The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 06, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL. VI.--NO. 158. .
To the Republican Electors of Pennsylvania!
After consultation and correspondence with
the members of the Republican State Committee,
and by their direction, I hereby aloe notice that
j i the Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly
sliosen representatives, will meet in State Con-
, venlton at Ilarrlsburg, Wednesday, August 19,
i 1891, at 10 o'clock A. II., for the purpose ofplac
1 ing in nomination candidates for the offices of
State Treasurer and Auditor General, for the
nomination of eighteen candidates for Delegates'
at-Ltrgi At the Constitutional Convention pro-
i tided for in the Act of Assembly approved June
it, ,19, 1891, and for the transaction of such ether
tffkbustness as may be presented.
ijT- Notice j especially directed to the fact that, in
accordance with the provisions of the last men
tioned act, each Senatorial district is entitled to
a representation of three delegates in said Con
stitutional Convention, two of whom only canbe
members of the majority party in said district.
The electors of each district are therefore re-
' quested to make proper nominations for dele
gates to said convention, the rules governing the
' itn(na(07i of candidates for State Senator to
. be applicable.
In this connection the Chairman desires to call
the attention of Republican voters to the recom
mendation of the State Convention of 1832, that
"they allow the greatest freedom in the general
participation in the primaries consistent with
the preservation of the party organisation."
WM. II. ANDREWS, Chairman.
Tlie members of the Republican County Com
mittee elected at the primaries field on 'Satur
day, August 1, 1891, are requested to meet at
Centennial Hall, in the lioroug of JPuttsvtlle,
on Tuesday, August 13, a! 10 a.m., for the pur
pose of electing a Oiuniy Chairman and trans
act such other business as may be required.
Chairman Counly Convention.
August 4, 1891.
In one of Its columns ou Tuesday
the Pottsville Itcpvbt'can said :
"It is the duty of the Republicans
to turn iu and support the liuivet niado
by their representatives. Hide-bound
party men have no right to kick. JSfeu
who go to conventions aud men who
are candidates before a convention, if
honest, will submit (o the will of the
majority of that convention. "
And in another column of tho same
issue the following sentiment was ex
pressed ;
"Tho ticket as nominated-to-day is
first-class with one exception, that of
Mr. Heffner. aud we cannot
(support a candidate for any cfllce
; whose- record is that of an incom
petent." The comparison is an amusing oue
at least, but to thoso who have watched
Schuylkill politics it Is more than
nro being receive! dally at
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin SI, near Centre
Pickling and Preserving Time !
is noiu at hand. Keller has
and Unadulterated Soured by age Free from any for
eign Acid or Coloring.
Also, WJIOLB MIXED SPICES for PleJillng. About
IS diff'erentlklnds. Best quality, sifted . and Mixed in
proper proportions.
Best Quality. We keep no common Spices.
Don't run the riaJc of making your MOUSES SICKby
feeding NEW OATS. Kelter has about 1,300 bushels
$QLB WHITE OATS. All oldjiot mixed with new.
' I manufacture my oivn
Eloooivod. tliroo tim cm rx woolt
2?,i,s3$x flom tlao Oi'oamory finm -
clrxy cu m o1o.-lxx-3q.oc3L.
The first of tho season.
mackerel of this season's catch.
DAISY FLOUR is made of old Minnesota Wheat and gives Sat
isfaction every time.
The Hdbald has always claimed
and still claims that tho Mcpubllcanlti
a political snake in tho grass and It
takes pleasure in presenting the proof
fresh from the peus of the hypocritical
editors of the paper.
"Hide-bound party men have no
right to kick." Where did the Re
publican secure Its license ?
The Republican county convention
held In Pottsville Tuesday was one of
the most hnrnio'nloua over held in the
county. Bound judgment prevailed
and the delegates buried all dlfleronoes,
looking only to the welfare of the
party. The ticket nominated is a
strong and clean one. It Is now in
order for tho Republicans of the county
to organize. The cry henceforth
should be "shoulder to shoulder for
victory" and with u long pull, a strong
pull, and a pull altogether, the whole
ticket can bo elected. Let tho Re
publicans stand guard and watch the
Democrats as the enemy. Baware I
The snake in the gras3 is already at
work and the enemy protends to
gloat over the fact that all the nomi
nees are from south of the mountain.
