves, Ithelnlsh Prussia, to view the
Holy Coat of Christ, which Is ou exhibi
tion there for tho llrat time since 103.
Best work done at Brennan's steam
laundry. Everything white and spotless.
Lkco ourtulua a speoialty. All work guar
anteed. Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the
name Lbshio. & Co., Ashland, Ta,, Ic
printed on every saok. 3-3-3taw
Blanks Co
Gilt 8o
EmlxWKHl 12 l-2o
Window Shades, spring rollors..26o
Curtain Poles 25 o
22 East Centre St., Shenandoah
For 09o
You can got ono doz -n cabinet photos and
a flno ftamo. Kumomber wo aro on the
first floor i nosteps to climb, Kkaoby, tho
loading artist. 8 G-3m
A Lost Baslrot.
The party who left a baskot In tbo P. &
It. tra'n after tho return of tho oxcurslon
from Lakeside Monday night enn sccuro It
upon applying to James Shiolds, 410 East
Centro street.
Successful Fostival.
The lee ore&m festival In Bobbins' oi era
houso last night under tho auspices of tbo
"Y's" was a vory gratifying success. Tho
attendance was largo and all thoroughly
onjoyed thomielves.
Assessors' Reports Filed.
Frank O. B'eeto, Low is Hopkins, Marlin
Brennan and Lsrry Cullen, the assessors of
the Third, Fourth, Fifth and First wards
of town, to-day filed their registration re
ports at the county seat.
$1.00 Per Dozen
For cabinets at Boshon's gallery, 29
West Centre street. This is only to spec
ially introduce, his work. lie is now very
busy. The samo cabinets will bo $8 00
after Saturday, Auguet 15th. Don't miss
this bargain. 8-0 3ld-lw
Excellent Instrument For Salo.
A first class German piano importod by
Prol. !4llz can be had cheap fur cash on
account of the promisor's impending de
parture for Germany. Tho instrumont
may bo seen and information concerning it
may be had upon Application to Henry
Wiederhold, ?8 East Centro street. 8 C-lw
Examiners Meet,
lllna Inspector Stein, Superintendent
Wtn. H. Lewis, of Vm. Penn, and Frank
0' Boyle, ol Maizeville, met at Mr. Stein's
r. sidenco in town last night to consider ap
plications for mine foremon and assistant
mine foreman certificates. There aro over
ono huudred applicants for tholatter. Tho
certificates will probably bo granted on
Saturday next.
A special meoting of the stockholders of
the Citinens' Electric Light Co., of Shen
andoah, will be held August 20th, 1801,
belweon tho hours of two and four p. m.,
at tho offico of said company, No. 21, N.
Jardin street, for tho purpose pf voting on
tho question of Increasing tho capital slock
of said company. By ordor of tho board,
John Gkuuleii, Sec'y.
Antics of a Horso.
This morning a horso bolonging to Otto
Carl, the East Centro stroct butcher, ran
away and jumped across tbo pavomont
down into tho area next to Bon. Severn's
grocery storo, at tho corner of Controand
"Whito streets. Ho carriod part of the
fonce at tho edge of tho pavement with
him and landed on a heap of empty barrels,
but, strange to say, escaped injury. Ho
was led out of tho area in a much less
frisky mood than he entered it.
An Axle Broke.
As a long, loaded coal train pulled away
from l'ino Glen switch, near Dolano, at an
oarly hour this morning, an axlo of a car
in tho centro of tho train broke. There is
a heavy grade from tho switch and beforo
the train was itoppod tho loaded cars in tho
rear forced tho forward part of tho train
down to tho New Boston switch, nearly a
mile, tho broken car cutting off tho heads
of tie bolts and otherwise causing consider
able damago to the tracks. Tho cars wero
scatlored across both tracks and traffic was
dolayod for about three hours. Nono of
tho cars were wrecked and no porson was
Mr. lllnlno's l'lorcnon I'liyslclan.