The Republicans should not heed such
allusions. No north or south, but one
united Schuylkill for Republican
Schuylkill la a Republican county,
as will bo shown by the returns next
November if the Republicans stand
by their colors.
Tliis is n test year and if harmony is
not secured by the Republicans on the
present basis it never will be.
There is no possible excuse for.auy
Republican to bolt the ticket. All
tho nominees are men of ability and
merit, and are fully entitled to a
strong vote.
Step to the line of harmony aud
work with a will for tho whole ticket,
disregarding all differences of tho past
aud with one object in view the re
demption of Schuylkill.
"Watota' "Wcls3 boer is the best. John A
Roilly sole agent. 5-G-t
Miles' Nerve and. Liver Pllla
Act on a now principle regulating the
liver, fctomach mid bowel thiough the nerves.
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' I'llls speedily
cute biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
constipation. Uuequaled lor men, women,
children. Bmallest, mildest, surest! 5 J closes,
25cts. Samples Free, at 0. 11. Uagonbucli's
urii Mure.
Just received a lotoj PINE
Guaranteed Absolutely PuYe
are strictly Pure and of the
Chop and guarantee it to be
IP fit open tins week, the first new
An Expert's Vlowa Regarding
Ventilation, the Use of Lamps
and a Dleousoion on tho
DuBt Theory.
The to-day preionla to its
readers tho second and last part of ttio
troalito prepared by Divis'on tiuperiulon
dent John L. AVilllatus, of town, for tho
piizo competition arranged by The Pilts
bvrg Times on tho boet means for avoid'tig
mino disasters.
Of tho 272 papers submitted on tho sub
ject but four were rocommondod for pub
lication by tho commUteo and below it
published tho second partof Air. Williams'
paper, which was ono of tho four:
PAKT IL-Lamps.
In a gaseous mino tho miner carries his
lifo in his hand. lie is defoncoiojs and
open to bo carried into otornity without tho
slightest warning if not provided with a
good aud roliablo safely lamp, a lamp that
has boon subject to tho eovorest tests and
has stood thorn. Tnero aro lamps in use
that can to rolled upon, as far as construc
tion and principle are concerned. Tho
lamp should ho protected from too high a
volocity of air, as dancer is imminent wnon
tho flamo piercos Iho gauzo. It is not al
together from a defective lamp that mino
disasters havo originated, hut from tho care
less and indlfforont use made of them. In
the first place, tho lock ol the safely lamp
should bo so constructed as to defy a person
to Itmper with it thafmn.lil--.njt lead to
detection. Hut a greater evil exists when
illiterate and inexperienced persons aio
onfiaged who really do not know tho dau
Ker that envelops thorn. Hero is tho point
that should be pressod homo. The minors,
as a rulo, aro an educated class, but it can
not ho disputod that thero aro a number of
miners who need educating in tho lit'.lo
duties and responsibilities that daily attend
tho full, practical and safe execution of
their work. "Whore blowors of gas aro ex
pectod. suddenly or havo occurred, a safely
lamp should bo provided that would surely
hi extinguished by tho presonco of gas in
side tho gauz3. Any ono found to have
tampered with his lamp should bo instantly
dismissed, and prosecuted according to law.
This is no doubt tho most important
feature of a successful mino. By tho word
successful, I moan the mino which is prac
tically frco from all disasters that can bo
ascribed to tho insufficient circulation of
air. It is almost as impracticable to float a
boat without water, as to imagino that n
gaseous mino can bo successfully oporated
free of disasters without tho aid of a sound
systom of ventilation. Very often tho
quantify of air to eitculato through a new
mino is arrivod at and based upon mathe
matical inferences or theoretically, which
is not always reliable. It is dosirablo
sometimes to take into consideration tho
condition of adjacent mines, wotked under
similar circumstances. Whenever such a
basis is taken to work upon, care should bo
taken to allow, sufficient' margin. Tho
ventilating power should bo augmented.
Then there aro no risks. Tho fan engine
should bo regulated to meot difl'eront con
ditions, as it Is not always policy to havo
too strpng a current of air, Tbo minor's
comfort commands our' evory considera
tion. I know of instances whero tho ven
tilating current is bo strong that it im
pregnates tho oyos aud nostrils with dust,
making it very uncomfortable Experi
ments aro numerous when, ovon after
watering tho roadway, tho current bos
been so strong, togolhor with tho naturi)
heat of the mine, as to make it impossible
to kcop tho dust down.
The theory advanced in support of the
argument that coal dutt has been known to
originate an explosion, I givo no credoneo.
All my oxporienco provos to mo that tho
explosion is only aggravated, intensified
and elongated, which is sufficient to impress
upon us tho importance of paying particu
lar attention to tho mattor of keeping tho
dust down. By sections of pipos laid down
tho wholo length of tho main roadways,
with jets at regular distances, tbo water is
thrown out at regular intervals, and thu
tho roadways aro always kopt damp. The
distribution of air Into splits cannot be too
highly approved of, as each section of men
rocolvo an adenuato quantity of pure air,
and it is not charged with tho air that men
havo Inhaled in other sections of the mine.
Each spilt of air is carried direet to the
return and then to the upoast, Oases very
often occur whero explosive gases exist In
small quantities, that tho miner is provided
with a safety lamp to delect the presenoe
of gas in his own working faoe, whero it
sometimes, generates while ha might be
called away for a few minute at a timo.
Tho fire boss examines during his proscribed
time. This practlco of giving a miner a
safety lamp together with his naked light
"is absurd." That Is whero explosive gas
is found.
tnotr claims.
Every year fresh ovldonccs aro chron
icled in the mino Inipector's reports whero
mon discard tho safety lamp, or accom
panled thoir safety lamp with a naked light,
thus ondangorlng tho lives of hundrods of
mon. Anything that is dono in a slipshod
manner or by halvos should be dono away
with. If good rosults aro to accruo, then
radical changes and Improvements must bo
expected. All old and abandonod work
ings, that cannot bo hermetically sealed,
should bo kopt thoroughly ventllatod and
inspectod at least onco a week by tho In
side foreman or bis atslstants, and a correct
report of the condition of tho samo bo kopt
in the rooord book at tho colliery ofHco for
tho inspection of the mino inspector, and a
copy sent to tho district superintendent.
Thoro should bo u duplicate, fan kept at
oach and evory colliery. In caso anything
happens to ono fan, tho other could bo put
in motion in a few minutes. I would also
suggost that all fans should bo so con
structed that they could bo changed in a
short sptco of tim? from an exhaust to a
propalling fan and vice vorsa. If so ob
structed tho air currents could bo changod
in a short time in cases of fires or oxplo
eions, Thus great disaster could bo
averted. I would also suggosl that tho air
courpos bo of largo dimensions, so that
large quantilios of air could bo propelled
through at a slow volocity. This would in
crease tho ventilating current, by diminish
ing tho. friction. Evory attention Ehould
bo paid to maintain thoso air coursos at any
cost, In a first-class manner.
It Is prepostorous to presume that any
thing short of strict surveillance, careful
and systematic management, and a sound
system of ventilation, can prevent our
hearths and homes being bosieged and pen
etrated by talos of woe, of horrible oxplo
sions, and consequent desolation.
I.Hfs Sadio Hillhouso, of Blackwood, is
the guost of friends in town.
Miss IJjiscilla Smith, of Reading, is visit
ing frionds in town.
Jiisj Belle Grant and.Mrs. Fielders spent
to-day in Frackville.
Mrs. William Stoin is spending a fow
days in Mahanoy City with friends.
Daniel McKnighl, of Binghampton, N.
Y., representing Ilorman Bohr, ink manu
facturer, of Now York, was in town yes
terday. lion. Elias Davis, of Nowcastle, was a'
visitor to ton yosterday afternoon and
paid tho Herald sanctum a visit.
Misses Mary Fostor, of Scranton, and
Maggio Foster, of Pottsvillo, aro the guests
of "frionds in town.