New Yoivk. Aug. 0. Dr. Baldwin nr-
rlved at this port ou tho steamer Majes
tic. Ho Is tho physician who troated
Secretary Blnlno clurlutf his stay in Flor
ence, Italy, somo yeara ago. Dr. Bald
win comes to tnese snores owing to ri re
quest from the Secrotary of State. On
his urrivnl In Now York he went at once
to Bar Harbor.
A Irummci Commits Suicide.
Augusta, Mo., Aug. 0. ropo N.
Crouch, n drummer, of 1'nducah, Ky
committed suleld lu his room nt the
Planters' Hotel last night by taking
laudanum. His body was found In tho
morning. From notes left by tho de
ceased addressed to his wifo and travel
lug men It is gathered that ho was
despondent over losses by gambling.
ICltcUil it Now l'lonldont.
TnsNio.v, N, J., Aug. 0. At a meoting
of the oxeoutlvo conimltteo of tho State
Kepubllonn League hold here J. H. Gas
kill, of Mount Roily, was elected presi
dent lu plaoe of Wilbur A. Mott, of New
ark, who resigned on account of busi
ness pressuie. The meeting was n secret
one. It was decided to organize at least
SOU new Bepubltonu olubs in the State.
ILiliictlon lu Ibu Trice of. Smir.
Nbw Yokk, Aug. 6. H. O, Havemeyer,
president ot tho American Sugar Ku
lining Company, said that he did not ex
pect thsro would be any further reduc
tion In the prlee ot granulated sugar,
which was put down to four couts a
nound bv Glaus Sprockets.
Tho Grand Lodgo Adjourned at
Noon To-day.
Tho session of tho stalo grand lodgo,
Order Sons of St. George, yesterday after
noon, was takon up by miscellaneous busi
This morning tho businoss of the lodgo
was closed and tho dolegates loft for their
respective homos.
It was decided that tho grand lodgo rnoel
in Philadolphii on tho first Tuesday of
August, 1802.
A resolution protesting against the elec
tion of officers of tbo supremo lodge in
Octobor lost, on tbo ground that the elec
tion was illegal, was adopted.
Nominations for tho oleollon of officers
of tho slate grand lodge next August were
made as follows! Grand Prooldunl, AVm.
Pooler, St. Clair ; Grand Vice President,
Win. Maylin, Seranlon ; Grand Secrotary,
J. Henry Willianv, Thomas Dafiln and
llichard Davis, Philadelphia ; Grand
Treasuror, James Champion, Shenandoah,
Robert Stowartand Wm. Hopworth, Phil
adelphia; Grand-Messenger, llichard Seed,
Philadelphia, and E. H. IIouso, Scranton;
Grand Trustee, Wm. Bell, Erio, G. D.
Kemp, Philadelphia, and E. Gray, Nor
ristown. Tho following Is the address mado to tho
grand lodgo by llov. Floyd E. West, of
tov. n :
My Brothors ; for as such I think I may
address you, though I am not a member of
your ordor. It has boon my experience
that formal addressos of welcome, on such
occasions as this aro apt to fall pretty flat ;
so I shall not follow the conventional way
of telling you how oxtromoly glad wo aro
to havo you with us in Shenandoah to
night, aud how grateful wo aro to you for
coming, and how Borry wo shall bo to have
you go, and a lot of ouch rot as lhati fir if
the monitors of Shonandoah Lodgo havo
not told you that in a way no words of
mino could toll you, then it would bo a
hopeless task for mo to attempt to oonvinco
you of tho fact. Lot me only say thon,
that I am suro that tho groetines of tbo
brethren havo beon but the outward cx-
presnons or what wero really In Weir
hearts. I am glad to have the privilege of
speaking to tho members ef an organiza
tion, banded togothor as youra is, lu re-cogniz-tion
of tho ' groat truth of tho
brotherhood Idea. My .brothers, if wo aro
really to dottiy very great or tolling work
in this world, cilhor as an organization or
as individuals, wo must come to rocognize
mon ovowwhoro as bound to us by ties of