Misj Sallio Soaman, of Philadelphia,
spont last ovening in town, tho guost of
Miss Jonnio Beddnll, of South Jardin
lsaao Thomas, who loft town about six
W09ks ago to lopKto in Walo, to-day re
turned lioro with his family and has dc
cided to remain in this country.
Missoi KeUor and Gibbons, who wcro
tho guests of tholatter's sister, Mrs. George
Kohland, in town, tbo past throe weeks,
left this morning for their homos in Wan
amie, Luzerno county.
J. Uenry William?, tho secretary of tho
grand lodgo Order Sons of St, Ucorgo, and
T. J. Milnor, ono of tho representatives,
aro two wido-awalto Philadelphia newspa
per men. They edit and publish Ihe
llritish-American, alivoly journal devoted
to tho intorests of tho order.
Tbo (juoeu'a Spoccli Iltiferrcil to the
Ilehrlng Son Dispute.
London, Aug. 0. Parliament baa been
prorogued uutil Oct. 2-i.
The Queon's speech stated that rnla
tlons of amity existed with all the pow
ers. Proposals to submit to arbitration the
differences between Eugland and the
United States relating to Uehrlug Sea
had been made. The negotiations ou
tho subject woro far advanced, but not
yet concluded.
Tho Trotter Cnrrlors' Convention.
PsrrnoiT, Mich., Aug. 0. Two hundred
delegates, reprosentlna forty-one States,
handed In their credentials when the third
annual convention ot tho National Asso
ciation of Letter Carriers of tho Uritcci
St tes was called to order lu the Odd
Follows temple at 10 o'clook by Presi
dent John J, Goodwin of Provldenco, It. I,
A special committee appointed last year
submitted n plan for nu insurance
branch on tho assessment principle, pro
viding for benefits ot $3,000 and'$l,Q0O to
widows or other heirs of deceased mem
bers. Hfri. Gauzar to Stump Ohio.
Columbus, O., Aug, 0. It Is reported
that tho Democratic Stato Committee
has engaged Mrs. Helen M. Cougar,
tho Iown Prohibitionist speaker, to fol
low Major MoKlnley all through Oh la
during the oampatgu nnd talk low tariff
and Increased wages for worktngmeu.
She says she proposes to be at McKluley's
heels all through tho campaigu.
An llelre.l Wuntcd.
Saoo, Me., Au.-0. Tho postmaster
here says that effort are being made
by a pronilnnt party to learn the where
abouts of a young lady who wan adopted
sixteen years ago by a Saco family. The
family has sinea reinevad and no traoe of
them has as yet beau found. The young
lady is said to lmo fullu heir to a largo,
I .auvuruea iu tutr at.aji.vv.
Two School Teachers Hnrnl In
Tholr RosIgnnttonB Tho P. M.
Church Building Vacated
by tho Board.
Tho regular monthly mooting of the
School Board was hold last evening in the
ofllco of Superintendent Freeman. The
mombors prosont woro Messrs. Treziso,
Williams, Davonport, Baird, Owenf,
O'llearn, Oonry, Butts, Hanna, Bronnan,
Gablo and Gallagher, Mr. Oonry presiding
in tho absence ol President S. A. Beddall.
Thoro was not much business and the
board adjourned early. Mr. Davenport
reported tho removal of the desks and other
school furniture from tho basemont of the
1'rimitivo Jlothodist church, In accordance
with a notico received from the church
trustees. IIo recommondod that somo pro
vision bo made for tho distribution of tho
scholars who attended that school. Tho
board decided to lot the distribution rest
until after tho return of Superintendent
Frooman from his vacation.
"Thn resignations of John F. Davles and
Miss Hannah Keoso, two teachers elcctod a
fow weeks ago, woro road and accoplod.
Mr. Davies has secured a school in Buttn
City, itonlana, and Miss Iteese has been
elected principil of ono of the East Maha
noy township schools.
Boys nnd young men have again dam
aged tho West Goal stroet school building.
Tho board will tako steps to detect tho
partlos and tho pollco will be notlflod to
arrest all rorsous found lounging about tho
Trouble Xlotwuon Strlkm-n rtn'l Non-Union
Men nt tho VahuvIus Iron Works.
PiTTsiivrno. Aug. 0. Tho first trouble
nt tho Vesuvius Iron Works of Modrliead
& Co. since tho inauguration oC tho
Btrlko occurred last cvtming. '
The -10 mon who had been working lu
the pinto mill all day bad finished their
tasks and were waiting for tho arrival
of the train which was to convoy them
to their homes In Allegheny.
Five hundred or mora Btrlkors nnd a
crowd of citizens woro on baud to wit
ness tho departure of the non-unlonlsts.
As tho mon were boarding the train they
wero hissed; cries of "Blackleg." woro
heard, and n volley of stones and thon
clndors rnttled ngalnst tho car In whl oh
tho non-unlou men wero seated.
Every man on the car pulled a revolver
and pointed it at the strlkors. Tho
strikers nnd citizens that woro armed
pulled their revolvers, others seized
stones nnd far a moment a torriblo riot
was immluont.
President Riddle of tho local lodgo of
tho Amalgamated Association, Mr. Moor
hoad and Deputy Sheriff Itltchoy rushed
between tho crowd nnd tho train crying
to the mon to desist. At this moment
tho train steamed away and the crowd
Tho cousonsus of opinion Is that tho
boys In the crowd throw tho stones at
tho train. No one waB hurt beyond a
fow scratches.
To Take Charco or tho ICepiiulIcan Cam
paign In l'uunsylrnnta.
Washington, Aug. 0. It Is learned
hero that Senator Quay will shortly bo
mado chairman ot ,tho Republican State
Central Committoo of Pennsylvania,
Chairman Andrews retiring to make tho
Quay will then procoed to fight tho
greatest political battlo o his Ufa In an
attempt to redeem tho Keystone Stato to
tho Republicans.
itcault ot a ltlch .ruilndolnlilnn' Accl
itoDtal Jtlnw.
FmuADBLriiiA, Aug. 0. By nu unlucky
blow Btruck during a quarrel, J. Henry
Jahke, a West Philadelphia butchor, who
hus accumulated a large fortune, klllod
his only son.
Young Jahka's father remonstrated
with him for being under tho inllueuco
of liquor. The young man became
quarrelsome. Ills father pioked up a
piece of gasplpa to frighten him away.
Tho gasplpe fell over the son's arm as ha
grabbed his father, striking hlin on the
left temple. The young man died about
midnight. The father was committed
to await tho action ot the oorouer.
Col. MoAlpln IlH-uleoti'il I'mililmie by the
ItejmtjlffiHit Leacui'.
Svbacubb, N. Y., Aug. 0. After a
short session to-day the New York State
Republican League adjourned. It was
deolded to hold the next convention In
Itoohester. Col. Edward MoAlpln, ot
New York, was unanimously re-elected
l ho resolutions au opted endorsed the
adminlstrntlou and the platform ot 1683.
Kroiproolty and proteotlou, a bl-metallio
currency baswl ou sound flnaaalal pilu-
cipiee, nuerai pensions, ibe extension ot
the navy, aud the protection of honest
immigration received favorable mention.
Advertise iu the IIhkald.
J Ao, rosimasier, waetriy, jowa.
Ao (Vllpcoil T.ntter from lllamnrck Crontee
a Stir In Ooriuanr.
BsinLi.v, Aug. 0.Govornmont circles:
are ngaln excited over tho publication of
n letter alleged to h ive been written by
Prince liismarok to n Russian leader of
the German party In St. Potcrsburgh ia
which tho ox-Chancellor dcclnroB that tha
visit of tho Fronoh squndron to Cronstadt
would not havo occurred had he remaluod.
in power.
That visit, tho Prlnco Is mado to say,
was tho result of threo gross mistakes lu
tho conduct of German diplomacy, to
wit. the visit of tho cx-Kmpress Froderlok
to Pnri; the renewal of tho Drelbund,
which divulged so much of eagerness oa'
tho part ot tho Kaiser, and finally, tha
Kaiser's noisy visit to London.