kinship, we must bo willing to reach out a
hand to holp our brother mau whorevor he
may bo found. In my intercourse with
Englishmon I havo over found them, as a
rule, mon who woro ready to help their
brothers everywhere, asking not if thoy
were Englishmon, but only if thoy wero
mon. I ask you to listen for a raomont to
tho words of two old friends who aro with
us to-night, though wo may not, indeed, sco
thorn as they look into our faces. They are
memory and hopo. Memory spouks to us,
and what does she say, as putting her hand
in ours she speaks tho farowoll ? Hor first
word of caution is this, "Don't forget tho
small beginnings, from which havo come
tho present grand sucoesses." Of courso, I
cannot hopo to toll you anything which
you do not know relative to tho history of
your organization, but lotus not forget that
though organized no longer ago than 1889
or '70 in a littlo back room at Scranton, it
now spreads abroad ovor tbo whola of this
groat land, and I think, has branches in
tho mother country as woll. Secondly,
Memory bids us "not forget tho principles
on which success has boon attained." Let
us continue to work upon tho old lines and
for tho old purpose of doing good to our
follow-iuon. And Memory also bids us
"not forget our comrados." Somo have
ftdlen and their faces nro mkeod to-night.
Let us romomber those who shall bo with
us no moro and profit by tho oxamplos
thoy havo left. And, thirdly, Memory bids
us "to gain slronglh and courago for tlm
fuluro by recalling tho good accomplished
In tho past." She calls up the cheering re
membrances of sufferings that have beon
lightened and of sorrows that havo boen
cheered. But wo 'must not listen too long
to Slomory. Tho past is gono and wo
haven't much to do with It. Memory
clings to us, but Hopo interferes, and tells ue
to look to tho fuluro, that there "is a grand
work yet to do." All has not yot been ao
c .mplisbcd becauso the membership has
reached large proportions, and she tolls us
to "believe in the possibilities," look to tbo
future and improvo tho opportunities as
they aro presented to you. Let mo say
merely this one word muro, it ha6givou ma,
personally, a great deal of ploaiur j to have
had the opportunity of meeting you and
talking to you to-night, and that I am suro
you havo indeed been welcome to our rain
itigtown of Shenandoah.
finally flulnbttf. fArinnnanttv llftstored,
"WoukDe... Xcnoiuiuu, Debility, and all
wuj train ut uvua iruia uaiij wrowm "v" .1
the results ot overwork, sroknwa, worrr, etc Full
strsusui, development, ana tone given ta ever;
organ sad portion of tbe boar, uimpte,
tnnthrulM- ItiimorfiAtn ImnmvQraAnt aaftn.
lai(iotUle. ia rsferepees. llook, eiplaoalloai
napraorainauniiiaeaiiruo. Aaur8
)tr&jmmi v njjvtx iJ!JEx, Dark.
WANTS, &o.
WANTED For Brcnnnn'e fitpnni
Laundry, a good girl. Apply at once.
7 29-tf
"TyANTED.-A lady agent to Boll n
.,' ,Kod nrirclo nmong women. Apply at
IheliKitALD ctuce. tf
FOR RENT. A .dwelling liouee
.c'.1,2in.,,uS Blx roomi. Apply to 11. C.
Jiulght, 33 East Centre street. 8i-tf
GIRL WANTED. A good ox
perlenceflRlrl wanted for genornl homc-
w,r..' ,,No.Jihc.r need PP'y Call at HunAi.n
ofllce Kast Ooal Btreot. 7.3.U
salo. One or the most desirable proper
ties ot West Oak street, for sale on reasonable
Apply at Kowse's grocery slore, cor
ner Jardin and Oak streets. Shenandoah, I'a.
paid outfit to energetic rrcn. Bovcral of
our salesmen have earned from S70lo?100a
week for years ran, r. 0. l!ox 1371. New
orfc. " 8Clw
FOR RENT A good stable lu the
First ward, suitable for a 'Ivcrv or other
purposes. Apply to J. J, Bobbins, No. 130 N.