Orders havo boon given by Emperor Wil
liam for tho painting of a huge picture
of tho Imperial ynoht Iloheuzollorn,
which will bo preseutod to Queon Yio
torla ns a memento of tho Kmporor'a
visit to England. '
Tho Mnjestlo llrxnks Uio llast ltocotd
From Quaoniitowii,
New Youk, Aug. 0. Tho Toutonlo's
record has beon brokon. Tho slonmshlp
Majestic, Just arrived from Quoonstown.
mado tho time In 5 days, IS hours and 8
minutes. Had she not been delayed by a
disarrangement ot her machinery she.
would havo beaten tho best prevloua
record by tbrco hours.
The beat previous record was B days 19
hours and 5 minutes mndo by tho Tou
tonlc, n sister ship of tho Majestlo last
year. It hns been disputed by somo, but
It stood supremo against tho 5 days, 10
hours and 18 minutes of tho City ot
This new performance Is therefore 53
minutes bettor than that of tho Toutonlo,
and one hour and 10 minutes than tha
of tho City of Purls.
Charged With llocolvlns Stolen Gooilf.
PurLADELrniA, Aug. 0. Timothy
Burns and John Cuslck, charged with
receiving Btolen goods, wore given a hear
ing boforo Unltod Statos Commissioner
Craig, and wero committed In default of
$2,000 bail pending trial in Virginia,
whore tho goods aro said to belong.
Thoso mon aro suspocted of belonging to
tin organized giug of postofllco thieves;
who havo been operating In Virginia ot
The Ailjutnnt-Gouornl's ltoport.
Adjutant-Qonoral J. II. Goldlng's an
nual report for tho year ondlng Juno 80
shows that thoro aro In tho ordor 45 De
partments with 7,109 posts and 808,007
comrades lu good staudlng. Tho sum ex
pended In charities during tho yoar was
$833,099 against $217,037 tho previous
year. There havo beon 5,530 doaths this
year against C.-170 lu 1890. Tho total ap
parent membership Is 441,807. Suspen
sions, delinquencies and transfers bring
tho number down to 898,007. ,
A l'lnco for Mrs. Douglaft.
Washington, Aug. 0. Ono of tho last
acts of Secrotary Fostor boforo going on
his vacation wan to appoint Mrs. D. B.
Douglns to a position In -tho Treasury
Department ousldo ot tho classified sorv
ico. Mrs. Douglas Is the wlfo of Dr.
Douglas, who patiently nursod Gen.
Grant in his lost Illness at Mount Mc
Gregor. An Ux-llnnk Teller Arrested.
Osceoiu. Miub, Pu., Aug. 0. Wm. R.
Hamilton, late toller ot tho Houtzdalo
Bank, was m rested on oath of tho recent
owners of tho bank, charged with tho
ombezzlomeut of $15,000. Tho troubla
originated with tho salo ot the bank to
Wm. H. Dill last May.
Li-por lTnchcs Will Moot Ttowell.
New York, Au 0. John Hug hes
tho pedestrian, has put up a forfeit o f
$200 for a match with Charles Rowell o f
Englaud, to raoo in America or England
for $1,000 asldo, all of the gate receipts
aud the world's championship. j
l)oii(l itt 100.
Wasihnqtom, Aug. 0. John Duckott,
ono of the aed patriarchs of Washing
ton, died yosterd ly at tho ngo of 108
years. Dnckett was bnrn In slavery lu
Prlnco Georgo'j County, Md. Ho was
classed r.s a nogro, but Iudiau blood pre
dominated lu his veins.
CuUbrntotl Ttiftlt- Oolilnu Wctlillng;.
nAHTroai), Conn., Aug. 0. Mr. Johu
Hooker and Isabella Baecher Hooker cele
brated last evening thelr'golden wedding
by a reooptlou lu tha City Mission rooms
All Hands Gome !
And get a knife for nothing.
Tho only conditions aro that
you buy twenty ton-cent plugs
of "Filly" tobacco. As good
a plug as you ever put a tooth
to. Tho knifo is a beautiful
d-blade, inlaid celluloid han
dle, good material' and good
workmanship. Can be seen at
No, 122 North Jardin Street.