Main street, Sliouaudoah.
RARE CHANCE. Ten (10) shares
or building nud loan association slook
Tor sale at a sacrifice. Inquire at Davis' steam
dye works, 110 East Centre street. 7 23 tf
TYPE WRITING.-A young Indy,
a graduate, w.inM work .it type writing.
1 nil at HEnAT.D olllce, or address IIkiiai.d
Shenandoah, I'll, 8 lit
sale cheap. It being on romer of Coal
and limerick streets. It Is suitable for many
purposes. Apply to So. 25 8 Jnrdln HU S3tf
YXT"AN rim -An active rellnblo man
VV Hilary 70 tojJBo monthly, with In
crease, to represent In his own section a re
sponsible New York IIoiwo, llelerences.
MANCFAOTunKK, Lock ISox 1585. New York
FOR SALE. Razzle-Dazzlo nud
Cloud w!ng, looaled nt l.aVelde (Bast
Mabauov Junction. 1 A cood cliaucw for n.
live mau. The present owner has not tho
llrao to devotfl to It. Apply at the otliceof
Shenandoah Lumber Co., Hbenan onli.
Kstato ol rnutel number, deceased.
LoHors or administration on the estate of
Dunlel Humbpl. Into nf ITtilnn tnwnshln.
KchuylHlllcnuoly. I'll . di"'Hseil, navo been
uranted to William 1. ltumbal, rosldlna nt
iwuicmiwu, irti., vu wamu nil peranns lnacDictl
In said estato are reouesled to make nnvmeEt.
and those havlnj claim or demands will
niaKO Known lue mmo wiiuout cietny.
WILLI H 11. UUillllEL,
Or to Administrator.
8. O M. IIorLorirrKn, Att'y.
j uiy iulu, loni. I'll-ot
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received nt
the Arnhltoet's otllce I'ottuvllli!. intli 2 n. m.
August 15, 1601, for Ilia erection of a frame
church for the Greek Catholic congregation ot
Mahanoy City,
Plans and spcclfloitlons In be seen at the
honsoot a. Z gmlth, 303 Woit Centre streot,
and Architect's office. All proposals to bo
marked an envelope.
The owners i oservo the right 1o rejoctftiny
oral! bids. W.D. HILL, Architect.
8-l-6t Pottsvlllo, Pa.
joaepii wri!
oy rpTTavii.LE.
Subject to Dcinoorntlo rules.
James J. Franey.
Subject to Democratic rules. '
Deslrlne to dlsnoso olmr entire block of
goods, lu order tnvneato the store-ioom for
other purposes, Iwlll sell the remaining stook
nt greatly reduced p.-loes. 't'nese goods roust
bo sold wlthlu a short time, and It will benefit
you to Inspect tho same.
X. . 13 AVIS,
o-io-tf ioo wor Hi Jurdlu St.
OTHA.W8 show the way the wind blows, bot
thoy don't show what hard blows we have
been striking at straw but prloss. Borne hats
are dear at any price; these LaU aro ohoap at
double tho money. If what covers your hoad
Is not becoming toyou, ell the paiusyou take
as to the rest oi youi'ttlre are simply thrown
away, (lomeand ser how yon will look In
one or our Wa straw bats. There's no use In
Klvluitaity turther description of them than
to sity this they nro stylish. Wo out the
price down beoause we want to out our stock
down. Another big bargain In bats Is our SI
hiaok si Iff hats,
13 S, Main St SOANLAN Shenandoah
tap i
Attention, House Cleaners I
The warm weather Is here, and house-cleaning Is the next thing lu order.
And at such times moat everybody needs soinethlnpf to brighten
up the home, ho If you need a giod cirpol of either
Veuet, Moqueit, Body or Tapestry Brusse,
You can llud a full assortment at TRICE'S.
Lace Wains, Curtail Poles of all Kinds !
Window Shades, Floor aud Table Oilcloths nnd Linoleums of all grades.
Prices cannot be beaten when quality is considered.
No misrepresentation ono prlco to all.
113 North Main Streat, Shenandoah, Pa.
We mean it in every sense of tho word. Wo ofler you good all-wool
suits for less than their value. Our light goods MUST go, regardless of
cost; bo if you want to purchase a Jilen'a All-wool Cheviot Suit for
80.50 call on us.
Furnishing goods also to bo had at lower prices than you will And
them elsewhere. Wo make no boasts merely for advertisement, but ft
what we advertlso we will do.
Calland examlno our bargains before purchasing aud you will not
regret it,
11 N. Main Street, Shenandoah.
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written.
juarriogo licenses ana legal claims
promptly attended to.
leal Estate, Collection and Insnranco Agency.
General Fire Insurance Ilnslness, Represents
luenoriuwesiem j.ue-insurance uo.
OrriCE-Muldoon's bulldlne. corner Centro
and West Bts., Shenandoah; Va.
Good Properties of Alt Kinds For Sale.
1. A two story double Irame dwelling bouse
slore aud restaurant, on Eabt Oenlre Ht.
2. A dwelling and restaurant on Kast Centro
a. Desirable property on corner Centre and
juruin streets, suiiamo lor Dusiness pur
poses. 4. A two story double Iramo dwelling, on
West Llovd street.
5. Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen
tre streot.
fl. Two 2elory dwelling! on the corner ol
ijoai ana uucsiuut strceu more room in
7. Two-story single houso on North Chostnut
street, with a large warehouho at tho roar.
8. Tin ee two-siory double framo buildings
corner oi uioyuuuu unueri. sirevis.
Tho Loading Photographer,
Tho work douo at this izallerr Is fullv eouil
to that done nt tho large galleries of New
Vork and Philadelphia. Comparison la in.
vlted between tho Gneulmaas nf his twoaurl
three dollar cabinets shown la his wludow
ana iue uest oi work done oHtwhore n. nvo
ard six dollars.
SifUj not climb long High' of stairs to
patronize an enterprise ruu by out. or town
parties when better work ma v be had of vour
uwii luwuBiuen.
Lambert, The Hatter,
Carries an extraordinary line ot
Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods
and makes a specialty of
Nollio Bly and Mary Anderson Caps,
e bast OBisnriVH st.
A farm, containing nearly 200 acre, situate
In lllnatowu. Nine-roomed house. B horaaa
and I oolt, besides a few head ol cattle, etc
Cau be had reasonably. Apply to
Centre St.
J0 ISatt Centre Street, BUl3X.lXIOAU.
Bread, Cakes,-Ice Cream and Confectionery!
Now Saloon and Restaurant !
Newly Painted, Papered and Renovated.
Three doors above Kendrlck House,
Mr. Haskey would Inform his many friends
and tho public that he will calor to their wants
In the same llrsuclass style that ho has done
In the pst. None but the best brands of for?,
elgu and domestic wlnestllqnors and clgarii
wUl be kept lu stock. Choice teinpeiunoy.
drinks. Fine old slock ale. V
Tho eating bar Is supplied with everything
in the eutlnu line terved In tho best stylo.
Meals served at nil hours. Flue private roams
It beats every thing lu tho market, and the
price Is just right to suit tho times.
It will pay you to come
and&ie It.
I am prepared to do the following nt the
prices quoted:
Tin rooting ,eo per foot and up
Tin roof painting Hm "
Tin conductor 123 ' "
Tin hanging gutter 12o " "
Galvanized chimney stack 20c per pound
llepalrs for all stoves a specialty.
V 0-3m 331 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah
Dealer In all kinds of
Shoemakers' : Supplies !
Large and first-class stock.
All Demands of the Trade Supplied
Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA.
The Cheapest Place !
TO nuy
Gents' Furaisbihg Goods, Hosiery, Etc ,
1 is at
X West Centre bt,, Shenandoah.
1 Oftlce-28 West Lloyd Street, Shenandoah